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tv   News  RT  January 27, 2020 9:00am-9:31am EST

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it's exactly 75 years since one of the darkest chapters of humanity came to an end with the liberation by soviet forces of the auschwitz concentration camp 27th of january is now international holocaust remembrance day for the millions of jews killed during the 2nd world war. in other news fronts the type of crowd control grenade that injured protesters critics say it's just a political ploy designed to win votes in upcoming municipal elections. the us army veteran who brands himself cyber rambo boasts of influencing bolivian politics by swamping social media with posts.
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good afternoon and welcome this is r.t. and. it is exactly 75 years ago that the red army liberated the auschwitz death camp in poland almost 1100000 people lost their lives at the nancy site in the most appalling tragedy of the holocaust it's liberation close one of the most shameful chapters in history. in fact there were 3 death camps at the site one started its system of murder and torture back in may 940 prisoners life began in the registration building where he or she received personal numbers and from then on they came referred to by that number then there was assignment to the barracks which would be home as well as
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block 11 a prison inside the prison used for torture the camp had a gas chamber. an execution war. the the death wall it's now the place where the moral wreaths are placed on monday camp survivors visited the site to commemorate the victims estimated nearly $200.00 former prisoners from around the world who also take part in a memorial service and to all of visited the camp. many of those who passed through the camps infamous gate with its mocking arbeit macht frei all work sets you free message survived only a few months the reichsbahn railway network was the arteries of the nazi war machine it was also the mode of transportation used for what reich leadership with cold matter of factness called the final solution to the jewish question the extermination of european jews and really through the roof through the 1st the
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people were loaded on the trains often and heated for a carriages sometimes people were transported impossible 3rd class passenger carriages they were advised to take all of their valuables with them and some food and warm clothes regardless of the time of year in other words people were led to believe that they were being taken for resettlement inmates had their heads shaved on a rifle that was then packed up and shipped to german companies for use as a raw material gold teeth were also removed in barbaric fashion any possessions taken away suitcases shoes i loss' pots pans those not killed immediately put to work in a par and conditions for some that fell to fertilizing fields with the ash from bodies of those already murdered in cremated but we thought that there was an attempt to destroy the whole race from babies to old people and to do it modern technology auschwitz amazes historians of visitors with his technology how up today he was just for the purpose of killing people with gas as the end of the war
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reproached the soviet military closed in on territory which had spent 2 years. under the jackbooted nazi occupation reich officials in charge of the camps tried to cover up their crimes those inmates that could work were sent towards germany on what became known as death marches buildings were blown up and bodies burned sending huge plumes of smoke skyward it was these attempts to cover up what had been happening here that prompted soviet generals to investigate what had been going on between you here in a good humor proof with the book why do we say that liberating and saving the prisoners was truly a heroic deed because the marshal cohen a commander of the 1st ukrainian front received intelligence on this horrific camp and how did they get this information because there was smoke the nazis were burning everything including bodies to raise all traces of their crimes so kind of
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adjusted the plan of the offensive and auschwitz liberated 2 days earlier than they originally planned on entering the camp liberating troops found 7000 prisoners in dire need of medical attention however the hundreds of thousands of items of clothing and almost one ton of human hair betrayed the true extent of the crimes committed here with who would have gotten the red army arrived and as soon as our journalists the soldiers saw the people from the camps they immediately realized they needed help so they started providing medical care there was a hospital with experience of treating mao nourished and starving patients from the besieged city of leningrad and the help save the lives of 7000 prisoners in 2005 the date of deliberation 27th of january was declared international holocaust remembrance day by the united nations acknowledging both the crimes of nazi germany and the actions of soviet troops in liberating the camp peter all over r.t.
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from auschwitz birkenau poland. the personal numbers of course prisoners were usually sewn on their uniforms but as the number of executions grew and became hard to identify bodies after clothes with removed corpses were sometimes marked with indelible ink a metal stamps and spits was the only camp to tattoo prisoners numbers on their arms more than 400000 serial numbers were created that doesn't even include those never stamp but sent directly to the gas chambers uniforms and badges primarily triangles to identify why the prisoner was there ranging from their political views to criminal past even on the sexuality of jews had a double triangle resembling the star of david is a liberation was viewed from different sides of the gates.
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what you guys will order more you to give up we had our temperature taken every morning other prisoners told us that offer this some might be banned in the crime it's oriya we didn't know what that meant if someone had a high temperature that was it they were gone the. morning show called that but i didn't when we arrived we didn't realize it was a camp we could smell burning we had smelled something similar before but here it was unusual acrid heavy after one question we drove the germans out of the village and came out onto a field huge fenced with wire around the perimeter behind us barbed wire there were buildings like barracks we thought it was a german military base. level
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we were playing later we saw people behind the fences we want to look because we didn't know who they were but they realized who we were and started making welcome signals with their hands. more publish anything to ensure we saw exhausted people they drop themselves out because of the cold. somewhere in blankets or rags we paid attention to. the rise of warmth we felt that they understood everything we understood that they were being liberated that they had been kept and it was over for them.
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the ambulance battalion began providing 1st aid to prisoners and the kitchens also came. with the if that was the left after selection they put it in line and took us to the camp and that's it we thought they would burn us alive or shooters one day passed then 2 days and nobody came for 3 days we didn't know anything and suddenly they arrived in trucks put it in them and drove us to the railway station we thought they were taking us to the crimean story but then we saw the train. we were waiting for liberation. saved as we kept holding on to the end of my clearest memories are from when the soviet army came to liberate oh it was very
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moving we never thought we'd survive. when the red army and to dash fits it found about 7000 mostly ill and dying prisoners according to various estimates between 230 and 350 soviet soldiers lost their lives in combat while liberating the camp day ended the sights industrial scale mass murder bringing hope the lessons of that appalling tragedy will never be forgotten. altie teamed up with digital artists for 9 schoolchildren to create an animated tribute to the victims of auschwitz you can head to r.t. dot com to learn more here's a preview of that 3 d.
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virtual reality project. ready ready. 75 years after the atrocities of auschwitz and did today more than hall of old jewish people living in germany have considered leaving the country because of rising anti semitism that's according to the german foreign minister hi come us it is an absolute nightmare that people of the jews faith no longer through its home here in germany and the terrible disgrace 75 years after the liberation of
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auschwitz the minister also stated there had been at least $400.00 cases of attacks on jewish people in berlin alone in just the last 6 months including a shooting near a synagogue in october that killed 2 people says german army official said they'd investigated more than 500 cases of far right extremists and. notably there were 5 times as many incidents involving the german special forces or k s k than compared to the rest of the army. and this comes as a bit browned with non sierra german reich symbols has been on sale in a german store police have since loans an investigation he so later stated to discontinue that sponsorship with the brand nazi symbols of banned in germany except when used in the context of art research and teaching. bringing lawlor siskind to a woman of the jewish forum for democracy and against anti-semitism good afternoon
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and welcome law what do you think provoked this rise of anti semitism not just detailed in germany. i really have no idea but i think that one of the products we do have. if they are really if they're real want for business priority or they're really there the right. to free the they have to for a bit it you know our laws are there but where are all the people who are judging here if they're really not getting more strength to fight them and other people who are racists or entries in mit's i have no idea where we're going to end here in germany should point out that the. vehemently denied the claims that have been made against some of anti semitism do you personally love feel so if you're in germany in berlin where there's been so many reported it acts. listen you know or did the newspapers are only bringing bad thing they're not bringing the good things we have
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it already is not anti-semitic at all you know but the majority has to get up to stand up to do something to the courage then i would feel better because you know these few very few entries in this and his ministry do we have here but they are doing harm to the country they are doing to jewish life here and they are really scaring not only jewish people and that's horrifying at that moment i have no idea what will be really ask my government be against this racist and be against this national let's do something we have laws use them you say you want help from the government the foreign minister of germany said that they're going to give the government will give the o.s.c. half a 1000000 euros this year to fight and he said. buddhism is not enough is it going to help tackle neo nazis. you know i don't think so it's enough we have
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a lot of organisations fighting anti semitism but you know there's a broad term approach it's just it stings from the head which means the head has to do more this is our government they have to do more they kind of allow that people are going around and hitting lewis or hitting people and they're doing nothing look at the jewish people we're at school you know they're mobbed and what advent they went away from school and is so close that you know they're still there and this are to say the truth and that's that's hurting me too these are ethnic or ethnic children 90 percent who attacked a jewish pupils and school erratic children and you know you have to do something you have to teach them you have to teach them or we have we need more people who are fighting and digital we need more of it is a shift you know it has to be spread all over the country hundreds more hundreds of organisations doing something and we're trying to do but we need for sure we do
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need more money what about the levels of education the harsh lessons of history are they being put into the minds of the younger generations so let's remember that they don't forget these harsh lessons is enough being done. i think that normally is the education is in school it's quite ok i can't we're going to school to it talking to teachers we're talking to the pupils it's quite ok but it depends where you live in villages quite ok but if you get in the so-called. new countries you know look at all of what happened over there i'm sure that there is not enough done to raise the people simply a pupil really in harmony that they are not racist they're not that they're not and it's amiss and is amiss there is a lot to do. well. really appreciate you coming on to r.t. thank you so much slower the chairwoman of the jewish forum for democracy and against anti semitism. ok. in other
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news the u.s. state department alleges russian trolls are creating instability in latin america though the source of the troubles could be closer to home a story in full coming up. you know world a big part of the law and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that made stream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the back and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the troops the time is now we're watching closely watching the hawks.
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the world is driven by shaped by. the day or thinks. we dare to ask. france's interior ministers announced the withdrawal from police forces of the notorious glee f 4 grenades which is being responsible to seriously injuring you must protest as. you said this you are taking this decision because they don't have
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any specific color or description of what happened months ago with the police to use them to remove the threats and protest is terribly pick them up and was seriously injured and that's why i think we must remove the glee from all well that announcement means it will be the immediate and the glee f 4 which has been massively controversial here in frocks over the last few years particularly for its use in the yellow vest protests and that's because of the sheer number of people who remained by that particular going made when it exploded now that announcement has been largely welcomed people saying it's good you're not going to be using this particular grenade any longer but there are suspicions that this is a bit of a political stunt it is just the political announcement issued weeks ahead of municipal elections but it might provoke an internal control the city this comes just ahead of these really important district a mayor elections that are coming up in the next 3 months here in france and
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there's also the announcement that while they may be getting rid of back the lead effort for they've already decided what the new replacement for that will be so why all the glee f. was so controversial. at the national was when people were trying to force their way in the police arrived and threw grenades one hit the guys worked to try to push it away with his hands as a reflex reaction. i don't want to kiss anyone but my mother said she had been targeted and we want to know the truth and did her justice. wasn't able to show. that it was an explosive it wasn't legal to show that it can
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take up to 26 when i was called t.m.t. explosives it's not just the protesters who've been injured by these going aids as if exploded they've also maimed journalists but why is it that when he the police were panicking and responded with numerous tear gas grenades it also seems to me that they use grenades to disperse the crowd or try to fight against the use of glee f. or grenades which are totally from my point of view weapons and of l b d rubber bullet guns i was angry at the police because i understand that they have to defend themselves in situations of revolt but to use such powerful and uncontrollable weapons after all they can hit journalists and passers by. so it's out with the old but as i mentioned the police are already decided what the replacement will be and that is called the g m l 2 now that's controversial it says because while the ministry has previously said that it's not equivalent to big g. and the delete. it will still pose
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a risk in terms of damage to hearing so if it explodes it could damage your eardrums and according to some sources it could cause skin muscle and bone lesions so it doesn't sound like the 2 are totally that different. bolivia's washington bank interim government has cut diplomatic ties with cuba the island nation blaming the white house comes as the u.s. blames russian trolls for dummett damaging stability in latin america and has details. the u.s. is ringing the russian alarm bells once again this time for latin america state department analysts from the russian link twitter accounts to sow confusion in south american nations that oppose the moscow backed government in venezuela in bolivia immediately after president evo morales resigned on november the 10th the number of tweets associated with those type of accounts spiked to more than 1000
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today up from fewer than 5 now amid their unproven claims about a russian descent from asian operation they seem to have overlooked the work of a certain louis sarek who calls himself a cyber rambo it turns out i'm a saga rambo now the anti morale us activist was tweeting out as many as 69 posts in a single 2nd in his one accounting tweeted out more than 13000 messages claiming that the ouster of evo morales was not a coup well the actual nature of events tells a different story than what saurez was tweeting let's review. i. think this is an. hour from now they tried together here in the to recover political power again and when they can't win they're like since they invent that it was fraud now we're realize that it was not fraud but the.
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this he doesn't know why my resigning so that my who does not continue to post acute my socialism brought this it's my duty as an indigenous president and the president of old believe the seeds of peace. but sore as a voice was amplified throughout the internet claiming that the ouster of an elected leader by the military was somehow
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a triumph for democracy and did sorry as go into hiding not at all soros actually boasted about his efforts to sway social media opinion and how they were so effective with an algorithm that was just 25 lines of code. how is this is to bolivian with one click produces more tweets than over the next his efforts to support that it title it's important to note that saurez isn't just a person who's highly interested in bolivian politics oblivion himself he's also a veteran of the u.s. military now he denies that he's currently on active duty or in any way connected with cyber command or intelligence agencies and we'll just have to take his word for it i see the hand of the u.s. in this i see the hand of the cia in this and the national endowment for democracy this is an overwhelming amount of social media activity in support of the coup and this was the thing done by a u.s. military veteran sleep early was a clue ordinated effort to overthrow the democratically elected government of
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a well morales we have to look at social media as you know just another public platform and in this case it has been it will be used to support today to us in countries like bolivia and they're going to continue to use both the mainstream press and social media to carry out these types of regime change efforts. but twitter has strict policies against this kind of manipulation when we detect suspicious levels of activity accounts maybe looks and prone to to provide additional information but somehow one guy could have just spammed evo morales out of office so with all this talk of russian bots and kremlin conspiracies perhaps people should look for these cyber manipulators who operate a little closer to washington d.c. caleb mop and r.t. new york that's joining us here in our teens are national but with the banks who
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just over 30 minutes. what politicians do something to. put themselves on the line and they get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president i'm sure. more some want to. have to go right to the press that's like a hopeful tree in the morning can't be good. i'm interested always in the waters in the house. i should. during the great depression which i'm old enough to remember there was and most of my family were unemployed working class and it wasn't it was bed you know much worse objective listen today but there was an expectation of the things were going to get better. there was
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a real sense of hopefulness there isn't today today's america was shaped by the turn principles of concentration of wealth and power. reduced democracy attack solo doubt engineer elections manufacture consent and other principles according to no on chomsky one set of rules for the rich office a set of rules for poor. that's what happens when you put her into the hands of a narrow sector of wilf which will is dedicated to increasing power for chills just as you'd expect one of the most influential intellectuals of our time speaks about the modern civilization of america. seemed wrong. but all. just all. i mean you get to say
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proud just because that's a kid and engagement equals betrayal. when somebody find themselves worlds apart. just of the common ground. hello and welcome to crossfire where all things are considered i'm peter lavelle trump's legal team strikes back after months of being on the receiving end of the democrats and media assaults the president now presents his case but does the public care.
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cross talking some real news i'm joined by my guest robert bridge he's an r t web site writer we also have michael bryant he is a former ronald reagan white house political appointee and a george w. bush political appointee at the department of defense and of course we're joined by dimitri he's a political analyst and editor at innocent me internet media project all right gentlemen in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want and i always appreciate it ok again another impeachment program robert i've watched snippets of it ok i'll be honest with our audience that i cannot stomach watching so many hours of repetition and it's so tedious and you know adam schiff is not the person who. we have to say the republicans did a good job of presenting the president's case we expected that he is a reality former reality t.v. host he knows what drama is who he knows what.


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