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tv   News  RT  January 12, 2020 3:00am-3:31am EST

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i. mean the top stories to shape the middle east. crisis. the country's forces. right you know. i. guess. france continues to be gripped by violent protests against the government initially and were. joined. many fear. the company says the sex abuse.
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will be possible what does that. language has been used effectively with. 1 many many images of me. doing it. live from moscow thanks for joining us of the week you run out of top stories. welcome to the program. now it's been a week dominated by events in the middle east iran has admitted to accidentally downing a ukrainian passenger plane due to human error and faulty communications all 176 people on board were killed in that accident in the early hours of wednesday a plane crash follows an exchange of missile strikes with the united states after washington killed a top iranian general and iran retaliated by targeting an american air base in the region r.t. saskia taylor a caps how would one fall that. this week has shown more than africa that
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tragically it's the average man is the victim of political wars and the tensions not seen in decades terror on and washington have been engaged in a war of. the iranian regime is aggression in the region must stand now we've told the iranian regime enough. to really revenge and the ultimate response by regional nations is when america is expelled from this region iran must and its support for terrorism when you have the pentagon and their military counted as terrorists the united states will immediately impose additional punishing economic sanctions on the iranian regime the united states rage an economic war against iran the united states has to come to its senses but the chances of this not as up to as twits have predicted when the harsh talk world will 3 start attracting was close to 0 and sure enough on monday we saw the iranian military hit 2 u.s.
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bases in iraq with missile strikes to iran it was seeking vengeance for washington's assassination of its top commander cussen cinemark me in a drone strike in baghdad just a few days. combined these events ticked the book says of a diplomatic crisis it really couldn't get much wass then came the paying crash. just minutes after taking off from terror on app for ukrainian international airlines flight $7052.00 bound for t.f. came down killing $176.00 onboard relatives of the victims from kiev to off from kabul to london and stockholm green that iran initially denied reports that it was behind the tragedy calling them illogical and scientifically impossible
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it invited investigators from various countries and organizations including boeing to visit the crash site then 3 days after the tragic incident suddenly came and admission of guilt the armed forces internal investigation has concluded that regrettably missiles fired duty human error caused the horrific crash of the ukrainian plane and the death of $176.00 innocent people investigations continue to identify and prosecute this great tragedy and on forgivable mistake. the iranian military said the boeing 737 was passing close to a site belonging to iran's revolutionary guards and that its movement an outer tud suggested it was an enemy target it said that its military was at its highest level of readiness having received information on the unusual movement of u.s. warplanes so within 10 seconds a decision was taken to launch missiles at the target according to teheran a fatal example of human error if wrong invited investigators from various
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countries and organizations including boeing to visit the crash site. its may not be that i take full responsibility and i will obey whatever decision is taken i would prefer to die rather than witness such an incident the admission of guilt has been followed by an apology a promise to upgrade defense systems to prevent another such tragedy a transparent investigation and compensation for victims' relatives and the prosecution of the responsible person as it makes these pledges though to ron has also encouraged certain others to consider their roles in this disaster and how it is that we came to this moment the day preliminary conclusions of internal investigation by armed forces human error a time of crisis caused by use adventurism lead to disaster i would prefer redress apologies and condolences to our people to the families of victims and to other
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affected nations as questions are asked as fingers are pointed as more sanctions are imposed it's not politicians but those who boarded that fateful flight and wednesday who ultimately paid the price. a vigil for the victims of the tragedy has been held in the the radian capital it was seen lighting candles and laying flowers next the pictures of the dead with opinion from various experts on what happened. in the times before and the so called for go for unfortunately the reasonable rate there are yet able to pierce this fog unless the reason that the conflicting mechanism so again one can talk about blame and responsibility or accountability the blame is iranian but the responsibility lies on other shoulders too so
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iranian defense systems were on alert and they were expecting attacks by u.s. planes as stated in the armed forces a statement there have been reports that some hostile objects flying objects have been appearing on radar screens in some of some parts around the country so soon as they saw a plane coming to a sensitive i.r.g.c. base they have you know rushed to and jump to the tank luzhin and fired strategic at has become tactical blunders distracted gee off by that regularly being ordered closing down the a.s.p.'s under extreme circumstances could have avoided this whole war the whole nagell whenever we have valid dives in that you'll be in we had bound to have mentioned raised guns cog coolidge's ready to fight the good will be said that you wish me to be have to be the case and the big
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picture to how to diffuse this and that you want how to be escalated this i believe did on ian's have taken the 1st step in the initiation process of this horrible accident in which $176.00 people were lost was done by the american to have the video and say yes that is true. meanwhile washington imposed further sanctions on iran targeting the economy and 8 top officials as things escalated the united states secretary of state had a tough time defending washington's the solution to assassinate iran's top general . tried to explain the suppose they wouldn't threat that led to the airstrikes. if you have specific information about the threat and didn't have anything to do with our embassies. we had specific emanation information on an imminent threat and those threat stream included attacks on the u.s. embassies what is your definition of the internet.
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this was going to happen and american lives are at risk if the intelligence community is not flawless we we get it wrong in this case the intelligence community got it fundamentally right there was an imminent attack that was active plotting is that right now gone with god threats are never going. so the money's assassination and sparked protests across the middle east and in the u.s. as well hundreds were seen running around the country demonstrators were shouting antiwar slogans urging to withdraw troops currently stationed in iraq as well some american media pundits have been seen we're pushing for the usa to step up its charge against the run on this kind of more than reports there is lucrative defense industry deals at stake. there was compelling intelligence reasons of an imminent threat to respond i trust the intelligence assessment of what's on the neo is doing the kinds of actions he was preparing for i take it at face value what he is saying
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and secretary powell impale that this was a preemptive defensive measure now these are supposed to be just random smart people who are going to help us understand the situation except they aren't a lot of them have a particular financial interest in a specific outcome essentially they're tied to corporations that make profits from war the usa and iran go head to head they'll get a pretty nice payout and the viewers are kept in the dark about these ties the world is on edge since the u.s. to county rein in terrorist architects and codes force command a qassam so they mani following the december 31st attack on the us embassy in iraq since 979 iran has bullied threatened and killed and spread its right. tara the president has made the right decisions on iran to this point including scrapping the iranian nuclear deal then hip jr works for a lobbying firm american defense incorporated that represents military contractors and who are one of the sponsors of his lobbying efforts none other than the
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manufacturers of the drone that killed solomonic so are we really shocked he's not singing kumbaya on urging restraint check out this guy they crossed a red line with this president when he when he exercised enormous going to story. not taken a provocation but so don't kill americans and when they did he he acted and acted very strongly jack keane is represented as just a retired general giving his 2 cents but actually sent his retirement from the pentagon he's been working with military contracting companies like general dynamics and now he runs a venture capital firm that specializes in defense and security not exactly mr objective general saw money he was a lawful military objectives and the president had ample domestic legal authority to take him out without an additional congressional authorization jed johnson was in the department of homeland security under barack obama but now he's in the
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private sector working for lockheed martin that's the company that makes the war planes that are stationed across the middle east and who can forget david petraeus that's the military commander turned cia director who had an affair and leaked classified information to his mistress now you would think he wouldn't be credible after all this is what happened when he tried to teach classes at city college in new york. and. i mean if you don't know what it is going to break. you go but petraeus is back selling war on prime time it's impossible to overstate the significance of the attack that takes. this is bigger than bin ladin that's bigger than bud donahue the overwhelming majority of the american people believe that the invasion of iraq in 2003 was a big mistake so it's worth pointing out that these same people were on t.v. in 2003 selling the invasion of iraq are now on t.v.
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pushing a new war against iraq the exact same people it is important to understand the consequences of pulling out of iraq before our work is done and victory is achieved a bend in our iraqi friends would signal the world that america cannot be trusted to keep its word. was the highest ranking official in the quds force he has the blood of many american soldiers on his hands the us public has voted for presidential candidates who promised less involvement overseas over and over again but the mainstream media seems to be working pretty hard to convince them otherwise and it's giving special attention to certain individuals who have certain shady financial ties and it's not disclosing those ties to the viewers many of the pundits the analysts that we see in us media are people who are either on the boards of military corporations or their lobbyist for the military
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industry and they have an economic incentive unfortunately when it comes to war and this is not disclosed when we hear them talking about how good term is doing in killing the general of another country and inciting a new war we have to admit that there is a strong military industrial complex in the united states and that the news media itself benefits from war. and relenting protests against pension reform and from carried over into the new year while the government's now made a concession to scrap raising the for. all benefit retirement days on saturday rallies in paris and other cities too saw thousands out in force including the yellow vest movement but lease resorted to water cannon in the city of nanda as anger boiled over almost 3000 people took part in rallies the unions say some
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a 1000000 people demonstrated in total across the country. also on thursday large sections of the french population joined what's become the longest transport workers strike in recent history again in paris the demonstrations turn violent. i. think. we've already seen to you gas deployed on several occasions by the police as they were trying to control the crowd seemed paris and the crowds are huge you just want
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to get you to go up and get a sense of looking down this street to signify to mission 10 and put you much all the way down to the last of the publique it is chock a block with people people who've come out to support this strike and it still looks like it's getting huge amount to support in terms of have the strike is going there is more public transport that is operational at the moment in paris we see trains operating fairly normally metros operating fairly normally in the mornings and in the evenings at big doing at the large parts of the day little is operating apart from the automated lines that's $140.00 now in terms of the. will support for this strike the polls unfold show that most people are still supporting the strike people very unhappy from across the board about these changes to the pension system and to the reforms that the government wants to make it wants to put 2 different
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pension systems down into one universal system to end many of the special regimes it says that yes actually it's still offering many special regimes to the police to sometimes but work is said to in the be destroying get the strike moving to try and get the impasse a to cross that people are furious say they're saying you know they don't want to sell out their children speeches that grandchildren's features and that is why they determined to come out into the streets to keep protesting tensions are rising here towards the end of the protests that just want to get you to have a look back down there that's too would sun lazard in the center of paris you can see those clouds of tear gas in guy still rooted gas still raining down on the protesters as the police try and control the situation here you can head out of the people and in the crowds they're charging everyone hates the police that's a chant we take quite often but you can really feel the tension right shooting up
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a in paris at the end of this protest that has been largely peaceful a tear gas has been deployed throughout it and we have seen some individuals arrested individuals who apparently throwing objects towards the police that sounds like some grenades but it could also be tear gas coming down this but you might be able to see the lights coming up on the fly as it sounds like that was a sound going to aid going off that people saying that they won't get even live to enjoy their retirement and they determined to stay out in the streets and to make sure people know they're unhappy. still to come on a weekly under fire. pharmaceutical giant moves to clean up its image for the climate change claimed so long a story still to come after this break. you
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know world of big movies. and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the back and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now we're watching closely watching the hawks. the world is driven by a dream shaped by those great. thinks
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. we dare to ask. the program if you panic but you'll fight is it being viewed by those that apparently your right to do so that's off the raffle reveal that scans pictures it says the clamp down on child sex abuse. we are utilizing subject only to help screen for child sexual abuse material or the tech giant was forced into making that admission after its uploaded the updated rather private privacy policy contained a line saying the corporation may collect information regarding customer activities and those activities include monitoring everything from i cloud to and beyond as well the company adds it may also scan users uploaded data for illegal content and
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put the issue up for debate with privacy activists that technology expert bill new and political commentator shout it more. of course everyone is for stopping child abuse and that's not the issue here it's the i simply i'm not buying it at the company i don't believe it apple really cares about fighting crime they just entered the live streaming business where people may be concerned that apple is rifling through all of the photos and all of that data this isn't actually the case the type of technology that we're looking at here simply is used to take a fingerprint of a particular image once an image is known to include some child abuse imagery apple is not clear about that apple says illegal pot possible potentially illegal activity including child porn what does that mean that's terrifying language you wouldn't simply have the processing power and the computing overhead to be able to . scan full photos against each other in an in the kind of way that people imagine
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this is possibly the best use of the current available technology in order to crack down the posting of a serious child abuse images i'd love to know how successful is all of this technology if you look up cases that photo d.n.a. has been used to catch people distributing kiddie porn there was one this year there was one in 2015 there's one in 2014 i mean there are hundreds of thousands if not millions of these images out there these take many techniques we use with the question where they offload it's a really violent video once they'd that video they managed to prevent people rio bloating that video as a 1000000 times it has been used effectively with violence 1 with pornography and many many images of me prevent it and is the best way of doing it i don't trust these companies i just think it's ever encroaching more and more into our privacy into owning our data into finding out even more information about us i think it's
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scary and i don't think that apple to be in the business of law enforcement. pharmaceutical giant. facing a slew of lawsuits over its canceling to have a side browned roundup changed time now claiming that its products help fight climate change auntie's piece all of the reports. climate change and how best to reverse the human impact on the environment is already one of the main topics of 2020 but while some are looking for ways to solve the problems facing the pointing of accusatorial finger is suggesting they are using climate concerned to try and salvage sullied reputations paid chemical and pharmaceutical colossus for example old buyable some so to be more exact the group of facing a string of lawsuits of allegations there we'd kill a cold and continues to coles council the company has tried to postpone hearings
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and settle out of cold with some accuses now they're taking a different tack in claiming their product is good for reducing c o 2 levels the production of dreyfus eighty's court c o 2 intensive but its use saves 3 times more c o 2 if you use a tractor with a plow you generate greenhouse gas emissions but has been used to be an m.p. for the german green policy now he's the bio mom son so senior vice president for public and government affairs having the former climate crusader to call for a spokesperson on board as part of by looking to market themselves as a climate conscious corporation 'd and a key part in the use 2050 environmental goals industry should be at the forefront of europe's ecological modernization bio will do its part to ensure that the e.u. commission's goals are implemented well one santo knows that the environmental crisis is high on the list of priorities around the world and so hiring the green
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party m.p. really i see as a strategy for simply trying to stop the climate of their stock prices one at its young people about one attitude people in america now are expected to get cancer and yet they are monsanto justify allowing a carcinogen to be sprayed in our food the warnings of a coup. fix being sold by business not being really viable options when it comes to tackling climate change are out there to see take plastic bags for example the scourge of the garbage dump a plastic bag can take up to a 1000 years a biopsy been told to biodegrade so and some alternatives labeled as bio degradable came out on the market they were a snap however in reality they have little better than what they would say to replace a lot of shops a selling packaging described by the great a boat combustible in fact that i think might only be composed in an industrial
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combustion and even then some items might not be food digested this is where people have to be careful because while there are all those out there looking for real solutions to the real problems there are also the areas that see a popular hash tag or a trending topic on social media while they have basis attached to it but while that may very well and good for the find balance is a vice president it's a public relations has the potential to distract from the great day she's monsanto as a long period of trying to influence the results of science and interfere with the regular scientific communities were it's been going on for over 20 years and monsanto has never had any respect for the environment in any of its work it's not honorable to all of a sudden pick out one thing and claim that they're going to be for sustainable
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environment it's what we call green washing when a company over a sudden jumps on something sustainable and claims that they're doing the right thing while it is a common trend because they realize that young people have different ideas than their parents or grandparents so. they are trying to reach these young people and make them favorable 'd so their companies and their products. up next are so-called green products nothing more than a sales strategy the green light come up in just a few moments time back in 30 minutes with the latest headlines. israel media a reflection of reality. in
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a world transformed. what will make you feel safe. tyson nation will community. are you going the right way or are you being that. direct. what is true was his fate. in the world corrupted you need to descend. to join us in the depths. maybe in the shallows. but if she warn you posted by you and i do the dishes at the bazemore those jeans nudist beach and you see me. as
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and about their own when you guys you. can use i mean guys are that infants involved. a lot of you will see sawing during fuzzy fights about 2 kids each other both sides most schools. as in the adults to me as if. the. cabinet 5 days doing. an english lady a thing people who simply. include in. god.
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says. to tell me i conceive to alter. the orangutang us. don't finance. the oceans. to rain forest and even humankind. only have to do is buy a sustainable and fair products. the book but that's a lie behind . the.


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