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tv   Keiser Report  RT  December 31, 2019 3:30pm-4:01pm EST

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more or they go completely did dollars ation then that means higher interest rates and then you have a totally did dollar rise to a globalised world and it's all against all that's my next topic because i have an on that document i have on your lap i have q.e. and negative interest rates will they or will won't they go negative this year our guest michael hudson this past year he said that rates are going to go as negative as 25 percent if they want to maintain this central bank run system they will have to take interest rates down to 25 percent negative he says is that going to happen or will the whole system collapse will will the basically this generation and see what they have to will they tear it down otherwise the rates are going negative well negative interest rates are an obvious form of financial oppression so i think that you know that the t. shirt that says the beatings will continue until morale improves right so even though you've got billions of people on the streets protesting there because of
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negative interest rates are going to keep going into negative territory destroy try to make the situation better because over the past 40 years their solution to the problem of deflation caused by money printing has always been a print more money so they're going to now go negative interest rates which just causes more deflation in that will of course create more social unrest and but they're not going to stop the fed does allege they're going to stop the intervention in the and the repo market in march but we know that will continue because the bankers control them they just throw a hissy fit let the markets crash by 20 points that's the new crash we were used to beat a 1000 points now it's just 20 points is a crash so the other big story i saw from $29001.00 think it's the single biggest story is that when mark carney had said that the dollar is days are numbered and that we have to think of a new settlements layer so do you think 2020 could be see the 1st emergence of a viable. settlements layer we have bitcoin and gold gold has historically been the
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unit of account globally in trade and then it was displaced by the dollar in 1971 but people seem to be sick and tired of the u.s. dollar not only from the trade imbalances that naturally arise from it but the fact that i spend weaponized since well especially since 20082009 so do you see that happening right to the world of a split between the u.s. japan and israel on one side versus russia china iran and germany on the other side to this one in the way it's going to be obvious in 2020 germany is going to go outside of the us fear of influence that's the big swing state and the son of a layer on that side the german china russia side will be outside the u.s. dollar that will be crypto blah chain oriented they'll settle their own pay most of their own rating agencies all issues their own bet and the u.s. side will struggle that means the u.s. dollar is no longer the settlement layer and that removes their exorbitant
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privilege of the united states to exercise control 'd so therefore generally that would indicate that there's going to be more perhaps military confrontation against china we're seeing at the end of 2019 a real emergence of a phobia against russia being diverted towards china so we're seeing a lot of xenophobia towards china that could be a conflict you know obama is the one that started it with the asia pivot now we could see military conflict our friend dan collins has said that could be coming of course there's another issue that could cause a lot of unrest in america as far as i could tell right now it looks like 2020 we're going to see trumpery elected it's pretty crazy for me to see the u.s. domestically acting like it does internationally all the time i like coups and overthrow and you know basically intervening in the electoral process so i can't see. them allowing it to happen that chung could win but on the streets on the
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street level you see that there isn't much the poorer for any of the democratic candidates other than bernie sanders and bernie sanders we know you know it was revealed at the end of the year that apparently somebody who knows insider knows that obama says he will intervene if it looks like bernie is going to win the nomination the democrats aren't going to win. so i mean strong points remember trungpa success is because a democrats can't seem to get out their own way right hillary clinton ran the worst campaign in history so trump on the democrats did learn anything from that and they're going to run another equally her ific campaign in 2020 and they'll lose again trump is not like. the genius politician of history he's just a guy who happen to be there when the democrats decided to impel themselves on their own stupidity exactly but i mean his policies are pretty much the same continuation of obama. on foreign policy and things like that like i don't even
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understand what the whole thing is but nevertheless like there seems to be some sort of i guess the conflict emerging as we said between the billionaires and the rest of the economy is that you see like preparation for some sort of conflict domestically so you saw that t.v. show that got polled where you know they went like posh people from new york city went hunting maggette sorts then there was another one a new series on amazon prime also doing the same thing guys wearing red hats are shot at and chased down and hunted down by you know social justice warriors so it's just like it's a weird it's a bizarre thing to watch lake that this is happening and it's seems like it's propaganda getting us all ready for conflict here and i don't think that's a good thing so. when he said he was out i mean off off off broadway. the white house which is broadway right it's the difference between the lion king on broadway
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starring dollar trump versus social justice wires in the woods hunting down lego wearing hats somewhere on 6th street populated by 3 audience members and so finally let's see the tech unicorns the tech unicorns were starting to blow up at the end of the year we saw we work basically collapse essentially into nothingness soft soft bank which was the big funder of a lot of silicon valley is that going to go away or will it take us all the mars will be rescued from the disaster left more. air pockets and about evaporation it's more of these instant vapor like an enron was a great rigging of this is just 180000000000 in a day we work 46000000000 disappeared of a day especially when you see a lot more of these multibillion dollar black holes i think a 2020 which is kind of you know keep keep keep your keep your eyes open for that it's jolly good for teaching time for the audience lighting i enjoyed it and now it's time to hear from gerald so let's say that the best prognosticator and prediction guy in kingston new york don't go away.
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thousands of american men and women choose to serve in the country's military the decision. to. be instructed that you don't want to kill me and i see how it destroyed my life any screen didn't eat any meat coming any graham my arm in the right means birthing if you take into account that women don't report because of the extreme retaliation. it's probably somewhere near about half a 1000000 women have now been sexually assaulted in the u.s. military is
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a very very traumatizing tat happen but i've never seen trauma like. women who are veterans who suffered military sexual trauma reporting rape is more likely to get the victim punished. and almost 10 year career which i was very invested in and i gave a sex offender who was not even put to justice or put on the registry this is simply an issue of our and violent male sexual predators for the large part whoever is there whether that's men or women. on this edition of questions for you the viewers we received quite a few questions here we do our best to answer some of them. but a lot of it here is the economy where china has caught up or surpassed you know the mobile payments market 50 times the size of the u.s. or over here still writing checks our banking system is not innovated kind of recently was going up the last couple years and while we don't even have
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a company that can make 5 g. equipment it's been a win win for china and it's been a lose lose for the u.s. . but if she warned you and i do. wish that the balls more than those. she me we. in the news i mean involve. a lot of. these. people. cabinet 5 days i'm going to sit. and.
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listen princeling the. little. meaning air wow that went by quick quick enough in my view anyway welcome to 2020 am here with carol salon today the trans journal maestro the seer of thinks the new york the fastest growing hipster town in america today the new york times calls it joyful the washington post go to kingston see gerald in his live surroundings it's gerald welcome back had been. well you recently saw on the kaiser report jerrold that interest rates will go to 0 or negative this year in the u.s. what does that mean for the global financial system which is on the u.s. dollar standard what are the consequences of the u.s. rates going to 0 or negative will we see the negative interest rates in america in
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2020 gerald celente i believe we will because the presidential reality show is going to be heating up and trump needs a strong economy and a fake strong economy but nonetheless and the only way they're going to keep this thing going whose is more monetary methadone shot into the system and as the dollar goes down then these other currencies are in so much trouble because the lower the interest rates the lower the dollar moves so won't hurt all those other foreign currencies because they go down strong anyway right so the trade wars especially u.s. and china but also between the u.s. and e.u. heated up in 2019 so is trade war is going to heat up again in 2020 in our view you have said in the past you have currency wars lead to trade wars lead to hot wars we're certainly in the trade wars period a 2nd to get more pronounced in 2020 jerald the trade war according to the. international monetary fund. is saying that it only affects about 8 percent of the
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global jihad point 8 percent of the global g.d.p. so i don't think it's going to have that big an effect i think it's more of a global slowdown that has nothing to do with the trade wars for example look at cost sales in india india is not involved. than a trade war where they down there were down a couple of months ago 41 percent look what's going on around the world it doesn't have to do with trade wars look what's going on as i had mentioned all these hot spots around the world whether it's chile whether it's believe the a colombian algeria lebannon iraq spain france with the yellow vests one country after another has nothing to do with the trade wars it has more to do with the global economy is slowing down and all of that cheap dough that they pumped into it isn't working anymore ok if last round are any of these coming back in 2020 bell bottom pounds. maybe yo yos we got yo yos in every politician out there is a yo yo so they're not going anywhere cuisine yes ok you heard it here 1st now
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let's move on to a hot wars on the horizon hot wars in 2020 where the hot spots japan looking hot in dicey what's going on the hottest spot is the united states against venezuela and iran those are the hot spots and if things break out in iran it will be the beginning of world war 3 and you know listen to what einstein said i don't know how world war 3 will be fought but i know world war 4 will be for with sticks and stones so the united states saudi arabia israel's. going after iran and its economic warfare that the united states is committed against iran with these sanctions the same thing with venezuela those are the real hot spots and by the way with venezuela and what's going on now with in south america which show les in el salvador and nicaragua and honduras and all these colombia bolivia with all these hot spots heating up and venezuela going down you could if
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you could have a war breaking out in in south america as well you know that's going to expand and go north so this thing is really big and it's going to get much worse a human wave of people are going to be leaving countries around the world as i said to escape violence corruption war and poverty what about china with the economy finally crash people of waiting for a debt apocalypse for the past decade and never happens china what are your thoughts well china's held back a lot on pumping more cheap money into the system it doing a little bit at a time and i think they're going to continue to do it they're going to escalate doing it because of the problems going on in hong kong i mean hong kong is now in a recession and this is the this is the hub the banking hub of asia and china needs it so this is really hurting china a lot so i believe china is going to dump all the dough they can into the system this year to keep propping up but i don't think it's going to work and you going to
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see great devaluation of the currency the yuan and they're going to blame it on the trade war and have nothing to do with that because as you already know was china's g.d.p. as a 30 year lows the numbers keep coming in on imports and exports in the keep going down again they've overbuilt look at the look at how they expanded in such a short time in 1960 had a grand total of $900000000000.00 in debt today they have over 40 trillion dollars in debt and a debt to g.d.p. ratio of over 300 percent so they're going to do all they can to prompt this up. i don't think it's going to work now since thing it mentioned hong kong the finance hub of asia and also london the really the finance of europe both undergoing. political upheavals with bags it and all the protests going on on kong so where does the finance go or does it become completely distributed in decentralized are we entering into a period of many a multiplicity of currencies arising with crypto currencies and local currencies
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and tanks and there's a local currency now are we moving away from the big centralised finance schol sensors that have been really characteristic of the last century 2 centuries be you mention about it being independent you know all these movements they just talked about who's the leader of any of them. none they're all independent movements and that's to say going to start seeing globalisation is breaking down as we're going to become independent like you just say there isn't going to be the centralized this is the bank this is the system again put the global nama connection together all of these riots and all of these protests going on without a leader they're independent and that's what we're going to see more that's what people want they want their independence and you know i think you really nailed it with the banking system it was kind of where is that the soviet union collapsed. and but it's aim to be picked up by america american ok md very soviet oh yeah in
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the last 10 or 15 years what the interest rate policy is dictated by the pull of bureau i mean it relating price to 0 or negative interest rates or price fixing jamie diamond caught racketeering by manipulating the price of gold and they were they hate the free market they hate price discovery they hate capitalism they you know you have now the leader of the free world in america acting like khrushchev i mean while in russia putin is more like i somehow or he's out there building roads building bridges and building in the economy they learned their lesson in russia they don't want to go back to the soviet union why did america based on the side that you know what the soviet union was actually the model for us that's what the way we're going what happened and what it why why are they doing this i think you or well predicted it he said that the liberals would become the next fascists and that's why you have the fascist government is the merger of state corporate powers and you mention about jamie diamond manipulating gold prices they don't want gold prices to go up because it shows. the valueless this of what they have you can talk
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about trends you talk about or well it's all about all this huxley he did brave new world and these are 2 dystopian novels from the previous century that are considered classics or well had kind of a soviet like centralization hawksley had. a centralization based on the solution nation like you see with social media that was the. was the drug that everyone took to become perpetually in by and in hallucinating. it seems like we have a combination of both we have both the soma of social media with the dictatorship of the liberal fascists is that a fair characterization i think is perfect and look look at how they brag about how artificial intelligence and although this is a whole internet world created by the geeks is going to lift a sawyer look how much. we've gotten it we haven't gone up we've gone lower with it everybody's a dick i don't carry
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a cell phone you know i did research on this going back to 1994 when i worked for the cellular telecommunications industry association and i knew about radio frequency radiation and all the dangers of the people who dictates of them and you seeing more and more people living on sound bytes they're not looking at the current events willing future trends they're getting a little little sound bite so the mentality is going down so to the lifestyles and the cultures oh the new report that just came out in the united states how heart attacks are rising so we dramatically i wonder why because could be because the obesity rates in the overweight and all the junk food that people are reading so look at how we've gone down since the internet's gone up oh and they keep bragging about artificial intelligence great maybe as good as a lot of fish will flavor. you how about the passion of the soul how about the spirit of the heart no no no we don't have any of that and will prove it because nothing's changed from steve jobs to suck a bird the only thing that shay's they t.
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shirts went from black to blue yeah they artificial intelligence and algorithms that drive the social media platforms are in their words nudging us to click on that ad to click on that like a to be part of the crowd and to view those advertisements and this is in china taken to an extreme where they are on their 5 year end conferences where they planned out they are giving more and more to artificial intelligence so that the entire economy is being artificially intelligent lay planned and everyone gets a social score if you spit on the street you can't get a loan if he is you insult the president you are can't get a passport council is that going to go global in 2020 and we all are going to be basically subjected to this type of a social scoring on a day minute by minute. basis it's going to increase far beyond we could ever imagine and it's going to get worse because we're forecasting
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a global revolution as we're already seeing all these protests that i mention going on around the world so in order to bring down these protests in order to control them they're going to put more and more pressure on us to own every piece of our mind body and spirit and watch everything that we're doing and control us in every way it's going to be a real war against the people against the militarized governments that are going to become more and more militarized and high tech to control the people so finally lost on u.s. presidential politics what are your thoughts on 20 twentieth's. well as it stands now if the election were held we believe that donald trump will win again and the trends journal again was the 1st magazine to reach colma winner in may of 2016 it's all about the swing states and if you have if you have a list with warren or bernie sanders where even a biden they're not going to take the swing states again only if the if the economy doesn't crash because there are wild cards out there and anything could happen and
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has no one held a cog in the trump card but as it stands now we would say trump 2020 all right thanks so much for being on the nearest segment of this guy's reports out salon to have happy new year is. off to a great start yeah if you want to drunk tweet us it's kaiser report if you want to accidentally send us the private case to 1000000 bitcoin it's a look at the address down underneath your screen until next time i. was a lot of it here is the economy we're china has caught up more surpassed us you know the mobile payments markets 50 times the size of the u.s. we're over here still writing checks our banking system. has not innovated 5 g. we've kind of recently woken up the last couple years and go wow we don't even have
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a company that can make 5 g. equipment it's been a win win for china and it's been a lose lose for the u.s. last. one else seemed wrong all right old old just don't call. me old yet to shape out these days comes to advocate and indeed from an equal betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart when she still looks for common ground. leaks loss leader.
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when you. present political points of a look at that is to close most of the book new to this a but. it's close to it's about seeing new yorkers. just she will. lose. wow yachting point funny.
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a lot of. the world is. shaped by one person those. thinks. we dare to ask. lead.
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lead. lead. lead. or show me a closer than my fellow russians dear friends here the year 2020 is just around the corner. soon we will enter the 3rd decade of the 21st century which we are living in a time of rapid and dynamic change a time of control versus but it is our duty to ensure russia's continued success
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and development to make sure that all change in our lives is for the better with excitement we're waiting for the sounds of the chimes hoping that all of our dreams would come true. and that's not said any of our personal dreams and aspirations are inseparably tied to russia itself though its present and future the future of our children depend on each of us making our own contribution she was on that she got only together can we take on the challenges facing our society and our nations into unity lies the strength to achieve even the highest of goals these values are a gift from off your forefathers a generation that never wavered and a generation of heroes and victors of the ocean go through in the coming year we will be celebrating the 75th anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war from the for some of my heart but i would like to wish a happy holiday to the veterans of the front line workers of the home front the
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older generation and everyone who went through the terrible hardships of war all to defend the future of our people of our homeland and you have our eternal gratitude . that are you dear friends station as always we start preparing for the new year's celebrations in advance and even with so much on our hands we always have time for friendly gatherings in the warmth of human connection we strive to be helpful and generous towards others lending a hand to those in need of our support cheering them up with gifts and attention like you it's these moments of sincere kindness selflessness and generosity and those that create the magic of the new year the good guys. or this holiday brings out the best in people transforming the world around us and filling it with happiness and smiles of joy. so you know these warm and uplifting holiday feelings
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have lived in us since childhood. every year those feelings return to us as we embrace our loved ones our parents as we prepare gifts for our children and grandchildren as we join them to decorate the new year tree with cardboard figurines or balls and classic garland. it is sometimes old these beloved family toys now brings joy to the younger generations and. of course every family has its own new year's traditions overall united by an atmosphere of love and care let's hashim this understanding always be a part of your home guiding you through tough times and strengthening the bonds between generations let your parents be well let them always feel that you are by their side and let every child know that they are the most precious thing to their parents their friends the new year is out the door let's us wish you peace well
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being and prosperity to one another and to our homeland for a cynic some happy new year 2022 of them good.


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