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tv   Documentary  RT  December 22, 2019 3:30am-4:01am EST

3:30 am
are going to remain stuck. no i don't like. 'd them or else who are related. they're all right about what they get in the 'd. car. not is how to see yeah we can look safe on the sunday morning here we're not saying good to have you company we're back again at the top of the. and all over the world. seeking individual sovereignty. this is a stick from the water bottle phone in the stomach of the fish the brand is part of the coca-cola company which sells millions of bottles of soda every day the idea
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was that let's tell consumers there are the bad was there the litter box they're throwing this away industry should be blamed for all this waste the company has long promised to reuse the plastic. that's. a special projects funded. but for now the mountains of waste only grow higher. in the campaign group justice for the had for years been demanding a public inquiry into the bombings. in still took 7 years for the government 6 years after the $994.00 cease fire to agree to a strict form of inquiry under justice henry bar on the inquiry found in his own
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careful words and despite london refusing to cooperate with the inquiry that the case for collusion was neither fanciful nor absurd. crucially however for the families bereaved by other murders north of the border daryn published a full appendix listing the ballistic links between other key attacks. after publication of the foreign report it became obvious that there was still no response from the state. very serious allegations of where not just good but there was going to be no. response and so we decided that we should respond we should bring people in and their national figures so we approached a number of people you an investigator or 2. people who'd worked on the set off interest commission and others academics lawyers people's experience and we invited them to ireland and asked them to look at the evidence to meet with whistleblowers to meet with families to meet with p.s.
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and i was seated. and a troll their own conclusions the trope their own report the international panel report which is what they did and it was a very valuable experience people from outside the jurisdiction come here look at the evidence and come to their own conclusions. 10 years ago from 2004 to 2006 i had the privilege of chairing an independent international inquiry into potential collusion by british security forces in paramilitary killings of catholics in northern ireland. they certainly were not a few bad apples there are a significant number of british intelligence agents from within the car you see in the u.d.r. who were involved directly in these killings who are in collusion with them and their activities their illegal activities cording to the evidence we received were
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known to their immediate superiors and hooting a number of chief inspectors and inspectors where we were not able to ascertain if the time is how far up the chain of command this went we do know that senior authorities in london on notice of information that should have caused them to conduct further investigations of this collusion in northern ireland we found no no indication that they took that obligation seriously. the next big step. change came when the historically inquiries team was set up to investigate all the unsolved murders of the conflict which quickly broadened all. the conflicts and within that organization the a.g.t. there was a special team set out to investigate claims of collusion aware the state was allegedly involved in the mud as it was headed by
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a particularly intelligent determined detective called steve morris. my expectations were on would conduct a full and thorough review of a number of murders that were believed sort of. involved certain degrees of collusion it was already have been some degrees of collusion from a lower level and by those members of the security forces that were directly involved but as the review can seniors and we found out more i was surprised about the extent and the degree to which the collusion was involved in some of those cases the one time totally surprised me was the. fatal bombing of the step in in august launching 76 people were killed where there was overseen by a woman. police offices. that really flabbergasted me by the lack of response
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from the only you see. it was quite evident from the outside looking that in so this material and documents that elements of the all you say knew some of their offices planning and eventually carried out the final touch of the stuff in. well it's incomprehensible to me. but they all use a senior level were aware that a bombing was being carried out and in 5 a bombing other. knowing who was responsible and knowing who they were they still did nothing about it. none of those officers were arrested until 1978 and even then my words arrested specifically for the step in they were arrested for
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other matters so from the oldest 1976 until december 19th. the all you see did nothing. for us to step in bombing was the smoking gun because although we believe that it was very similar to a lot of other attacks in the klan as there is the difference with the step in was the historical enquiries team under steve morris managed to find all the paperwork . which showed that that what the authorities had known about the plan leading up to the step in the carrying out of the bombing itself and the fact that although they knew every single passenger who'd been involved in the planning the old coordination the determining of the target the making of the bomb the storing of the bomb everything then you everybody and everything about this bomb despite that
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and spite the fact that 2 people were killed and a huge number of other people were very seriously engines not one single person was of a charged or convicted without bombing despite the i.e.c. knowing everything about it. the more we realize we were all those years not easier of course. devastated the same came true even if. relief. that i had gone on to. the course. i knew the army was here check the whole thing out of me in check dish common of pharma and told. their army and the preacher and then copy argue a bone wash. and known as the i never questioned that and question on the haiti teetotallers one thing that there must be a survey of around the mid afternoon and you had boma there for years so on this
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date committed the murder that is not since. your there. and wait your partner changed the bed. only part indian get the inquest put forward i know more than a. oh no clue what they don't. it was clear deals from c. in the individual reports that were common oik from the story point queries team the ball we were looking at here it was coordinated attacks. some of the same people used the same weapons same fire hoses same hides same modus operandi were working together and not truly understand what was happening and who needed to be looked at as a whole but the daily thing else would be to optimize each individual attack to individualize that which didn't tell the bigger story the story that was understood
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a place headquarters that was all arrested as army headquarters at the time that these were coordinated actions and date that some members of the security forces were taking part in these attacks and so we set the city but the only way to properly understand this was to produce an overarching report they agreed they began to work on it but it was never completed it was never delivered. what we think the prospect of an overarching weybridge and thematic report was proved a senior level. within the pearson eye because. the conclusions would have been just to cut a stroke it would have a sensibly made the case and in fact it would have amounted to a state recognition and confirmation that collusion existed within the security forces in this particular sector in the conflict and i suppose politically for many many other reasons not was just too long comfortable for many people and for the
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british government that meant a pulling out of the overarching report on not really is just acceptable for the focus. one of the fundamental elements of my overall to report would have been for these questions to be almost how is it that a group of place officers. know that they can go back to a farm where there is a bomb in a. having been on the surveillance and yet they know they can go back to the following die. and the bomb goes off will drive them the confidence that they were not going to be apprehended there and then. over some lights a stage for me that is the biggest question that needs to be answered we're. desperate to get to the truth for some of the elderly bereaved relatives die steve
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morris is on and 3 questions were put before the courts and. their lawyers challenge the haiti failure to provide the thematic reports that they were promised . amongst the legal exhibits provided to the high court has a copy of on cadwallader as lethal allies the 1st time any such group is accepted as a legal exhibit in the northern courts. or in july 27th the court delivered a stunning victory for the families ordering the chief constable to come up within weeks i think sceptical independent. fully resourced in order to fulfill his promise. humiliating the chief constable despite objections from the reeve families 11 of whom passed away since the cork is begun. a long hard road for the families that it once was
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a spring very disappointment that the overarching report that would have pulled everton together and made all the connections mustn't being completed there. how important is very for the. importance frustrating yesterday was disappointing you have your ups and downs equally in the story but i know the however frustration and obsession it is for me there are people all over northern ireland have lost family so who are getting out this morning wondering if this is going to be the day when they finally get some justice. so these days you never know what the course of them to decide but there's no doubt about it in the 3 months since groundbreaking big story in the courts on the 28th
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of july 27th team although the p.s. and i and the state were ordered by the judge to negotiate with us and come forward with a green route to inquiry enter a horse we've just discovered that they have done nothing. absolutely nothing so if you're an individual or citizen and you're all to do something bad course you have to do it because somehow if you're cleese horse and you're all the right course to something you can get away with doing nothing. least 3 months and then they decide to appeal today which is possible it could delay everything right here some of our family members are holes will they not be here again just see the reporter for the sun all come into existence.
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the world is driven by shaped by the curse of those great. dares thinks. we dare to ask. what politicians do something that. they put themselves on the line when they get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president or injury. or somehow want
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to be rich. have to go right to be close to survival before carrying the ball can't be good. i'm interested always in the waters about how. question. is issues the pivotal day for the families and their faith for justice for to reasons official in the courthouse and the rare move ordered that they should not take action and complete the report that was promised to all. of these families the 2nd issue is a little present a move the court has asked for the place to provide often even absence compelling and setting out why they have not given any notes or records as to why this decision was taken the reality is this decision has been made clear by the court is as irrational but only awful tame that justice was no longer delayed to the follies of going on and it just was done and the piece completed the support without any
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endless litigation. it's almost 4 years since we started this case and. i have watched. following my missions again possibly on there's other family members that are at the gun on serious passed away. for the following is their spin on emotional torture shake a lot of logical torture. on it's near tame that. george hamilton relays that enough is enough on the day of the dinosaur are you see desert over to have proper place in the house to be a furnace and justice thank you. that is. some fall we've identified says people who were involved in the murders of 120 past people who are members of the circle security forces we've named most of them there
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may be others we don't know of very few spend a day in jail now that's too many people over short few he has involved in 120 matches in one geographic small geographical area to be explainable by the bad apples larry as far as the victims were concerned they were just collateral damage in what was a state systemic policy of collusion now as far as the families are concerned they have a right to truth and justice some want apology and acknowledgment others want day in court will support whatever. well. it's amazing how the truth comes art is charged greenwich city that said it comes like go down to the door. and it has happened from time to time. some people have for a not conscious has taken them on they have revealed different material and as
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years have gone by of course of this i've been interested in of trying to find out the truth of what happened and who was responsible but at the same time a lot of these killings haven't been showed when it serves at the authorities today and they had to care for information about the media for collusion but in the modern comparison and to the sure bunch of collusion and their own salt it's not all that it's not ready for it. yet. on shushed and h.s. just at the only just a style of not with. us don't forget now. expose them. for what they did. so action made on ahead tell. the tale this last more. shows got the police protection.
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and. i think it went to the very very top. i think it is. the water where paul the taste since new thought was going on i'm gave the go ahead. on basically the art to cheat wouldn't be. doing a great job bodies ought. don't be getting caught and drop and also into problems. i suppose what still needs to be doen is they get an acknowledgment of what actually help looks from other states in the period of the troubles to the period of the conflict take to protect themselves as a neutral arbiter at this stage the story doesn't stack up any more the british state were involved in the most killings they were involved with loyalist
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paramilitaries. murder i suppose my abiding hope would be that we can tell that story and that we can honor those who lost their lives to the fullest of acts of members of the security forces. me having the white clothes of filling stations and a few lonely street lamps among the fields you climb the hills towards newton hamilton past the fuse forest beneath the stars. along that road a high bare pilgrim's track where sweeney fled before the bloodied heads gold beards and dogs eyes in a demon pack blazing night of the grand snapping and squealing. what lays ahead of you. the faked
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a road block. the red lamp swung the sudden brakes and stalling engine voices heads who did and the cold nosed gone. are in your driving mariner tailing headlights that pulled out suddenly and flagged you done where you went no home and far from what you near. the lowland clays and waters of lost bag church island spire its soft tree line of you. there you once heard guns fired behind the house long before rising time when doc choosers haunted the merry goldson who rushes. but still were scared to find spent cartridges akron brassy genital objected. on your way across the strand to fetch the car. for you and yours and yours and mine
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fought shy spoke an old language of conspirators and could not crack the whip or seeds the day. big voiced scullions herders feeders round haycocks and hindquarters talkers and buyers swill arbitrator's of the burial ground. across that strand of yours the cattle greens up to their bellies in an early miss and ny they turned their own bewildered caves where we work our way through squeaking sad drowning in do you. like a dull bled with his ads hole and a great moth bag half shines under the. i turn because the sweeping of your feet has stuck behind me to find you on your needs with blood on the road say more in your hair and eyes and mean
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in front of you and brimming grass and gather up cold hand full of the juice to wash your cousin. i dab you clean with moss fine as the drizzle out of an old clock. i lift you under your arms and lay a flat. with rushes that should clean again i ploughed green scapulars to where over your shroud.
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it was a time you can know from lives. lived it. still was but it she calls her home. base fit the t.v.
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feed. her fear big growth to feed the trade this week he comes home. should. come. to an end of the street from. the city. just to give you chief. there's group homes to both of you to fish skin. coat. just a. fun toy. for. you
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to. see you through the stutter. and to spare the issue to the trees. and. the sun.
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so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy to confront a shim let it be an arms race in. very dramatic development only personally i'm going to resist i don't see how that strategy will be successful very critical time time to sit down and talk. you know world of big partisan lot and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door. and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now we're watching closely watching the hawks.
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what politicians do something. they put themselves on the line to get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president or injury. or some want to. have to go right to be close to survival before 3 in the morning can't be good. i'm interested always in the waters in the. west sydney. it. was. oh. please.
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i. was. russian officials have identified the suspect of a shooting near the federal security service building in central moscow 2 people were killed and 5 injured in the attack and other stories that shape the week moscow in the e.u. have lashed out at us sanctions targeting russia's nord stream to gas pipeline to germany with palin saying it amounts to interference in domestic affairs and another inspector bright frank from the global chemical weapons watchdog the a p c w saying its final report on the alleged attack in the syrian city of duma distorts the facts.


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