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tv   Sophie Co. Visionaries  RT  February 6, 2020 10:00pm-10:31pm EST

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syria defends its military campaign against terrorist groups that's an emergency session of the un security council for western powers call for a truce in. the chad the us democratic national committee calls for the heavily delayed results in iowa to be reassessed to make concern regularities. and a key regional prime minister steps down in germany right after being elected out of a huge. union strike between the german chancellor policy on the right and it's over for germany. for the latest on these stories head to our web site. coming up next
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on r.t. international a leading american physician is the guest on sophie and co talking about breakthroughs in council treatment. hello and welcome to sophie co visionaries i'm sophie shevardnadze and the new biomedical research and high end technologies are completely transforming the way we see understand and treat diseases including the plague of our times cancer well today i said don was one of the world's most renowned oncologists man who has many famous people among his patients dr david. it's so great to have you with us on our program so as you know it's called so if you could visionaries and you are true visionary. in your field so i got
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a lot of questions that i'm not a professional right so i'm going to ask a lot of things that actually lie on the surface because that's what most people are interested in i'm ready. so i don't have this distinct for a world where a surgeon is ation the latest one and it says that actually cases and the tests are rising and i'm thinking we have so many new technologies so much research has been done are we still losing the battle no question about it we're losing the battle for 2 big reasons one is we're continuing to smoke so tobacco is still the leading cause of cancer death worldwide and we're doing it more women are smoking than ever and while some rates are going down in many parts of the world they're going to 2nd is all the new treatments that we have which are really amazing we can turn off on switches in cancer we can have your own immune system attack the cancer but that's just delays things it doesn't cure it buys time and it's quality time so i am optimistic that we can control it but we're not to be able to cure it and in the
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end people will still die of this horrible disease we have a ways to go so you're saying cancer is incurable cancer is not curable is controllable i told you you have diabetes you don't jump off a bridge you go i'll manage it cancer is going to be the same way to me cancer is a verb not a now you're cancer it's something the body does not something the body gets so my job as a cancer doctor is to change you from a cancer state to a health state that's radically different from the all way of targeting the cell and blowing it up i want to change you so why does it's a very interesting verb chemistry why does your body start to behave like that but that's the 1000000 dollar 1000000000 dollar question is the answer is we don't know we know inflammation for example is a state that's associated with cancer if you have inflammation in the lung from smoking if you have inflammation anywhere in the body that raises significantly your risk of cancer so too with the best preventive things we have a blow. rocking information right there is
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a pill that if you take it every day reduces not the incidence but the death rate of cancer by 30 percent it's called a baby aspirin so an aspirin a day reduces inflammation and dramatically lowers the death rate of cancer the other is that at any side effects if you take one aspirin a day would it be bad for something else well the only thing aspirin does is it can upset the stomach and it's slightly prolongs bleeding so in most people that's not an issue but it's something to discuss with your doctor about but in general it's remarkably safe in the united states if everybody who does take baby aspirin should $900000.00 people or alive in 10 years and we save $600000000000.00 in health care costs the problem is we don't do prevention i told you so if you do something today that's going to help you 10 or 20 years from now morally rising me i will do what should i do well you shake aspirin every other aspirin you should think about taking a step which is the lipitor like drugs and there are a lot of behavioral things i don't smoke but what about secondhand because i still
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get a lot of people around me who smoke no question about it i mean we're in a city now russia where people still smoke and like it or not you're going to get secondhand smoke here there's air pollution here and you know so we are all at risk for cancer and cancer is still the number one or number 2 killer no matter what country in the world you're in there is this notion not heard which i thought was really interesting that cancer is sort of like a living creature that fights for survival what you think of that it's an amazing thing if you think about it right this creature is out there trying to take all your nutrients and in the end the paradox is if it kills you it dies. but we can learn a lot from evolution on cancer and that's what we have to start to think there are creative new ways that actually try to take advantage of that you know we can block new blood supply that's the way we treat cancer now so we're not targeting the cancer we're actually changing them in breast cancer one of the greatest advances in treatment is in a drug that targets the cancer. it's
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a drug that changes the bone it was meant for us to process because breast cancer goes to bone and if you change the soil the seed doesn't grow and change in the soil stops it from growing so we give a drug for us to proceed we dramatically prolong breast cancer it's an amazing find us like logically if you think about it from what i understand cancer cells are those who don't die in a mencia way that's why people die but then a healthy person right he dies because he cells die out eventually he gets old so if you study cancer who may be fine key to immortality demonstrate i mean that's what we're looking for and we're learning you know this is old adage in order to understand you have to go to war and going to war or cancer has taught me a tremendous amount about other diseases in the human body longevity and it's powerful you know there's an amazing finding where if i walk through the streets of moscow now and drew blood on $100.00 people i would found each of them would have the changes of leukemia in the blood they don't have to keep because in order for
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them to have leukemia they need the d.n.a. changes but they also need an environment that's receptive and one of the biggest areas of growth in medicine in the future is be targeting the environment changing you so the cancer doesn't want to have so cancer itself has it always been around which is didn't know what it was or is it something that has appeared over the past century 2 or 3 ago does it come with pollution or what everyone is saying right now all because we're so polluted we're reading all those yet most and that's where we're getting cancer apart from smoking and other research you look at the egyptian mummies most of them died of cancer oh wow and so cancer has always been there how do you know we can these mummies actually were preserved and we can see the cancer in their bodies so we see they have breast cancer they had lung cancer they have prostate cancer we have cases that are 34000 years old we look in nature at other animals and animals that live in the wild many of them are dying from cancer also so cancers there what's interesting is that cancer was made to knock. off through
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evolution we had our children by each 30 or $35.00 cancer actually knocks us off and gives more resources to the next generation so cancer is part of us it was meant to happen and you and i have this crazy inflammatory system because we also died of infectious disease when now we have to batiks and antivirals and vaccines so we can temper down the inflammation in the live much longer and delay cancer significantly can you leave with cancer like you said in the beginning. in forseeable future late people live with diabetes now or with ha ve like 20 years ago if you had a shave you thought you were going to die for sure and now people believe with this virus then they lead normal lives you know they're acting like they're going to work they have families can you do that with cancer like you live a long life or years ago. president jimmy carter in our country announced that he had melanoma skin cancer that went to the brain that's a death sentence he was put on a drug to block the don't eat me signal on his cancer allowing ism own immune
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system to attack it now he's still out preaching in church educating children building houses for the poor because his cancer is under control and i think that's an achievable goal you know my life changed in the late ninety's i was a doctor at sloan kettering and i was with the head of the hospital one of the great doctors and i was his trainee and into the room walked to 25 year old with germ cell tumor in the brain the lung in the liver and in this kid the doctor told him listen you have months to live i want you to spend your last couple months with your mother because you're the son of a single mother and chemotherapy is going to make you sick this kid went and he did research this before google and he found out a doctor did an experiment we took 2 platinum electrodes and put it in a gel and said to cancer cells like electricity or not but they didn't care about the electricity some of the platinum the same thing my wedding band leeched off and killed some of the cells so he said i want platinum so we gave him intervene this platinum for a year and a half later he won his 1st of 7 tours de france so that was lance our. strong so
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you know lance was given a death sentence and he's alive today why i'm not sure how plant work but it changed his body so the cancer didn't want to grow so yes i think we can get a live long healthy lives with cancer not die from it right away there like so many ways i think that we still don't know like you said about platen like you who would have thought right it's a complex system you know anybody who tells you i can predict the weather and i know exactly what's going to happen you know they're crazy well the same is true in medicine and so the great climate modelers look at the shape of the cloud and from that they can infer what's going to happen they don't go up and measure $50000.00 variables i think doctors are going to be more like climate modelers going for the biologist where they're going to look at these trends you know when you were a child your mother would go like this and she would know if you were sick she did draw your blood and look at your lymphocytes in your sight at time levels and all of those she just went like this we have to get more ways like that and i think in a sense by looking at it as a system is how we're going to change things so you've mentioned present partner
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and his main system and i don't know if it's a myth or not but i've been told by various doctors and patients that it is possible to cure and kill cancer itself but the fact that with like many i'll turn it if ways of treatment if you have to put one mean system to almost 0 right in order to actually try that treatment on a person so that the person's organism doesn't resist whatever treatment it is getting and that the cancer days but then the person's immune system is so destroyed that that's why they don't survive and die is it you know ok certainly the old chemotherapy chemotherapy came about because of world war one the use nitrogen for the bombs and the people who were actually handling those bombs their white celt went to 0 and they said oh my gosh let's use those same chemicals to treat leukemia and they did and that was the 1st chemotherapy so the old generation of chemotherapy. the 1950 s.
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sixty's and seventy's basically hit cancers in a rapidly dividing cell cancer cells and the immune cells the newer forms of therapy or targeted they hit it on switch within the cancer and they don't suppress the immune system so we're in a new era where we can actually power the immune system like with jimmy carter or we can target the on switches which are very tolerable and which by many years of quality life i wonder also what does it depend on when someone gets cancer or not well obviously the pollution rate. what about when you're saying that that that plastic pollution really causes cancer and g 5 will cause cancer to believing that . there certainly are associations between certain things in cancer so certain types of plastics if you drink from the memory day they can disrupt your endurance system and they can raise your risk to certain cancers if you look at the biggest causes of cancers today no it's not necessarily from our environment you know people said cell phones cause cancer they cause brain cancer because you talk them
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on your phone well the incidence of brain cancer from 1950 till today hasn't changed at all so if brain cancer you know if cell phones were causing brain cancer it should go up and they're not so if you look at the trends in cancer you know the only real trend we see that's different over the last 2 decades is colon cancer in young people is going up that's because there's more obesity and colon cancer is associate with obesity so in general while environment is a contributor unfortunately cancer just happens is part of us so our job is to preventive which a lot of which we can do and it's identified early so it's curative at that point and that's where we have to focus in the medical community and for the average patient take a break right now when we come back we'll continue talking to one of the world's most we now know in college is david a stay with us. join
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me every thursday on the alex salmond show and i'll be speaking to us from the world of politics or i'm showbusiness i'll see you then. in the united states presidential candidates debate the future of the u.s. and the world. max kaiser and stacy herbert dig into the burning questions of this election cycle one topic every week. student debt trade wars corporate money universal basic. and more catch up with what's front running this sunday exclusively on r.t. .
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and we're back with dr david agar's one of the top colleges in the world talked about how to treat cancer dave it does cancer somehow depend on where you come from geographically i mean over race or ethnicity i mean i don't know if it's crazy b.s. service like that but i've read somewhere that for instance ashkenazi women are prone to get 10 percent more breast cancer than other nationalities. so it's interesting there's certainly a gene for breast cancer coby or ca that's very common jewish women and so that gives them a higher risk in general though most cancer is not genetic in fact google bought the ancestry dot com dataset and they tried to find the genes for lunch what they
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found is only 6 percent of longevity is genetic 94 percent is behavior it's what you do so while there are some associations and genes in cancer it's rather rare most cancers just happen and so we can do whatever we can to prevent you can be active all day you could be lean body mass which works through the preventive anti inflammatory things all of those work but in general you know you're not going to get it from what's going on in your environment most people so when someone tells you you have breast cancer in your family or any cancer you have families out there for you must do regular checkups i should listen to them no you should listen to them so certainly you know 1st of all behavior travels in families or your behavior is similar to your mother and your grandmother so many times those risk factors are behavioral and the other is i mean there certainly is some genetic component to it certain families have a gene where if you have a b.r.c.a. mutation like angelina jolie did you almost have a 90 percent chance of breast cancer in your lifetime and so breast cancer is one
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of those diseases very common in women right i mean one in 6 women will get this answer so it is very common so we have to practice prevention matter who you are no matter what your family history getting a mammogram doing a self exam they work they had dental fire early and make it much more curative and once again go back to president carter's. example tailor made medicine is this something that is the future now what do you think of that i don't think it's a future i think it's a present i think we're there so i think now any patient with cancer we now can look at genes in lung cancer there are now over a dozen molecular targeted drugs on the market that control lung cancer so this is a pill a day that can put the cancer asleep we can unlock the immune system block that don't eat me signal in the kidney cancer in skin cancer in lung cancer dramatic results we're seeing in patients that were deadly and now people living with the disease so we're in a new we're we're not curing this disease people are still dying but there's
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a lot more hope and optimism what about all those vitamins this is like a big myth because we like 10 years ago everyone saying oh you got to drink omega it's going to support your body it's going to prevent cancer and then right now people are saying that it really doesn't help it doesn't do anything and weird like if our immune system is down ok let's do my miles to vitamin i don't know the thing that we need to take this vitamin every morning and we're going to get better is this true or it has nothing to do it was nothing to do 1st of all you know a vitamin is something the body can synthesize enough period that's all it is taking a large amount of it there's no benefit in fact if a man takes vitamin e. he increases the risk of prostate cancer by 17 percent women who take multi-vitamins have higher cancer rate the women that don't so the problem is your body makes free radicals to get rid of bad damage cells you take those antioxidants in these vitamins you actually block your natural processes and many times you enable cancer to happen so there is yet to be
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a positive study in the history of man or woman kind showing a benefit to a vitamin or supplement it's amazing multibillion dollar business yet no benefit i'm going to save you some money there's like no benefit in developers i'm taking what i meant taking i'm taking vitamin d. because there's no sun. that you know women who take vitamin d. . a bone fracture in the women who go through the human body has a way so we don't get too much vitamin d. of what's called tanning right the reason we tan is the blood by the medieval when you take so much vitamin d. in a pill you actually down regulate the sensor and you screw up signaling so you don't have to risk it which is clinical lack of vitamin d. we haven't seen it for a long time in this country and so there's no question that supplemental vitamins and supplements have no benefit right now for the average individual what about all this new technologies for instance the stairway blow my mind these little things that you let into your blood and sort of clean your organism over any virus can
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that help with cancer there's a lot of potential for technology right 2 years ago you know october 1st i'm sure you remember was one exciting day of the year you know it's when they announce molecule of the year it's kind of our academy awards and that year was crisper so this is an enzyme that could change one letter of the 3000000000 letters of the d.n.a. code so we have the ability of editing to couple that with a nano robot that can actually go places and change things there are crazy potential you know scientists in china changed embryos and 3 children born through this technology and unfortunately he wasn't he didn't do it right he didn't do with ethics and these children are going to have issues as they get older but now under the right science the right governance and the right ethics i think the potential is there to really have an enormous impact on human health i could change your own immune cells to attack your cancer and they only attack your cancer does it have to happen one you know someone's an embryo changing the genes well these put the
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cancer know we can take your music is out now and do it in fact there's an f.d.a. approved technology now so it's approved in the united states of a child with leukemia everything they take their white cells out ship them to new jersey which is where the plant is and they put in a gene that enables those white cells to target the children's leukemia 85 percent of those children who literally have 2 to 3 weeks to live go into full time remission. this is a remarkable new trees. this therapy that is curing kids of leukemia that were literally dying of leukemia so it's a new era and it's a very exciting era still it's a lot easier to prevent a disease than it is to treat it and so i still focus on the prevention and by the way we're getting better at things so the longer you delay or prevent the better of these technologies we'll to treat everything from cancer to alzheimer's to heart disease well just one more question about the gene editing if you detect cancer cell in braille and you take that out and you replace it with
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a healthy cell does that mean that if that becomes white practice does that mean that we're going to have just healthy population with no cancer at all and if. you can either be born with a defective gene that great a cancer working just happen during your lifetime whether you're exposed to sunlight or which you know can cause cancer in the skin or smoking or just happen so those cancers will still happen but we can get rid of the sickle cell anemia we get pretty sex disease we can get an inborn d.n.a. errors that can lead to cancer like that b.r.c.a. the angelina jolie gene yes we can eliminate that you know there is this new method when you starfury body basically and then somehow that makes your cells get rid of the all the toxins unnecessary things and you become healthy and young is this something that could also help you know badly if that's true at work cancer maybe can also attack the cancer cells that are right for your body or maybe prevent
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cancer it's certainly the dream right is to tell your cancer hey let me demean your body let's do a quick restart you know you start you know your computer crashes you restarted it works fine and so the dream is we can be able to do that you know gee you know was thought to be that and there's been some people talking about that there really hasn't worked in that regard. and so you know cancer is within us it's part of us it's not without us and so unfortunately i don't know of any data that it could be used to actually fight disease today there's a lot you can find on the internet but when it's been proven in clinical trials it did work that being said you know time restricted eating has a benefit so i'm a believer that you want long periods without eating you know so you want to not snacking between dinner and breakfast breakfast and lunch in those periods don't eat so insulin cortisol the stress hormones go all the way down and your body
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doesn't know what's going to happen those hormones stay up and that's stressful so just having an apple in between lunch and dinner actually changes your metabolism for 2 or 3 days you gain weight you don't think as well and you don't exercise as well so we were made to actually have periods with our in between meals we have to go back to that but there is this new tendency right now where was doing at least around here where you don't eat for 16 hours that's like will that for instance you get last time at 8 in the evening and then you don't eat until like 12 or to an afternoon and people usually do that to lose weight but then you know a lot of doctors also have sad that it's such a good thing for preventing a lot of diseases i'm not eating for luck right i think the data show is that you know just whether that interval is 16 hours or 12 hours there's no real difference in the data but you need to have meals the same time every day and nothing in between meals i mean that's the simplest data and that's what we were actually made
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for right we would make her kill in the while we would have a free dinner and we have the leftover in the morning we never had a kitchen cabinet to 100 years ago so the know the notion that food is plentiful is rather a modern invention and when we eat all the time basically our stress hormones stay up so if you have the same amount of calories 3 meals a day versus whenever you want 81 percent more diabetes when you eat whenever you want even though it's the same amount of calories. so there is this tendency for people right now to become health ric's right for i'm one extreme to another we're not paying attention at all how you eat when you eat what you do with your body like smoking and drinking a lot of alcohol or becoming a complete freak and to be quite honest i don't know which one's better because when you're such a health freak i feel like it's such a stress on your brain that that that actually may cause other diseases what do you think i agree with you i think somewhere in the middle is that you you want to pay
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attention to you you want to collect your own data but not in a crazy way you know going to your doctor once a year and having him or her check your blood pressure makes no sense you want to check a multiple times during the day when you're relaxed when you're upset after a phone call and bring that data into your doctor you want to pay attention to what you eat you want to take a look at your body and look at changes you want to know your data but not to an extreme it won't help me moderation is the key to almost everything in health and every extreme has been shown not to work do you believe in psychics maddux because 50 percent of the really great doctors that i've spoken to they're saying no it's complete b.s. there's no such thing others are saying you can actually cure diseases if you have this sort of healthy mindset where you can overcome a disease you can be healthy and you can only where you at some where we are where the data the data show the latter is right right optimism a belief system actually has 30 percent better results across the board in every clinical trial so the data or there if you're optimistic and you have
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a belief system you do better i mean that's not what i think that's the data can you explain that scientifically as a doctor how does what you think actually change your body molecules and cells in your body so your body talks which other all the time you know from one second you can feel good you can feel nauseous write your g.i. tract your brain talk to each other that connection we can explain and we can't model i don't know how your brain works i have no idea but what i do. i do know is that belief system works being optimistic i see it when you're optimistic you do better period and so we have to support each other to have that and we're going to do better as a society and as a whole but no i can't explain it i wish i could but i have no it's a complex emergency system i can understand the brain they would thank you so much for this insights thank you for your work and good luck with all your future endeavors have fun in moscow oh thank you it's a privilege to be here and i'm so excited to be in the city pleasure talking to
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thank you. television propaganda machine propaganda outlet propaganda tools we are in an information war. that can change the world. you tube videos that. were structured today it's the longest network. brushes russia russia and russia. believe that it will actually
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russia to live and i really have to. say you've been on r g. 4 or so proud and will. are just going through a number. why have you not shut down our t.v. on you tube it's a propaganda machine mr walker. day one of a post impeachment world in which donald trump has been acquitted funnyman miles jobrani and sarah zoe author of a simple guide to the crimes of the trauma campaign both on this with.
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the politicking on larry king donald trump has been acquitted in his senate impeachment trial and now all eyes turn to 2020 in the race for the white house we'll get a legal read on the acquittal later in the program but 1st mazzeo brahmi actor comedian host of the podcast back to school with mazzeo bronnie and co sharing in a new movie a simple wedding he joins me here in studio to talk about the post impeachment era we are now living in as what do you make of wallace well larry i just keep sick i'm a shaking my head since since he got elected i done nothing makes sense to me i mean the thing is we knew going into it that it was going to be acquitted but but once you go once you actually experience it it hurts still with all the evidence well the evidence and the fact that they would want to hear evidence i don't care
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if you're republican democrat what have you when job.


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