tv Redacted Tonight RT February 1, 2020 4:30pm-5:00pm EST
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god dan rather a tad and nothing says israelis and palestinians coming together like a peace plan created and approved without any end point from palestinians that would be like me announcing i have an agreement with poor and hobb to star in all their foreign projects here on out i just haven't consulted pornhub yet. i don't know if they're going to be all for it. but i'd probably announce the peace plan anyway and he was quite the poet during his speech but israel is an agent home a sacred place of worship and a solemn promise to the jewish people that we will never again repeat history's darkest hour yes we can all agree don't want to recreate the holocaust oh except at least 2 people in front of ministration mike pence and mike pompei you
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know who are even jealous called who actually believe all the jews have to be in israel so that the end times can begin in which the jews will be cooked up real nice. they believe all the jews will burn into hell that sounds a lot like you are trying to recreate history darkest hour if not recreated then at least look for inspiration. but trump also felt bad for the poor palestinians i was saddened by the fate of the palestinian people they deserve a far better life they deserve the chance to achieve their extraordinary potential palestinians have been trapped in this cycle of terrorism poverty and violence terrorism poverty and violence perpetrated by israel israel has prescription. ruthlessly everything about the palestinian life they won't let most. then only
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although they only allow them about 4 hours of electricity a day well then most of them leave for better medical care and the american government could put a stop to all of that if they wanted to trump saying he's saddened by the palestinian situation is like if he walked into guantanamo bay and said he was saddened by the pain the poverty and confinement of these prisoners if only there were an answer. it would be like me saying i'm disgusted by the pornography on pornhub it's only something i could do about. let's see another quote for when the conditions for statehood are met including the firm rejection of terrorism. luckily israel doesn't have to reject terrorism they get to enjoy it. like killing unarmed people at the border it's just a hoot snipers have killed hundreds over the past year and the i.d.f.
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claims they know exactly where every bullet layered meeting their killing innocent people on purpose but you have to admit whether you agree with them or not probable was incredibly well informed on this topic israel will work closely with a wonderful person a wonderful man and the king of jordan to ensure that the status quo of the temple mount is preserved and strong measures are taken to ensure that all muslims who wish to visit peacefully and pray at the. mosque will be to do so. while mosques. what more. is the al are one mosque. i think he's thinking of the fortress aqua man lives in. what i think i think i've figured it out i think from thinks that every time he sees the letter q the. it
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means it makes a q you sound like the word quiet so when he sees out oksana he says out aqua. he's sounding you know which means he's got a 1st grade reading level. higher than i would have thought. but hold on for that to be true he would pronounce the name of the general he just assassinated soleimani as. he doesn't do that in fact he said his name in that very speeds the iranian regime is isolated and we can greatly we eliminated. salo made me. proud to say still i know those guys that i also want to thank oman bahrain and the united arab emirates.
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is the united arab emirates chris. look i don't blame anyone for not knowing how to pronounce united arab emirates unless and this is important unless you're the president i got it i think. it's kind of like i don't expect anyone i don't like everyone to know how to remove a gall bladder and i shore a surgeon. but i had no fear despite not knowing anything about the topic at hand trump did say he wants to help the palestinians our vision will deliver a massive commercial investment of 50000000000 dollars into the new palestinian state he didn't say donation he said commercial investment does that mean commercial investment oh you're going to buy palestine and declare yourself a donor yeah i ask people right here in america who lived in a poor neighborhood with affordable housing what happened when there was
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a commercial investment into their neighborhood it meant it wasn't their neighborhood anymore it meant they were moved out because now some do it boy like you tell us any but you know these palestinians just won't behave themselves we are ass. the palestinians to meet the challenges of peaceful coexistence this includes adopting basic laws ensure hanging human rights. i'm pretty sure israel has broken every human rights law there is killing children killing elderly killing journalist killing medics all of that was proven on video in the past year during the great mark to return it seems odd trump would turn a blind eye with that since as we all know his true concern is for humanity and the human spirit it's all humanity should be able to enjoy the glories of the holy land this part of the world is forever connected to the human soul in the
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human spirit didn't trump just a few weeks ago say he was going to bomb cultural sites. which is an international war crime and. maybe that maybe the guy pledging to do that shouldn't be the guide negotiating the 2 state solution. to cellblock this so-called peace plan is just a grab bag of israel's imperialist goals not a single palestinian of note has endorsed this pile of garbage and if you want true peace in the region you have to talk to the people who have been oppressed and abused for decades and you don't use as a mediator the country responsible for the deaths of millions in the middle east over the past 20 years doing so is like asking jeffrey dahmer to host a dinner party how do you watch if you can't always answer yet.
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well come on lee can now take the news from behind the d.n.c. is getting their house in order to steal the primary from bernie sanders their plan seems to clearly be to have a battle at the convention in july and if that's the case then the people running the convention will be very important they will be in charge of everything from the rules committee to the credentials committee to the little known bath time committee which oversees the scrubbing down of certainly joe biden. d.n.c. chair and former skeletor or head tom for. he has nominated regime change agents israel lobbyists and wall street consultants to run the convention the gray zone
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has gone through the list and says they are a cartoonishly neo liberal cast of foreign policy hacks and corporate lobbyist designed to sabotage bernie's nomination undergo a few of them here to head the rules committee for as nominated beast man to top the platform committee he put an attractive jaw and then to run the credentials committee president nominated this literal bag of. but many say it's an improvement on debbie wasserman schultz. is that. moving all we have a new call print for the impending economic collapse or crisis it may not be the student debt bubble or even the auto debt bubble but it looks like it may be the corporate debt bubble over the period of a decade corporate debt has skyrocketed back to levels not seen since 2007 just before the credit crisis the official corporate debt load now stands at over 10
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trillion dollars and that's not even counting derivatives exposure that's right the big corporations are exposing themselves to us and they've got nasty generals too all right thank you looks like god turtle burger. they forgot to cook ahead let's do this and i'm not making this up we decided corporations are people and that means they have genitals ok and the top scientists in the world have said the corporate private parts look like roadkill on a hot day covered in hairy caterpillars. and yogurt but yes corporate america is underwater the price to earnings ratio as well as a price to sales ratio are now well above their historic peak during the dot com bubble meaning stocks have never been more overvalued compared to the profits that corporations are actually bringing in completely overvalued like
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a fake diamond ring or or a car with a bad engine or chuck todd. wise plus the stock market is a ponzi scheme to begin with. barbecue and right now it's an incredibly overvalued pozzi game at the very least can we get a ponzi scheme that we're not overpaying for i mean i don't know about you but i like to be defrauded at a reasonable price. meanwhile the c.e.o.'s of the largest banks in the world aren't worried about the house of flaming cards they've got us perched on no they're more worried about solution resume j.p. morgan chase c.e.o. jamie diamond recently said socialism leads to an eroding society oh i see socialism is bad the distributing of wealth across many rather than having it all extracted to a tiny number of ass. that's what erodes society. jamie diamond seems to have
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forgotten that in a grand act of socialism his bank was given a $25000000000.00 bailout in 2008 he's the welfare queen of all around paraguay. thank you. mother well paraphrased orbit around like planets he also said that socialist governments traditionally have done a poor job allocating capital and end up backing politically popular endeavors and bridge to nowhere projects you know what's a goddamn bridge to nowhere your bank the big banks they don't have communities they invest in weapons in an oil and fracking and possible destruction they gamble with our money you get bailed out if they gamble wrong while we all get they are massive societal parasites with our glee genitals.
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i don't know if it was a missed mixed metaphor or a mixed organism. in fact without we the taxpayers footing the bill the big banks wouldn't actually make any money bloomberg news has explained that the top 5 banks j.p. morgan bank of america citi group wells fargo and goldman are actually profitable since the share of the total subsidy from taxpayers that they receive $64000000000.00 a year is roughly equal to their typical annual profits. that's right nearly their entire profit comes from taxpayer subsidies from exploiting you and me it's kind of the economic equivalent of finding out the largest hamburger producer in the country is making their burgers. of your cousins. to sum it up i am sick of these massive socialist ask we call big banks.
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but. it's not all bad news last week the former c.e.o. of wells fargo was banned from banking for a life and must pay $17000000.00 for the frank affair for the fake account scandal and which wells fargo created 3500000 fraudulent accounts for their customers so all. so that is good news so while it is good news to see a c.e.o. banned from banking think about how pathetic this is in the broader sense this guy john stumpf was c.e.o. while wells fargo defrauded customers out of billions of dollars and then he was eventually charged a fee that is less then his yearly salary and you'll serve no jail time imagine if you robbed the charity of $100000000.00 then when caught you're only punishment was a fee of $400.00 and you were banned for robbing other charities. that sounds great
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i think i'm going to keep charities the system rewards this kind of fraud these banks are not truly held accountable at least not in a way that changes their behavior this guy stomp it is not so i'm sort of extraordinary criminal who who tricked his way to the top of wells fargo yeah yeah they were they were all shocked they had an unethical man running the company they couldn't believe they thought they only promoted the organ donors to. top position . john stumpf is the type of sociopath who will always get to the top of the big banks these are unfettered capitalism organizations looking for people who don't know right from wrong to oversee the crime rings and if things start to unravel they always have all of us average workers to bail them out with some socialism we have to go to a short break but i am coming to take it in detail to redact employer dot com
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and very well might continue watching on since last. i actually don't think monopolies per se are the problem it's monopolistic access the monopolies have to credit or to politicians and probably both the crony financial ism crony capitalism that's the big problem. but. i'm still only can it turns out that when corporations hit roadblocks in amassing obscene wealth they just lobby congress to remove them a recent investigation revealed that congress passed a law to make it harder for the i.r.s. to drop the hammer on corporations hide billions offshore tax havens for more on this we go to our senior cash order now and again.
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so it seems absurd that congress would make it easier for companies to steal money from our government the congress is only acknowledging the common practice of americans doing overseas the save money when the cost of doing the same here would be crazy like getting lifesaving surgery or marrying someone you've only known for 90 days. but the iris began taking huge companies like facebook and microsoft to court rather than grant them an appeal where they could strike a deal to pay back taxes so tech retail and other industry groups formed the coalition for effective and efficient tactic ministration also known as cheetah i mean you. know i think you're right. anyway so you know lobby bipartisan legislators to pass a law where the i am risk would have a new process to follow in order to block appeals or designate someone says and
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would have to report to congress when it did so. so now they are has to let congress know when they're going to make corporations cry i mean do these companies even pay what they truly 0 after the appeal well yes appeals usually reduce their tax bills to the same number as the number of americans still using internet explorer. but the i.r.s. never used to be this aggressive about tax shelters now they've developed the confidence of a life partner who farts in bed while you sleep. and just like my past boyfriends these corporations do not feel safe undercover. these companies shouldn't feel safe if they're avoiding billions in taxes ok technically it's not illegal for these companies to move their intellectual property to some other country where the tax rate is as well was the percentage of us who actually met a black republican. plus their creating jobs when facebook moved its ip to an
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office in dublin ireland in 2008 facebook's chief operating officer sheryl sandberg raved about the irish workforce in an email about how many people would staff the dublin office samberg role maybe 10 people by the end of this year and 30 to 50 by the end of next year there are more people in this room right now than those who work at facebook's quote unquote ip that quarters the i.r.s. has every right to investigate think it's within the irises best interest to not piss congress off ok because they spent the last decade slashing the i.r.s. budget down to the budget for whigs in a tyler perry movie. and as a result for corporations with assets over $20000000000.00 the audit rate the climb from about 100 percent in 2010 to under 50 percent in 2018 it's funny even with ira's budget cuts the audit rate hasn't declined for average people like you and me
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so no we're. just the iris just doesn't have the teeth. to go after a complicated tax law these companies hired high powered accounting firms like a p.m.t. and ernst and young to stay above board before and then microsoft hammered out their money saving plans in a word doc only to have quickly ask it looks like you're trying to stash billions in an offshore tax havens would you like at all. no wonder microsoft killed off a cliff but he was a. tax break to do nothing but impeachment hearings into president from a phone call to your cranium president vilinsky but given the wealth of criminality coming from the white house why is this a scandal democrats are focusing on for more on this we go to our very own intelligence failure and.
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here on capitol hill liberals are donning their mock maggot hats filling their impeachments mugs with cofee and cooling off their peach mint cobblers as impeachment hearings hit the senate this week with perhaps the most crooked president in american history this thing should be a cinch like stealing candy from an indefinitely detained mexican baby just take the constitution's clause which forbids executive corruption according to public citizen trumps collection of businesses and properties around the world presents a unique ethical minefield one exacerbated by trump's refusal to sell his properties before taking office blamed reporters for the screwed me over what he termed this phony clause what an outrage a president of the united states talking about our constitution as if it's a contestant on celebrity apprentice. color print capra let's focus we need the ethics committee on this right away isn't that right
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speaker pelosi and the consensus is that will proceed and the us. under the auspices of where dish this matter is relevant and that is in the intelligence committee intelligence not the ethics committee ok maybe they'll come up with something good foreign policy has been an unconstitutional disaster from his own authorized support for the saudi war in yemen to the airstrikes in syria which congressman ted lieu described as frickin illegal frickin illegal in d.c. not quite as bad as illegal still better than fudging illegal now is rashida to labeled say let's impeach this mother fricker me so these politicians just need to get better at cursing what is this an episode of family matters after years of hedging on impeachment speaker pelosi finally came around in september when she tast the intelligence committee probe to be focused on allegations that trump asked the leader of ukraine to initiate an investigation that could have benefited his
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reelection that's it this is the most criminal president in the history and it congress is only past 2 articles of impeachment against him related to the ukraine scandal there's of all the votes there's the hush money the stormy daniels there are the migrant children who have died in federal custody there's a trump university fraud scandal the improper security clearance given to jared kushner the negligence of puerto rico during hurricane rita there's still to question the f.b.i. that they gel reporters 3 of allegations but let me just dive in climate change the tax evasion the bombing of countries we're not supposed to be at war with the failure to deliver all the stakes. but these aren't the things the senate is now considering instead they're looking at trump's request to president selenski that he investigate the fact that joe biden's son got a $1000000.00 a year job on the board of ukrainian gas company without any experience in gas or companies and will trump obviously broke the law still might not be the best look for the democratic front runner to have wall to wall coverage about him and his son
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probably being corrupt that's like. house launched an investigation into whether or not trump accused jill biden of biting off all of her husband's toes no matter how it goes now all will be thinking about is the biden's having some kind of weird told finger biting fetish i mean they don't really do but that's beside the pool even though the house of representatives voted to impeach president trump the senate which is controlled by republicans is on likely to do the same especially on a charge that soliciting very little outrage from the american people so why is it that the democrats are choosing this to impeach trump well since it's now a year after the russian vesting asian dissipated like a wet fart it seems the democrats figure the next best thing is to find a scandal somewhere russia adjacent and hope no one notices it's a different country reporting from washington i manners leave her adopted tonight.
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there are your headlines from the future tomorrow you'll read. clearly break the impeachment manager demoted to impeach because you're. in one month you'll learn. president rob unveils his new 2 state final solution. don't shoot the messenger. and 3 way through now. after impeachment trial adams should have slapped forehead upon realizing you forgot to say the part about being corrupt. that's our job but my dukakis now pimping out the people who ordered online totally can't post dot com to grab a copy it's commie politics breaking news it's everything we can't book dot com all right until next on. 6
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state television propaganda machine propaganda outlet propaganda tools we are getting information. that can change the way. we use and how you tube videos the sleepless nights should be the longest nap. but your brush is russia russia and russia today as. well i will. believe that they will choose their shots and i'm really happy to join to see you then on our team. were so proud and still. are just getting the numbers.
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why have you not shut down our t.v. on you tube it's a propaganda machine mr walker. what politicians do. they put themselves on the line they get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president and she. wanted. to go right to be close it's like that before 3 in the morning can't be good. i'm interested always in the water. pressure.
5:00 pm
this hour's headlines stories the president of the palestinian authority suspends all ties with the united states and israel in response to donald trump's middle east peace plan the scribe bi-polar simian does the slop of the century also coming up in the program. after 47 years the united kingdom marks a historic day cutting ties with the e.u. as parades it officially comes into effect of the road ahead for britain is still unclear. on the sweeping use.
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