tv News RT January 8, 2020 2:00pm-2:31pm EST
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link ok link ok link up my. president donald trump responds to around 3 talent free attacks on u.s. military bases by promising new sanctions. also iran strikes happened late on tuesday night dozens of missiles raining down on seeing u.s. spaces in response to america's assassination by drone of terrans top general. ukrainian passions are playing meanwhile has crashed near toronto airport in training tearing ministry says that all 176 people on board were killed and also to come this hour blood in the turkish counterpart president officially launched the turks 3 natural gas pipeline the project will supply the turkish and the markets
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with russian gas it's. only good evening 10 o'clock here in moscow you're watching r.t. international now the u.s. president donald trump has responded to iran's missile strike on 2 u.s. military bases in iraq by vowing to impose new sanctions as we continue to evaluate options in response to a rainy and aggression the united states will immediately impose additional punishing economic sanctions on the iranian regime these powerful saying shoes will remain until around changes its behavior. you know any military strikes to me with responding would carry that to move things he's asked the nation in general questions of the money was killed in the u.s. trained strike last week paid. media press it's quite
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a different tone than we've heard from trump in the last few days folks will remember the tweet where he threatened to destroy not only sites in iran but also cultural historical sites as well as other infrastructure and such in iran if iran dared to respond so quite a different tone we heard from donald trump what's also quite interesting is trump he seems to have talked about continuing the sanctions against iran didn't specify however that the usa intended any retaliatory strikes for iran's recent move and he also brought up the issue of iran's nuclear capacity and allegations of iran's nuclear proliferation the iran nuclear deal which didn't seem to be related to the current controversy let's take a listen as long as i'm president of the united states iran will never be allowed to have a nuclear weapon. good morning the time has come for the united kingdom
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germany france russia and china to recognize this reality. they must now break away from the remnants of the iran deal who are j c p a way trump emphasized his opposition to the j c p o way the nuclear deal and was calling for different parties around the world to withdraw from it he saw it as a bad deal but he also seemed to indicate that he would be open to some kind of new nuclear conclusion or nuclear negotiation regarding the islamic republic and its nuclear energy program furthermore trump didn't shy away from praising u.s. military equipment and weapons and he spoke of them in rather glowing terms let's take a listen to that our missiles are big powerful accurate lethal in fast under construction are many hypersonic missiles the fact that we have this great military equipment however does not mean we have to use it. we do not want to use
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it now many observers have commented on trump's demeanor and how he seems to be lacking a lot of the boldness and bluster for which is supporters like him for and have praised him for and it's also noting interesting that trump mentioned that isis and the defeat of isis was a good thing for iran and left an opening for the usa and iran to cooperate against the i still terrorist so quite an interesting change in tone many people wondering if this will in fact lead to a further deescalation of the dance but at the moment things have been known to change rather quickly all eyes are still on iran and on washington to see what the next move will be. as mark and i reporting from new york let's get these now made rushdie's the rector of the house of iraqi expertise foundation good evening t. what did you make of trump speech he could have been a lot more aggressive but that said he did impose new sanctions on iran.
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well it show you that what's happened or what prism trabant said it looks like that he is actually deescalating torn about threatening iran because he said previously is that america will bomb by about 52 sites. or $51.00 that it's supposed to be inside iran if anything's happened to any kind of americans in the whole world so this time he looks more calm he actually focused on some sort of more sanctions more economical sanctions. he talks also about he talked also about the nuclear deal and the new nuclear deal but sure that trump is actually pushing for a new negotiations between iran and the u.s. and also between iran and the allies of us how do you think iran will respond and
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iraq to you because up until this point iran has said that its goal. it's to see u.s. forces leave the region. will it show that also the iranian you know that you've said ok that's it we got our eventually show you that maybe the next on the next days we will see some sort of softer relations returning of soft relations between the u.s. and the iranian maybe with the media and country maybe with the european countries show you also that both of them that they don't want to ask lay things and both of them knows very well how much it will be a bad impact especially on iraq but at the end i think the iraqis will get benefit from what's happened especially me we are now focusing on making a new. new government by a new prime minister and maybe at the end we will get early elections. do you think i mean certainly prevalent or more donald trump was saying he was again stressing
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what he calls a malign activities by iran in the region destabilizing the region backing heathy rebels hezbollah except. from your point of view how much is the instability also down to american foreign policy. well it shows you the most important thing in show you that the americans are very serious in being inside the middle east again. also maybe they won't be inside the local politics of iraq for example. that means we are all talk to previously about iranian intervention now we are talking about some sort of a soft power or maybe hard power of the americans to push hard iraqi politics toward the international community rather than to go 100 percent or whether iran saw all those things need to be measured well in the next days all those things will have impact on stabilization of iraq now this civilization of iraq and maybe
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the. middle east. i think the americans with the killing of general qassam soleimani try to send messages that destabilization cannot be safe for a long time let us begin a new beginning a new start with a new faces and let's forget what's happened in the past. and there will be negotiations at the end that's what trump mentioned or that least. said in between lines is that we need to make community go see asians and we need to make a new agreements about the nuclear weapon about politics in iraq about the whole middle east and how to treat things in the middle east with the help of the iranians he didn't actually say they did they have any new deal would work i mean many people would argue for months they tried to settle on one final deal which everybody agreed to and then the americans you know that really pulled out i mean why should be across the americans this time around. well because.
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trump need those things for the elections you know he becomes a hero in the war now he wants don't now to become a hero in negotiations and to get results from the negotiations by making deals by making agreements not only with the iranian it's also with the iraqis with the middle east and also with the really paean to start to rearrange the whole plan or let's say the whole map of the of the middle east and all saw the whole map of the new allies for the u.s. inside the middle east all those things. actually what trump wants is that become a strength in point for his election only for his electoral campaign that he wished to say that to the americans is that ok i managed to to make a great economy for the u.s. and also i managed to make a great international relations for the u.s. for the sake of the u.s. so all those all those things i think are the end it's for his own benefit. for his
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own campaign in the next election it looks like that he succeeded until now did you think it would be to his benefit to start a war with iran i just say that because there have been some commentators that have drawn parallels with the iraq invasion in 2003 when we heard then about the imminent threat of saddam hussein and also the need for regime change similar sort of sentiment we're seeing now from the u.s. towards iran. well i think it's more about 9091 war because of the time saddam hussein actually jeopardize american interests now iranian ties american interests there are so many things iraq need to manage at that time on the political and military issues now iran is doing something like that also now iran has sanctions economic sanctions iraq of that time starting with the economic sanctions so there are some sort of
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a similarities about $991.00 war maybe maybe just maybe i'm not sure that i'm just smelling things is dark at the end there will be 2003 in a way or another the trump if he will win the elections definitely he needs some sort of war because we all know that there is some sort of a financial crisis in the financial system in the international financial system and always war. that's the way of the americans always think is that war can do something about the financial crisis so i think just i said it's similar to $99.00 to $1.00 maybe just maybe the idea is that the iranian is not saddam which is totally different things and they are more pragmatic they know how to deal with the situation try to open doors for negotiations try to make allies and even have some sort of opening doors inside the u.s. and try to make some sort of economic relations maybe with the american companies
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and so on so all the. things need to be managed and also let us not forget that the iranian has elections in about 23 months parliamentary one so that way we're going to win because the conservative or the mediators or or the let's say you guys or ahmadinejad guys at the other time it was looked like that at the time so all those things need to be managed and need to be studied then to see exactly can we see a light in the end of the tunnel this is the one man $1000000.00 question yeah and i just finally what sort of role would you like to see iraq play in all of this and trying to find a peaceful solution to the tensions. well the most important thing we have we need a government that knows exactly what's happening in the world in the region in the war because of the iraq can make a marvelous role to play as a mediator between the u.s. and the iranian and even economically on the economically on the economical basis
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also iraq can do something on that way can do manage some sort of a partnership between iran and also with the u.s. and more with the international community but the problem is that we have a proxy government that already is we're very weak and didn't manage to make all the demands that the demonstrators want to quit and also in the south and governors so we need to make a new government we need a new prime minister we need elections all those things are going to manage saw many things in iraq and maybe for the for the early future it will be also a way to make our neighbors understanding exactly what is iraq especially the gulf countries it's a very complicated situation better thank you very much for your thoughts on it i was akhmed rushdie rushdie director of the iraqi expertise foundation thank you. but we are waiting for an official response from iran on what has said but before
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the new sanctions the iranian foreign minister did warn that if the u.s. took any further action iran would take tough counter measures. let it be said very clearly that if the united states takes any further action iran viewed respond accordingly and we will respond in a very harsh way but for fortune and i want to save the iranian parliament unanimously passed a bill classifying the u.s. armed forces a terror organization tensions in the middle east have source in just the past week .
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please while the ukrainian president brought him is alinsky has cut short a visit to a man to return to kiev on his facebook page he expressed his condolences to the relatives of the victims people are mourning the dead and waiting for any further information about the disaster with the cause still to be established is what we know so far. i. am of anti-alcohol the right side of the airplane and one end of it was completely on fire and i think the pilot made a great effort not to which residential houses the plane crash landed in lolly park and destroyed the fence of a football then it took off again and exploded and was completely incinerated after what you know they didn't keep those watching the news of iranians hitting at us bases with missiles on t.v.
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after 10 minutes i heard a massive explosion and all the houses started to shake there was fire everywhere at 1st i thought the american substructure with missiles and i went into the basement to take cover all through while i went out and saw a plane had crashed over them plants were lying around everywhere. that just out of $167.00 passengers 2 are ukrainian citizens on the
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passengers are citizens of canada germany sweden and afghanistan. since our support for my eldest son is just stupid my daughter called me from the us she told me that ukrainian at cruft crashed just where eagle fruit. i stated to ron the national the video of the plane crash. now in turkey vladimir putin and his turkish counterpart president heard aware have officially launched the turks tree natural gas pipeline project to supply the turkish and the markets with russian gas. i guess it is time to say happy new stream because the project has been
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a launch the official ceremony i was there for and i heard a massive round of applause and it was actually done by the leaders of 4 countries russia tarc he told gary and serbia and just how well things seem to be go and with the turkish stream which is going through the waters of the black sea i guess it is fair to say that it's kind of a compensation for all the trouble with a different project which is called nord string 2. there was a thorny path now because of the latest round of american sanctions there was a pause and its construction but i can tell you that washington was keen to rail turkey a stream as well however because of personal commitment by vladimir putin and type aired on this commitment did show that when 2 major leaders team up to
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somehow oppose u.s. pressure that could lead to real success stories and this is exactly what mr putin talked about during the opening ceremony because the relations between russia into the clear developing in practically sphere is just going to be a difficult situation in the world and efforts by some exertional plays to prevent the expansion of mutually beneficial cooperation between our countries. well let me just give you some of the specific details about the pipeline itself turkish stream consists of 2 lines one is intended for consumers in turkey the other one goes to southern europe it could be extended to as far as austria or italy but the 1st countries to receive russian natural. gas through the turkish tree will be buggy area serbia and then like i said extensions are possible so the sea distance of that pipeline is some 900 kilometers and what's really important here and really
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impressive is the capacity because both these lines will be able to deliver more than 30000000000 cubic meters of natural gas again directly from the russian port city of a knob to the shores of turkey and then further on to europe i was a prank there and he stumbled we discussed the significance of the moon with our guests. already was initially starting from the late ninety's was to have diverse patient all fruits not resources as you god i just supplied because it's important for turkey as we are not just producers so this church tree replace the western pipe like. it will have more than we have received so far from the west by 5 with us or torah to say that's clear on various occasions that they were paid they were not happy about this the 3rd stream one north to the americans would like
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also to sell their own guys and before the fed n.-g. that they have a huge capacity so for that. and they would like to sell a few to have this isn't the 1st time turkey's been threatened with sanctions by the united states as we know with the russian air defense system that turkey purchased america threatened the turks with katz's sanctions but turkey went ahead with the deal and now it's going to be operational in april according to the chairman of the turkish the bents industries show so the turks have showed that they're willing to stick to their guns when it comes to matters of national security it looks like the turks will go ahead with this despite anything but cats sanction threats coming out of the united states energy security is an important part of the national security portfolio and what this project gives turkey is a solid proof pyramid for the foreseeable future but also join the marines in their villages of russia and turkey called for an end to hostilities in libya the warring
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sides in the conflict arrange a ceasefire on january 12th. we call on all parties to declare a sustainable cease fire supported by the necessary measures to be taken for stabilizing the situation on the ground and normalizing daily life in tripoli and other cities the country has been in a state of war since protests in 2011 and the ousting of the country's leader moammar gadhafi most of libya is currently controlled by generally for hafter and the libyan national army backed by moscow while turkey has stood behind u.n. backed government which is in charge of a fraction of the war torn country asked month that requested military aid from ankara to counter the general's forces and a deployment was approved last thursday by the turkish government political analyst chris bambery says that a cease fire will be difficult to enforce. 'd i think russia and turkey have some sway i think couper the government in tripoli turkey or no really the only backers
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but it's also important to see that egypt and behind them so do rebel are also major players in this supporting the other side and i don't know how much control. how much attention there will be to a deal brokered between russia and tolkien given the antagonism exists particularly with so. there's another complicating factor in here is the u.n. backed government is no essentially only high in all in a coastal strip of the country has very little control it has the capital yesterday but very little else is just lost the major city of sirte so i don't see the other side. appearing to be the age of victory backing off necessarily here but on the other hand we desperately need peace and the people of libya deserve peace so let's hope that this deal can be pulled off to give the long suffering people of
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libya piece. that brings you up to date we're back with more in about half an hour's time don't forget they plenty of stories too to look at on our web site at r.t. dot com. that's geysers fine it will survive until they say money to the relatives clergy abuse it this is a central plank support dying at the limits of the coven right now so you stop to. put themselves on the line to get acceptable reject. so when you want to be president and she. want to be rich. and she going to be pro-choice this is what will befall 3 of them or can't be good. i'm interested always in the waters in the
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house. this should. help the bugs you live but if she warn you and i do the dishes at the bottom or those jeans nudist beach and you see me we need to you. know muffin when you guys you. can use i mean guys without infringing ball. a lot of you will see sawing during fuzzy farts about to cut out the bill for the most cool. the simple but as a meeting with the fire chief. here in chief if you will dot ca what 5 days doing it's an. english lady a for people who simply do so in new. england in total. good
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food descriptions summed up to tell using even some. the owners so how to choose the pet food industry is telling us what to feed our pets really more based on what they want to sell us and was necessarily good for the pet turns out that food may not be as healthy as people believe we have animals that have you know diabetes in arthritis they have auto immune disorders allergies we are actually creating these problems it's a huge epidemic of problems all of them i believe can be linked to very simple problem of diet and some dog owners so heartbreaking stories about their pets streets to larger corporations are not very interested in proving or disproving the value of their food because they're already making it a $1000000000.00 on it and there's no reason to do that research.
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i'm after tense here we're going underground in a brand new season as the world arguably faces its greatest conflict of the 21st century sparked by donald trump's u.k. backed assassination of iran stop soldier some silly money the man credited with saving countless lives in nato nations by defeating isis. coming up in a show what was israel's role in the u.s. assassination that is arguably set the middle east on the path to nuclear conflict we'll ask former israeli foreign minister and ambassador to the united states down the aisle on and after the iraqi fall and voted to throw out british and american soldiers are exactly will baghdad work to exact revenge on nations which have
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supported donald trump's drone killing we speak to a member of baghdad council security committee. plus as u.s. president trump threatens to destroy dozens of cultural sites in their. run we will be a bronze and colonial blunder with one of the world's greatest human rights lawyers geoffrey robertson all the more coming up in today's going on the ground but 1st the world is not the same since donald trump ordered the killing of a ring in soldier cut some salami who along with his iraqi popular mobilization unit counterpart would drone strike on friday at baghdad airport joining me now from tel aviv is former israeli ambassador to the united states danny ayalon thanks so much about coming back on the show let's just begin with what is you think your well indicted prime minister netanyahu meant when he said israel should not be dragged into what was an american event yes it was totally american wholly owned american operation and i believe it came following the attack on the american embassy in baghdad but basically i think the united states was fed up with the
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intervention of iran through. the iranian revolutionary guard and most of the. force the oca's force which was headed by general wesley money their responsibility was actually to subvert all over and. i would say make sure that the iranians. get the influence all over the area and we see it not just in iraq but also in syria in lebanon in yemen and i believe that after a restraint that the americans showed especially following the attack on the old installations of saudi arabia that was just one bridge too far for them and they just decided to take action how is it then that israel was informed of the drone strike assassination of general soleimani ahead of time whereas london wasn't mosco
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