tv News RT January 2, 2020 12:00am-12:25am EST
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top u.n. official says the united states is jailing of whistleblower chelsea manning for refusing to testify against the wiki leaks founder is tantamount to torture. new year's day in hong kong's these hundreds of arrests as an estimated 1000000 turn out for the 1st big anti beijing protest of 2020. and the pushback against the dry january health initiative as french wine producers and the government denounce the annual alcohol abstinence as an attack on the country's culture.
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and very welcome to you you're watching r t international with me nikki airing our top story a senior u.n. official is accusing the united states of torturing whistleblower chelsea manning with her continued incarceration a letter from the world body's special rapporteur on torture to the u.s. government from last november has now only just come to light. the practice of coercive depreciation of liberty for civil contempt involves the intentional infliction of progressively severe mental and emotional suffering for the purposes of coercion and intimidation at the order of judicial authorities such deprivation of liberty does not constitute a circumscribed sanction for a specific offense but an open ended progressively severe measure of coercion for filling all the constitutive elements of torture or other cruel inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment chelsea manning was a u.s. military intelligence analyst but was arrested in 2010 for leaking classified
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information to wiki leaks she was convicted in 2013 to 35 years in prison president obama commuted her sentence just before leaving office but she was arrested again last year for declining to testify against wiki leaks publisher julian assange is global affairs analyst patrick hemmings than face the u.n. left it will be a boost for supporters of both manning under songs or lawyer and activist kevin zeese to explain to us how the law is being used to coerce money. in a grand jury which is a secret process before someone is indicted or you go for it prosecutions occurring to determine whether someone should be prosecuted this is a power of the court to coerce someone into testifying now this law can all allow a person in the united states to be held for the length of the grand jury in order to coerce them to testify before the grand jury and no longer serves the purpose it was intended to serve it's now become
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a weapon of prosecutors it was initially designed to protect people who are being investigated the reason they're kept secret because they're trying to protect people being investigated before they're indicted so you don't know that they're being investigated but in the longer serves our purpose and now serves the purpose of being a tool for prosecutors that's abused and i think chelsea manning is a victim of that abuse the report by niels meltzer does give an additional layer of legitimacy to the case of manning and to really back up all of the think that manning supporters that this functionary might have been saying now for over 6 months this is unjust this is unfair they're trying to create something new this is the whole point of coerced trying to coerce manning to come up with something that the o.j. can use to make a real case against the sunday shows you how flimsy this is this is the degrade degradation of the justice system in the united states and also in the u.k.
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as well in the case of the songes more like more resembles a banana republic style facade of a state judicial apparatus this is all part of the campaign turn the frame you can turn the frame julian so on and we as a thought from a journalist at a publication to being a cyber criminal in a hostile foreign intelligence agency 3 entire case all the indictments against dishonor are based on that clearly framing principle. and they are trying to get chelsea manning to give them something to actually make that narrative work and she's not she's not volunteering anything and this is frustrating the u.s. system tremendously. giulio songes unfair and much better he's also behind bars in a british prison after being dragged out of the ecuadorian embassy where he spent the previous 7 is his correspondent. few buildings in the wild have ever come under as much scrutiny as this one here at quick tour and it's not in those 4
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walls for 7 long years possibly the most famous whistle blower who time to get a sandwich was hold up until 8 port 2019 the 48 year old was sensationally tracked out by british authorities. that work for the wiki leaks founder this was a huge betrayal by the latin american country that had sheltered him since 2012 aquittal said the relations had soured with the songe and his bad behavior triggered them opening the door to the police and revoking his asylum but it's worth noting that just a bit acquittals bank account got an almighty boost with a $4200000000.00 loan from the i.m.f. where the u.s. has huge voting rights a staunch is currently sitting in belmarsh prison in the country's capital sucking
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up to meet sentence but jumping bail in 2012 but many are saying that what he's been handed is a death sentence because over 60 doctors wrote an open letter to the u.k. government saying that he might die in prison britain for its part denies any wrongdoing the allegations mr son she was subjected to torture and founded and hold false the u.k. is committed to upholding the rule of law and ensuring that no one is ever bomb it but london's defense rings hollow in light of the reports by many organizations including the new web which claims that as a scientist health continues to deteriorate authorities are simply standing idly by the blatant and sustained arbitrariness shown by both the judiciary and the government in this case suggest an alarming departure from the u.k.'s commitment to humor. rights and the rule of law unless the u.k. urgently changes course under alleviates the inhuman situation mr songes continued
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exposure to arbitrariness and abuse may soon end up costing him his life but as sanchez but also his well being is not only fight on his hands ever since wiki leaks exposed gross misconduct by the us government washington has been pushing for his extradition on espionage charges giving him a helping hand the british government despite international outcry the u.k. home secretary signed a us extradition request putting us on that one step closer towards being charged for publishing classified information and conspiring to hack from a computer the 18 charges that washington has put forward could carry a maximum sentence of 175 years behind bars the reaction all over the wild people are crying foul they say that this is not a case about punishing a crime but of silencing a voice surely in
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a singled out for special treatment for one reason only here's the truth he's such an innocent important man is because he is a freedom fighter however much you dislike. his case is the most important for me give you freedom this is just. miss rule of law and operation. washington's bid to get asylum stateside was also helped by not the european country sweden the scandinavian nation was investigating a rape allegation against the whistleblower and would have been within its rights to request his extradition to face trial since that case predated the u.s. request london would have been obliged to send a songe to stockholm fast but sweden has now closed that investigation conveniently removing the. final obstacle for the americans funny how it all wiped out
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a songes extradition hearing is set for factory 2020 but in light of these recent talents of the band's fears of grabbing the does little charts of play this close to sure i mean what and so of course what news most of the united nations special report or on torture is certain how corrupt and how and stress that the entire system in the u.k. including the judiciary and the media has become when it comes to julian. you know before you call course earlier this year this was a confirmation that what neil smelters said seems to be true that julian was. just a lot of attention was fair trial. while one always hopes that lead to justice will prevail u.s. authorities have rather spared a client wired for a start so it might well turn out that when a country is dirty secrets are risk of being exposed justice is
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a word that's up for interpretation so as to tailor r.t. london. hong kong store in the new year with more violent protests with rally organizers putting the turnout at more than a 1000000 there were around $400.00 arrests with police blaming radical protesters for the unrest. of. p. p i n company say mosques rioters were closely vandalized public facilities in several
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areas they were thora teasingly of to end the rally early after the clashes erupted washington supported the protests from the outset but hong kong let's find is joseph chung things if most of do with building wider political leverage a gate beijing. the. united states the populace we will support hong kong but they don't want strong administration most likely least the hong kong is that wrote the art of the deal israel palestine are going to make it that probably is the hardest deal there is to make and i'm a very good deal like i believe me if you can't make a good deal with a politician then there's something wrong with you step 2 you don't even try to look neutral show your sympathies.
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to. step 3 don't be stingy shower your favorite with kids is all this year was placed with american recognition of it's an extension of the golan heights a territory seized in wall but will signed a presidential proclamation record. guys in israel's sovereign right over the golan heights and american recognition of way spend 6 whole minutes the establishment of israeli civilian settlements in the west bank is not per se inconsistent with international law and if that wasn't enough steps for hit the other side as hard as possible the us closed the palestine liberation organization office in washington the not quite palestinian embassy to the united states prompted ministration will not keep the office open when the palestinians refused to take steps to start direct and meaningful negotiations with israel and decided to defund the united
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nations palestinian relief agency the united states will no longer commit further funding to this irredeemably flawed operation we're very mindful of and deeply concerned regarding the impact upon innocent palestinians especially school children or the failure of un r w a and key members of the regional and international donor community to reform and reset the un r w a way of doing business step 5 scrap the tiniest pieces of what's been of the peace for a solution after all who needs a 2 state solution something all the sides had already more or less agreed on the deal of the century is the way forward but a much touted brain conference was snubbed by the palestinians apparently they need to think out of the box you can change your course for the positive if we're willing to try new things and think outside of the traditional box steps 6 state
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mysterious despite promise after promise they still no clear rollout plan on the deal of the century and people on both sides of the conflict are not as hopeful of trump's vision as trump has himself and all who trump he's a man that thinks he can manage the whole world the way he manages his. businesses and it's really hard i don't think he has done a lot for the world in the time that he's been in office. against in the big level high level it is impossible to reach peace with him i think because he is a man that is not a soldier has not come from the army it is not understand the peace between israelis and palestinians could not be achieved with the. with the current affairs going well. i think according to my religion real peace will come when the messiah comes but i think it's worth trying i don't know where well but i know he's better than clinton as 2019 draws to
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a close people here seem less optimistic than they were a year ago a pretty sober note to end the year on policy r.t. jerusalem. now let's turn back to some of the cultural highlights of the past year it wasn't all put to protest demos and trade wars we managed to escape into some decade defining t.v. series and movies as well it meant saying goodbye to some long running blockbuster favorites while others left audience is deeply divided and hawkins takes the lead. it's been a long year in global news intrigue scandal uncertainty and cliffhangers we've seen it all at least we can all wind down with a good movie everyone's favorite pastime bringing people together in the cinema or on the sofa well ok 2019 hasn't quite been like that. spring arrived bringing
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a monumental conclusion and epic game of thrones saga it won millions of fans around the world i mean do you even know anyone who hasn't seen at least one episode it even became a feature in international twitter diplomacy. it took 8 years to get literally everyone to jump on the west the rose by and wagon but just one series to get people fuming about the finale. game of thrones season 8 has to be the most disappointing season finale of the decade merry christmas to everyone except the people who like the game of turin series finale. thinking about how cursed we are to live in the timeline where both the game of thrones finale and the star wars finale sucked people even launched a petition to reshoot the final season nearly 2000000 signatures and still rising and if you thought breaks it was divisive don't get me started on that file episode
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and interesting. how do you think. i was just really. after such division of viewers would desperate for some unity and in came should noble people flock to see the latest hit stand aside game of thrones the draw more about the world's worst nuclear accident shot right up the t.v. rankings. is on fire. and every atom of uranium is like a bullet. for the mini series struck such a chord with viewers in both east and west it also struck some bones of contention why were there no ethnic minority actors how accurate was the science why so many cliched stereotypes nope so noble couldn't please everyone either and with every new episode came a new take on just how accurate the drama was or wasn't their characters are
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distorted and misrepresented as if they were villains they were nothing like that but can work as a shown as though they are scared of everything this does not reflect reality in reality they were quite decisive very decisive not one of the operators fled after the explosion is a composed calm intelligent man who never denied his responsibility also became the knight screw darker and so that our screens walk in phoenix is joker delved into the murky depths of society and the human mind. when you bring me down. introduce me as joker. and as the height grew so did the panic yeah people actually got worried that film could provoke members of the so-called in-cell community self pitying missiles or mystic lowly online trolls into violence alarm bells even rang in the us military
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soldiers of a board about the risk of attacks during screenings it was all right on the night there was no mass violence critics loved phoenix but were divided over the film itself and whatever you thought of it some people certainly took inspiration from the character mixing fantasy with the reality and certainly sparking debate. natalie back and then come back how. listen of george was that the movie radical change is needed this is not enough and this is what all those democratic leftists are not aware of this dissatisfaction the grose today is a serious one this is the cannot deal with it with gradual reforms more tolerance
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health care well that's enough controversy for tonight christmas is off for all the season of goodwill to all it seems as though people just love to have a good old squabble over things and even the magical world of cinema just can't please everyone unless of course you happen to be baby goat or. the baby. now it's a lot of games of dystopia you know people don't really know where society is headed some people are loving the direction some are very scared that's why research joker really speak to people another thing we're seeing is. all are so sick of politics that they all sort of just kind of want to zone out and they want something that's just just pure entertainment and the number one movie this year was a bender is the end game and i think that also speaks to that as well is that there's not really a political message in that it's just kind of eye candy and something to zone out
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to it's mindless entertainment and that's important i think to. people who are just sick of hearing about politics all the time because it affects everything right now thanks for joining us here on out c international when i get in touch i'm sure you'll highlights from 29000 by following guys on social media with back to the top of the hour see that.
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you know world big partisan movie lot and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the bats and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks. join me every thursday on the alex simon show
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him about it in the left coast is the race leader he's 2 hours 20 minutes ahead of . not it's so easy to lose the time advantage. it's happened on stage. 2 schools could you know because. of the going on when you. move. for you so you know i need a 31000000. question if you want me but none of us are. here you know but. i want to just say.
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