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tv   Watching the Hawks  RT  January 29, 2020 12:30pm-1:01pm EST

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from the end do you believe are we really this close as i think we are in the bullet that puts the doomsday clock at 2 minutes before midnight in january of 2018 that was the closest they've ever put their hands since $1053.00 after the us in the soviet union both tested their hydrogen bombs. and but look what's happened since when he 18 as dangerous as it was then has become even more dangerous now 2019 was a terrible year both in terms of climate change global warming also in terms of the nuclear this nuclear situation and it's could be getting worse something that frightens me frightens us right is that this is something the i don't think anyone really looks around and says things are getting so much brighter and better and cheaper there's no there are some good signs up the young people are mobilized on climate change and gratitude and berg you know you know with her message how dare
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you it's the right best it's to be asking people so that's been positive and i see that with my students but they're not focused at all on the nuclear threat and relations between the u.s. and russia and the u.s. and china are really at the worst they've been for a long long time india and pakistan. a lot of dangers now the situation with iran situation with north korea any of these kind on ravel and they're already in so we see these build ups again the u.s. and russia have 93 percent of the world's nuclear weapons between us and our relationship just terrible now the u.s. and nato putting more troops into eastern europe russia is responding on their side the situation in ukraine. is still very very dangerous syria may have these things can blow up in so many ways right now and then we're going to look at the architecture of arms control so we pull out of the a.b.m. treaty in 2000. into and then we more recently we abrogate the i.n.f.
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treaty the intermediate range nuclear forces treaty we pull out of the iran nuclear deal but only thing that's really left now is the new start treaty which expires in february 2021 putin is asked to renu it trying to said so far no that it doesn't want to and so that's why the bull in so concerned where is this pressure coming from because that's the strange thing i think a lot of people when they look around and you know yeah we heard about various threats and things like that but where is this pressure inside the u.s. government to say you know what let's get out of all these treaties let's let's toss away and start rebuilding up our nuclear. missile silos and all that where is the pressure coming from where you look because the secretary of defense as comes from raytheon the big defense contractor is really still dominate the policy is strange is that would be when it comes to environmental policy you've got the
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oil companies and the energy producers according to bill mckibben if we're going to reach the limit it to that 2 percent increase celsius in terms of raising temperature which is what they think is me disaster after that and means more than 80 percent of the fossil fuels are going to have to remain in the ground and but even look at the paris climate accord which we're pulling out of anyway you know it was it was a very weak agreement that was under forcible basically and now is not being heated but according to the head of the. environmentalists who had in stockholm he said that the rate of greenhouse gas cuts in the on that treaty would have to be increased 8 fold if we're going to keep the 2 percent to 2 percent increase celsius so the experts are saying that 2 percent is a pipe dream if we can limited to 3 percent we're going to be lucky some are afraid that it's going to be 5 percent. which means that much of the world will be
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uninhabitable it's a disaster and we see the disaster because we see the fires in the california brazil westralia the flooding in india we were ready seeing the effects of this i want to ask you as a professor of history has as as history ever shown us a time when we saw this level of the warmongering the you know the kind of the corporate you know profiteering in the downright apathy by our political class in this country have we ever been this bad in our country and this is really the navy here and we're getting worse i mean you look at the war on science in the trump administration and the agencies are they they were ordered to cut their board their experts by more than a 3rd many of the agencies are not even allowed to use the words climate change we've never seen this kind of overt war on science on expertise on intelligence and
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it's not just the united states a lot of this is happening around the world now it is and it's such a strange push back because it feels like even even in the eighty's with the with the cold war there was still a push for peace and a lot of you still heard more voices for peace you heard more voices to start cleaning up the environment and now while the youth is picking up the slack wonderfully and they are really making their voices heard we're not hearing anything out of the baby boomers and those generations i was never at and the eighty's there was a huge anti-nuclear movement yes there was it was a 1000000 people including barack obama demonstrating in central park in new york where do we see that now where we're going to this year is the 75th anniversary of the atomic bombings of hiroshima and nagasaki is there a discussion of that well some of the trying to get that discussion it out there but it's not nearly what it needs to be well i want to thank you so much for fighting to get that discussion out there as you've done your whole career always a pleasure thank you jacki thank you so much for the work that you do. well there
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was big news out of the white house on tuesday as u.s. president donald trump and israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu have unveiled what they are calling a peace agreement that apparently will make history but this comes as both leaders face a number of political and legal obstacles which now include a formal indictment against netanyahu on corruption charges that were just announced earlier this week are to use rachel blevins as the raiders' latest. presidential pronounced his deal of the century a plan for peace in the middle east today during a press conference with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu now as part of that plan trump claims that the u.s. could recognize palestine as a state but only if it agrees that israel's condition i want this deal to be a great deal for the palestinians has to today's agreement is a historic opportunity for the palestinians to finally achieve an independent state of their very own after 70 years of little progress this could be the last
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opportunity they will ever have the deal which was reportedly written by trump's son in law would recognize jewish settlements in the west bank as israeli land opening up or your freeze on settlements it would also provide a pathway to statehood for palestine under certain conditions up by israel in the us and it would enable israel's policy of maintaining what they refer to as security control of the region but the major problem with the proposal is that palestinian representatives were not included in the talks in response palestinians held protests in the west bank and gaza where some are seen burning posters or trunk space with messages like trump keep your deal palestine is not yours to sell the prime minister of china has already indicated that he will reject the deal arguing the u.s. is not credible or genuine as a peace broker in this process meanwhile the timing of this announcement is notable as the u.s. senate begins day 7 of its. impeachment trial for president trump here in
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washington netanyahu has been formally indicted in 3 separate corruption cases on charges of bribery fraud and breach of trust after he withdrew his request for immunity hours before his press conference with trump but while israel may be in favor of this deal many see this as just another sign of the u.s. and neighboring israel's behavior in the middle east under the trump administration alone the u.s. abandoned its use state solution in february 27th seen they recognize jerusalem as the capital of israel in december 27th seen and then cut off funding for palestinians in august 29th and it recognizes really settlements in the west bank as a legal 1 november 29th seen the palestinian authority has now announced an emergency meeting today that will include rivaling factions along with representatives from hamas they all plan to come together in order to reject trumps deal reporting from outside the white house rachel blevins r t always curious how you can make a peace deal with one of the principle countries involved that's curious interested
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all right as we go to break called watchers don't forget to let us know what you think of the topics we've covered on our social media and be sure to check out watching the box the podcast are just now available on spotify up music and everywhere you listen to your favorite or you know not so favorite podcast you can also star wars in the hawks on demand with a brand new portable t.v. app available on smartphones through google play in the apple app store by searching for a bold t.v. or stream us to your t.v. by downloading the portable t.v. app on apple t.v. and online a portable dock to the portable t.v. will be available on more devices in them very dear future coming up the united states supreme court is taking on the separation of church and state and so are we with the leash across in the bar to stay tuned to watching.
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during the great depression which old mr remember there was most of my family were employed. there wasn't it was bed you know much worse objective listen today but there was an expectation that things were going to get better. there was a real sense of hopefulness there isn't today today's america was shaped by the turn principles of concentration of wealth and power. reduced democracy attacks a loadout engineer elections manufacture consent and other principles according to no i'm chomsky one set of rules for the rich opposite.
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that's what happens when you put her into the hands of a narrow sector of will switch will is dedicated to increasing power for itself just as you'd expect one of the most influential intellectuals of our time speaks about the modern civilization of america. is you'll be via reflection of reality. in a world transformed. what will make you feel safe. isolation community. you going the right way or are you being that. way. what is true one. great place in the world
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corrupted you need to descend. to join us in the depths. of the shallowness. from donald trump in 2016 to 2020 there is part of the electorate that response to anti-war anti interventionist rhetoric in fact there is evidence to significantly help get trampled like that but the fact remains the establishment is keen to downplay any been demonized any candidate who questions policy for the docs this. little. slow. slow.
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play. play. play. it's. just silly.
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60 lists. placed. playing. and very well might continue watching on since last. one of the greatest ongoing debate since the inception of the united states of america has been over the separation of church and state now the 1st amendment of the us constitution states some would argue rather clearly that congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof meaning for those we the didn't pay attention in civics class that the united states government cannot put one form of religion above all others nor can
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it decide what religion u.s. citizens can or cannot worship but that hasn't stopped the arguments and debates over the role of religion in government and government and religion from rolling on and on and on recently the united states supreme court once again dipped its foot into the deep waters of the debate as they took on the case of espinosa versus montana department of revenue as m b c news reports the case involves a montana tax credit program of up to $150.00 a year for people and businesses that donate to private schools the organizations that receive the contributions and then give them can give financial aid to parents who decide which private schools their children should attend however the catch in the system is because 90 percent of the private schools that signed up for the program had significant religious affiliations that ran counter to a provision in montana state constitution that prohibits and a direct or indirect appropriation or payment to aid any church school controlled in whole or in part by any church so. now the u.s.
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supreme court must ultimately rule on whether states violate the constitution if they prevent religious groups from receiving some state benefits in an effort to keep church and state separate joining me now to discuss this and a few other important issues of the day are ed martin the president of the eagle former education and legal defense fund and political analyst and democratic strategist cross thank you both for coming on interesting fun topic. look it's a contentious issue the separation of church and state so i ask where do we fall when it comes to this case is montana being too discriminatory towards religion and being this program because that's what the bunting out of supreme court did said it was in violation of their state constitution. because it gives money to religious schools and that's that's that's outlawed you know is montana being discriminatory i don't think montana is being discriminatory at all 1st and foremost these this school system was taking a large percentage of the tax funds period and i think that one of this place to a larger issue about
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a lot of parents being able to select and be able to understand people in the schools that they actually chose for their students for their kids so what we have in montana is a lot of parents who are now particularly low income parents who are now looking towards these private institutions a lot of them religious based private institutions because in many cases those schools provide better that better educational resources for the students that goes that's a state issue an issue where the tax dollars that should be going towards a lot of these public schools and community schools are not making it where they need to be i don't think that there should be any funding that is based on tax appropriation that goes towards schools that are private at all and i think that this is definitely a separation of church and state ok well 1st let me say to you merry christmas and by saying that it's because for some of us that watch president trump run for president when he said we're going to say merry christmas again he meant that we're going to appoint judges and justices that believe that you can have a country that does do things like this look the montana provision as well as other states in the federal language is a left. over from james blaine he was
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a bigoted anti catholic who wanted to push to block the catholic schools that were serving immigrants in this country 100 years ago blain amendments popped up in the they tried to put in the federal constitution then they tried to put it into the state constitution they're bigoted they're left overs from a long long gone era i would tell you this i think you made a great point but i'd say it differently our public schools have become monopolies and they preach a a religion of secularism it is a choice to decide what you pick and more and more parents are demanding a choice in what they get to do and i think we're going to see this case plus some other cases and i wish i actually wish the trouble ministration done more on the failing schools in cities like my own hometown st louis but this is bigotry it needs to be struck down and when it is you're going to see a a rush back to what i think was what america meant which was don't pick a religion don't establish one but let 1000000 flowers grow that can educate our kids i would like to see the curriculum of these schools and i say that because as
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somebody who's worked in education policy at the state and the federal level when you're talking about schools that are crazy to me and i happen to be obviously a christian of the one you want to have a great deal to the point i want to see the curriculum of the schools that are being funded by by the government in the way that they are because there are christian schools in the majority of them have christian based curriculum that again is a violation of the separation of church and state it's now you are giving them old testament this that another thing you are literally providing for them something that they would get in church they would get home not to say that people don't have the practice of their free religion but it is very different rate to be codified in your education in k. 12 more and more americans are choosing private schools or home schooling that are not of that religion or there is no religion because what you just said is the government monopoly schools are not just secular they are teaching and forcing all the edgy transgender stuff so and by the way that's not the tradition in america it's the blain amendments 100 years ago that said you can't do this before that in america you taught the old testament in the public school and talk to people learning basic math in. english science we have
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a problem in this country where we have students who are graduating going to at some level school who are not reading a righty not only a high school but are getting a writing at the wharf where the public should be able to spawn that and make sure that they can hear but then we start talking about spend a lot of money through these other institute we've spent more money on public schools every single year they say throw more money in the public schools and you're right our kids are learning to read and write but what we have is cristo rey which is inner city catholic inspired it teaches kids to read and write i agree but just one more point you may not like the curriculum but our law and our constitution allows us to have a curriculum that teaches some people think the 10 commandments are a great way to learn to count and some other things and some of the sliminess is what about what about for parents who don't who don't know what to say they don't want their kids to be exposed to religion let's say their atheist parents things like that should bear tax dollars then be used to fund to do you know provide scholarships through you know heavily religious schools are they then being left
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out the same way you could say on the other side saying well that money doesn't go there then we're being bigoted towards religion well being bigoted towards it well you have to make $1.00 choice or the other the 8 the an atheist could start their own school and say we want to tax credit to our school to fund this i mean so you have to pick one side of the moral calculus or not the public schools have made a decision to be secular schools that push an agenda. it's not our school's responsibility to teach morality is our school's responsibility to prepare young people for life beyond that meaning that if you go college or it's the work worth that is there think you are a role that's that would be your statement there is what's my opinion is wrong with education education is about teaching kids all about the decisions to perform to study to do well it includes whether it's a christian morality is a different question but it certainly is ethics and morality about how we don't do we want to teach our kids that it doesn't matter if you steal no actually no nothing or it's a job that you know you have in the school house and i don't really solicit you should i discipline kids in education schools shouldn't discipline kids has to. to
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get you ready for your future careers well you can't i mean i think when you're talking when you're talking about religious morality you're talking about basic you know reality i think you know any kind of cultural groups that it's going to teach a child that we you know we don't want to bring back corporal punishment things like that i don't want to see that coming out of schools but i think that there's a level of of teaching that will be done in schools both as a as how to survive in a social situation as well as the basic you know and what we learned of color i push back on that because we've seen these moral code to be used to transfix on dress codes that often the things people typically blackwater as i did when i was and i was kind of let it come to land is not just for aimed only when it comes to you who was there when it comes to how you talk within it when it comes to a lot of things that have been codified as appropriate in terms of measure on a culture that have pushed back very strongly against my will that's not the establishment god is but here's my thing to the other interesting thing too is there are some 38 states that have this in their constitution that they do not want to see money taxpayer money going to support any particular religion within that
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state is that not then a state's right issue well wouldn't wouldn't republican so that's a state's right issue let's leave it up to the states unless it unless it goes against the concept of constitution so you take up a state issue and they're saying hey wait a 2nd you're discriminating against us because they said that blaine said that we want to stop the catholics from getting their schools go and we will stop them because they're catholic that's wrong the states could make a decision our preference a member of the constitution of montana was actually this wasn't just the blamed thing this was actually changed in 1972 which was long after blame but there's i think there's a lot of people out there that would say you know what at the end of the day we want to keep religion and the government separate because at the end of the day when you put them both together that's a very fast track to fascism well but the tyranny of the government i agree with you on fascism the tyranny of the government right now is in favor of secularism now we can have a different show we could talk about whether secular is secularism is a religion but it has all the markings in the schools so tyranny i agree with you and right now most parents are stuck with. the choice they can't afford private
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schools in most places and they're saying hey if we could have a system that gave more charity to go to places we'd prefer whether it's jewish schools catholic schools atheist schools let's try to do it and our public monopoly the biggest problem is our monopoly of our government schools that we have to break up this is one way that people are trying to do it i think again the establishment clause is not meant to stop choices of religion it's meant to make sure the state doesn't pick one the establishment of religion and let a 1000000000 flowers grow it's interesting when we rebroadcast i want to in keeping with the spirit of the separation of church and state televangelist paula white is really going to have less present from spiritual advisor who recently while praying before a follower of stated and i quote in the name of jesus we command all state tannic pregnancies to miscarry right now we declare that anything that has been conceived woman is the little miss carry it will not be able to carry forth any plan of destruction any plan to harm now she is currently working inside the white house in the office of public liaison to advise on faith and opportunity should we be
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concerned especially when it comes to that idea of separation of church and state which i do believe is what the constitution lays out doesn't mean that we can persecute religions but we do want to keep them from involved being involved in the workings of government. well but wait outside in a way i don't know where they were ever socialist of somebody working in the white house so that you have to serve all 1st of all if you've been doing evangelical churches and you hear people pray about things that you know you get carried away with a lot of people say it's a spear and all they get carried away and i can see that but you're talking about someone who's praying and she's not implementing policy saying let's make that the preference look jeremiah wright was an advisor to obama he was a net said naseem last night it was not adviser to obama in the white house he's not one of the white house at all i didn't say he was i said either to obama i didn't say john i didn't know you wanted to buy that he was on the rise or to obama obama conceded that it was before he was president but my point is people that are in public life have people that say things around them you q just don't trans you know transmit that automatically anyone else paula white has led
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a life that has had lots of ups and downs i think she was expressing look the president changed the whole equation last week on the pro-life movement if you believe as i do that the killing of babies and abortion is a devastating evil then you are really upset as she was about it you say things that were i would have said it that way but here's the thing she's someone who has the right to say and i thought that we're talking about and she's someone who's had a life that's had other sons for her right to get up there and say something great every right she's going to do that i'm not going to i'm not going to bait that but what i will say is this and i'll kind of finish it with this here's the thing that gets we at the end of the day i think we're seeing way too much politics coming out of religion meaning that i think we're seeing way too many churches across this country who are getting on the pulpit and telling people who to vote for how to vote for what cause you know what political causes they should follow pings and that's what we're doing enough now that i think $100.00 they do that they should lose their tax exempt status because then they're no longer a little religious group they're pushing
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a political agenda and that is not what god is all about we know how to leverage. our status is not a religion or a legal thing that i've got a measure there's so much that is our show for today remember everyone in this world about told the love enough so. tell you all i love you i am tired of and for keep on watching those talks not a great thing that everybody. paul . to the kid same compensate all boy deny the body. and
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people know who they can. go into. to. move on the what i did on the gun shows up to move this because of a loss and then can move going to be i didn't show up and we must. stay so i thought it's not so much of a thing as a heist cause it is a tons of a few puffs i'm a huge. i. the world is driven by a dream shaped by frank person with those great. military
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thinks. we dare to ask. now the financial survival john today was all about money laundering 1st to visit this confession to 3 different. oh good this is a good start well we have our 3 banks all set up something in europe something in america something over sees it. when i was in it will all these rights are complicit in the pursuit of soft. money to do some serious wounds ok let's see how we did well we've got a nice luxury. for stacy oh beautiful jewelry and how about. carlos. for max do you know what money laundering is highly illegal. watch guys record.
1:00 pm
he. was. trying to steal of the century sparks outrage and protests across the middle east with claims that proposes roadmap to end the israeli palestinian conflict only favorite television. for the palestinian leadership transplant calling it the flop of the century the u.s. ambassador to israel has made it clear the palestinian viewpoint is not something that will be taken into account. it doesn't matter what the palestinians say we're going to keep this open for them for 4 years that's what we want. another week another protest unions are back on the street.


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