tv News RT January 15, 2020 2:00pm-2:27pm EST
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and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the troops the time is now watching closely watching the hawks. russia's prime minister and his entire cabinet resign to allow the president to make a series of amendments to the constitution. or the new head of government for a place that need 3. of those changes will give them power to appoint ministers a task which is currently the responsibility of president. according to the constitution of the russian federation the president needs only the state duma's consent to make official appointments the president appoints the cabinet. and all the ministers i propose shifting this power to the state duma and also the
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approval of the russian government. to years of a punishing trade war the u.s. and china are set to sign up which will see beijing buying more american products in return for access to its markets but questions remain over the long running tardif issue and whether they will be there to washington to any significant next. one minute past 10 pm here in moscow this whedon's they january 15th welcome to our to international my names you know neil. our breaking news this hour the russian president has nominated the head of the federal tax service for the post of prime minister it is the latest move in a major in russian politics earlier russia's not going prime minister dmitri
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medvedev announced that his government has resigned. after president putin suggested amendments to the constitution which will give parliament greater powers i discussed all other earlier with our correspondent ray if the martians. saying i mean he was born in 966 here in moscow he's married has 3 sons and he's a good hockey player right we know that he has been the head of the russian federal tax services you mentioned for actually many years since 2010 but even before that he has been almost like since 9098 within the tax system you know real estate related things it may sound surprising to some people that someone who i mean we. would not hear about i mean. prime minister nominee right now but you have to remember when 20 years ago when putin was appointed as prime
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minister and then president no one actually knew that man and it worked that came out and spent just hours after the entire government resign what does that actually mean i think there is a very important thing to understand in this situation that whatever of this resignation means for russia the country will not find itself in a vulnerable situation as. political vacuum power vacuum because 1st of all we can see how. minister nominees there already and we hear from state duma that is right now in charge of approving him that they are going to have a special meeting on thursday so no power of back and even before like the cabinet is for and the government that just now step down will be in full charge of everything they're continuing although yes yes mr medvedev announced about this resignation earlier on wednesday at the meeting between widely reported in the ministers here how it was. you mr putin colleagues
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you've all heard the address of the russian president vladimir putin as president in the major priorities of our work for the upcoming year but he also outlined a number of fundamental changes to the constitution of the russian federation. these changes when they take place and this will be done after the discussions and as with it they will significantly alter a number of parts of the constitution and change the balance of power the executive the judicial and the legislative powers in this context it is obvious that as the government of the russian federation we need to give the president of our country of your party unity to take all the necessary steps in decisions and in this context i believe it would be the right thing to do in accordance with article 117 of the constitution of the russian federation for the government to resign just. do we know what happens have not yet of course the 1st of all you have to understand the nature of it is quite a prominent politician here in russia and he has quite an impressive political
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career he served as the country's prime minister for 18 years since 2012 putin was present but before that for 4 years he was the leader of russia he was the president of the russian federation of wild lot more potent was prime minister so i mean these 2 used to work together for quite some time before there dmitri medvedev served as deputy prime minister for 3 years and before that he was kremlin teef of stuff and now he's going to have a new position he's moving to the country's security council and put into the country's legislation they head of the security council is the president meaning uprooting and now mr medvedev will become his deputy in what is important to stress this position didn't exist before today so he will become again like put in his right hand he will work with this gentleman side by side just because it has
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been a few go another be another big story why is it if you look at putin's public appearances you can notice him in the last let's say 3 months you can notice that he was talking a lot a lot a lot about kind of low. need for change that is strong in russia society right now but today's to season is direct lee connected to what life might put an earlier wednesday said during his address to the federal assembly and he was talking a lot about amendment specific amends to the russian constitution and he had to think of my calling has been following and i'll take a listen we were heads back to here where this country is supposed to head and 2020 but i can tell you that the russian future it seems way beyond that point was being shaped out here in the monitor exhibit hall just outside the kremlin as mr putin was speaking because we heard some really groundbreaking proposals including
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proposed changes to the russian maine law the russian constitution in fact one of the proposals suggested that the constitution should limit mr putin's own powers that have to do with appointing key government ministers and in fact the prime minister as well so here's proof of that. according to the constitution of the russian federation he's the president needs only the state duma's consent to make official appointments the president appoints the cabinet his deputies and all the ministers i propose shifting this power to the state duma and also the approval of the russian government's chairman and the chairman suggestion all the deputy prime ministers and federal ministers will have to be appointed by the president with the right to reject any candidates another proposal that came from the president was taken out the phrase in a row from the sentence from the constitution that one person could only serve to
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presidential terms in a row which if the amendments are approved would mean that the situation when for instance mr putin himself were turned to the presidential office after a 4 year break won't repeat itself and. in the future the russian leader among other things proposed that's also something very important putting the russian main law that's the constitution once again above international law in the sense that russia wouldn't be. a part of any international treaty if it contradicts the russian constitution so all of this is indeed groundbreaking and very important especially in the context of lot of our putin's expected departure after the end of his term from the presidential office in 2024 so it looks like russia and its system of governance is up for a massive revamp mr putin today made it clear that none of this will happen
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without the approval of the nation so perhaps we should expect some kind of vote on that. earlier to try and go with the report while the nominee for russian prime minister in the show is credited with having revolutionized the country's tax system over the past decade dramatically increasing takings he's also worked in other government positions and has been involved in investment banking side of politics one of the light at the state joining me live in this you do know is to me free public political commentator and friend of the program i think we can yes so there we go at the new prime minister in the making to. go through a few loops 1st what does he bring to the table he's a former head of tax in russia he's a businessman well how do you see this appointment well i think i see it very positively because we now see strategy of basically made value of
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a goal which was full field was to preserve mark reaganomics to be lead to financial stability let me remind you that the soviet union was destroyed by nothing else than the financial crisis you know there was a lot of money that you know the monuments grew really gorbachev and it was not supported by industrial production the you know so we you know these cues the famous soviet clients it was the soviet form of inflation and it literally ruined the soviet union so the goal of material and he has been able to do it was to preserve my critique anomic stability you know when. the russian economy was in turn to us he was not right now we have a another goal we must develop you know putin in his address to the bottom and to the he said that we preserve stability now we must achieve grewal and for that you need someone like me who speaks good english is a technocrat he is
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a technocrat he is relatively young you know have very technically savvy and at the same time he is a patriot and i think what is employed. he is not which is frowned he's not from st petersburg so there is a cliche. that he puts his friends everywhere it's simply not right you know he cares about his friends none of them was betrayed by him but when the business is the east concerned you know makes the right appointments the effective appointments you mentioned rather were. addressed to lawmakers today i was only part of the big news is the prime minister today because the political landscape is going to change somewhat that's what i wanted to ask you to what extent do you think these constitutional amendments are going to to alter that more power for the parliament is one what else do you see happening well though the western press more
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concentrated on the shifts on the shift of power from the president to the bottom of the parliament now will be able basically to choose the prime minister and the president will have to agree with the prime minister before it was certainly the president will do for the president and now the president still appoints of the prime minister can deal with have these because you do tional change and the prime minister was largely see the morning fieger you know before the prime minister had very little political weight so now the prime minister is going to be important in the western press immediately saw a need which will set down influential in politics even after he leaves his presidential office in 2024 but i would read more into that 1st i would i would note that traditionally the western press favorite given more power to the parliament now suddenly the western newspapers you know there in new york times the
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washington was there were slightly concerned because now the parliament to me jules why do we put in to be the prime minister and in this way you can stay influential i thing. the western media simply talked itself into believing that putin was that problem you know without him elations between russia and the west will be excellent and this is simply not true because the problem is a lot more complicated but what is important is this vector towards more for russia to what's protecting russia's national interest in this speech today putin said that from now on the president will have you know he will have to have relieved 24 to 25 years in russia before been able to be elected president. does for presidency as well as judges as well as spawn and deputies as well as ministers the all cannot have dual citizenship on the russian citizenship they cannot have
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a broad state so all of this is aimed at the make in russia and this this is happening. with a referendum i believe on his proposal that will be the 1st time since 1903 how do you interpret the giving giving the say to the people once and for all this is what you will choose and whether or not you want it well i think that would be and wants to share responsibility with as many people as possible and in this case or bisley the parliament is not enough when you decide serious things such as who is going to be the president who is going to be the prime minister how is the country going to develop that has to go to where referendum so indeed you're right it would be the 1st referendum in 93 the last one in the in 1903 was largely formal it was because of confrontation with the bottom and few people remember it before russia had not a very nice history with their around them in 1900. 87 percent
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of the people voted for the preservation of the soviet union but it collapsed in the same year so let's hope the next referendum will be more successful and you start to the decade for sure thank you very much to me political commentator thank you. ok another big story of the day donald trump the chinese vice premier a new key signed phase one of a trade deal vis weapons they with the u.s. president calling the move historic it comes after extensive talks aimed at putting an end to a damaging 2 year long dispute between the country's kaleb naacp and r t correspondent in america joins me live in our killer. like progress but i guess as always the devil's in the detail. well at the ceremony where the deal was signed launching phase one of the agreement donald trump was rather boastful about this accomplishment this is what he had to say
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today we take a momentous step one that has never been taken before with china toward a future of fair and reciprocal trade as we signed phase one of the historic trade deal between the united states and china together we are righting the wrongs of the past and delivering a future of economic justice and security for american workers farmers and families i want to thank president xi who is watching as we speak can be going over to china in the not too distant future to reciprocate but i want to thank president xi a furry very good friend of mine. now those who've been following u.s. president donald trump's statements over the past 2 years will notice that he's been frequently accusing china of quote raping the united states this is some of what donald trump has said prior to today's signing of the agreement. for decades
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american workers farmers ranchers manufacturers and innovators have been hurt by the unfair trade with china forced technology transfer and intellectual property theft have been huge problems since china joined the world trade organization 2 decades ago we have racked up nearly 5 trillion dollars i promise that i would use every lawful presidential power to protect americans from unfair trade and unfair trade practices unlike those who came before me i kept my promise now as a result of today's agreements some of the planned tariffs that were going to be imposed on china have been dropped and others have been lowered however much of the tariffs that have been imposed on china over the past 2 years that cost that basically cover roughly $360000000000.00 worth of goods most of that remains in
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effect now the hope is that when phase 2 goes for rid of those tariffs will be dropped but that remains yet to be seen the main source of you know the main part of the u.s. economy that has been impacted by these by these tariffs has been the agricultural sector there's been significant losses due to the tariffs there's been a significant decreases and the u.s. and global markets have certainly been affected as well there's plenty of uncertainty as donald trump takes this move let's take a listen to what was recently said by china's leaders. china will work with the u.s. in the principle of equality and mutual respect and strictly one of the agreement and ensure the implementation of phase one of these agreement that's the core principle and necessary to ensure mileage will relations. sell at this point donald trump is saying this is
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a huge breakthrough this is the next step forward some are looking on with skepticism i guess we'll just to see have to see who gets more out of this deal in the long run thanks for bringing us right up to date on not caleb maupin live in new york. but let's not return to our top story the russian president vladimir putin has nominated the head of the federal tax service for the post of prime minister it is the latest development in a day of major all people in russian politics in which the premier and his whole cabinet resigns well i'm happy to say about neil clark journalist broadcaster joins us live on the program neal. a lot going on today as i'm sure you've been looking over how are these changes that a lot of your putin started with how are they going to be seen by the international community which has been critical of the russian president over perceived
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reluctance for political change do you think. i think it's interesting isn't it that the timing of these we were told we've been told today that these have been in the pipeline for quite some while but i think that it's fascinating that it comes comes at a time of heightened international tensions i think i think i think the key there's so many changes as you said been announced i think one of the key points is the beefing up of the national security council with mr medvedev moving towards to be the number 2 to president putin on that to do to be these deputies on that so it's a sort of strengthening if you like of that body and that as i say comes to time of rising international tensions we many people thought we were on the brink of world war 3 only last week over iraq with the assassination of gen sonali so it's very tense time. sanctions on russia still there russia is very much. i think in the line of fire in the sense of that being threatened by the west and i think that
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this is in the one hand it's a. it's a signal going out that really that moscow is taking this seriously it's also about continuity of course president putin are up to 2024 what happens he has been a great force for stability in russia and and a great force internationally too so you can see it you can actually see it in a number of different contexts. that was going to be my point because dimitri medvedev has been named as you say deputy head of russia's security council still a very serious position but it is being debated as to whether this is a demotion or does it signal the continuation of medvedev putin's long time and it has been going on for a long time political alliance. i think it does and i said clearly this is no i don't think this is an emotion this is a very important position at this particular time because let's be honest there were people in russia who thought believed not unreasonably that president trump
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could be good news for russia might well of course he wasn't hillary clinton that's the 1st that it good news that we knew was an empty we're told but things haven't developed that way have a sanctions on russia are still there they've been intensified and so i think russia's and upset you know illusion. as the fact there won't be anything coming after a period of turmoil in the 1990 s. when as you know we had a prime minister every week or 2 was a laughingstock what putin and medvedev and level of danny steady the ship sorties peter over on pics all out for us now mare all elections in the german state of bavaria raising questions about islamophobia in the regional wing of angela merkel's ruling coalition then a surgeon had been a candidate for the christian social union but the prospect of a muslim air sore protest from some party members so he is decided to drop out of the running when some party member so they don't want to muslim as a man i was initially disappointed they're not ready i have to accept that they
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should have clarified that in advance there is no tolerance i'm very sorry indeed to disappointed. this is hugely embarrassing for the c.s.u. mr scion feeling he couldn't stand as a candidate based on his faith has drawn sharp criticism from party grandees i think it is fundamentally wrong to exclude a candidate because of his beliefs if he was commuted to overvalues especially at a time when dialogue between the world's religions is so urgently needed something about must not happen the news that mr sarin would be pulling out of the race prompted polling across the state of bavaria which showed that almost every other person would have an issue to some degree with the mayor of their city or community being of the islamic faith with over a quarter saying they would definitely have an issue when the polling data was broken down to voter preference on surprisingly supporters of the anti immigration
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a.f.d. overwhelmingly were against the muslim air but just a touch and a half of c.s.u. voters held the same view the party faithful putting out a very different message to that on the bavarian interior ministry's website a ministry run by the christian social union we want a culture of togetherness so that people with foreign roots have the desire and the opportunity to get involved for that work and in the local community then assad says he will continue to support the c.s.u. while senior party figures have gone out of their way to show him support the attitude of the grass roots in the christian social union shows that in the conservative state of bavaria at least some germans aren't ready or not willing to accept people from the islamic faith representing them in politics that is sure to leave more than a few of the upper echelons in the party red faced at the attitudes of their
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supporters while germany bills itself as open to multiculturalism peter all over r.t. early or we spoke to christian democratic union member moustapha maher who has been nominated himself for the bundestag elections he stressed the constitution in germany does not hold back muslim politicians in the country. we need to say that to sit today look to talk together sit in one table with a different crowned there is nothing saying our constitution there is no one allowed to have a position in the politics or government if he is up with someone was there nothing could have been like this in order to know what constitution we are bad very bad if studio and we don't want to have it be this history we are knowledgeable about your country and we need to live war together and there is such a site so that by and one of the book wadia need to think about it on the it only need to open a discussion now to him for all the people in it and not to make just the selfie of
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all just that but we are 11 country but one is a part of our country and want to see what is next year if not if someone has a politics with the muslim religion we have a lot of people who are that we have a lot of judgement muslims there are in the security service who have been locked up in the bomb as we. continue to do want to read events so what is the problem would be the politics we having also local people with a different pocket and for what you only do in this country on the autumn to spend on the up and get a great faith for this country we should be we need to know with whom we are dealing. i want to bring you on the program to the indian capital new delhi where hundreds of small scale traders are protesting against amazon's founder jeff bezos he plans to visit the country next week and is expected to meet prime minister narendra modi. oh my god. the protests are part of
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a nationwide movement led by members of the confederation of indian creators small business owners accuse e-commerce giant amazon of predatory pricing. you know it says steve i want business and you see your sustainable business and the upgrade you want to see then you're going to give up because you know that you have no place in india and you don't want it i believe in god i not been to god i didn't realize that. well mr b. as us has not responded to the allegations earlier though he said the company will invest $1000000000.00 to bring small and medium sized businesses online in india and expects to export $10000000000.00 worth of indian made goods by 2025. get more news views about today's big stories can also be found in r.t.e. dot com all season.
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