tv News RT January 4, 2020 10:00am-10:31am EST
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thousands from the streets of the iraqi capital holding funeral processions for those killed in friday's usa rag including iran's top general washington insists the strike was to avert war though and the claim is it's committed to deescalate tensions with the. secret police chief says levels of child criminal exploitation in britain are back to victorian era levels plaguing austerity creasing lead powerful drug guy. and vulnerable children at risk in armenia to where a prominent scheme is being revealed helping foreigners and legally adopt youngsters .
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say they're going to just 16 pm saturday the 4th of january live from the arts international worldview center here in moscow season's greetings is kevin always with this hour's update so 1st thousands of mourners have been holding funeral processions in the iraqi capital baghdad to honor those killed in a u.s. air strike on friday morning including iran's top general solomon i the crowds have been waving their national flag on the flags of various to run by shia militia groups the remains of the commanders body will be repatriated to run for burial sunday considered the 2nd most powerful figure in the islamic republic in was among 10 killed in the early morning raid following a direct order from the us president donald trump's defended the assassination saying it was necessary says to prevent an imminent attack on american personnel and another possible war in the middle east but to its cause profound anger both in iran and beyond. solemn 80 has been perpetrating acts of terror
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to destabilize the middle east for the last 20 years what the united states did yesterday should have been done long ago we took action last light to stop a war we did not take action to start a war that. this was an obvious terrorist move a move that entirely shouted cowardice in every respect we will not fall for the propaganda and blackmailed by the americans in whatever manner and when ever we deem appropriate other we will give the proper response the killing of iran's general solomon a then sparked protests among his supporters of the middle east and further afield their members of india's kashmiri shia community marched with images of him at one point chanting anti-american slogans while in pakistan protesters wrote coffins for the u.s. flag and set them on fire and in iran itself 3 days of mourning are under way right
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now thousands of turned out in cities nationwide to warn of the general. u.s. leadership has been saying on almost every platform they can find that they are working to deescalate tensions with the islamic republic of iran that was the time to take this action so that we could disrupt the spot deter further aggression from qassam salami in the iranian regime as well as to attempt to deescalate the situation it's not an easy case to make killing the country's 2nd most powerful person most well known military leader and commander of the elite could force of the revolutionary guards doesn't look like deescalation however washington insists its actions were a defensive measure at the direction of the president the us military has taken decisive defensive action to protect u.s. personnel abroad by killing costume stolen money the strike was aimed at deterring
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future iranian attack plans the iranians are already promising revenge for the supreme national security council of iran held an emergency meeting on friday and announced that they had made difficult decisions at the right time and place the vengeance will be extracted it's not through aggression by the us i mean they should they should expect anything as it is a lot of this this aggression the international community is now gripped by fear that we could be on the brink of war there is no justification under international law and moral law our constitution is just aggravation and the fact they were there in a way as a guest and have an embassy there we've never had been given any authority to do what we did i think it's morally wrong and if they're doing this to make us safer they said that we had they had to do this to make americans say complete nonsense i feel less safe because there will be retaliation and expansion and who knows what is going to lead to.
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washington says it's an ally of the iraq again. government and it's working in iraq's best interests however baghdad is completely under happy with this move the assassination of an iraqi military commander is an aggression on iraq as a state government and people it's a flagrant violation of iraq's sovereignty and dangerous escalation that triggers a destructive war in iraq the region and the world it violates the conditions authorizing the presence of u.s. troops on iraqi soil the iraqis don't consider this to be a particularly friendly gesture what does she want to restart the su war again among the shia who don't want this to happen what has happened is a blatant violation of iraqi sovereignty the fact that he's a high state official in a government that we're not at war with we've crossed the rubicon not only in tehran but in moscow beijing pyongyang caracas they all have to sit there and say to themselves all right the americans now feel entitled to kill anybody and our government because of what disagreements over syria or whatever else.
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the international response has been vocal china says it is concerned turkey is angry and syria accuse the united states of spreading instability it's a pity to see. the great bubble of the united states used. to give somebody. the way gangs do it but not everyone agrees though israel says job well done president wrote deserves all the credit for acting swiftly forcefully the size of your business with the united states in this to a struggle force peace security and so firms america's nato allies are not thrilled at all we have woken up to more dangerous world the us action did not make it any easier to reduce tensions parties to deescalate for the conflict is in none of our
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interests. it didn't exactly go over well at home either american media has echoed all sorts of allegations about solid money most americans had never heard of before saying he is the new face of terrorism and evil but democrats say that trump is rushing the country to war without congressional approval the risk of a much longer military engagement in the middle east is acute and immediately. this action may well have brought our nation closer to another endless war exactly the kind of endless war the president promised he would not drag us into now donald trump is defending is he says he saved lives and that he's protecting the country however in some of his responses he's actually said that solomonic should have been killed years ago so why now is perhaps donald trump trying to play the card of
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being a national savior in the lead up to an election i don't foresee the iranians making a rash choice because they understand the neo cons who are behind shawn's policy and trump him so funny iran they don't want anything more than to have iran do a very who are high profile strike back the us propaganda machine is in high gear demonizing stolen money who 99.9 percent of americans had never heard of 2 days ago . worse than hitler killing americans left and right none of this is true none of this is supported by facts but the propaganda machine is on high high high alert and americans are being prepared for another war so i don't see the iranians taking the bait. the senior position police chief has warned the levels of child exploitation in the country the highest in over a century sean sawyer who leads britain's modern slavery policing if it says that
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drug gangs are the main driving force in the austerity policies have also been a factor. for these children they are almost back to victorian times into being criminally exploited these kids looking for family and security for understandable reasons of austerity stay youth services have been vacated this gap of youth provision between the school and family is the void of the exploited feeling. oh more face figures say that in england alone there were more than 18 and a half 1000 suspected child victims in the past year that's an increase of more than 73 percent on the previous year she of constable sawyer also pointed the finger at government cuts to youth services but the home office insists is doing all it can to stop child exploitation cheryl phoenix from the anti discrimination group the black child agenda told us that it's almost impossible for youngsters to escape once they're dragged into a cycle of criminality. children a lot of people fail to see them as the victims of what's going on and then they become criminalized and once you become criminalized at such
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a young age it's almost impossible to get yourself back on track a lot of these young people that we find as part of these drug cat gangs as they're called have been permanently excluded have been rejected from society so i think we need to go back a few steps and even jilt deal with our young people from a primary age level because as they get into secondary school which i can guarantee when they go back next week my phone will be ringing in constantly with children being kicked out of school for have a natural hair not having the right tie on or maybe their shoes so if we start stop doing this you know sledgehammer approach to what we are talking about as children then they wouldn't find themselves in these gangs in the 1st place but no one's actually listening or doing anything about the exclusion matter and the high rates and the issues that we have with young people in the care system as well who if there was another study done you'd actually find that majority of these children have come through the care system are actually being exploited also in the sexual airiness in areas as well as just being on gangs and you know getting involved in
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county lines which a lot of them don't actually know what they're doing so it is a much bigger picture it's not as simple as what's been said meantime different country different story but still worrying revelations about vulnerable children in armenia this next one where it's been discovered that for over 20 years a criminal network forced mothers to give up their newborns against their will so that they could be sold abroad for adoption reporting today on the roof or not. this is a story with many children involved but it is not one of these typical happy ending tales a team might expect to hear during holiday season an investigation is on to go in now in armenia into an alleged black market adoption network believed to have been operating for years to citizens of the republic of armenia using their contacts in one of the republican obstetrical institutions organized the adoption of more than 3 dozen children more than 30 babies to italy and there were also cases of adoption
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by u.s. couples one of the victims has been trying to achieve justice for almost 2 decades already her name is susanna she says 20 years ago doctors pressured her to give up her daughter stella threatening to report her case of a 16 year old mother to police and her father she signed papers refusing her rights . because i held my baby in my arms after he was born i stayed in the hospital for another 2 days or so but i didn't see him ever again they told me that he was born prematurely and didn't survive i was given some peoples to sign but it was too weak to understand what i was signing in december they are mean and authorities detained the country's chief ops attrition who sues on accuses of threatening her and other officials as part of the probe it does make a better man was released several days later due to lack of evidence a spark public outrage. a lawyer who has represented susanna since
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2013 has he's explanation for 7 long years we were shouting about it at every corner this is a mafia that is stronger and more powerful than the one controlling drug traffic i can say there were relatives of the rulers involved. in 2017 human rights watch released a 102 page report titled when will i get to go home documenting thousands of cases of children in armenia needlessly often forcefully isolated separated from their families and placed to institutions more than 90 percent of them have at least one living parent said the international ngo then tried to draw attention to disturb in inaction by authorities the government of armenia has made some bold commitments to reduce the number of children in institutions but needs to make sure this promise is backed by serious sustained action 2 years later last september the
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authorities noticed that 4 times as many children went to foreigners rather than to locals and started investigation all adoptions have since been suspended in armenia which might be a good news though changes little for those who believe their kids were wrongfully given away years ago but then there must be a legal solution so that we could do validate they don't show the child it's about selling children i will do everything i will not back down there must be a fair trial. this is a see international live from moscow on the way rewarded for pushing painful reforms why there's anger in front so rewarding a top gong to the american buying post links to the country's divisive pension changes the 1st run of the streets amongst other things complaining about that in paris right now at a crossroads one of our stories ahead. welcome
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back stabbers devil survival guide. looking forward that's because. yanks. what happens to pensions in britain. watched as a report. is your media a reflection of reality. in a world transformed. what will make you feel safe. isolation community. are you going the right way or are you being led. by. what is true what is faith.
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in the world corrupted you need to descend. to join us in the depths. aura made in the shallowness. again 60 6 in the evening here in moscow now will start of a brand new year but same old trouble huge discontent over pension reforms in france continue right now its troy thousands again onto the streets of paris this saturday the police are out in force to again using tear gas to disperse the crowds . i. i. i. was the crux of the matter here yellow vest protests is have joined the call now to abandon the changes that would see the retirement age for many increases cause so much trouble transport service workers their doctors and teachers are among
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those who turned out in the french capital protests are also planned in other cities including marcell strasburg now another meeting between the government of unions is show jewel for shoes day with hopes it may diffuse this long running situation now tied in with this but different story the french pension controversies now casting a shadow over the country's highest state of world the legion of honor some of the names that are up for accolades are causing more than a little consternation because they include for one the head of the french branch of the american asset management linked to the reform companies called you may have heard of it it's one of the world's largest asset management firms it's been in front since 2006 now this one spoke to last summer when it apparently pushed for privatizing part of the french system with the us style format it's accused of trying to take advantage of the country's deeply divisive pension reforms we've been talking about which has seen these weeks of crippling strikes which up to now surely do with look to whether or not the company could cash in then if those
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reforms do get through. to be awarded france is a legion of honor medal is to receive the country's highest award so no doubt this is recipients well pleased as punch to know that they'd been given the nords when the list was announced one name provoked rather than. it was that of visual francois serially head of the french branch of the american management company black rock why well critics accuse blackwater of trying to cash in on the controversial pension changes that are currently being pushed through by the french government. black crow could directly benefit from the pension reform. the chose to honor the lead of blackrock france is nothing but an anecdote blackrock is simply the dark side of the pension reform john transource you believe president of blackrock france is promoted to officer of the legion of warner on january the 1st
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as a reward for pillaging of our pay as you go passions the presentation of the legion of honor it is on francoise to relieve the provocation it reveals the close ties that exist between the graun and the world of finance he's selling the retirement system to american pension funds it's a big deal strikes against pension reform and now into this week it's the longest running strike in half a century across problems people have taken to the streets to let the government know the plans to merge 42 different pension plans into one universal system at the same time as raising the age of retirement are not welcome. on pension reform lose and everything and the next issue is the form of social security and social protection and. we are not at all in favor of the status quo we are in favor of proving this system but not tearing it down and we will go on it
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until it is withdrawn and improved but has already come under fire off it was accused of attacking french pensions now it's alleged to have provided recommendations to the government in regards to reform and way and it will benefit from any privatization of france's redistributive pay as you go pension schemes something the government and but cork is at pains to deny in no way have to exert and influence and the current pension system citron what dispatches the french market is a box of trees from blair clark stop talking nonsense. and there is a big but in an internal document unveiled by french t.v. in many t. last month that books of. treats is a lot bigger than the secretary of state to my time do you believe it outlines the height market value in france and how blackrock wanted a piece of the pie critics say bestowing the legion of honor on black ops manning
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fronts is a rude for the pillage of the country social retirement system and while black rock perhaps isn't as well placed as others to take a huge slice of french pension savings it certainly is primed and ready to jump into the market a lot of people are afraid that the complete french pension scheme is going to change that this is just a 1st big step to go to something more. totally funded which is the contrary what's going on today in france and this is obviously from a political point of view very bad time and the middle of this message strikes which is we're going this is are those strikes are going on for practically over a month richard records now a lot of people are satisfied a lot of people who are very tired of these strikes kind of people say that they will stop the strikes until the government draws back from its initial it's giving the impression that there is a plan b. that there is something created by the government is actually just laying down the
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grounds of the 1st project but there's something worse coming out. update now on libya the libyan rebel commander have called on his compadres to rise up and defend the stricken country against turkish forces is the latest the peel comes 2 days after lawmakers and crew agreed to send troops to libya their quest of the u.n. recognize government of national accord over in tripoli. and comprehensive mood wise a suit i address my speech to the entire arab nation its people we do. that a smart argument ignited the use of a national war targeting our nation by declaring that levy is heritage while 2 rival ministrations be vying for control of libya since 2014 a one side there's the d.n.a. based in the capital in the country's western the other in the oil rich east the parallel government is allied to cali for have forces which have been closing in on
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tripoli in recent months as part of mark colvin from the crisis research institute you tell me more about the local and regional power struggles currently playing out in libya. if you like to democratic legitimacy is in combat here saying we represent the people in libya that really true them represent only a chunk of the libyan population but those chunks of quite antagonistic to each other there's a lot of regional complication a lot of rivalries going on in the background of the president of turkey has increasingly forward with the saudis and the iraq he's a big friend of the government cattle and there it goes wrong with the saudis numerati is who are supporting president after all who is appealing to a kind of arab resentment of the traditional occupier of libya turkey ottoman turkey historically control the territory and so he's appealing to a kind of ethnic division between turks and arabs and of course also appealing to his friends in egypt and other arab countries so in do you want the turkish government throwing its weight around. this summer of course is known as the season
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to give them for one toddler from florida is proving to be life changing she was born with a really problematic facial birthmark but now when russian benefactors come to her family's aid. he was. the. victim. that we're having like a lot of bad situations to people calling her or her monster and make clear the church and nato tchiowa best her mother mom or dad on the her face and her mother was like oh my god that's the most there that's 2 other big and that's what's the worst situation but a lot of people like pointing at this tree the only caveat is that conceives you are.
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looking is up the location is very difficult from the point of view of classic surgery it's almost impossible to remove it without creating serious trouble for her eyelids and the outcome of such a massive skin graft would be rather modest plus a small baby doesn't have enough to issues for transplantation. she contact me with better results than in the us compare each other doctors that i saw in the usa he was one of the best actually before it came everybody's back calling me crazy to fool here to try something so far so the french you know. very often mistake. is like a stupid you don't know the find the weasel. the of the a very happy because we didn't need to do the. explain there is the traditional
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surgery so could he her face it would be a very heavy i mean we talk a lot to my parents to see i'm sure all the time the defeat of the hip if you get the. you know like you 1st want to see those pitches she's got a long road ahead of it yet there's hope it all turns out well as most people who want to assume she can have a better 2020 well. here in moscow this saturday afternoon my name is kevin wherever you're watching season's greetings from us and have a great weekend 'd. and we're going to fulfill that promise is possible for the people. you know we
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all pots to. be. pretty. pretty good. if you want to. know. there's a lot of here is economy where china has caught up or surpassed us you know the mobile payments market 50 times the size of the us or over here still writing checks our banking system is not innovated. kind of recently woken up the last
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couple years and go wow we don't even have a company that can make 5 g. equipment it's been a win win for china and it's been a lose lose for the us. i'm action or clancy welcome to going underground we will be back with a brand new season starting on january the 8th but until then we will be showing some of your favorite shows from the last season of the decade coming up in this show we go to ramallah to hear from the former palestinian prime minister nabil shaath now senior advisor to president abbas plus what is netflix's the crown
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season 3 not telling you about the british monarchy u.k. former home office minister and privy councillor to the queen norman baker reveals all that you want to hear from the mouths of a libya coleman and helena bonham carter all of them all going up in today's going underground 1st this month marks 45 years since yasser arafat became the 1st so-called on state leader to address the united nations general assembly in his speech he claimed optimism based on the attitudes of human rights of the u.n. charter and this attitude heightens the hopes that all the world attach to the u.n. contribution in defending the issues of peace and justice and independence to create a new world free from colonialism imperialism neo colonialism and racism in all its forms including zionism he went on to offer israel and all of branch about 15 years ago last monday he would be dead israel still continuing to violate un security
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council resolutions and in the past few days fighting has intensified between the so-called largest prison camp in the world gaza and illegally occupied israeli settlements israel's ambassador to london has not got back to going underground and successive representatives have never been available for interview on this program joining me now from ramallah is senior palestinian official and former chief negotiator and prime minister of palestine. now bill thanks for coming on the program so the idea of says. they attacked underground rocket launchers elite launching stations underground terrorist infrastructure and military forces of the islamic jihad organization your reaction to the renewed violence in gaza and the occupied territories and israel this is a pure cold blooded murder this is an assassination i mean this is this is not this is not a warfare this is a deliberate assassination of of people in their homes.
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