tv News RT December 29, 2019 8:00am-8:31am EST
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in the stories that shaped the week 12 people are killed after a passenger plane crashes moments after takeoff near kazakhstan's largest city dozens more are being treated in the hospital. police fired tear gas and clashes only 59 weekend of yellow bus protests in paris. and the wealthiest us presidential candidate multi-billionaire michael bloomberg apologizes after his team use prison labor to promote his election campaign.
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this is the weekly here on r t welcome to our round up of the day's news along with the headlines that shape that we. investigate sions our continuing into what caused a passenger plane to crash shortly after takeoff from omani airport in kazakhstan killing 12 people dozens more were injured in the incident on friday including children these pictures show the rescue operation investigators are considering 3 possible causes of the tragedy pilot error technical malfunction and bad weather here's how the events unfolded. live. for this is. the case you need to go to the exhibit. the code on there you can see what you'll get was just. a murderer. the show's it was
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a war of the paragraph or 4th he would give the perception they will see. a new birth. like google did the mention of drug abuse. even i don't mean there's anybody giving it right. you know i should just let hold strong jolt in the left wing literally 2nd play to the plane began to rock back and forth like a boat i began to tighten my belt panic doret had begun the children had started crying when the plane began to go dollars look at it was clear that would definitely go into a crash which i braced myself for impact then the sewing cage that exists in the mergence the door was open so we jumped on the wing and again slipping because it was icy we helped each other to get down.
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geoffrey thomas from airline ratings dot com gave us his thoughts on what might have gone wrong. early indications point to 2 possible causes one is that as we can see snow sleet snow everywhere it was very very cold icing conditions and in my world have been that the plane was not correctly d.-i still not do i asked at all and if there's a build up of ice on the wing as soon as the plane takes off you're going to have a situation where you are in the lift over the top of the wing the air over the top of the wing is disturbed therefore you lose lift the plane or you reach now 2 to 40 feet and then crash back to earth. and the other thing we but there's a possibility there was an engine problem we know the aircraft reached a takeoff speed of about 175 miles an hour and then quickly let's speak quickly to
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within a 2nd or 2 of takeoff back to 148 and that's when all the data was lost. so possible engine problems possible icing problem on the wings. on saturday yellow best demonstrators gathered in paris for in 59 and a protest they were joined by this condemning the government's pension reform plan reporting from the capital here. well it's the 59th week of protests by these illegal ones out every saturday to show their discontentment with the french government and what they see as being policies that they're actually gates the poor they've also been joined by protesting those i came to the pension reforms at the moment in france these the reforms that the french government is trying to put through some reforms that would see some 42 different pension systems joining down
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into one universal system so to give you a sense of the crimes that we've got hey you might be able to see i simply banners and this protest crowd heading back towards garden or what. it is about a kilometer away they are in fact also in front of vs well so far this is being a generally calm protest but as you can see some of the protesters are trying to pull down some of the barriers that are there for the rude works of it going on in this area it seems like the tensions are starting to rise now here in paris as act $59.00 is underway we're being told not to fail not to show what's going on. but he said very serious as you can see my camera is being a grass that still has the will. was one of the books i was there for. the political just trying to do our jobs in
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paris here by showing what's going on with the protests as you probably can see from the end of that footage where cameraman was attacked when we tried to stop the attack us from talking in the camera and that she smacked me across the face this is the kind of reaction you get from some of what people describe as being the block blocks just literally walking me smack across both sides of my face because i was trying to explain to him that we're doing our job and to stop trying to harass my cameraman and attempting to break the camera as you can see the police going to watch that are fired that has been lit by the protests since you can see things very thrown out the police by some of the protesters now as they try and get closer this is the area where we were trying to film earlier and were attacked during so by some of those mosques protest as you can feel the tension rising in the end now of this 59th week of the yellow vests protests and of course joined by those on protest against the changes to the pension system bringing brought forward by the
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french government as you can see that far been said to some of the the roadworks that were taking place and it looks like they've been able to get some. rubbish to put on top of that police now putting that out very quickly and trying to secure the area as the protest is still around the tear gas now we just burst as the police trying to control those crowds you could see there were bottles they look like lost vocals being thrown into the piece you can still see some things being thrown into the air and not tear gas now that cloud coming pushing us away a mechanism again trying to control the protests picking up this is already it's coming quite close to say really need to move forward a bit faster if we possibly can just to try and get away from that particular dispersed by the police in attempts to control the crowds here close to shuttle a in the center of paris just give you
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a sense of where shuttle is it's just across the water from north to go down that famous cathedral here in paris the police there trying to move themselves away at that tear gas unusual to see the police crying from the tear gas it's perhaps nice to see for me that i'm not the only person who is impacted by the gas. us democratic presidential candidate michael bloomberg has apologized after his campaign use prison labor to promote his election message came out and mates were employed to call up voters although bloomberg himself to 19 knew what was happening we learned about this when the reporter called us but as soon as we discovered which friend a subcontractor had done this we immediately ended our relationship with the company and the people who hire them imagine being so reach you have people who have people who have prisoners to do stuff for you. being so rich you don't even
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bother to check what you are spending millions of dollars on. rita rating we sat in did when we learn a vendor of a vendor of a vendor use prison labor we did know about it and we never would have allowed it we don't believe in this practice and we immediately stopped working with pro com and the people who hired them so how do you do it pay someone to pay someone to tell them mike bloomberg is a big spender he was last to do in the presidential race and he has already outspent all the other democrat candidates on campaign advertising i mean the guy has so much money he doesn't seem to have the time to check what he spent a good dog but they his credit michael bloomberg did promise america more work just. because. they can get it. for president jobs creator. problems. right america more jobs even if you don't
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particularly want them what makes it much much worse is that many of the prisons in the states a private run for profit and there are laws that force people to work so if you are in a jail and you are told to work you have to you'll be punished sometimes they pay you as much as $20.00 a month that's right $20.00 a month now here is the irony mike bloomberg billionaire one of the richest people in america was essentially paying for what is a slave labor to cool people apparently tell them that easy good god wait the bloomberg is he was paying someone to pay someone to tell everyone what a good guy he is trump says he wants to run the nation like he's running is business god help us. everybody says stuff that comes back to bite them
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but when billionaires do it it's generally an order of magnitude. it gets. worse the further you dig when he launched his campaign his media bloomberg news sent out a letter to thousands of its journalists pledging to uphold its principle of not investigating its own or this is the sort of person mike is mike bloomberg started as a middle class kid to work his way through college and built a business from a single room to a global entity creating tens of thousands of could paying jobs along the way there he could've he probably should've but he didn't let me continue he became richer year after year he made billions selling bank is ludicrously priced products all gadgets the same bankers who through unbridled greed set off the 2005 actual crash depriving tens of millions of people of whom is of life savings and jobs.
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michael bloomberg for president. investigative journalist dave lindorff believes that despite bloomberg the past 12 is not a particularly strong candidate. i really shouldn't be acceptable for anybody liberal or conservative to use prison labor it's forced labor bloomberg is a multibillionaire he's worth like $54000000000.00 he's made his money by you know not paying attention to things like that. that he's not concerned about the little guy. which i guess becomes you know if you're if you're supposedly a democrat you're concerned about the little guy and. enormous a packer see it a big problem because i think it's going to hurt him a lot i don't know where people get the idea that bloomberg is the great savior for democrats in the race in the race to get struck he has almost no poll support all he has is money. billionaires have not traditionally done that well running for
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a suspect soon after the incident. the attack happened during a hanukkah party a counterterrorism unit is monitoring the situation and new york's governor has called the attack a cowardly act and a suspect is in police custody and reports say that the attacker was a black male his motives remain unclear as of yet commenting on the incident a local some women called it pure hatred. a lot of anti semitism. anti-semitic acts in the area. completely unacceptable. in the specially during this time of peace and hanukkah we don't understand. what the motivation is for all of this it's just pure hatred and it's senseless and we need to. do whatever we can to provide safety and. provide
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a. but safe haven for everyone here we have hundreds of thousands of families in new york reliving peacefully but there is no incidence in this community in all the other jewish communities there is all stabbing school shootings no crime the crime rates are literally like at 2 percent nothing so under such a thing happens it frightens everyone. it tackles a spike in hate crimes against the jewish community in the region there been 7 anti-semitic incidents reported in new york city this week alone and less than a month ago a shooting at a kosher supermarket in jersey city left 4 dead gideon levy a harris columnist says nothing can justify such acts of violence. first of all there is no. total solution i don't want to use the word fighters solution god's will be the reason because anti semitism has many many faces and you see it coming from many of their reactions and with many different look evasions we put
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everything in one basket but this does not mean that every scene can be approached in the same way israelis believe the world is against us and anti semitism is serious as it is is many times also used for political purposes but obviously there is a sense of shock and. disgust of this kind of nobody can justify and nothing can justify this kind of violence the policy of. the occupation the brutality is fueling. some of the anti semitic movements many anti semites are using the police of israel as an excuse for their cities. ukraine and the self-proclaimed people's republic of donetsk and lugansk in the east of the country are conducting a prisoner exchange across live now to our correspondent for the details on the. is
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or how did this what come about and who has been handed over well as for the numbers we are getting some figures which have to be officially confirmed as of yet some 60 people have been moved from kiev to the territories of the denotes going to guns people's republic and in turn some more than 50 people apparently were sent back to kiev now this whole process has been going on not without its said backs for instance we do know that at least 2 prisoners 2 people held prisoner on the territories of these breakaway republics in ukraine have refused to go back to clear for well one reason or another now this whole swap i should mention has been has become possible only because of the latest round of the normandy forward talks that's when vladimir putin the russian president for the 1st time met with the ukrainian president vladimir zelinsky and also present with angela merkel the
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german chancellor and the french president emmanuel mccrone now so they this round of this prisoner swap i should say is the direct result of those talks not everyone is happy to see this happen for instance yesterday on saturday there was a court hearing on the fate of 5 former burkhard fighters in the lead police unit that was taking part in dispersing protests during the my done uprising a lot of people in ukraine with the more radical stance they are not just and the more city but outright hatred towards this cast of people and some some of those people they they showed up near the court building and they clashed with the police chanting slogans like death to burkhard and so on and so forth now those 5 people they are reportedly among those 60 who have been moved from the ukrainian territory
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to across the front line to the want to be breakaway republics. thank you for bringing us that report. it's a tradition of the holiday season for world leaders heads of state and major organizations to deliver their annual greetings they usually wrap up the passing year and generally express hope for a prosperous and happy future but it seems this time there are a few peculiar messages as taylor explains. christmas the time of year when people gather together to celebrate the bonds of friendship and family as a side note also a very awkward period for the brits have to regular engage an eye contact except well wishes and feign merriment all at the same time sorry this is not my weekly therapy session but anyway we've all grown tired of repeating the same old merry christmas and in a bid to keep good old yuletide going and make it all trendy in 21st century all the world over people are getting creative with the traditional greeting sometimes though they know how to best put it misjudged the mood while some gingerbread
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houses we do so i get to go with them $35.00 jet merry christmas to christian soldiers and celebrating around the world i'm a big fan of gingerbread but one in the shape of an f. $35.00 jet which are regularly used to conduct strikes over gaza just hours after the i.d.f. admitted that a raid in the gaza strip can know i member of a single family was a mistake i think i'll give it a miss as apparently will many others yes nothing says merry christmas like a freaking war machine all you're missing is some gingerbread bombs to drop on some gingerbread palestinians maybe the i.d.f. had a brainstorm session with donald trump because his festive wishes also struck a somber tone i think someone forgot to tell him that joy is a contractual obligation in december on behalf of the entire trump family we wish everyone a. merry christmas but can you blame him it's the end of the year we're all tired
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poor thing couldn't even hide the fact he was reading off a prompter though he does have other things on his plate i suppose like his possible removal from office even is usually bellicose tweets have been a bit cluster of late no caps lock no explanation marks that kind of thing also jumping in head fast to the whirlpool of christmas for parts u.s. customs and border protection they congratulated santa for not scaling and he was sorry chimneys this year. and applying for his visa on time like you'd expect it went down like a sack of presents hundreds of kids in texas are spending christmas eve taking care of each other freezing cold insufficient food water medical attention hygiene resources no contact with their parents many as young as one who brought gifts for these kids. he missed the stop and across the pond things want much better queen elizabeth the 2nd film test 67th christmas speech you think after all these
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years she'd have it down pat but it's been a tough year for poor queenie what with prince andrew clearly not being a natural in t.v. interviews perry marrying an american divorcee said divorcée crying on t.v. about being bullied by the very people who pay the heating bill at buckingham palace harry saying that he and william are fighting harry being a climate activists while jetting around a private jets her story not my weekly therapy session so instead of the usual merry christmas one and all they got this and returned filled. with small steps can make a world of difference. a very legal way of defining being on the brink of a constitutional crisis our fingers crossed hoping your son didn't spend nights sweating away with a convicted sex offender and then the icing sugar on top of the your blog the un decided to pick the day christ was born to talk about how motherhood is a real chore which will apparently leave you poor bond employed and most likely gender discriminated against i wonder if mary and joseph consider these downsides
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as the road to bethlehem so yeah it's tough to know how to wish people while at this time of year but i don't want to miss out on the fun so mary day the christ was born but only if you recognize christ i'm not forcing anything on you so let's just say it's a winter holiday if the top winter doesn't offend this is a safe space after all totally up to you how you want to celebrate this day or not your call. that's a recap of just some of the stories that helped shape the world these last 7 days as always thanks for tuning in. the i'm a girl is like the child in the room it's impulsivity it's narcissism it's us versus them it's fear the prefrontal cortex is empathy it's compassion it's
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thinking about the future in terms of what we do today that's where we need to make our decisions based from from the prefrontal cortex unfortunately when we eat the modern diet of our planet or when we watch the news or we spend too much time online we lock in to be a make believe we lock in to the child in the room and we're not able to make good decisions. thousands of american men and women choose to serve in the country's military and the decision. every song came to a complete. the day that i was raped. you know told to shut up kill me and i see how it destroyed my life any screamed at me and he made me come in and you grab my own arm and he raped me this bird think if you take into account
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that women don't report because of the extreme retaliation and it's probably somewhere near about half a 1000000 women have now been sexually assaulted in the us military rape is a very very traumatizing tat happen but i've never seen trauma like i've seen women who are veterans who have suffered military sexual trauma reporting rape is more likely to get the victim punished to be a friend and almost 10 year career which shows very invested in and i gave the sex offender who was not even put to justice or put on the registry this is simply an issue of tower and violence male sexual predators for the large part of target whoever is there to prey upon whether that's men or women. is your media a reflection of reality. in a world transformed. what will make you feel safe.
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isolation community. are you going the right way or are you being led so. direct. what is true what is great. in the world corrupted you need to descend. to join us in the depths. or a maybe in the shallows. of my name is stuck. on the. surface of jack see what i don't see it's a. good order you know if you. let me know we've got it down to cause is proof enough to move on you know and i see schizo and i use that down sixties to make any babies yeah
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i know suits me school on fridays to people. who. eat. food before school clothes because who comes during his child so if the life of a music that. i love to dies because he makes me copy i love to dies because he makes me unhappy playing beautiful. and when you go to. do the analysis of the cost this box office. loves you daryn. yeah. i got it.
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all film begins in hawaii in the middle of the pacific ocean in spite of the island's remote location it is also form and it didn't go to the epidemic of the 21st century plastic. and. plastic pollution is littering beaches and endangering certain species of animals no matter how remote or out of reach. but. in this elaborate tree in the north of the occupation ago scientists study marine animals not plastic at least in theory. no idea what that is. but it's certainly plastic. jessica
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peril man is a biologist accustomed to finding plastic in fish stomachs she has started a very unique connection. casually often plastic bags. and this was all coiled up at the stomach when i found it had no idea what it wasn't all that it just. how did you react when you find this installment i was shocked i started you know documenting it measuring it taking photos showing whoever else was around in the lab and we were kind of. we were just there shocked to think that these fish are are really ingesting this i mean. to her disbelief the scientist has found plastic in an unlikely specimen known as the long sit fish. the young researcher was not expecting such a surprising discovery.
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