tv Going Underground RT February 8, 2020 2:30pm-3:00pm EST
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future would violate not only you but it's only sanctions when it comes to a trade deal with lebanon and after this week's u.k. on the israeli bombing of a nearby syria how stable is lebanon the 1st arab country to sign a post-breakfast a trade deal with the u.k. ambassador thanks so much for inviting us here to the u.k. government it's trade websites and how does proudly the u.k. companies are going to benefit from your liberal economic system and growing u.k. trade links what is this game a bilateral trade between britain and the. well to have you thank you for for having me with you on trade i think we started from from a kind of modest figure but the potential is as high and we're trying to work towards and seeing this relationship and we think that there are opportunities in the lebanese market for u.k. companies us for other national companies so we're trying to work on that we have now a trade and boy prime minister as u.k.
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prime minister as trade and boy who have been was been appointed the last july and we think that with him and with the other part months of course h m g we can work on identifying these approach and a kind of one way the britain exporting to lebanon not much from lebanon over here it's not only exporting actually we're we're looking for a holistic comprehensive. trade and investment relationship. we just signed a trade. chords for the post brags that. were we rolled over our association agreement with the e.u. we rolled it over bilaterally with britain but we opened some windows for further opening subsequently when the implementation phase of the with all agreement with the e.u. is over so we have many trucks. on which we are we're working and i think we have
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a promising what could be a promising relationship in terms of trade investments services. along with of course cultural and political relationship quite a bit on culturally and to change between the 2 countries in the document what cultural into change do you want between lebanon and really well you know u.k. universities are becoming increasingly attractive for lebanese students so we need to take stock of that and we need to work also on their access access of these students on the opportunities they might find post graduation and the and the u.k. market so are you worried before the deal was finally signed off because lebanon is no member of the noble if you yes do you think they could have been a problem yes that's why we rolled over this i mean we signed this agreement last september. in case there were there was not a deal between the u.k.
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and the e.u. that agreement would have entered into force at the end of january and would have taken over the bilateral trade relationship so on the side we are we are safe we managed to provide certainty and visibility for the private sector and both in both countries but now since we have a deal between the e.u. this bilateral agreement with lebanon with her into force at the end of the implementation phase i'm sure as a master you know how media in britain portrays your country especially recently that it's a riot torn place that is on the edge of total breakdown what if you thought of the reporting of what's happening in your country there were allegations of corrupt pictures of from beirut exaggerating the demonstrations well as you know we live in a post truth universe but this does not mean that we do not come on. challengers
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which should be addressed. without over a magnifying them and the and the media but obviously we have challengers we have a protest movement with which we are keen to to have the best working relationship and to engage with the words a new phase and the in the history of our country a phase of reform a phase of rejuvenation of the potential which we know we all know and our international partners also know that the potential exists and the lebanese economy lebanon is an important country in the region that somehow they and 3.0 they live on and that has always been a platform. be it and the financial sector and culture and media free press that's a democratic country freedom of opinion freedom of speech so on this this is these are staying as we need to take stock of and we need to focus on the words economic
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model that gun compete in the region on the global scale of course another aspect of lebanon that is promoted arguably here in nato we need a country that will leave you is that hezbollah is a political party in your country is a 3rd largest party in the of the e.u. announced economic sanctions on his what is lebanon make of that and how does that affect the trade deal because if there's a company in lebanon that happens to have a member of the political party from this well that party how does that affect the trade deal there's no mention of sanctions on lebanese entities no we're not a country under under sanctions of course one when the e.u. and the u.k. as recently as last month they took. sanctioning measure on hezbollah we voiced our disagreement pool. labeling hezbollah as
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a terrorist organization because it's a prism through the political party and our political system it has members of parliament and the previous government that has. ministers directly affiliated to all the structure of hezbollah and the current government but that remains an important political party and lebanon so we've always thought our our concern with it is a measurement of this well this is a sovereign unilateral measure that fully disagree with but. we are keen not to not to make it an obstacle towards furthering our bilateral relations so if i'm a businessman in britain i want to do some business with an entity in lebanon and that company happens to have someone who is a member of a political party as well and in lebanon they're subject to sanctions or does this
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rollover trade deal trump the the sanctions we are keen that this issue does not. or does not affect the clean and transparent business structure and lebanon the banking sector as one of the most compliant and the the word i don't think any british businessman or company is running a risk of course there is a political consideration as i said that we disagree with but practically i think we are on the right track on for making sure that this does not the business climate and the ban on that act of most of the lebanese market through the eyes and the international foreign investors because another thing worrying investors may be the fact that israeli jets are crossing your airspace all the time there with bombing of syria. this week by these really have who is is how safe
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is it there and can lebanon do anything to stop the violations of your airspace well you know we live in a region where political risk premium is elevated and all the whole and all the countries of the region starting from the mediterranean to the arabian sea. i think the and best working and the middle east at large would have to take account of political risk premium that is elevated but as they say and vestment book a bill or a no risk no profit. on the specific. concern that you raised of course we have been on there are regular and continuous over floods violations to our space. by sea and
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sometimes by by land we always make sure to denounce that under reported to the united nations and any sovereign country. to defend. its stead of terry and that speech as you know this is international law well has british involvement in trying to overthrow the government of neighboring syria affected your country. well this eerie in crisis as a very complex and complicated of course the syrian war in general has inflicted. very britain. on the lebanon. yes it's no secret that britain has a prior to the syria crisis and 2010 our growth was close to 7 percent and starting from 2011 when the syria war started we started when the ending towards a. we are near. 0.5 percent so that is
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a clear causal effect between the syrian war and john a syrian conflict and the economic deterioration and lebanon as you know syria is our main cross or towards the arab world most of our products were. exported through through syria to syria through syria and the other dimension as the syrian refugee crisis which also has a major impact on the lebanese economy so what do you tell the foreign office here about the britons continued desire to see the overthrow of bashar al assad in fact i understand that for isis suspects arrested in lebanon in the past week so there was a spillover as well of islam is groups would you tell the foreign office here well what we tell everyone is that. there should be 1st a political process this is
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a conflict that cannot be resolved by military means and words like overthrow or operation of data that i think everyone needs to look for the political process we have luckily you and process we have in the united nations security council resolution i think everyone should respect that allow the syrians themselves to find their way through towards a peaceful resolution of the scribes which syrians of course because if you watch british media mainstream media it will tell you that what the russians are doing in libya is appalling and i saw this killing his own people the main syrians who are in the now who are concentrated of course in the in the you know that in syria our official stance this association we don't take sides and syria having said. we take sides with our national interest with our national interest and and
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lebanon which dictate that syria. remains becomes include. a terrorist free country. able to to troll its totally of course democratic syria and inclusive governance and that's what we aim to see and i think that's what the u.n. process as about saw we are we are hopeful that this process will yield that and i think also there should be some reason alone the international favoring dynamics will help the syrians come together under reach. a compromise a master i'll still be there more for the lebanese ambassador to london rami mortada after this short break.
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copper prices telling us about the globalization the dollar a station the population also the big thing the market tells us the cycles of the markets are telling us something that you don't hear in my stream media and that's always been the case since markets are bad and it's always price proceed to. join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and i'll be speaking to us from the world of politics or business i'm show business i'll see you then. welcome back i'm still here in the lebanese embassy in london with ambassador rami what other presidents have told me this this program that britain would have no
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part to play in the rebuilding infrastructure contracts for syria post-war is that different will lebanon be involved in any of the rebuilding syrian lebanese companies. well of course we're a neighboring country our infrastructure of compatible with syria and the reconstruction but i think all this will come subsequent to some sort of political solution i could already see the building actually the rebuilding of but syria but doesn't this pose another problem because if there were these companies are involved in rebuilding of syria after the the war syria is under british sanction so again lebanese business is subject themselves to british retaliation economic retaliation for its relationships with with syria with iran you know that's why i said needs a comprehensive compromise which involves everyone looking for one win
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situation i think what we're in the witnessing in the in the region. crises that cannot be resolved militarily that's for sure whether you're talking about syria yemen or the british girl says in fairness that it's. on economic grounds that it is now waging war as it were rather than military to serve you know british troops that they will admit to being in syria their support of the process are on but that's a good start i think everyone should give chance to the to the you and process because that's how international crises are resolved and always having in mind the pillars of the rule based international orders which is none interference and domestic affairs which is allowing the population of the country to the side for the political fate of. the country and respecting
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legitimate governments that's also another pillar of the rule based international order no go. i write oh you're a diplomat as you know going to tell me whether you think britain did violate the let's go to the peace agreement that boris johnson certainly seems to be encouraged by the deal of the century you host of course 200000 palestinians maybe up to that but not sure what the numbers on of others to the refugees half a 1000000 are there with varying figures and i'm just wondering what you thought of the deal of the century which has been welcomed by the british government. well we judge on a on a plan or on a deal based on the on the better meters i mean a right of return isn't on the table so you there's nothing about the realities and that's why we have the so called of reference i think i knew process cannot. just cruise on
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a total vacuum you need some terms of reference based on which you would judge and says any text or any plan or any vision the terms of reference are known they have been there for the last 50 years. more. you and security council resolutions. again of the rule based international order none like was ashamed of that it is by by force and the right of return which has. rights but there's and should find and to national legitimacy since 1949 through the famous general assembly resolution one mind for so when we take that into account and we try to. look at the plan based on these but i meters we do not find them then the plan which makes us say that this is not the plan that goes with international legitimacy ok with that is
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it difficult being ambassador here because not only did britain welcome the drum plan britain supported the assassination of the iranian general kazim soleimani. saying that the united states has the right to do that are all these policies is going to wrench to lebanon's position. what i understood from the british position on the peace plan as that they welcomed the announcement of the plan. without subscribing to the substance of the content of the of the plan and i think what they're go there to. going to say it's not for me to to state the british position but that's what i heard and what i read is that they welcomed an american involvement in the in the peace process but with regards to substance to the parties to decide through direct negotiations that's the british position you want
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to bring us for our position it's a common position which has been recently or iterated by the legal fight up states which has the commitments for these meters the terms of reference i spoke about me and the move away of the terms of reference i think would totally cripple the peace process or what remains of it so i think the most constructive approach is to recommit ourselves to international legitimacy. that's the way to safeguard the national peace and security well as i said boris johnson did claim that the united states had the right to kill and assassinate because i'm sure the money the iranian general how does it affect lebanon these policies these are we the reputed drum war on iran well obviously on this we think that there is
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a need for the escalation and luckily we managed and january to to deescalate and to to reach what is similar to israel what they say rein in yes but i'm talking specifically between the americans and iran now what remains is as engagement as dialogue because i think this. crisis cannot be resolved by military means and i mean military action could only complicate the prob. i'm further destabilize the region so if we go over lebanese british relations of britain takes the united states is certainly seen to be more pro trump than other e.u. nations well among friends there are always disagreements we do not see eye to eye on everything obviously. but i think we are on from from both sides
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we are committed. to. pursue dialogue. they are committed to the stability of lebanon. i think stability of lebanon as a major component of regional stability and vice versa what is the scale of the syrian refugee crisis in lebanon. well obviously it's a it's a big challenge for the for the economy on the. economic fabric. as i said the coast was estimated by the world bank back in 2016 of $17000000000.00 so you could imagine how much they cost currently. having said as. we do we could lies that the syrians are in a hardship we never questioned our open borders policy until their numbers
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became more than than the our country could could accommodate so we put some criteria for for admission on currently we are watching closely the situation and syria. do we i think we call for to seize and the opening for a safe and voluntary. because most of syria is stabilized so as long as they return as safe. voluntary i don't see a reason why this should not be and cottage what remains is obviously providing them back in syria with the economic viability currently with the with the economic challenges that the lebanon as is witnessing. the syrian refugee file
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is gaining more visibility in the and the national debate and lebanon i personally do not belong to a school of thought that likes to scapegoat the syrian refugees for for all the economic hardships but this does not mean that the impact has not been of very big magnitude on the on the national economy because britain gives aid it says to help refugees in the vulnerable in syria russia says the white helmet which is fine and by britain is a terrorist group ring. would you make well on aid i think we're still kind of stuck with the humanitarian aid phase. and by definition humanitarian aid is for an emergency whereas the syria crisis has been going on for 9 years. saw you cannot you cannot sustain humanitarian aid modes for for 9 years
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i think by now while working for. repatriation as i said safe and voluntarily but the relation for at least some of the refugees to syria this is one track and battle i think we have to and to a new phase in terms of assistance which is development assistance. because military as i mean the humanitarian assistance does not do the job anymore and does not get to the the quickly to the host communities although all the programs devised for humanitarian assistance involve also some some host communities when you next only benny's citizen but nothing as. benefiting the lebanese economy do you think british boming of syria exacerbated the refugee crisis in syria emotionally and the military action in syria makes. syria further
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secure. causes. complicates the refugee crisis britain said it taught syria a lesson about chemical weapons use of you know other whistle blowers refuting the allegations but britain certainly didn't agree that it was going to exacerbate the refugee crisis well it's evident that the only military action. against the a few g. crisis that's a fact of life of course if you are saying that the refugee crisis also had an impact on the lebanese economy. some of the protesters on the streets of beirut say it's a neo liberal economic system in lebanon that increased inequality in lebanon do you think the new cabinet that's been formed is going to focus on issues of inequality yet when when i say that they are the syrian refugees they exacerbated the economic hardship and lebanon i don't mean that they are responsible for all
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the economic. difficulties that that we're witnessing prior to 2 to syria to the syrian crisis we had economic vulnerabilities. in our economy but as i said we were having 78 percent growth of g.d.p. per year. so the syrian refugees are definitely one component of the economic hardships was saying but there are others now on the new cabinet a government that needs to focus that wants to focus that commits committed actually to focus on the reform process on. out to the protest movement to address the legitimate aspirations to reconnect with our international partners for for seeking prosperity for the for the country you know that we have and tonight. 4 which is the international
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support group which are our international partners we will the government will reach out to them soon with the plan with a viable concrete. plan with benchmarks for implementation doesn't mean just western bankers i don't know from the city of london going over to design and economic reforms because none of this will be a homegrown plan i mean we are bennys we have contributed to the prosperity of the countries of the region and at large so we don't we don't like experts it will be definitely homegrown now if that is a need for interaction with any. expertise abroad we do not charge away from from that but essentially it will be a homegrown plan. taking stock of what has been done before and what has been lagging. so obviously they will start delivering
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to gain the confidence of the protesters and then mutual confidence also with. these in the london to national importance and that's to thank you thank you for the show we're back on monday head of the new hampshire primaries let's hope that there's a pretty good iowa. in this community there are people who believe that it's ok. it's really hard there are no jobs and you see that i've got kids and ask and as a parent. i can come up with lots of arguments there's a lot of conflict in the game between the 2 most of the conflict i would say. and
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most of them money has made. us want to know each other because he knows each other is good because the state of california alone makes $6000000000.00 a year of prison complex just to get some 20 a life where. you don't care and cares about your so you don't care might anything . no a person california i'm excited. i thank you so much thank you. all the organizers played it all you for being here. in thank you for you to meet all the community you introduce one of the future leaders.
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badlands an r.t.a. a manhunt is underway for a mass shooter in thailand who killed at least 20 people but as police stormed the shopping center to rescue the hostages a british couple accused of arranging the murder of their adopted son in india or cream for now u.k. michael has built their extradition citing human rights concerns also to come the french regulators slap a 25000000 euro i find on apple for making its software slow down versions of its i phone so. they get even just going to 11 o'clock here in moscow you watching.
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