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tv   News  RT  December 27, 2019 12:00am-12:31am EST

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in the. breaking news from at least 14 people were killed and dozens more seriously injured in a passenger plane crash in central asia. to take. up for a year of tension with the united states. russia and china joined the anti terror drills in the gulf of. sub-saharan africa suffer from chronic shortage of prescription painkillers. the situation around.
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international friday december the 27th grade with real world news this hour i'm sorry to say starting with tragedy in central asia in kazakhstan where a passenger plane has crashed killing at least 14 people the aircraft lost altitude soon after takeoff clipped a barrier and true story building 95 passengers and 5 crew were on board flight. $135.00 others are injured including 9 children the area around the crash site has been evacuated as the plane was flying from the country's largest city to the capital. the craft for 100 manufactured in the netherlands in the 1980 s. and all types of that plane is now been grounded in cassocks down pending an inquiry president has expressed his condolences to the families of the victims he's also one of the prime minister to lead a special commission to investigate the tragedy. let's talk now to see for
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a riff and who's director of aviator e. into nature thanks for joining us on r.t. this morning of course takeoffs and landings for any cockpit crew of the most vital and sensitive parts of any flight from what we know so far what do you consider to be the most likely cause of the crash. yes column thanks for having me it's a sad news indeed in my condolences for the loss of the families of the victims and we're hoping that the death tolls do not add more to the list right now but it is a sad event and you are correct that the takeoff and landings are mostly the crew most critical phases on any any flight because you will have the tendency of low speeds and so many procedures and protocols to be done in the cockpit crew by the pilots especially and there's a lot of coronation happening so once something. occurring up normally from the normal procedures it could be a very hectic moment and very critical that split this is in this to be made
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a point we haven't yet have shed on light on what actually occurred during the phase of takeoff but it's in my imagination that also under under the certain knowledge that pilots are trained to handle normalities and emergency situations you will void any sort the damages but as i mentioned earlier the takeoff and also the landing phases are very critical and you howl on we have a short amount of time to to make a slick decision about airline safety or indeed just within that country because there is of course a difference between airline safety protocols for flights that are international in this case it was a domestic flight does that make a difference. it will comes down it comes down to how the safety protocols and procedures are put into standard by individual airlines of course each governing body will have to comply to civil aviation or. of the respective country and if it
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is a registered acknowledged under the international civil aviation organization or i.k.o. it will also have to comply with international standards but having established 20 years ago in 1909 that air was actually billed as slowly relatively positive going to be patience they've acquired 9 of these focker 100 aircraft and they have more of the newer types of your good jets in order in line and the falcon jets themselves or and their time were very well built and wary popular aircraft in the airline industry up until the volcker industry went into out out of business in 1906. their technology or share similar similar features that you would find in modern modern airplanes including fly by wired knology and it was also equipped with rolls royce engines which are not actually outdated so safety wise i think it will india and it will have to comply with the international standards
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it's not a particular problem this is an aircraft hasn't been manufactured for more than 20 years now but as you say its safety record has not really particular been in question of the amount of aircraft that type of aircraft that are still in the air . yes well despite that the production has been halted since 1907 flocka was owned by folk and industries in the netherlands but they'll ability of spare parts and supports after markets i don't know who facilities are still quite. well and will worldwide there's more than $110.00 of similar types of aircraft being operated in many many parts of the world is in asia and australia especially so it's still quite a reliable and. and very economy because when the fokker $100.00 was released it was intended to be more efficient than aircraft that were available at the time so despite that no more. for the fokker $100.00 so any thought or are crap for that
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matter being being produced the availability of support and spare parts are still available and what about the airline itself and its no particular globally known in the name back air is there anything about that airline that people need to be aware about. as i mentioned earlier it's a it's been a slow and steady pace of growth for air since 1991st established and it's always it's always started with you know a small small number of sleet of similar types of aircraft probably would start with 123 so on so forth but the but the fact that they're ordering new types of air could mc 20 one's as part of their development in the future shows that the company has grown and we have not heard any any substantial incentives or accidents until. the tragedy that happened today and so it's a typical small growth rate for start of airlines in terms of how long it will take
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before the causes of this crash optically established because whatever anything tragic like this happens the industry industry tends to gather around to make sure the lessons can be learned for the future even though this is an aircraft that's not particularly in service in many countries in the world right now what do you think the industry will be doing to react. i understand that need a minister of industry and infrastructure has already sent a special division commission to investigate the crash so the 1st things of course will be 2 or 3 which 3 me which we will recognize as the black box we contains a c.v. our voice recorder and the flight data recorder which will be able to explain what really happened during those last critical moments and then. also taking account witnesses whether it's from the control tower so and so forth so to gathering up these data much like the incidents or accidents that occurred in the past what typically take about 6 or 6 months or 12 months and even more it depends on how
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much information has been able to be gathered and in this case i imagine because it is it occurred not far from the airport and i hoping that all the information can be gathered soon but to come up with a conclusion or a pro milena report typically would take about 6 to 12 months but also i suppose what's most awfully there are survivors in this accident and often in these cases it's like piecing together rejects all from technical data from those flight recorders from the cockpit voice recorders and trying to put together whatever the investigators can assess from it all in this case how important will the witness testimony be. the witness testimonies will of course be complemented it will complement entire investigations and it will only not be testimony from the passengers who survived the crash of course that will take some time for them to overcome of course there's going to be trauma senate and house but perhaps
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witnesses from the ground people from the airport from the other facilities and maybe also while conducting the internal investigation towards the airlines maybe have a look at the records at the maintenance logs and the operational logs that will that will mount up to a more solid and dense information before the commission can really come up with a conclusion so witnesses can be on the basis of the visual witness of what we saw also on the basis of the historic look he started us up here i go when there is a crash it is i understand it is usually within the country that the crash occurs it is that thora see that then investigates what happened but are there ramifications beyond the borders of kazakstan yes absolutely it really depends on on what sort of collaboration and what sort of are the ship that the country in this case kazakhstan have with other aviation authorities across the world be
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acknowledged by for example of course it will be it will be not a mandatory but it will be an option for because of stern commission to invite someone from ikea or perhaps the f.a.a. or perhaps from from from from the british aviation authority because this is after all equipped with a rolls royce which is the u.k. manufacturer engine so these are all options that are available to not only to the airlines but the kazakhstan commission also ok i do appreciate you sharing your insights on this even render a riff in president director of aviator indonesia thanks for joining us on see this thank you for your time thank you. next there is how iran china and russia are due to start joint naval exercises this friday in the indian ocean and the gulf of amman officials previously said the focus was on coordinating anti terror operations but the location of the drills suggests it could mean a little bit more than that as broad as the if not explicit. this isn't just
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a military exercise it's a it's a political statement the strait of hormuz is the world's most important oil field daily oil flows through it 21 percent of global supply every day it's a crazy amount and as with oil the strait is highly flammable we begin with this dramatic escalation in the tension between iran and the west serious provocation tonight in the strait of hormuz after iran seized a british tanker iran seizing control of a british oil tanker u.k. is accusing iranian boats of trying to intercept a british oil tanker and they seem to be no end to this escalation washington and everyone with a warship or regiment to spare seem to be rushing into the persian gulf i mean wasn't the nicest neighborhood to begin with what with saudi arabia and iran mortal enemies facing off across the nearest of channels and when it seemed like things
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couldn't get worse they did. the attack was launched from the north and was in question a response of by iran amid all the calls for deescalation iran has now launched an unprecedented attack on the world's energy supply. having failed at max pressure secretary is turning to max deceit blaming iran won't end disgust or right at the edge of the precipice cooler heads prevailed things calmed down somewhat everyone's fingers still in the trigger but it's more a diplomatic battle now for example trump still pressing on with his sanctions trying to force iran to abide by a nuclear deal that trump himself pulled out of big protest in iran as well helped
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along by washington. the exercise is officially unrelated to this crisis it's an anti pirate an anti terror drill it's also a very clever move by iran pressured and threatened as it is by america the ron decided to cool who has some friends apparently for a friendly sail together china and russia 2nd and 3rd most powerful militaries in the world as i said pretty clever. artie's arabic channels spoke to the chief foreign policy adviser to the leader of iran among the topics discussed with the situation in syria president trump impeachments and of course the sanctions that the rod is facing from washington. we've been living under u.s. sanctions for 40 years now from time to time they would ease the sanctions then
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crank them up again however iran has learned to adopt to get around the sanctions you'll need more than just sanctions to subdue such a big and powerful nation is a wrong it has sea and land borders with a total length of more than 8000 kilometers and it borders on 15 countries we have already experienced all kinds of sanctions both before and after the war with iraq we know how to run our country despite any american sanctions it doesn't befit europe with its status especially countries such as germany france and the u.k. to quietly follow the policy imposed by the us and do washington's bidding. if europe wants to command respect and play a role in the region if it wants to have good relations with iran and iran's allies it has to pursue its own independent policy to go along the ground was covered in the new can see the full interview later this hour after this policy. next rights activists in britain are calling on the defense ministry to compensate more than 150 people who they say were expelled from the military because of their
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sexuality l g b t campaigners say that the armed forces passed policy of discrimination did untold damage to the lives of many service personnel and the victims must receive redress . for many people suffered horribly under officially sanctioned discrimination and persecution as a result of the ban on the edge of beauty plus people in the armed forces the minister of defense has been for just slow to offer proper apologies and bans for this suffering ministers should be doing all they can to put this right or gay people were banned from serving in the british armed forces until the european court of human rights for all but the polish. it was unlawful in the year 2000 since then the m. o. d. has paid out $4000000.00 pounds in compensation and says it settled $51.00 cases of discrimination more than $100.00 other claims have been either rejected or withdrawn. the activist insists though the many more military personnel are likely
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to have been affected by that ban leading british rights campaigner peter tatchell says that thousands of gay people were forced out of the military between the late one $940.00 s. and the turn of the century in the eighty's he says as many as $300.00 people were kicked out each year because of their sexuality in many cases this had a severe impact on service members' lives as a result the a modi does accept the policy was unjust. we are we are fewer than 200 cases in which individuals may have been dismissed on the grounds of their sexuality although we accept that there may be cases that aren't known about we accept our policy in respect of serving homosexuals in the military was wrong discriminatory and unjust to the individuals involved but peter tatchell i mentioned earlier and i walk up the new york observer columnist and political commentator give us their reaction to it. i think we need to recognise the real pain suffering that was subjected to these men they not only lost their
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job and their income but because they're in the forces they lost their forces accommodation their home they also lost their pension rights and many of their friends at the time the law of the law and gay people for being in the military there are similar rules that are people being in the military for a variety of reasons medical conditions what have you throw out the purpose of the armed forces to protect and defend the united kingdom that is their primary role they were not bad soldiers otherwise perfect service records but of course some of the people who signed up didn't realise they were gay when they enlisted their only realised much later on in their career and it would be very very. to punish people on the basis that they should have known they were gay back when they signed up when they were 1617 or 18 years old we hear this all the time don't we for various groups that we should treat people in the past as idiots because they were less enlightened that knows what he's going to be difficult if it's so at some point in
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the future we change our opinion then we're suddenly compensating people from the past are my concern is there any organization or group or political view might be able to come forward in the future and attempt to see who will get compensation i was the british government so i think it is fair and reasonable to say that these men do deserve compensation commensurate with the suffering and justice that they serve the numbers currently under compensation is tiny indeed a tiny fraction of the numbers who were victimized by this unjust law what we need is a military that is capable of fighting with the commanders not politicians or gay rights activists to decide who military personnel are and how they are deployed. in sub-saharan africa has long been suffering from an acute shortage of painkillers but a facility in rwanda is now making cheap drugs available to the region. and
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you. know when you get to. that is you know you're mad at. me for getting morphine because in the end she was not even able to take the medication because of pain. we've been in management. human rights if people had.
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been in the country and that is not the human rights. the opioid crisis that has featured far fewer headlights but that requires equally urgent international attention is the non-medical use of the painkiller tramadol particularly now for go. tramadol a synthetic. control is a substance of growing concern particularly in north central and west africa regions of africa now account for 87 percent of pharmaceutical opioids sees worldwide and not the recent rise is jew almost entirely to trafficking and.
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this is. because. of the international narcotics control board says that 92 percent of all morphine used is consumed by just 17 percent of the world's population living in western countries meanwhile the low income nations in africa or asia could only meet a tiny fraction of their medical opioid needs political analyst alessandro bruno says it's all about money. her most all of the companies are businesses big businesses with many salaries to pay they need and a lot of them are listed in the stock market in other words. we have shareholders to take care of so because these western companies focused on the expensive medicines they've reduced the bill of bill the end demand for the natural one that's why the subject of morphine again is such
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a not just controversial it's unusual it's something that people don't talk about very much it's sad to say it cynical but lyme stick a 2nd seat to profits and earnings and the the entire capital the system contributes to that it's always a matter especially since in the last 25 years. stock market performance has taken precedence over everything else. going into our breaking news from kazakhstan in central asia this friday a passenger plane has crashed shortly after taking off from port killing at least 14 people dozens more seriously injured including 9 children across this force is our correspondent. in years a few hours on from this crash what's known about it so far. i do have an update for you it's a very important warning it is actually good news because the authorities have published a list of 60 survivors and we understand that the number of survivors is growing
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which is good and this couldn't have been a nose dive from a high altitude apparently so at about 20 minutes past 7 am it was still dark in the big city of kazakstan all the the airplane to call from the airport of that city but apparently it started to lose altitude very quickly it hit a concrete wall before crashing into a small building which only had 2 floors now it is not the capital of kazakstan but it is the country's biggest city so there are a lot of suburban areas near it and the. port is not that far from the city center so there are residential areas that explains where the plane ended up i'm about the type of back craft itself is open in production for a while has it it's called the fall 100 originally it was produced by now bankrupt dutch company and the production stopped in. $97.00 which means
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that the aircraft was at least 23 years old now it is a middle saw as to when 2 are both in short range regional aircraft right now there are more than $100.00 still flying around the world we do know that. the major operation operators includes 2 major airlines in australia and also there are quite a few of them operated 'd by iran so this is something that is widely used in kazakstan as well in particular by this airline bank airways and pretty much this is the only aircraft that they use and this is the 2nd most popular airline in the country and this is also a domestic incident. but the onus very much on the authorities there what have they done so well right now i can tell you that at least a 1000 workers and rescue personnel are on the site trying to do something about
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this crash the whole neighborhood has been evacuated and obviously they're doing the best to try and find more survivors in the accident and also what they have done has grounded all planes of such kind and again like i said just because this airline consists of all these planes now the operations of the airline has been suspended we know that the most high ranking officials are working on it the president has to ask the prime minister to look into it and the president saying that anyone who's responsible for this will be punished and understand to be prudent. move to work around those aircraft about how disruptive it is over the holidays ok for now thanks for updating us. next this hour mexico claims that it's observed a heightened number of police and security agents around its embassy in the city of the possibility of describing it as a scene it also says it's going to file
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a complaint against bolivia's interim government at the international court of justice in the hague. we are addressing the entire international community because not even join the worst moments of the military coups of the 19 seventies and 19 eighties was the integrity of mexican embassy buildings or residences ever put at risk. the mexican foreign ministry claims the number of security agents started to increase on tuesday comes after the country gave refuge to a group of politicians to the ousted president evo morales bolivia's foreign minister both says it was the mexican ambassador who requested more security he also says back soko will have to retract the accusations. i considered illegal because no one can file a lawsuit based on an presumption the mexican foreign ministry. political analyst we spoke to believes the bolivia's new government is trying to put pressure on anyone that supports. every country's bound to protect i respect
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every diplomatic representation in every country the assumption very clear under international law so in that sense makes it go it's correct where he's breaking the law he did not try to put pressure on any country that would support evo morales that's the point of the garment. to be or prevent any possibility that morales supporters not only can win the next election but any possibility of more lives coming but mexico supported morale this because they are on the same way overlaying relations with the most create what is really a democracy morales the stops being a precedent because we could it makes the call if against that could it entirely. meanwhile in bolivia itself the rest of region has kicked out a police force loyal to the interim government and formed its own law enforcement body.
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the police. arrested soon after the coup that's why it is many as 400 were injured and between 110-1500 i rested. but i guess this will allow us to have some unity and agreement from below rather than just receiving suggestions by having candidates appointed from above we're going to have those who is from the grassroots give some names and then have our official candidate to be our representative and president of the multinational states believe it.
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and to talk about it because the rule of law must be extended to every corner about a country we cannot allow our public with the knowledge territories the union polices need the legal constitutional. and through to trouble. to stand up and confront them then i'm going to sit around with our arms crossed. we're not going to leave people on the run over christmas and new year we'll be standing firm we'll be ready for any conflict that comes our way to paddy cochabamba as an example. the resistance of the regions. in the it was stablished in autonomy defended in autonomy amidst this right wing u.s. sponsored school in bolivia who government's not only unpopular in chip body it's
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unpopular across libya because it does not represent the 99.9 percent of libya and only represents a smaller stratum of the leats process alleviate. other regions there is resistance a lot of repression it's refreshing to read more resistance. is thirsty to invade and occupy were as of right now the supporting police and military have no control they've been kicked out people look. self-determined. ok that if you are teen use from moscow for now i'll be back to update you in just under half an hour from now. in the united states presidential candidates debate the future of the u.s. and the world.


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