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tv   News  RT  December 17, 2019 12:00am-12:31am EST

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revealed french authorities warned of the dangers of using military grade tear gas grenades against demonstrators the crowd control devices caused horrific injuries to protesters. boeing is to suspend making the 737 jet from january regulators keep the flight after 2 fatal crashes claimed hundreds of lives. and. commercial we get reaction. it's quite offensive to say that you know.
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what you're really giving me a. push back. to say the 17th of december here in the russian capital on the world welcome to the program 1st for you after a series of horrific injuries against protesters it's come to light that the french authorities were warned of the dangers of using tear gas grenades against demonstrators as far back as. also tex the company that makes the military grade devices wrote to the french interior ministry about the safety risks of its grenades being used by police in the letter the manufacturer warns that the grenade mortally injured individual should only be used by the military france is the only country where riot police use this weapon. itself is also known to explode if it's picked up at. advertently it's caused injuries among the yellow vest
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protesters 5 of whom have lost hands and the league that's come to light says one employee even died during the manufacturing process a woman also died after a gas grenade has happened imo and ma say last year i'll be aware that you're about to see someone who did suffer a severe facial injury as a result of that weapon being used in the paris protest last month journalist julian told us about what happened to him you know when you said you know i felt a powerful wave from the grenade to my nose and mouth and then i felt a strong blow to the nose then i heard the grenade explode i reviewed that moment frame by frame there really was an explosion a flash was visible now i'm starting to get used to seeing the flashes i have already seen the effect of such a grenade i think it was a grenade i follow the scene such a degree of violence before particularly during the angry firefighters demonstration it really shocked me because i didn't expect it would come to this of
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course i will try to retain a lawyer now that i have been a kind of victim of this type of weapon i will try to fight against the use of july for grenades which are totally from my point of view weapons of war and against rubber bullet guns i was angry at the police because i understand that they have to defend themselves in situations of revolt but to use such powerful and uncontrollable weapons after all they could hit journalists or passers by another french journalist i think the government's using the grenade deliberately as a terror and. this type of grade was created to replace another type which was found to it's killed the only hosts 21 year old a man as during a protest in $2414.00 the manufacturer is reported to have written to the french interior ministry in generally $2182.00 to warn about the deficiencies of the new
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grenade which has proven to be also very very dangerous we must see that there's no political will to stop this madness and then in my opinion it is very cynical believe they do it on purpose they want to dissuade people from straightening and from showing their anger he said it's a way of of not prohibiting as the most ration but why preventing it from being mass. meantime mass industrial action in france entered its 3rd week on monday with transport workers causing severe disruption to road and rail systems nationwide since the beginning of december public sector employees have been protesting angrily against the government pension reform plans sometimes violently. thank you. say.
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it's a strike that paralyzed much of paris and further beyond and now it's into its 3rd week initially it was called by public transport workers over planned changes to the pension system here in france now this strike has grown in stature and support and the malays here is much more than just about pensions as unions are calling for another day of mass demonstrations the rail and metro workers are being joined one . by teachers by firefighters and health workers tens of thousands are expected to protest on tuesday but perhaps the store warning some of the problems that is facing have come from medical staff 600 hospital doctors have threatened to quit unless the government injects money into the health
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system the doctors warn that budget cuts alone with bed closures and staff shortages are tipping the health system over the edge and it's close to collapse $1.00 health worker has told us that it's putting lives at risk. in particular we as health care professionals want to be able to continue to do our jobs the way we were taught and the way we want it without any discrimination about interests which has become systemic we don't have the equipment but it's not our fault we are understaffed but it's not either i worked in a hospital one of our patients died almost a year ago simply because we don't have enough stuff to take care of everyone that was a year ago but nothing has changed since then strikes have been ongoing in the health sector since march last month president mike corley pledged more hospital funding
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i'm debating this is the 1st stuff but that was rejected by the doctors groups is not doing enough meanwhile the government is poised to push ahead with its reform agenda particularly with the controversial pension reform that's despite the continued opposition on the streets as tens of thousands demand an immediate u. turn well in a further blow to president must go on he has seen the country's minister for pension reform quit. the high commissioner for pensions was one of my calls most trusted ally. he was selling not just over the pensions for all but all through to emerged that he had failed to declare more than a dozen posts that he touts in addition to his cabinet job and that corn and his government remain locked in a standoff with the unions and neither side seems willing to budge so that people ski see in paris. demonstrations against pension reform for expected later today in
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paris will keep watch on that for you throughout the day here on r.t. . next the world's largest aerospace company america's boeing says it will suspend production of its ill fated 737 max jetliner from january it's because regulators say they won't lift a flight ban on the plane any time soon boeing didn't specify how long the shutdown will be a 737 max has been grounded globalise into march off the nearly 350 people died in 2 separate crashes in ethiopia and indonesia in the space of 5 months.
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ati america has been hearing from a former official from the u.s. transportation safety board. it is a huge story i mean this is this is something that has been the nightmare that boeing has been trying to avoid the entire time this is one they've had this p.r. campaign going on the entire time to keep their investors calm down in settled like we'll get through this this and so forth but right now the investors have had enough they're very frustrated with boeing and they've had enough in the stocks took a 4 percent hit today during the day and is went down another percent after hours
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so let's try and understand what this means right from a rudimentary level it means this plane is an absolute unmitigated failure it's going the way of the absolute it is a good comparison actually quite honestly it is one of those things that once it gets a bad reputation and they have not done anything to help themselves but this thing has a bad reputation now that the american traveling public is not wanting to fly it even if they give the thing some sort of fight and they get it up in the air and it's going again within the airlines even the public is trying to opt out of having to fly on this plane and you mentioned earlier when we were 1st talking about this that there's a lot of little guys that are going to get hit by the absolutes not the big guys are going to keep working at boeing little guys the vendors. there's about $12000.00 employees at boeing they're going to be affected by this but they're not going to furlough or fire any of those folks for right now they're going to move around within it within the company now with that i mean there's only so long that even a company a size of boeing can be carrying $12000.00 extra employees that are kind of
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a ship to have nothing to do right now now shift that over to the smaller people the smaller suppliers that supply the park suppliers for these aircraft that are not just in the u.s. but around the world they don't have those deep pockets the boeing has they don't have the financial cushion that boeing has so you're talking about an economic hit this is an economic story that's going to affect a lot of working people in america it's going to it's not just the working people to they're going to delay purchases they're going to. draw in their. you know their budget strings and they're going to be. not buying new cars they're not going to be buying a lot of meals outside of the home they're going to be really tightening their shoes their strings. in person and making sure that they're they can get through this period when you rush a situation when you rush a product out on the market before it's ready you always run into trouble that's why we have regulators and regulations right which is that it's own problem so this
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is the last few weeks to. america's family friendly hallmark t.v. channel has apologized for pulling a commercial featuring an l.g. couple and promised to create more inclusive content the crown media team has been agonizing over this decision as we've seen the hurt is has unintentionally caused our mission is rooted in helping all people connect celebrate traditions and be inspired to capture meaningful moments in their lives we are truly sorry for the hurt and disappointment this has caused and the move comes after the channel pulled an ad for a wedding planning website that featured a gay couple getting married sparking complaint. do you think so although could have made planning your perfect wedding easier we do. we want to be in couples planning registry and invitations get started for free it's only dot com on the other spurred a petition by a conservative organization called 1000000 moms call home are not to show any l g b
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t friendly content on their channel claiming that it went against the values of their target audience however the removal caused a backlash on social media to channel executives change their minds kevin oh it spoke to human rights activist peter tatchell and media commentator gina luton about that. this was just a handful that sought to include women who love each other and that is a fact of life and christmas is all about love and coming together you know i can understand what the fuss is about you know if i saw a card or a verse or anything with a man or woman kissing i think beautiful wonderful i love it they were viewers they were watching it they were thinking hey you know if i'm going to talk to my children about sexual orientation i'd like to have that conversation with them one on one i don't really want to come in the form of a christmas commercial and that to some people is understandable i mean doesn't mean that they were necessarily bigoted or that this was in any way anti-gay it might just be that they wanted to be the ones to have that conversation with their
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5 year old is there any reason why a channel which describes itself as family friendly it shows 1st 2 shows this year it wants you children and families together on the t.v. popcorn and watch is there a reason to describe themselves as that they should take a bit more care not to offend people that may be offended most young kids get it when they see 2 people in love young kids don't think you know man woman boy girl that they think of love and these were about love not about 6 about love and i would have thought in a modern mature democracy we were a bit of a celebrate love in its many. will is this the time of year where we want to be making political statements during you know it is a holiday season where we sitting around the fire with our families you know having having a good time and maybe not thinking so much about l g b t or even abortion or other things that might be more of
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a political statements almost apologise for pulling we didn't need to apologize i think they did yes because it's quite offensive to say that you know an image of 2 women in love is somehow not certain proper for a broadcast channel in this day and age. by putting the ad that was a deep insult an assertive rejection of the many same sex couples who do love each other and love each other just as much as any husband and wife you get pushback that is from a political action group be it conservative or liberal what you're really getting is a falsely inflated political pushback from people that aren't necessarily your viewers when you hear the pushback initially from the viewer saying you know hey we're we're moms we're watching your network and we don't want this on their my guess is that the majority of that was probably organic. good to have you with us this day
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the 17th. trying to phase out the use of palm oil.
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the world is driven by shaped by the curse of those great. snow dares thinks. we dare to ask. what politicians do something. they put themselves on the line they get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president or injury. or somehow want to be rich.
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but you'd like to be close this is like the before 3 in the morning can't be good. i'm interested always in the waters in the. first signal. back indonesia is suing the european union for its decision to stop using palm oil based biofuels the e.u. wants to get member states to phase in eco friendly fields instead but indonesia which is the largest palm oil producer suspects the moves more about trade rivalry than saving the planet as nicky aaron explains. palm oil it's in everything thousands of our everyday products from chocolate to shampoo and cleaning products without even thinking about it we consume on average around 8 kilos of it each year and denise is the largest palm oil exporter in the world within the world trade organization has been selling palm oil to some big clients the year is for example
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the e.u. on very good terms but it's in the last couple of years the e.u. decided to fight such heavy pommel consumption in an effort to be greener and more sustainable and after threatening the e.u. with countless functions indonesia has now taken legal action against the european union alleging discrimination against indonesian palm oil exports with a lawsuit indonesia hopes you will promptly change its read to policy and delegated act as well as scrap of the high risk in direct land use change that is it has given to palm oil for to carter the stakes are high is heavily reliant on palm oil production as one of its key industries with over 2000000 indonesians directly employed by the industry and many more gaining from indirect economic benefits in the last few years there's been a wind of change with the e.u.'s new focus on emphasizing a greener more eco conscious position and as a result earlier this year the e.u.
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began to turn its back on this cheap and versatile product with plans to phase out the use of palm oil in biofuels by the end of 2030 and just last week the bloc imposed a 5 year tariffs on bio diesel from the southeast asian nation to counter alleged subsidies to producers in the country but also after a complaint from process the subsidised exports of indonesian bio diesel to the e.u. are causing a threat to material injury to the union industry indonesia's vice foreign minister accuses the e.u. of following a protectionist policy and a sign of further deepening trade tension. neighboring malaysia the world's number 2 in palm oil production is mulling taking this same action and the us lines that asia's 2 dominant palmo produces may be heading for a clash with the e.u. in the international court of justice with suggestions that the new stance on palm oil might have something to do with competition in the edible oil business rather
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than pure ecological concerns. next the pentagon is urging the iraqi government to take action to prevent attacks on bases i would say u.s. military personnel there's been a spate of rocket strikes on the facilities in previous weeks 10 of had bases where u.s. coalition forces are stationed since october no one has claimed those attacks but washington blames and rainy and backed forces in iraq journalist nick davis in florida says it's time for american troops to leave the country. well there's one very obvious solution which is for the u.s. to withdraw as in syria you know the u.s. involvement in. these countries is just huge really problematic hugely destabilizing for those countries and and you know just creating constant flashpoints and constant resentment from. the people of iraq
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and and the people of syria 5 or 6000 u.s. troops still in iraq mostly at the. airbase there while one of the ones recently. fired on one has to wonder why the u.s. still. believes there is some purpose in keeping all these forces in that region when you know all they seem to do is more trouble. that's how it looks from moscow thanks for watching if you had to r.t. dot com you can get more of our programs news and video galleries more realized. he's next as we meet a man who survived 21 years on death row only to eventually be freed because a florida evidence.
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shows seem wrong. just don't all. get to shape out just to. educate and in the game equals betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart. choose to look for common ground. what politicians do sometimes they don't. put themselves on the line and they get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president. or something wanted us. to do i would be cross as a wife of
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a 43 in the morning can't be good. i'm interested always in the waters in the house . i sit. during the great depression which i'm old enough to remember there was and most of my family were unemployed working class and it wasn't it was bed you know much worse objective listen today but there was an expectation that things are going to get better. there was a real sense of hopefulness there isn't today today's america was shaped by the 10 principles of concentration of wealth and power. reduced democracy a tax holiday out engineer elections manufacture consent and other principles according to no on chomsky one set of rules for the rich opposite set of rules for the poor. that's what happens when you put her into the hands of
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a narrow sector of wilf which will is dedicated to increasing power for itself just as you'd expect one of the most influential intellectuals of our time speaks about the modern civilization of america. you know world of big partisan movies a lot and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that made stream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door. and shouting past each other. it's taught for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely for watching the hawks.
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i have a spare charts parents. i have a little girl that died in the fire cynthia collins. when she had come to me to give him a message messenger for your master why i really didn't. know because i didn't know the details of why she was forgiving him to. be about the glad game reaches a degree someone death row took place in the town of columbus grove for hire. in 1960 year old cynthia collinson burned to death in this house.
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again e.h. just $21.00 must charged with her murder and found guilty. after 21 years in prison she was meant to be destined for the electric chair. from. the same ip there are those that. were looking for a kenny ricci i mean you've done the. detainees there here's a guy. very few really were found you. and i don't. often. have been told you're livin in sand but i.
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still can't believe this knowing how you've stayed here already. few weeks few weeks. just because you have no other place to just state no other place to do. or about friends relatives think. you have money to pay rent not. published but it wouldn't be here when i was written about your story i came across the fact that by the time 20072008 when you were about to lease you have so much world wide that sound so many famous people spoke out in your favor it just seemed like very much to get a 2nd chance to get a fresh start but it's something one rock on her ring went wrong.
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my name is kenneth ritchie. 54 years old it's been $21.00 and a half years on death row and ohio. for a crime i didn't commit. a crime with our. 2 year old child. again after the ricci who was tried in ohio for aggravated murder committed in the course of a fallacy. evidence showed that respondent said fire and they're part enough he's neither at home collins in an attempt to kill his ex-girlfriend and her new boyfriend who were spend in the. night together in the apartment below the intended victims to skate on harm but how colin says 2 year old daughter cynthia died in the fire. you. know what
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a goal from village apartments from columbus grove ohio where the fire started. and where my life ended. i haven't been to this place. since. july 1970 as a beam of 1st time back the. long haul feel a mostly an i guess. they are old farm village apartment. and go. national want to be on fire. all farm village apartment pretty much. an apartment and there's low income and. no money you know welfare could pick up a net of stuff that. complex at parties.


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