tv News RT December 27, 2019 3:00pm-3:30pm EST
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wiki leaks cast further doubt on the o.p.c. w.'s final report on the alleged chemical attack in the syrian city of dubai last year releasing internal documents that suggest a cover up may have taken place. over the day the russian military state of the art . systems and called but you got more details on it that's been shared. start to the day 12 killed as a passenger plane crashed early on 'd because of moments after takeoff dozens more are being treated to.
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a low just to the limb here in moscow this december 27th late friday evening here live from the out international world the center of an hour or so 1st in this road atlas just mentioned wiki leaks has published a 4th but should be internal documents from the international chemical weapons watchdog concerning an alleged chlorine attack you may recall of the syrian city of duma last year the release appears to lend credence than to claims that senior o.p.c. w. officials deliberately left critical details out of the organizations final report from or dusty so what he makes has released its latest cache from the a.p.c. the on the alleged chemical attack in april 28th now this 4th batches of documents present some inconsistency is within the probe one of which suggests that o.p.c. document has met with toxicologists to decipher whether or not there was a connection between symptoms of the alleged victims and the chlorine exposure well the experts in the field concluded that there was no. no correlation but that
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conclusion was admitted from the final report with respect to the consistency of the observed and reported symptoms of the alleged victims with possible exposure to chlorine gas or similar the experts were conclusive in those statements there was no correlation between symptoms and cloran exposure while another document in question is mainly connected to why the west blames the syrian government for the alleged attack in syria that previously expired the wiki leaks organization are all regarding those 2 gas cylinders that were found on the scene of the incident some reports suggest they were manually place there others suggesting they were dropped from a considerable height from an airplane or perhaps a helicopter of some sorts however in the latest documents reveal today of an e-mail exchange from the 27th and 28 the february of this year between fact finding mission members well they claim that the a.p.c. w. altered all traces of that recent information to be completely admitted from the
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report and removed from the secure registry of the organization please get this document out of documents registry archive and please remove all trace of its deliberate storage with documents registry archives well allegedly within that very same e-mail exchange they claim that the chief of company of the p.c. w. has suggested that he justified his actions to remove that information from those documents because he claimed that the registry archive is not instructed to deal with any known routine missions whatsoever but before any real evidence was presented the united kingdom the us and all nato allies had already pointed the finger at the syrian government and used this alleged chemical attack as a justification to launch their own military intervention throughout the form of an air strike on syrian military targets of course we contacted the i.p.c. w. for information regarding these allegations but they get to respond to us. mike
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ruddy coeditor of b s news joins us live on the line hey there mike thanks for time tonight specially to no holiday period this big story as well would you on how significant is today's released by wiki leaks and shows there's plenty of debate within the o.p.c. w. about it or what. the previous leaks of talked about engineering assessments and differences between members of the of the actual team that were sent in the investigation team. that has their conclusions were doctored but the lead today actually shows how from the very top of the a p c w they tried not just to exclude certain information but bury it completely expunge it from their own arkanoid. well it's not that it's not the scientific method is it real if we don't ignore certain information and try to bury it we have to one of the analysts saying that this guy saw the allegation see you know p.c. double official or did the deletion of these engineers report from the documents but it seems he wasn't part of the facial fact finding mission and it is not the
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important part here or shouldn't be there something anyway yeah i think so i think that the because of the internal documents referring to risk for me in henderson's report and he was on the scene he was part of the initial fact finding mission. in any case people don't just very orderly and actually delete all traces of a report that is the smoking gun of a cover up. it's been like this from day one that we've seen exactly what went on from that from the very beginning we were actually roiling in syria as just after days after this alleged chemical attack took place and so we witnessed all this and i was it will clearly have to get there quickly wasn't it was chlorine i remember this inspector going to quickly as it dissipates it is and they remind us what they actually found or what what what what officially was said to happen there. well the actual engineering assessment say that the chlorine found was ubiquitous is the background chlorine that we find in every tyrant and it's there's nothing to. even
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is the symptoms of there of the alleged victims all the. dead in tears being swill down with water what explains that. well that can only be explained by the fact that the people there were pouring water of these people who were in fact the white helmets and we know the elements are affiliated with al qaeda actually one of the boys actually was. said later that there was no gas attack at all and he was just rushed into hospital with water doused over them while the cameras were filming the moxley so that there was part of the staged event the children crying a lot of their pictures now you'll see. children crying looking the pictures that we're showing our viewers as you speaking distressing pictures people clearly upset children clearly upset we hear many people died we say that this is not true. i'm not saying it's not true but if you were a child and you were dragged into a hospital and with water doused over you in people claiming that there was you've
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been a victim of an attack you would be in complete distress we mustn't forget that there were 40 or 50 victims of an attack however their bodies were never examined and we have no idea where the where they were killed. but they were there were certainly not part of the people who were rushed to hospital the people that were no one that died that was rushed to hospital that day and obviously the doctors that were interviewed and they were only interviewed by 2 western journalists as far as we can tell the world robert fisk from the u.k. isn't sure whether in the doom or in the days afterwards they were the only 2 that actually interviewed i would this isn't doctors that the world's media were invited b.b.c.'s least to have a team on the ground to little iran of late for their clearance and never actually got to interview any of the witnesses really arrived late how do you crews are another whole other story isn't there i suppose it is yeah but it is part of the same coverage of the corporate media aided and abetted and there we see the capture and the politicized ation of the of the c.w.
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the russian foreign ministry in certain level been sold against cashed in in more diplomatic language than i would use is basically to paraphrase a said that it stinks the a p c w stinks from the top but what's really encouraging though is we have people within the organization that are willing to try and get the truth that it's possibly extreme personal experiences that in terms of their own political careers but relieved they're trying 3 more leaks coming out as well maybe they'll be more they get a longer conversation we could have and i might ready coeditor of b s news thanks for being with us tonight give us your thoughts and. so we go next was big story from russia today technology story russia's state of the guard hypersonic missile system no less and that combat duty friday defense ministry officials very proud of it they've briefed the media about the weapon which they say is capable of carrying both conventional and nuclear warheads. today the strategic missile systems are on guard entered combat duty i congratulate
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us on the situation in which is important for the country and the armed forces. russia's defense minister may sound a little bit tumble but don't get mistaken this is a moment you might be tempted to hope the story crushes cutting edge evan guard hypersonic missile system is now officially deployed for combat duty said a gay shade who reported about that to president vladimir putin it is only so far about one regiment unclear when or even other russian arms parts will be upgraded the evan guard is a hypersonic blighter that is said to be able to penetrate any both existing and prospective defenses let's take a look at some of the key features all of these truly revolutionary weaponry the often god hypersonic vehicle can fly it up to 20 times the speed of sound an i.c.b.m. will take it to an altitude of several dozen kilometers from where it can dive head 1st back to earth a top speed with ak craft like maneuverability dodging any missile defenses in
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contrast when other existing ballistic missiles reenter the atmosphere they fly at a preset trajectory making the targets for a.b.m. systems last month russia showcased its truly top notch weapon we haven't dared me sell system to a team of u.s. military inspector is really unprecedented move they explained it was an attempt to revitalize the key new start treaty nuclear arms reduction agreement the only one left between russia and america it expires next february and theories are it may not be extended to american experts had a unique access to have been barred missile system for 2 whole days it is unclear so far how or if it influences washington's position this is what white reporters had to say about russia's advanced weaponry and he when you should you must when you can minister to us in there today there is a unique situation in a new and contemporary history other countries now have to catch up no other
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country in the world has a hypersonic. weapon nobody has a hypersonic weapon with a coast to coast range. which a successful development and tasks of really advanced weapons caused quite a stir in washington when it was 1st announced last year but moscow ease retreat in all the time that it is only looking for that's a relations with america especially in the field of strategic cooperation. charles shoe bridge security analyst and former u.k. army officer explained what he thought might be behind this big display of military might from russia that. this is an important part of strategic deterrence in terms of having the capability to overcome u.s. anti-ballistic missile systems and let's not forget the actual genesis if you like of this project is having got project came pretty much in that 2002 decision by george w. bush to end the antiballistic missile treaty and i think at that time russia and
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other countries and indeed many u.s. experts and crucially many from the u.s. military establishment warned that ending that a.b.m. treaty would actually then provoke this kind of arms race that would lead to the result we're in today and america perhaps considered that from a technological perspective it would win the arms race but today's announcement and indeed the development of this system shows that as we've seen many times in the past that america can't rely solely looking into the future on its having a technological advantage that would compensate for its poor strategic and in this case political and strategic decisions. but he came in early today this morning a passenger plane crash shortly after taking off from al marty airport in kazakhstan 12 died in it dozens are injured there in hospital tonight including children. which is you know i should just let folks strong jolt on the left wing literally
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2nd play to the plane began to rock back and forth like a boat i began to tighten my belt panic go red had begun children started crying the plane began to go dollars it was clear that we would definitely go into the ground so i braced myself for impact then the sewing then it's you know the mergence the door was open we jumped on the wing and began slipping because it was icy we helped each other to get down. to 3 you. could begin to diminish it took up a beautiful. he did not know and then there's anybody can be good i have only because i want to. see. this. was the only thing. you
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did that you can simply look at the receiver just as. not. as a shows it was a bore if the player. can use your perception they will see you look at those pictures and realize what a tragedy it is for kazakstan only a few days before new year's eve but if there is a case in which the words good news could be appropriate after a plane crash this is the one because right now we already understand that the doctors have confirmed that the majority of the people who were on board survived which means that this couldn't have been a nose dive from a high altitude what actually happened was that this back their flight took off from the airport and tea which is the biggest city in kazakstan it was still dark there about 20 minutes past 7 but then quickly started losing altitude then it is. hit a concrete barrier before crashing into a small building this was just
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a 2 story building i can tell you that almost like i said it's the biggest city it's a big metropolitan area the airport is not that far from it so there are suburban areas residential areas surrounding the airport so this is apparently where the plane and it up the captain of the aircraft is among the dead what about the plane itself well this is a medium sized twin turbo fan short range regional jet it's called focker 100 it was produced by a dutch company before it went bankrupt up until 1997 but this particular plane was 23 years old so was one of the final ones to be produced by that company and still the widely operated by 2 major airlines in australia for example as a regional jet by quantas and virgin it's also being operated by an iranian airline and back air this was actually the only type of aircraft that they have and while
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this is a big company in kazakstan it is the 2nd most popular domestic airline that people use there for domestic flights to the onus now on the catholic authorities of coast to establish exactly what happened what if they don't so they clearly grounded all flights by that type of aircraft and like i said just because its fleet only consists of this particular aircraft now they're out of operation for how long right now we don't know many people are still in critical condition so the doctors are fighting for their lives the president promised that those responsible for the crash will definitely be punished i can tell you that this particular airline was going through some financial difficulties lately but previous the no incidents with its aircraft had led to any kind of fatalities because according to considering 2 post reasons for the tragedy either pilot error or technical malfunction but it's
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such an early stages geoffrey thomas from a low ratings dot com come in quickly to talk to us and give us his thoughts about what might have gone wrong here. early indications point to possible causes one is that as we can see snow sleet snow everywhere it was very very cold icing conditions and it may well have been that the plane was not correctly d.-i still not do i asked at all and if there's a build up of ice on the wing as soon as the plane takes off you're going to have a situation where you're told the lift over the top of the wing the air over the top of the wing is disturbed therefore you lose lift the plane or you reach now 2 to 40 feet and then crash back to earth. and the other thing we but there's a possibility there was an engine problem we know the aircraft reached takeoff speed of about 175 miles an hour and then quickly that speak quickly to within
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a 2nd or 2 of takeoff back to 148 and that's when all the data was lost. so awesome all engine problem possible icing problem on the wings. libya's internationally recognized government official requested military assistance now from turkey as an attempt to try to stave off an offensive by the warlord khalifa haftar the turkish president indeed has said that lawmakers will decide in early january whether or not to deploy troops than to that war torn country i'm adopted in movie music we would go to a place where we are invited to go we would not go to a place we are not invited to go to at the moment since there is such an invitation we were sworn to the 1st thing we will hopefully do as soon as the parliament resumes is to present the military deployment bill god willing on the 8th or 9th of january whichever we will pass this in our parliament and we will be responding to the invitation of libya was plunged into chaos in the wake of the 2011 uprising in
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the subsequent killing of its then leader muammar gaddafi by us but rebels the country is currently being fought over by 2 rival minister. and then there's the u.s. government in the capital other government based into brooke in the east as well the renegade general khalifa haftar as forces have been closing in on tripoli of late in the season but both united states and the arab league voice their opposition to any turkish military intervention any time soon. this interference will only prolong the confrontation and increase the suffering of the people of libya it will also hinder international diplomatic efforts aimed at a peaceful settlement of the libyan crisis president donald j. trump spoke with president abdel fatah has says egypt regarding we'd be at the leaders rejected for an exploitation agreed that parties must take urgent steps to resolve the conflict before leiby and sluice control to foreign actors well coleman is the director of the crisis institute shit research institute tells why he
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believes turkey is poised to intervene militarily in the libyan conflict anyway. libya in some ways is a proxy conflict between these rivals for domination in the middle east but also turkey not only has problems with these allies to the west like egypt and saudi in the americas. in libya it also has problems with some of its nato allies greece and france in particular turkey in a sense is saying you've rejected us we can show that we can be rolled or could to you so libya in some ways is a kind of conflict with all sorts of local reasons why after in the tripoli government directly charges through the capital government in east bay supporting it controls the oil and gas but if you want to buy it from the world market you have to pay the money into tripoli thank you so long as you tripoli government controls the international bank account of libya it may not control much territory but it does as it were control the cash but these outside forces will nominally allied to each other are also at each other's throats struggling for influence over
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after all a very oil and gas rich country exactly 21 minutes past 11 in the evening or moscow's new story in tell you about the chaotic scenes of montenegro's parliament friday as 18 lawmakers were arrested after attempting to disrupt a vote on religious freedoms on one side the pro serb opponents of the law which was still successfully passed believe it could allow the state to seize hundreds of religious buildings where they argue the legislation forms part of a concerted attempt they say to undermine the 7 orthodox church which has many adherents over montenegro and promotes montenegro's own orthodox church instead so a real set of battles going on here bottles are being thrown as proceedings took place and some opposition lawmakers tried to assail the speaker to the country's prime minister condemned the violence and stressed the need for constructive discussion about religious rights. i have given guarantees and assurances that this law does not have any hidden agenda that it is a law any civilised and democratic society needs that it does not endanger any
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montenegran metropolitan it or any religious facility governed by the montenegrin metropolitan it nor questions to status of any priest what we all together emphasized is that dialogue is necessary that we have had dialogues so far but in their estimation insufficient to build up the other we have not had that true dialogue so far and we are now asking that some parts of this law that are formulated as they are now which absolutely do not bring peace to montenegro but on exactly and unhappiness among people and what the government should do is to postpone the suggested law or some parts until after christmas let's not quarrel around christmas well critics of the newly adopted legislation rallied near the parliament building in the capital of the vote 7 out of 10 people in montenegro reportedly serbian orthodox and the churches influence hasn't declined since montenegro split from its neighbor in 2006 either it has dozens of churches and monetary monasteries across this small balkan republic which could be affected by
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this law it's complicated isn't it well there was criticism of the move in serbia with protests taking place outside the montenegran embassy in belgrade in solidarity with the lawmakers 2 of whom mr is attention and the parliament to tensions frayed as well. her. i. i. i. i. i. or let's try and untangle this a bit marco gases international face commentator is on the line well versed up with this one either it would you start here it's a kind of a land grab it's a political dispute between 2 sides the church to speak between 2 sides 1st of why a serbian orthodox here and so upset by this new law but it goes without saying but is it as bad as they say what's really going on here. what really was going on is
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that a bunch of politicians at the top of the political tree in the ways that they've arrived there have taken it upon themselves to attack their ideological rival which happens to be the the church all that all that country by creating their own one imagine if boris johnson created a london protestant church to replace the church of england right in the end will be happy or if the catholics have that in northern ireland have their property taken by churches taken away and given to the protestants or protestants had their churches were given some catholics that's the kind of level this is on and what right to pull its issues have to make decisions regarding the future which i took has been on that sarah is the church being dragged into this on willingly it is in how they got to this i long to be going on absolutely and this is all part of a kind of 25 year campaign by this excessively long stating leader montenegro below djukanovic who's be trying to change that once and he can identity by force to
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remove that double identity of being both serbia and montenegro which is characterized the population or want to the eco he's been pretty successful so far with all the methods at his disposal and this is simply the next step in perils of what went on in ukraine a year ago where a friend to be crazy church replaced the russian orthodox one layout and again here for months and even churches being designed to place the actual text which is on the terrace of once a negro and i am free as being pretty much forever since christianity arrived on the shoals with the blessing of all previous montenegran governments leaders and people and how bad could this get one bishop so worn it could cause quote civil war does actually mean that. well it's is why priests and nuns and monks are on the streets for the 1st time in their lives this is really good attempt to leave them without homes and make priests and nuns and bishops whatsis in their own churches in their own monasteries because now a bureaucrat in the central capital will decide who it belongs to those people or
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some to be told it's not this the politicians are telling them without the benefit of any right whatsoever this is absolutely scandalous and if it if it succeeds here it could it's a very bad lessons the rest the world in terms of religious freedom this is the heart of europe we're talking about and he was entirely silent indeed the british government also is entirely side of those people who really would be shouting from the rooftops about the freedom of religious communities in places like china or russia utterly silent when you said they had been going on for 2 and a half decades but when it it was it really ramped up just recently. well recently yeah because i mean it's been he's been djukanovic the president has always looks on anything that has the word serbian in india as. as it were the natural antidotes through his attempts to present one's ego as a narrow bigoted nationalist state with no previous existence part of anything else was in fact the montenegrins historically have been the same people as the serbians
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they are the closest people in the region to each other and their relations its relation always been brilliant he's now artificially trying to draw jack into light in the heart of the relationship between serbians and and the people bombs and ego which really is an artificial cut wielded by him and it's something that we should all oppose for the freedom of all faith communities in the world we should protect them from politicians political interference designed to destroy their church which is what's happening here cavett to this so this law says that the church has to prove that it had this property prior to 1918 where montenegro lost its independence how are they going to do that they're going to produce deeds exactly exactly who are the political issues this political party who are they to decide what the church should be doing if boris johnson tried to look germany call it whoever tried to tell the church of england to prove their existence all they'd have their westminster abbey taken away from them and i think we'll find absolutely abhorrent and that's what it's little tinpot dictator djukanovic is trying to do in
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montenegro as i say as a as a lesson for the world it's one that we should step orchestrates away and those who care about religious freedom should be very concerned about what is the trailers were obviously because with the words they said do you believe any probably actually will be seized or not here at the end of the day i will correctly is not excited except he's trying to dictate and he's increasingly trying to turn this into his own how a thief to so he's really trying to take on the trappings of a dictator even if he hasn't got there yet and we need to stop it getting there because really it's not a good lesson for democracy when these kind of things are allowed some force that we haven't got the other side to put their point of view in but you believe anyway property is going to be claimed here in the end it was really going to come to that . well what's fascinating here is that the other faith communities in most of the grow up quite confused that this is not going to have any reach and this really exposes exactly what's going on here this is an attack one particular church because it's deemed by the root. as not being what he wants to see that it's
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a targeted attack on a particular community happens to jews unjustly we want it to happen again marco we're going to leave it there mark a gusset international affairs commentator we're out of time thank you for your time to think you're watching at home it's 29. minutes past 11 in the evening. so they'll come for breaking news as it may help to follow follow everything has been going on with that plane crash earlier on today and the weapons news from russia that came out earlier on here moscow's come in and say thank you for watching enjoy our next programs as the exclusive coming of the best season's greetings if you're still celebrating.
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visionaries. intelligence may be just around the corner raising fears that we could one day end up being the paths of our so personal well bots. what can we do to avoid it while i ask probably london inventor hacker and technology feature east. bob haldeman welcome to the show it's great to have you in our program so. i'll just start off with something that you've said many times that robots are coming for our jobs so will this happen in my lifetime should i be afraid it.
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