tv News RT January 15, 2020 6:00pm-6:31pm EST
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russia's prime minister and his entire cabinet resigned to allow the president to make a series of amendments to the constitution. has now nominated a new head of government to replace dmitri medvedev. proposed changes will give power to appoint ministers a task which is currently the responsibility of the president. according to the constitution of the russian federation the president needs only the consent to make official appointments the president appoints the cabinet. ministers i propose shifting this power to the state duma and also the approval of the russian government. after nearly 2 years of a punishing trade war the u.s.
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and china signed a pact which will see beijing buy more american products in return for greater access to its markets but questions remain over when the greater part of the tariffs imposed by washington will be lifted. by broadcasting live direct from our studios in moscow this is our international thomas glad to have you with. there to be a new prime minister and a government russia in a day of major upheaval in the country's political system the president nominated the head of the federal tax service for the post of pm the head of that outgoing prime minister dmitry medvedev announced his government had resigned and that itself was in response to president putin suggesting it meant to the constitution effectively limiting his own powers and transferring them to parliament earlier my
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colleague you know neil discussed all of that with our correspondent maria for an ocean starting with more on the premiere to be. saying i mean he was born in 1906 here in moscow he's married have 3 sons and he's a good hockey player right we know that he has been the head of the russian federal tax service as you mentioned for actually many years since 2010 but even before that he has been almost like since 9098 within the tax system you know real estate related things it may sound surprising to some people that someone who i mean we know it would not hear about i mean. prime minister nominee right now but you have to remember when 20 years ago when putin was appointed as prime minister and then president no one actually knew that man and it worked that came out and spent just hours after the entire government
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resigned what does that actually mean i think there is a very important thing to understand in this situation that whatever of this resignation means for russia the country will not find itself in a vulnerable situation as. a political vacuum power vacuum because 1st of all we can see now how. prague minister nominees they already and we hear from state duma that is right now in charge of approving him that they are going to have a special meeting on thursday so no power vacuum and even before like the cabinet is for and the government would just now step down will be in full charge of everything they're continuing oh yes yes mr medvedev announced about this resignation earlier on wednesday at the meeting between widely reported in the ministers here how it was. you mr putin colleagues you have all heard the address of the russian president vladimir putin as president
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in the major priorities of our work for the upcoming year but he also learned a number of fundamental changes to the constitution of the russian federation. these changes when they take place and this will be done after the discussions and as with it they will significantly alter a number of parts of the constitution and change the balance of power the executive the judicial and the legislative powers in this context it is obvious that as the government of the russian federation we need to give the president of our country the opportunity to take all the necessary steps and decisions and in this context i believe it would be the right thing to do in accordance with article 117 of the constitution of the russian federation for the government to resign just. do we know what happens him here of course the 1st of all you have to understand the dmitry medvedev is quite a prominent politician here in russia and he has quite an impressive political career he served as the country's prime minister for 18 years since 2012 putin
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was present but before that for 4 years he was the leader of russia he was the president of the russian federation of wild lot more potent was prime minister so i mean these 2 used to work together for quite some time before that dmitri medvedev served as deputy prime minister for 3 years and before that he was kremlin teef stuff and now he's going to have a new position he's moving to the country's security council and put into the country's legislation the head of the security council is the president meaning putting and now mr medvedev will become his deputy in what is important to stress this position didn't exist before today so he will become again like putin's right hand he will work with this gentleman side by side just because it has been a few hours ago another be another big story why is it happening if you look at
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putin's public appearances you can notice him in the last let's say 3 months you can notice that he was talking a lot a lot a lot about kind of like. need for change that is strong in russia society right now but today's to season is direct lee connected to what life might put an earlier wednesday said during his address to the federal assembly and he was talking a lot about amendments specific amends to direction constitution and he had to think of my calling has been following and i'll take a listen we were heads back here where this country is supposed to head and 2020 but i can tell you that the russian future it seems way beyond that point was being shaped out here in the monitor exhibit hall just outside the kremlin as mr putin was speaking because we heard some really groundbreaking proposals including proposed changes to the russian maine law the russian constitution in fact one of
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the proposals suggested that the constitution should limit mr putin's own powers that have to do with appointing key government ministers and in fact the prime minister as well so here's proof of that. according to the constitution of the russian federation he's the president needs only the state duma's consent to make official appointments the president appoints the cabinet his deputies and all the ministers i propose shifting this power to the state duma and also the approval of the russian government's chairman and the chairman suggestion all the deputy prime ministers and federal ministers will have to be appointed by the president with the right to reject any candidates another proposal that came from the president was taken out the phrase in a row from the sentence from the constitution that one person could only serve to presidential terms in a row which if the amendments are approved would mean that the situation when for
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instance mr putin himself were turned to the presidential office after a 4 year break won't repeat itself in raw. in the future the russian leader among other things proposed that's also something very important putting the russian main law that's the constitution once again above international law in the sense that russia wouldn't be. a part of any international treaty if it contradicts the russian constitution so all of this is indeed ground breaking and very important especially in the context of of lot of our putin's expected departure after the end of his term from the presidential office in 2024 so it looks like russia and its system of governance is up for a massive revamp mr putin today made it clear that none of this will happen
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without the approval of the nation so perhaps we should expect some kind of vote on that. the nominee for russia's prime minister. is credited with having revolutionized the country's tax system over the past decade dramatically increasing takings he has also worked in other government positions and has been involved in investment banking outside of politics we spoke to a variety of experts to get some analysis on what has happened other countries reaction and russia's future. well through the prism of major nation media russia is considered a one not even a one party state a one man state complete utter 0 talk recy run by vladimir putin the matter what he had said no matter what some of the deputies might say in the coming days or even the election council as it prepares for a referendum on the constitutional changes announced by vladimir putin and mr medvedev they will be watching all this through that prism and be claiming that
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anything that comes out of moscow is all about a conspiratorial cabal that runs a country as big as russia it is a revolutionary change from this distance i would say that it gives more power to the parliament but it downgrades the importance of the prime ministership at the same time it seems to me to invest more power in the national security council with mr medvedev going to be the deputy president of the and president putin is of course the president of the and that might go on of these 2 men have been a kind of by letter to do it through the last 20 years nearly all the stability of russia's leadership and its quality which is not a separate issue has been one of the most positive aspects of world governance in
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the 21st century with the president put term prime minister medvedev and i was not . looking forward to pres the putin disappearing from the scene in just 4 years time because i think he medvedev though have a very great deal of work to do and a great deal to offer i think russia is changing into a new face of democracy freedom and now this is the 1st. time when the president limits his own power this is something in the nature of control the country is not known at all that a president limits its own power and once to let the people decide on the new constitution it seems that hooty and maybe a bit of our agree very much on this move they don't seem to be angry only each other at all if the other side they each other for the good work and they can just
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do it quiets may elect a new government and give the power back to the people. donald trump and the chinese vice premier he have signed phase one of a trade deal with the u.s. president calling the move historic it comes after extensive talks aimed at putting an end it to a damaging 2 year long dispute between the 2 countries are to scale up and comments . well at the ceremony where the deal was signed launching phase one of the agreement donald trump was rather boastful about this accomplishment this is what he had to say today we take a momentous step one that has never been taken before with china toward a future of fair and reciprocal trade as we saw in phase one of the historic trade deal between the united states and china. together we are righting the wrongs of the past and delivering a future of economic justice and security for american workers farmers and families
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i want to thank president xi who is watching as we speak can be going over to china in the not too distant future. now at the press conference donald trump was very critical of china using language similar to the language he's been using for the past 2 years as the trade war escalated for decades american workers farmers ranchers manufacturers and innovators have been hurt by the unfair trade with china forced technology transfer and intellectual property theft have been huge problems since china joined the world trade organization 2 decades ago we have racked up nearly 5 trillion dollars i promised that i would use every lawful presidential power to protect americans from unfair trade and unfair trade practices unlike those who came before me i kept my promise as
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a result of today's agreements some of the planned tariffs that were going to be imposed on china have been dropped and others have been lowered however much of the tariffs that have been imposed on china over the past 2 years that cost that basically cover roughly 360 $1000000000.00 worth of goods most of that remains in effect now the hope is that when phase 2 goes for rid of those tariffs will be dropped but that remains. manes yet to be seen the main source of you know the main part of the us economy that has been impacted by these tariffs has been the agricultural sector there's been significant losses due to the tariffs there's been significant decreases and the u.s. and global markets have certainly been affected as well now when the deal was signed we heard from china's vice premier and he seemed optimistic but his words weren't exactly as glowing as the u.s. president's. china will work with the u.s.
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in the principle of equality and mutual respect and strictly one of the agreement and ensure the implementation of phase one piece agreement that's the core principle and necessary to ensure mileage will relations so at this point donald trump is saying this is a huge breakthrough this is the next step forward some are looking on with skepticism i guess we'll just have to see who gets more out of this deal in the long run. for more on this let's cross live to. discuss the development on u.s. china trade relations with max gulko senior research fellow at the american institute for economic research thanks for being with us here on the international thanks so much for having me on so. if we get right down to it who benefits the most in this deal and i guess my next question would be will both sides abide by the agreement. you know it's we've heard for a couple years wall america has been put through these tax increases basically on
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on imports we've been seeing economists like myself almost unanimously not being very kind to the president about it about what he's doing and what we've heard is well he this is french easy he's getting us a deal and we start to assume that you know looks like today and i'm afraid i'm going to be unkind to him once again. this is a managed deal this is you know china buying $200000000000.00 of american goods in the next couple of years debts that's divided up by that you countries negotiators by sector this looks like. a successful export sector for the united states but it's not actually a successful export sector because essentially these businesses in china are being ordered to buy from word rather than value creating when there is 2 sides who actually want to come to a deal so like in the 2 countries if i remember correctly they were very close to
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an agreement back in may 2001000 talks then collapse at the very last moment is this deal if we can call a deal is it on firmer footing than the last one. well i think that this does show and i'm going to put big quotation marks on progress here but clearly they have they have moved the ball long and to the extent that they are reducing terrorists that is a good thing but again that's like you know bulldozing brand new house and starting to rebuild it again and saying look at look at the great progress that we're making i would suspect that they will continue negotiating that they will continue making agreements it's a very uncertain complicated world out there and it's not certain what those are going to look like but again there are no winners in this deal other than perhaps the president being able to run around the country for the next year and talk about
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what a great job so i want to go back to something you touched on just a 2nd ago you mentioned this. being forced to buy american goods they've reportedly agreed to to $200000000000.00 worth of target american goods and services. is that realistic for beijing. well there are a lot of ways that it's unrealistic we've heard a lot of observers today say they're not really going to be able to do this job they're not going to be able to absorb dismounted goods and there's a lot of other factors that people don't normally think about that come into play here like if they're importing more goods from the u.s. then maybe they're importing fewer guns from brazil and then brazil has less money and then maybe brazil is importing fewer students from the u.s. right and so this isn't global system this is not just a u.s. china system this is not just a president from the chinese premier system and so there are you know ample ways
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that this will really backfire in the sense of really doing any good for u.s. businesses now what we've heard is the deal designed to be the 1st in a series of agreements intended to end of the trade conflict what are the chances for phase 2. you know i think that i i do think this is a change in the relationship they're clearly showing more of a commitment instead of escalating the terrorists deescalating them slightly as you very importantly pointed out right before we started talking. most of the terrorists are still in place and at some point for the good of the global economy for the good of the american people honestly their president is going to have to want those terrorists back and i would say that is going to really be i would imagine the essential part it's to what it is max i'm going to ask you to go down the political rabbit hole with me just a little bit if it's all right so there isn't was signed by china's vice premier is
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there any significance to the fact that president xi himself was absent and trump was there well i am an economist here and not a political theorist and we're talking about the chinese government so i will say this is way above my pay grade when the chinese government is thinking but it does seem like quite intentional sign that they are not that they want to say we're not totally on board with this yet right. clearly they didn't just send the vice premier rather than brown and i you know thinking you know that you know not thinking that that would be you know just and so and so you have to it's hard to read tea leaves sometimes but i would guess that that was some sort of implicit pushback against the deal and briefly we only have about 30 seconds left but some american business isn't technology companies are thinking red trump has given away some harder and 11 leverage here in exchange for this agreement they've held out
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a bit longer. well you know every industry and every business that does that transact overseas is going to have something that they want and the technology sector is going to have ip protections that they want and steel companies are going to have anti-dumping provisions that they want and so it that you know also again goes to show why this is not trade between 2 people across the chest or this is a lot of businesses interacting across the world so it very well may be that tech companies didn't get what they want out of this that is something that's inherent in these managed deals all right max skulker very interesting to hear thought thanks for helping us wrap our minds about it and thank you senior research fellow at the american institute for economic research. i've been very deeply divided over the mayor all candidacy of a muslim man in the next municipal election we'll tell you more about that after a short break this is our international.
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in the united states presidential candidates debate the future of the u.s. and the world. max keiser and stacy her butt dig into the burning questions of this election cycle one celtic every week. tax student debt trade was corporate money universal basic income and more catch up with what's front running this sunday exclusively on how to. on a space flight you literally leave all your problems behind you fly high and above everyone and everything and then you see any and all borderlines on earth disappear you see that our planet is not as we're taught in schools with different countries marked in different colors separate from one another you see that our planet earth
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is just another will be a bigger international space station on a mission in the vastness of space just like the i assess. deep divisions have emerged in the german chancellor alliance or party in bavaria with local elections approaching a poll has revealed that almost half of all people in the region would be against muslim air many of those opposed are christian social union voters at the sister party to uncle merkel's c.d.u. the scandal has seen a muslim candidate resign from the race due to resistance from his own colleagues picking up the story peter of. male role actions in the german state of bavaria are raising questions about islamophobia in the regional wing of the ruling coalition.
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here and had been accounted it for the christian social union but the prospect of a muslim sore protest from some party members so he is decided to drop out of the running when some party members said they don't want to move him as a man i was initially disappointed they're not ready i have to accept that they should have clarified that in advance there is no tolerance i'm very sorry and deeply disappointed. this is hugely embarrassing for the c.s.u. mr scion feeling he couldn't stand as a candidate based on his faith has drawn sharp criticism from party ground days i think it is fundamentally wrong to exclude a candidate because of his beliefs if you use community to overall views especially at a time when dialogue between the world's religions is so urgently needed something about must not happen the news that mr sign would be pulling out of the race prompted polling across the state of bavaria which showed that almost every other
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person would have an issue to some degree with the mayor of their city or community being of the islamic faith with over a quarter saying they would definitely have an issue when the polling data was broken down to voter preference on surprisingly supporters of the anti immigration a.f.d. overwhelmingly were against the muslim air but just a touch and a half of c.s.u. voters held the same view the party faithful putting out a very different message to that on the bavarian interior ministry's website a ministry run by the christian social union we want a culture of togetherness so that people with foreign roots have the desire and the opportunity to get involved both at work and in the local community then assad says he will continue to support the c.s.u. while senior party figures have gone out of their way to show him support the attitude of the grass roots in the christian social union shows that in the
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conservative state of bavaria at least some germans aren't ready or not willing to accept people from the islamic faith representing them in politics that is sure to leave more than a few of the upper echelons in the party red faced at the attitudes of their supporters while germany bills itself as open to multiculturalism peter all over r.t. early. really spoke to one nominee of the industry dog christian democratic union member. amar who stressed that the constitution of germany does not hold back muslim politicians in the country. we need to to only say that to sit today or look to talk together sit in one table with a different crowned there is nothing saying or constitutions that there is no one allowed to have a position in the. government if he is that was somewhat wrong was that nothing could have been like this in order to know what constitution we are bad to very bad
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is studio and we don't want to put it be this history we are knowledgeable about your country and we need to live all together and there is such a state so that by and one of the book wadia need to think about it on the it only need to open a discussion now to it for all the people in it and not to make just be about just that but we are $11.00 country but one is a part of our country and i want to see where is this year if not if someone has a politics with the muslim religion we have a lot of people who are that we have a lot of judgment muslims there are in the security service we have a local in the border as we continue to be able to read events so what is the problem would be the politics we having also local people with a different background from what you only do in this country and they are to be spent on the up and get a great faith with this country we should be we need to know with we are dealing. a cyber security firm stateside with ties to the n.s.a. is claiming that the ukrainian gas company at the center of donald trump's
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impeachment was hacked by russian intelligence agents here he goes for more. meeting old friends there are a few things that feel better not any old friends the ones you have barely heard from for years who then turn up at your front door with drinks food and great memories it's a joy anyone who's followed america's 2016 election and is. following this one can now be a part of the ukrainian company barisan russia's hack of bridge made russian military hackers the russians could be searching for of essentially embarrassing material on the bidens the same kind of information that mr trump wanted from ukraine russian military hackers successful a targeted race not russia trump his fancy bare election meddling wind event a time machine when you have american media a new report is suggesting that a bunch of hackers from russia with ties to the government of course got access to the computers of boris a ukrainian energy firm what they were after and whether the got anything at all
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such minor details emitted in the report as is any evidence the president leaves everything out except for a smattering of graphs and conclusions but why would everyone care so much all of a sudden about some company half the world away well because joe biden's son hunter used to sit on the board of directors there as the company was facing a corruption investigation by ukraine's prosecutor general who joe biden eventually had fired donald trump then asked the ukrainian president to look into this so will resume is at the center of the ongoing impeachment scandal in other words essentially confessing to the current ethical question meeting that he urged the ukrainians to investigate joe biden is a journey into the scandal involving the president president trump repeated attempts to get ukraine and now trying to interfere in the 2020 alexion by
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investigating job 100 bided the allegation that the russians had brás most comes from a firm called area one a firm with a mission. this is a message to all the houses out there in the world is up there there is no place for you in few scenes it is. civil society area one is the only silicon valley company that has been allowed to work with 2020 presidential candidates which it does big time we have a tiered pricing system with a little to no cost here for non-profits schools small businesses or political candidates and a little more than a year ago some candidates came to us and said we don't want a repeat of $2162.00 of its co-founders have n.s.a. background and one of them donated to democratic candidates in this presidential race.
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