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tv   Politicking  RT  January 3, 2020 5:30pm-6:01pm EST

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welcome to politicking on larry king a thought provoking new documentary no safe spaces claims the 1st amendment is being eroded on american college campuses closing minds and putting free speech at risk dennis prager a radio host bestselling author is a key figure in the film he joins us here in los angeles what led. to this this whole document will it show you that the reason it's important is safe space is what colleges have created i don't even know if you know this larry because i'm this i know you and i will see eye to eye because liberals and conservatives both treasure free speech that's one thing we have and one thing that separates us from the world exactly you know and that no no that's exactly why we got the statue of liberty and nobody else did and the bill of rights yes it's
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exactly right so for the 1st time in american history free speech is threatened and it's threatened most on the college campus so the safe space that from which the name coach colleges have made a place they literally have you could see it room is in buildings called safe spaces so if a conservative comes to speak of college and you're not conservative you can go there they give you hot chocolate they give you play dough you watch movies of frolicking puppies i mean larry. i don't know it will blow your mind many colleges do a tremendous number almost everyone i have been to has a safe space and that's the reason this is such a well known thing with which is why they gave it the name so of course in the film there are a lot of liberals like van jones and others at c.n.n. and elsewhere and they they make the point over and over this is a bad thing you can you you have to confront ideas you don't agree with little
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history when that is starts. that's a good question i can't give you a date i would say in the last 1015 years it's pretty it's almost sudden. because when i was a college i mean there was a liberal bias in the faculty but but everybody could say what they wanted what led to it. here's my theory and the film is not politicized but but this is my theory. when liberals ran colleges free speech was a great was given the left is not liberal i wish liberty liberal understood this alan dershowitz understands this as the right is not conservative well i don't think there's a parallel but we could talk about that. mainstream conservatives and mainstream liberals agree on free speech the left has never agreed i have to say free speech
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is not a right wing problem there were there were right wing problems free speech is not one of them but anyway the left does always suppress free speech it's just it's history and they have taken over the colleges from the liberals and that's that's what's happening but but larry i got to tell you it's very scary i mean i mean you know parents call me and they tell me if my kid writes something that their left wing professor doesn't agree with they're afraid they'll get a bad grade. and this then is left wing professors but if you're a professor. this seems like the opposite of what a professor should be there is a story in this film it's a riveting fill and i have to say that using clips well you will see a professor the guy's a liberal secular liberal even liberal left but not left bret weinstein he's a professor of biology evergreen state college washington state one day they
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announced all whites must leave campus for a day i mean the very notion is sick and he said no i'm not leaving this this is racism in normal liberal but this is absurd. he we have the video in the film it's a very riveting story his story screamed and cursed and threatened by students the faculty and president did not back him he had a 10 year and he left evergreen state permanently for his own safety and that has to be a reason behind this so were they doing something that day they used to have at this college to show you how much it how much blacks contribute to the college they had a day each year when all blacks didn't come to show you see there's a real hole in the life here is a voluntary thing obviously but then they said no this year we're going to do the opposite we're going to tell all whites not to not the state campus and he refused
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to leave when did in your opinion the left wing become left well look through a certain extent that was starting already when i was at the i was a columbia in the seventy's and you know there are the anti viet nam guys would take over offices and i was in to vietnam yeah but there are none of that's a separate issue anti vietnam both liberal and left not not just not just left but the but i remember columbia when the anti viet nam left would take over dean's offices and they never got in trouble and i remember as a student thinking this is not a good thing you can't i mean is it lee at the very least it's trespassing. and the deans did nothing and that's where i think it began the more radical you are the more tolerated you will be in the case of vietnam though that movement while those things were wrong certainly led to that war was a mistake and that led to pointing out the students of america pointed out 1st look
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. i think that the viet nam issues mork i actually opposed the war when i was in college and but the reason was different my reason was i wasn't fighting because of because i got a one why i didn't i didn't get a 4 a because i have a one line one why using state of emergency or called up on until then because of health issues because i had asthma so which is like throwing them only at times in my life go to vietnam that's correct then i felt so guilty that i couldn't support the war but in principle i thought fighting communism which was a moral cause just as it was in korea one of the central figures in the film is adam carolla how did you do. adam carolla is it a special person he's extreme he is truly i think he's the funniest person i've ever met or ever heard ever watched because he has
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a he has an incredible perception of life he's extremely bright. and the he always makes the point you can't get 2 more different backgrounds than dennis prager and adam karole so adam carolla as he points out. you know a lower middle class blue collar worker who's a construction worker never went to college atheist dennis jewish religious intellectual new york you know. it's a different background as you can get and it's a fun part of the movie because we have kids playing a young age it's a very. it's all over the country people go to know safe spaces dot com to find out where it's playing here's a clip from no safe spaces centered around controversial conservative. values matter significantly more. racial diversity doesn't mean anything decency
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means something diversity is not a bad thing but it isn't a good thing i must people who are racially diverse are also concerns over safety and the rights prompted university president to cancel the pre-approved speech. continued with his scheduled appearance drawing the protesters who were. welcoming . a physical threat to anybody in a fight i was 14 years old i was 2 years younger than everybody else my high school class was going to. be able to agree on protecting free speech no matter who is speaking there will be rapists and it will not be resistance to finally speech if not. it is an act of love when did that the left separate from the liberal. israel was. by the way that's a perfect example liberals are pro israel left as anti israel it's one of the examples i give of the difference between liberal and left and when left points out there are some other things israel does wrong every country doesn't.
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understand is what happens to someone who's liberal and thinks netanyahu is a bad prime minister. why it's all tell you my answer i don't it's not my business to tell israelis who to elect that's a democracy they elected clearly elected you criticize them all you like but the anti israel is not criticism of israel it's supporting it the destruction of israel iran and the palestinians and the iraqis want to destroy israel that's a big difference from criticizing you said sent you this 0 quote send me a child to college is playing russian roulette with you guess i say that a lot of parents do my son goes to us seen loves it yeah i'm not saying they may not love it that's a separate issue i will talk to your son if the c.e.o.'s say value is. the issue it is it is playing russian roulette with their values if you believe in that
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america is essentially a good country you there's a good chance you will turn out believing america is a bad country thanksgiving celebrates genocide america is a racist country it is as it is a massage in this country you will just have all these horrible things it's a good country we're lucky to be americans you know i know you believe that you're a liberal ok but i'm critical of is ridiculous british. right you know a lot you can tell me there's no far right well tell me who they are and i'll tell you from critical of them are you saying is no far right not an obscene what alan dershowitz says to me in this movie on those who are now running it on fox news yes i agree but because they're not going to have him on the liberal of his own leisure oh yeah well you have everybody it's to your credit your traditional liberal
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dershowitz says in the movie to me in his apartment. as an american as a liberal as a hillary clinton supporter as a democrat as a jew i far more fear the left than the right. and what do you fear what is the left is going to they're not going to burn your house well who's going to ok i don't know who on the right is going to burn or no see them but but the left the left i do fear the left unclear because when they take over there's less freedom that's the university is the example the right wing in america sadly came to the civil rights movement the very late. well in deny that dennis no i well i mean have you an example barry barry goldwater founded the n.w. c.p. in arizona the jails that i know but he also told me that he made a mistake in voting against since i knew about it go all right made a mistake in voting innocence civil rights law thing as it turns out you know i was
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totally wrong or admitting made a mistake ok well i want to just tell you now that i see what has happened there when mel like 10 different categories of people everybody agreed we did wrong by blacks but now the number of groups if if a guy in retail got a guy comes in one day in a dress. you cannot fire him. you cannot that's now that's because of discrimination well if you had a retail operation selling selling clothes and the the guy has been working for you for 5 years one day shows up he still has his beard another results a look like a woman in a dress you don't have the right to say please dress like a man thing that's that is you would now be sued for discrimination on camilla her dress for the next show i'll still talk to you then as they read them politicking will continue right after this.
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for russia and why it's. you know world big partisan and the lot of us and conspirators it's time to wake up. to dig deeper to hit the stories that made stream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smart we need to stop slamming the door on the bats and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now
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for watching closely watching the hawks. tariff long russian and lights. the world is driven by a dream shaped by. the
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dares thinks. we dare to ask. a lot of here is economy where china has caught up or surpassed us you know the mobile payments market 50 times the size of the us or over here still writing checks our banking system is not innovated 5 g. we've kind of recently woken up the last couple years and go wow we don't even have a company that can make 5 g. equipment it's been a win win for china and it's been a lose lose for the us. you have the right to remain silent. anything will be used against you. you are
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not your i want your job to be taken for. the protests turned violent in california but this is why we're fighting for the soul of america. you should be able to share ideas without fear of being fired from your job or shouted down. you are not to be her this is one of the few things one could say we have no precedent for in the united states he had a rational means that. welcome back to politics that was a clip from the documentary no safe spaces costarring my guest dennis prager radio host best selling author and founder of prager university which can be found online . you as the for example of the far right 25 jewish members of congress have written to president trump calling for the dismissal of white house senior policy
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adviser steven miller steven miller isn't far right no one is this is the worst in our times the worst thing for me to say on a national or international show i don't know enough about steven miller i'm not of i never avoid questions i just don't know enough about him i know enough about trump to know that that when paul krugman in the new york times calls him an anti-semite that's just the libel the guy has been the most pro jewish pro israel and has jewish children and grandchildren trump yes and i don't mean a lot of us because i you know he's and the immigration of all kinds of you know i don't know i don't know a well i don't know about that you may be right you're going to defend them no i'm not going to defend them because i'm telling you the truth i don't know enough about him. so i'm i'm telling you i know a lot about trump i know a lot about the administration i don't know a lot about all of its players i admit it i'm sorry does so show media far left
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what the problem with the social media is that it's much harder for a conservative to get their views across we have a prayer university which has a 1000000000 views a year it's very big and 100 of our videos are on the restricted list by you tube which is owned by google and we have never gotten the reason why i have a video on the 10 commandments and it's on the restricted list in other words if you filter out progress or you can see that video. i testified in the senate ted cruz ted cruz looked at the google man and said why did you say why did you place mr prager's video on the 10 commandments on the restricted list and he said because it mentions murder. i mean i can't i can't make it you could see it or you can actually watch it on you tube another area dennis was much bother you. christianity today magazine founded by my late friend billy graham published in the
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tour i'm calling for the removal from all of us will close of what he was term black to morrow record that from should be defeated as as a practicing jew. is trump's record in the area of morality disappointing to you. i don't know i'm not god so no no i'm not a listen this is that is why it is john kennedy's is lyndon johnson's this notion i just have to tell you this is what i learned from my religious studies and writing to a 5 volumes of the torah commentary called the rational bible was the best selling bible commentary in america today so i just want to say i take this stuff very seriously god uses flawed people i'm not saying he's using is using donald trump i don't know what god does in the bible god uses king david who is much more flawed
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vend than donald trump donald trump didn't have any husband killed to sleep with the wife king david did and yet he is king david from whom the messiah will come who is the king of the greatest time in israel's history so and you can order a little of him yes you can you can be critical of trump but but this. jew feel you must feel close to evangelise goals i do. when christianity today you don't think they have a good point though is it i read the i thought the i thought the editorial was was silly silly yes silly 1st of all he doesn't i'd like them to delineate where one of the great sins that this man has committed that renders him unfit to be president he didn't mention one as you say down from is a good role model. to whom children to whom killed ok i wrote a whole people could look on the internet i wrote a whole
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a column on the subject since when a president's role models for children. you think my father ever said to me denis look at lyndon johnson dennison want you to emulate lyndon johnson i emulated my father my rabbis my uncles my cousins my older brother i had plenty of role models it never occurred to me as a kid to look to the president this is myth or is the president to just simply believe in well ideally he would be a moral leader too but i but i live in the real world i fight after. what you do is a moral question that is the moral issue when life is what you do and a lot of what he has done i have found moral people on the left can't stand what he's done i understand that but i like that he moved the embassy to jerusalem i thought it was a gutsy thing to do i like that he got out of the you ran deal iran wants to exterminate israel and exterminate america i thought the deal was terrible is there
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anything and then gelatos doom that bother you that's an interesting question once you give me an example of what even you go into that bothers you. then i'll know if it bothers almost everything. that almost everything look orthodox jews 89 percent are of our propre approach rob people who believe that the bible is divine have a different world view than people who think men wrote it but can i tell you it's an interesting point who you think roads i think god wrote and i think that god my argument is that ultimately god is the author of the torah not the rest of the bible but i do believe that ultimately god is the certainly the 10 commandments there's no doubt in my mind that god is the author of the 10 commandments i make the case in my rational bible house we can nancy pelosi recently were both a reporter asked if she hated trump and saying she doesn't hate anyone do you hate
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anyone do i hate it yeah i do i hate you know historically i hate stalin i hate hitler i hate nazis living or dead i hate communists supported stalin i hated mal. living today there are not many people that i really hate but but i don't think my favorite verse in the bible is those who love god must hate evil if you don't hate evil you don't love god is there anything you support yet elsie gabbert has again my respect because because she's she strikes me as she thinks issues through and doesn't have just a left wing response to everything and she has guts and i love courage. i'm going to vote for drum. because because i believe that the left is ruining america so will do anything i can to defeat the left. even if that means voting for someone
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you might find. even if it means that we supported stalin to defeat hitler and stalin was worse than trump and hitler was worse than the left every that's the way you do it in real life i don't make up my ideal candidate i am given x. vs y. y. is destructive much more than x. a vote for x. strong and that was you yes when you're embarrassed by a president you know has a make you feel embarrassed. and and that's it i'm going to fall again soon and i move that's correct because well that's my choice listen if if he wants if he announced tomorrow folks i really have accomplished a lot in 4 years and now what nikki haley is my chosen the successor i would be the lighted and they gave me is left of no i don't think she's left of she's she
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simply wouldn't say anything that barest me i fully acknowledge it she's a very sophisticated person but i think trump is done a lot of good with whether or not i'm embarrassed. you know display of prism but it's ok yes because i think that on that weird it's not weird because whether i'm embarrassed or not is not the criterion for whether the president is excellent i count it weird ok fair enough to me it isn't to me what you do is more important than your tweets it is your philosophy to come from. well. from a combination of the bible and america i believe in the american sure that each player bassoon them in god we trust and liberty. the left does not believe in any of those it believes it doesn't believe in liberty believes in the french revolution equality over liberty and it suppresses speech it doesn't believe the pluribus unum from many one it believes in multiculturalism that's why there are
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black the worms at harvard and other college colleges and black graduation exercises liberals don't support that liberals believe in racial integration the left believes in racial segregation and and in god we trust without it that our rights come from god so you put god over the constitution so well of course because the owner of the order says yes because the constitution if there is no god god yes but the declaration of independence does thank you dennis you have a man yes thank you sir he's founder of the online prayer university and he has a key role 'd in the recently released snow's safe spaces for you gov seen clips and that i'm anxious to see it for more 'd information on where to see it check out knows safe spaces dot com and thanks for joining me on this edition of politicking movie can join the conversation on my facebook page and tweet me at kings things
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over get to use the politicking hash tag and that's all for this lively edition of politicking. aeroflot russian and it's. you know world of big part of a lot of things and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that made stream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smart we need to stop slamming the door. and shouting past each other it's time for
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critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now we're watching closely watching the hawks. there of russian airlines. thousands of american men and women choose to serve in the country's military and the decision little shattered lives every song came to
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a complete. the day that i was raised to be instructed you know told to shut up what they'd kill me and i see how it destroyed my life many screamed at me and he made me come in the gram my arm and he write me with his birthing curia if you take into account that women don't report because of the extreme retaliation and it's probably somewhere near about half a 1000000 women have now been sexually assaulted in the us military rape is a very very traumatizing thing tat happen but i've never seen trauma like i've seen from women who are better at. suffered military sexual trauma rape is more likely to get the victim punished. and almost 10 year career which i was very invested in and i gave her a sex offender who was not even going to justice or put on the registry this is simply an issue our in violence male sexual predators for the large part of target whoever is there to prey upon whether that's a man or when. we
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took action last night just stop. a war. we did not take action just start a war president trump defends the airstrike which killed a top iranian commander in baghdad earlier friday as protests erupt across the region and iran val's retaliation calling it an act of terrorism. police in the french capital shoot and kill a knife wielding man after he stabs a one person to death and wounds 2 others. and the turkish parliament's decision to deploy troops to libya comes in for strong criticism as israel greece and cyprus fear it will lead to further escalation.


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