tv Keiser Report RT February 6, 2020 5:30pm-6:01pm EST
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6 times that number of asylum seekers residents who say say in spain a lack of electricity and water. heaters nothing for the people. there are. very police this movie and millions will get picked probably jungle the gerber rubbish. all of the children sick now are minor mice and i live in libya and the movie is very mad but i think it has been struggling to contain a growing number of refugee applications it has committed to relocate migrants from islands to the mainland and to speed up the pricing of asylum claims but just a few $100.00 a real relocated greece's migration minister is vying to step up its response and the pieces gloopy that he says other member states have promised to do far more to help out fortunately this behavior of the european union that bad loans
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greece in the heat early. which is carbon. is acceptable because according to previous agreements the those. in the richest blokes in greece should be relocated to to the other member states of the european union according to the publishers but there are some there is mainly the coverage governed by the right wing governments they're not. even one refugee you know it's very simple when it comes to financial questions whether to repair your bed etc there are very strict but if it is to come to the political questions. of the show the human values the foundations of the european regular there doing nothing. thanks for companies even don't forget plenty stories to you on our website where you can find that at r.t.
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doc. from. from. max kaiser this is the kaiser report competition it's everywhere it's on the genetic level it's on the macroeconomic level but on the micro economic level it is more so the transmutate said it has all kinds of weird corollaries we're seeing all interesting fauna and flora and fauna that was going well definitely in our world global financial system we have predators and this is something we have talked about for a long time many of these predators ghouls are the captains of so-called industry
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which is no longer really true we only have financial eyes racquets right and so we're going to look at some of these ghouls and how they think and how they basically predate upon the entire population and that is our business model 1st of course the u.s. commerce secretary wilbur ross and the past week he told maria bartiromo that the current the coronavirus in china will help accelerate return jobs to the united states this is of course very black plague like when it did help the middle class back then because everybody died a 3rd of the population up to half died in some places right right this is kind of what i was talking about you know in terms of the competition that's happening on the genetic level is happening on the macroeconomic level not microeconomic because wilbur ross is basically right and there's nothing wrong with that because we're in a globalized competitive marketplace and china chose to build their economy in such
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a way as that spawned the crisis so the krona buyer is and for that there is an economic penalty and the u.s. could inherit a benefit of that economic penalty similarly the u.s. builds its economy in a way. is that cause other kind of extra analogies that are highly detrimental to the u.s. economy but all these countries are pursuing economies that are globally. and in some way and we're at the end of this globalized period globalization day valorisation population because all the economic models follow around the world are hyper financial ised and place no value on humanity i think that's pretty clear at this point and so now we're seeing the result of that and remember competition extends down to the genetic level you know as a famous book the selfish gene talks about you know the virus wants to live right
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so we were competing with the virus and so it's the competition is now it's more of the something really quite amazing i think of course we do have a just in time delivery system and. in terms of bringing this manufacturing jobs back to america thanks to you know an epidemic hitting china the fact is while it's china might be able to build a factory in 10 days we may take you know 10 months at a minimum certainly over a year with planning and regulations and all that sort of stuff also like much of our industrial heartland say ohio pennsylvania places like that well they're getting really you know destroyed and devastated by the opioid that meant that epidemic and here is a fascinating thing because remember every single individual in the economy and in finance lies economy they have to maximize profits and so for all the you know working class underclass really the. african-american black american very poor
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white people a lot of them just get thrown into prison because those that's huge profit center for corporations then you have these guys who used to work in factories and now they're suffering out the heartland and what they got fed what the algorithm fed. was opioids because it was huge profits electronic patient records systems used by thousands of doctors were programmed to automatically suggest opioids at treatment thanks to a secret deal between the software maker and a drug company right so again this competition on the study of lower level all the software i love all the macro the the micro economic level so here you have corporations involved in brainwashing in they're involved in distorting our information field they're involved in bursley programming their computers to to to prescribe opiates to patients for profit even though it's killing more people
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than we lost in vietnam so you have to ask yourself is it the disease that these american corporations have the c.e.o.'s the brain diseases and the psychosis that's competing for domination it's not on the human level the human level is gone as a humanist i guess we're we're post humanist now we're just deconstructionists we're looking to tear apart the fabric of humanity the fabric of our culture of the fabric of our existence and we're seeing that really being sped up in real time with the assistance of computer it's it's disintegration as a service so also with a predator based system where the apex predator constantly gets fed the anybody else in that ecosystem is penalized for punished so here we have 2 groups an opioid manufacturer and algorithm provider and the algorithm provider you would
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think if they they programmed it to overprescribe opioids which killed up to $70000.00 americans per year so they did that they intentionally. basically did something that would result in the death of tens of thousands of people. you would think like say el chapo. he got sentenced to how many lifetimes in prison well here's the department of justice so what happens to these apex predators. department of justice office of public affairs electronic health records vendor to pay $145000000.00 to resolve both criminal and civil investigations so this is for practice fusion incorporated they've agreed to pay 140 $5000000.00 for these $70000.00 a year back 10 years up to 10 years so you know that's almost close to a 1000000 people they've killed directly who knows indirectly as a result of this of like family disintegration and stuff right and of course that's
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no penalty at all 170000000 dollars 145000000 dollars 180 and $145000000.00 of course you can be got to be borrowed from the central bank 0 percent interest and you could construct the forgivable loan that never matures so it's free in writing that there's no penalty so i think you know this is the law of the flies on a global scale right if you put a bunch of if there's no if you have the worst most sadistic person in charge like an opiate drug manufacturer and you give them unlimited money at 0 percent interest rate they will cause a genocide right so this is opiate genocide as a service as a profit center as a business it's much worse than what we saw 80 years ago so this financialization has how we've gotten round their right to pursue life liberty and the pursuit of happiness is they always say it's the algorithm here it
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was the algorithm that did it we didn't know that our algo rhythm was racist or classist we didn't know that we didn't he know it was the algorithm we are not responsible that's why these sort of guys get away with you know what would normally be a crime in the hood like anybody who's poor. they would actually do 20304050 years and somebody would cut the profit incarcerating them but here so you have these algorithms are the ones that deep platform us the algorithms are the ones that packaged these mortgage backed securities and saw the biggest wipe out not only black american wealth and history but the wealth of many people they lost their homes it's still like down so they blame the algorithm they themselves never have any responsibility because of course we introduce legislation like the dodd frank act to force them to have responsibility but now there is no human individual that ever for these people ever takes blame it's always the algorithm right so it's
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death by algorithm and you see this training all aspects of the economy and if you program a gun to shoot somebody who's responsible for that crime is it you the guy who programmed the gun to shoot somebody or is it the gun's fault because of the program to shoot that person so the logical person would say well the person who program the gun is guilty of murder but here these opiate manufacturers are saying we're not guilty just because we program the computers to kill americans we're not guilty because it was the computers that did it was the in adamant object that somehow just decided one day and the that's as i said at the top of the show this is competition on the algorithmic level on the genetic gene level because we've got viruses that are not just a corona virus but we have we have a mental path ology and psychosis has become a competitive force a lot of these executives should be in straightjackets and thrown into a mental institution but they're they've been given unlimited amounts of free money and they're sadists so where do things going to happen remember at the top of the
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show i said wilbur ross is like happy that they're coronaviruses wiping out people in china because it might be good for us jobs so here we have goldman sachs articulating something in a debate on their own letters to the shareholders that would see them big platform to him. you asked this on twitter or on facebook or you tube you the individual who's not goldman sachs would be the platform for asking this but goldman sachs asks in biotech research report is curing patients a sustainable business model and they ask this and april 10th report entitled the genome revolution the potential to deliver a one shot cure is one of the most attractive aspects of gene therapy genetically engineer itself gene editing however such treatments offer a very different outlook with regard to recurring revenue versus chronic therapies said salvia richter in a note to clients while this proposition carries tremendous value for patients and society it could represent a challenge for genome medicine developers looking for a sustained cash flow and he cited treatments for hepatitis c.
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which they used to earn about 12500000000 a year but it's now down to about 4000000000 because people right is caring people a sustainable business model of goldman sachs that's a question yes ok now a perfect example you have a sadist a sadistic organization goldman sachs they're given unlimited money billions hundreds of billions of dollars and pay no interest on that money to. to introduce genocide as a service right so they're in the genocide business is that's what goldman sachs definitely predatory behavior that this is this is their mindset they're looking for profit so as we saw in the testimony when they were packaging those mortgage backed securities that they knew were going to wipe out your pension fund they knew it and but they said it was the algorithm selling this to end the pension funds wanted it they wanted this risk so we have predatory behavior where ever we look and go let me just jump in for you know tax yo ploughs mosis is the brain psychotic
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episode one has if you can buy cat litter coop yeah right and a lot of executives on wall street purposefully do that they eat cat poop to instill a sense to engender attacks you know plus most of us so they can act without empathy and rate profits and they're given by society by the banks unlimited free money to do this. ok so. what do you think the result is going to big o. genocide as a service man and goldman sachs should have a much higher multiple because there are still 6000000000 people out there they've got a growth but at the top at the end of the day when all of the money is held by a few apex predators they do start going after each other so you do have the opioid manufacturers and they make big money huge money that algorithms that tell the doctors to prescribe it but you might not have a pharmacy to go get that opioids because many ohio communities are becoming
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pharmacy deserts thanks to c.v.s. which is buying clothes in local pharmacies and manipulating medicaid to lower reimbursement rates below cost for indeed pharmacies so c.v.s. is a competitor to the small local pharmacies but c.v.s. the pharmacy benefit managers they get to decide how much an individual pharmacy collects from medicaid and they have been basically making sure their competitors make no money at all from any pharmaceutical benefits so they're putting them out of business and now you have pharmaceutical deserts across america well outside of the you know the winner location and say hillary clinton would call them well the parts are worth more than the whole rights are oregon as a human being sold separately on a site like e bay are worth a lot to a goldman sachs we're going to take a break when we come back much more coming your way.
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in this community there are people who believe that it's ok to substract who don't like tables it's really hard there are no jobs and you see that i've got kids that ask and is. i can come up with an argument there's a lot of conflict in the game between the teams most of the conflict i would say over balls around. is maybe. close one on the children's clothes team only children is good business the state of california alone makes 6000000000 dollars a year of prison complexes you get some point in your life where. you don't care anymore now why cares about you so you don't care about anything.
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welcome back to the kaiser report i'm max keiser time now to turn to david morgan of the morgan report david welcome back. all righty 1st of all i want to say that at the top of the set of you i think there's a strong possibility that some of our performance but coin and 2020 and this would be the 1st chair really stand 2011 only 1st started covering back when at $1.00 we started buying and selling i want to buy it at a dollar but i think it's going to outperform bitcoin this year david margan your thoughts. well slightly shocked to see that max mugari do figures would be a great year for silver i think everyone to follow so really closely knows about scott neutered from the you know i'm
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a manager will very knowledgeable you talked about you know as number one as sure so we're. sort of very undervalued or. churches there are merits and i hope you're right it's possible if you don't follow their closely . 1000 range you're no longer route 3000 so it's very it's very notable a little bit of momentum here and double from here for you to 16000 pursue a route go from here we look at it. or i don't think either one of them are going to double and look for both 30 percent move in silver this year from where we are now in korea they really don't know what i look at rhodium and platinum and other mad alls that are in skyrocketing they seem to be telegraphing the collapse of the fat money around the world more essential
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a sleigh authorise studiously or some other multipole opposite back world that i'm gonna put in there because they are not as manipulated whereas gold and silver are manipulated because the central banks hate when people buy gold and silver because they like to push their feet at kalak on to the world but over at once a boss thrill in the demand 1st we've talked about this sense by so over. crash j.p. morgan wants them once the buyers of physical server get to a certain threshold that the central banks lose the ability to manipulate any more it's going to gap to 60 bucks i mean that's kind of my if my thought about that over and that's why i think that after form because on a 2020 but. let's talk about the fed's expanding its balance sheet with the hundreds of billions of dollars in re poem arc intervention the curve is inverted if even briefly once again so they know that the yield curve around the world is telegraphing global financial collapse because the short rates are higher than the long rates that sells us that banks don't trust each other and not to lend money to
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each other and they say they're injecting hundreds of billions of dollars and they don't call quantitative easing 4. but they are injecting you know hundreds of billions on the repo market and that's not working right i mean the debt patient is even better than it was you know 6 months ago they have it. you know there's not a lot of fat on top of you they're digging said max i mean argue if you want to go back to my history like 15 years ago we were having more crises and i could go either whiteboard is just clip 2 or trust so the whole system is built around confidence and trust banks are trusting each other when this breaks down you really see some remarkable downside to the bark of our market for the actual morris' in general and that was well before the 2008 crisis we're just going off the cliff from 3. 1000000000 but right now i just want to reiterate what you said there is a mistrust bank
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a bank and that's when we do spanks to trust each other and they're not going to load each other overnight and they don't trust or those are bait to loan overnight i mean it really spills trouble ahead and most people are kind of blown off that you know pretty or a way out of this no country has ever been able to treat their way out of this if it were true zimbabwe would be the richest place all. right well you know let's talk about boeing for example for it's an example right so that stocks trading at close to 50 times earnings and it's quadrupled since trump took office and because they are a state sanctioned monopolist in the defense business and america likes the bomb people so i hate spies a boeing but because they replaced engineers that know how to build planes with financial engineers who know how to milk and manipulate balance sheets and accounting standards
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a lot of airplanes started falling out of the sky but. nevertheless. it is the darling of wall street and the worst things that happened at the company the more the stock price goes up so is this just more of the same in terms of fraud and manipulation or have we kind of slipped as a society psychologically where men out. we are we are valuing stocks. based on how how much damage they did and others because boeing does a lot of damage that's the value metric now not price earnings not cash flow not not that nothing like that we're only valuing companies that kill a lot of people and they get a higher p. is that what i'm saying. i'm not sure that if you made 2 points i want to comment on both number one is that 40 percent of the g.d.p.
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of this country is based on financial i mean i know you all are of companies are our companies us to build automobile state but i know that you're basically fighting. everything was built on the credit system and you put it out very accurately. and how are devaluing the stock i don't know there's our rhythms out there there's no ice i've been seeing for years about 3 years ago i started stating that there is no correlation between the general equity market basically exist 500 and the physical trauma and at one time it was very closely tied to the whole concept of the dow theory i do if you just use transportations and utilities all being full sectors of the car really those numbers reflected how well the crown was doing those 3 sectors that doesn't exist anymore we're in this low end but when there's a perfect example and how do you value me that's doing worst physically and you saw
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the president used to go up i think is sheer madness and to me. we are at the end of the age of them are right there in violin coin clipping as we now it says the same thing as printing lots of worthless fan but in the case of boeing it's interesting because. if i were you know convicted of committing lots of matters and i was sentenced to jail and my defense was well you know by the jail and going to frame myself. ok so here you have boeing. that is obviously it complicit in a lot of really bad things and their answer is to buy back their own stock right so they're saying like you can earn us because we're going to keep buying back our own stock at our rate so fast and it drives of stock price so high that we're going to claim immunity from prosecution because we're buying back our own stock right now start buybacks used to be illegal because it's
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a form of inside information now of course it's legal as a way to anesthetize executives who can buy back their own stock to avoid jail. you know it where is that endangered. well it is weird in wrong being in the say it's it's sad it's pathetic but it is a reflection from my perspective on the greater situation we find ourselves and not only in the states but globally we are in the lead of propaganda press very little truth leaks out salute shows like yours and others that are willing to stand up and talk about the financial charizard that exists throughout the entire system and that the end is not right i don't think we have another you know 3 years 4 maybe until something takes place and maybe it's already taking place as we speak i don't know what i do know is that he seems to not end well and the truth comes out you
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cannot have a stock situation with bowie and have it go on forever because the truth is they are doing very poorly with this sort of $37.00 problem and he's going to know everything that we don't know about this company and just because they're pretending that everything is ok and have the financial printed money to make it happen on a short term basis doesn't mean that the end of it is going to be let's say in just situation right we're on the case of boeing right boeing airlines thousands of engineers are fired thank god they can afford to buy back their own stock right and then write their product claims tarik or passing some but their stock price went up . and i mean who even covers that on the regulatory front is that the avionics industry that covers this this crime is it the securities the state or they can who am not sure exactly where this falls regular what the regulations hoof covers this
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crime is it is just in between and between regulatory agencies i guess they're just playing an arbitrage where they figure that nobody in the se say and nobody in the f.a.v. f.a.v. . that doesn't come out of their purview so they're free to you know do what they're doing so finally in 2020. david. we talked about gold and silver a little bit yes thoughts on the bond market in the stock market. pretty certain stock market is going to start lower this year. it might make one less. to another new high and i think i'll be the exhaustion or really exhausted i think the bond markets more important as i've said for years very difficult for a handle on that i mean everyone that's in the long mark as in the significance knows what the game is it's nothing to do with long term capital has everything to
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do with what the interest rate structure looks like and they're betting on which way interest rates are going to go and that's really sad in a way because it's come of gambling casino rather than the basis of long term care for the formation of build the infrastructure build out the physically economy in a way of meaningful society at large it's basically a big casino and alan at some point someone's going to be on the wrong side of a bet or some is not going to be able to make good on a bet because experiments and all the sudden the sink. holes rather wrap that's nice you well i don't know right well you know they're called bath soap a reservoir a virus as i think that would be an apt description of the balance sheet of the federal reserve bank as just a reservoir of viruses all right well that's going to do it for this episode of the kaiser a par with me max kaiser stacy herbert like to thank our guest david morgan of the morgan report until next time i'll.
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syria defends his military campaign against terrorist groups at an emergency session of the un security council of the western power with calls but a truce in is. the chair of the us democratic national committee calls for the heavily delayed results of the audio to be reassessed concern regularities. a key regional prime minister stepped down in germany right after being elected that some of the huge fallout over a u.v. it struck between the german chancellor's policy on the right wing alternative for germany.
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