tv News RT January 27, 2020 3:00am-3:31am EST
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i. factory. was liberated exactly 75 years ago by soviet forces 27 january has become international. in memory of the millions of jews killed during the 2nd world war. veteran calling himself. his influence on politics by swamping social media with as many as 69 posts a 2nd. in the california city of oakland to shelter former prisoners or face fines under the state's most aggressive law.
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live from moscow thanks for joining us on our team. welcome to the program. monday marks an emotional day for many around the world exactly 75 years ago the red army liberated auschwitz death camp in poland almost 1100000 people lost their lives. in the most appalling tragedy of the holocaust liberation closed one of the most shameful chapter in history. auschwitz one started its system of murder and torture back in may 940 prisoners life began at the registration building where he or she received personal numbers and from then on became referred to by that number then there was assignment to the barracks which would be home as well as block 11
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a prison inside the prison used for torture the camp had a gas chamber crematorium and execution wall dubbed the death wall but there were actually 3 camps at the site pete all over visited 2 of them. many of those who passed through the camps infamous gate with its marking are by far your work sets you free message survived only a few months a lot of those who arrived here it auschwitz birkenau will murder it immediately for others a more torturous lingering fate awaited as the subject of grotesque and obscene medical experiments over 1000000 people perished here the reichsbahn railway network was the arteries of the nazi war machine was also the mode of transportation used for what reich leadership with cold matter of factness called the final solution to the jewish question the extermination of european jews and
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really with those who were the 1st the people were loaded on the trains often and heated for a carriages sometimes people were transported impossible 3rd class passenger carriages they were advised to take all of their valuables with them and some food and warm clothes regardless of the time of year in other words people were led to believe that they were being taken for resettlement they used different tactics to trick people to make them let their guard down inmates had their heads shaved on a rival that was then packed up and shipped to german companies for use as a raw material gold teeth were also removed and barbaric fashion any possessions taken away suitcases shoes i lasses pots pans those not killed immediately put to work in a par and conditions for some it fell to fertilizing fields with the ash from bodies of those already murdered incriminated nazi authorities invested heavily in them a car charnel houses to make them as efficient as possible but we thought that there
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was an attempt to destroy the whole race from babies to old people and to do it modern technology auschwitz amazes historians of visitors with this technology. how up today he was just for the purpose of killing people with gas as the end of the war reproached the soviet military closed in on territory which had spent 2 years under the jackbooted nazi occupation right officials in charge of the camps tried to cover up their crimes those inmates that could work were sent towards germany on what became known as death marches buildings were blown up and bodies burned sending huge plumes of smoke skyward it was these attempts to cover up what had been happening here that prompted some of your generals to investigate what had been going on. with the book why do we say that liberating and saving the prisoners was truly a heroic deed because a marshal cohen
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a commander of the 1st ukrainian front received intelligence on this horrific camp and how did they get this information because there was smoke the nazis were burning everything including bodies to raise all traces of their crimes so kind of a gist of the plan of the offensive and auschwitz liberated 2 days earlier than originally planned i have had many conversations with general vassily petrenko he was the commander of a division that took part in the liberation he told me his division was suddenly ordered to change the direction of the main attack so the president's going to be released after heavy fighting between retreating nazi forces and the red army the soviets were able to enter auschwitz birkenau on the 27th of january on entering the camp liberating troops found $7000.00 prisoners in dire need of medical attention however the hundreds of thousands of items of clothing and almost one ton of human hair betrayed the true extent of the crimes committed here with who would
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have gotten the red army arrived and as soon as our journalists the soldiers saw the people from the camps they immediately realized they needed help so they started providing medical care there was a hospital with experience of treating mounir and starving. patients from the besieged city of learning grant and that help save the lives of $7000.00 prisoners it would take extensive investigation of reich records and the site of the murder camps in order to determine the true scale of the horror the slaughter in 2005 the date of deliberation 27th of january was declared international holocaust remembrance day by the united nations acknowledging both the crimes of nazi germany and the actions of soviet troops in liberating the camp peter all over r.t. from ashworth birkenau poland a holocaust prison is person lumbers were usually 7 on their uniforms but as the sewn on the uniforms rather but as the number of exceptions executions grew it
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became hard to identify bodies after clothes were removed corpses were sometimes marked with indelible ink and metal stamps auschwitz was the only camp to tattoo prisoners numbers on their arms no more than 400000 the serial numbers were created that doesn't include those never stamped but sent directly to the gas chambers uniforms and badges primarily triangles put into why the prisoner was there ranging from political affiliations through almost sexuality as well jews had a double triangle representing the star of david of course a jewish symbol and 75 years on the memories of those who survived are still painfully fresh. at the ball is a boy nazi soldiers entered it was in the winter it is at the moment that the mom
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and i were in the village at that moment the nazis all just started drinking and bits were trying to the point that they began to pull the children from the 2nd floor did see why the he'll with us and shoot them like targets a couple wishing it that it. would break and if we jumped from the windows into the snow drift or flat if they shot at us the local saved us . this is their left over we were sitting on the trial. pattern that when a nazi soldier took a step forward someone shot him in the back. that the transmedia he surrounded they pushed us out and placed us against a wall. for the much a boy was for tonight. i ran to the street to the last couple there was a woman with a child. she took my hand i didn't know she was german that's typical stop the soldier she told him that i was her child and he had a scar and i did mine on purpose steel.
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that we were only wearing like dresses that they attached us to a convoy of prisoners it was a very moving without food and water with sick the name people had where yes when some people fall they shot them immediately when we could not walk we had to carry each other. then we were supported on the left with the sick lame and old. mom was just thrown to the right breast looking at it but that at that and i could ignore it she shouted you girls hold each other's hands all your life never part these were her last her. for.
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this week it was just got to slip by once he was such in front of the street with my sister he found just a wall and we wrote on the wall. we are home yes. i am. i am. i am. when the red army entered our streets it found about 7000 prisoners alive most were ill or dying according to various estimates between 230 and 350 soviet soldiers lost their lives in combat while liberating the camp that day ended the site's industrial scale mass murder bringing hope that lessons of that appalling tragedy will never be forgotten.
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now the headlines u.s. pressure appears to be dividing long term allies believe years washington backed interim government has cut diplomatic ties with cuba which is blaming the white house says the u.s. blames russian trolls for damaging stability in latin america caleb open explains. the u.s. is ringing the russian alarm bells once again this time for latin america state department analysts from the russian link twitter accounts to sow confusion in south american nations that's oppose the moscow backed government in venezuela in bolivia immediately after president evo morales resigned on november the 10th the number of tweets associated with those type of accounts spiked to more than 1000 today up from fewer than 5 now amid their unproven claims about a russian descent from asian operation they seem to have overlooked the work of a certain louis sarek who calls himself a cyber rambo it turns out i'm
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a saga rambo now the anti morale us activist was tweeting out as many as $69.00 posts in a single 2nd in his one account and tweeted out more than $13000.00 messages claiming that the ouster of evo morales was not a coup well the actual nature of events tells a different story than what saurez was tweeting let's review. this. is an. hour from now they tried together here in the to recover political power again and when they can't win though like since then that it was fraud now were realized that it was not fraud but the coup de tung. the.
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this is that and why my resigning so that my who do this cannot continue to prosecute my socialist drugless it's my duty as an indigenous president and the president of old believe to seek peace. but saurez voice was amplified throughout the internet claiming that the ouster of an elected leader by the military was somehow a triumph for democracy and did sorry as go into hiding not at all soros actually boasted about his efforts to sway social media opinion and how they were so
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effective with an algorithm that was just 25 lines of code. how is this to bolivian with one click produces more trees than all the leftists efforts to support it tight so it's important to note that saurez isn't just a person who's highly interested in bolivian politics oblivion himself he's also a veteran of the u.s. military now he denies that he's currently on active duty or in any way connected with cyber command or intelligence agencies and we'll just have to take his word for it i see the hand of the u.s. in this age see the hand of the cia in this and the national down in for democracy this is an overwhelming amount of social media activity in support of the coup and this was being done by a u.s. military veteran society really was a cool ordinated effort to overthrow the democratically elected government of a well morales we have to look at social media as you know just another
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public platform and in this case it has been and will be used to support today to us in countries like libya they're going to continue to use both the mainstream press and social media to carry out these types of regime change efforts. but twitter has strict policies against this kind of manipulation when we detect suspicious levels of activity accounts maybe looks and prone to to provide additional information but somehow one guy could have just spammed evo morales out of office so with all this talk of russian bots and kremlin conspiracies perhaps people should look for these cyber manipulators who operate a little closer to washington d.c. they look mop and artsy new york. still to come to us probably the owners will have to shell to form a prison is under a new ordinance more law story coming up shortly.
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what politicians do. they put themselves on the line they get accepted or rejected . so when you want to be president. i want to. let you go right to be cross it's like a tree in the morning can't be good. i'm interested in the water how. things should. seem wrong oh well just don't call. me. yet to see how this day becomes active. engagement equals betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground.
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on. the program a californian that built cities buying property owners from conducting criminal background checks on potential tenants oakland city council's move designed to tackle the homeless crisis is set for a final reading next month the target is to help former criminals reintegrate into society not end up on the street. this ordinance is about making sure returning community members have equal opportunities they deserve to successfully reintegrate into our community and this begins with a roof over your head now under the ordinance landlords can be fined up to
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a $1000.00 for breaking the rule until now background checks were routine make it almost impossible for people with criminal records to rent accommodation the move is aimed at getting people off the streets and helping former inmates stay out of jail oakland has one of the highest homelessness rates in california which itself of course is the state with the most homeless people the number of homeless in oakland has surged 47 percent just in the last 3 years it's overtaken nearby san francisco and berkeley as well right now more than 4000 people without a roof over their head they're roughly one percent of the city's population and all of that number only one in 5 even have access to temporary shelter we discuss the issue with t.v. and radio host catherine turk and prison legal news editor paul right. i think this is very irresponsible on behalf of the government behalf of city officials there's a rate of re offenders that's as high as 40 percent per people who've been in prison and the bottom line is that owners need to be informed they need to protect
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their property owners that's what this city is about this is not really a correlation between people's criminal history and also there's there are levels of relief of re offense at all so any public safety issue is one of those that we know is that not having a job and not having a place to live increases reset of his or rates and in fact endangers public safety if the landlord can find a legitimate reason to deny someone a property to rent to them they're still able to do that they just can't use a blanket issue like a felony conviction or the background checked itself as the basis to deny housing civil liberties should not trump people safety we have freedom in america but you know what we can't just bend into p.c. culture that we're so worried about offending everybody that we're putting our own safety at risk as americans and it's something we have to take a good hard look at you know there are plenty of people that have a lot of missions on their record i happen to be one of them and i'll take responsibility for that and although not here right now you know if there's
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a reason that we need to keep these histories hidden there is probably something to hide it's one thing to say that you know property owners have a right to rent to whom they wish to and another one of the if they're going to be renting they have to comply with laws that prohibit discrimination and i think there's a difference between. between having laws that allow for bonafide are legitimate concerns worsens those that are just the basis for the landlords of bigotry or prejudices this is totally irresponsible to call this bigotry this is not bigotry it's not the same thing discriminating against someone because of a choice that they made to commit a crime is entirely different than excluding somebody based on race how can we make that comparison. and this is not going to solve this crisis and i think that's why i'm so upset about this this is really backwards california as an example since i was who we're talking about tens of thousands of people were convicted of possessing marijuana are you going to use that as the basis to exclude people from
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housing today when that same activity is legal these people who are homeless are going to have a hard time renting no matter while a lot of them are not working they are not employed they do not have the income to substantiate these rentals and it's irresponsible to the owners they are paying taxes and supporting this city it's just completely the world god made. in china the number of deaths from the corona virus has risen to 82700 others have been infected health officials warn the virus may have spread further a symptom sometimes don't show up the days the outbreak which began more than a month ago has moved across the globe affecting countries including france canada and the united states. and baghdad says thousands gathered for anti-government rallies on sunday were just as with police brutality following saturday's protest when several people were
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killed and dozens injured more than 600 have died since demonstrations began in october with people coming out against corruption and social inequality. u.s. basketball legend kobe bryant has died in a helicopter crash in california along with 8 others on board a private helicopter went down in a field and burst into flames his victims include bryant's 13 year old daughter. donald trump arlene rainey and foreign minister have been trading barbs online it all started with the u.s. president's tweet addressing to wrong where he referenced to u.s. news outlets the message was all through. trump's attempt at that language didn't impress iran's top diplomat. donald trump is better advised to base his foreign policy comments and decisions on facts rather than fox news headlines or fastly translators of trump's reliance on mainstream media comes amid growing use by u.s.
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diplomats of catchphrases the former narrative as r.t. senior correspondent explains. the reason slogans a superpowerful is because they're simple and dumb intentionally stupid and marketed to the lazy the average person never reads the fide print it's hard to sell them complicated things but if you give them a stupid dumb shoop good soup invent he can agree with hillside right up works with anything shoes drinks legends and even wars president said we don't want war we want iran to behave like a normal nation we are diplomatically and economically isolating their regime and iran in till they behave like a normal nation we will meet with them we want to sit down discuss without precondition a new way forward a a series of steps by which iran becomes a more normal country what does normal nation even mean nothing but it spreads the
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impression that iran isn't normal and that people believe it because of a dumb slogan you can do anything to the radiance and the public won't mind they've been at this for a decades and gone through a number of slogans around as the world's biggest dates bonsor of terror as far as iran goes this is the single biggest state sponsor of terrorism in the world iran remains the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism biggest sponsor of terror you think they did the math of course not but it's it's catchy scary and simple a drug for the uninformed all they know all they remember is what's in the slogan take syria you don't need to know what happened who's fighting whom why they're fighting all the need to know is in the slogan assad needs to go time for assad to get out of the way. has to go the future of syria can't include assad the world
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will not waver assad must go the only way of the civil war will end is. a new government without bashar assad and the thing with these phrases is they're catchy part of the reason why they would so well and the more people that catch on the better they work making countries like syria become places where people actually want to live means having a government that's not terrorizing its people and that is why as sad must go we hope that these efforts will lead to a new syria with no rule for the shuttle or sit in that they have a slogan for everyone they don't like russia of course lots of nice little catch phrases ambiguous to the point of nonsense but catchy what kind of threat do you believe russia presents to our democratic process in my view the greatest threat of any nation on earth i do feel a democracy under threat there's the challenge from without that is the russian
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challenge a major threat facing our great nation russia come to think of it you could call anything a threat to democracy social media with all its fake news bad weather that might prevent people from going to the polls but hey at least russia isn't a grave threat north korea is a worldwide threat that requires worldwide action in north korea has abandoned its own commitments and violated international law on its nuclear and ballistic missile programs pose a grave threat to peace and security of asia and to the world in the end while it scares me isn't shoop and slogans what scares me is how many people believe in them. donald trump gives his evidence and the presidential pietschmann trial but how much does this mean to the public crosstalk discusses up next.
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you know world big partisan movies are lot and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the back and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks. during the great depression which i'm old enough to remember there was most of my family were unemployed working class there wasn't it was bed you know much worse objective listen today but there was an expectation
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that things were going to get better. of there was a real sense of hopefulness there isn't today today's america where shape by the turn principles of concentration of wealth and power. reduced democracy attack solo down to engineer elections manufacture consent and other principles according to no i'm chomsky one set of rules for the rich opposite set of rules for . that's what happens when you put power into the hands of a narrow sector of will switch will is dedicated to increasing power for itself just as you'd expect one of the most influential intellectuals of our time speaks about the modern civilization of america. join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and i'll be speaking to guests of
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the world of politics small business i'm show business i'll see if that. hello and welcome to crossfire where all things are considered i'm peter lavelle trump's legal team strikes back after months of being on the receiving end of the democrats and media assaults the president now presents his case but does the public care. cross talking some real news i'm joined by my guest robert bridge he's an r t web site writer we also have michael bryant he is
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a former ronald reagan white house political appointee and a george w. bush political appointee at the department of defense and of course we're joined by dimitri he's a political analyst and editor at innocent me internet media project all right gentlemen in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want and i always appreciate it ok again another impeachment program robert i've watched snippets of it ok i'll be honest with our audience that i cannot stomach watching so many hours of repetition and it's so tedious and you know adam schiff is not the person who. we have to say the republicans did a good job of presenting the president's case we expected that he is a reality former reality t.v. host he knows what drama is who he knows what a good show is his team did put on a good show here but it is a show and it's a show for the media because the public isn't particularly interested in it i think when it comes to impeachment most people have made up their mind.
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