tv News RT January 30, 2020 12:00am-12:31am EST
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i conditions flying back and forth at the un security council as the syrian army to liberate a key terrorist stronghold and it led prominent. lives of millions of civilians are now even greater risks years collation it is not due to the operations of the syrian armed forces but the constant and deliberate provocation of the terrorists. all through this hour the european parliament gives final approval for breakfast it has british and a peace hold an emotional farewell session. and we visit an arab neighborhood crammed behind a concrete security barrier and east jerusalem held by donald trump as the future
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counsel of a palestinian state. very warm welcome to the program from all of us here at r t h q in moscow thanks for joining us this hour. unsubstantiated accusations how russia has burned the u.k. and u.s. jobs at the u.n. security council on syria russia and syria of killing civilians during an offensive in the northwestern province of idlib and started more than a month ago to liberate the last stronghold from al qaeda linked fighters. the terrorists are to blame using civilians as human shields and firing at humanitarian corridors. we are appalled by the significant escalation in syrian regime and russian violence in the escalation and it is not due to the operations of the syrian armed forces but the constant and deliberate provocations of the terrorists
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the lives of millions of civilians are now even greater risks as the combined forces of the assad regime russia the iranian regime and has escalated their offensive to cement a military not a political end to the conflict in syria. the problem of can't be resolved as long as the terrorists that have been recognized as such by the security council continue to rain their. it comes as the syrian army recaptures one of its limp promises largest and most strategic towns are all newman the backing from the russian military the former hot spot for anti-government protests had been held by rebels since 2012 ask how to open humanitarian corridors for those seeking to leave the areas before the operation the u.s. and says that russia and syria should stop the offensive accusing them of attacking civilians and as more i've got to report it seems that washington has a rather different standard on its own actions. the fall of my new month came as
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a shock to everyone it was a cradle of the revolution late to the jihad against the assad rebels 2nd largest remaining city and they gave it up without a fight a fight for the city that is it self had been a battleground for the past month. in december the syrian military set off an operation taking dozens and dozens of towns and villages in mia weeks the promise he kicked in russia and turkey mediated a season which didn't last the islamists seemingly couldn't keep their fingers off the trigger. about islam and the reason for the escalation is the reason is the militants control totally or nearly totally by chop out all nusra and i shop
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which all nusra has turned into and uses as a cover constantly bring the ceasefire the cease fire arrangements create special corridors for noncombatants so they can leave the combat zones by the way the terrorists keep striking those corridors hindering the departure of peaceful civilians trying to retain them as human shields. seen at all before in ghouta rebels. caged women and pensioners on roofs to prevent strikes i was in aleppo at the end when those same rebels held hostage 200000 civilians refusing to allow a single person human shield to leave the city and you wouldn't even know reading we sent headlines it's the usual stuff assad is guilty of every scene and every hurt in syria ruthless actions by russia the iranian regime hizbollah and the
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assad regime are directly preventing the establishment of a ceasefire in northern syria we condemn these barbaric attacks and call for an immediate cease fire the state department breaches and was its concerns about the alleged suffering of civilians only when the terrorists suffer aggression defeat and syrian citizens are finally liberated the state department also published similar hypercritical tweets when syrian cities that are now rebuilding themselves were liberated i like rocka that was what of the map by us is strikes one would think if you really want to the ceasefire you'd stop flooding rebel armories with weapons and advanced guided missiles but ok so what would america do if it was attacks during the ceasefire how would it fight terrorists who hide behind civilians they leveled mosul just like they obliterated raca in all tens of thousands of innocents died i remember them back then broken civilians running out
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of the city mosul every day horrified that isis and u.s. jets in equal measure but apparently what america leveled cities it's the right thing to do we're not perfect guys we can make a mistake and in this kind of warfare will happen but we are the good guys and munitions people on a battlefield know the difference isis knows that they can use human shields to avoid being hit it's their air defenses. the enemy is using a tactic that actually has them become part of the target that is on them not on us not entirely sure the dead would agree those pulver arise by coalition bombs or the survivors who are still years later cleaning up the rubble surprised the pentagon hasn't blamed them too for forcing america to use so many bombs it's clear the cases in mosul in iraq are the american and british bombers targeted the
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jihad the islamic state opponents but these people were intermingled with the civilians they had bass. and buildings which also house civilians who were next to them it's a case of burying their head in the sand and not wanting to admit that both turkey and russia have helped at least to limit the human cost at least to many many hundreds of thousands of people i mean it is i think part of the underlying dilemma of the western states that they committed themselves so wholeheartedly to the fall of a sad that they turned a blind eye to who was fighting against him and so they have in the end said anybody who's against it is better than a. double standards but it's also turning a blind eye to these groups who have after all spawned threats to western europe because some of the supporters have carried out radical terrorist attacks in western europe to. meanwhile in our to arabic correspondent was seriously injured
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and it live province on wednesday morning you may find the following images disturbing. bruny it was hit by an explosion from a shell abandoned by militants reporter was covering the aftermath of the syrian army's liberation of the area she's staying to facial injuries and shrapnel wounds to her body. farewells and flag waving from british army peas and their final ever session at the european parliament on wednesday as lawmakers approved the withdrawal agreement britain set to at last quit the e.u. on friday evening setting in motion a year long transition period the leader of the party nigel frosh had this parting message for brussels. so this is it the final chapter at the end of the road a 47 year political experiment we use of europe we just hate the european
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union it's as simple as that nigel for she is a lived in loathed in pretty much equal measure depending on who you speak to in the leader of the briggs it party wasn't going to let his last chance to address the european parliament go without making a bit of a scene in the chamber there you want to burn our national flags or we're going to wave goodbye i will look forward in the future to working with you please sit down resume your seats put your flags away you're leaving and take them with you if you are leaving now and i but the issue with the flags comes after just last week david so i saw you who's the president of the european parliament said that flags fell foul of current rules that prohibit ban is being shown in the chamber as you might imagine mr for us a lot to say about that he said it just showed how the european parliament in brussels institutions was trampling over the rights of member states well away
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from the sideshow in brussels on wednesday there was some serious business being done in fact the deal that will see the door for certainly happen was ratified in parliament we heard from the lion the european commission president who said that brussels was putting a very good deal as far as they were concerned on the table for the u.k. to sign but that in amongst all of the goodies they were offering the united kingdom that they were demanding regulatory alignment when it came to things like workers' rights like environmental concerns and social protections we are considering a free trade agreement with 0 tariffs and 0 quotas this would be unique no other free trade agreement offers such an access to our single market but now a precondition is. that european and british businesses continue
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to compete on a level playing field. we will certainly not expose our companies to unfair competition for those talks on a trade deal between the u.k. and the e.u. post breaks that get underway on the 3rd of march it may well put the united kingdom in a bit of a rock and a hard place situation between the european union on one side and the united states on the other london of course once lucrative trade deals with both however that may fall foul of those words regulatory alignment that the european union are insisting upon because if the u.k. agrees to regulatory alignment with the european union they may not get the trade deal that they hope to be able to get with the united states and should the united kingdom side with the standards of the united states while that deal it is sort of on the line with offering that is going to be off the table what do we know that's definitely happening while britain will leave the united kingdom will leave the
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european union at midnight brussels time on friday they then in to enter into a transition period in which they're supposed to thrash out the future relationship between brussels and london between the u.k. and the e.u. as it stands the transition period is supposed to run until the 1st of january next year but as it stands at the moment that's looking quite hopeful in fact it's a extension to that transition period may well be necessary and that is not going to go down well with those that prime minister barak is johnson and his cabinet promised that they would get briggs it done they certainly are leaving on the 31st but they're leaving into this transition period if you think briggs it's going away any time soon another thing coming it's going to be here for a little while yet to talk about. it was outrage among palestinians after the u.s.
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president unveiled a peace plan which critics call heavily biased in favor of israel more than 40 protesters have been injured in clashes with israeli security forces in the west bank was was. was. was was. was under the deal israel would get ultimate control over palestinian security and most of its resources and jerusalem would be israel's undivided capital the palestinian ambassador to the u.n. says the proposal is an attempt to destroy the national rights of his people and it is doomed to fail. which is an attempt to destroy
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the national of the palestinian people. and it will fail by the unity and steadfastness over the palestinian people and the defense of the international community not that i said before the peace or justice it is a recipe for the destruction of the nationalized of the palestinian people a palestinian state would get a capital in a cramped arab neighborhood on the outskirts of east jerusalem as located beyond a security barrier erected by israel in the early 2000 starring the intifada or uprising against israel falsely or talk to locals about trumps a proposal. this doesn't look exactly like a capital city and yet it's hero in the village of decent the outskirts of east jerusalem that the american president who once the future capital of a palestinian state to be now not only has the issue divided israelis and palestinians but as you can see by the security barrier it's also divided
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palestinians from palestinians so on this side you have some of east jerusalem on the other side you have the rest of it and it's anyone's guess how a city like this well if a function as a capital. structure to have b.o.'s or capital of palestine. or the people who are is just sort of is the start everybody think it's. you know it's. one of the village in the town and we believe his 07 is a capital this is the parliament building here in abu dis now it's closed and it doesn't look like much but this is where presumably a future parliament will function from when trump says that this is a win win situation for both palestinians and israelis well it seems he's being cynical that's based about a singer and be able to want to make big but they have to give us. you know what they give israel you know the fear he doesn't give anything to r.c. just some b.s.
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is here here here. in rhode island. he has not earned for us he doesn't give us from us most of our guards but i think there must be for the trumps initiation and for the other people as they have to hear our voice. i think this will lead everybody to the good to think and to conflict together say what we want to hear and the people here so want be appraising here and be upset that key to the city of abu dis but when inhabitants hear themselves a pessimistic as to the promise that it unlocks it's hard to understand why president trump is putting so much faith in it. r t abilities we spoke to mr barghouti head of the palestinian national initiative party and dr mordechai qatar from the center at bar university they have gave us
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their reactions to what's called the deal of this country. it's not even an american plan it's actually an israeli written plan an american envelope the reality is killing the possibility of 2 state solution by substituting the potential palestinian state with clusters of ghettos the panel stands as you can see in the map that mr trump has published it creates a situation of domination of one nation over another that ignores 1st of all historical facts ignores the rights of the palestinian people ignores the emotional feeling of all the people in this region joslyn was never any capital of any arab islamic state so why do they need also then why can they have a mullah or will our bodies you know the parliament of the palestinians is all of the built in our bodies so why shouldn't i will these be the capital if they want the capital but they want george to live only to extract the jewish heart the
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palestinians have and this is the p.l.o. flag they want to establish a palestinian state philistine on the lamed in this is israel the hollies of from the river to the sea in this is the below flag not hamas even and this is what i would as a means when he talks about a palestinian state nothing less than this they would accept and this is actually and they deleting israel altogether and this is why they don't accept any deal not from obama not from bush not on clinton not from dump not from or just for nobody that will accept unless they get the whole country and us jews should go to hell or to russia. as the world focuses on the corona virus outbreak eastern africa is suffering its worst locust invasion and decades hundreds of millions of the bugs have swept across kenya somalia and ethiopia with the un warning of a threat of devastating hunger for people in the region are to seekers down of has
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the story. less than a month into 2020 and there's already been a whole year's worth of doomsday panic from fears of world war 3 to the coronavirus and now a biblical one africa is suffering from one of the worst locust outbreaks in the continent's history. when a destroy everything in their path including now farm will want the government to act fast and some planes to spray them with infest the site otherwise they will destroy everything. and. do it
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because. that's what they have desiccated everywhere here you cannot even eat outside when ever do you have to lock yourself in the house. for the locals the infestation means much more than just having to stay indoors the counter they are most affected at the moment. and. but this warns of locusts are also moving towards. and and uganda just to give you a mention of the scale and scope these he's the wars infestation since 25 years and as far as kenya's concerned he's the worst infestations in 70 years they've eaten everything farmers complain brought to the brink of desperation with their plantations left barren people facing famine by the veracious swarms of
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insects. swarms larger than cities i i i i i. i. i. one ally and i had to turn back out of fear as the bugs would claw get sanctions but as apocalyptic as it already sounds experts fear that if not contained now the situation will get much worse locusts breeding season starts only in march so the swarms will be roaming around ravaging people's food supplies for some time yet there is no limited impact on last season's crops the upcoming season is due to be
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planted around march or april and this will corn side with a new generation of swarms so that the potential to impact of food security and livelihoods in the horn of africa is tremendous kenya has started spraying the swarms with pesticides a desperate measure as it's feared the chemicals could poison what little of the crops remains in the past giant nets flame thrower was and even lasers were proposed as weapons of mass destruction but were never used perhaps now is the time. new u.k. research into preventing youth radicalization oren's the current approach is so seriously flawed it's quote madness. martin is conceived in the same thing in expecting results and what we have been doing traditionally we look and find with
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somebody who's at risk and we say psychologists because of a logical reasons syllogism pains. reasons and biological reasons and so on and then which on a meeting month the wrist the research proposes generating positive psychology among young people the report adds that it's far more effective to promote the talents and strengths of vulnerable young people and manage thing them as risks and also aims to provide equal opportunities for young people and education and the job market on courage in youth to actively participate in society the proposed tools in the report pushed for precisely the opposite approach that was being put forward by the current government earlier this month the u.k. drew up even tougher new approaches they propose close monitoring of offenders in the community together with increasing the mandatory minimum prison sentence for terrorist offenders to 14 years doubling the number of counter-terrorism probation officers is also proposed one of the authors of the report explains why that is the
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wrong approach. we did a positive psychology or whatever you want to call it is that it is sas stop looking at the pass as a potential risk because of their psychological or biological or source of logical implications but look at them s. potential tell them what these interests that they have as a young person and support that interest and while doing so you would get an increase was illian when it comes to that risk it's not about replacing is not about stopping this is about prevention is about what we do with schools is what we do universities but we also piloted in actually youth offending institutions so we worked with offenders with young often and when we worked with them to see what their interest and it was it was a football was it and then support that that talent that. what they wanted to do we conflate atheist and change in their approach and lastly some world news in
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brief. violent clashes between farmers and police and the 1000 west of spain has left people injured on both sides workers came out to protest against the visit of the country's agricultural minister they're demanding fair prices for their product. heavy rains have hit the brazilian city of bell over in tows the region has been ravaged by floods with the death toll rising to 62 people thousands are being evacuated. and the epicenter of the coronavirus the chinese city of hama has been filmed almost empty with few residents daring to even walk down the street remaining residents are now cut off from the rest of the world with significant limitations imposed on their movements countries around the world are on high alert as the outbreak spreads beyond china. that's our brought up of the day's top news for now but don't forget you can always find us on many of your
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favorite social media platforms like twitter and facebook props the minute reports . what we're going to talk about here is the death of 3 or because planet earth has a debt most fear of approximately 3 to 4 times global g.d.p. which i think is between like 80 trillion so there's like you know almost 400 trillion now in debt it's the debt us here and it has a profound impact on the 21st century. we don't want to tell the empty plaza with an axe and the monument we want to kind of buzz of and bustle of streets filled with events. leads theater with was
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misplaced as has come from some to us maybe i love going to conferences and debates and such events like the battle of ideas and the bobby complaints and these are the kind of things we would be striving on gives us that imposts making connection with other people to set up projects. you know world big partisan movie lot and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the back and shouting past each other that it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now we're watching closely watching the hawks.
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north that's out there no communication with that to deny that i did joke and look at the joel so you could not see. who. was important. during his account would have you know comes. out of the. internet so funny deal to christopher paul money. more money to the kids think. cuomo. in chico he woke up and you know while setting up one of the last. kin i know heidi . and. jim no clue what they're going to do.
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