tv News RT February 9, 2020 12:00am-12:31am EST
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thank you would you be. the future leaders. from election confusion and i want to donald trump's impeachment acquittal we look at a week of frustrations for the us democratic party. also the arrest of an alleged war criminal who lived in hungary and then france on the streets he is a real serious and. which allow terrorists. and in thailand a soldier goes on a bloody shooting rampage killing at least 20 and injuring dozens more he was killed after a lengthy standoff with authorities. you're
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watching the weekly here on our team international a recap of the biggest stories from the past 7 days and so joining us. it has been a tough week for the u.s. democratic party officials have tried to verify data for several days after a technical glitch in the voting up for their caucus elections in iowa despite all precincts information now being in the final results remain unclear the party has apologized for mistakes in the past procedures and even called for a complete review of the voting i thought it was also marred by chaos in the reporting process inaccurate calculations on explaining consistencies and even missing data that all the while the campaign obsessed with suppose an external and interference. driven nightmare scenario and if so what do you do about it these are probably the most prepared we've ever been as a party for these caucuses and we've run through a few different scenarios put it. i can tell you were ready was the starting pistol
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and settle for race and at the end the prize is becoming a presidential nominee and that the finish line stand around and wait to find out who won. as precinct caucus results started coming in the iowa democratic party ran them through an accuracy and quality check it became clear that they were in consistencies with reports the underlying cause of these in consistencies was not immediately clear and required investigation which took time this is an embarrassment all they had to do was count the votes the polling stations counted the votes all they had to do was add together the tallies what a 10 year old could do in a calculator the democratic party couldn't this mess was caused by a new app designed to speed up vote counting made by a secretive company called shadow inc that i suppose was the 1st clue who
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contracts a company called shadow to build an open transparent voting app democrats the people who shouted loudest about russia threatening american elections that breaking news russian hackers tried to hack wisconsin's election system russia's hacked into a lot of things russian hackers the kremlin clan it certainly looks like they're at it again and with an eye towards helping this president to combat strums popularity democrats created 2 organizations acronym and paquin him to flood the internet and t.v. with anti trump and anti russian propaganda trump spent $10000000.00 on a commercial for tonight's super bowl we fixed it for him under president truman merica speeding or veterans setting isis prisoners free losing don't very conflicted ladies and gentlemen the worst is yet.
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here comes the incompetence part these groups a packed with people who ran and sank hillary clinton's campaign including shadow inc founded by a former clinton campaign manager. they've spend fortunes and amateur of propaganda and apps that don't work will that todd money the effort to just see trump have the last laugh when will the democrats stop blaming russia russia russia instead of their own incompetence for the voting disaster that just happened in the great state of iowa i hope that the i were democrats will ask for an f.b.i. investigation on the amp i believe that russia has been engaged in interfering with a number of our elections dealing with the 21 election i'm sorry the 2016 election it's sad. all the complaining and mooning about how russians were out to ruin american elections most of the russians that did it it was the democrats their
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paranoia and competence they turned liberals and democrats against each other screaming and shouting accusing each other of foul play of russia could never do the democrats did we've heard the people who are responsible for this catastrophe in iowa the democratic establishment claim that it was russia's intention to undermine integrity in our voting systems in our election process the question is who really threatens us elections and now i think a lot of voters within the democratic party are finally seeing what the real threat is and it's with it's within the heart of the democratic party establishment the more that we talk about the reality of our election systems the more this russia gate hysteria just begins to fall on deaf ears and voters particularly younger voters who are social media savvy reject it angrily. the
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democrats suffered another bitter defeat this week when the senate voted down both their articles of impeachment against donald trump democrats had claimed abuse of power. using trump of withholding military aid to pressure ukraine and to programming i suppose that corruption by potential democratic rival joe biden the other charge was obstruction of congress or the president allegedly ordering white house aides to defy congressional subpoenas house democrats refused to accept the impeachment defeat of trump was doable and did nothing. i've done things wrong in my life i will admit not purposely but i've done things well. but this is what the end result is. i was acquitted without facts he was acquitted without a fair trial and i did what he says or whatever headline he wants to carry around here impeached for ever how in the name of god do people proceed with some
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titular theoretically only impeachment which is just to charge when they know under no mathematical model is it possible to to gain $67.00 votes to remove this president it is the bill if anything is unconstitutional and if anything subject to impeachment removal it's the impeachment trial nobody understood what this president did nobody could understand it nobody did what did he do he abused power what does that mean is it a crime no he obstructed congress here is the best part he obstructed congress used by implementing usury affirmatively using a constitutional provision called executive privilege it defies logic the payback is going to be severe and it's going to be serious in november when he wins
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reelection perhaps and a landslide then hell will pay. and just before the impeachment acquittal while the democrats were busy wondering where it all went wrong on iowa donald trump was giving his 3rd state of the union speech and had his own private battle with the democratic speaker of the house of representatives in case you missed it takes a closer look. thank. you yet the state of the union is in a bit of a state and there's not much union she was just angry she ripped up the she ripped up the speech i prompt in house speaker nancy pelosi have taken playground politics to a whole new level you know these 2 were characters in a wrong call no would be happening next this was wasted really good. comedy and handed over to fellow c.
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and turned away to shake a hand although in his defense did just try and get him impeached so he is pelosi having decided that on this occasion she will not be right above it getting her revenge type stuff. it's what you begin to see her rip those bits of paper i. really think he wants us . while we're here to take a little voice because. we all want to find someone. like. trump comare the star has a couple more points where joining us in the gallery is the true and illegitimate president of venezuela one why do this is the point we shows that even in the darkest of times there is one thing we always you know republicans and democrats is their ability to meddle with a foreign government this is how to win if you speak of
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a miracle our spirit is still young. the soul is still rising. grace is still shining. and my fellow americans the best is yet to come which is definitive proof of one thing is known way to go before life is those speeches. to friends now were a former spokesperson for a syrian rebel group has been arrested on charges of war crimes and torture the jihadist lived in hungry for months before being granted a student scholarship in marsay authorities were only tipped off after a human rights group pointed out his real identity showed devinsky looks at the loophole that allowed him into the e.u. . torture kidnapping war crimes these are just some of the charges brought against the syrian he was named falls on a student visa he went by the name of mushed enough in france back in syria he was
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a wish no ordinary student he is said to have once been jayashri islamic press secretary previously nor did his freedom is the hardline islamist group in fact curried out a reign of terror in the east in this suburb of damascus. oh . well you go. in he said linked in profile he describes himself as being specialized in security and terrorism affairs with a focus on syria he boasts of an impressive academic background with bunches degrees but not one diversity's including in hungary and when it comes to
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experience he mentions being the c.e.o. of the syrian news monitoring network may trace of the allegations. of torture or forced in this moment of children raising his history seems upped given that all islam ceased to exist back in 2018. as the battle for eastern played out the french government said it was concerned about a grave violation of human rights and he called for a cease fire now while it acknowledge the presence of just harvests it also accused
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president assad of using the ongoing conflict as a fig leaf to wipe out any opposition. the syrian regime and its allies are brandishing the fight against jihad his fighters the need for which no one is disputing i just if occasion of an offensive game that's entirely different goals it's real intentions are indeed to annihilate any and all opposition and break the morale of civilians by indiscriminately massacring them following that offensive in to by the syrian army gerrish was talk pulled last year a complaint was filed to the courts in france and. the senior members and no one wanted more criminals. the complaint filed in june 29th teen was built on over 3 years of documentation of the crimes perpetrated by jaish al islam summary executions kidnappings and the systematic use of torture the group targeted people
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suspected of complicity with the regime but also ordinary civilians accused of not applying the posed by the group rigorously enough. the international federation for human rights says the arrest of the knuckle a in law say paves the way for the 1st investigation of the rebel groups crimes others may be hoping that arrests such as this will help shed more light of crimes committed by opposition forces during the syrian conflict giving a fuller picture of what really happened on the ground. ulti paris political analyst nickel america believes there will be more fear and anger and less the government handles the issue properly once you enter the european union you can go more or less where you want there are no border controls how we entered hungry would be an interesting question to know that what is. prosperous in this in this situation is that he entered legally he wasn't even hiding he was living in
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the y. which is a neighborhood in the center smack in the center of more state could continue studying in france with no problem whatsoever that means the police cannot do their job properly today in western europe they don't even know who's in the country we've gotten so low as to say that we don't even we don't even know if you got the means to stop terrorists we don't even know if terrorists are in the country we know there are some but we don't know how many and it's you know it's already difficult capturing those who are not even in hiding so i think definitely this is going to hurt a bit the government because this is very bad press very bad press having a terrorist. somebody accused of terrorism entering legally come from another country going legally to university this is very bad press so there might be some coups in the following days but i think unfortunately if the government doesn't handle the process of immigration illegal immigration illegal immigration and the secret terrorists if the government doesn't tackle these issues seriously unfortunately this these types of stories are going to continue in time. a thai
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soldier who killed his commanding officer stole weapons from a military base and went on a massive shooting spree has been shot dead. the target was. i. let. me was scared and ran to the tour this to hide the trainer told us to high bidder so we all ran to for the opening when people saw him entering the mall everyone random people were falling down pushing each other trying to escape and said themselves that heard gunshots trying to stay calm the authorities will come and help you stay calm.
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now as the u.s. election race heats up twitter and you tube have announced changes to the way they fight doctored materials artist all a quarter looks at the tech giants vague wording and the new rules. we all like a good many i know i do and that's why i'm here to warn you that they're potentially in danger because of twitter's new war on altered images and videos that might mislead voters we know that some tweets include many plated photos or videos that can cost people harm today we're introducing a new rule and a label that will address and give people more context around this tweets one man satire is another man's trigger there's bound to be those who will find hilarious songs like this one unhealthy for a political discourse rather coldly. with.
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a little of what has boiled its definition of so-called dr damages down to a few criteria editing of the contents composition changes in its visual or auditory information and anything that simulates real people but who actually gets to make the call on what does or doesn't harm is anyone's guess are these trump dog and rocky memes politically misleading maybe this one with bernie sanders is harmful a political satire well it's always bound to hurt someone's feelings but if you're not on twitter don't think this isn't going to step on your toes you tube's got its own version of this new policy of the 2020 lection season kicks into high gear in the united states people who visit you tube to learn about the candidates and watch the election season unfolds over the last few years we've increased or if it's to make. news and information as well as an open platform for healthy political
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discourse you remember that video trump supporters made portraying their president massacring the mainstream media and the church it was funny to them to the mainstream media well they were a bit offended the white house correspondents association says it is horrified by this and is calling on president trump to denounce the video c.b.s. has decided. not to show that video we can't show this video because it's so disgusting is extremely violent it is disturbing and those bad liberating videos could also be interpreted as politically misleading you're probably a mistake think a bug just quickly here. we need new babies out there think we need time to make new ones because the old ones just become so big twitter's netizens have already picked up on the controversy because people were kind of these fantasy is this i love how you used the word doctored because that's the elisa talker means the left caught me on twitter oh yeah well now no one can meet your ban in the eames which
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may cause harm to the left we can read between the lines there would be no unapproved thought in the people's republic of twitter coverage it seems that without any ultimate authority to make the call on what is and isn't a violation so many decisions will be left to the rules vague wording who knows how internet freedom will fare as a result. and a major shake up in german politics a key regional prime minister has quit just hours after taking up the post and submitted a huge backlash over an unprecedented pact between the ruling christian democrats and the rightwing a.f.d. party that brought him to power protests erupted across the country against the move.
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after quitting as prime minister in the wake of the growing scandal thomas come mark insisted that future deals with alternative for germany are out of the question. this resignation was inevitable the dissolution of the parliament is inevitable if detroit yesterday with a perilous trick of damage democracy there was no cooperation with the a if there is no such cooperation and will never be told us carrick they're quick to say that he had nothing to do with a deal with alternative for germany but well how long he sticks around at the higher levels of the free democratic party with that may be measured in hours
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similar to his reign as prime minister of the state of today and yet he's fairly much in the firing line at the moment and has been a huge backlash to this situation it's unfolded into india backlash from politicians also from the public is well it follows this union basically this alliance between the c.d.u. which is angular merkel's party the right wing alternative for germany party the f.d.a. to support and back thomas kennedy to be the prime minister of the state of to even get that resulted in condemnation of condemnation from on high angle merkel herself having something to say about it and this is unforgivable and that's why the result must be reversed the election of this prime minister was a unique process that broke with the basic conviction on the cd and also with mine namely that new majority should be won i would hope of the a.f.p. this is a ban today for democracy chancellor merkel have to say something because she often
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repeated that promise that there would be no alliance between alternative for germany and her christian democratic union it's really seen as the big to boo in german politics to have anything to do with a half day to try and use them to gain power in fact you saw a large demonstrations across germany a wednesday evening against what we've seen happening today in. christian limbo who's the head of the free democratic party that thomas kennedy belongs to least for now in fact he's called for a vote of confidence while speaking to the party leadership when it comes to the c.d.u. themselves local representatives in the states of today just saying they don't want to see new elections in the state it does look like that's the direction we're heading in at the moment when you look at that it's hard to think that would have been possible just a short while ago while angela merkel was head of the christian democratic union
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that there would be a local faction of the party that would be so publicly. moving against what head office is saying it surges one of the smallest states in the german federal republic but the rock that's being thrown in there and not pool has certainly cast ripples far afield. we've got reaction to this story from different sides of germany's political spectrum. parliament voted with this majority for this liberal and it is clear that our deputies from f.t. also supported this liberal candidate but it's completely constitutional completely democrat democratic the political left wing a leader of the centrist elite and bowlen is not a willing to accept that in a federal state parliament elects a liberal to be prime minister because they say he has the support of the wrong
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after all party if tea into the 2nd largest force and people voted for it chose and which states democracy in germany is now off to government of and get our merkel to lead to. a regional federal government and you left it through fascist this is. a group of a chap whose it's not a question of legal it's a quest question of politics and this year. of course in the professional political. system on the federal level you are professional you move all and you think forward rich scenarios. and if you know that sooner you can happen the. trick tries to bring in. government religion to meet it it's all just politics you should do anything to him. this week
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a moscow court has given custody of a child to social authorities after parents failed to take her home for 5 years the girl has been living in the hospital almost her whole life despite doctors pointing out that she is perfectly healthy and parents can appeal the decision but officials hope to eventually give the girl to her grandparents this girl is 5 years old and she's had a bizarre sheltered life. this is the room where she lives it's not in a house or apartment and her relatives are not by her side it's an elite private hospital in central moscow and for our entire life she has never left his grounds for the wrestling machine or stress me or her captain washington's embrace. if. you. don't like. the voice you're sharing is not her mother it's her nanny the mother has decided that her daughter is hopelessly ill and must be confined to a hospital. however
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doctors say that the girl is perfectly healthy and there is no medical reason to keep her in the clinic although they have been unable to discharge her without parental consent one thing isn't it she doesn't know and yet in life but she's a good normal girl the girl's parents have paid the hospital huge sums of money almost $200000.00 a year to keep her there in the company of private nannies almost a year ago the parents stopped sending their payments but they still refused to take her home and a legal battle has been raging so the hospital convinced the parents to leave their child in the hospital all this time that's the logical conclusion the child has been hospital for 5 years and the parents are not doctors they just paid the bills
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how reliable is information the child is healthy and there is no need for her to stay in hospital. on monday the corps delivered its verdict that the animal and your resume can the parents are to be stripped of parental rights to the girl and she will be placed in the custody of child welfare services perhaps soon she will finally leave the confines of the hospital and see the world she has been drawing for all these years that's a recap of just some of the stories that helped shape the world these last 7 days thanks for tuning in this hour.
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you know world of big partisan. lot and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the back and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the troops the time is now we're watching closely watching the
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hawks. so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy to confront a shouldn't let it be an arms race is often spearing dramatic development that only mostly i'm going to resist i don't see how that strategy will be successful very critical time time to sit down and talk. and. i'll be doing this cold day i die and i hope not i hope i don't have to spend my days and they're going to save dogs and you know you can't save more and then you're.
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