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tv   News  RT  January 15, 2020 8:00am-8:31am EST

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we don't know she will share the struggle. and destroy it we. will still not know for sure. but i'm approaching this annual presidential address eliot russian lawmakers suggested shifting the power to appoint the prime minister and the whole government to the lower house of. to substitute according to the constitution of the russian federation the president appoints the cabinet and all the ministers i proposed shifting this power to the state duma and also with the approval of the russian government chairman. also the topic of the washington. of iran's top general of ramifications that will now america's top diplomat says it's all part of a new did terran strategy with warnings for russia and china plus.
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unity classified papers revealed the reuters news agency received generous funds from british intelligence to the cold war to help spread the soviet propaganda. i get out of the afternoon this wednesday 15th of january here in moscow man and kevin i would stick around for this 25 minute update then 1st. proposed a major legislation shift that would see russia's prime minister cabinet minister is no longer appointed by the president but by the state duma that suggestion came up president putin was delivering his annual state of the nation address to lawmakers. is here the highlights next. we were heads back here where this country is supposed to head and 2020 but i can tell you that the russian future it seems way beyond that point was being shaped out here in the monitor exhibit hall just
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outside the kremlin as mr putin was speaking because we heard some really groundbreaking proposals including proposed changes to the washington maine law the russian constitution in fact one of the proposals suggested that the constitution should limit to mr putin's own powers that have to do with appointing key government ministers and in fact the prime minister as well so here's proof of that . according to the constitution of the russian federation the president needs only the state duma's consent to make official appointments the president appoints the cabinet his deputies and all of the minister is i propose shifting this power to the state duma and also the approval of the russian government's chairman. and the chairman suggestion that deputy prime ministers and federal ministers would have to be appointed by the presidents without the right to reject any candidates. another proposal that came from the president was taken out the phrase in
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a row from the sentence from the constitution that one person could only serve 2 presidential terms in a row which if the amendments are approved would mean that the situation when for instance mr putin himself were turned to the presidential office after a 4 year break won't repeat itself in russia in the future the russian leader among other things proposed that's also something very important putting the russian main law that's the constitution once again above international law in the sense that russia wouldn't be. a part of any international treaty if it contradicts the russian constitution so all of this is indeed ground breaking and very important especially in the context of a lot of my putin's expected the departure after the end of his term from the presidential office in 2024 so it looks like russia and its system of governance
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is up for a massive revamp but mr putin today made it clear that none of this will happen without the approval of the nation so perhaps we should expect some kind of vote on that moving on to something else i can tell you that 2 years ago and last year the russian president sent out a very strong signal to the outside world because during the same address he was talking about this country's most advanced next generation arms and weapons capabilities in particular he did mention the new hypersonic missiles that russia was developing well this time a lot of our putin only said that the bottom line for. for him is that russia did fulfill all its plans in that regard but he did say that russia's international partners should in no way be worried about these developments because the only reason russia was doing it is to maintain global stability in response to some of
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the threats that are coming from the likes of the us and the decisions that had been made by the donald trump and ministration for instance the withdrawal of the intermediate range nuclear forces treaty so here's what exactly mr putin said on that even the 5 major nuclear powers are responsible for the preservation and development of mankind russia is open to strengthening cooperation with all interested partners we do not threaten anyone and do not seek to impose our will for the 1st time in the history of the existence of nuclear missile weapons we are not pursuing anyone but on the country of the states have to create weapons that russia already possesses. what do we were a member most after a speech what the speaker ended with and what the speaker began with and the russian leader did begin by talking a lot about the demographics in this country about the social issues about young
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families in the poorest layers of the russian society so this is how he sets the priorities for the government in moscow at this point mr putin didn't name specific some specific payments and subsidies that these groups that i mentioned should expect annually or monthly so this is perhaps the strongest domestic message that came out from the russian president during his speech here to try to wrap it up after the address who also spoke to senior russian parliamentary figures to get their impressions on the proposed constitutional changes. well i think that putin sinks about the optimal way of russian development. also after he leaves. in 2024 and what i think he. has come to is that russia needs some democrats ization of the presidential authority for. being the president he still says he thinks about the bigger role
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for the postman and also bigger role for the government because. among his suggestion is that the chairman of the government will appoint key ministers not the president and the chairman of the government will be appointed my by by the palmer. this is a very very important change if the constitutional assembly that will consider those proposals agrees to them then we will be moving to some form of i would say presidential palm entering public with such a role of the parliament and the government that will be appointed not by the president. necessarily the parliament will become a focal point for the formation of the government but he put in proposal so still to keep. important. to the president so i see this as a make sure. we we may call it in all as we want to discuss about how we should
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be called what i would call it is a certain democratization of the presidential authority in russia so that the president is not a manipulator so he depends more on the legislative power and that of the the prime minister also in the cabinet also depends more on the problem and elected by the population so that's the the big development i think that has been announced by putting today it's a practical for ns and the proposals will should be formulated by the constitutional assembly that will consider possible changes and i think that will do. saw in the debates about so the evolution of russian. political system the coming just 3 years since. the initiative put forward by the president to amend the constitution is a very timely it's long been discussed a number of colossal changes have happened which requires to clarify the constitution to make it more up to date it won't be a new constitution the president said we do not need another across to to sion and
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these changes will not affect the pillars of the constitution at the same time the president made multiple points 1st the multi-party system that has been well established we have the federal somebody in place electoral reforms have been passed after all this the president believes it is timely and possible to give parliament a number of functions which the president has it's not just a cosmetic change it is fundamental. there is today the u.s. secretary stakes again been attempting to justify washington's assassination of the top iranian general in the drone strike beginning of the year and then a finley veiled warning to russia and china to wipe home perry said his country plans to pursue a much more aggressive did terrence policy in future kalib open picks up the story . in u.s. foreign policy buzz words are everything administrations love to have a single term they can use in order to explain their international actions so let's
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review some of the greatest hits to be ready for preemptive action a reset in relations between the united states and russia might bomb peo seems to be rolling out a new one when defending the actions of the white house in dealing with international adversaries of the united states mike pompei ohs new favorite word seems to be deterrence reestablishing deterrence real deterrence military deterrence deterrence is hard to establish an easy to loose so according to the white house and its surrogates the killing of top iranian general qassam solomonic was necessary as part of this deterrence strategy but want to lay this out in context of what we've been trying to do there's a bigger strategy a strategy to this we have reestablished deterrence but we know it's not everlasting that risk remains we are determined not to lose that deterrence but the iraqi prime minister has a different version of events according to the iraqi prime minister soleimani was
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on a diplomatic mission he was trying to make peace when he was ruthlessly cut down furthermore reports seem to indicate that somani was not the only official to be targeted reports now show that a different iranian general was also in their sights but the strike was unsuccessful so who else could now be on the list as the united states claims it has the right to assassinate top iranian general extrajudicial lee and explain later well mike pompei o has thrown not only iran but also russia and china into the mix we saw not just in iran but in other places too where american deterrence was weak we watched russia's 2014 occupation of the crimea china's island building too in the south china sea and its brazen attempts to coerce american allies undermine to deterrence so if the united states. dislikes you it can pressure you economically diplomatically isolate you or brutally assassinate your own this is geopolitics in the age of deterrence mask scum and ask this idea of supremacy that we
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we have you know this is you can call it american supremacy that we can do whatever we want and it's up to us to decide who is a threat or not this is really really disturbing and very dangerous i think and it's not normal to hear this come in our to somebody who is running the state department this is extremely disturbing and i'm very disappointed that medical political class is not speaking out against this. crazy idea that we can go ahead and just kill anyone we don't like it doesn't mean people are not guilty of things but if we take this principle and this. approach to every nationality to every country we are going to have a really really mess and i want to. spin or feel that a reuters news agency received the equivalent of millions of pounds back in the
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1960 s. and seventy's from british intelligence services to spread anti soviet propaganda so also comes alike to the britain's national broadcaster party was complicit in the subterfuge the show the edwards dusty lives a little bit more detail with simple funding for avoid to services in the middle east and latin america in exchange for well political influence this critics were sure that the british based news agency could and would provide exactly what had not his government required the nearly declassified documents have just been revealed painting the picture right here at the u.k.'s national archives. government's interest should be well served by the new arrangement this influence would flow at the top level from reuters willingness to consult and to listen to views expressed on the results of its work but how do you fund such a mission if you don't want to do in the open nor in the public eye well via the independent public broadcaster the b.b.c. of course and it was easy the b.b.c.
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paid by and had subscriptions and then later on 7 the british government would repay the b.b.c. via compensation however it didn't come cheap in fact it cost $350000.00 pounds which in today's money is millions you see britain wanted to be big but not that big because if it was to be too profitable well then the propaganda stories would get lost amongst the others in going for profitable service will reuters not be tempted to put in popular items and leave out the political material which is what we want we all know about the icing on the cake argument but if only the icing is sold and the cake left purposes are not served the most the minds behind this were a shadowy section of the foreign affairs information research department created in 1988 the covert goal was to create and spread anti soviet material during the cold war but has it damaged the news agencies integrity and reputation well royce's is adamant that there's no way it would engage in such activity today and says at the time it was simply the norm and it really wasn't as bad as it seems many news
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organizations receive some form of state subsidy after world war 2 but the arrangement in 1909 was not in keeping with our trust principles and we would not do this today so you see the truth always comes out and now the national archives under the instruction of the foreign office is gradually releasing historical records that expose dirty deeds of the past but it seems like former deals have left a shadow of what's supposed to be those at the forefront of objectivity independence and freedom from bias shouted with daschle ought to london a co-director of the organization for propaganda studies spoke about it told us that a clear cold war parallels in today's news media to. governments and states will always make that claim in context of major conflicts and cold war but what they're trying to do is to get the truth to the public and trying to ensure that i would have to information you know that states are not reliable actors in terms of
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telling the truth which is one of the reasons why i you know what is owed to how strong the independent media to hold them to account one would be absolutely naive to think that there were very soon work processes that work today what we see a moment conflicts which is syria and iran receive an immense amount propaganda going on and when you have the kind of propaganda activities underway what suckers ultimately is public understanding and ready to help with democracy. away after a break a poll suggest almost half of people in germany's bavaria region would oppose how they met who is muslim smuggler stories when we come back here on r.t. international. as the democrats gear up to officially start their 2020 presidential primary it is
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fitting to assess donald trump's performance in office a report card of sorts where is he kept his promises where has he come up short will any of this really matter. just one magic bullet you could actually come up with some of the top of his baby talk about ways we get access to capital in capitalism cavil's important so we could actually have programs that actually help folks who want to do that but when you give everybody a $1000.00 i'm a poor person i'm going to consume that and if you're rich you're going to invest that equity the wealth the spirit is going to grow because you're not using your money to do it can so you're literally buy more crazy things and then my landlord knowing that i got a $1000.00 and you just go raise my writ so then you get your inflation going on and there.
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again you in the south and in deep divisions of emerged in the german chancellor alliance party in bavaria with local elections approaching a poll now it was revealed that almost hoff of all people in the region would be against a muslim and 50 percent of the statistics would be made of the christian social union party vote is the scandal see the muslim candidate resign from the race because of his resistance from his own colleagues reports. mehr all elections in the german state of bavaria raising questions about islamophobia in the regional wing of angela merkel's ruling coalition then assad here had been a candidate for the christian social union but the prospect of a muslim heir sore protest from some party members so he is decided to drop out of the running when some party member said they don't want to muslim as
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a man i was initially disappointed they're not ready yet i have to accept that they should have clarified that in advance there is no tolerance i'm very sorry indeed to disappointed. this is hugely embarrassing for the c.s.u. and mr psion feeling he couldn't stand as a candidate based on his faith has drawn sharp criticism from party ground days i think it is fundamentally wrong to exclude a candidate because of his beliefs if he is committed to overall views especially at a time when dialogue between the world's religions is so urgently needed something about must not happen the news that mr sign would be pulling out of the race prompted polling across the state of bavaria which showed that almost every other person would have an issue to some degree with the mayor of their city or community being of the islamic faith with over a quarter saying they would definitely have an issue when the polling data was
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broken down to voter preference on surprisingly supporters of the anti immigration a.f.d. overwhelmingly were against the muslim air but just a touch and a half of c.s.u. voters held the same view the party faithful putting out a very different message to that on the bavarian interior ministry's website a ministry run by the christian social union we want a culture of togetherness so that people with foreign roots have the desire and the opportunity to get involved for that work and in the local community then assad says he will continue to support the c.s.u. while senior party figures have gone out of their way to show him support the attitude of the grass roots in the christian social union shows that in the conservative state of bavaria at least some germans aren't ready or not willing to accept people from the islamic faith representing them in politics that is sure to leave more than a few of the upper echelons in the party red faced at the attitudes of their
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supporters while germany bills itself as open to multiculturalism peter all over r.t. early. we spoke to christian democratic union member mustapha who's been nominated herself for the bundestag elections he stressed the constitution in germany does not hold muslim politicians in the country says we need to to only say that to see today a look to talk to the other sit in one table with a different crowned there is nothing saying or constitutions that there is no one allowed to have a position in the politics or government if he isn't with them or not with them nothing could have been like this in order to you know our constitution we are bad that very bad is studio and we don't want you to be this history we are knowledgeable about your country and we need to live war together and there is such a society saw the buy on water the bavarian we could think about it on the it only need to open a discussion now to it for all the people in it and not to make just the selfie of
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all just that but we are $11.00 country but one is a part of our country and want to see where is next year if not if someone has a politics with the muslim religion we have a lot of people who are that we have a lot of judgment muslims there are in the security service we have a lot of in the borders we are in the military automated events so what is the problem would be the politics we having also a lot of your people with a different park around for a different sort what you only do in this country on the r. and d. spend on the up and get a great faith for this country we should be we need to know with whom we are dealing. now the u.s. election looming another russian scandal looming too by the looks of it a cyber security firm in the u.s. with ties to the n.s.a. is no pledging that the ukrainian gas company at the center donald trump's impeachment was hacked by russian intelligence agents he goes down off looks in so what lies behind these latest allegations. meeting old friends there are
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a few things that feel better not any old friends the ones you have barely heard from for years who then turn up at your front door with drinks food and great memories it's a joy anyone who's followed america's 2016 election and is following this one can now be a part of the ukrainian company barisan russia's hack of bridge made russian military hackers the russians could be searching for a good sense of the embarrassing material on the bidens the same kind of information that mr trump wanted from ukraine russian military hackers successful a targeted race not russia trump his fancy bare election meddling wind event a time machine when you have american media a new report is suggesting that a bunch of hackers from russia with ties to the government of course got access to the computers of boris mom a ukrainian energy firm what they were after and whether the got anything at all
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such minor details are emitted in the report as is any evidence the president leaves everything out except for a smattering of graphs and conclusions but why would everyone care so much all of a sudden about some company half the world away well because joe biden's son hunter used to sit on the board of directors there as the company was facing a corruption investigation by ukraine's prosecutor general who joe biden eventually had fired donald trump then asked the ukrainian president to look into this so bryza is at the center of the ongoing impeachment scandal in other words essential that thing to the current ethical question meeting that he urged the ukrainians to investigate joe biden is a journey of scandal involving the president president trump repeated attempts to get ukraine and now trying to interfere in the 2020 election by investigating job hunter biden. the allegation that the russians had bris milah comes from
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a firm called area one a firm with a mission. this is a message to all the houses out there. all the hackers up there there is no place for you in fishing in a civil society area one is the only silicon valley company that has been allowed to work with 2020 presidential candidates which it does big time we have a tiered pricing system with a little to no cost to or for non-profits schools small businesses or political candidates and a little more than a year ago some candidates came to us and said we don't want a repeat of 2016 to all of its co-founders have n.s.a. background and one of them donated to democratic candidates in this presidential race blake there she was who used to work for crowd strike the company that led the
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2016 russia hiking crusade whenever you mention russian cackling 2060 election 2020 alexion something happens internally where people's brains turn off and you can hear a collective oh not a given not again biden must have said oh no not ukraine oh my god that's us that's what that's what we did so no what better way for joe biden to deflect the information from him and his son is to say russia did it excuse me before what russia did is what russia did as you say is a true media promotion in promulgated all of this russia a bad image it's still it's it's everywhere so i i say here we go again another russian hack story.
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so it's filed with the 4th of july turkey for the thanksgiving and now russia because for the election season because naturally all dogs aren't good with new tricks. for wrapping up this bulletin that's a snapshot of the way things look at them so far this year of the 15th if you want to know more about what president putin to say earlier on any of the radio stories we cover and check it out for a social media there most of this wednesday is kevin the one of the rest of the team saying stop by for next programs and have a great rest of the day in your part of the world. is your media a reflection of reality. in the world transformed. what will make you feel safe.
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isolation community. are you going the right way or are you being led. by. what is true what is faith. in the world corrupted you need to descend. to join us in the depths. or a maid in the shallows. you are no offense but you no longer a young woman in fact you are one of the last living survivors of the nazi else asked i am aware of it. all you like. you can never forget i know i was really like to be inhaled because you would
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never believe it i want. to ask operating cost free 3 years ago for the. very best it all seemed so a lot offered by the family to make it stick. when i get out on the farm somebody you know i'm going to take my son to their next do so he can piss in the hope for the bless her. this is boom bust broadcasting around the world and covering all aspects of business and how it affects us all i'm christy i and i bridgeboro in washington
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here's a look at what we have on deck wells fargo's stock continues to slump in the wake of its major accounts scandal with fines taking a big hit on the company's bottom line part with naylor a public citizen gives us his take on what lies in store for the big goliath and how this sector has performed in recent times then as one bank has left another has their j.p. morgan you know book on you part profit we take a look at the stuff in the final quarter of 2019 and what that means for the forecast of the u.s. economy going full at this at a mess of the out of messing with so many stories so little time so let's go and dive right in. the head of the anticipate assigning a phase one the u.s. treasury has decided to remove china's designation as a currency manipulator never mind the fact that china should have never even been labeled that in the 1st place according to the i'm a commodity traders and analysts are now doubting these insane amount that china is committing to buy from the us under phase one of the trade deal china will pledge to buy overfit.


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