tv Going Underground RT January 18, 2020 5:30pm-6:00pm EST
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patrick. of the people of scotland to have a choice over their own future mr speaker this was not a surprise the prime minister as a democracy prime minister boris johnson denied that allegation before later being asked arguably about defacto democracy in syria a country johnson voted to bomb my constituent resigned that came to the u.k.'s kurdish refugees fleeing persecution and human rights abuses committed by turkish backed places in syria her family remain in the area and she is in a daily fear for their life that the multiple reports of human rights abuses against civilians in syria including every port said test forces use face white phosphorus against children johnson said he has raised human rights with his nato partner we have raised our concerns about the operation in northern syria with the turkish government be present early on several times and. we should lead to poor
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any abuse of human rights but turkey is of course very much on britain's side in the country bombed by his former etonian friend david cameron and tomorrow chancellor angela merkel hosts a conference following on from vladimir putin's in moscow to seek peace in what was once africa's richest because the country joining me now via skype from germany the country that will host tomorrow's critical libya talks is the former spokesperson for more margaret afy dr mussa ibrahim thanks so much for coming back on the shows a negotiated some kind of cease fire not sure whether it's holding between turkey supported by britain and the former cia asset general after what do you expect from talks in berlin to more it's extremely easy to get lost in the details of the libyan crisis and this is really our game the imperialist west has been playing for decades and decades and the reason you wrote in to us in skates into libya and. and what it does it's many agents this chaos for years and
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years to come sometimes by military means sometimes by political means conference says negotiations economic sanctions you end the crees european union involvement all of this is to keep the country and the control so they can rock its national wealth and control its political system and prevent more importantly its population from rising up and making sure that the country is sovereign and independent from foreign influence the berlin conference is just another step in this that action ok the new good guys and bad guys is the corporate media or love so much as if you understand the ceasefire at least is holding in libya there are reports of some turkish backed jna that the un mandated soldiers dying and have you
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been invited to the berlin government has safeguard everybody that invited to the berlin government from the outside they claim that they are inviting everyone the reason that they imposed a ceasefire specially a from tech aside is because they understood that the libyan army was about to catch a ship or now those leading the libyan army where previous cia us as you say but the green the resistance of libya has been using the libyan army as a fake to move forward and got antique and level of sovereignty and independence for their country they can with this cease fire to save the islamist militias and the so-called government of national accord that they imposed upon the libyan people people in 2004 so it is the entire international community. he is
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against the libyan people ugly and actually i'm a general after being a former cia asset so you saying that this coverage has been hastily can read because the government of national accord was about to lose all power and is mandated by all the security council members good in china including russia let alone britain of the united states this is something that the west does all the time they change the robots they assign roles between different parties in any conflict germany was you know one of the better countries a few iraq in 2011 wasn't involved heavily in the poem by argument of libya even objected to the fate act of war and proposed a peaceful road for negotiation and that's the reason the very reason germany has been chosen because the other european powers have been in jeet morally bankrupt in libya completely and i'm certain that no initiative can come from
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france italy or britain let alone the states of course take it as well because of its cultural and religious and historical links to libya was chosen and appointed by its european allies to manage the case jointly with gen many for the next few years they always change the asia they change the parties that play the parts but the core of the matter is the state keep libya politically weak and in the control of the west keep propping the national wealth make sure that the libyan population does not rise up to gain libya back and make it independent and strong and of course as you know what she claims they need to talk about democracy elections negotiations cease fires. and they do it very well with newspapers media
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expands intellectuals and we are awaiting this man not to before the game but that was ok but ok if after is backed by paris abu dhabi cairo riyadh france obviously also backing the jna trump criticizing a turkish agreement over oil between. government and national accord government saying it was unhelpful or not sure that means trump is going to come to the rescue what is the green resistance there has been as you just mentioned the media intellectuals and the rest of it it is not mentioned in the context of libya inside libya olympians are aware of korean persistence we are everywhere we are there many we are the majority even our any inside the country admit to that and actually they have been for years now saying it publicly they know any sure political such of any transparent truly genuine democratic system will lead to libya being green
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again i agree it's not does not mean that we are going to own it all government for ourselves it means we are going to liberate it from the foreign and because it is an international pitch up against the green resistance we decided many of us to enjoy in the vacant lots which is the libyan army the libyan army is composed maybe more than 80 percent of officers and soldiers of the green and the west knows that and they don't want libya to you know with the doing of the green distance to go back to being independent and so friendly and therefore go back to the owner can't the fists as and there's often importation of uniting uniting the arab world opposing computer ism and then tainting the national. both
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development independent economic development from the capitalist system that doesn't sound like anytime soon general have to said he has no problem with safe gadhafi running for president do we know where the saved obvious even alive let alone the fact is not being invited to tomorrow's berlin conference and do you fear that given trump's recent drone assassinations of iranian general silly money that they could take safe good effie out of his alive now there is no doubt we are a straight for safes safety safe it is them is is a libyan citizen he is a leader and he is loved by a nation to potion of the libyan population he has a genuine political program and project for the country but no one from outside the future of course wants to listen to him because they know his faults is very dangerous to the agenda of the west only look see if it's there and his
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followers have been saying quite years now that they don't talk to take revenge against anyone they don't want conflict they want an independent peaceful and democratic libya and not just talk we have a fair a particular definite written down program for all of this week or for every single european parts political current to come together in a debian city not embellish and does this a vision of the african union because we are african and without any foreign practice and they should no one is accepting this because they know where this would be a genuine libyan decision would lead to something that the west does not want that's what they call to berlin they know that she barely has a very bad reputation and after they met at the kremlin $884.00 the conference in which they divided a free. between european powers the flight had
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a freakin mayans a freakin wilts now you come to berlin 2020 it's the same game being played for centuries and i'm not buying it ok well just finally and briefly does it matter if general haftar signs an agreement. or is the question itself meaningless and do you think he's about to take tripoli regardless we are challenging because all what i like half there is everybody particularly one house to came under the cia an american army protection in 2011 we will not forget that he claims now that he is seeking libya's independence and and that's why we are working under he's you know in the libyan army but if he cites anything kimberlin if you cause against libyans and libyans so prince and libya's independence i'm free to make no mistake we will
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walk no more but have to and thousands and thousands of soldiers and also serve as we go out of their way to oppose such an agreement and the whole equation of the libyan political situation would be changed and i think there's a brant thank you thank you option after the break as shin fein lobbies in washington how much will it really cost london to reinstate local governments in northern ireland we speak to the parties responsible for reconvening stormont political coming up about to going underground. join me every thursday on the alex simon show and i'll be speaking to guests of the world of politics sports business i'm show business i'll see you then.
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america's built a prison called the wall and it's the prison it's the right and runs the prison and the cost of building the prison is 0 because it's all based on everyone in the world is still willing to accept dollars trade in dollars clear through the new york fed and worship the u.s. dollar wherever you go you'll find a.t.m.'s in countries where as the local currency and dollar dollar is god no matter what religion you think you are around the world the fact is you pray to the u.s. dollar every day. wisdom is the application of rock the boat knowledge in a rope or your ways in novel contexts but if you learn a particular scenario being a class could be brilliant and you encounter that exact same scenario knowing what to do is just memory wisdom that's not learning it's just memorizing some wisdom comes when you are facing
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a brain new context you can draw upon tools to learn in other contexts systematically to know what to do. welcome back well after 3 years the frame resides just switch the lights back on in stormont having reached a power sharing agreement but how fragile is it with sums of money differing in the billions and the h.s. nurses on strike the looks anything but certain joining me now. from the malloy front thanks for coming back on so your shin frame finance minister there instrument corner murphy saying johnson's money falls well short of his promises what do you make of it is strong promises from both the senators to. the 2 governments on their commitments to financially support they knew exactly what up and running particularly did with the nurses strike on the part. so it is very
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important that the 2 governments lead up to the promises that are making on the money that they were through and how much money are we talking about well most of money is not said he defined because the executive is only up and running they're still trying to find exactly what is required to do it what would basically would we are saying this one is the british government did give an agreement that they would meet the party issues around the nurses' pay but also what we want to move into is the 3 year sakal of budgetary lane instead of what we will call on of a one year cycle that needs to be an ongoing commitment just because you can then turn the lights off instrument and for another 3 years once you've got the commitment for the budget for 3 years no what we want is the we want this to walk we want the executive to have the resources to make it work unless they're for george or there we found in the past though the british government when the conservative quinta government and the irish government both they've said with us it's settled that's a sort of this is not a sacrament the days are gone for the d.v.d.
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when it could ask a 1000000000 pounds for parliamentary support to keep a british prime minister in power although he was going to reinvest the junior in a 2nd he was talking about billions before the election of course the parliamentary arithmetic is different but one economist doctor has been bernie claims it will take 5000000000 pounds to get strawman running probably up to 3 years of new government well i think what we saw was a sturdy measures of the control to govern the past who do it with throwing money from the assembly and that to actually brought part of the don't fall apart because people are active 5 to find where is about to make and walk people's expectations are very high of what this family can deliver don't have a number of the not a number of this point in time probably they should have a number of the negotiating with boris johnson well the fact was that the british government hold all the figures they hold all the departments at this point in time what we're doing is the transition over and what we're saying is that the needs of the proper resources are the government were promising that that needs to be fully . do you think your party's over the general election because of the austerity i
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mean the health service you mentioned because a strike in the past 24 hours coordinated action 41 percent of inpatient waiting times exceed 52 weeks in england and wales not one region exceeded one percent in the health service in. unbelievable and when it comes to austerity more than $200.00 people dead over a period of 18 months homeless deaths well i think the situation is that the health service was actually been undermined completely the resources won't be put end to make it happen and make a book so what we need is the pay party to act to be really established and to ensure that nurses actually have the but also not in numbers the staffing numbers need to be increased to make the hospital to be able to walk and what we're find in the past was that that money would have been really withdrawn from the assembly and would have been withdrawn from the nurses' pay. will you shut down stormont again
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not a bit off shorten burns down but i think it with the deal here but if the resource is not there then base what we're saying is storm we can't deliver. ok is that because you've got the irish torch in schools element in. place as regards the coming back to stormont despite the fact that prosecution of u.k. soldiers during the troubles seems very much up in the air because a lot of people talking in westminster about that know happening well i think what we have to separate the 2 issues a language issue is operator and what we have now though is a language and strained into the norden and act not sets aside the old established legislation which basically discriminated against in which a speaker of the language in general on the issue of justice for those who actually have committed wrongdoing we actually need to ensure that british soldier or anyone else do not escape the right track to stand up and to be charged if they are guilty
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of offenses that were accord join the troubles your colleague john vinu can is in washington talking to members of congress about irish issues his father of course was murdered in suspicious circumstances given what is interview on our you tube channel do you think he'll get american support for the prosecution of british soldiers we know the boris johnson listens to the americans who were born in america well i think we do need to get the support of the irish government to the american government and the european union to ensure that the good friday agreement and all the aspects of the good friday agreement are implemented the speaker has already said that listen to trade and that's one of the things that joins talking about is that if there is any infringement on the good friday agreement then that the americans won't be saying no to any trade deals with the british government ok but do you think all enforced has done more for irish unification than the ira well i think bracks has had ordered. backs it has actually done not what we have now is
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the opportunity for the irish people to come together within the european union the whole island. try to try and build the irish unity within that and i think there's a growing support for that right across the board people who never were thinking about irish into people are no thinking about it those who actually feel that they're being infringed by the loss of the commitments of the european union you think nigel farage for that well certainly has played a part with the not ok well the we've got an interview on monday with a guy called willie call in new used to work for you is a self-confessed m i 5 spy he makes some extraordinary allegations in his new book what would you make me say one in 4 of the ira were one point u.k. intelligence and to that there were members of m i 5 who sort of united i would you make of well i think you always take the role of really had within and he said that he was such a spy and i think when you feel you could out there and what his role was it was
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fake news that he was presenting on fact reports that he was presenting back to the british government if you do not particularly and i think what we're reading now who is one is he selling a book but secondly it is a continue leeson about back news after a long period of time whenever when he was long out of vienna on a right of the republicans the secret diary entry that you do training on the side certainly not on the i think you know if you go back to those sort of bad old days whenever that was the main question to active and i think it is important that we do recognise her in an entirely new situation we need to move on francine like thank you thank you. well the piece says they will restore faith in politics at stormont but for how much joining me now is even more than 3 in paisley thanks so much in for coming back on the show so your reaction to the restoration of ulster power sharing given finance minister economy the fia us this
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of france of a lawyer just now says that johnson's money falls short of what was promised to move the well of the. very important up north those get a fair date to have the evolution working properly it's got to be properly funded and northern ireland because of ira terrorism for 40 years has suffered more than on the other part of the united kingdom so it needs to rebuild it needs what not only a peace dividend but a finance flowing from the peace process that is costly it's worth it it will make north on feel very much part and parcel of the united kingdom and it will settle things in a good and positive way and look at the positive things that flow from it for nurses for teachers for police officers public sector workers very very critical more than about 70 percent of the workforce there let's make sure that they get a good deal of those. who would it is strike action in the health service in the news the figures because it was drugs and hadn't become prime minister because the d.p. had stopped its coordination involvement with the resume as you said to me on this
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issue you were going to give the figures it was a 1000000000 pounds. you must have a bull book which we negotiated during the last 3 years of confidence and supply was to do 5 key projects and we identified them and put a cost to them that money has been paid and delivered on northern and has benefited from not these are new projects. and sure enough for example our health workers our nurses or doctors have paid with the rest and i can then there are figures for all of these things the figures have been bandied around in there the civil service and what they are they're being home daryn to the exact mines we all said the response was in northern ireland on monday of this past week i think he forgot to bring this checkbook next time he would forget ok well the range is up to 5000000000 to go to the roof a lot of glasnost and as one barney's figures i think are if you look at absolutely everything that could possibly be done that would be certainly would be a wonderful it would. be what i do think of as where the real figure will
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ultimately be most important that we set a people's expectations properly ok well the bedrock of do you people will see. opposition to the unification of the reunification of the island of violent have you know basically created this consensus now in which a united ireland is inevitable there is a border down the irish sea that has been proposed by boris johnson and agreed with the european union what will 1st of all the border that you speak about as of course 18 months in terms of making sure the up trade flows will fight disruption post bracks all regulations and all it will be those of the southern and regulatory arrangements we would like to make sure that is meant to get out of the managed as much as possible and the next year of trade negotiations will be crucial to easing it's basically a shorter amount of time and savor and see my lawyer in france i think united under 5 years and we draw agreement will be 2 years and therefore you'll sort it all out
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this. not only is older than me but he looks and sort of be older than me and he knows that there's never been a united ireland that has life time there will never be one in my lifetime none of your engine constituents secretly want to get a united ireland to take advantage of the european union trade no because one of the sly voting of the general election vision for. the north koreans but collapsed north and they were at 16 percent i think today they're 6 percent and north on them so they collapse dramatically no i think people want to see stable politics stop this man on the moon in pursuit of only elastic things let's focus on what people really need stability politically good jobs subs but cami going forward i'm delighted that we have the best employment figures that we've ever had in our lifetime look at the best and what investment figures will forever out of my lifetime let's try those things other people make it easier ok with my lawyer said about boris johnson's comments on wednesday in parliament about vexatious claims on
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legacy issues it was ludicrous for him to suggest the c.p.s. is unfairly pursuing. prosecutions of u.k. soldiers unfair ones what does it feel like for you with the prospect of you maybe having to show you a possible it's the border as you cross to visit westminster amidst fair prosecutions of u.k. soldiers what happened during the troubles what i think of the joneses few i mean if you travel at the moment on domestic flight in the united kingdom you will more than likely have to show photo right down to that you can choose if you need a passport for international travel what i would like to say is to make sure that we don't have over exert of under strict of procedures in place that may not. like a plea it's part northern ireland to work on with demonstrators throughout history to feed a plea it's within the united kingdom to be a success the days in the $195060.00 s. and seventy's when it became a place apart things went dark spiral way religious people for britain will move
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their business is to get the european union the benefits of trade who knows again on monday we're going to be doing facetious you always be facetious you and jim will welcome people from england surely. you can do a man named willie call it yes on monday a self-confessed m i 5 spy do you think that is comments like one in 4 in the ira were you can intelligence and the fact that there was a senior voices in m i 5 were actually secret disorder united ireland seem. believable i don't think it's common very specifically but a former or current m i 5 all part of paper but i will read his book about it even answered by the british but i will make some some general comments which i think are important i think that using human intelligence sources to counter terrorism is a very very specialised talk that m i 5 and the british security services not only developed in northern ireland but did across the world and something which they
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share with a friendly nations is the hard to come to under a counterinsurgency program so people who will turn. and side the organization was very widely used in northern ireland very deliberately to undermine that right you'll be supporting this story lou best occasions unit mandated by the good friday will have a little time lost if i'm for justice equal justice so if there is sufficient evidence to prove the son was done something wrong that they're held responsible i'm accountable join a court of law that for example former police officers are not held to a different kind to in order on a higher standard than ordinary citizens we've got to be make sure that also sins are held and the fact of the model for me is that i think the police officers are going to be given a very former police officer are going to be given a very broad daylight and a legacy inquiry because this paperwork completeness that shows where and when police officers where there's no paperwork completeness for these illegal organizations the terror groups operate which is you just said we're interested by
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the secrets it has but there was but there's no proper paper trail within those organizations there's nothing for an expert to scan them to look up on the say hard to be no i get to the bottom of this particular crime therefore i think people should be held to come through the ordinary process of law and order that makes good justice in beijing thank you thank you that's a show call monday when there's boris johnson vows not to investigate u.k. collusion of killing in ireland apparently we further investigate british security says involved in the fight for reunification with a self-confessed away 5 spy in jail and keep in touch via social media don't forget to subscribe to your show.
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wisdom is the application of practical knowledge you know where your ways in novel called right if you learn a particular scenario could be in a class could be brilliant and you encounter that exact same scenario knowing what to do is just memory that's not wisdom that's not learning it's just memorizing some wisdom comes when you are facing a brain new context and you can draw upon tools and learned in other contexts systematically to know what to do.
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nothing. to. injure mattick scenes the french president has rushed on to the paris theater under a hail of boos as furious protesters chanting mccrone resign trying to confront him . a russian computer programmer arrested in greece at washington's request pleas for help claiming he's been tortured under 9 his basic rights. and that russia mocks 77 years since the end of the siege of leningrad one of world war 2 his most appalling humanitarian disaster.
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