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tv   Documentary  RT  December 30, 2019 7:30am-8:00am EST

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that wolfowitz shared with me secretary cheney in 9190. 1 to the white house people like presidents american. ideas springs. i went through the pentagon from birth to 20011 of the general said sure i got this memo. we're going to go after 7 countries in 5 years. i said sent a classified memo to. start with iraq and then we're going to move to syria lebanon libya somalia sudan and iran. i think it's highly probable the administration has already made the decision to go to war against iran there are already u.s. troops inside iran want to repeat that there are already u.s.
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troops inside iran the u.s. has long had its eyes set on trying to impact regime change in iran and much of what you've seen the u.s. doing with regards to iran has been on a covert level we've seen a report in new yorker by seymour hersh that a u.s. source told him that u.s. marines who are operating in the blue key missouri and kurdish regions of iran have you ever heard of that report i've never heard of the report i've never read the article nor do i intend to do you have any interest as to whether or not you as the u.s. ambassador i don't have any interest as to whether or not u.s. marines are actually operating in iran right now and i said i had not heard of the report and i didn't intend to read the article in the new yorker if i gave you this article right now walked it over would you look at it i don't think so honestly congressman because i don't i don't have time to read much fiction. we have
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teams inside iran and these include joint special operation forces most elite commando unit it has been given executive authority by the president as many as 12 countries to go in and kill we're talking about high value targets. they're operating now and they go into a country outside of the war zone side of afghanistan and outside of iraq without telling the american cia station chief for the american ambassador they go in sterile and they kill people. we have to work to sort of the dark side if you will spend time in the shadows intelligence world. a lot of what needs to be done here will have to be done quietly without any discussion using sources and methods that are available to our intelligence agencies.
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the doctrine that has endured from bush to obama is that the world is a battlefield and that the united states has the right to go into any country around the world to conduct what they call kinetic operations lethal operations regardless of what international law says. what is president obama's response to that how is he going to deal with it he embraced the very covert shadow forces that a decade earlier had only been talked about in hushed tones in the pentagon not just as the implementers of a policy that said we should decapitate terror networks and engage in preemptive strikes but they became the policy itself. president obama's administration have built up something called the disposition matrix is an algorithm for determining who should be killed or who should we seek to capture and one of the more sort of grotesque aspects of this is that there were actually meetings on tuesdays in the white house that have been nicknamed terror tuesday meetings where they're going through rosters of new. names to put on or
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take off the list maybe someone within that group has been in contact with someone that the u.s. is watching they went to the mosques a mosque is someone they keyboarding pizza from the same place as a taliban leader and you decide these guys are probably up to no good and so on this particular day we're going to remove them from planet earth now we're getting into minority report into this sort of side 5 world of p.j. did where it's justifiable homicide even though it's for that that might take place in the future it's ok to kill from a distance without a warrant without a trial without a jury and the execution takes place off screen. where appropriate we will bring the terrorists to justice. when.
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when we. do you want to answer. do you want and. we went on. you're right. they say there were one of. the most of the woman. is worth paying attention to obviously i do not agree with much of what you said the president is not implementing policies that we need to see change for example that he would stop the authorization of think interest rates which means killing people on the basis only of suspicious behavior that's led to the killing of many innocent people was the question on my facebook page and asked them what they wanted to ask you when a lot of them said that you were hurting your own cause because one you appeared rude to the president of the united states. and to you just seemed. a little crazy
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well i think killing innocent people with turlington is rude i think not apologizing to the families of innocent people who are killed is rude there are a lot of good things about our policies i want to make sure that people understand actually drones have not caused a huge number of civilian casualties for the most part of they have been very precise precision strikes against al qaeda how do you expect to be vilified the star not to have and the american sentiments when day in and day out we hear about doing attacks that get more innocent people in foreign militants car do you explain that well i do not believe that. there is any basis for your comment maybe you need us money. that has money. to be. b.s. money. my money they apparently live.
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up us months of blood. in the astral. yet he does feel the make it easier don't let us. know new york. on the. board and they said the lockheed martin boeing dime corp international computer science is corp and aero vironment all told eric about 70 companies are interested in this $1000000000.00 contract as we look out 35710 years this market remains a very much a gross market. this
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is the disease of permanent war the destroy the men always. islam and fundamental was. empowered all of those who profit from a more politically economically and militarily. make no mistake a nuclear armed iran is not a challenge that can be contained it would threaten the elimination of israel the security of gulf nations and the stability of the global economy. at risk
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triggering a nuclear arms race in the region and they are raveling of the nonproliferation treaty. and how close is iran to getting. a let me show you. brought a diagram for. here's a darter. this is a bomb. this is a fuse. where should a red line be drawn. a red line should be drawn right here. the threats from iran is a political football what was interesting was that many israelis including people from the military said as long as there is an extensional threats somewhere somehow that is certainly helping us expand our budgets in ways that is not possible to do in the absence on. anything that can be defined as such as if you were
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a rand what would you do i mean israel has won 3 to 400 nuclear weapons they're the ones who started the damn arms race in the middle east anyway they didn't sign a non player for asian treaty they built this program in secret. india and pakistan then went on to do the same thing and iran would you did sign the nuclear nonproliferation treaty looked around and realized they don't screw the obama administration wants to sell bunker buster bombs which can penetrate 20 feet of solid concrete to the u.a.e. the deal is the latest us arms sale to members of the gulf cooperation council 6 nations that neighbor iran i phone could be an atomic semi spock obama may see to an extreme with the war has become a commodity for several reasons one is because you need somebody to buy the stuff you bring us another u.s. arms deal with saudi arabia as. the biggest of. this deal of loans to process the top global already 57. saw that he really does this you know almost so is
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a recycling. but was also a business in another sense this is a business that uses war to get its ends established this is george orwell's 1902 paul was always going to be in battle and guess who's making out really well of course of the weapons bilas and the people involved. her that were not. enough. to get the shredder. get rid of it fantastic 9090 but you're
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going to be the one guy in saying they're driven see the power cast that i have been that they don't nobody want to. work. wow ok on a 2020. whopper. you know world of big partisan movie lot and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the bath and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks.
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there's a lot of here is an economy where china has caught up or surpassed us you know the mobile payments markets 50 times the size of the u.s. or over here still writing checks our banking system is not innovated. kind of recently woken up the last couple years and go wow we don't even have a company that can make 5 g. equipment it's been a win win for china and it's been a lose lose for the u.s. . and we're going to fulfill that promise is possible to the people you know with what's going to. be really really wrong.
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you want to. know. all. the. ultimate manifestation of the national security state is that it not only seeks a perpetual state of war it will even go to all eons to create that perpetual state of war i'm always reminded for book at it long time ago. and that book has a beautiful sentence. i am going to visit with
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a man not because they don't exist. but because you choose not to see. the you know the family this is ironic and eighties if you remember we and being on stage were supporting the mujahideen to. afghanistan from the so gets. bled and came to thank me for my efforts to bring the americans our friends to help us to get us the atheist he said the communist. went on and also been locked in this camp high in the mountains of afghanistan with an air raid shelter built into the living rock of a mountain 2530 feet high. camps built by the cia later they tried to cruise missiles and of course they knew where it was they built it. no wonder but love and kept smiling no wonder he did. the american sol review
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put $1000000000.00 each to. training equipment we are the ones who cleared all those people to go we had you. there must be something wrong with the way we think that we can say that the grandmother of the boss is operating today we have been pumping money a great deal of money without. congressional it's already without any congressional oversight prince bandar of saudi arabia is putting up some of this money for covert operations in many areas of the middle east where we want to stop the shiite influence they call the shiite question. the arabic word is fitna civil war we're in a business right now of creating and some places sectarian violence. situation because we're trying to destroy it. in mali have a kind of given all the training. area. it really has the world gone
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mad but not enough you got to realize. that you were. coming out it was. like americans are living in a kind of world of no relating to. where i'm. sitting. today there are good terrorists and bad the bad terrorists those in yemen who the united states deems to be a threat the good those who are in syria the joke here is we've been there before i
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mean if you consider the of the honest on story they have learned nothing. today. the saudis are giving money to groups in syria that are not only models so. if you want a conspiracy theory as to what i'm just trying to. in the moment of the. dangerous. so what appears to have been a conspiracy at the time. when. we must address the cycle of conflict especially sectarian conflict that creates the
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conditions the terrorists prey upon in public we have to enter this meanwhile this drive. of getting involved in conflicts still is the part which produces. appeared to become. which is reinforced as the public narrative and then makes things like intervention ok. good morning everybody. last night on my orders america's armed forces began strikes against targets in syria #. just ahead of airstrikes in syria defense firms lockheed martin northrop raytheon and general dynamics corp all set stock price records their shareholders are making money off the unusually large number of conflicts around the world.
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every 2 years or so the military. right after there is a trade show in which israeli weapon companies show their technologies. is ready companies which are becoming increasingly important and very significant. depend on those wars the 1st thing that they say when they try to market we've already used i don't actually. by making that claim they're able to compete with weapon manufacturers some of the. united states is the biggest supplier of military aid to israel this attack on gaza also trade show for the united states arms industry in. the was.
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iran and isis are competing for the crown of militant islam one calls itself the islamic republic the other calls itself the islamic state both want to impose a militant islamic empire 1st on the region and then on the entire world they just disagree among themselves who'll be the ruler of that important. in this deadly game of thrones there's no place for america. today after 2 years of negotiations the united states together were international partners has achieved something the decades of animosity has not a comprehensive long term deal with iran that will prevent it from obtaining a nuclear weapon this was a very difficult negotiations and part of it is because of this french and compounded mistrust that we have been between ourselves mutually for the last 34
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decades but i'm happy that the reason people at diplomacy predated people exercise you look restraint and patience and reason and maybe automatic hope this will be a good beginning. as this nuclear deal goes through we're still dealing with the problem that the states of this region are collapsing and they're void that they will fail you will see more violence and you will see more weapons just important to understand that that's not a result of this deal that is a result of the paradigm not shifting towards demilitarize ation and collective security soon enough the saudis in need israelis are on the same page they worry about iran and then they do anything that's not new they've been worried for can they do anything about well they can get their own weapons. this is a region that has more arms per copied out than any other region in the world much thanks to the defense industry israel and some of the arab states are going to be
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able to buy more weapons and more advanced weapons. if the nuclear threat from iran is decreasing why should these other countries get a chance to actually arm themselves more pakistan is a friend of saudi arabia pakistan has nuclear weapons are you in discussions with pakistan about perhaps getting a nuclear bomb from pakistan wolf we've known each other for 20. you don't we expect me to answer this question. we're not going to have a truly demilitarization in the region unless israel's nuclear arsenal also is addressed. the significance of this peace deal is that it is a game changer in the region and it's going to be a question about the political willingness of leaders to whether they will pursue these opportunities or whether they will fall into the patterns of the past.
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and once you start a war. you open a kind of pandora's box you don't control it or control geo. the use of that kind of violence has unforseen consequence that no one can predict and it propels you. in directions you never fight you control your dots. so the images. are very carefully controlled and counter by the lies that are to some unaided through every institution in society schools
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government entertainment the press. when you shatter the myth and when you understand especially what techno war industrial war is about which is really about murder ups water people would be so repulsed to be very hard to wage poor. i didn't see your nonsense.
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and you must be hoofed carrying. the c o m a c $56.00. jesse in the look but simple statement. join
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me every thursday i'll be all excitement and i'll be speaking to us of the world of politics sports business i'm sure i'll see of. the world is driven by shaped by one person those words.
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the day or thinks. we dare to ask. wow i'm feeling it 2020 should be a whopper. thousands of american men and women choose to serve in the country's military and the decision lives every thing came to a complete. the day that i was raped be instructed you know told to shut up
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kill me and i see how it destroyed my life any screamed at me and he made me come in and you grab my arm and he write me with his birth thinking if you take into account that women don't report because of the extreme retaliation it's probably somewhere near about half a 1000000 women have now been sexually assaulted in the us military rape is a very very traumatizing tat happen but i've never seen trauma like i'm. women who are veterans who have suffered military sexual trauma reporting rape is more likely to get the victim punished and the offended and almost 10 year career which i was very invested in and i gave a sex offender who was not even going to justice or put on the registry this is simply an issue of our and violent male sexual predators for the large part of target whoever is there to prey upon whether that's a man or woman. theory
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me a nuclear deal. did do for you countries follow to us pressure is the message from russia whose top diplomats have just held talks in moscow. pushes federal security service releases video showing the arrest of 3 people suspected of plotting a terror attack in sindh petersburg new year's eve they were seized up through a tip off from u.s. intelligence something who can double or in a foot hold sway. and does the year draws to a close we began to review all of the key events that shaped.


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