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tv   Keiser Report  RT  February 8, 2020 3:30pm-4:01pm EST

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soft google and amazon you might say instead microsoft apple google and amazon maggie all right right and remember back in iceland there were i think 3 banks and their market capitalization went incredibly high because they were engaged in the massive accounting fraud of borrowing money from the don't buy their own stock and then it blew up so these chilean dollar corporations are involved in accounting fraud multiple accounting fraud says we have a numerated on this show and now it's having its big moment and it'll be spectacular fireworks to see how this all plays well in fact when iceland was buying up the entire high street major corporations throughout the united kingdom we were asked by al-jazeera english at the time to go make a film about it we said that this was all going to blow up because it was basically leverage and that happened and then right after that what happened copper fell ball
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to dry index fell and we were making a show for the b.b.c. b.b.c. world at that time and that was one of our 1st episodes ever was covering the baltic dry index and the collapse of that so back again in the headlines baltic dry index down 80 percent from its september peak so some parts of the baltic dry indexes are 3 different categories of ships that send dry goods around the world and it one of them is actually even negative so we're seeing a collapse an actual commerce these are the globalization these are the goods being shipped around the world so the prices of these ships obviously there's and there's plenty of room not much demand right our friend to me blast flow or you know he's an advisor or was to the bank of england and he was on twitter and talking to other economists and they're trying to figure out where is all this deflation. and coming
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from why is copper hitting new 13 year lows or 20 year lows are all time lows why is the baltic dry index collapsing why is oil price collapsing and they don't seem to get it yet that all the money printing doesn't fight deflation it causes deflation by pushing out the productive part of the economy where you find the real jobs and the real money velocity money velocity also at an all time low and replacing it with this financialization this neo feudalism that is only serving the monarchical class of the world i mean that's now the fact if you look at the money velocity number nice and it's not it's at all time lows how can any economist danny blanchflower any economist look at that and not understand the truth about money printing is causing deflation not fighting deflation we will see soon whether or not. any of us are actually needed if we have all feel it's totally financial
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eyes world the oligarchs at the top might not meet us at all so we could see the s. and p. $500.00 doubled this year triple this year over the next few years and the rest of the economy collapse just completely and we'll see if they need us or not they might not and this is one of the hypothesis we've presented that they might not need us and we'll find out soon but in terms of copper yes it's like since 1981 it's never had 13 days in a row where it's been down and it's been like that now mind the gap copper price plunges to diverge heavily from s. and p. $500.00 on coronavirus fear what signal is dr copper sending the yellow line is copper the white line is s. and p. 500 continuing to act like it doesn't need the rest of us but perhaps we'll find out soon right well 10 years ago we started talking about the fact that labor workers were not needed right because in the taxes are not needed either because
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you pay $3.00 trillion dollars in taxes in america but that's a drop in the bucket for the financial eyes derivatives world of multi quadrillion and they're not needed so there's no respect given to workers and their wages are stagnant they haven't had any significant wage growth and decades and now we're at a point where the financialization of the has made commodities irrelevant you don't need copper you don't need you don't need any commodities there's a for every barrel of oil there are $60000.00 barrels traded in the derivatives market. and there are people making lots of money in the derivatives trading oil derivatives you don't need the actual commodity though it's a virtual commodity so we may not need commodities we may not need workers it's just all about the new monarchical klaus taking the you know the in london they've announced they're curtailing ours on the london stock exchange or some of the stock exchanges in london i think that's how they go private i just
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keep cutting hours on these exchanges down to where there are there are no hours to trade you the average person going to trade on the exchange will be by appointment only and only by a monarch will decree will you be allowed to trade your stocks and i think that's how they will just pull the plug on the cell phone of course you can go to bitcoin which trades 247 every single day no no days ever taken off never a minute taken off in the past 10 years so people will go somewhere where they can trade but in terms of this copper price i mean this is a remarkable plunge that the 6 month chart and it clearly knew a lot about the coronavirus before the rest of the world did if you look at that china is of course the biggest consumer of copper but you know. they are they global economy they produce and manufacture almost everything that germany doesn't so if if they're signaling that there is no commerce or trade going on. i
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mean maybe that's wrong one of these prices this year on either the s. and p. $500.00 and all these mag companies are wrong or coppers wrong so one of these we'll have to reconcile something we'll have to snatch well we have 3 major thing mr 2020 right to globalization the dollar is ation the population and negative interest rates according to the budget was on the show a couple months ago i would say gold the population so if corona virus is going to contribute to global d. population then the negative interest rates were telling this to 3 years ago so copper prices telling us about the globalisation the dollar is ation the population those are the big things the market tells us the signals of the markets are telling us. something that you don't hear in mainstream media that's always been the case since markets were invented it's always price precedes and news this is an old wall street maxim and it's very very true here's another tweet that does suggest the data in this tweet suggests that there is sort of lightness about the economy we
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don't need as many real things perhaps infrastructure like copper is really needed in wiring and infrastructure and commerce but it looks like manufacturing is actually less and less any economy any major economy around the world the decline and decline of manufacturing and this is a chart of the manufacturing value added as a percentage of g.d.p. and select countries in 1980 to 2018 and even china back in 1939 point 9 percent of its g.d.p. was based on manufacturing and now it's 29.4 percent that black line there is the u.k. it used to be 24.6 percent now it's 8.9 percent and all the economies of the major economies it's services you know trading tweets with each other in charts and services is what is making up the economy more oh we're seeing the rise of virtual goods right so this has been going on now for 20 years and now it's reaching
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a new level of acceptance people are buying and selling virtual clothes online for thousands of dollars right so these virtual goods because they're connected to a block chain you can't counterfeit oh there's a limited supply and the cost of creating virtual grrr goods is virtually 0 so again the monarch or klaus will produce virtual goods to flood the market don't need manufactured goods you don't need to manufacture a good theory a close that's too costly if people are selling buttons and things and pearls virtual goods are equally good so do cheating and and all these high end luxury brands will just move completely over to virtual goods virtual diamonds virtual gold is what bitcoin is already virtual. gold and it's already worth the hundreds of billions of dollars and of course somebody did point out in terms of commodities and commodity prices crashing is that saudi aramco went public right exactly at the point that then tesla like tripled in the past 67 months so you know
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old cars cars used to rely on gasoline and many of our war is an arse and our foreign policy and our domestic policy is all set up around these wars to maintain this oil to drive these cars to keep the economy as it is and yet saudi aramco dumped this they you know there that the classic smart money in the case the oil markets and they were dumping out just as tesla then took off right i mean iran must go full and the cyber truck which is going to retell for like 30 or 40 or $50000.00 he can sell virtual slab or trucks online in limited editions on the block chain 450000 dollars as well and it's cost production is virtually 0 that's the people who get about tesla they will say you know they compared to general motors they compare it to other car companies you can't compare it they have to compare it to messaging apps you have to compare it to virtual goods manufacturers
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and you see how you get those multiples that's why the stocks is you know last i checked was approaching a 1000 dollars i mean that's a very very fast moving market and i don't want to be held to that number but that's what one must go understands and that's why people who are trying to give it a valuation do not understand. but we are in a financial eyes the con to me and they could make the price of any stop go to anything so you know microsoft now is a trillion dollars it could be 5 children by the end of this year based on nothing but paper so it's you know there is some or all paper digital paper in terms of the fed that drives a lot of these markets mcdonald's mcdonald's is now trading its tripled in value against its enterprise value just in the past 10 months so something's going on to drive. you know this too the moon sort of separation of the virtual world from the real world we might become avatars we might become avatar soon this could be the
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singularity that's happening as we speak right the other side of the coin of course is that the value of the u.s. dollar is collapsing remember venezuela had the best performing stock market evolves i think was 2 years ago or last year because the value of the venezuelan both of our collapsed so the stock market skyrocketed so all these chilling dollar companies or is it because the companies are doing well or is it because the dollar internally is collapsing and i would posit that yeah if you look a bit coin the dollar is in a hyper inflationary collapse. against because well yes that's what nother long episode but we only have about 30 seconds left i want to turn to this final tweet here and this is us and says chlorinated chicken must be on the menu in any post brags that u.k. trade agreement so that's real that's real chlorinated chicken that your virtual you know sovereignty in the u.k.
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will soon be eating some coronated chicken thanks to our manufacturing process turning chickens into chlorine right well as we've said take a moment laying brags it makes no sense i understand there's a lot of the stall and a lot of feel good factor but economically it's. all right we're going to take a break and when we come back much more coming your way. and i need him on the phone to. sway the both of us who. make it so smooth. we've got to dog too hard. on the mother decided this is a plan and i know from the start then if. this is the only thing that we do
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is music because everybody fights his way to. the floor in the fifty's this will persuade you that you have the ability to put up . what i think is this is the fun that is all come. join me every thursday on the alec simon shore and i'll be speaking to guests of the world of politics sports business i'm show business i'll see you then.
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welcome back to the times report i'm max keiser time now to turn to randy bowler former democratic big shot carolina and still big shot in the democratic party in north carolina randy welcome back well thank you max all right. i will caucus it's a fricken disaster i guess what are your thoughts. well a lot of people suspected this would happen we remember in 2016 there was an awful lot of argumentation between the hillary camp and the bernie camp about the coin flips and you know what the process was and they were supposed to going to make this more transparent by having 3 steps and filing through some program called shadow or whatever and everything got bogged down so big disappointment why does and i will caucus what's that all about what tell us about it a lot of people oh around the world look at this and they don't know what it is what is a caucus anyway how's it work well essentially the iowa has approximately 1600
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precincts they come to meet so these caucuses are bringing in these these voters in north carolina in iowa who are eligible you know democrats and they come in and they might like joe biden or they might like amy chua bashara bernie or elizabeth warner pee and then they've got you know decide who's going to get their delegates from this precinct based on population numbers etc ok so it seems very like old fashioned seems like a very analog process it seems very community like if you're in a church basement somewhere and you're talking about politics but they also mix it with apps and these apps like the app was created by a mysterious company called shadow inc which follows only a few people on twitter including 2 pac which paid over $700000.00 to attack bernie in iowa don't forget hillary clinton was also a walking corpse and losing pos that is hillary clinton was also attacking bernie the booted gedge campaign gave $21000.00 to the app developers the only one to do
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so right so you're mixing all these laminate drinking our shocks were here at the caucus with coal worn when sophisticated rigging of an election by domestic forces by people to judge you as an event diagram overlap with the frickin cia how do you correlate these 2. well i mean this is this obsession in our country that you know silicon valley can out technology all of our problems i mean obviously the pitch was all right you're going to have to be more transparent than 2016 and tell the world how you come together and decide your results so when people don't get 15 percent drop and we recall has to come up with the 2 or 3 winners right well there's a process to how you venture to get your delegates and it was going to become cumbersome and so someone said oh technology why don't we create this app we're it's really easy for you know 75 year old grandma to like type this in and send it up to the state party headquarters well that requires people to get training and
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likely a lot of them weren't trained it also requires you know a testing of the app and it's unclear whether they actually had a test of the or you know beforehand and it would be nice if we all knew what the code was and it's unclear whether the code was open and transparent so we could see what was in there if it's another black box system very easy to hack well how come it democrats don't seem to learn you know from their past mistakes out there was all the folk member of the al gore fiasco that was all about you know counting. chads right but then you had you know all the disaster 2016 a lot of accusations flying around that votes were changed and things were happening due to electronic voting and what the natural direction of the democrats be like let's move away from unaccountable nontransparent tax solutions let's just have a good old fashioned vote with paper votes and count the votes and let's do it like that over and watch rockwell painting from the 1950 s.
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where america was well you know wasn't wasn't run by the cia anything you do with technology is garbage in garbage out it does require something that's a verifiable trail so even if i'm chunking the data in you should have had a paper ballot or tally sheet saying but why don't the democrats recognize that unless they're in the. going to the cia which it looks like to be the case right now if you vote for them you're voting for might pump a 0 as president what's the point of that well you're making the assumption there that that the cia is that competent and that people are not incompetent and so i think it would be a combination of certain forces trying to shade the result combined with just good old fashioned incompetence that ok well there is a very as i don't like couple of other notable welfare lovably incompetence so and look if the secretaries of these 1600 precincts weren't trained in it you know how are they going to send this and i mean i read plenty of accounts of what happened people were trying to call couldn't get ahold of the state party you know they took
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pictures of the results so they had a paper record and the party was an accepting and i mean there's going to have to be a complete audit and you know autopsy on what happened here but i would guess that i was probably going to lose that standing of having the 1st primary in presidential politics because of this disaster right so if incompetence is to be lauded and applauded in politics in america today then why not just why go through that home piece when hoax because trump failed to call in the fact that he had a call with dean crane that didn't go completely to protocol which ultimately was meaningless 8 he made a mistake he's a new president so why drag the country through an expensive impeachment for no reason well i would say that what he did was wrong and you know the congress has the right to of oversight the president has not provided you know full disclosure on all this and there's probably an awful lot of other things that they could impeach you know was this the right thing to the peach on impeach on it's up for
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debate he was never going to get convicted in the senate or going to get 67 votes but it would have been nice if the senate in that case to listen to more witnesses so we could know what happened without any merit like adam schiff say in public that he's afraid trump's going to sell alaska to the russians do you cringe a little bit when we did get a good deal on it but he bought it for 15000000 when certain was the. he claims to have claims he's going to dump it back to the russians really so thank competence and incoherence i'm not sure that's going to win the election but anyway so moving forward obviously as a democrat yourself you know it's a bit frustrating but so the strategy now as we head into new hampshire is a chance to regroup i would imagine were we going well in new hampshire sanders was running very strong it's a smaller state a different state with no long history of being the 1st or 2nd state to actually weigh in i suspect that bernie sanders is going to win new hampshire like he did in
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2016 and then we'll head off to nevada and south carolina but the real issue is you know joe biden. yeah obeid was supposedly the front runner were always heat he didn't win in fact he's lagging far behind all right so that but yeah ok so he he appears like a dead dead duck well there's conversations out there you know you member what happened in 2004 were suddenly other people parachuted in you know howard dean makes that you know and it becomes a big deal and you know john kerry to the rescue but you know i'm hearing rumblings that that may happen they may decide that we're going to jettison the joe uncle joe and someone else get in the cockpit now who is a good question now meanwhile chomped according to latest gallup poll is polling at 49 percent people love him so this is a bomb at the same point his 1st term is a 45 percent crushing it and he's like on a glide path to easy 2028. democrats blue 4 years of political
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capital on all kinds of fake russia gave hoaxes ukraine gave hope to impeachment hoaxes and miss n.b.c. is c.n.n. even with them in their pocket they couldn't get they could make a dent on this guy maybe maybe just time to accept the fact that he's a really good president and we should vote from again i don't accept that he's not a really good president and i will not be voting for him but the bottom line is the democrats need to get behind someone who is putting out a plot form that's an alternative to what trump is offering that would be bernie sanders and does have a straight honest debate about things like social security and medicare for all and a green new deal and for giving you know student debt i mean this is what needs to happen this centrists need to clear the field get behind their fellow democrats and put someone out there who's going to offer the voters a stark contrast to what president trump is offering ok i will caucus showed that the young folks will bury the older folks hate burning because some might posit
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this medicare for all issues because the older folks when they hear medicare for. all they hear cut back for them that they're going to lose out in some way that's what they hear when they hear medical care for all so you don't doesn't appeal to the older democratic voter they don't want medicare for all because they already got it and they don't want to share it and that's the way he it that's human nature so how is going to get over that. well to marilyn they're going to have to ask themselves a question because we're not talking about a primer then we're talking with the general election yeah you know do they care about their grandchildren of the care about their children or the care about the future of the species or maybe boomers and really they don't if they did and they would have any of the narrative concentration of wealth that you do they would have the ecological disasters that you do you wouldn't have this debate about medicare for all that you do they don't care about their children or their grandchildren they're greedy the ones you're citing wouldn't be voting for bernie anyway ok they're either going to stay out of the election or they're going to vote for a 3rd party candidate or they're going to vote for trump i mean those folks aren't
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going to vote for burning there are going to be people who are baby boomers who are going to vote for bernie they're already there i see them at rallies i've gone to a bunch it's a very diverse crowd i agree that bernie sanders would be the most formidable candidate against that was clear and 2016 i think if he were the democratic nomination in $26.00 and i think he would have won i think you would have to because trump is too much of a wild card you know it's amazing randi of all or what's amazing is that before turning 16 it was already known or talked about or people were discussing or alleging that there was a russian interference in that election and people still voted for against hillary clinton in other words people would rather have putin than hillary because it was known in 26 to hillary lost to putin in 2016 that's how bad she is and the fact that she's still interfering in these elections today like a walking zombie. you know why doesn't she just go away well that's
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a good question but she didn't lose to trump she won the popular vote she lost the electoral college and that's a vestige of a past era where the founding fathers didn't trust the masses to actually elect the leader so you know it was a way to protect against you know the intemperate masses rising up in electing a moron tom said he really ran the election in the race based on. winning the electoral college when he was a son of a popular race he would have run a different campaign that's why when the lobbies are on i can he can make any claim he won but let's say let's talk about hillary did say yes he said he was and this came out recently he was afraid hillary was going to pick burning as the v.p. candidate because he felt that would have been trouble right he was happy that she accepted senator kaine from virginia right now and that's again another mistake i think ari is a potent opponent in all of this and they all say as his main backer she's got huge appeal i just want to say bernie campaigned very hard for hillary clinton and she
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did not for obama so i think there's a stop with those attacks number all right randi thanks mankinds report and that's going to do for this edition of the kaiser report with me max kaiser and stacy herbert like to thank our guest randy boehlert a former democratic aide here in north carolina if you don't reach us on twitter it's kaiser report to next time. live. leg.
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length. legs. live. live live. live . live. live. live. so. slim. live.
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and very well can see you watching us and see us. in this community there are people who believe that it's ok. it's really hard there are no jobs and you see that i've got kids that ask and as a parent. i can come up with lots of arguments and there's a lot of conflict within the game and between the 2 things most of the conflict i would say overall is around money and most of them money is made. close $1.00 money to those he knows each other is good because the state of california alone makes $6000000000.00 a year of prison complexes you get some 20 a life where. you don't care anymore nobody cares about you so you don't care mind
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anything. so the politicians have basically stuck the american public with the belo pay to negotiate for drugs and both parties who are financed very heavily by the pharmaceutical industry have done this so when your own people vote they should look at how much does this politician get from the power pharmaceutical industry. will a person california 8 i'm excited. i thank you so much thank you. all the organizers played it all you for being here. and thank you for you believe all the community you introduce one of the future leaders.
4:00 pm
badlands a nazi a manhunt is underway for a mass shooter in thailand who killed at least 20 people that his police still machelp sent to rescue hostage it's. a british couple accused of crossing them to the murder of their adopted son in india will free for 9 the u.k. high court has brought that extradition citing human rights concerns and french regulate some stuff the 25 year i find on apple for making its software updates. older versions of its.


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