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tv   Politicking  RT  December 20, 2019 7:30am-8:01am EST

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senate mitch mcconnell has already announced that on national television that he is not an impartial juror and and you know this is a political process the impeachment process is to some degree a political process i think this is played out exactly the way that i predicted months ago on this show and it looks like that's exactly how the process will play out joe. minority leader chuck schumer said that not allowing democrats to hear from you kerns an extra incisions in the senate trial is tantamount to a cover up by a republican senator you react to that i mean i think again that's really a bunch of ludicrous but if democrats want to hear from witnesses they should have gone to the courts to compel them to show up i mean this is i mean this is not rocket science this is schoolhouse rock political $101.00 i mean if you want if we have 2 breasts of government that disagree that the tie goes to the courts and the courts will decide democrats didn't want to go to the courts because they understood inherently that a drawn out impeachment process was probably bad for them politically so they want
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to have their impeachment cake and eat it too you know they want to act different publicans are covering up that they've made up our minds as if calmly harris did not see in a debate stage do gotta go so let's just dispense with the kind of you know the machinations here and the democrats have made up their minds republicans have made up their minds and ultimately in the newspapers across america will read trungpa acquitted or republicans cover up depending on which side of the aisle that you prescribe to run. well republicans unfortunately have been obstructing justice and obstructing congress the entire way along and so has the white house you know the subpoenas have been issued witnesses have been called and this white house and the republican party refuses to acknowledge any of those you know i find it shocking one of the congressmen one of the democrats just earlier today was pointing out that even in the investigation of richard nixon the nixon administration responded to all of these requests to all the subpoenas while the requests for witnesses what
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this republican party is trying to hide today what this white house is trying to hide today it's obvious they're hiding something innocent people talk guilty people they try to cover things up why do you think that james is why he's so loyal to the president look i don't think it's a matter of loyalty i mean i think live there i think there are many republicans who will tell you publicly that the president probably conducted himself in a manner that was not necessarily what people would be ideal for the present united states that it was probably improper and some of the interactions but the end the day when you're talking about facts if you're going to overturn the will of the people if you're going to say that we now are going to say that the $16000000.00 votes cast no longer matter then you have to have concrete facts the facts are the democrats did not call any fact based witnesses who said that the president withheld dirt and withheld money in exchange for dirt that just didn't happen and they can say that the people who know weren't permitted to show up but the remedy for that is to go to the courts and again so that i think that you know democrats
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want to have it both ways and ultimately again you can say that republicans have been lower to the president but i think also it would be disingenuous of us to pretend that the process has been played through to its fullest extent what do you make brian of the now promulgated by what a good figure john dean along with white house former white house spokesman and. the both know both now say that we should not send the. and to the senate to try instead to continue to investigate and let the trial hang over is head him a good idea brian. i actually think that's a very smart idea because i think what's going to happen is if the house sends these articles of impeachment if they send impeachment immediately to the senate i think it's obvious that the senate is going to turn this into a kangaroo court where they spend more time talking about hunter biden and benghazi and hillary's e-mails than we do about the actual articles of impeachment that were
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sent their way i think the house would be a lot better suited and i think nancy pelosi should consider this she should continue drilling down they should try to call more witnesses they should put republicans on the spot if republicans have nothing to hide larry i don't know how many times we need to repeat this but innocent people who have nothing to hide tend to cooperate with investigations guilty people who are trying to hide something tend to hide something ok so if i were the house i would not send this impeachment immediately to the senate i would keep drilling down and i would keep the investigation going and see what we can uncover joe what do you think it did look i think that yes it in the interests of the process in the interest of democracy democrats should actually extend this process they should call witnesses i mean i'll just push back a little bit i mean we forget that yes bolton was subpoenaed but then democrats withdrew that subpoena so again i just have to iterate that yes in america people are innocent until proven guilty i think that when you confront people who are
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literally on the investigation in search of a crime people have a tendency to put their hackles up and so again you know when you talk about impeachment impeachment is inherently a political process it is not necessarily a partisan process this has been the most partisan impeachment in recorded history and i think that that really is what is really coming out here for better and for worse on both sides brian is there a deep state. they are in the end state the president keeps saying there's a deep state where you can do no doubt you unfortunately larry they. unfortunately what this president has working against them is something we call the united states constitution ok and under the united states constitution we have 3 co-equal branches of government ok the president is not king that and he is not allowed to commit crimes with impunity this congress is an equal member of government ok the president is not above them in unfortunately what this president has done is he has
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committed crimes we do have evidence of that i'd like to go back to what joseph was saying we don't have any factual evidence we have people who are on the phone calls testifying under oath that what they heard was a crime we also know he's obstructed congress because he has refused to answer any subpoenas or or or answer any calls for witnesses so he has obstructed congress we know he's committed crimes even if you don't want to read the transcript for god's sake larry he's done it on national t.v. he's asked the chinese sees asked wiki leaks he's asked the russians to interfere in the next election he's done this on national television we don't need any more evidence he's done it on national t.v. james bond i mean i would just say that we just have to be very specific here it is already fully acknowledge that the aid was withheld and exchanged for a white house visit if that is the is if that is really the bar for somebody being then peaceable offense that again there are
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a lot of people that could be in peace because that behavior is commonplace it to the point we're saying is there a preponderance of smoke that yes it is most likely that aid was withheld in exchange for and that's all investigation yes there's a preponderance of smoke but no one has asked to testify to that fact and to say that someone has said about the fact is just not accurate moving beyond that again look at the end of the day i think we just have to drive home the point right now that this. is a pardon process i like the fact you're talking about 3 co-equal parts of 3 quote abreast of government because democrats are forgotten about the 3rd branch and they don't want to abuse that to to to to use the 3rd branch because again it's not in their political best interest and so i think if we're not able to just admit that very fact that we're not really having that kind of an honest conversation about what is right about the process and also what's gone wrong in the process brian you think the country comes out of this stronger. comes out of this stronger. that larry look i i have not had
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a lot of faith that america will come out of the trump presidency stronger i think we're all coming out of this weaker look fortunately for this president what he did have going for him and what he inherited from the last president thank you president obama is a very strong economy and a great country to live in we already had that in place what we have now is a country where people are ashamed to be who they are you have minorities who are ashamed to be who they are you have you have presidents of the united states speaking about fellow americans in the most despicable ways possible the kind of language and behavior that i would not want to see in a bar room at 2 o'clock in the morning on a saturday let alone in the white house and that's all 'd on president donald j. trump and we all know that we knew before we elected him the man is not a good man he's just not a good man and he has not proven anything since to redeem himself or gain any kind of faith or confidence in the american people so we're going to come out of this
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weaker but i think that was going to be the case the entire time. i mean look i think that the reality is that with impeachment everybody loses most the the people of this country we're going to be more divided at the end of this 1st term of presidential him than we've ever been before and yes some of that onus does fall on the president when you talk about the rhetoric when you talk about all of those things but you have to push back a little bit talking about inherited in the economy because you know i as someone who in my political engagement began with president george h.w. bush i never remember anyone calling the clinton surplus a product of the actual tax the tax changes that were made by george w. bush so i think this new trend here where we talk about the economy 3 years after it's in been inherited as the reality of somebody that came previous i think is a little misguided but ultimately again we as a nation have the are the onus is on us to come together as a people. and that this nation has never been about one man and that the that obligation to foster us in the fact that we have people that can even enjoy
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a christmas dinner together because of the present irrespective of their opinions on them positive or negative really i think it falls to us to try to find a way forward for us and would you say the president has done a good job of getting his policies through not necessarily look i mean what does this president done for the united states aside from pass a massive tax cut package that pretty much as done nothing to stimulate middle class pockets absolutely nothing and that's just what republicans always do they passed tax cuts i mean again he inherited a strong economy to begin with he inherited unemployment that was already trending towards record lows he inherited all of these good things from the obama administration how much policy is he gotten through he promised he was going to build a wall and make mexico pay for he hasn't built anything and mexico is not paying for it ok promise to ban muslims it just wacky talk crazy talk he hasn't done that he also promised to cut taxes and he has so at least given that
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much to tell him the you know joe's opinion both thank you very much thanks being with and son politicking good to be here. thanks larry we'll have more right after the break. aeroflot russian and lights. you know world of big partisan new things lot and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter
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we need to stop slamming the door on the bath shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks. aeroflot russian and lights.
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well it finally happened donald trump has been impeached by the house of representatives in complete opposition to what the founders had even vision the articles voted on were along party lines it is highly unlikely the senate will vote to remove the president from office so what is the point of this entire exercise.
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go back to politicking can donald trump senate impeachment trial. biased for this we talk with a guy lewis former united states attorney who joins us from miami can the senate conduct a fair unbiased trial guy larry i think they can in terms of at least presenting the evidence and going through the motions but look let's be frank we sit here today and we pretty much know how the senators are going to vote it's turned into a sort of a partisan. trial and therefore there's not a lot of guesswork here like there would be in a regular trial what surprises you the most about this impeachment process. to be honest i look as a prosecutor a prosecutor a lot of cases for
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a long time 20 plus years we we would spin before we would actually fire the bullet in other words charge we would spend more time investigating interviewing witnesses looking at documents that kind of thing so i think that they're moving a little too quick for my blood so i gather you do not think the president has committed an impeachable offense. i don't in terms of a conviction look. should you ask questions was it appropriate to raise some red flags i don't have any problem with that to be honest with you but sort of the way this things on folded in terms of democrats versus republicans i just i don't personally i don't think that's what the constitution calls for. do you have any problem with the process i did larry. listen i think
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that both sides and really i go back and i look at the nixon. investigation and i look at the clinton investigations and i've sort of compared and there's nothing really to compare with in this case. we in except for example you'll remember this there was a special prosecutor he brought in witnesses there was the john dean moment it took time the case was litigated some of the issues and we just simply have not had that here the same with with the course clinton and ken starr and his report and his investigation do you think the president has done anything inappropriate. well i do think if he had to do over again he probably would have done it differently what makes it different here and again i look at this with the with the glasses of
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a prosecutor on who who did this look he had 20 people on the phone he was open and the tourists about it. but that being said he's opened himself up politically to this kind of and the country i just don't think this thing has been good for the country and it's created a lot of discord i don't lock it in july donald trump declared that article 2 of the constitution gives him the right to do whatever i want to stress and you grew then don't i don't and frankly. look the thing if i was advising if i was the president's lawyer not that he'd listen to me he seems to have his own mind about a lot of these things i would ask him to be a little more careful a little more cautious with his language i'd ask him to hold off on the tweets think about it for
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a few minutes count to 10 before you send out some of these tweets because they just seemed biggest whole form you're a former u.s. attorney rudy giuliani was and former u.s. attorney what do you make of his actions in all of this well i think he's he's working hard on the president's behalf but again. a little more caution a little more care not be in order. you got to know with this kind of case you're going to get scrutiny beyond scrutiny and so you got to be careful about what you say and what you do you can't be a bull in a china clause sometimes like you can in some cases and in this case look i think he's fighting hard for the president i think the president probably locks what he's doing for the most part but you know it's like a doctor's hippocratic oath you're not supposed to make things worse and every now and then i think he's done that do you think he should testify before congress. i
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don't in terms of the the impeachment trial that's going to occur in the senate it's interesting larry because i thought a lot about this how should the trial what should happen how it should unfold be honest with you given the record what the way the record exists currently if i was advised the president said mr president let's prepare a motion to dismiss let's argue that the charges are insufficient the facts are insufficient to support the charges under the constitution and let's take it up for a quick vote and let's get the heck outta here. how would you want to suppose you were the prosecutor the senate's how would you prosecute them. but that's a good that's a good question so so what i would do is i would prepare a very because i don't think i don't think mitch mcconnell is going to let them call in witnesses frankly and start trying to reinvent or reinforce the record
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as it currently exists so as the prosecutor boy that's a good question i put in here's what i'd do i'd put it i'd have. a killer powerpoint presentation with clips and excerpts i would have. a really visual graphics and things that would show here's our evidence here's why the facts support it and frankly i'd spend time on the law too because i think that may be part of where the real weakness lies here is whether or not the law here actually supports the impeachment as it's defined in the constitution you try to bring your own witnesses forward. i probably would as a prosecutor i would try to but i just don't think mcconnell is going to allow it i
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think that they're going to go through and they're going to say listen you all of created this record in the house gerry nat'l or this is what you guys have presented to us and and we're going to look at it sort of like a court of appeals would not allow you to supplement the record if you will and make your case stronger so i think they're going to have a tough time trying to call additional witnesses do you see any permanent damage of this to the united states. boy larry another good question 2 thoughts that i've had as i've sort of analyzed this thing and watched it one we're going to get through this we being the country. boyle boy we've been through so much as a country wars great wars civil war just all kind issues that i believe i firmly believe the country strong enough to to withstand this issue but i do think in terms of damage at least in the short term. the
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allegations here and the prosecution if you will i just don't think it's exactly what the framers intended i mean they use the words treason which calls for a death penalty serious as you get. bribery high crimes and misdemeanors and i'm not sure these 2 counts these 2 charges fall close enough within that kind of language that framework guy lewis thank you for your time today i hope you'll come back as all this plays out. glad to thank you larry we're big fans we love you a lot thank you before we go on to about the next episode of politicking i'll speak with one on one russian scholar steven cohen about how trams impeachment is playing out in russia and ukraine here's a look at part of that interview was was going on in the united states how's it
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playing in russia they interpret these charges against trump as being logged because trump ran and he was elected on a program of quote cooperating with russia there's one other thing i'll mention to you and then i'll stop among young people i mean people that say 18 to 35 from my point of view that's young. there's a disillusionment because these people many of them were very pro-american they wanted russia to become more like america but now they read every day about allegations that are in. intelligence agencies have been off the reservation have been manipulating american politics have been doing bad things well they grew up in a system where that's what the russian intelligence agencies do so they had thought unlike in russia intelligence agencies don't do that in america now they're being
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told not by russia but by american news reports which are broadcast in russia that that's happening here so the reaction in russia is i would say very profound how do you explain the trump putin the relationship. well you know this is very funny because last night i read in a newspaper that trump has said all these remarkably affectionate i think they use those words affectionate words about putin and i have a file at home which is called trump on putin putin on trumped you know things they said about each other the only thing that i can find that trump ever sad in a really positive way about putin was and i remember when he said it he said putin is a strong leader well that's true what is he supposed to say putin's a weak leader that would be untrue i don't find that pandering or subversive or treasonous i mean what do we want i mean it's almost as though we're no longer
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grown up do we want the president of the united states to curse at the occupant of the kremlin the other superpower i mean ever since the advent of atomic weapons and president eisenhower every american president. has attempted to do diplomacy with whoever sits in the kremlin to keep us safe from war conceivably nuclear war and we applauded that and by the way larry here's an interesting thing. the biggest episodes of what we call detente that is cooperating with the kremlin were presided over by republican presidents right eisenhower correct nixon and finally ronald reagan who had the biggest cooperation detente of all so you could argue though i'm not sure trump's aware of this but he ought to say something about it he is squarely in the republican tradition of cooperating with russian my end of the
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navy it was steven airs in the next episode of politicking and i hope you join me for it. and now thank you for joining me on this edition of politicking a member you can join the conversation on my facebook page or tweet me of kings things don't forget to use the politicking hash tag that's all for this edition of politicking. teraflops russian airlines. you know world big partisan
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new digs a lot and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the bath shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now we're watching closely watching the hawks. in. terror of russian airlines.
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during the great depression which i'm old enough to remember there was most of my family were unemployed working. there wasn't it was bed much worse objective listen today but there was an expectation of the things were going to get better. there was a real sense of hopefulness there isn't today today's america was shaped by the turn principles of concentration of wealth and power. reduced democracy attack solo doubt engineer elections manufacture consent and other principles according to know on. one set of rules for the rich. that's what happens when you put her into the. narrow sector of will switch
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will is dedicated to increasing power for chills just as you'd expect one of the most influential intellectuals of our time speaks about the modern civilization of america. this is a stick for the water bottle phone in the stomach of a fish the brand is spawns of the coca-cola company which sells millions of bottles of soda every day the idea was that let's tell consumers they're the bad ones they're the litter box they're throwing this away industry should be blamed for all this waste the company has long promised to reuse the plastic. that's. their plastic. on your phones at a special projects funding he doesn't have. that is the end of. the fun now
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the mountains of waste only grow higher. one person is killed and 5 others injured and in shooting near the federal security service building in central moscow witnesses describe the attack. at 5 or 10 minutes past 6 the gunfire began and it was not just a few shots it came in bursts we saw officers taking cover behind the cars. also this hour and a last minute attempt to disrupt russian gas supplies to europe u.s. senators warn a swiss company that crippling sanctions will put it out of business if it doesn't stop work on the own was completed north.


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