tv News RT December 18, 2019 7:00pm-7:30pm EST
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u.s. democrats can't help gloating with the debate underway in the lower house over whether to impeach president trump. a new poll shows brit's of the using their faith in the b.b.c. that softer it's election coverage faced claims of bias the only hope of respondents believe it's journalists are no longer trustworthy. and it's staying in office or at least threaten criminal prosecution against employees of a russian news agency sputnik pressuring them to cut ties with their parent company . from our moscow studio where it's currently just past 3 o'clock in the morning if you're watching r.t. international i'm whereas analogue thank you for joining us we start with this the
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u.s. house is debating articles of impeachment against donald trump prior to a landmark vote it spits it later today the president himself has accused the democratic leadership of pressuring party members to vote a certain way and they have been plenty of sound bites coming from the house floor already. this is a moment that you'll read about in your history books he sought to elevate himself as a dictator a king but we are not him aren't monarchy we are the united states of america i want my daughter to be able to tell her children grandma did the right thing because in america no one is above the law now one of the democrat witnesses not one was able to establish that the president committed bribery treason or high crimes and misdemeanors since taken office nearly 3 years ago president trump has consistently and intentionally divided this country when the president withheld military aid to vulnerable new ukraine he sought to sabotage our elections after
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all the drama the majority is not found a single shred of evidence only 2nd 3rd 4th hand information i can't stop thinking about the cost to our country not just the impeachable offenses but the collateral damage of a president who uses power like a weapon against his own people well despite the fact the debate is only now getting underway some are already celebrating namely anchors on pro-tem across c.n.n. they've been called in and he's saying today that trump is poised to be the 3rd u.s. president to be impeached they've also reported that top democrat and house speaker nancy pelosi has told party members want to gloat too much. meanwhile hundreds of activists have been demonstrating outside the capitol building chanting nobody is above the law more than 600 pro impeachment rallies were reported across the country on tuesday and the pressure over the vote is especially high on those resent representatives that come from pro trump states and
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could disappoint own supporters. breaks down the impeachment case democrats see launching these proceedings as a huge victory they say donald trump has betrayed the whole country but the whole country doesn't agree the country is split and americans don't seem to care for partisan squabbles and many have become more critical of the democrats in recent months even within the house of representatives 18 democrats are bucking the party line and say they will vote against him he shouldn't they argue that months before the 2020 alexion this doesn't look good for the democrats we're broke they were not elected i would tell you that in here knowing how. if i did and i don't either that or you're making. all these factors combined to make some democrats very nervous and donald trump seems to be emphasizing the fears on the other side of the aisle any democrat that votes for the sham will be voting to
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sacrifice the house majority their dignity and their career. another fear hanging over the democrats is that they won't be able to actually remove donald trump from office after all republicans have a pretty solid majority in the senate so what's the plan well call up even more witnesses during the impeachment trial in the senate how on such a weighty matter. could we avoid hearing this could we go forward without hearing it i haven't seen a single good argument about why these witnesses shouldn't testify with these documents be produced unless the president has something to hide. and his supporters want that information hidden but who knows if these tactics will actually pay off remember the brett kavanaugh confirmation hearings the democrats called witness after witness after witness and the republicans seem to have been
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the big winners then these sexual assault allegations and heated rhetoric didn't win the democrats any points as the 2020 alexion edged nearer democrats stand to possibly lose pretty big from this whole impeachment fiasco after all the trouble is actually driven from office the red state in the rust belt base of trump supporters won't be pleased animosity between the 2 sides could reach a critical juncture and if they fail they could face ridicule for dragging the country through a pointless procedure wasting money and wasting time so what exactly are the democrats trying to accomplish by impeaching donald trump to quote an old american saying after wonder are the democrats perhaps cutting off their nose in order to spite their face kaleb up and r.t. new york. went out to get a bit more analysis on this we can cross live to political analyst charles charles thanks for joining us the debate is now underway we've been hearing those sound bites from the floor plenty of drama unfolding and the vote is expected within the
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next few hours let's just start simply what's your prediction. well as a guess the democrats are smart enough to know going into this vote that they have the votes actually impeach on both oracles so let's go with the case that they actually get those articles across the line into the senate. i think history will still show pretty quick pretty quickly in the november 2020 election this is one of the most stupid errors ever made by a political party because what they're really showing to the world at large and to americans at home is that democrats don't care about the law or in the law here was it was or this impeachment protocol was put in place in 1789 after the united states had failed to run effectively under the articles of confederation which conferred too little power into the president so these this impeachment process was
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really only meant to deal with treason a capital offense bribery a serious offense and other high crimes and misdemeanors the from a i'm not a lawyer but from a just a technical reading of what we've seen so far no crimes or alleged forget about high crimes no crimes or alleged the process that was what happened in the house was manifestly not only unfair but in violation of protections that every american including the president especially including the president gets the right to know your accuser to confront your accusers none of those rights were accorded no deference was accorded it was it a nonpartisan process and i think there's a very high likelihood that this is going to be ripped into smithereens in the senate well that tells if indeed this impatient case is baseless is as you put it there what does impeaching trump accomplish for the democrats obviously it's political we're talking about politics here but what kind of gain could it get them
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in the 2020 lection. i think the problem that we have in the united states is quite similar to the one you mention in the b.b.c. we have a prism through which news is fed to our public most people in america don't care about politics and economics but the people who do still get a lot of their news through cable news through network news through these highly paid anchors who all talk to each other all really lean one way we're all part of a corrupt establishment is promoting this idea of unregulated globalism looks or parent companies make a lot of money their investors make a lot of money their friends make a lot of money they're all in for that and they refuse to see this that the artificial divide between republicans and democrats or liberals or conservatives is most artificial people across the world in country after country believe that politicians are corrupt and ineffective they want something different they want to see accountability they want to see with these massive budgets their lives actually
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improved so these polls at estimates are artificially constructed you never really know whether the people are selected scientifically that's why they miss the u.k. dynamic that's why they missed us and that's today whether missing the dynamic that's happening in this country we are going to disrupt americans want this corrupt system disrupted and people around the world want to do the same thing to the child let's talk a little bit about what we've seen coming from the floor of the house in the last couple of hours because this is ongoing some low drama some democratic congresswoman have been spotted wearing dark dresses to supposedly emphasize to somebody character what's happening we've seen a lot of people using that moment to kind of put forward their policies in quite some quite dramatic statements how much of this is all just the actrix. probably 100 percent of it and i would say you know the mistake that people are making here on the democrat side is that in 2016 donald trump had no political
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arguments no political experience there were arguments to vote for him he came as an outsider so there was a risk a serious risk in 2016 and afterwards that donald trump might prove himself up to the job that he might not get any legislative accomplishments and he's achieved more in a short period of time than the most experienced presidents the lifelong politician types did in in history so he's now he's removed that argument the other thing to remember is that in 2016 trump's campaign spent about 50 percent of what hillary clinton's campaign spent 50 and this time he's out raise the democrats already and were 11 months away from the election so what the democrats are doing by these nonsensical caterwauling speeches in the house is creating more and more soundbites that are going to be used in the 31 districts a trump want to blast the people who in those districts who might vote for impeachment in the house now out of the political sphere forever let's let's talk
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about the other side then the republicans because republican barry loudermilk compared trump to jesus christ saying paul just pilot gave more rights to jesus than the democrats to trump now is that going a bit far. of course it's going a little bit far but i think just narrowly speaking there are people i think trumps letter as opposed to a 6 page letter said that the salem witch trial defendants got more due process than he's getting is absolutely true i mean this canard people need to look at the facts more carefully you do not have the right in our country to anonymously anonymously quote the q.'s anybody of a crime and then be kept in our you know your identity kept from the person you're accusing that you don't have the right to make that accusation and not the stress test you don't have the right to withhold the rationale that you may have for making these accusations from the the the triers of fact so i mean this this process to date is totally corrupted witnesses you know the republicans in the
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house wanted certain witnesses to come forward they were arbitrarily denied it was a capricious process you would try adolf hitler this way and you know so i think comparisons to jesus christ are a little bit perhaps beyond the pale christmas season but. if there's no question that legal scholars like jonathan turley and others have pointed out just how far away from the norms the trial has been to date so i think this is the kind of the democrats are handling trump and conservatives and disruptors an unbelievable set of arguments for a landslide wave election in 2020 if that makes them rather bold comparisons being made across the but we can't let you go there of course without asking you your prediction for what happens if donald trump is impeached because then of course it goes to the senate they hold a trial to decide if he should be removed from office do you have a say you know do you have some insight which way you think that would go. you know
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i think. there are some very smart lawyers in the senate people who have gravitas whether they're on the left or on the right and they're going to look at this and consider the duchesse the implications for trump at the end of implications for the presidency and for governance in the united states of america and i think i would like to think this will be dismissed thank you but i think the trial will be handled professionally and i think that trouble certainly not be removed from office charles alltel good to get your insights political analyst thanks for joining us. now to other news one person is dead and 2 were injured following a stabbing at a shopping center in beaverton in the u.s. state of oregon the suspect stole a car right after the stopping but was later caught by local police and there is still a large police presence near the scene of the attack however all thora to say there
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is no longer a threat to the safety of the public and the condition of those who were hospitalized is still unclear. and public trust in the b.b.c. has taken a slide with new polls showing deep bias concerns over the broadcasters coverage of the u.k. election kate partridge has more from london. it's all about an issue of trust so do britons trust that media outlets will according to a recent poll trust in the press to tell the truth has for all and less than half the population believe b.b.c. journalists are impartial and one in 5 britons say they don't trust the public broadcaster at all while a set of britons are most likely to trust newspaper journalists working for the times of the guardian while the decline in public trust came as the b.b.c. was criticised by those on the left and the right over its coverage of the general election there's some have even suggested their reporting contributed to labour's crushing defeat of a sight one reporter talking about boris johnson winning the majority he so deserves and it's believed he meant to say he so desires but the b.b.c.'s election
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night on down has defended his only brother committed that mistakes are still trying to made the broadcaster itself has issued a statement refuting all frames of bias we delivered almost ambitious coverage ensuring it was fair and proportionate over the course of the campaign we stand by our journalism will continue to make got own editorial decisions and report without fear or favor well such criticism isn't new the broadcaster has also been accused of being anti break says but is apparent bias just personal interpretation of the b.b.c.'s guidelines say it doesn't require absolute neutrality on every issue though is committed to do impartiality which reflects a range of perspectives but as its funding relies on license payers with a range of perspectives and different ideas of impartiality apparently you can't please half of the people all of the time. are staying with the theme of media
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a stone in authorities have warned employees of a local offshoot of the russian news agency sputnik that if they don't cut ties with their parent company they'll face criminal prosecution with the details his artie's nichiren. rossiya says volunteer and sputnik editor in chief had described the action from thailand as arbitrary and now planned seek advice from the un the o.s.c. and other international organizations but what they describe as an unprecedented violation of freedom of speech and this comes after the owner of the office where. it was based to broke the lease contracts following pressure from police now employees are also said to have received letters from the police department and the border control threatening criminal proceedings if they continue to work with. the agency in the new year now the myth has been justified by the estonian or thirty's by citing european sanctions from 2014 the agency however did not appear on any such sanctions list the agency's press service has since responded with feeling
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that it is based on paolo problems whilst operating in the country take a listen we consider the actions of the authorities is to be. such international organizations as the un the council of europe. are demanding the proper amount of the unprecedented case of violation of freedom of speech in recent years and measures to ensure the right of all journalists to carry out their professional work to speaking back in november the editor in chief of margarita simonyan said that the news agency had received more pressure in a stonier than anywhere else in the world she how employees had been intimidated by security services even had their bank accounts frozen and estonian banks that did service the agency have frozen all accounts since then so meanwhile the serious of all the nears the executive director plans to raise the issue with the russian presidential cumin rights council so needless to say this is an issue that the agency is not taking lying down when independent journalist and commentator martin
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summers believes the threats by the estonian authorities are politically motivated . i think it's a political action quite clearly and it's related to the kind of pressures and tensions that are in the international system at the moment in which a star mirror is plays a key a key role there's a big issue in the in general about what is legitimate freedom of speech i mean in the in the general election he just has stuff about the b.b.c. and its role and whether it was biased in favor of the government. but also of course you've got private newspapers in private broadcasters who openly cause policies on now is that acceptable or loss if you think you're in the american revolution there are lots and lots of people publishing stuff which is very un see the british government should that have been bunch of the in some control over it sees a wider issues but i think that's alarming what's happened here in the stone year is to do with the possibility of a negotiated solution in ukraine and the dislike of the arts or some elements
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within the a stone in the stars but. for us streaming service is set to premiere a documentary on 16 year old climate activists granted to them but that it turns out they began filming long before grass it was a household name we'll have that story after this short break. the partisan impeachment process against donald trump continues apace the framers of the constitution warned the impeachment of the chief executive was an extreme remedy are the democrats and the corporate media trivializing the impeachment process are they attempting to short circuit democracy itself. being martyred means being in some ways similar. to.
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the traditional jewish way of acting it's another words in. if my dear and it is about being urban. occupational flexible physically for studious articulate and so on then jews were the 1st modern schools that was their specialization. and. a shocking case of child abuse has come to light in a small western russian village as it turns out one house in the community was a prison for the 8 children living there.
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which are the loose booked in the family where you know men and children go to church every sunday the top of the system is enough least on the bush and this is a. minister that the children were always very shy one of the boys told me he could only go out when his father was away. to us the question is what are your relations with the children. wonderful climbers
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raising them. and why didn't they go to school why was protect. thank. you which just goes back to the girl has told us about the atrocities her own father committed against her considering the fact that these crimes were 1st committed a long time ago when she was very young could not comprehend the character and demeaning of those actions she was 3100. 16 year old climate activist and time magazine's person of the a granted to him berg is getting a high profile documentary made us streaming service hulu says the film with the working title grettir will premiere next year however it's emerged that the film crew has been following the celebrity from her early days of skipping class to protest at the swedish parliament gets climate change long before her global
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notoriety some her voice surprised at how the filmmakers could have guessed that this unknown schoolgirl would turn into a global superstar. and sweden's national broadcaster didn't see the attraction at the time according to local media back in 2015 parents tried but failed to convince s.p.t. to film how she was badgering them about the environment radio host and political analyst david perkins things grettir's quick rise to fame has been engineered by her family. he's become famous in a way that a 16 year old does not have the breadth of wisdom or imagination to achieve or accomplish on her own ergo therefore she's being pushed and it's coming primarily from her family who are showbiz and entertainment people actors producers she has performing siblings there's no doubt they saw her as someone who could be indoctrinated and trained and raised up into an environmentalist warrior from a very early age people don't know read his mother wrote a book that has in the title our lives for the climate that family is an
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environmentalist activist family and has been probably since before grettir was born looks like the business of raising up a child to make her famous as an argue or for one side of a case when she's never learned the other side of the case and she probably won't ever learn it now but yes it's obvious to me that it's a set up from the beginning. now what's become something of a christmas tradition in russia over the last few years president putin is about to face a grilling from the media that is they will see his annual press conference that if the post is anything to go by can last when i was in labor trenchard looks at what's in store. christmas is just around the corner so probably stocking up with gifts is the challenge that is on everyone's mind right now well unless you are
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a journalist with a badge that gives you access to a very special event this thursday the big ad you all are putin q. and a well for such reporters the number one challenge is to get noticed and to somehow leave a sea of colleagues behind by the way if you thought that it all happens behind the famous walls over there in this case you're wrong welcome to moscow's world trade center this is where very soon the q. and a will begin now let me explain how it works mr putin will be sitting at a table lone in front of a massive audience holding up black cards for 5 years i've been using this nice little r. t. logo a bit further on to the president's left his press secretary usually he is the one who chooses who goes next but sometimes mr putin picks someone out himself and
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these are the kind of moments we always watch out for if you will come to replace their eyesore a woman holding a sign that says by by ok go for it turn the heat up. oh my god sorry with age comes eyesight issues mystically and these are just translation difficulties i scared everyone my sign today but actually it says putin but by which means grandfather putin. so what are the chances of getting picked 29 things press or sets a record a total of 1895 journalists taken part over the last 7 years vladimir putin had the time to answer an average of $58.00 questions per q. and a so i've done the math the chances are about 3 percent only 3 percent that you get to ask a question not the best of all odds but. the longest event lasted for 4 hours and 40 minutes and usually it's never less than 3 several hours of constantly jumping
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on your chair waving your black card trying to stand out from the crowd and get the president's attention i'll tell you what that's quite an experience anyway do stay tuned for the show because it could really shake things up a little bit before the holidays from pushing the stock markets up or down to causing a real geopolitical stir just one example it is right in that building that florida are proving once back in 25th thing called donald trump a bright talented man you know the rest of the story well that is your update for now me bank in about 30 minutes time with more news from around the world see them . you know world of big. law and conspiracy it's time to wake up
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to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smart we need to stop slamming the door on the back and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now we're watching closely watching the hawks. argentina love it this country is phantasmagorical the people are extraordinary the government and the central bank maybe not so much the central bank but let's get into this a little bit more detail. all of us will hoops it has been absolute. sense of behavior that appears even in deaf
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and blind babies even if you've never heard of seen you will love tickles bio parents. and then we learn how to use this in a more complex way i am one of the things that we learn is to have joined in with love to contagiously to love somebody else loves even if you don't know why they're laughing. or business boom bust broadcasting around the globe uncovering the world of business in finance in the impact on bins. and i'm christiane washington cancellation of the markets today coming out we were kids getting a new lifeline in the form the credit and goldman sachs what does it mean for the company and well out of love at what's happening with you where china plus massive
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protests in france continue as unions and the government are still hocking over pension we have team coverage and a live report from paris straight ahead and a big group of the judges agreed to a $24000000000.00 settlement for p.g. and e. what it means for the victims of california's northern wildfires this is the one show you can't afford to miss let's get started. and we begin on the story day with no matter how you feel about it right here in washington d.c. this is an historic day as the house debates articles of impeachment and we look at how the market is reacting because both republicans and democrats they are fighting and on the day that you would expect the markets to react in a dramatic way well they didn't take a look the dow is basically flat just slightly up on this day is this largely because despite the cable news obsession the truth is this is all actually just political theater the markets know that the house will.
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