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tv   News  RT  December 28, 2019 8:00pm-8:31pm EST

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leaked files from the global chemical weapons watchdog cost further down an alleged attack in a syrian city of duma last year. yellow vest activists rally in paris for a 59th weekend the alongside a protest against pension reforms. and the families of americans killed in afghanistan by the taliban so u.s. contractors for allegedly funding the territory. live from moscow where it's just past 4 in the morning you're watching r.t. international welcome to the program. and wiki leaks has released
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a 4th batch of documents from the global chemical weapons watchdog the files raised questions over a probe into an alleged chlorine gas attack in the syrian city of duma last year where it can see it has the story toxicologist pharmacologist and bio analytical chemist walk into the u.p.c. w u b c w shows them a video of an alleged chemical attack and ask them what sort of symptoms they see could they tell what gas it was the specialists look at the video and agree on one and the rest is classified or was classified. it was agreed among all present that the key takeaway message from the meeting was that the symptoms observed were inconsistent with exposure to chlorine and no other obvious candidate chemical causing the symptoms could be identified another day another leak another embarrassment and another blow to the u.p.c. w.'s credibility they knew they knew the rebel video was questionable didn't find
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any nerve agent any chlorine in quantities sufficient to indicate a chemical attack nothing but they wouldn't admit it we know of at least one person at the u.p.c. w.'s very selective about what gets saved and what gets deleted please get this document out of documents registry archive and please remove all trace of it's deliberate storage with documents registry archives that was from sebastian brar france's representative to the u.p.c. w in that e-mail he demands the deletion of a technical report which concluded that the gas canisters most likely were dropped from the air by acids aircraft but placed at the scene obviously placed by someone staged. they've tried not just to exclude certain from asian but beriah completely expunged from their own all call it. that is not there is not
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a scientific method is it people don't just bury or delete and actually delete all traces of a report that is that the smoking gun of a cover up and now we see the capture and the politicization of the o.p.c. w. what's really encouraging though is we have people within the organization all willing to join get the truth. is out of it step here in terms of p.r. and diplomacy in the past they've been a quiet organization remember they've won the nobel prize professionally getting on with their work but they appear to have been subverted and led astray if you like and they're going into uncharted waters where now i think from a p.r. perspective they're finding it difficult to cope and in the past if the past 3 leaks because this is a 4th leak now of documents if the past 3 leaks are current they will isolate and possibly double down and be in denial as indeed is the whole pretty much of the western especially u.s. u.k. media in not actually investigating your knowledge and the truth that is now actually seeming to be emerging as not enough time to run through everything that
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the u.p.c. w. edited out every corner they cut every piece of evidence they twisted to make asaad look guilty and like excluding all but one of their investigators who went to syria for writing the report then leading contradictory witness testimony classified and keeping secret victim's toxicology reports bringing in american intelligence agents 10 electric chemists 2 dozen employees suspected professionalism fraud or even foul play according to leaked e-mails but the boss he stuck to his guns weren't some of these. new. public discussion. i would like to read. by the. unprofessional. routes by the fire. you know who disagrees with him the 1st director general of the o.p.c. w.
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who has cosigned an open letter calling on the organization to let people who they've gagged speak out with every week the story gets bigger and more scandalous which may not be the impression you get on t.v. or in the big big has it's all o.p.c. w defends its report and hits back at whistleblowers many of the people writing these are they're scared there's only so much that they're allowed to write many editors and many journalists aren't even aware of the propaganda so what will take place is they will be told. oh no this is this is all just rubbish it is the spelling counts a call and maybe some are aware that they are they are dubious and they're not to be trusted i think there's probably too much risk in involved in shouldn't listen we shouldn't be trusting them why should that took place in new zealand team takes place of many organizations where you go at it is you know possibly senior
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reporters where you know they go and work in these think tank release you know that cultivating relationships with us the department officials or heads of different political organizations and i think what not stars do is. you know it becomes a conflict of interest this is the new p.c. w. it is no longer about 5 didn't the truth establishments what happened molecule by molecule now it picks which molecule to show and which to hide now the u.p.c. w. synthesizes chemical guilt literally out of thin air but we have asked their p.c. w. to comment on these claims claims and we are waiting to hear back from them. yellow vest activists have been marching in paris for 59th weekend they join forces with a mass movement against pension reforms should you bend kids in the french capital for us well it's the 59th week of protests by the jle asian ones out every
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saturday to show the discontentment with the french government and what they see as being policies for the richer they gauge the poor they've also been joined by protest of those against the pension reforms at the moment in france these the reforms that the french government is trying to put through some reforms that would see some food chichi different pension systems joining down into one universal system so to give you a sense of the crimes that we've got here you might be able to see i simply ghana's and this protest crowd heading back towards god to norwich is about a kilometer away they are in fact also in front to versus well so far this is being a generally calm protest but as you can see some of the protesters are trying to pull down some of the barriers that are there fool the rude works of it going on in this area it seems like the tensions are starting to rise now here in paris as act
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59 is underway we're being told not to fail not to show what's going on. a pretty serious series as you can see my camera is being addressed that we still have the president. who is interested. for this or the focus of all. the political will just trying to do our jobs in paris here by showing what's going on with the protests as you probably can see from the end of that footage where cameraman was attacked when we tried to stop the attack us from talking in the camera and that she smacked me across the face this is the kind of reaction you get from some of what people describe as. being the black box just literally walking me smack course but it's so odd to my face because i was trying to explain to him that we're doing our job and to stop trying to harass my cameraman and attempting to break the camera as you can see the police going to was
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that your fire that has been let's fire the protests since you can see things being thrown out of the police by some of the protesters now as they try and get closer this is the area where we were trying to film earlier and were attacked for doing so by some of those mosques protest is that fire being said to some of the road works that were taking place and it looks like they've been able to get some rubbish to put on top of that police now putting that out very quickly and trying to secure the area as the protest is still around and you can feel the tension rising in the end of this 59th week of the yellow vests protests and of course joined by those on protest against the changes to the pension system bringing book food by the french government. thank you. thank you.
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and the tear gas now you just purses the police trying to control those crimes you could see they were bottles they look like lost vocals being thrown into the place you can still see some things being thrown into the air and not tear gas now that cloud coming pushing us away as a mechanism again for trying to control the protests picking at this is already is it's coming quite close to say early need to move. forward a bit faster if we possibly can just to try and get away from that but she casts now dispersed by the police and attempts to control the crowds here close to shuttle 8 in the center of paris just give you a sense of where she actually is it's just across the water from north down that
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famous cathedral here in paris the police there trying to move themselves away at that tear gas unusual to see the police crying from the tear gas it's perhaps nice to see for me that i'm not the only person who is impacted by the cas. meanwhile police say they arrested 3 people during saturday's rallies in paris and activists activists are accusing offices of resorting to brutal tactics because. it is striking that there are a serial types of protesters but only the yellow beaten up it's unbelievable yellow vests representatives of trade unions and these just passers by were all gathered here to say no to the government's reform the protesters should be respected this year as compared to all the special police unit began to beat us with shields he rose in from they hit him hard with
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a shield once again hitting is on you fool on the ground and when i was raising him they find. enough to say hit my face with the sill that is what is really happening in france now what did i do to them on the pacifist asked everyone to stay calm ask for the right to go in demonstrations. a lawsuit has been filed in the u.s. against military contractors who allegedly paid protection money to the taliban in afghanistan caleb maupin has more on this case. ever since 911 the u.s. government has been working to criminalize prosecute and sanction those who fund terrorism however there's a recent lawsuit that seems to hit pretty close to home a new lawsuit alleges that some u.s. companies operating in afghanistan contracting with the u.s. military have been paying out large amounts of protection cash to the taliban now
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the lawsuit is filed on behalf of those who have lost relatives in afghanistan this is how the lawyer representing those family members explained the legal action. the antiterrorism complaint alleges that 8 launch multinational corporations most of which are american regularly paid protection payments to the taleban including conny network which was designed to boost the company's profits by redirects and fines way from the room business interests we believe plaintiffs buthe consequences and the scale of the payouts was quite staggering between 20 and 40 percent of all funds for major projects in afghanistan and up lining the pockets of insurgents now 2 of the firms that are named in the papers the da i global and louis berger group they received roughly $1000000000.00 in development aid between 20072009 now
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one of the companies named in the case says it's very proud of the work that it did in afghanistan a spokesman for black and veatch said he's completed follow the directions of u.s. government agencies and was proud of his projects in afghanistan earlier this month congress released a report regarding the war in afghanistan and which u.s. military officials revealed some hard truths about the u.s. campaign. what are we trying to do here we didn't have the foggiest notion of what we were undertaking there is a fundamental gap of funder standing in the front and over stated objectives and over lines in the military and the lack of funder standing of the resources necessary so this latest case adds to the overall picture of billions wasted and pointless loss of life in what has been the longest war that the united states has ever waged we also named in the lawsuit and also the u.s.
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state department to comment on this story and we would of course bring you any response we get from them iraq war veteran subject check in told us the case highlights the deep fools in u.s. policy in afghanistan in order to make money for contracting companies that don't care they will they will bid the contract they'll take the contract and then on the ground once you get the money then you figure out how you go about it afghan war papers i think they they say things pretty clearly number one there was no mission we have not control the country at all so the taleban and al-qaeda and whoever else is in their islamic state which is actually a minority basically the finding and the money gets funneled down that way this is where the issue goes back to actually going back to the perpetrators of the war and the conflict and not just you can blame contractors for a lot of things for sure but they're also they get these contracts and they they
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get to operate. a truck explosion has killed at least 90 people in the somali capital mogadishu the bomb laden vehicle blew off at a busy intersection on saturday morning the victims include university students and 17 police offices dozens more injured and it's fear the death toll could rise this was somalia's deadliest incident in 2 years no group has so far claimed responsibility but the city mayor has blamed the islamist terror group al-shabaab. we'll have more news after this short break.
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there's a long held tradition on cross talk to take stock of the year that is about to pass we have a look at which we moved what changed and what gave us concern 2019 the good the bad and the up.
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this christmas a group of young muslims in london made presents for children in hospital and from less well off families it's all part of a drive to improve cultural links between communities there and they sadly has this story. 1st verse it's a time of families coming together people putting their feet up and relaxing if only for just a few days however it can also be a tough time of the year for many in the u.k. both personally and financially and for that reason many people here are also trying to make an effort to help their fellow citizens in this festive period one such initiative also seeks to strengthen ties between culturally different communities we thought. why should anyone in christmas especially children be deprived of this festive feeling so by providing them with the gifts we can try and . you know lessen their pain by drawing a big smile on their faces this initiative has been put together by the foundation
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the shia muslim youth group based in north london it's all about coming together with other like minded people and wrapping presents to be handed out to families in need as well as in local hospitals and to children in foster homes the organizers say it's a part of their faith to reach out to others particularly those in need the campaign was called gift for messenger highlighting the intimate relationship between islam's mohammed and christianity is jesus at the end of the day we hope that we can build bridges to become a positive i said to society in london. one local priest is enthused by the message of unity that this event sends and i think it's just. call of the muslims the time they respond to those with compassion and with mercy and for me that's an important issue that if those are the qualities of god then you
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try and replicate those qualities of god so to see this is just wonderful news in that there are some people for whom. compassion mercy general beneficence all these things. are important it is a time of rising tensions. in the wall the hate crime on the rise it's also important to show that those issues don't represent the whole picture. the large. crowd of against the release of 5 former security officers accused of killing protesters during the 2014 uprising in new crane. the woman was. the man had been in pretrial detention for 5 years and were never convicted protesters tried to block the gates of the facility after a court ordered the release of the detainees there were a chance of death to both start refers to create
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a special police force that was disbanded after the government was overthrown back in 2014 all 5 of the former officers are on the list for prisoner swap between kiev and the break where republics in the country's east the exchange is due to happen later on sunday and is part of the deal brokered at the normandy for summit in paris earlier this month the presidents of russia and ukraine let those talks and the donetsk and lugansk republics are expected to transfer 55 detainees to kiev and the ukrainian government will hand over 87 is the 1st prisoner swap between the sides in 2 years and it's seen as a vital step towards resolving the 5 year conflict in eastern ukraine. 2020 is just 3 days away and polyploid her husband figure out the political shock waves that define the outgoing year in the latest episode of in case you missed it . the end of 2019 sword trump bottle impeachment britain to its own bomb shell leda i'm puerto tests when
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a truly global welcome to paul 3 i see why my eyes round up of 2019. in september extinction rebellion and we're back with the global strike to draw attention to climate change by community says meanwhile in washington the dems finally had the donald where they wanted him staring down the barrel of impeachment proceedings for georgie phone call where the us president may or may not have put pressure on that comedian ukrainian president to investigate jerry biden's son in return for military aid allegedly in ontario hit the fan when donald trump decided to pull u.s. troops out of syria abandoning that kurdish allies to face and by turkish forces only by the end of the month the us military had pulled out $1000.00 u.s. troops and sent back another 900 why. is
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a word that's right because america is keeping the oil also that money has a 1000000 catalonians really so they bashed up false alert they were on happy with the spanish government's harsh sentencing of the one of the breakaway regions formally does in fact bashing things off in the name of democracy was a very much the trend in november bolivia chile peru and ecuador went up in flames as frustrated latin americans railed against corrupt governments on top economic conditions and in france the yellow vests celebration is a year of protests where another protest one that i see why my extended has nothing like the smell of to gas in the afternoon. democracy demonstrations in hong kong were being labeled a potential civil war while in the middle east lebanon's revolution started off as
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a costly protest policy algeria was active as well but everywhere in iraq things turned ugly quickly out and hundreds of demonstrators were killed in that event but there was good news for jailed wiki leaks founder julian assange sweden had dropped those allegations of sexual misconduct against him i believe that u.s. extradition cases. and in december in britain boris johnson finally got the election he wanted winning by a landslide and couldn't read this it wouldn't be cancelled probably with $29000.00 coming to an end it's seasons greetings from the i c y m i t c all in 2020. or you can watch it in 3 parts of poland boy has taken 2019 in full on our website as well as on the in case you missed it you tube channel. for now i'm resigning or could now be back here with the rest of the team at the top of the on to bring in more news from around the
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world see them. what politicians do. they put themselves on the line they get accepted or rejected . so when you want to be president. or some want to. have to do right to be 1st that's what before 3 of them or 10 people get. interested in the waters and that. there should be. thousands of american men and women choose to serve in the country's military and the decision little sheltered lives every song came to a complete. the day that i was raped and. you know told to shut up what they'd
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kill me and i see how it destroyed my life many screamed at me and he made me come in and he grabbed my arm and he write me with his birthing curia if you take into account that women don't report because of the extreme retaliation and it's probably somewhere near about half a 1000000 women have now been sexually assaulted in the us military rape is a very very traumatizing thing tat happen but i've never seen trauma like i've seen from women who are veterans who have suffered military sexual trauma reporting rape is more likely to get the victim punished don't be offended and almost 10 year career or chose very invested in and i gave that up to report a sex offender who was not even going to justice or put on the registry this is simply an issue of our in violence male sexual predators for the large part of target whoever is there to prey upon whether that's a man or woman. is you'll be
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a reflection of reality. in the world transformed. what will make you feel safe. isolation little community. are you going the right way or are you being that. direct. what is true was his fate. in the world corrupted you need to descend. to join us in the depths. or i'm a bit loose shall i say. oh
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. this is. what i know. now cause. you got caught and you know. you. people who boast because. nothing's downs because it's me. i love to be done because it beats me up and i do not sit down it's because i didn't need to be happy i knew i wasn't down because he meets me how can i do that because he needs to. not sit down because it beats. yeah. i know i'm kind of i think. i am. and this is
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a story from gonna about people who just enough to dumps. my name is such a pussy. i'm not all social media mr jackson wanted us into i'm joined by she is screwed by leaking all will quote i'm a trainee teacher so what's. good. is good from the man. who currently. sits. on class. cause home. now for simply. going to school.
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and. stop until. the night tsiskaridze fox i see that hamas and i used to teach to make a very very easy and also to make squat drugs used to all case will come to school on time and if the opposite. sex. since. the. events. in. the sack.


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