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tv   News  RT  January 27, 2020 2:00pm-2:31pm EST

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the u.s. military confirms that one of its surveillance planes has crashed in afghanistan in territory controlled by taliban militants. it's exactly 75 years since one of the darkest chapters of humanity came to an end but the liberation by thought forces of the alst which concentration camp the 27th of january is now international holocaust remembrance day for the millions of jews killed during the 2nd world war. france found the type of crowd control grenade to this injured numerous protesters the critics say it's just a political ploy designed to win votes in upcoming municipal elections.
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very warm welcome to you you're watching r.t. international with me carrying our top story this hour the u.s. military forces in afghanistan have confirmed that one of their surveillance planes has crashed in central afghanistan and that they currently don't suspect it was shot down. a u.s. bombardier 11 crash today in gaza the province afghanistan while the cause of crash is under investigation there are no indications the crash was caused by enemy fire well 2 senior correspondent mark gassy have joined me to studio with more details on this now mark thanks for coming in what else does the u.s. have to say about this well the tradition they have a practice where the pentagon keeps quiet about potential casualties for a period of 24 hour. hours after whatever happened happened in this case the 11
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a one of 4 surveillance communications and craft that the united states has these aircraft are always in the sky in afghanistan they're called white fire in the sky they make sure that the troops on the ground can talk to each other provide them with communication one of them crashed it was the taliban that came out and said that we shot down this plane and claim that they killed lots of american servicemen the united states is as you mentioned of that there's no indication that it was shot down as of yet but the plane landed when it crashed crashed in territory controlled by the taliban and you know the afghan security forces have tried to do there but they had to hold back because of security concerns obviously the united states can't get to the crash site itself so. they may not be able to tell what exactly was the jet down for a period of time
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a time apparently the red cross and red crescent out the side the communication has been difficult because obviously there's no cell reception in the in the area it's very mountainous and yet was quite unusual about this story is how like slowly details have been emerging about this can you give us a recap of how the crash has been reported so far yeah the 1st reports rumors that in the morning they mentioned a commercial jetliner passenger jet apparently belonging to the. afghan airlines that it crashed with more than 100 people on board very quickly the afghan government came out the airline itself and said you know they really rejected these claims next we heard reports from the taliban claiming that this was the united states military aircraft in the they had boarded down and that there were lots of casualties the united states had the wrong move the 5 casualties but it took them.
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one of many hours to admit that the jet had indeed come down the taliban so far have said nothing apart from the statement that they had boarded the allens very difficult to imagine them having done done so now do you think this instant will have any wider significance for the war ravaged country and in particular for america's mission there well the the question is what is the mission because not a lot of people can can answer the question is there is precious little hope that the ward of galveston can still be won in fact there is there is none that it can be won by military force there's a growing sort of agreement consensus that the unique way forward is is negotiations with the taliban which of recently were started but trump is unpredictable if anything the last time the taliban claimed responsibility for a bombing of a u.s. military convoy in which there were deaths the united states military personnel died trump stopped a cut off all negotiations in taliban they have since the resume but it is you know
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nobody can predict how trample react to this how the pentagon will react where they'll try try to dump more bombs on afghanistan and by the way last year 2092 we saw the united states set almost a new record in the number of bombs dropped on afghanistan 7400 in. a couple more. that's that's a record an almost 10 year record so what they're trying to achieve have a negotiation is the one who had been increasing the number of bombs the number of sorties carried out against the afghans. for the bit or just yes thanks for coming in. ok let's go live now to chris phillips a counterterrorism expert to discuss this further thank you for joining us on the program now the u.s. military has confirmed one of its surveillance planes has crashed in afghanistan how do you think they will respond to what's happened. well of course these planes are flying about. course. and as previously mentioned they use really
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for maintaining contact communications so the chances of. many many hours over the last few years accidents do happen on board with their eyes especially by those that we knew so regularly so the so the chances are that this plane is actually just come out maybe a technical fault but of course there is always a possibility that has been shot out of the store although that's the real market for gas tanks present for the u.s. forces in afghanistan says there was no sign yet that this was enemy fire do you think this possibility can be ruled out already. i don't need to be ruled out but i haven't looked at the plane i mean it's remarkably in one piece so that the was it was a crash it was a crash which was relatively controlled although it appears that no one survived it the whole plane seems to be pretty much intact apart from the wings. so the chances
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are that this thing as some kind of technical fault. it is too early to know that you have to feel for the families or the soldiers or the that have been killed and my imagine i imagine that there would be about 6 to 8 people inside rather than the 50 to 100 that was mentioned earlier in the day as far as it's known the taliban doesn't have any weapons capable of shooting down planes so you know thought said that leaving had now so what does this mean is this a game changer if the taliban does possess these kind of weapons what do you think all of what of course we've seen the incidents in iran and there's nothing to say that the iranians couldn't supply more weapons to the taliban i did but i do you do get i mean it is early i don't think this bias been shot out of the sky but it has it does change things it does make make flying over afghanistan much more dangerous and let's hope there's an incremental perspective that there isn't the kind it's
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getting there could be political or military consequences from this crash well if dave planes been shot at the start i think we'll probably find. in the next day or so then i think there could have big consequences to the peace process and hopefully there is a peace process going on on the scenes are led to believe there is and hopefully we can get to the stage where this war this ridiculous war comes to an end chris phillips counterterrorism expert thank you for joining us. now it's exactly 75 years ago that the red army liberated the ouse which death camp in poland almost 1100000 people lost their lives that the nazis cited the most appalling tragedy of the holocaust is liberation a close one of the most shameful chapters in history. there were actually 3 death camps that the site asked which one started it system
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of murder and torture back in may 940 a prisoner's life began at the registration building where he or she received personal numbers and from then on became referred to by that number then that there was assignment to the barracks which would be home as well as block 11 a prison inside a prison used for torture account a gas chamber crematorium an execution wall. the death of wall it's now the place where memorial reads they're placed on monday camp survivors visited the site to commemorate the victims estimated nearly $200.00 former prisoners from around the world will also take part in the memorial service peter all over visited the camp. many of those who passed through the camps infamous gate with its mocking are by far your work sets you free message survived only a few months the reichsbahn railway network was the arteries of the nazi war
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machine was also the mode of transportation used for what reich leadership with cold matter of factness called the final solution to the jewish question the extermination of european jews and ruth that was the 1st the people were loaded on the trains often and heated for a carriages sometimes people were transported in possible 3rd class passenger carriages they were advised to take all of their valuables with them and some food and warm clothes regardless of the time of year in other words people were led to believe that they were being taken for resettlement inmates had their hair shaved all arrival that was then packed up and shipped to german companies for use as a raw material gold teeth were also removed in barbaric fashion. any possessions taken away suitcases shoes i lasses pots pans those not killed immediately put to work in a par and conditions for some that fell to fertilizing fields with the ash from
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bodies of those already murdered in cremated but we thought that there was an attempt to destroy the whole race from babies to old people and to do it modern technology auschwitz amazes historians of visitors with this technology how up today see it was just for the purpose of killing people with gas as the end of the war reproached the soviet military closed in on territory which had spent 2 years under the jackbooted nazi occupation right officials in charge of the camps tried to cover up their crimes those inmates that could work were sent towards germany on what became known as death marches buildings were blown up and bodies burned sending huge plumes of smoke skyward it was these attempts to cover up what had been happening here that prompted soviet generals to investigate what had been going on. with the book why do we say that liberating and saving the prisoners was
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truly a heroic deed because the marshal cohen a commander of the 1st ukrainian front received intelligence on this horrific camp and how did they get this information because there was smoke the nazis were burning everything including bodies to raise all traces of their crimes so kind of a gist of the plan of the offensive and auschwitz liberated 2 days earlier than originally planned on entering the camp liberating troops found 7000 prisoners in dire need of medical attention however the hundreds of thousands of items of clothing and almost one ton of human hair betrayed the true extent of the crimes committed here you are putting the red army arrived and as soon as our journalists the soldiers saw the people from the camps they immediately realized they needed help. so they started providing medical care there was a hospital with experience of treating mounir and starving patients from the besieged city of learning ground i might help save the lives of 7000 prisoners in
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2005 the date of deliberation 27th of january was declared international holocaust remembrance day by the united nations acknowledging both the crimes of nazi germany and the actions of soviet troops in liberating the camp peter all over r.t. for auschwitz birkenau poland the personal numbers of holocaust prisoners were usually sewn on the uniforms but as the number of executions grew it became hard to identify bodies after clothes were removed corpses were sometimes marked with indelible ink and metal stamps us which was the only come to tattoo prisoners and numbers on their arms more than $400000.00 serial numbers were created all that does not even include those damned but sent direct to the gas chambers uniforms had badges primarily triangles to identify why the prisoner was there ranging from their political views criminal pasts or homosexuality jews had
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a double triangle resembling the star of david 75 years on the memories of those who survived are still painfully fresh. the a feeling you will see at the bull is a boy nazi soldiers and it was in the winter it is at the moment that the group mom and i were in the village at that moment the nazis all just started drinking and beats trying to the point that they began to pull the children from the 2nd floor and it did seem like the hill with us and shooting them like targets. wishing it that it. would break and if we jumped from the windows into a snow drift or flat feet if they shot at us at the local saved us. this is their left over we were sitting on the tram. that when a nazi soldier took
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a step forward someone shot him in the back of beyond that the transmedia is surrounded they pushed us out and paced us against a wall. much a boy was said to me. i ran to the street to the latvia there was a woman with a child. she took my hand i didn't know she was german tested it to stop the soldier she told him that i was her child and he had a scar and i had my own proposed deal. with a flat so we were only wearing like dresses that they attached us to a convoy of prisoners it was a very moving without food and water would sic the name people where. when some people fall they shot them immediately that when we could not walk we had to carry each other. then we were supported on the left with the sick lame and old and. mom was just thrown to the right breast the but that at that and i could ignore it she
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shouted you girls hold each other's hands all your life never part these were her last heard. rick it was just go to sleep by once he was such in front of the street with my sister he found just a wall and we wrote on the wall. we are home yes. i am.
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and i don't mean to douse which it found about 7000 mostly ill and dying prisoners according to various estimates between 230 and 350 soviet soldiers lost their lives in combat while liberating the camp that day ended the sights industrial scale mass murder bringing hope the lessons of that appalling tragedy will never be forgotten . lottie teamed up with a digital on to artist dennis as simeonoff and 9 schoolchildren to create an animated tribute to the victims all of which had to ante dot com to learn more here's a preview with a 3 d. virtual reality projects. were. 'd 'd 'd
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75 years after the atrocities of us which ended today more than half of the jewish people living in germany have considered leaving the country because of rising anti semitism that's according to the german foreign minister heiko months. it is an absolute nightmare that people of the jews faith no longer through its home here in germany and the terrible disgrace 75 years of to the liberation of auschwitz. the minister also stated there had been at least $400.00 cases of attacks on jewish people in berlin alone in the last 6 months including a shooting near a synagogue in october that killed 2 people thousands german army officials said they had investigated more than $500.00 cases of far right extremism inside the army notably there were 5 times as many instances involving the german special
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forces or k s k when compared to the rest of the army this comes as a beer brand with nazi era german reich symbols has been on sale in a german store police have since launched an investigation the store later stated it had discontinued its partnership with the brand nazi symbols are banned in germany except when used in the context of our research and teaching. laws to us kind of the berlin based jewish institute for democracy and against anti semitism believes the government should use laws to fight neo nazi ism in germany the newspapers are only bringing bed thing going to bring the good things. is not anti-semitic at all you know but the majority has to get up to stand up do something to courage then i would feel better because you know these few really the only few entries in this and his ministry do we have here but they are doing our
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harm to the contrary they are doing a jewish life here and they are really scaring not only jewish people and that's horrifying at the moment i have no idea what will be really ask my government be against this racist and be against this nationalist do something we have laws use them. for answers interior minister has announced the withdrawal from the pit from police forces of the notorious again grenade which has been responsible for seriously injuring numerous protesters. he said this decision because they don't have any specific color or description and what happened months ago was the police also used them to remove the threats and protests voluntarily pick them up and was seriously injured and that's why i think we must remove the glee well that announcement means it will be the immediate and the glee f. 4 which has been massively controversial here in frocks over the last few years
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particularly for its use in the yellow vest protests and that's because of the sheer number of people who remained by that particular going made when it exploded now that announcement has been largely welcomed people saying it's good you're not going to be using this particular grenade any longer but there are suspicions that this is a bit of a political stunt it is just the political announcement issued weeks ahead of me in this actions but it might provoke an internal control of the city this comes just ahead of these really important district a mayor elections that are coming up in the next few months here in france and there's also the announcement that while they may be getting rid of bakaly f. 4 they've already decided what the new replacement for that will be so why all the glee f 4 was so controversial.
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at the national was when people were trying to force their way in the police arrived and threw grenades one hit the guy's work tried to push it away with his hands as a reflex reaction. i don't want to kiss anyone but my mother says she had been targeted and we want to know the truth and did her justice. wasn't able to show that him. an explosive it wasn't legal to show that it contained up to 26 grams of t.n.t. explosives it's not just the protesters who've been injured by these grenades as if exploded they've also maimed journalists why is it that when he the police were panicking and responded with numerous tear gas grenades it also seems to me that they use grenades to disperse the crowd or try to fight against the use of glee and
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for grenades which are totally from my point of view weapons and of l b d rubber bullet guns i was angry at the police because i understand that they have to defend themselves in situations of revolt but to use such powerful and uncontrollable weapons after all they can hit journalists and passers by. so it's out with the old but as i mentioned the police are already decided or what the replacement will be and that is called the g m l 2 now that's controversial it says because while it has been history has previously said that it's not equivalent to bridging the gap. it will still pose a risk in terms of damage to hearing so if it explodes it could damage your eardrums and according to some sources it could cause skin muscle and bone lesions so it doesn't sound like the 2 are totally that different. facebook and instagram are continuing to block pro iranian accounts sound news agency says
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this time targeting a professor at the university of to run he was informed his actions had broken guidelines however the professor himself can't recall anything he did worthy of a ban. i can't think of anything that i have published that would be. unacceptable the images the statements the. links that i put on no there is no everything everything is on twitter actually more active on twitter than i am on facebook and my twitter account is their friend he went to see if anyone who wants to see what i've read they can look at twitter and see if what i've written is dangerous or not. the move does follow something of a recent trend the independent iranian news agency files it says its international website has been taken down after apparently falling foul of u.s. sanctions files it said it had received an e-mail from its serve a company which said it was blocked on on u.s. orders also earlier this month press t.v. the english language t.v.
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network based in iran was removed from you tube start of the iranian funded channel say their page was closed without warning or explanation and comes as companies are under pressure to comply with u.s. sanctions you did lay to restore the page. mohammad marandi again as though it is far from the 1st time he's faced such moves on social media. while they were suspended on a number of occasions for photos including a photo of myself during the iran iraq war it was a minister spending for a couple of months and then again for a photo that i put up for one of my commanders during the war who was seriously ill because of the chemical weapons ironically the chemical weapons that the united states and the europeans gave to saddam hussein i was also again my account was suspended for that and on the carpet of other occasions for similar reasons and then just suddenly. the whole account was disabled without any explanation all
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together and i'm not even very active on facebook i mean the what i put on my twitter account but the same on facebook and. on the intolerance is on the rise in the united states and in the west towards any alternative use. of british intelligence expert has cast doubt on the infamous steel dull theory on alleged trump russia collusion module west who's examined it and also knows it's also claims it's likely the material was fabricated the dossier is a privately commissioned intelligence report it was written by former m i 6 agents christopher steel and 26 see his company was hired to look into allegations of collusion between donald trump and mosco the dossier claims that the russians possess compromising material on trump obtained when he was in russia 7 years ago. well we discussed the dossier with lie to west himself the intelligence experts who claimed they could open a fake i was commissioned by a lawyer in washington d.c.
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to see to examine the original so-called steel dossier and to conduct a forensic examination and then coming to a conclusion and the background to this incidentally is that i specialize in this particular field intelligence officers and others who fabricated material you have to understand about the management of so orses if you're a case officer and you manage let's say 3 or 4 sources civil tenuously it's very rare that you mix up the tiriel provided by those individual sources so when i looked at the steel dossier there were the trainset of $111.00 sources referred to the major ones were referred to just simply as a b. c. d. e. f. and g. and a and f. for example who corroborated each other and by looking at the material one thing seemed very strange either he had mixed up his sources or one particular individual
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who appeared to be a middle ranking member of management in the ritz carlton hotel and all skip a few months later was described as an expert on cyber warfare and cyber espionage and then a couple months later was also expressing a knowledge of money laundering operation is being conducted by russian emigre is on the east coast of united states. he comments on any of our stories by following us on social media and even going to comment that we're back in 30 minutes with a laser thrown around. presidential candidates debate the future of the u.s. . every week. student. was money.
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time after time they were going underground on holocaust memorial day marking 75 years since stalin's red army liberated the nazi death camp of auschwitz where over a 1000000 people perished in hitler's genocide against jews communists and the. community coming up in the show
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a supremum war crime under the un charter the former director of britain's special forces questions british government and the media narratives used to justify 2800 british bombing of syria after revelations from wiki leaks and a top o.p.c. w inspector giving evidence to the un and is the u.s.s.r. as role in the defeat of the nazis being whitewashed from nato nation culture we investigate the re framing of history with columbia university's professor joseph was told a similar coming up in today's going on the ground 1st to a country that major nation media appears to have lost interest in since britain and the usa failed to overthrow its government syria just as we approach the 2 year anniversary of a british warplane attack reported here by the state mandated b.b.c. with afterburners glowing and loaded with storm shadow cruise missiles for already have tornadoes take to the skies as britain's contribution to raids launched over night.


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