tv News RT February 5, 2020 1:00am-1:31am EST
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gives his annual state of the union address which effectively turned into a reelection campaign for the president. gave the democratic speaker. a stronger then ever before the number one producer of oil and natural gas great economic success we did our job. partial results. would suggest. the democrats that were left red faced over the. republican threats.
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from using. children as. a muslim headscarf the polarizing meaning of the jobs. act developers are merely reflecting the culture that's taking place. into. the international with me. today thanks for joining us on the program. well donald trump wrapped up his 3rd state of the union speech to the backdrop of his own impeachment trial the senate could seal his fate one way or another within 24 hours optimistic though the president spent most of the address looking back instead of forward. this state of our union is stronger then ever
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before little the world would not now be witnessing this great economic success would the united states has become the number one producer of oil and natural gas anywhere in the world would. companies are not believing they are coming back to the usa i i keep my promises we did our job at least well as the as a dress code on the way trump apparently shunned a handshake from democrat speaker nancy pelosi she had her moment in the spotlight later though when she tore up the president's speech when the speech got going trump took a moment to justify the killing of an iranian top military general on a rocky soil even promised a similar fate for every terrorist around the globe and compared samani with the us that lead to al baghdadi was eliminated by america last year finally there was
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a familiar promise of bringing home u.s. troops from afghanistan it was a guest appearance to venezuela's interim leader one to go door while trump double down on his intent to topple president nicolas maduro. or is it illegitimate a tyrant who brutalizes is people but matures grip and tyranny will be smashed and broken here this evening it's a very brave man. who carries with him the hopes dreams and aspirations of all that is whelan's. wind of whiter the one time that i've seen nancy pelosi i thought republicans and democrats both stand up well the fact that one was in the audience i'll be honest and that's a very controversial mood a mode that i don't even know if that was worth it in response we are you know rush to venezuela to counteract the u.s. sanctions why why why even include that in the speech i thought we were america 1st right why are we even getting involved in this when we have so many other issues
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and when he's already proven that he's not doing a very good job at these type of foreign policy issues where there are competitions that he knows nothing about you actually show extreme discipline i mean ed called it i really thought he was going to get a little bit in there and kind of make some allusions to it he didn't he's extremely disciplined but again it kind of does go back to some of his previous state of the unions his speech in saudi arabia when he was to be disciplined this shows how serious he is about reelection that the greatest revenge she will have on house democrats is getting reelected in the fall and into a very definitive way and he realizes if he is disciplined and he and what he did tonight he is going to get reelected and i think democrats are probably as i was sitting there watching they're realizing dear god this is not the last. time i'm going to be a guy with a campaign speech as we expect it to be it was i mean me what my administration did all the previous administrations were horrible i'm not surprised about that but for
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him to then also bring in of the characters into it was quite surprising meanwhile the iowa democratic party has revealed early results from the key caucus more than 24 hours later with 71 percent the results not reported pete has the lead with 27 percent of the democrats tried to consolidate their power against the iowa caucus mess as indicate that it's not located in the blue camp. explains. after the apparent failure of the impeachment proceedings in the u.s. senate all eyes were on iowa to see the democratic party as it was moving toward picking its nominee to run against donald trump in the november presidential election well what the whole world saw at the iowa caucuses can pretty well be described as utter chaos the only results from the iowa caucus at this hour are chaos and confusion never good to get ready for a crash course in chaos ok os in iowa what happened in iowa now in the absence of actual results several candidates claimed they were winning by all
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indications we are going on to new hampshire victorious. we don't know exactly what it is yet but we feel good about where we are. a good feeling we're going to be doing very very well here. as the night went on no results were announced the reasons given were technical glitches quality control and inconsistency the supporters of bernie sanders were crying foul saying that this was an establishment attempts to undermine they socialist upset again this time bernie sanders was looking stronger than ever topping the polls and having the biggest crowds it is right here is the bunny and sue the. middle section right there of all those homes and that was your garden so they're actually moving through homes and the role of armies or is it your but then something strange happens with an app. as precinct caucus results started coming in
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the iowa democratic party ran them through an accuracy and quality check it became clear that they were in consistencies with reports the underlying cause of these in consistencies was most immediately clear and required investigation which took time and then it was revealed that one of the main opponents of bernie sanders beat buddha she had been giving money to the company that was responsible for the app that caused the glitch now that made outrage get even louder the word rigged was all over social media. what is happening in iraq is not only scary it's unimaginable this clearly is being raped. the democratic nomination is rigged again i believe the iowa democratic votes you never intended to announce the winner last night looks like mayor cheat has rigged the iowa caucuses apparently the troops will come to you if you say the word victory so let me just say very big big big
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big but it didn't just start in iowa rank and file democrats were already outraged about the fact that the rules were changed by the democratic national committee in order to allow michael bloomberg into the debates michael bloomberg former new york city mayor has spent $180000000.00 on his own ad campaign and despite not having anything near the donor base of some of the other candidates the red carpet has been rolled out for him words like oligarchy are being used we should be ashamed that as americans people believe in democracy all a car if you have more money you can buy your way now my group former u.s. senator from alaska had over 67000 different donors but the democratic national committee said that was not enough and he was not welcome on the debate stage michael bloomberg is mega rich and he has donated $250000.00 to the democratic national committee needless to say he has been deemed worthy of prime time in light of this whole embarrassing beginning of the democratic selection process an online
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petition has been started calling for the head of the d.n.c. to resign the whole incident shows a major split in a party that has been pushing a united front against donald trump for the longest time and donald trump couldn't be happier. big win for us in iowa tonight thank you now many assume that donald trump was referring simply to the fact that many republicans turned out to vote for him as the presumed nominee in iowa but maybe he meant more than that with the election in november or months and months away it looks like the meltdown on the other side of the aisle has already started democrats are going to have to decide to come together and just not talk about iowa anymore for this election whatever the results are the best thing for them would be to say look either we won or i lost and let's just move on because this makes us look really foolish now we can't even get this process right how are we going to run the country we see divisions
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within the party and in every single election and certainly there are players like bernie sanders who are kind of on the outside of the inner circle and so that is part of the process is working through that tension and infighting amongst each other until people either drop out because they're embarrassed or they're shown to be incompetent and they run out of money and so democrats are going to really be looking for who's the person who can stand up the most to trump well for the wake up call of trump's victory in $26.00 thing the democrats felt they were lagging behind in terms of technology on the campaign trail saw the launch of a new mobile up it was meant to deliver results fos than ever for the i will call chris but it backfired badly despite all the optimism. you have a nightmare scenario and if so what do you do about it these are probably the most prepared we've ever been as a party for these carcasses and we've run through a few different scenarios but i can tell you we're ready this is an embarrassment all they had to do was count the votes going to the polling stations counted the
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votes all they had to do was add together the tallies what a 10 year old could do in a calculator the democratic party couldn't this mess was caused by a new app designed to speed up votes counting made by a secretive company called shadow inc that i suppose was the 1st clue who contracts a company called shadow to build an open transparent voting app democrats the people who shouted loudest about russia threatening american elections that breaking news russian hackers tried to hack wisconsin's election system russia's hacked into a lot of things russian hackers the kremlin clan certainly looks like they're at it again and with an eye towards helping this president to combat strums popularity democrats created 2 organizations acronym and paquin him to flood the internet and
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t.v. with trump and anti russian propaganda trump spent $10000000.00 on a commercial for tonight's super bowl we fixed it for him under president truman merica stealing our veterans setting isis prisoners free losing don't reconfirm ladies and gentlemen the worst is yet. here comes the incompetence part these groups a packed with people who ran and sank hillary clinton's campaign including shadow inc founded by a former clinton campaign manager they've spend fortunes and amateur propaganda and apps that don't work well that toddy. money the effort is just to see trump have the last laugh when will the democrats stop blaming russia russia russia instead of their own incompetence for the voting disaster that just happened in the great state of iowa it's sad. all the complaining and moaning about how russians
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were out to ruin american elections most of the russians that did it it was the democrats their paranoia and competence they turned liberals and democrats against each other screaming and shouting accusing each other of foul play of russia could never do the democrats did we've heard the people who are responsible for this catastrophe in iowa or the democratic establishment claim that it was russia's intention to undermine integrity in our voting systems in our election process the question is who really threatens us elections and now i think a lot of voters within the democratic party are finally seeing what the real threat is and it's with it's within the heart of the democratic party establishment the more that we talk about the reality of our election systems the more this russia
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gate hysteria just begins to fall on deaf ears and voters particularly younger voters who are social media savvy reject it angrily. for the online debate over wearing of the heads of has been rekindled in sweden but after a mobile app linked to a song competition allow users of all ages to address their own screen image with a traditional muslim and scoff a woman. public
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apple developers are merely reflecting the culture that's taking place in their community i think right now what the media what magazines and you know the beauty standards are trying to do is just be more inclusive and say there is a spot for you here i do feel as though only one narrative is shown in the west when we talk about the job it's often a very positive narrative but i think that the other side also has to be addressed many many goals forced into wearing the job without any full understanding of what it represents and the how difficult it will be to take it off there's definitely a community where this is a very real and present apparently you know issue and concern and so we have to just allow the app designers to kind of. basically play to their audience if you will i do find a huge problem in perpetuating this idea that children as young as 3 need to wear the job in any in any form and i would also like to say that he job is not
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a culture it is very much a religious symbol seen when i myself see a little brown skinned girl on a t.v. commercial as a little girl i believe i can grow up to be that person so what we don't want to do is not show women and have jobs because we don't want you little girls who wear what jobs to feel until they can't be a part of this larger story that we all are a part of i think that women should be able to choose what they wear and that is exactly why i'm an advocate for no good job day because i stand for the choice to take it off which is something that is just not extended to people around the world and people within even my own community here and in the u.k. still to come the sound of the 30 years of silence a former french figure skater publishes rape allegations against her coach it's sending shock waves across french sports about soft of a short break. we're
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told it's total meltdown confusion. as officials struggle to report voting was part of the botched i will caucus is the ultimate political metaphor. chose to build their economy in such a way. that spawned the crisis of the problem virus and for that there is an economic. and the u.s. could inherit a benefit that economic a similarly the u.s. . economy in ways that cause other kind of extra nowadays that are highly detrimental to the u.s. economy. through the streets of moscow now 100 people i wish he would have the changes of leukemia. because in order for. the d.n.a.
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changes they need an environment that's. one of the biggest areas of growth in the future is be targeting. so the cancer doesn't want to. welcome back to all the international sexual abuse scandal and french sport has seen paris prosecutor one of a broad investigation after a formal ice skating champion broke off for 30 years in a recently published book sara but ball accused coach of rape now sports ministers demanded the figure skating president resign shot at leaving schemas across the floor. when a minister makes a public pronouncement you probably would hope that they had checked all of the facts just like when in 2017 france's former sports minister declared that at the height of me too there wasn't
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a problem in her sphere the former uk fencing champion must now be considering for laying on her sought after the latest explosive revelations of rape by sports coaches have emerged they've been made by france's 10 times national skating champion sarah a bit full in a new book she accuses her former coach year of regularly raping her in the ninety's when she was aged between 15 and 17. i was sleeping with my teddy bears and he woke me up with his torch he was a nightmare it was horrible and it still horrible today and that's why i'm talking about it as unfortunately i'm still not well i'm taking antidepressants and i'm speaking up for all the other big tims who can speak themselves this extinct 2 year old former coach admits having sex with a skater but his version of their relationship differs though my memories of the
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exact circumstances differ from hers i am aware that given my duties and her age at the time these relations were in any event inappropriate it's not the 1st time questions have been raised about a year sara a bit paul says she previously spoke out against him in the early ninety's including to the then minister of sport john points while or more but was shut down . he called me back and he said to me listen to me yes we have a file on him but we are going to close our eyes let moore says he doesn't recall that conversation i do not question at all what she say's but i have no memory of this exchange above or if i have. knowing these horrors that i discovered today i would never have advised. to close her eyes according to the sports newspaper keep 2 investigations were carried out by a year in the early 2000 including one white sports ministry now his contract as
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a technical advisor was terminated following the 2nd one a bit but although it is not the only person making accusations 3 other former skaters say they too were raped by their coaches including by ear when they were minors suggesting the problem was much deeper accusations which of either being denied or declined to be commented on questions are now being asked about the leadership in french sport with the current sports minister demanding the resignation of did you get the books of french skating along with other allegations of sex abuse in other sports many are suggesting that these revelations are just the tip of the iceberg and that france has done precious little to protect its sporting hopefuls and he challenged even ski r.t. paris. hughes condemn the united states decision to lift
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a ban on the use of personnel and mind saying it could cost thousands of lives across the world this in the minds the global norm against anti-personnel mines a normal to say tens of thousands of people in the past 20 years the use of the weapons anywhere at any time and by any actor remains completely unacceptable to the european union or u.s. state department says the ban imposed by barack obama's administration has put the u.s. army at a disadvantage. the land mines are buried in the ground and detonate when stepped on now there are 2 types of such mines the old ones aren't deactivated by themselves or the new type called smart minds have to function have a function to self-destruct or trump use that argument to say land mines are much safer now while lifting the ban most notions are of course against the use of land mines back in 1909 the treaty was agreed on by 160 countries banning and land mines united states however abstained from it former pentagon official michael maloof
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thinks that such a decision could escalate u.s. tensions with other countries. the trump administration's decision just adds one more layer of. tea to warfare and encourages it it's very difficult to determine. what what where these mines would be laid and and how they could be deactivated even though the they claim they're going to be field in a new and new type that can deactivate on its own but that's not sure certainty the obama administration however had agreed to. even though it would not sign the ban it agreed to deploy them except. along the demilitarized zone in separating north and south korea i think the land
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mines are just terrible they they they affect civilians primarily and i don't think there's any foolproof way of developing a what i would call a smart landmine that could deactivate itself. even remotely or on. a particular time timeline. states could impose heavier penalties on companies and that he's involved in the construction of the nord stream to gas projects according to german media if you didn't have measures may be introduced as early as this month popular project which would carry russian gas to europe the baltic sea was among the topics we discussed exclusively with russia's ambassador to germany said again. singham we appreciate the german government's continued support for the nord stream too despite external pressure to project highly beneficial for germany and to europe as a whole as its aim to add and sharing the energy security of the continent while on
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its environmentally friendly in comparison to liquefied natural gas is an idea that's being forced on europe and that this project works that much cheaper to process and we have plenty of experience in supplying this kind of fuel to the european market but i think we have proven ourselves to be a reliable and effective partner and we have never failed to meet our obligations and i feel this is a win win deal which is especially important for germany as it turns away from nuclear and coal energy in favor of greener alternatives might not true gas is indispensable here. to construct human lives we might do close unmeaning from cooperation between russia and germany can have a positive impact on both international relations in europe model and resolving problems around the world till the crisis in libya is one focus of our cooperation with berlin we are also ready to collaborate on resolving the conflict in syria him for a long time we've urged our western colleagues to be more active in returning syrian refugees to their home south of this is not always possible because of the need to rebuild infrastructure evidence that some of our western partners are not very
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enthusiastic about this because they're all reluctant to cooperate with the legitimate government of syria and of all in all the other we're trying to create a positive agenda in the interest of furthering russia germany relations. should occur but as for the joint comprehensive plan of action on the iranian nuclear program things have been complicated and less respect from washington has learned about a real poet and we hope that our european colleagues will understand the origins of the crisis over the iranian nuclear program and the historic they were in the ultimate cause of the problem and lies the u.s. withdrawal from the table. little book we're working to prevent any rewriting of our history which if you can we find understanding here to german authorities know who started the 2nd world war. and the who you. next dog continues exploring the reality of poppy farms in the united states u.k. views they will trump emerge from the impeachment saga stronger fought out soon
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came. popess has to. be put themselves on the line to get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president and you. want. to go on to be press this is what before 3 of them or can't be good that i'm interested always in the waters of our. pursuit. so the politicians have basically stuck the american public with the bellotti to negotiate for drugs and both parties who are financed very heavily by the pharmaceutical industry have done this so when your own people vote they should look at how much does this politician get from the power pharmaceutical industry.
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in his community there are people who believe that it's ok. it's really hard there are no jobs and you see that i've got kids that ask and as a parent. i can come up with lots of arguments there's a lot of conflict within the game and between the 2 most of the conflicts i would say are over most rahmani and most of them is me. close one on each of those he knows each other is good because the state of california alone makes $6000000000.00 a year off to prison complexes to get some 20 a life where. you don't care. so you care mind anything.
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revenue model registers dogs and registers litters so it's involved transactional relationship with those breeders obviously the ones producing those dogs are the largest scale breeders so why is it going to crack down on those large scale breeders and sacrifice the revenue from a rigorous program that stops people from. cold going to lose revenue.
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