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tv   News  RT  February 8, 2020 9:00am-9:31am EST

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is it about the 45th president of the united states that makes people love and hate you. tice old kills and least 10 people in injures others on a shooting rampage in the northeast of the country he shared live updates of his attack on social media they say he is still at large. global chemical weapons watchdog slams 2 former inspectors who exposed significant flaws in its report on an alleged chemical attack in the syrian city of duma we look at the credibility of you see different planes. so a british couple accused of arranging being murder of their adopted son in india walk free for now high courts blocked their extradition citing human rights concerns.
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into joining as you're watching r.t. international. you'll start this hour with a breaking news story a soldier in thailand has gone on a shooting rampage in a city northeast of bangkok killing at least 10 people and injuring more the suspect apparently hijacked a military humvee from his local unit after killing his commander and several soldiers he then opened fire at different locations in the city center including a buddhist temple and a shopping mall there are unconfirmed reports the suspect is also holding several hostages police are the site of the shopping mall and they have locked down the surrounding area the government's also been active on social media throughout the attack posting disturbing videos and pictures which was shared online before his accounts were closed and i believe we're now to show you a small portion of one of those videos. it does not contain any shooting but i
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must warn you that you may still find some of the content here upsetting. officials are urging residents to remain indoors as authorities continue the hunt for the gunmen details are still emerging we'll bring you updates as we get them. the international chemical weapons watchdog a b c w has lashed out at the leaks provided by 2 whistleblowers who revealed serious defects in its final report on an alleged chemical attack in the syrian city of duma and verified video emerged in april 28th in claiming to show the aftermath of the alleged assault was immediately blamed on syrian government forces promising the u.s. u.k. and france to carry out as strikes on scientific facilities that they blamed for the incident even before any probe into war that happened. as they have explains
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how the o.p.c. don't you latest comments don't appear to restore trust in the official findings there are 2 types of investigation the 1st type is intended to find out and explain what went wrong the 2nd type of investigation is intended solely to cover your butt and the u.p.c. w. lets you know 'd what type of investigation they've done pretty early on the 1st 2 pages a dedicated stressing how independent this report is. and dependent and objectivity and dependent independent dependent independent and then we find out that they were just kidding the boss nominated his deputy to explain how they were both innocent i designated the deputy director general as senior investigating officer this is an investigation into 2 whistleblowers specter a and inspected b.
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and its intention is to show that they're bad people. whistleblower a was behind the study tran that these cylinders allegedly used in the duma a chemical attack were likely placed at the scene which she had no business doing in fact according to the soupy she w. report inspects a new body inspector a was not a member of the fact finding mission inspector a played a minor supporting role in the investigation of the duma incident we then find out that the guy who was apparently just there to watch did a whole lot more he was in fact the head of the u.p.c. w.'s syrian command post he helped collect samples of the alleged chemical attack site also at the hospital he helped tag and sealed those all important cylinders inspectors a and b a not whistle blowers they were individuals who could not accept that their views
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were not backed by evidence they also tried to dismiss the study by saying he had incomplete evidence somehow forgetting that one page ago they admitted to asking him to invent a rise the evidence they had on the cylinders now we come to the icing the krrish do in this absurd story this study they never even looked at it. in the interests of transparency and completeness inspector a's assessment has been transmitted to the i-t. and will be examined by it in due course. and if you think they treated inspected be any more seriously than inspector 8 you're in for a surprise most the duty and focus he reports on the instant the interim report in the final report was scientifically impoverished procedurally regular and possibly fraudulent inspected be end others raised concerns back in june 2018
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according to this investigation those concerns were taken into account a month after hearing out all the inspectors and their concerns and their thoughts and their dreams the u.p.c. w. went ahead and excluded most of them from the investigation the point regarding the effort and in particular the ongoing duma work should be discussed with of of alpha it seem the least of team members was recently sent who not on that least should not be involved on the smetana courtesy of leaked e-mails posted by wiki leaks apparently the only team member who went to syria who was allowed to pitch into the final report was the team paramedic not the chemist inspector be nor the engineer inspector a when it comes to inspect a b. it's what the u.p.c. w. doesn't mention that's interesting is allegations they never address what the whistleblowers said of them by dismissing it as irrelevant and unauthorized not
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inspecting a who's report they apparently didn't even read nor inspected be whose main arguments about evidence suppression and bias at the u.p.c. w. they just ignored well not entirely. as could be expected their conclusions are uninformed and brum mission accomplished but covered and if you are at the u.p.c. w. watching this you may be saddened to learn that you are now going to have to attend mandatory classes on keeping your mouth shut and additional obligatory organization wide confidentiality training program will be instituted for all personnel employed by the secretary at this training will be accompanied by annual access stations right around freelance journalist erica believes that the o.p.c. deal using every method at its disposal to justify mistakes. fairly sure that this
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is been labeled as a security breach just to attack the whistleblowers while i think they're in a very embarrassing situation where you know the reputation of the organization is that there's a risk to admit that these whistleblowers. raised valid concerns about the evidence that they found in duma would be very damaging so i think they've gone on the defensive and tried to discredit the people who have come forward mr henderson led the team that has to do more and in 2018 and he wrote his report that you know clearly stated that there was no evidence of chlorine use. and you know the be found themselves in a situation where they're having to you know manage the law essentially a narrative that is not congruent with the facts and you know this for us what you have to do when you have to lie you have to kind of fudge the specifics to try and make it fit your case but unfortunately that doesn't work out so well. britain is
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at the epicenter of another extradition scandal the high court has denied the indian government's request to extradite a couple accused of the arranging the murder of their adopted son decision based on concern over possible violation of the human rights in india to see the couple walk free for now they deny the allegations is shoddy edges dashti with more. the old saying goes that no one is above the law but it seems that some people aren't subject to either a british couple adopted an 11 year old orphan boy in india and promised him a better life but now they're charged with the ranging his murder all for a lump sum of life insurance payout. indian police have been battling for over 2 years to get their hands on the couple but to no avail and now british high court judges have ruled they can't be
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extradited but not because the evidence against them isn't strong enough. i find very circumstantial primer free she case that ms dear mr a jogger acted together and with others committed the offense to set out above despite all this the u.k. won't send the back why well because of one crucial piece of indian legislation that means the package faces sentence of life without parole if convicted of double murder in the country which the united kingdom says would breach the human rights. i find that there are substantial grounds for believing that they would face a real risk of been subjected to treatment like a review of a life sentence which would be inhuman and degrading this would be a breach of article 3 the court's decision falls within the european convention on human rights but the ruling is raising concerns here in britain do we really want suspected child killers roaming the streets of london this is an absolutely crime and i think many people would agree there needs to be the harshest of sentences if
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they are found guilty it is up to the indian legal system to decide on the appropriate penalty and we should not be standing in the way of justice being served for the victims but the decision to keep criminals here in the u.k. raises alarm bells as the concept of human rights even for those abusing them seems to provide a quick get out of jail free card the fact is here justice has been denied to the indian people that that process of a trial has been prevented because of the european human rights legislation when we're saying that they can't even stand trial because the possibility that they will receive what is called an irreducible life sentence in india means that the possible sentence violates their human rights what the british government is saying is that there is no assurance in place that these 2 people will not be treated in the same way as they would have been had they been arrested in india what we are saying to the indian government and to the good right to authorities is that your criminal justice system simply isn't good enough to try our citizens who was an incredibly serious offense indian people cannot hold people to account under the
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terms of the justice system without the european and british courts saying you're justice isn't isn't good enough i think these cases show is that actually what it does is it creates a difference in treatment between european citizens and the rest of the world. there's a closed hearing taking place against a private security company who queues of spying on julian assange the spanish court is deciding if the firm violated the privacy of the wiki leaks publisher spanish company usually global was hired to protect the ecuadorian embassy in london. mahler science was living there last summer recordings of the sounds from inside the embassy were leaked online the legations of emerge the company might have shared surveillance with the cia so far the u.s. intelligence agency and ecuadorian embassy officials have declined to comment and the director of u.c. global says all information regarding the case is confidential on he has spoken to julian assange his lawyer who is attending the trial and he claims that the company shared thousands of documents with the cia. i think it will when there is
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a large amount of evidence related to the work that the u.c. global company carried out while providing security services to the embassy the company's e-mails indicate priority is being knowledge goals including mr assad his lawyers his doctors and ecuadorian diplomats themselves there was also evidence that they gave the gathered information to u.s. intelligence these are hundreds if not thousands of images of passports documents on the visits of mr sands photos visas entry and exit stamps they also installed bugs inside the embassy one of them was placed on a fire extinguisher in the meeting room this listening device recorded many hours of mr sanders meetings which led to reinforce the case mr sloan suspected that they were spying on him and started holding his meetings at the back of the building in the female restroom as soon as they discovered it they installed the 2nd
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microphones there. genocide was arrested in london in april last year and is serving a 50 week sentence for skipping bail back in 2012 faces extradition to the u.s. on espionage and computer hacking charges the american case centers on the publication by wiki leaks of thousands of classified military files in 2010 including this incriminating video this is of american troops in iraq if convicted assayas could get a prison term up to 175 years the final stage of his extradition trial and pushed back to may meanwhile a silence he remains in belmarsh prison size was only recently moved from solitary confinement that was after repeated appeals made by his legal team who were citing poor health he still faces tight restrictions on visitors while his lawyers say that they've also found it difficult to actually meet with their client in an open letter last month dozens of leading medical experts warned the u.k. government the wiki leaks co-founder could even die in prison we discussed the
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issue with his lawyer. saying stuff i don't grow in this prison he's been kept in very severe conditions during the day he spends little time outside his cell he's practically in isolation all this was in his state of health recently the un special rapporteur on top job mr mills meltzer visited mr songs with a team of doctors and found that such a situation considering his health could be described by legal authorities as torture. the democrats presidential primary process is still mired in confusion after the disastrous caucus camp in tears after the break.
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join me every thursday on the alex salmond shill and i'll be speaking to guests of the world of politics or business i'm sure business i'll see you then.
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come back let's return to our breaking news story in the past few minutes thai authorities have confirmed 17 people are being killed after a soldier went on a shooting rampage in a city northeast of bangkok the government is currently holed up inside a popular shopping mall where he's reportedly also holding several hostages media have reported gun shots being heard this is a developing story it will bring you updates as they come. the final result from the botched i would democratic primary still remains unclear despite all precinct results now being in the party state officials have spent the week trying to verify the figures following a technical glitch in a voting and many now question how the chaotic scenes could have been allowed to happen at all while donald trump revels in the mayhem democrats don't know what the
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hell they're doing. the thinking. simple votes but they want to fix your healthcare system i think the. questions are raised over any election results in the u.s. the soon followed by pledges it'll be sorted quickly this killer mobile explains when it happens in other countries it doesn't usually take washington long to start shouting fraud. often the way we interpret events can be very subjective if something happens to someone else we see it one way but it happens to us we see it very differently let's compare the electoral confusion in bolivia last october to the electoral confusion in the us state of iowa last week in both situations an election took place and the results were delayed and then authorities said that some irregularities that happened throughout the collection of records over results
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the i would democratic party identified in consistencies in the data and used the redundant paper records to probably correct those errors there was intentional manipulation and serious irregularities the make it impossible to validate the results originally issued by the bolivian electoral foresees in both instances the public spoke up and cried foul folks i don't know what is going on with the iowa democratic party and the slow trickle of results how many of the counties are having their results foolishly reported by the i.d.p. every county needs to release the results now the iowa caucus was rigged by near cheap eat pasta don't. you. and in both instances the authorities agreed and said that the concerns had to be addressed what happened in iowa was unacceptable and the party chair has acknowledged that he's apologized for that and we have worked together over the
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last few days to fix the challenges to see the i have decided 1st to replace every member of the supremum like total tribunal and 2nd to hold national elections to allow the bolivian people to democratically elect a new government with new political activists except the similarities stop here in iowa a recount is being conducted to make sure the ultimate results are correct and in bolivia the military toppled the government and a woman who wasn't even a candidate in the election has declared herself to be the new leader. i see in the presidency with the middle of the fact in line with the constitution and pres to take all measures necessary to bring peace to the country. while many have declared what happened in bolivia to be a military coup the us secretary of state branded it as a transition to democracy we recognize the importance of believe us political transition to democracy in our hemisphere and we admired the believe in people for
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standing up for their constitution their democracy and for free fair and transparent elections after morale a sled things have been pretty messy in bolivia and that's why my resigning so that my opponents do not continue to persecute more socialist brothers. i'm wondering if the organization of american states as they were said in an election i want you to figure out what's what's going on where you know it's clear that in the case of believe me. you need a clean of the electoral discrepancies to justify any campaign to demonize our latest and then ultimately to overthrow him the reason why they are against us is stop them just because he pursued policies that were of objecting to us on the nation of the region so the difference is that in the case of in the case
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of iwo the presumption is it's just a technical problem or you know there's nothing sort of sinister going on whereas in the case of the government that's all sided with washington and also i was on or why it's a different standard so if a u.s. state has some electoral confusion we'll look into the matter and get it straightened out however if a socialist government that is friendly to russia and china has a mix up at the polls it's time to reduce the country to kill. r.t. new york. and let's finish with news of a special arrival an orphaned seal pup is being nursed back to health in st petersburg after being discovered on the baltic sea shore of the northern russian city it's believed that the same year she's been named lost mother in a storm but now she's successfully capturing the hearts of the veterinary staff looking after them.
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thanks so much for staying with r.t. throughout the afternoon i will be around in just over 30 minutes when i return with updates on our top story. is your media a reflection of reality. in
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a world transformed. what will make you feel safe from. isolation or community. are you going the right way or are you being led. by. what is truly was his fate. in the world corrupted you need to descend. to join us in the depths. of the shallows. so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy confrontation let it be an arms race off and spearing dramatic to follow the only closely i'm going to resist i don't see how that strategy will be successful very
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critical time to sit down and talk.
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this is good bus the one business show you can't afford to miss this one and i'm british born washington coming up president trump and president xi are making the case that the phase one trade deal won't be affected by the coronavirus why do they need to make that public we'll explain plus the global global car industry is basically a huge shock from china the car coach lauren fix is here to break it down just the u.s. attorney general really just say that the u.s. government should take ownership stake in cell phone companies which companies and why just minutes away a lot to get through on this very busy day so let's get started. and we begin as
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president and china's president xi are making and reaffirming their commitment to implementing phase one of the u.s. china trade deal what was the need for that well because as we have reported inside that deal is a disaster related clause that clause would allow china to avoid repercussions even if they cannot meet the target of purchases of u.s. goods and services for 2020 it's a pretty big deal and that is why friday president trump and president xi both expressed confidence in china's strength and resilience in confronting the corona virus outbreak according to the white house the 2 presidents quote agreed to continue extensive communication and cooperation between both sides they also noted the great achievement of the recent united states china phase one trade deal and reaffirm their commitment to its implementation in quote which means officials have been hoping that the u.s. will agree to at least some flexibility on the pledges of that deal. and but it's actually fascinating here because of that disaster clause its own most like we're
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steps closer to our good friend and host of boom bust i'm just sitting in her chair and today christiane who's been saying that those ag purchases are unsustainable and that we will never actually see china make the purchases that they promised to make in phase one and that was without the coronavirus being a part of this are you christie was already suspicious of that as well as the soybean purchases the chinese agreed to china it seems like has bitten off more than they can chew for lack of a better term in terms of some of these purchases but with the coronavirus it gives them an out where they can say hey listen you can't punish us you can't add additional tariffs because we have this disaster related clause and because the w.h.o. has now declared coronavirus a net worldwide health emergency it kind of triggers that disaster related clause if the chinese were to choose to pursue that we don't know if they will and as we look at it on the american and here you know president trump it doesn't matter whether disaster clause is initiated or not he got a when he completed phase one of the trade deal and he's ready to move on and count on him being hard on the chinese to say i expect you to keep up with it even with
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that clause absolutely. and over the years china has become the manufacturing hub for american european korean and japanese automakers the country produces more vehicles than anywhere else in the world and is the largest market for sales china alone exports more than $70000000000.00 in car parts and accessories each year but the provisions taken to control the spread of the coronavirus will likely take a toll on the auto industry for instance listen to this toilet of the world's 2nd largest automaker said they will keep auto production in china closed through the 16th of february south korean giants and hyundai will hold their factories until the same date and honda's plant what were turned operation until the 13th of february now according to s. and p. global ratings the coronavirus could cause an overall cut in production of around 15 percent in autos in the 1st quarter of 2020 and this is a just something that needs to be taken care of so let's go ahead and bring in
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lauren fix the car coach to discuss the coronaviruses impact on the auto industry and some other news of the day in the auto world now lauren let's start with this whole production due to the corona virus as a piece says it could cause a drop in 50 of 15 percent what's going to what's it's going to do to the global auto industry or it's really going to hurt the global auto industry got hyundai and kia they don't have parts in order to build sell south korea is begging the country of china to let them go back to work but obviously this is a health scare and if you look you know there's nobody working so other countries that are the companies being involved and impacted by this general motors chrysler re no nissan ford motor company as are all companies that don't have product to finish building things that they have other components from other areas of the world so this is going to impact the global automotive industry they're talking about g.d.p. being impacted by up to 5 percent that's huge when you're looking at something that's one country can impact that much on others other companies that.


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