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tv   Documentary  RT  January 13, 2020 10:30am-11:01am EST

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because they apparently contained wheat gluten that was tainted with the chemical melamine veterinarian offices are getting flooded with phone calls from concerned that oh to the people on the other end of the phone worried yes very wary yes no official estimates on exactly how many have died so far but hundreds of cats have suffered my strong belief is that they were intentionally delaying the recall happened because they thought they were purchasing a certain protein product called wheat gluten that has actually a pretty high protein count when in fact they were buying wheat flour that had been laced with sign your it acid and melamine in order to pass it off as weak with the way they test protein sources is to do this to touch at the level of hydrogen in it and both sign erik acid and melamine have high levels of hydrogen so they just would inject the wheat flour with this these poisons and then pass it off as weak luden and the reason they were doing that is that we couldn't cost
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a lot more per protein count per ton then. that's 100 to have gotten sick or died from eating the food made by menu foods that company make dog and cat in under 90 brand name in 2007 pet owners didn't have any idea that one manufacturer menu made hundreds of different varieties and that was a betrayal of trust just so many pet owners this is leading people to wonder at this point what can we safely feed our pets arena tonight is recalling a batch of its purina one dog food member david lee i was sitting in my little office and i got a call out of the blue from a woman named don. who told me that she wanted to bring a lawsuit against the entire pet food industry they knew they had contaminated food they knew it was poison they knew it killed animals can take. continued to sell it
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and put it on the market i mean years don't do that but it's a it's a money market they were making money and i wanted it stopped c.b.s. news has learned a tainted we call it news and cat food is human grave meaning nothing but love kept it from being used in the food people eat to the motion liking aspect discovered in 2 sub committee hearings was that the ingredient used in the pet foods that was responsible for killing the animals was actually legal to use in human foods on top of that the f.d.a. admitted that there was no penalty given to a company if they failed to notify the f.d.a. in a reasonable amount of time. in this case menu foods faced criticism for failing to notify the f.d.a. for over 3 weeks even after they confirm dogs and cats were dying and they knew the calls but other than complain about the ethics no one in a government position could find many foods for allowing the food to continue to be
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sold even though they knew animals would die as a result but many foods would not testify the lobby group that came in its tice was left to explain why men used. to make animals like on the february 20th they didn't tell the f.d.a. 3 weeks earlier that let's get the record straight now the menu waited more than 3 weeks after finding out that the dogs wouldn't eat their food and were getting sick they waited 3 weeks i don't have the facts on menu senator i don't i think you read or you came to the hearing you would have the facts on the industry side they were still maintaining that they were highly regulated though the evidence exposed by the recall appeared to confirm the fear that the industry wasn't regulated very much at foods are indeed a highly regulated product they are perhaps the most regulated product in the supermarket shop. mr nelson was very clear in his statement that africa has no regulatory authority and we've been told by the f.d.a.
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that there is no pre-market approval of this product sold to consumers we know that there's no regular inspection of the facilities that make these products what we are told is that 30 percent of these facilities will be inspected once or twice over a 3 and a half year period we know that there is no government authority to recall a contaminated product. we know that there was no mandatory state inspection standards established by the food and drug administration across the united states we know that the claims being made on the label here about this dog food or beyond the claims that could be made about human food. and we are told at least dr hudgins has told us that it's questionable as to whether or not a company that makes a contaminated pet food has to report to anyone about adverse events in a timely fashion whether a dog has died or dogs are dying when i go through a long list of things it's hard to conclude this is
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a highly regulated product we're starting recalls grabbing you know chicken jerky that's killing thousands of pats we can't identify the source of that contaminate that's still killing pat that's scary after the 2007 recall another mysterious illness began to play in dogs all across the country it was soon discovered that consumers who purchased various brands of chicken jerky treats to reward their dogs were actually poisoning their pets instead owners were devastated to find their dogs either sick or dead after consuming these so-called treats we went to a person our and my wife was looking at the tree aisle there and she saw. jerky chicken treats then she's like well why don't we just want to try these this is the only thing i see is just a chicken so i agree you know and we brought it home and we felt it and. didn't take long before we saw the big changes. and what stands out in my mind from buying
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them that day is that i looked at the bag and they appeared they really had this almost organic good for you feel about the packaging and so we grabbed 3 packages it was around christmas time that we bought them and we put them on the stockings for the dogs so i remember getting them because they looked so good for the dogs while sally was at the vet i knew that she had in the majlis treats so while she was there i went online and i started researching and i was sick to find that there was just this huge amount of information about these chicken jerky treats. it was milo's it was canyon creek it was wagon train there were dead dogs there were dying dogs dogs with just crazy problems from them the american companies selling the chicken jerky were all sourcing their treats from one single manufacturing facility in china even though they were labeled and sold as several different brands
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a practice known as white labeling over a span of years the companies involved strongly deny that their products were causing any such harm even though thousands of complaints were pouring in from their consumers since 2007 the f.d.a. has extensively tested many brands of chicken jerky treats including ours that testing has identified no contaminants and no definitive cause linking these products to report it illnesses in dogs in the initial stages of backlash companies tried to get consumers to sign nondisclosure agreements which would have barred consumers from legally speaking about the death of their pets a way to silence the very victims this had happened to be offered money in exchange for signatures but their bribery backfired offended pennell ners refuse the money even banning together on a facebook page to share their stories and information to try and get the products recalled from the store shelves and i when i came down in the morning i checked on
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her and she was breathing issues leaping and i went upstairs to take a shower and i heard her food bowl go across the floor and i go in calories of it and i took a shower and then i came back downstairs and she was dead stuff. there was blood everywhere. all the protests in. the know was. overseas. so when i called. i received. their call center and it was almost scripted her response to me anyway. becoming
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a dying on age thing. the f.d.a. did and they did extensive amount to testing they did have. you know and. i have not been enabling any of those reports or consumers but on the internet nor has there been any contaminant. on the market. can get. you know any. new. as far as you know a death anything like like i said anything that has ever been reported they have to be a good step down and there's never been any contaminant trying to link any of those don't that that's what it was crystal clear that the products were not coming off the shelves any time soon. rachel chambers of morgan hill lost her dog cali yesterday morning she says it was
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a sudden and painful death that found that she died after her stomach twisted and ruptured but it remains undetermined what caused that to happen according to the f.d.a. nearly $1000.00 pet owners have complained about this product despite the f.d.a. warnings that are still on shelves at target walmart. and pet smart and it's somewhat frustrating because. we haven't been able to find a problem with the product we say yes there are sick animals we believe there's strong evidence it's so sad it was that but we don't look at the product and we've tested for numerous things and we haven't been able to find anything that would suggest that this product right here there's a problem with sometimes toxic ingredients are a combination of things sometimes the toxic ingredients you know is when you mix this with that and then that creates the problem so if you're looking for just one thing it's hard to know what that is.
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what politicians do so. they put themselves on the line and they get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president and you. want to. have to go right to the press this is what the 43 of them or can't be good. interested always in the waters in the hall. question. seemed wrong. to me. yet to stamp out just because that's a kid and it gains from an equal to trail. when so many find themselves worlds apart. just to look for common ground.
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the world is driven by a dream shaped by. jerry thinks. we are here to ask. just one magic bullet you could actually come up with something to top with his baby bond talking about ways we get access to capital and capitalism cavil's important so we could actually have programs that actually help folks who want to do that but when you give everybody a $1000.00 i'm a poor person i'm going to consume that and if you're rich you're going to invest that equity the wealth the spirit is going to grow because you're not using your
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money did that consume your literally buy more crazy things and then my landlord knowing that i got a $1000.00 and you just go raise my writ so then you get your inflation going on and there. is you'll be a reflection of reality. in the world transformed. what will make you feel safe. isolation will community. are you going the right way or are you being led. by. what is true what is faith. in the world corrupted you need to descend. to join us in the depths. or remain in the shallowness.
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basically ponder that future and look into toy day what fascinating stories hold our way you know i've often said on this show that you can't have capitalism without capital corsicana capital that positive registration encouraging people to say and this next story this next whole show this next entire segment is going to be dedicated to this very notion. the chicken jerky issue lasted until 2013 nearly 6 years after the 1st complaints were made upon investigation the new york state department of agriculture discovered illegal traces of antibiotics in the treat even though it couldn't be proven that the antibiotics had directly caused the deaths of the pets it was a technical adulterant needed for the state department to force these companies to
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withdraw all the products in question from the shelves at the trace amounts of antibiotic residue found in the samples are not linked to the f.d.a. is ongoing investigation of chicken jerky products and again the trace amounts of antibiotic residue do not pose a health or pet safety risk when death or sickness is involved the cards appear to be stacked against consumers this is because according to the united states government if your beloved companion is considered property that is worth little to no monetary value it's very difficult to put a value on companion animals the courts have struggled with this where really comes down to a struggle is what are the damages to somebody who has had a pet that's been injured or killed. for the most part and they're still considered a piece of property most courts are willing to just do the quickest possible analysis which is you know what if you pay for the animal how much should you suffer in terms of veterinarian veterinarian bills or that kind of thing in terms of caring for the animal and you know that's what you're able to recover rather
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than the sort of emotional connection that you have with your. animal or that kind of thing in 2015 government agencies value human life between $6.00 and $9000000.00 to provide some leverage to consumers in the unfortunate case that injury or death were to occur in contrasts within the pet food world no such evaluation exists even in the largest of class action lawsuits the money awarded to victims whose pets have been directly harmed by pet food is insignificant when compared to the massive profits that companies make each year so as far as profits are involved there is no incentive for companies to do what consumers believe is the right thing i'm sebastian gay i'm a i'm the father of a theory of economic valuation of companion animals providing an economic valuation for companion animals creates a formula which can then be used to fairly evaluate the worth of a dog or cat the main problem in devaluation of companion animals was the
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discrepancy that existed between the true value of the companion animal that veterinarians were giving you in case something happened to them and the amount of money that people were spending on their companion animals if settlements like the one in 2007 were not in the millions but instead in the hundreds of millions that alone would be a game changer for corporations who would be under serious pressure to prevent recalls at all cost i don't think the playing field has entirely chanced but it might soon you know it takes a big case i think to to really change everything. susan text an error on the web site truth about pet food dot com. i started teaching people about had before the website began about 20 years ago my own dog almost over and. we interrupt this documentary to take you
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live to central moscow where talks on a ceasefire in libya have been held this monday the top diplomats of russia and turkey have been attempted to broker a truce between the warring factions are currently giving a press briefing let's listen then. the minister in foreign minister of turkey bottles. we were reviewing a draft. of the document that will allow us to introduce more specifics into this cease fire regime proposal because the ceasefire was announced on the january 12th as you know it was proposed by president putin and erdogan. it was proposed on the 18th of january and so this draft document was reviewed in the detail today while the parties we had quite a serious discussion and right now we can report to you that we have made some substantial
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progress and the. president of the government of the national accord mr saroj and his counterpart just signed it. while marshall haftar. so it's as well as the presidency of the parliamentary system they are. considering this document that you have your point is positive but they requested more times until the next morning to. work out that he doesn't sign it and would very much hope that they will do so and or if the representative of turkey's present here will be supporting this process thank you very much for your attention. plan to let a. resort back that it was i would like to thank our russian
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partners and foreign minister for this opportunity to organize and participate in this meeting on january 8th. childish to. turkey and russia that it did in the czech and work on a joint statement. in regard to the ceasefire regime after that i often thought we could use to document a dropped talk tonight that was reviewed in detail today in the i hard to get it and saw that we took into account. all the proposals and along the line of compromise between the parties suggested by. other parties just like. you mentioned these parties signed but that last item
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was and except for that general after i requested more time to consider the documents and he is expected to sign this document well we hope very much so that this case of a positive outcome after we. get. this you have a situation where both presidents over it and marshal half term will undertake other responsibilities under this cease fire agreement and this will be. regulated by the international law and thus we will be able to continue the process this is what i wanted to inform you about thank you very much for your patience and. for your coverage support mission.
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that your ship. well we would like to think of these i mean parties on the board is considering the signing of the document for their collaboration and ho much for a positive outcome. like i was just been listening in live to the turkish and russian foreign ministers who've been speaking on the libyan cease fire talks where a breakthrough has been reached just be revealed where warring parties have agreed to observe a cease fire and stop all offensive military actions with more on this news story in the coming hours so stay tuned for that i'm moving on. we're back after this short break.
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live. live. live. live clem. looked. playing. and a very warm welcome to you you're watching us inside. so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy confrontation let it be an arms race off and spearing dramatic development only personally i'm going to resist i
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don't see how that strategy will be successful very critical time to sit down and talk. israel media a reflection of reality. in the world transformed. what will make you feel safe from. the isolation full community. are you going the right way or are you being so. direct. what is true what is faith. in the world corrupted you need to descend. to join us in the depths. or
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a maybe in the shallows. the money in the news and money i'm not one. of them saddam. was of a time about what it was it was a bit in a sense as a bomb was more about. when putting aside the ultimate. scene the cartoon became but i'm before. him by the. by now i'm by the imam obama. just one magic bullet you could actually come up with some of the top of these baby bonds talking about ways we get access to capital and capitalism cavil's important
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so we could actually have programs that actually help folks who want to do that but when you give everybody a $1000.00 i'm a poor person i'm going to consume that and if you're rich you're going to invest that equity the wealth the spirit is going to grow because you're you're not using your money did that consume your literally buy more crazy things and then my landlord knowing that i got a $1000.00 you just go raise my rent so then you get your inflation going on and there. you know world a big part of the lot and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the back and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks.
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and we're going to fulfill the repeated promises possible to the people and thomas you know we all pots. right. now you want to. know. all.
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the world is driven by a dream shaped by one person or those with. no dares thinks. we dare to ask. anyone else chose seemed wrong all along just don't hold. any belief yet to shape our disdain to become educated and in gains from an equal trail. when so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look
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for common ground. the leaders of libya's warring factions are in moscow for ceasefire talks brokered by russia and turkey it's hoped the war torn nations rival administrations will find an agreement on tuesday. as the u.s. takes the wrong with another round of sanctions the islamic republic faces that 2nd day of furious domestic protests over it thanks for dental downing of the ukrainian passenger plane. e.u. funds to boost infrastructure in east africa and prevent muslim immigration to europe in the firing line from human rights organizations to driving modern day slavery we speak with a human rights watch representative on the claims. to have.


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