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tv   News  RT  January 20, 2020 2:00am-2:31am EST

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oh. look. there's going to. be a peace talks involving the warring sides and world leaders create a new mechanism for a lasting cease fire look at whether the plan can hold. this hour 3 belgian doctors face criminal charges for approving the euthanasia of a woman with a psychiatric disorder and the 1st such trial since the procedure was legalized at the start of the country. and mountains of litter heaped up on the stunning streets of rome as lawmakers battle over where to stash the trash.
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you're watching our 2 international coming to you live from the russian capital where it's just turned 10 am welcome to the program. a berlin conference has raised a glimmer of hope for peace and war torn libya world leaders pledged to respect an arms embargo and block military support to all parties in the conflict the german foreign minister was cautiously optimistic. we have achieved the objectives that we sent for this conference we now have the now hands to solve the conflicts now we have to do is use this he put it in the law and open the door to. the summit had its lighter moments as well and i thought oh for instance was slightly delayed as world leaders seem to have lost the russian president vladimir putin was still located and all went just fine on a more serious note here as r.t. is pure all over and his report after the summit. well the result of these
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talks here in the wind on libya in the fall and going conflict on the ground there was a documents that is being signed off by those that have taken part in the conference still has to go to the united nations where it will be seeking their approval it contained in that document a call for a cease fire also an arms embargo that should be a rekindling of the political process that human rights must be respected and that we must also you see security and economic reforms on the ground in libya now the german chancellor also said added that there was no direct contact between. fi is. that had been expected realistically has been hoped for heading into these talks they didn't speak directly that was all done through proxy or in direct conversations passing along messages basically between the 2 sides the
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u.n. secretary general also speaking at the closing press conference of security yet as he said that what was of most importance at the moment was getting a functioning cease fire in place on the ground 1st we need to have a ceasefire you cannot monitor something that doesn't exist and so we need level ceasefire and we have a truce and one simple question is that all the produce the plans to do anything to meet ditz. to support the cease fire and committed to pressure on the parties to the conflict for the fire to be reached from the russian side circular for all of the foreign minister spoke to journalists as well he was saying that he was positive of what had been achieved here however he acknowledged that the situation between the 2 warring sides was extremely difficult right now still generally we think the conference was useful it's clear that the final decision is up to the
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libyans it's also clear that so far stable dialogue between the warring parties is reachable the differences of approach the 2 great still suggestions the final document contains contribute to creating appropriate conditions for both sides to sit and talk ultimately the result of these talks is that they'll be more talks libya though is really coming front and center for international attention that's been seen by just who was in attendance here in some real heavy hitters from around the world coming here as the world tries to find a solution to the ongoing crisis which has claimed so many lives. while some politicians seem optimistic about the summit to experts told us it's too early to guarantee a lasting peace in libya at least for now. bill danger is the main virtue of these talks has been that the external actors will be able to move to agree but as we've heard the 2 main rivals couldn't speak face to face let alone agree and secondly there are perhaps 30 different subgroups fighting on the ground so that it may be
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that there is going to be a ceasefire that holds it could possibly be in the interests of both sides but getting the various cohorts to hold us is not has not been easy so far and there is the danger that each side will be looking to move or for getting international credibility include or spy saying we're trying to keep the ceasefire but the others are breaking it at the end of the day we're looking at a cease fire that's all we're hoping for this is not going to bring about peace it's not going to really stop all out war we're talking about a cease fire a hold to a cease fire which is not happening today we can have a road map we can have a process for we have. more lines in the forces dissemination let alone some level of governance that the 2 parties can work with so it's can be very difficult a long long way ahead we are in the early stages of potentially what potentially help them for libya. in landmark test case for euthanasia rules is
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unfolding in belgium where for the 1st time since the practice was legalize their doctors face criminal charges prosecutors allege they illegally poisoned a 38 year old woman formants him i says they were broken by her death and she did not have to lose her life artist asked taylor looks into the issue. on christmas eve in 2937 year old teenager told her family she wanted to be euthanized but while teen suffering might have ended several months later of in a clinic in the flemish city of god and that of her family is still ongoing because the 3 doctors who were involved are now on trial for how mud this will be belgium's fust criminal case concerning heath in asia since the practice was legalized back in 2002 which accounts for an average of 6 deaths every day the doctors insist they acted in good faith and are unfairly being painted as murderous but the hiring
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account teen sisters give of that fateful day raises questions over the competence and motives of the medical professionals. belgium is only one of 2 countries which allows for euthanasia on psychiatric grounds and sees people suffering from depression gender identity issues and an erect resort to this so-called must see killing 2 months before her death as is required by your teen went to the psychiatry list dr point who diagnosed her with
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a mild form of autism teen's family protests this diagnosis adamant she was simply suffering heartbreak and distress after a failed relationship she knew that if she wasn't diagnosed with autism or asperger's she would have no chance of being euthanized. as such they say the key legal requirement that a patient be incurably ill was not met and so by injecting her with that lethal dose she was poisoned really confused by the diagnosis and in this particular psychiatrists solution of suicide it just doesn't it doesn't fit together for me i think that there is a dangerous especially from a mental health perspective when people play god is so to speak when we're making decisions now about life and death or when other people are making decisions about when to in their life based on things that can be fixed pretty easily in some cases
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mental illnesses autism is certainly very treatable one of my child has some mild autistic manifestations and we get through those you know it's certainly not a reason to kill someone or to commit suicide but this was far from the only irregularity they noted and when they launched a complaint the doctors allegedly tried to block the investigation with the psychiatry even hitting back at the grieving family we must try to stop these people who. it is a seriously dysfunctional one dead traumatized family with very little empathy and respect for others this is not the fust time psychiatry to diagnose teen has come under scrutiny but in 27000 documents revealed the head of belgium's euthanasia review commission was concerned dr 10 point wasn't fulfilling all necessary legal conditions relation soured so much that he refused to accept and he thought the
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patients referred by doc to temp aren't her colleagues are also worried that she's allegedly approved around a 3rd of all euthanasia cases for psychiatric reasons in the whole country she is not really a great person to go to in terms of her judgement for this kind of medical procedure she has a personal and are for looking at euthanasia as a as a solution for these patients so perhaps patients seek her out when for the like this happens it just happens to be too much of this not by one particular physician and that's why she's being called into question by 9 other psychiatrist in her own field in belgium that she's doing something wrong so clearly there's some more investigation we need to learn more about this particular psychiatrist and this particular event others have said dr 10 point doesn't expel treatment options available before granting euthanasia an allegation backed by teen sistas.
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instead of trying to go team to a better life team was deliberately led to death and pushed without the reasonable treatment options being exhausted and consequently without suffering being relieved the question is whose interest was paramount in this process the interest of team or the interest of others euthanasia is legal in just 5 countries and is one of the most controversial practices globally stories like the teams reveal just how difficult it is to ensure that people's desire for personal freedom isn't tragically misinterpreted and abused we are still like our interest ending trial in the euthanasia case for our response she told us that she cannot comment at this time all 3 doctors and i the charges. french prosecutors have launched an inquiry after footage of a riot officer beating a protester went viral. good senses to go show this you. didn't know that. i took
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a look at the connectors do you think that we could get that good i guess you think you guys. are 2 friends also filmed the aftermath of the incident at a yellow bus rally in paris on saturday officers are trying to disperse the crowd that gathered around a policeman was punching that man on the ground it's the latest in a line of accusations against claims at the protest with another case already probing claims that rubber bullets were fired at point blank range. i believe this march in the french capital people expressed fury at the government's country reform plans but cautious erupting between police and demonstrators also a strike by public transport workers over the reform has brought chaos to paris for almost 2 months now that's despite the government's promise to compromise agreeing to drop some of the most controversial aspect of its plans political analyst michael mccall which told us that much of the media ignores the violence by police in these demonstrations. all the different demonstrations that we've had this past
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years have always been tearing up with violence there's extreme violence in the mainstream media and we only see the violence of the demonstrators and very rarely the violence of the police forces and this is has this has become a very big issue in france where people from the left out from the right just don't understand what's going on we've seen this practically every weekend through the you know best demonstrations this is one of the methods this is one of the main methods police are using today and it's quite paradoxical because french police was known in the past for being one of the police in europe in the world not using violence it was a french method of controlling demonstrations and then you can even when demonstrations were getting out of hand and this clearly shows that this is part of the past and the new with this mean policing extreme violence against demonstrators . still to come the eternal city is flooded with garbage as politicians can't seem to reach an agreement on what to do with it details on that after this break.
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so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy to let it be an arms race. spearing dramatic development only personally i'm going to resist i don't see how that strategy will be successful very critical time to sit down and talk. what holds and you should. put themselves on the line. to get accepted or rejected . so when you want to be president i'm sure. some want to be rich. but you'd like to be close to see what before 3 of the people get. interested always in the water. there should.
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be. some. welcome back the u.s. state of virginia has announced a state of emergency and firearms ban ahead of a gun rights rally when this event is seen as a credible threat by the state government as thousands of armed people plan to attend and picks up the story. as the 2020 alexion get closer there's a lot more dividing america than just political personalities in virginia the issue of firearms and state regulations who can buy or own one is a big point of contention.
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the claim that universal background checks supposed to stop criminals from getting access to firearms is focus in reality they only restrict little fool going to discourage gun ownership and turn otherwise law abiding people into unwitting felons. in states that have these laws. have resulted in middle of the night rates where gun owners have been killed or have their guns confiscated so on january 20th gun activists are having a rally demanding their right to bear arms under the us constitution and local authorities are cracking down saying that no guns may be present at the rally the prohibition is temporary and it will expire on tuesday after the rally and those who would bring violence into virginia have left and returned to where they came from now local gun activists say this is an absurd restriction after all what is
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the point of having a gun if you can't have it on your person in order to protect yourself especially at a heated political rally where things might get rough they blame this restriction on the democratic party the governor and leadership of the democratic party have declared war on law abiding gun owners and they're tired of it it's basically people saying we're fed up we've had enough governor northam of virginia says it is absolutely necessary that there be no guns at the rally in order to protect public safety he's pointed out that militia groups have made statements about storming the state capital and other things that aren't exactly considered to be peaceful rhetoric no one wants another incident like the one we saw in charlottesville in 2017. we will not allow that made him and violence to happen here.
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now gun activists say that their rights are being taken away they fear that gun access restrictions in virginia could soon spread to other states virginia is ground 0 for the 2nd amendment right now anti gunners want to take what they did here in virginia and and replicated in other gun friendly states there are some strong arguments on both sides if democrats oppose owning guns aren't they essentially going against the us constitution and various supreme court rulings that have said that owning a gun is a fundamental right for american citizens however isn't it a bit on the reasonable to expect that right wing activists should be allowed to walk around government buildings locked and loaded so sheriffs in virginia or
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elsewhere in the country have taken states is where they openly publicly said they will not force what they view to be unconstitutional wall if you can't have universal background checks what is the use of having them to be given. you know we need a license to drive a car. we need more safety and drive a car then to own a weapon that kills we have people in here that are collectors we have people in here that's just their that's their pastime that's what they do they don't have a criminal background they don't do anything wrong that is just how they choose to spend their money and their time i mean myself i just purchased a gun. you know. like this is a right to bear arms should be for every citizen the family business but since we're a state. donald trump entered the fray calling the state's response a very serious attack on the 2nd amendment and blamed the democratic party former
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virginia state senator richard black and legal analyst jennifer de master told us they are skeptical about the reasons given. i don't think that we should enforce these unconstitutional laws that are being imposed on the people in this country firearms are current mendus late important to americans and so they do become upset i think it is the policy of the democratic party to inspire as much conflict as much racial strife as much hatred towards christians and people who live in rural areas that's not designed to smooth the waters to find common ground this is deliberately designed to create a sense of panic and perhaps to create a reaction that can be used by the media to to portray
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ordinary citizens as being bad people it's clearly not a security issue it's just another attempt by the liberals in america at this point to confiscate this site and then the protections of american citizen certainly it has nothing to do with safety and in fact if you look at some of the some of the violence that has occurred it has never occurred at. pro 2nd amendment rallies or the n.r.a. or some of these process going to men and groups in america conservative groups there's never been gun violence there but the very people that support the 2nd amendment it's only happened at unrelated events and generally typically by people who are not authorized to have a gun and who obtained illegally so none of that is going to help and this is just a further act of trying to deny their constitutional right. pungs of waste are piling up on the streets of the eternal city as politicians kept pick up a stink over who's to blame.
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quite within the ra the central area of the city but another areas the situation is even worse than paris meant to this waste on the streets isn't every neighborhood to see every neighborhood devastated by the buzz of rubbish that's there any most such as mine see goes wrong with the waste on every street corner. of it all i feel sad because such a beautiful c.t. has been ruined for truly absurd reasons.
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but i think it's useless to vote for our politicians i receive the minimum pension and i have to pay a lot of municipal waste tax tell me how can i throw out the garbage if the bins are always full. it's too late sold this problem now it is an old never ending problem but periodical it turns into an emergency the chance to solve it was missed many years ago. plus way some world news and brief protests in lebanon escalated over the weekend as political leaders to wade forming a government demonstrators in the capital trying to reach the parliament building were stopped by police with barricades smoke bombs and water cannons some through fireworks at the officers who responded with tear gas hundreds were injured in the
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clashes. and thousands of a tie ins gathered on sunday to voice opposition to the conservative northern league party sardines movement which organized the rally said 40000 people were in attendance at all similar protests elsewhere in the country. that's a wrap up of the day's top news for now but don't forget you can always find us on many of your favorite social media platforms like twitter and facebook for up to the minute reports. thanks guys or financial survival. when customers go buy your do something. good now well reducing our. that's undercutting not what's good for markets it's not
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good for the global economy. join me every thursday on the alex simon short and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business i'm showbusiness i'll see if. this is a story about what happens austria stray bullets kills a young girl in the streets. what happens to her family and daughters in florida you know the mother daughter is buried in a cemetery it really messes with your head what happens to the community the public was screaming for a scapegoat the police need is a scapegoat so why not choose a 19 year old black kid with a criminal record who better to plan this than him and what happens in court the. shock shock as far as i feel. we don't know
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she'll just screw up on. that end of this trial unfortunately you. will still not know all children. whether they should be. one of the 4 so you can be in luck because. as we might want to meet our well me and nothing. but the fantasy of. the moment was a. dumb move to move me to. school the. only
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industrial junk in the freedom engine that can save a watch musical blood from a christmas. winter with a mint oh is that and then have none removed can you hear me shall i. him a national anthem most him.
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i'm afshin rattansi we're going underground at the start of britain's last full week with political representation at the european union even though the u.k. will be subject to either regulation coming out of the show with the road to an arguable reunification of the island of ireland being paved by boris johnson's bricks at the border in the irish sea to the british security services lay the groundwork for a united ireland we speak to a self-confessed m i 5 spy working undercover at the highest levels of shin fein all of them all coming up in today's going underground 1st on saturday show we spoke to m.p.'s from both the d.p. engine fein about the return of good friday agreement local government to northern
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ireland we also asked the shin fein m.p. from c. malloy about the history of his party during the troubles the subject of a new book by a self-confessed for m i 5 spy willie calling who confesses to working at the highest levels of sinn fein in the seventy's and eighty's when i said this in response to collins claim that some of the british government secretly wanted a united ireland well i think that at different times you asked if i know your thoughts are on the british government i do said they would never talk to their aid and yet we find behind the scenes a war talk and they are it as they were trying to get a political settlement on their terms so i think the british government like any other government walk in a number of different times and at the same time will be made held back to overexaggerate as a thank you know what port and he was caught i think in the mind of british intelligence and. really hard and worse and they keep their we also asked him about whether the ira is ill in control shin fein is alleged by coughlan well i think if you look at the our party as a democratic organization political organization they stand for election our
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members are deputy 1st minister no was elected democratically and so with all our members with that we recently went through the west new selection where 7 of our m.p. for returned again so i think in order for a theory a democratic organization well i'm now joined by the author of the book factors spy my life as an m i 5 agent it's i-ching frayne with a column willy welcome to going underground how come you're still alive and why is the book called thatcher spy. it's going to strange but i think i'm a very lucky person. it's one of those things that you know when you've been where i've been and you get taken notes and you know you've had a lucky escape. a strangles on.


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