tv Documentary RT January 5, 2020 11:30am-12:00pm EST
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trying to seem trampling the most basic human rights beijing is increased its interventions in hong kong and engaged in actions to curtail the rights. and liberties. of its people but it seems so many incidents have managed to escape the scrutiny of western media outlets all over the lot. of. scenes like that combined with the discovery of 10000 petrol bombs packed with high explosives and shrapnel make it harder to see is peaceful what appears to be a slippery slope into the territory of terrorists methods you can all fight for freedom of speech by silencing people who disagree with you. you cannot fight for
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democracy by terrorizing the public to force others to support you china is treading kathleen refusing to send in troops to shut down the protests and local elections were held in which pro democracy candidates won in a landslide hong kong authorities conceded defeat the extradition built has been withdrawn but still the barricades on signing the flames according to china washington chance will be china urges the us to correct its mistakes and stop interfering in our internal affairs we will take further steps if necessary to uphold hong kong stability and prosperity as well as china sovereignty. some have chalked down beijing's words to paranoia but let's take a look joshua was widely billed as the face of the protest movement was snapped speaking to an official at the u.s. consulate oh when i forgot to mention he's not big on compromise so there's no end game there is to infinity ward at home people are willing to engage there's also an
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organization funded by the u.s. congress which has been distributing money to groups it claims are preserving democratic rights then of course as the incendiary legislation washington's passed the human rights and democracy out it includes amnesty for those arrested at a protest and will monitor hong kong to ensure that in the eyes of the u.s. of course an appropriate level of autonomy from mainland china is. these 2 bills an obvious intervention of hong kong some turn north further than necessary and without groans they will also harm the relationship and interests between hong kong and the u.s. all of this on top of the protest as musts waving of the star-spangled banner have sparked concern that the u.s. might be lending more than just a supportive hand leading many to ask the question if the protest as a calling for self-determination is appealing to a foreign power to shape the future the best way to go about it especially when
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that foreign power might want to contain a rising star they're reaching. for and using methods that have created challenges for the united states and for the world. and we collectively all of us need to confront these challenges from the p.r.c. head on and on each of the many facets of the fallout of all this has a little impact on washington of course it's the average hong kong or who find his pocket that little bit lighter on his home that little less popular major. is. the. because. for him to go away nobody is coming to a home call. for the gold we. told her to use them for. 50 percent or more and we'd see it was dropped by 50 per se as far as. arises and as prosperity
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fades it seems this fight for freedom is costing hong kong more daily than many could have imagined. it's 34 minutes past the hour on the bottom live from our change to moscow you're just 2 minutes away from the latest update on the breaking news which is the iraqi parliament voted in favor of expelling all foreign troops after the united states deadly air strike in baghdad on friday which killed iran's top military general that's coming up. in the united states presidential candidates debate the future of the u.s. and the world. max kaiser and stacy herbert dig into the burning questions of this election cycle one topic every week well tax student debt trade wars
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corporate money universal basic income and more catch up with what's front running this sunday exclusively on r.t. . thousands of american men and women choose to serve in the country's military and the decision. every song came to a complete. the day that i was writing. you know told to shut up kill me and i see how it destroyed my life many screamed at me and he made me come in the gram my arm and he write me with this bird thinking if you take into account that women don't report because of the extreme retaliation it's probably somewhere near about half a 1000000 women have now been sexually assaulted in the us military rape is a very very traumatizing tat happen but i've never seen trauma like i've seen from women who are veterans who have suffered military sexual trauma reporting rape is
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more likely to get the victim punished and be offended and almost 10 year career which i was very invested in and i gave a sex offender who was not even put to justice or put on the registry this is simply an issue of our in violence male sexual predators for the large part of target whoever is there to prey upon whether that's a man or woman. so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy. let it be an arms race is often very dramatic development only really going to exist i don't see how that strategy will be successful very critical time to sit down and talk. try going to this is the week to for most international roundup of the stories of
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the last 7 days that have made the news and the breaking news is on the screen as you can see and read the iraqi parliament passed a resolution calling on the government to expel foreign forces and for full well the terminator requesting assistance from the u.s. led. i still coalition whining about those years us where this started the vote follows the united states assassination friday of iran's most powerful general in the air raid with a drone on baghdad international airport and these are the ramifications starting now iraqi officials described that strike as a violation of their country's sovereignty so. it goes down of course this is a go for our viewers just joining us it's big news still to be worked out what this means practically but politically it's u.s. get out of a country that's $5000.00 troops in 12 bases you know the bottom line of this whole thing is it's a huge geo political victory for iran this is the bottom line i mean to go into detail now this voted has been a difficult one it has been a very close call in
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a sense that there was barely the minimum number of parliamentary vote there's a certain threshold for the vote to be passed as little as it is a percentage it's about it's about 50 percent and that was about the number of parliamentary showed up for the ballot and essentially this happened only because the united states put certain political groups in iraq under tremendous pressure pushing them into boycotting and sabotaging the vote for instance this is what the kurds the kurds did so and interestingly enough there were 2 options of the vote one simply review and draft new circumstances draft new guidelines how the united states and other foreign militaries will be operating on iraqi soil another one was the nuclear option just to tell us what to get out and interestingly enough the parliamentary sided with this option so the final resolution looked like a file a complaint to the united nations over your over american target assassinations of
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the rocky soil to withdraw all requests of international help essentially up to the international help meaning the antioxidant quality of them and to tell. all foreign militaries not just the united states but including the united states to get out of iraq and as the vote was taking place people took to the streets because they were trying to make themselves heard that they would side of being between a rock and a hard place. the sort of the conflict taking place between america and iran inside iraq is unacceptable we will not be the fuel for your wars your problems must be solved away from iraq. we are opposed to recent events we reject them and there is fear in iraqi society because of this conflict we are against any regional conflicts but harm our country's interests. because the conflict between
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america and iran should be solved outside iraq and if they also have a military conflict it must be resolved outside iraq this is what we hope for from the struggling government so clearly the people are sick and tired of a situation when 2 countries like for instance the united states in iraq and iran are juking it out between themselves but all the punches at least a large portion of the punches are landing on the iraqi people and more information is coming out about why general slow money was there in iraq at the time friday morning and this is interesting reading isn't it. tell our viewers about just joining us why was it is a question well why what we are there what the iraqi prime minister was one angry man during that session and he spilled the beans at least give iraq a version as to why general seemed silly money was in iraq on the iraqi soil apparently according to the iraqi well i'll go in but still prime minister the
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united states asked iraq to mediate to be the mediator in the conflict between washington and tehran iraq agreed and they invited general seems silly money to baghdad with an appointment. with the iraqi prime minister to help with the mediation now he's a powerful man apparently was bringing some resolutions from saudi arabia an american ally in the go ahead are going to be here a year look at a lot could change maybe so he was bringing something from saudi arabia a major american ally and so on and so forth sees the world he was a world commander and of he was seen as a very very powerful politician some are seeing some are saying that he's he was the 2nd most powerful man after i told him saying over there like don't look at working this one but what so you're saying america rocked to get him from to run the 2nd in command also a diplomatic mission if you like to mediate and talk about ways forward in. forcefully money if this was the rocks decision america just asked baghdad like
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will you be the mediator and baghdad was ok and it was but there you asserted they knew this was going on good into the iraqi prime minister america was in the loop america was well in the loop that iraqi with the iraq was mediating this whole thing and so but it's centrally if this is true and there's a lot of questions to whether or not this is true because we still haven't heard from to iran for instance or the united states for that instance but still that would mean effectively general salim ali was there was in baghdad in the capacity of a diplomatic envoy and the united states bombed a diplomatic envoy which is a big big no no wonder the under international law there are so many questions and what is going to mean politically for the future of rocks at all area around it is so much so much of the instability there's a pm there at the moment it's all in flux again what's it going to mean internally because it was not everyone that wants america of iraq there are rockets as you mentioned some factions there that want the state absolutely but i'm more
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interested in the as to what the america will do now because well donald trump he has been saying for a long time that he wants to bring american boys and girls home. we want to bring our troops back home it's been many many years it's been decades in many cases we want to bring our troops back home and i got elected on that if you go back and look at our speeches i would say we want to bring our troops back home from these endless wars. well this vote is a perfect opportunity for donald trump to bring back some 5000 of american boys and girls home well this is tongue in cheek of course. maybe that was but i would put my money on that it wasn't because it creates a void for the for iran which iran will probably will happily fill in whenever it gets the chance so this is something i'm sure general sort of money been alive and
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had this happened he would be one very happy man to learn about about this whole thing so again it's not clear how the united states will respond or how we will rock if if the if the if the government votes if the government signs this bill into action how they will enforce and facilitate the departure of some $5000.00 of us draw from 12 bases and so on and so forth still a lot of questions and a lot of it is not going to come in it later on or a go thanks for that for now will you continue this with the unit he's here we're going to go into the next earlier he was always on it thanks egos down off and let's get some more thoughts the general workings on the line international relations professor of history at the lebanese university in beirut hello sir thanks for your time with this was saying gosh this is a whole hornet's nest now where is this going to go next is talking about the instability that this vacuum may leave it's talking about will the americans even leave go you know we're getting out ok you don't want to see what you think the next steps are going to be is so in theory of those is
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a nonbinding mission iraq has said americans foreign troops you bases you 5000 people we want to know is it going to be quick. well i don't think so i would don't believe that the americans who invaded the country back in 2003 for their joy a political agenda. without any international. congress back then they would be willing to do so on the. request of the occupant of the room so i believe that the americans the nation of my money was a person a step toward getting. one more time especially that there are media reports saying that the americans or the lesson are giving. up their training them in order for these isis elements to take over parts of syria
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and western. iraq the way they did back in so just as you say it's very difficult to work out what the game plan was here but as you see it in the pentagon tunnel try whenever whenever this was apparently israel funded by the society before it happened found a couple of minutes before this drone attack a baghdad airport but what was the game plan she think in america what they think the ramifications would be. well i believe that from an american perspective from the point of view of donald trump earned the american establishment things where going well for them in the middle east because syria slipped out of their fingers the bustle of the city an army on bodies front and its preparations to take over eastern syria one more time from the hands of the americans and their
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allies. push the americans to. cause instability both in lebanon. by existing pressure on both governments and on the economy of the countries which are very involved. on the run and number 2 if you like me not a huge thing to do in the way it was done. well done getting it on general. was because the plan to close the make all of the completion for both in iraq i left but also didn't go as planned so they needed to. let's say. exert more pressure by posing by doing this assassination and at the same time preparing for standing up with one more time of course. the parliament the iraqi parliament. the exit all u.s.
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troops however we need to admit the fact that they were predominantly shiite members of parliament guns and sunni didn't attend the session. i believe. i mean you will from lebanon you selfish is going see so this is a bigger picture than just a puppet of somebody in iran a significant iran is a big picture getting lebanon including syria the whole bigger. well. if you do so on meet the donald trump that you would send also to lebanon. what the media doesn't talk about is that there aren't a lot of. american bases in lebanon including that. rally right. on the border with syria. that is also another airport in lebanon which is also used by u.s.
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helicopters the american embassy in lebanon has been. a military base lately and they are expanding it. and sending troops though it's not. what's going on in both you know about on the. bigger scheme by the americans back to. the lost ground in syria they want for lebanon to be like a leading syria you know ours to be everything you know so that both countries would be exhausted. the american elections once and you had them in his elect and the american you know the 2 books now there is no room for diplomacy. i don't believe that there will be room for to so much back to rand what happened on friday
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i wonder what's going to happen next run's kind of how to deal with this is 40 is this standoff with american accent or tetra. all they going to play it cool is something big like much of the rest the world what i read about what's going to happen here the some of the top or the red tops in britain will free it is going to come to that but what is going to happen i want to next do you think your best guess. well i believe that the american indians will have. this is something. i believe where. let's say supporting business parents. against. u.s. troops so it will be witnessing you sort of. you know americans and you know are. they willing to make donald on one interview him saying he did this on friday to avert war offsets a war so it wouldn't happen you know saying we dug a long hit man you know and i believe that he would use this stark an american
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president. with his caddie in it or you know and the way it happened back in. capable of. being. second so there are. also. let's say your losses of life losses among american soldiers this will affect negatively the chances open on who would. win a 2nd residence. but i don't believe that the army units will retaliate in a way that would that i and i made it to the americans. and so it would be sort of . complicated times again as usual as we go into a new year so early on general became a professor of history and international relations in the city is so plants only times goes on a big circle doesn't it but very difficult to know this was going to play out and what the motivation was in the 1st place by american but you can have some good
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clues as to maybe what it might be general what came in beirut i think you have so much. well meantime in iran lawmakers mean face lee condemning the assassination of general sort of many as you may expect chanting death to america. the touch general casino solomon whose body is being repatriated to iran now is going to be buried on tuesday there's been a huge outpouring of grief in the country without hundreds of thousands of mourners paying tribute to the slain commander crowds also from the streets of the iraqi capital yes late saturday for that final possession report in the pictures iran has responded it fair to say with fury to friday's deadly u.s. air raid vowing to avenge sala monies death donald trump last we heard threatened to target dozens of locations 52 he said including some quote important to iran and to rein in culture will see if the work cultural heritage sites that for
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a start of a month will walk right. there this serves as a warning that if iran strikes any americans or american acids we have targeted 52 iranian sides some as a very high level and important to iran and the iranian culture and those targets and iran itself will be hit very fast and very hard the use a wants no more threats. iran responded to that warning saying the u.s. doesn't have the courage for a full blown military confrontation the latest exchange of threats comes after several rocket attacks took place we can report in iraq on saturday evening close to both the american embassy in baghdad and an air base north of the capital iraqi security forces say no one hurt so far they don't know who is behind it i was come forward anyway here's a recap of photon t 20 opened with a turbulent and terrifying 1st week.
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there are people there is the general there that was played on friday and i believe that's the coffin that's his coffin let's trade said earlier on today there's a huge strength of feeling in iran over what happened on friday the ramifications still yet to be known but a lot of anger as you can see and read there the breaking news we're going to leave you these pictures the iraqi parliament voted in favor of expelling all foreign troops that essentially follows united states assassination of iran's was powerful . general in an air raid on baghdad international airport iraq very little warning just a couple of minutes into in there keep up to date with what's happening in iraq and iran. want to social media units here in the coming hours to take you through it as well as we get more reaction to that big news you can see on your screen there thank you for watching. international.
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you know world of big part of the lot and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smart we need to stop slamming the door on the bath and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks. time after time corporations repeat the same mantra sustainability it's very important to accelerate the transition to
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sustainable transport sustainability. a more equitable and sustainable well. they claim their production is completely hama's. it. companies want us to feel good about buying their products while the damage is being done far away and this is something else just as he wants any minute i'm. listening to. to me men and einstein seemed to be based on just looks who. didn't screw 6. both the harmony who create their own vibrating strings that is chemistry chemistry is the melody the melodies you can play on strings what is the universe the universe is is a symphony of strings. joining me
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every 1st day on the alex salmond show and i'll be speaking to us of the world of politics sports business i'm show business i'll see you then. here's a thought experiment and a bit of a prediction for 2020 going back to saudi aramco around town as it went public just recently at a market valuation an excess of $1.00 trillion dollars i think at one point was worth 2 trillion dollars i think that we're going to see them make a hostile buy of a company maybe facebook for example and it could be the 1st trillion dollar hostile raid in history because they've got the balance sheet now if you've got a 2 trillion dollars balance sheet that means you've got you know the ability to borrow another trillion so you've got a 3 trillion dollar war chest if you go after an apple or even a berkshire hathaway 5 or $600000000000.00 why wouldn't saudi aramco buy berkshire hathaway just as a hostile trade and then they own us
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a huge portion of the whole global market the american market why not they've got the balance sheet now they want to diversify away from oil and gas and i think we're going to see a move like that the next 6 to 9 months. in the united states present. candidates debate the future of the u.s. and the world. stacy herbert dig into the burning questions of this election cycle . every week. student debt trade was money universal basic. more catch up with what's front running this sunday exclusively.
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iraqi lawmakers pass a resolution calling for the removal of foreign troops from the country including a u.s. led. coalition. and the vote follows america's assassination of iran's most powerful general strike on baghdad international airport on friday. as the body of general money is returned. also in the stories that shaped this week wiki leaks founder julian assange claims he slowly dying in a u.k. prison saying he's being. subjected to 23 hours a day of solitary confinement.
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