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tv   News  RT  January 2, 2020 2:00pm-2:31pm EST

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headline stories this hour turkey's parliament approves a bill to deploy troops to libya in order to bottle recognized government in tripoli. with u.n. rights experts say the united states jailing of whistleblower chelsea for refusing to testify against wiki leaks founder julian assange is tantamount to torture. the pentagon claims there are signs of. an attack against american troops read the islamic republic with a preemptive strike. or
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international news center this is r.t. pleasure to have your company. donald trump thinks that foreign interference could complicate the situation in libya he raised his concerns during a call with president of turkey both leaders agreed to maintain diplomatic cooperation in the conflict now the whole conversation comes as the turkish parliament voted on thursday to back the u.n. recognize government in libya essential giving a green light to the troop deployment there will be has been in a state of war since protests in 2019 on the ice thing of the country's leader moammar gadhafi in recent months the u.n. government has been losing ground to the rival administration of general. who leads the libyan national army a government of national accord formally requested military aid from last month but general have tours forces currently controlled most of libya's territory and that's an. and because of the crucial oil and gas resources. but they are of believes the
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deployment of turkish troops will further escalate the conflict in libya neighboring egypt has also strongly condemned the concision saying that it would hold turkey fully responsible for any negative repercussions ortiz boss here or. he knows that this emergency session took place this afternoon in and we did see opposition from the main opposition party and their major concern is really that it will escape tensions in libya and that is a concern that's being expressed here across the region that number one we could see the libyan situation becoming more and more inflated and at the same time tensions trickling over elsewhere into the region now the initial mandate we understand is that troops will be sent for a period of one year of course and course saying that this deployment is vital for turkey for her interests in libya and also her interests in the eastern mediterranean last month and agreement was signed between us and libya and
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according to the turkish president in that agreement he was requested by the tripoli prime minister fires to send such troops the government has been embroiled in both her fighting with the military command of her life after hour and his libya national army now they've been unable to reach the city center of tripoli but there has been particularly in recent weeks a lot of fighting around the capital. well you said for political analysts were a list of the view on korea is going to use its military deployment for political gain. turkey doesn't want defeat or at least turkey's not going there to combat at least not initially i expect a very immediate deployment of $200.00 marines there to serve as a stopgap at least raise the cost of hop stars of pensive tripoli knowing that there is a turkish presence knowing that if any of them are harmed there would be
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a much greater retaliation from making the pop star and his felony think twice before bombing bombing tripoli president add one has tried to reach out to his nato allies especially his e.u. allies multiple times this is basically a last resort right now when diplomacy doesn't work unfortunately there comes a time where you have to flex your hard power and there is an important saying what happens on the military field the diplomatic table we're seeing turkey become more and more now the major player in not only libya in the north africa and the east and the middle east turkey is showing that it's not going to shy away and president add one is willing to use his military muscle to get the results he wants at the diplomatic table as well. and the other story we're closely following today a senior u.n. official has launched a scathing it on the united states over its ongoing detention of whistleblower chelsea manning saying her treatment. torture special rougher tour needles melcher
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made that claim in a letter to the u.s. government which was written in november but has only no just come to light. the practice of coercive diprivan of liberty for civil contempt involves the intentional infliction of progressively severe mental and emotional suffering for the purposes of coercion and intimidation at the order of judicial authorities such deprivation of liberty does not constitute a circumscribed sanction for a specific offense but an open ended progressively severe measure of coercion for filling all the constitutive elements of torture or other cruel inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment just to recap chelsea manning was a u.s. military intelligence a list but was arrested in 2010 for supplying classified information to wiki leaks she was convicted in 2013 and sentenced to 35 years in prison president obama commuted her sentence just before he left office but she was arrested again last
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year for declining to testify against wiki leaks publisher julian global affairs analyst peter having sensei's the u.n. letter will be a boost for supporters of both mulling. a lawyer a lot of us kevin zeese explain to us how the law is being used to coerce him money . in a grand jury which is a secret process before someone is indicted or you before a prosecutions occurring to determine whether someone should be prosecuted this is a power of the court to coerce someone into testifying now this law can allow a person in the united states to be held for the length of the grand jury in order to coerce them to testify before the grand jury and no longer serves the purpose it was intended to serve it's now become a weapon of prosecutors it was initially designed to protect people who are being investigated the reason they're kept secret because they're trying to protect
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people being investigated before they're indicted so you don't know that they're being investigated but no motor serves our purpose and now serves the purpose of being a tool for prosecutors that's abused and i think chelsea manning is a victim of that abuse the report by niels meltzer does give an additional air of legitimacy to the case of manning to really back up all of the think that manning supporters that the song should really have been saying now for over 6 more absent that this is unjust that this is unfair the trying to create something new this is the whole point of coerced trying to coerce manning to come up with something that the o.j. can use to make a real case against the sunday shows you how flimsy this is this is the degrade degradation of the justice system in the united states and also in the u.k. as well in the case of the songes more like more resembles a banana republic style facade of a state judicial apparatus this is all part of
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a campaign to reframe you can to reframe julius on and we as a from a journalist at a publication to being a cyber criminal in a hostile foreign intelligence agency 3 entire case all the indictments against dishonor are based on that clearly framing principle. and they are trying to get. me and p. to actually make the miracle work and she's not she's not volunteering anything and this is frustrating the us system tremendously. well joining us for being much better he's also behind bars in a british prison and after being dragged out of the ecuadorian embassy in the u.k. capital where he spent the previous 7 years taylor has his story. few buildings in the walls have come under as much scrutiny as this one here at quit or an embassy. in those 4 walls for 7 long years possibly the most famous whistle blower who time
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to get a sound was hauled off until april 2019 to 48 year old was sensationally dropped out by british authorities. that work for the wiki leaks founder this was a huge betrayal by the latin american country that had sheltered him since 2012 aquittal said the relations had soured with the songe and his bad behavior trick of them opening the door to the police and revoking his asylum but it's worth noting that just a bit acquittals bank account got an almighty boost with a $4200000000.00 loan from the i.m.f. where the u.s. has huge voting rights assignment is currently sitting in belmarsh prison in the country's capital serving out to meet sentence but jumping bail in 2012 but many are saying that what he's actually been handed is
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a death sentence because over 60 doctors wrote an open letter to the u.k. government saying that he might die in prison britain for its part denies any wrongdoing the allegations mr son she was subjected to torture and founded and hold false the u.k. is committed to upholding the rule of law and ensuring that no one is ever bomb it but london's defense rings hollow in light of the reports by many organizations including the new web which claimed that as a scientist health continues to deteriorate authorities are simply standing idly by the blatant sustained arbitrariness shown by both the judiciary and the government in this case suggest an alarming departure from the u.k.'s commitment to. rights and the rule of law unless the u.k. urgently changes course i believe yes the inhuman situation mr songes continued exposure to arbitrariness and abuse may soon end up costing him his life but his
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songes battle for his well being is not only fight on his hands ever since wiki leaks exposed gross misconduct by the us government washington has been pushing for his extradition on espionage charges giving him a helping hand the british government despite international outcry the u.k. home secretary signed a us extradition request putting us on one step closer towards being charged for publishing classified information and conspiring to hack a top from a computer the 18 charges that washington has put forward could carry a maximum sentence of 175 years behind bars the reaction all over the wild people are crying foul they say that this is not a case about punishing a crime but of silencing a voice julian or singled out for special treatment for one reason only here's the truth he's such an innocent unfortunate is because he is
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a freedom fighter however much you dislike because. his case is the most important for me give you freedom this is just. miss rule of law and operation. washington's bid to get us on stateside was also helped by not the european country sweden the scandinavian nation was investigating a rape allegation against the whistleblower and would have been within its rights to request his extradition to face trial since that case predated the us request london would have been obliged to send a songe to stockholm fast but sweden has now closed that investigation conveniently removing the. final obstacle for the americans funny how it all wiped out a song just extradition hearing is set for factory 2020 but in light of these recent talents of the bands here's our roving that does little chance of play this
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close to sure i mean what and so of course what news most of the united nations special opportunity tortures. corrupts and how in stress that the entire system in the u.k. including the judiciary and the media has to come when it comes to julian. before you call course earlier this year this sort of was a confirmation that what neil smelters said seems to be true that you would. just love to have a potential sphere a trial into while one always hopes that lead to justice and will prevail u.s. authorities have rather spared a kind wired for a start so it might well turn out that when a country is dirty secrets are risk of being exposed justice is a word that's up for interpretation so as to tailor our team.
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to moving the program on china has reportedly suspended a joint showing her in london stock exchange project over britain's position on protests in hong kong which some in beijing view as meddling now the link up in question was launched in june last year i was meant to enable british and chinese firms on precedent of access to each other's markets china's foreign ministry spokesperson was vague when asked about the matter but expressed hopes for further cooperation between the countries. we hope the u.k. will provide a just open and nondiscriminatory business environment for chinese enterprises and create conditions conducive to practical corporation between china and the u.k. in various fields. during the months of protests antigovernment demonstrators in hong kong a former british colony have been calling on london to intervene while china her stress to the international community including indicate that it is purely
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a domestic issue more than a 1000000 people turned out for a demonstration in hong kong on whedon's they are right for the whole rest of the world. let's go live now to the u.k. and to financial commentator charlie boyle for his take charlie good to see if the reports are factual how significant is this decision by china do you think.
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here evening you know i really don't think it's significant economically i mean if you look at this particular link which is basically a way of buying and selling securities on cross continent continent markets i think only one but only got set up earlier this year all the year just gone and there's only one company involved in that so i think it is more of a hope for the future regarding technology and ease of. of capital. so i don't think it's really significant financially economically but it certainly sends a message to the u.k. into the west as a whole so i mean i think if you if you look at the bigger picture here china is is now quite vogue in terms of its human rights situations in the past some of these governments of turned a blind eye and now it seems to be sort of flaring up then you've got the situation in hong kong and of course there's the trade war which has been going on for what
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seems like years now and you know donald trump was all about you know sticking all these tariffs and then all of a sudden he was like well well hang on a minute we want to change all that and he's come up with this phase one trade deal . and so you know this is all connected this is all strategic and it's certainly going to be an interesting year i don't think it's particularly you know significant economically though right now but it certainly sends a signal that signal what will boris johnson's government how will they take it how will they respond. and i think it's pretty hopeless to be honest boris johnson is is very much fixated on getting out of the european union i'm amazed he's got this far i'm amazed he got the majority and he's got this this leaving date but i can tell you personally that we might be leaving the european union very
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shortly but in terms of getting a deal i can tell you personally from knowing people that try to negotiate those sort agreements is going to take a hell of a lot longer than a few weeks so i don't think it's going to be any response to this but it certainly sends a signal and as you say it just comes at the wrong time for us to to what extent in charlie is this being used to gain political leverage over the u.k. which chinese officials to. amos helped to foment the unrest in hong kong. i think it's pretty evident that the chinese have been underwhelmed with the u.k.'s lack of support for or lack of response so this is this is just a sort of a very gentle nudge as to as to what what's to come i think the chinese have also started to realize especially in the last couple of years that we are entering a global recession whatever that whatever form that takes whether it's the next
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month or the next couple of years and trying to save and quite a good position especially with with trump. looking for reelection later this year and he's backtracking on all a lot of that stuff and it just makes sense for them to send a message to the u.k. they're on the radar as well especially at this important time for england thanks for your time and your thoughts this are a financial company or charlie oil speaking to us live and. now it appears washington is getting the new year off to a confrontational start after sending fresh warnings to iran the u.s. defense secretary claims there's evidence to run is planning attacks against american troops on the u.s. military is gearing up for a preemptive strike ortiz killer pope and has more on what mark esper to say on the matter. in his statement on behalf of the u.s. military and department of defense he basically cited a recent attacks on u.s.
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personnel and said that another strike against iran or against iranian aligned forces could be in the works this is what he said the game has changed we're prepared to do what is necessary to defend our personnel in our interests and our partners in the region now on tuesday a crowd of protesters stormed the u.s. embassy in baghdad in response the usa said it would deploy $750.00 more u.s. troops to the middle east furthermore $100.00 u.s. marines were moved from kuwait to protect the embassy in a show of force we had the united states helicopters flying over the compound firing flares as kind of a warning of protesters the embassy on rest came in the aftermath of a u.s. strike against forces in iraq in syria they say have ties to iran 25 people were killed dozens were injured in the aftermath of this strike we had protests at the u.s. embassy in baghdad. was
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. because. well i'm sure you just heard however we have donald trump on twitter making statements regarding the possibility of a strike against iran and making clear that these statements are intended as a threat this is donald trump on twitter. iran will be held fully responsible for the lives lost or damaging if any of our facilities they will pay a very big price this is not a warning it is a threat happy new year as tensions escalate in the middle east the united states continues to blame iran for incidents and say that it will respond to this pattern of tension between the united states and iran tension that has been asking lading seems to be continuing now that we enter the new year. i want to return to our top
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story this hour in a phone call with the turkish president donald trump said that any foreign intervention in libya could complicate the situation on the ground there after turkish lawmakers voted to deploy troops in support of the country's un backed government to stand against the rival forces of general tar well let's go live to hate. on the road jack a turkey expert from the day on center of tell of the university thanks very much for taking the time at this hour what's turkey's goal here does the advent of more weapons more soldiers into a ready volatile situation on libya is just not just going to lead to a more negative outcome there. first of all thank you very much for having me turkey's ultimate goal is basically to stop this joint project between israelis greek cypriots and greeks and from the turkish point of view this is unacceptable
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from their point of view the eastern military once upon a time it was a turkish lake and ultimately lake and they do not tolerate any future joint ventures. we need when turkey is not in the game. therefore turkey is trying to deter turkey is trying to deter this trial literals platform this greek is really in a platform and when they are do. they are doing it together with the libyans because when they are doing when they're signing an agreement with the libyan government so therefore do they have a basis in terms of international law and that's how they are basically trying to put an end or. it's creating a problem with you know we have an agreement with with the greek and. we have an agreement and on the other hand we have another agreement that the turks and the
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libyans are doing so the turks are saying you have an agreement we also have in the riemann's so basically it's. a very wise maneuver from the corus point of view and by doing so and. deter the greeks and the syrians and the israelis and you know what they also want to be included in this joint venture because it's they can make. money from that but since the diplomatic relations between these 4 countries meaning turkey greece cyprus and his rail is not you know it at its best therefore it's very problematic because the turkish government is using a leverage against these states we just delve into that little bit later but i want to just think it's a new year a new decade the turkish public what are they going to think about this are they going to be supportive of the decision particularly if turkish lives are lost in
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trouble for libyan. ok the thing is as as much as i understand from the turkish press turkey is sending their you know it's mercenaries now the turkish is now the turkish army was not sent there we did not see the turkish army troops moving there but of course this latest decision in parliament is paving the way for the turkish army to go there. there are doing is portraying this issue as a national security issue that if turkey would like to protect protected its interests in the eastern mediterranean so the name of the game is having a presence in libya so it's very you know. it's very early to say that turkey will send its troops. to libya but again they're paving the way for dist future maneuver and also they also would like to deter the egyptians in this
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in this matter because as we know the egypt in turkish relations dettori the president of the because of the school with. in egypt and also because of the failed quit in turkey so the states are finding. are seeing each other in a in a hostile manner. that's why we also see that the egyptians and the greeks are also are also signing a new treaty that will also transgress the turkish levy an agreement just about the energy issues you brought up earlier to what extent is cray using this move to to gain greater gas drilling rights in the east made it seeking to challenge those maritime boundary so you think agreed upon by greece egypt cyprus i should just point out as well turkey signed those binding agreements with libya's un back over and back in november last year. from turkish perspective i think the most important issue is the sovereignty. of the turkish cypriots in in the
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eastern mediterranean i think the money is coming in the 2nd plan and you know where we are looking at the map so the turks are trying to increase their presence in the region and they're doing their best so that also the turkish cypriots will be included in this equation and this whole east mediterranean thing can be can be understood as an. is an important opportunity for making a peaceful environment in decent mediterranean but it is also making things much complicated when we are looking at this type of question this discovery of nature of gas in this hot off the island is weakening the turkish side on the table and this is very much an acceptable 40 from the turkish point of view just finally deployment do you think it could prompt other countries to become more heavily
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involved in the conflict in the country you know how are egypt and general have target other backers likely to react do you think. well. no we only have this rhetorical declination that turkey is probably you know is going to send the troops but if we we will see eventually the troops will be sent so we're going to talk about something very different we all know that the us already sent their mercenaries there didn't the members of the free syrian army or also their company name. their officials are also fighting there they are providing ammunition. and everything. to do libyan forces to soraya government's role in this kind of case we may see that the egyptians and may support general. forces even you know in
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a very bold manner and they may send i mean you should also also when we are looking at this situation we should also not forget about the united arab emirates when you are looking at the horn of the turkish government in the turkish press. according to the turkish newspaper called you need to fight for instance the united arab emirates are sending looks off weapons and when you. leave in order. to undermine the turkish interests so from turkish pour into few the situation is very much complicated and also let's not forget about the russian presence there with this wagner kompany so and nowadays libya is becoming the 2nd important war theater between russia and turkey and you know after syria and of course. you know when you know when we are looking at the cameras where we are and we are looking at this was we see that president they are doing the president putin are
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you know smiling to each other but on the other hand we see that both of the states are fighting against each other in a proxy war in a nun declared for ok the thoughts of hay and co and young or old czech turkey experts from the day on center and tel aviv university. and lots are lots for this and use our time in moments for some more great programs here or to international see and 30. welcome 12 i believe it's of my language.


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