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tv   News  RT  January 7, 2020 2:00pm-2:31pm EST

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classifies the u.s. armed forces as a terror organization in response to the pentagon's killing of terrans top commander that is huge crowds of mourners gathered for the funeral of carson in the money. u.s. house speaker nancy pelosi announces a resolution to curb donald trump's ability to attack iran however a similar restriction was stripped from a defense bill passed by congress just last month and the russian president vladimir putin holds talks with his syrian counterpart bashar al assad in damascus amid rising tensions in the middle age. and also to come as we enter the new year the hangover of political correctness continues notably over the new gangster film the gentleman who put the issue up at the back. to. discuss the
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racist language this was a movie about gangsters and hey guess what bully gangsters don't speak in politically correct and balanced way is. a good evening you're watching r t international in a rapid escalation of what is already a volatile situation the iranian parliament has designated the us armed forces as a terror organization it came in response the killing of the country's most powerful general in a u.s. air raid at baghdad airport in iraq on friday tensions across the middle east of soldiers the rains demand retaliation.
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well those who did this as well as the perpetrators of this crime the killing of general kassim son the money with the pentagon and the military i counted as terrorists the body of the iranian general has been taken back to his home town for burial and it's reported that dozens of people were crushed to death in the huge crowds of the gathered there with hundreds injured. the iranian foreign minister has accused washington of violating u.n. agreements after he was denied to us which means he can address the u.n. later this week and the democrats still angry to say we don't trump the fighting to seek congressional approval for his actions in the middle east as. promised decision to kill iran's top general isn't exactly bringing peace and stability to the middle east as the world is on edge waiting to see how bad the fallout will be democrats have spoken up however the objection of the democrats isn't that trying to kill gossips all of money but that he did it without their permission the
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operation against solo money in iraq was conducted without specific authorization and any advance notification or consultation with congress there is usually a congressional consulting process it's both constitutionally required we see a gradual march to military action directly or indirectly with iran that has not been authorized by congress but they did actually have a chance to stop trump the recent $738000000000.00 defense spending bill could have included amendments that tied trump's hands and mandated he not carry out any attacks against iran. no federal funds may be used for any use of military force in or against iran unless congress has a declared war or be an active specific statutory authorization for such use of military force if the president wants to attack iran he needs to come to congress for authorization i proly support this amendment prohibits in the use of any funds
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for war with iran without congressional authorization and number of progressive voices did speak out but they got outvoted the bill was passed. any member who voted for the national defense authorization act a blank check can't now expressed dismay the trauma of motion of the war in the middle east my amendment which has stripped would have cut off funding for any offensive attack against iran including gates officials like sunday monny now democrats in congress are looking to pass a resolution that would not stop but only limit trump's actions when it comes to iran and no surprise there because in the aftermath of solomon is killing democrats seem to act go trans claim that it was indeed an awful person deserves to be shot down similarly was a murderer responsible for the deaths of thousands including hundreds of americans in general still the money was a violent man who died a violent death toll money was a bad guy there's no question about that
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a notorious terrorist no one should shed a tear over his death he deserved to be brought to justice he deserved to be brought to justice was. this seems to be the outlook of the democratic party it's ok to kill the top general of a foreign country and put the country on the brink of war you just have to ask permission 1st they don't sound as much like cool headed but rather like noxious bureaucrats waving the rule book interim space demanding proper procedure. one of the 1st repercussions of the assassination came on sunday when iraqi and pais voted to expel foreign forces from that country the u.s. secretary of state meanwhile has rejected claims that sort of money was in iraq on a diplomatic mission. zarif statement. his 1st statement that this sort of money was traveling to baghdad on a diplomatic mission anybody here believe that. is there any history that would
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indicate that it was remotely possible that this kind gentleman this diplomat of great order because i'm still the man he had to travel to baghdad for the idea of conducting a peace mission i think maybe reporters like this one of that's fantastic. we know that wasn't true we not only know the history we know in that moment that was not true serif is a propagandist of the 1st order. however the iraqi prime minister disagrees. with. you i was about to meet silly money at 830 on friday morning on the day of his death he was carrying a message to me from the iranian side in reply to a saudi message that we sent to the arena earlier to reach important agreements regarding the deescalation of tensions in iraq and in the region we discussed this latest development with mohammed circle he's the u.n. representative for the iraqi based youth organization called just. the united states army and the power i wouldn't find them or don't find them useful in our country or in my country we don't find that useful because 1st of all they haven't
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protected our borders when isis invaded iraq they haven't protected our economy they haven't protected our oil so if the us one it is clearly this this is an act of war and is an act of terrorism iran have the right to to to define the finale define the state as a terrorist states big can be can. act of terrorism because is being committed in a sovereign country in iraq. nearby civilian port targeting well both of them were civilian that time because they travel through baghdad international airport weedy they have changed again or they have changed the rules of the game and this is a clear violation of human rights and a clear act of terrorism. but amid the rising tensions in the middle east glad to meet peyton has paid an unexpected visit to syria for talks with president bashar al assad with more on that his remark kosar. this is let me have putin's 1st visit
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says syria since the year it's wednesday 17 and his arrival is there it comes amid tensions in the middle east following the killing off a top iranian military official in iraq after arrival according to vladimir putin's spokesperson he visited the russian command center in damascus where he held a meeting with president bashar assad and also received a state of affairs reports from the military about what's going on in the rest of the country now in a meeting with bashar assad lot of mir putin says that's a long way in significant steps have been made to establish in the country's territorial integrity as well as statehood meanwhile president of syria bashar. thanked the russian military for establishing in his country and a force for their fight against terrorism. now the latest movie by the
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british director guy ritchie has been getting some less than stellar reviews with critics branding the picture is racist and also acts of touch the gentleman has so far only been released in 4 countries with the rest of the world getting to see it in about 2 months time although here's a quick look at why some people are already angry. because really what we know now is that. this. thing the. every magical demographic gets their moment to be targeted and denigrated the only thing the gentleman finds worth celebrating is the bravado masculinity. a last forgivable blast from the past however it is a discomforting strain of racially based humor running through out reaching its original script making flat punch lines of multiple aging characters.
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it's just a shame that guy ritchie falls back on his bad habits casual racism i don't know lack of female characters problematic but still very entertaining. and i'm being absolutely sincere much rather watch cats than the angry racist man that is the gentle. we put the show up for debate with the political commentator david fans and also the social activist. this is a sort of bygone break movie a sort of muscular reassertion of the we can say what we like is our country and we don't give a damn what anybody thinks it can tell us about our most foul and disgusting racist language this was a movie gangsters and hey guess what really gangsters don't speak in politically correct balanced ways that's not what gangsters do when we see movies like this is
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the following day when those racial epithets are repeated on the should treat give cause for concern that. movie makers like guy should have a broader social conscience and responsibility. producing the arjen they do if you want to see a margin doris's them then that's fine you go and see it if we go to see a gangster movie you know we're not expecting to. find high philosophy we're not expecting to experienced work culture that's just reality i think is outdated is outmoded and he's not reflecting the kind of future which is of a more inclusive sense of britishers nationalism you know here we are in 2020 and what we're experiencing over this movie is just an early flutter of walk culture of the perpetually offended black panthers one of the most successful movies in the
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world and it's successful economically for a reason i think i'm not in favor of any artistic ban or any law i do think there should be greater diversity in the production and creative rooms quite amusing that you just referenced black panther and you went on then to talk about diversity if i recall the black panther movie successfully there wasn't a huge amount of diversity in not so if you want equality and i do then i think we have to have the fundamental right. 812 all opinions of all sorts heard saying and understood. the french president continues to face mounting pressure from public sector workers and trade unions as the country's longest strike in over 3 decades enters another wake anger over the government's proposed pension reforms has been boiling over in paris and other major cities to bring public transportation hospitals and schools to a standstill in the capital protesters targeted
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a major financial institution seems they say it stands to benefit from the new pension scheme that is the government entered a new round of talks on tuesday and it paid to end the standoff. now while christmas is ended for many of us millions of worshippers have been filling churches today from the balkans to the middle east is eastern orthodox christians celebrate their christmas. please. please. please. please.
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please. ok well now it is time to take a further look back at 29 seen in more of the events that marked the last 12 months . i. know what we have divided the review of the into if you katherine risa let's take a look at this one the disrupter in chief as work well that donald trump dominated headlines in the year that was stirring up politics both at home and also abroad. he was also the frequent busts of many in the mainstream media and on late night chased he would as well as being on the receiving end the president dish that. you're trying to say that it's not who had the last not. what should be the golden rule of anyone who wants to sound or look funny i don't mind
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a bit of comedy in my work so why is it repeats the same joke to tony. ok so what then happened to the gods of comedy and 2019 because they joked about or mocked the same person 102 times as you can see most of america is good. with the. lakes. orange picked out of refrigerator is actually the most accurate way trump has ever described himself. you know like sometimes like you know the way we try to get our steps and he's trying to reach a certain number of lies on his fitbit every single day you know he's like oh i haven't had my 10000 yet my dad was from germany yes 10000 i'm not really have 10000 i know that. you know what i actually just bumped into a blog post titled 6 ways to handle trump's impeachment during holiday
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dinners hasn't gone that bad for another comedy extract. the everyone flew here for the holidays and i'm even more happy that they did it their impeaching try well they did it their pitching trump could we please talk about politics instead. oh you mean how trump is definitely get impeached and then definitely getting reelected i'm good. yes it has well while some americans will probably be happy to mock or go on about donald trump until the end of time there are others who are sick of it and these folks gotta love a new feature on netflix a button that allows you to skip donald trump jokes now that's what i call innovation although seth meyers who came up with the idea didn't think people would use it. anyway what about the president he couldn't just sit in the corner
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and cry right well jokes by trump's previous essers never really crossed the line causing exactly the right amount of modest giggling but the differences between bush and mccain may be just too vast. i mean mccain is bush's running mate hasn't the man suffered enough and with that i just have 2 more words to say. obama. was. and 29 tango donald trump took it to a whole new level the ha ha's from his jokes were meant to slap his opponents hard bread and butter have been. specially raised by the jacksons to remain calm under any condition which will be very important because they've already received subpoenas to appear in adams shifts basement on thursday debbie dingell that's a real beauty she calls me up this is this thing that's ever happened thank you so
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much julie would be so thrilled he's looking to. thank you so much. so that's ok don't worry about. it. and as a true twitter troll he began to make good use of means. so what then everyone happy happy new year t.v. shows can save plenty of time on planning just fill up their time with. that for the white house be like for at least another year the president can keep on taking aim at rivals by mastering mean making and be proud of his razor sharp humor and just in case the public's now got a butt to skip jokes about the maggot man. bring it on
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in a prank if they win the 2nd category today's warring world $29.00 teams also a year hostility from the trade war between washington and beijing to a wave of terror attacks around the world. and last year i did see a spike in the number of places of worship being targeted is making our and now reports. while 2019 saw fewer terrorist attacks the us saw a more worrying trend with acts of terror inciting a tit for tat circle of hate 3 months into the year we saw one of the most peaceful countries in the world raise its terror threat level to high for the 1st time in its history. people around the world were left stunned when a 28 year old man unleashed carnage on 2 mosques in christchurch new zealand.
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this is one of new zealand's darkest days the appalling attack set the tone for the remainder of the year the question was what could have motivated this surge in olds right leanings the obvious answer to many was donald trump the u.s. president who had taken what some perceived as an anti immigrant stance also a man who had the misfortune to be named in the christ church attack as manifesto making him the perfect target for retribution mr trump your awards not. your policies matter i think the public discourse from the president is a factor in some of these actions our politicians play to the blame game a much darker reality was unfolding 9 days after christ church the 1st copycat
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attack. this time on a synagogue in california police later found graffiti on the driveway leaving little downside for whether the attacker had been inspired by the new zealand massacre the po way synagogue shooting took the life of one person and injured 3 others in a chilling act. off the new zealand attack the perpetrator also released a manifesto in which he praised the christ church terror months later copycat attack number 2. on the 3rd of august 22 people were killed and 24 others injured in a mass shooting at a wal-mart in el paso texas again the attack of released a manifesto revealing how he was inspired by the christ church mosque shootings. days later another one this time on a mosque in norway one person was injured the attack also attempted to lifestream
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the crime on facebook in a sinister twist the attacker not only praised to the christ church as a saint but also depicted his fellow copycat attack as heroes amidst the space of copycat attacks and i asked inspired attack in sri lanka. martin luther king jr said the hate begets hate instead of diminishing evil it multiplies it and this may be the sobering reflection of 2090 the word terrorism actually still has no universal definition that every country can agree on and so you can't stop a global scourge if you can't define that in unity so we have to start defining
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what each of these problems are what each of the intent is even in america some of the shootings that have happened the media has been totally silent about like el paso another in dayton ohio california is just one off the news after a couple days so we need to be defining what happened here and what's going on what are the ties here and so that we we can really sort of addressing that we need to start being more transparent about. on a global scale so we can start seeing our actual nation leaders working together rather than trying to tear each other apart that's what's going to start to make a change and power the people and really be able to take it back to washington so you could have a company this evening we're back again with the headlines and more news in just. a . reality has mandates of its own that go beyond what our wishes and preferences are . and our utopian visions maybe we're going to get
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a new deal but it may not be the green new deal that people are expecting will get the green new deal that we have we deserve rather think we are going to get a green new deal because the green you're dealing compass is things beyond just right infrastructure health care is in that new deal there are other elements if you go back to when i started in 2006 that we are going to get and that are popular in this country. good food descriptions sound up to tell using even for the owners so how to choose this pet food industry is telling us what to feed our pets really more based on what they want to sell us and was necessarily good for the pet turns out may not be as healthy as people believe and we have animals that have you know diabetes and arthritis they have auto immune disorders allergies we are actually creating these
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problems it's a huge epidemic of problems all of them i believe can be linked to fairy simple problem of diet and some dog owners so heartbreaking stories about their pets less treats to larger corporations are not very interested in proving or disproving the value of their food because they're already making it a $1000000000.00 on it and there's no reason to do that research. is you'll be via reflection of reality. in a world transformed. what will make you feel safe. isolation for community. are you going the right way or are you being led so. direct. what is true what is faith. in the world
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corrupted you need to descend. to join us in the depths. or remain in the shallows. if you want to so who still would know that you see a new series of attacks and tire rails of the truth is what you seek to analyze it takes to get to the pot of soup you speak of my life for the day like it or not i got tested this fall leaves with the belief that the 1st week now free to the end of this still going on this world hopelessness. and opened a new job to be opened up to start to put.
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greetings and salutations music my friends can change the world and most importantly it can give voice to the voiceless which is why it's our pleasure to present to you the sea out in new mexico d 5 is watching the hawks strikes a chord. 2 sense you pretend that was meant to be. misplaced my ancestors past the fleet street my specialty my special things to manifest my sleep stress those swings from the best months. and the many the memories a chance to preach against the trees promise me this lead to catch my sleeve an assassin that sang my sleepless nights your feet let me know. it'll be up to the tantric a then i'm back that will be gone great on me. yeah
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i know my sound the sound of a spot on the family album profound time of the sound i just fell upon them i know that's night and i just michael cheika help us find a way to solve this problem fellas my office has. to get it up my side of myself kind of become am i going to trap myself percentages did i go about this i'll be crazy probably not but headed to the town that's going to get a credit i'm certain that it comes in st paul that my head comes to my feet so big i said i would help with the beat of the chemical coldness upgrade the public get up and pull the leaves with the breeze comes with. the cup when it comes to defeat but i'll close the shelf of the sweet. pop up and down the tree much longer that i was a distinct adult but don't believe we cut the punches really. help me. sat outside watching.
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my circle of light and the terrible size and time of my hard old mit offenses fighting back to the heights the sergeants the parents tired of liars has it's hard to use any one last could be about to create a home from a car seat in the cars to recite in the car some hard times to pick up the idea of a hard to parse as concepts are so charming groups trying to outrun a terrible darby's these are both charging hard executives farmhouse this is set to be free on a house with no head asks how to pronounce it a pac-man tap. down and out of what you back now with the man down put up a casket a 2nd that we could do but i got my ass look at the top of that it's now going to cash out of my face. and then i'm on the interstate they call the house of the
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straight up money honey you can teach now that it's a snowplow by the shrub and away from the case nice joint in the basement how about for the place up with its place the old days of the concept of. me. so i was sort this all 1st of all. you've got an incredible amount of passion and energy in your music and in your art and that really comes through and someone watches you perform like we just did i mean truly an inspirational so i really want to start with asking you.


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