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tv   News  RT  January 14, 2020 7:00pm-7:31pm EST

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u.s. secretary of state my pompei outlines america's strategy of deterrence saying the killing of the iranian general was part of an overall approach it will apply to russia and china. over thousands of french doctors and hospital workers resigned from administrative duties claiming the government is failing to provide proper funding for the health sector. for several months hospitals and emergency services unions have been sounding the. nothing has been the problem. and the media machinations declassified u.k. government documents reveal how the intelligence services tried to co-opt a british news outlets into spreading. propaganda during the cold war.
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broadcasting live from our studios in moscow international i'm sean thomas certainly glad to have you with us. the u.s. secretary of state has painted the assassination of iran's top general money as part of a bigger campaign of deterrence he says it will also be applied to russia and china . picks up the story for us. mike pompei oh the u.s. secretary of state seems to be highlighting the term deterrence as the new buzz word defining u.s. foreign policy reestablishing deterrence real deterrence military deterrence deterrence is hard to establish an easy to lose now the killing of a top foreign general by the united states in a different country is considered now to be an act of deterrence intended to
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deter behavior on the part of the country or entity that was attacked there's no terrorist except osama bin laden who has more american blood on his hands than did customs of the money but i want to lay this out in context of what we've been trying to do there's a bigger strategy a strategy to this we have reestablished deterrence but we know it's not everlasting that risk remains we are determined not to lose that deterrence. in all cases we have to do this we have to do this to defend freedom and liberty around the world that's the whole point of president trump's work to make our military the strongest it's ever been and now the iraqi prime minister he says that saw him on and was on a diplomatic mission so was the united states trying to deter him from engaging in peace talks regardless however according to what we've heard solomon is not the only figure who has been targeted in this deterrence campaign by the united states in addition to that we understand that a top figure in yemen
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a financer of the could force has also been singled out and specified and considered as a target in this way but there are other potential targets on the list this new u.s. foreign policy strategy seems to not only lie to iran but according to my palm pales remarks it also applies to both russia and china we not just in iran but in other places too where american deterrence was weak we watched russia's 2014 occupation of the crimea china's island building too in the south china sea and it's brazen attempt of course american allies undermined to deter us so this strategy for deterrence includes economic isolation of countries diplomatic isolation economic pressure as well as targeted killing of the foreign citizens so is this the new geopolitics deterrence is the phrase now being used to justify it all. russia has condemned germany and france and the u.k.
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for triggering a dispute mechanism over iran's alleged a failure to abide by the 2015 nuclear deal a joint commission now has 15 days to consider the complaint after which it could be referred to the u.n. security council. we have therefore been left with no choice given iran's actions but to register today our concerns that iran is not meeting its commitments under the j.c. and to refer this matter to the joint commission under the resolution mechanism we see no reasons for such a decision we don't exclude that you conceived actions of the euro trio will lead to a new escalation around the g. and will make it impossible to revive the implementation of the nuclear deal in its initial terms which the euro trio is apparently having for. already iran has also blasted the e.u. trios intention to open a probe into tehran's noncompliance and promised a firm response but not everyone appears to so concerned because the u.k.'s prime minister voice johnson apparently has a plan b.
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if you get rid of it let's replace it and let's replace it with the troop deal ok that's what we need to see and i think that would be a great way for. the. which is commonly known as the iran nuclear deal was signed in 2015 by major powers and the islamic republic under the accord tehran agreed to limit its nuclear activities in exchange for the easing of sanctions but washington pulled out of the agreement in 2018 imposing economic penalties against its adversary in the wake of america's killing of general concepts of money iran scaled back on its compliance with the deal international affairs commentator mark august 2nd is quite concerned about a trumpet deal replacing the j c p o a. the problem for any deal that. trump deal is that it will be probably an entirely acceptable to the other side the idea that the u.s. has the trump backing team has is to simply reduce iran to an
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unimportant vassal state and that's not one iran is likely to accept so trump deal no deal what europe needs to do is to show for the 1st time some benefits to iran from the deal so far it's all been talk talk and the walk walk has been the american exports oriel extraterritorial sanctions which have sabotaged that same deal and made any benefits to one of the sides absolutely invisible similarly with the other european powers release some of the funds they've got allocated for humanitarian purposes and other purposes they could also show willy in some financial sense but at the moment there's been nothing none of that for the radians it's all been one way traffic negative traffic initiated by washington and kept to by europe. in a sharp rebuke to the french government more than a 1000 doctors and hospital workers have stepped back from their administrative duties they say working conditions in the health sector have been gradually
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worsening due to a lack of funding and chronic staff shortages taking the pulse of the situation actually showed to penske. the moving clued some 600 heads of hospital to parliament and 470 heads of health services and it comes amidst the country's longest running strike in decades they say that is the doctors that they could no longer watch over service that is in adequate and threatens patient safety. rules have been on strike for several months hospitals and emergency services unions have been sounding the alarm but politically nothing has been done that's the problem from the point of view of medical ethics doctors must treat patients but we don't have the necessary resources we've been killing our health care system for the past 20 or 30 years we have completely changed our control system at the moment all decisions are taken up by medics or by administrative staff and manages and that has to change i came here from santa go get humanitarian work so i can
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tell you that in terms of health care france is becoming like a developing country other issues include a lack of hospital beds for patients and a growing unease it reduced stuffing numbers of hospitals across france now this move will hit some areas of the country more than others in the 2nd largest city must say almost 50 heads of departments are quitting their demanding the government comes up with a plan to fix the system for the schools or see what we want is for patients to be properly treated at the optimal cost and is efficiently is possible we're being asked to reduce staff numbers to make savings so it's a never ending cycle to break the cycle who must give hospitals what they need to continue treating people properly we can make budget cuts but for there we need a centralized national plan health is a national problem and we need to invest money into the system the health minister
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has though defended the government's position she's previously promised an additional $70000000.00 euros in aid including. a monthly risk premium for start the budget that we have announced with 1500000000 or 3 years will allow hospitals to renovate themselves to engage new projects to recruit staff where they're needed and open baz where there is need but this hasn't done enough to quell the anger felt by some medical stuff so what will this mean for services well they were they will remain doctors offering medical services what they will no longer be is the backbone of the profession these doctors are resigning from essentially management and did ministry 2 roles roles that often receive no extra pay for it means feature hospital projects could become friends and complaints could go unheard their concerns are adding to the discontent in france for 6 weeks a public transport strike has hit services across the country particularly here in
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paris though many metro lines are now operating partial services while a lot isn't teaches a also been striking of the pension reform plans. 3 days of mobilization have been called by unions this week in a bid to force the government into retreat i don't ready some objectives have been achieved the french prime minister has provisionally taken an increase in retirement age off the table but for many unions this concession is simply not
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enough charlie auty paris. in the meantime thousands of union members protesters. against pension reforms and people staged a fake a funeral for the current system. to the city's opera house 2. it has been revealed that the reuters news agency received the equivalent of millions of pounds in the 1960 s. and seventy's from british intelligence services to spread propaganda that has also come to light that britain's national broadcaster was complicit in the subterfuge. edwards dusty lifts the lid on the story for. the deal with simple funding for voight to services in the middle east and latin america in exchange for well political influence this groups were sure that the british news agency could and would provide exactly what her majesty's government required then you need to
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classified documents have just been revealed painting the picture right here at the u.k.'s national archives. government's interest should be well served by the new arrangement this influence would flow at the top level from reuters willingness to consult and to listen to views expressed on the results of its work but how do you fund such a mission if you don't want to do in the open nor in the public well via the independent public broadcaster the b.b.c. of course and it was easy the b.b.c. paid by and hard subscriptions and then later on 7 the british government would have paid compensation however it didn't come cheap in fact it cost $350000.00 pounds which in today's money is millions britain wanted to be big but not that big because if it was to be too profitable well then the propaganda stories would get lost amongst the other. in going for profitable service will not be tempted to put in popular items and leave out the political material which is what we want we all
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know about the icing on the cake argument but if only the icing is sold and the cake left our purposes are not served the most the minds behind this were a shadowy section of the far enough information research department created in 1948 . goal was to create and spread anti soviet material during the cold war but having the news agencies integrity and reputation this is adamant there's no way with such activity today and says at the time it was simply the norm and it really wasn't as bad as it seems. many news organizations receive some form of state subsidy after world war 2 but the arrangement in 1989 was not in keeping with our trust principles and we would not do this today so you see the truth always comes out and now the national archives under the instruction of the foreign office is gradually releasing historical records that expose dirty deeds of the past but it seems like
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former deals have left a shadow of what's supposed to be those at the forefront of objectivity independence and freedom from bias shot at with. we spoke to the co-director of the organization for propaganda studies dr pierce robinson who says the same situation exists today between the mainstream media and the security services. well i'm sure one would be absolutely naive to think that they were very soon processes that work today even though the science and not me not sure that there's been a huge amount of progress in the last 20 years. we wouldn't be shooting sure it's a war on terror. and what we see the moment conflicts syria and iran receive an immense mark propaganda going on and of course in terms of this actually sort of very sort of direct manipulation you just have this absolute integrity initiative in the u.k. where you've seen this sort of notionally independent charity receiving lots of
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good government money and creating clusters of journalists and academics in order to basically sure on the russian agenda and that's a very crude very obvious example it's become. quite blunt about it in the last 20 years you seem to or the initiated few by western governments cannot be underpinned by propaganda or even tony blair mentions and so. on is where receiving now from the united states a student has died after being shot at a high school in the texas city of bel-air you're looking at live pictures now of the scene aerial photos video as you can see police say that the suspect is on the run and they are urging residents to avoid the area or stay inside their homes until further notice of course our newsroom is keeping across the situation you can see the emergency vehicles surrounding the school there in the evening hours we will keep you updated as we learn more information. coming up spain has been
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shaken by a massive explosion at a petro chemical plant details on that strap to try but this is our international.
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as the democrats gear up to officially start their 2020 presidential primary to assess donald trump's performance in office a report card of sorts where is he kept his promises and where has he come up short will any of this really matter. welcome back this is our senior international now a huge explosion at a petrochemical plant in the catalona catalonia region of spain has claimed the life of one person and injured at least 8 others 2 are in critical condition one other person is still missing and this is video from the security camera on the outside of a bowling alley which captured the moment of the explosion the blast is in the port
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city of tarragona and it is described as having created a mushroom cloud locals have been told to stay indoors while the authorities assess the situation because of the incident still is not known at this stage. tennis star roger federer has found himself in the climate change bad books of teenage activist gratitude after she criticized his association with the bank credit suisse the financial institution has been investing considerably in the search for a new fossil fuel deposit with more on how eco shaming has become a crucial part of modern reality is. with commentary. do you know gratitude berg by her role as the world's number one a green activist or the number one shaming master well she's really been up to trying to perfect her reputation and both and it's paying off her influences
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skyrocketing womyn of the year in sweden person of the year in the time magazine i mean how many teens do you know that told of presidents and prime ministers like that we are in the beginning of a mass extinction and what you can talk about isn't money it came to tales of economic growth how did you. an example from just a couple of days ago a single retreat by gretta revived a scandal from 20 and made the man they called the greatest tennis player of all times find excuses for being partners with a bank here are the shaming lines she retreated since 2016 credit suisse has provided 57000000000 to companies looking for new fossil fuel deposits something that is utterly incompatible with climate action roger federer do you endorse this and so roger federer sponsorship deal with the swiss lender was back in the news
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and the sports all round mr nice guy had to reassure the public he cares for the environment oh that mighty grow i'll show you more of how her shaming powers stretch far beyond the famous un walls but it's just that for now not everyone's so sure that anyone who deals with banks which give loans to non green industries should be publicly shamed public shaming and taking the right people to have stare an opinion away i think that that stops is being human described but it doesn't get it so you want to see it the way he thinks he's allowed to it's a free will say mean and activism don't. well together yes but it can be a discussion that's hard to say well maybe we should celebrities should be a bit more careful in picking this ponces ecological issues should people people's attention but not by publicly shaming an individual however it seems neither
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gratitude nor her fellow activists have any intention of scaling some of that shaming down yeah why do it if it works so well so what can you be shamed for nowadays stay away from anything that house to do with fossil fuels even if you're choosing a bank shame on you if you fly never heard that was a sin well run has been peddling the full light shame movement online for a while now why can't you stop flying on planes it's easy. how about you stay home and take some climate action instead. climate compensation he's the planting of trees enough to excuse your flights while some folks of already tried to paralyze a london airport the world's aviation authorities even trying to stand up for its industry the aviation industry has recognized the climate challenge for many many years. and we've had very tough talking to improve also human.
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emissions and ultimately to cut our emissions and i don't think anyone should feel ashamed of flying and certainly not so much industry resupport millions of jobs worldwide we produce the lives of countless millions of people green activists are currently after german engineering giant siemens for going ahead to fulfill a contract with a coal mine in australia what for now coal or fossil fuels altogether aren't legal right it all makes you wonder what's next what you're going to do when grettir comes for you will it get to the point when miners and their families are booed at for what they do for a living just short while ago we had at least here in germany eco shaming against people with s.u.v.s. and off and on we have it for like people that are taking trips in aircraft seems to be
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a moving target so it seems to go from plastic bags to beef to. the trees to coal mining gets the people are so frustrated they feel they have to do something even if it's almost irrelevant like in the case of zealand's right now who's accused of making railway signalling equipment which is being used by the mining company i mean that's a pretty. big stretch to go from 0 and signalling equipment to say that has something to do with the climate problem and the forest fires a growing army of activists would say the whole of mankind has. no other choice but to use some of gratis shaming skills if it once a future though there are still probably many of those who wouldn't mind a little more green tolerance from master to burke and co. israel says it is not going to withdraw the criticism leveled at ukraine over the so-called glorification of far right nationalists it comes after the israeli
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foreign ministry said it was the moral duty of the world to condemn anti-semitism are middle east bureau chief policy or has more. what we're hearing from israel is a message to ukraine that it will not battle to of the debate that's taking place in kiev over the glorification of individuals during the 2nd world war now the israelis are concerned that some of those individuals who are being glorified by the ukrainian government are people who were responsible for the mess murder of jews during the holocaust people who murdered jews and paul graham's at the same time people who collaborated with the nazis and also anti semitic ideologists of the radical ukrainian national movement not the ukrainian government has responded by saying that this is an internal matter that deals with ukrainian politics and that any kind of criticisms that are coming from israel are essentially counterproductive but the israeli foreign ministry has said as you correctly pointed out that anything that belittles the memory of the holocaust in which
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6000000 jews died is something that israel and its allies around the world have both a responsibility and a moral obligation to speak out about preserving the memory of the holocaust the battle against anti semitism including the group for creation of. murders of jews are not an internal matter of any country now the israeli and polish ambassadors made public letters that they blow to the ukrainian government criticizing those individuals that it was glorifying in response the creating an ambassador to israel said that the revival and preservation of the ukrainian national memory was one of the priorities of this government and that it was really up to experts and historians to have the final say in this whole debate central to the whole conversation is the figure. now many in ukraine still glorify him in regard him as a national hero but he was in actual fact the leader of the radical ukrainian national movement and he was accused and found guilty of the mess muhtar of jews
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next week the ukrainian president vladimir who happens to be jewish himself will be here in israel he will be participating in the holocaust commemorations. many and no doubt this issue will again be addressed. exiled cut along later carlos put him on says he wants to return to spain he fled to belgium after a spanish court issued a european arrest warrant for organizing a banned independence referendum in catalonia in 2017 before any return however he needs assurances of immunity from arrest through his new status as an m.e.p. for spain speaking outside the e.u. parliament in strasbourg he remained defiant in his view of madrid's stance so naturally there is a member state of european union spain which doesn't respect the rule of law you are up to one east european. so we are here you know to remember
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and to claim that the 2 european union should be involved in a solution based on dialogue doing politics and respecting the will the people and the will of the people to be side in a free referendum. or the spanish supreme court has issued an account of the case against the former leader he says the events in question have nothing to do with could you months work as a parliamentarian but are focused on his actions in years far predates him becoming an m.e.p. for any founder of a brussels based think tank believes madrid is breaking e.u. law by pursuing the case. speed in these regards the decision of the european court of justice because what they have done is to issue a new ruling of the supreme court in spain basically saying the opposite of the. elected members of parliament which is very disruptive actually it's
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a very serious breach. legally vote in the european system is the community is an elected member of the european parliament which she has. accepted as such should be able to move throughout the you to deal without any impediment. at least 56 people including 20 children have suffered minor injuries after fuel dumped by an aircraft landed on to 3 elementary school playgrounds near los angeles delta flight 89 was en route from los angeles to shanghai with 149 passengers on board when it had to make an emergency fuel release a delta spokesperson confirms that the jet experienced an engine problem shortly after takeoff and has now landed safely at los angeles international airport. and again some news coming out of the united states texas specifically a student has died after being shot at
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a high school in the texas city of bellaire police say that the suspect is on the run and are urging residents to avoid the area or stay inside their homes now further notice you're looking at live pictures an aerial view of the scene as you can see there are emergency vehicles there trying to maintain control the situation of course our newsroom is keeping up to date and as we get more information and we will bring it to you watching our 2 international. all right i'll be back at the top the hour with more news stay with us. seemed wrong. but old rules just don't hold. any old belief yet to shape out these days comes to educate and in gains from an equals betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground.
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as we ponder the future and look into 2020 what fascinating stories will come our way you know i've often said on this show that you can't have capitalism without capital of capital without positive registration kerching people to say and this next story this next whole show this next entire segment is going to be dedicated to this very notion. you are no offense but you no longer a young woman in fact you are one of the last living survivors of the nazi else asked i'm aware of it. all you like. you can ever forget.


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