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tv   Cross Talk  RT  February 10, 2020 12:30pm-1:01pm EST

12:30 pm
there. was there and. there are certain there's. no one else shows same wrong why don't we all just don't call. me. yet to shape our. educated and engaged in because the trail. when so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground.
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hello and welcome to cross talk where all things are considered i'm peter lavelle we're being told there is a war being waged in america about the destiny of the country and the world indeed the washington political establishment and their donor minions as well as the media want to destroy trump but don't be fooled by partisanship is alive and well. across talking some real news i'm joined by my guest and he is a professor at the higher school of economics as well as author of the decay of western civilization and the resurgence of russia we also have dmitri biopics he is
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a political analyst and editor at interest me internet media project and in london we crossed alexander macarius he is a writer on legal affairs as well as editor in chief of the duran dot com all right gentlemen as always crosstalk roles in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want i always appreciate let me go to london 1st here alex i'm naming this program dumpster fire because like i really don't know where to start here we're in post impeachment post a state of the union address post. and only continues to snowball. the dumpster fire for me is that we're in part 2 of what started in 2016 we had basically a hostile takeover of the republican party with some never trumpeters that are still in very important influential positions and particularly in foreign policy we'll talk about and now part 2 to 2020 you have the establishment there with the democratic stablished and their donors and the media at war with the voter and among themselves this is what's happening the center is completely collapsing all
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over the place. and we have this invented creature the american mccrone mayor pete go ahead well this is exactly the point i mean the democrats have not understood or accepted the reasons why they don't for 2016 election well they are trying to do easy nothing rupie eat what they tried to do in the 2016 election in the 2016 election they made all sorts of claims about donald trump which you have wildly inflated and exaggerated and they didn't address the concerns of the voters and the 2016 election they tried to stop their most popular candidate who was bernie saunders gaining the democratic party's nomination even though every opinion poll showed that he was the one possible potential democrat who could beat donald
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trump what they're doing this don is exactly the same thing and they're trying to stir up the unease saunders and they discover there's. mr buttigieg who they think can somehow connect with the voters even though he has no clue what you know i like alex out he connects with the establishment that's not with the voters here glenn that you know when looking at the iowa caucuses here i mean i'll give you my humble opinion this was fast in broad daylight and get used to it ok if the voters were vote the wrong way there's going to be a high tech solution why it went wrong i think this is the beginning of something not a one off go ahead yeah i agree with what he said this obviously. gave me a bit of a deja vu of the consensus exactly the same thing even involving the same people think it's a good respond and i don't think they're really assess what went wrong in 2016
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because again this is a politico. center falling apart and you know we often focus on the democrats but the same problem is that the republican keep in mind none of the republicans initially want to try to win of course now they're falling in line but this is the political center folding which is why you have trump on the right to have people like sanders on the left there's very little. political leaders in the center can do to hold their ground so yes i like that comparison i do see people do. a bit of a lock on some on the one all the main candidates failed some on the launch in the last minute hoping it was giving all the media and political support hoping that he will take it i think they need this dismount of intervention have done now and this huge disaster in iowa it's it's going to show the voters yet again that you know you can't really trust the d.n.c. you can't trust these people to run the caucus let alone run the country and this is why i think also it's going to have this is going to end up with 4 more years
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for trump because what have they really done now they're told they're trying yet again to. cause a nice word for it's growing. out of the nomination again and once this is all over you're going to have a lot of his angry voters who will then be asked to vote for you know well either either senator here is the image is that. it is turning into a pattern imperiously it is a pattern what happened in 2016 to bernie what's happening right now i mean if so i mean why vote why participate in the should ride if it's going to be rigged the outcome is already known and seen in. the party line for the left there is another reason or the world that is the bernie sanders is not defending himself you know he did not defend himself in 2016 it became apparent from these. correspondence that they publish that he never stood a chance of getting in too many and instead of getting angry at he would have
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cleaned and d. and c. . bernie sanders turned against russia you know russia the world putin modeled environment his recent speeches during this campaign bernie sanders called putin and dangerous anti-democratic authoritarian who engaged in military adventurism in ukraine and the crimea well for bernie sanders information not a single person was killed in cranio when they are unified and so with russia in 2014 but the united states did not get in any adventurism in libya in yemen when actually tens of thousands of people die you know the feeling is you know it's really interesting you mention the no it's all go back to you in london it seems to me that forced regime change the the well oiled 'd machine that has been applied particularly in this century we could even throw in the destruction of former yugoslavia they've just brought it home this brought it to iowa where they're taking it to new hampshire i mean the me invoke the my doro example the last
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election you have the. the organization american say there were election irregularities but they didn't give any evidence of it and then let me repeat comes out and says i won and then the media says well he won no empirical evidence needed it just because they itself confirming soap legitimising process to discredit the other side witness it's fact free go ahead this is exactly true and if you look at also all that's been happening with russia gate you find many of the same people who were involved in putting together the russia gate conspiracy fantasies which would be trying to use to leverage don't trump out of the presidency all the same people in the intelligence services and elsewhere who are behind the various regime change was or were involved to easy inevitable if you didn't have a country that goes around the world. where he governs considers it has the
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right to choose each he's in a. sooner or later that toolkits is going to be brought back and he's going to be used against this it's a quality issues there the problem is that not only is that dangerous to your own political constitutional system we but it also means that on d. years on from the center exactly there is now a complete absence of volunteers as point 6 has become extremely manipulative if you like now i just want to add to that i couldn't agree more because there is. the keep in mind that during this discussion is there but if there's very little substance not actually discussing a policy even with trump. they're not actually putting forward another political alternative because despite it's this polarization there's actually a lot of similarities as not that much difference between them and you see this in
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how they behave i mean what is politics are they nancy pelosi ripping up her the speech of donald trump it's the people that is proclaiming that all this is a milestone i'm ok and i'm running for president how wonderful. elizabeth warren like oh i'm a woman and vote for me it's like this is theatrical if you can which is nice i'm going to give you an example of that ok medicare for all ok that's we hear that a lot well i don't really know what that means can someone explain to me what a policy like that would me how much it would cost over what time period what would be involved i mean i'm not could it be the i don't want to be the product of the political atmosphere that they want to gently want to make me fall on one side or the other i want to know what do you mean by that no one ever explains what you mean by that and republicans say you're for open borders well what does that mean ok i mean i'm just reinforcing glenn's point right here right now it is that instead of throwing out all of these labels and ideas or empty ideas where we live
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in a idea vacuum right now it's all. if you like or dislike donald trump that is an impoverished politics well i mean i would love to pronounce my opinion on alben borders or economic fortress america better now i really really. tragic are dead but what i can say is you should not cross your mind you with someone who can continuously lie and could probably what happened with russia gate you know this week was finally admitted and he made that very passionate speech to his supporters right after it sane russia russia russia turned out to be a something well i cannot even tell you down there something connected to bulls you know if anyone has said that and there are no facts that the democrats can present you know what to do counter this and that i'm kind of jumping ahead here to tell you trust your mind you will see but see in this isn't exactly what i want to talk about the 2nd half of the program is that this is about this part bipartisanship
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that i mentioned in my introduction to to go into russia gate is a glue that keeps the overall establishment and donors in in in place ok and i think we need to talk about that finish up because we're going to break well the problem is that basically not only russia gate collapse but also ukraine gate everyone could listen to this conversation that. it was not a betrayal transport issue and ukraine was not brought russian it was very anti russian who gave level 8 to ukraine something that obama did and to do so he is indeed vindicate on all sides but it doesn't mean that trump is a good person he is very bad just the people who went against him were liars that's the problem you have people i have been twins they were shown the door which was very interesting the way it was betrayed in the media as that saturday night massacre what happened to the days where you serve at the pleasure of the president
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of the united states. veneman and his family were placed at american military unit to protect them compare that to jordan now sons compare adults know them you know all of these people they are real whistleblowers we know what treatment they hold that we're going to go to a short break and after that short break we'll continue our discussion and some brilliant stay with art. and we're going to fulfill the repeated promises apologise to the people and come on you know we've all but you know. you are a pretty.
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pretty rare bertha now you want to 1st correct that. you know. 5 what politicians to do something to. put themselves on the line they get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president. or some want to be that's. actually going to be the person that's like the 4 korean people. i'm interested
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in the lives. when. the world is driven by. the day or thinks. we dare to ask. welcome back to cross talk we're all things we considered on peter lavelle remind you we're discussing some real news.
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ok i'll just go back to you i want to talk about what the the the scourge of bipartisanship been in the imperial city the swamp you know and the state of the union address if you are a conservative republican that was one of the greatest addresses ever given ok i get it if you're on the other side of the aisle it was it was a disgusting display of ego wisdom in half truths there's a point there too but. what caught my eye during the whole thing not the ripping up with them pelosi is ripping up of the speech no not at all that was just pure theatrical that was prepared in advance what i found really disturbing is. why don't know the man anointed by the united states and its allies to be the president of venezuela. he was there and he stood up and you know what nancy stood up the democrats stood up the republicans stood up bipartisanship in foreign policy they
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we were given a display every single day 247 of the hatred of these 2 camps but they have our lot in common and it's called foreign policy interventionist foreign policy a hawkish foreign policy go ahead alex that is entirely untrue i mean that in fact if you drill down into it many of the much of the political crisis around don't trump has happened in the united states well speakers initially there was concern that he was not actually part of this foreign policy bipartisan consensus that you were talking about is the same by the way in other countries it's the same embrace and we saw that with germany cooler even though there are all these relentless attacks from anybody who deviates in the slant to sway from this to this idea that the united states not only has a brilliant but has some kind of a duty to intervene around the world to expand its influence and to
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extent what he calls or defines as democracy which changes from one place to another as his interests require and this is the overriding problem that you have in the united states now because we discussed in the 1st part of the program how this foreign policy has become so important there that. it's tools are being imported back at the same time as it monopolizes only interest there is no development to. speak of and you have you have these these you and ukraine. was in was an extension of that foreign policy exactly you know it as alex said here it is so when for didn't it is so very important that you can't discuss it it's that's that it's that important you know but i would
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argue though that the dearth there are some differences in terms of the foreign policy that can often seem the same but like. before trump i think both the left and the right we're committed to very much share a liberal hedge of money which suggests you know we organize the world or reinvent a world in america's image which then culminated in all this regime change wars and nation building and this proved to be very expensive and i dreamed a lot in failure failure of course so it's failing and it's draining all this resources from the core so trump is he's not going for a liberal had the money is going more for him liberal hedge of money but it's still it's slightly slightly different but if you're on the receiving of the hedge your money does it make any difference nobody is seeking more of a return on investment that means so. so it's not trying to pull away from hedge money but rather you see you know that being said you see the transaction transactional had. you see some common cause for example with. because they're both kind of all the same camp if you can you know topple the government of one with you
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know the most oil rich country in the world relatively easily without spending so much money and it's the same you know the liberal illiberal had you might fall in the same place same us with ukraine if you can sell them some weapons and also them you know come from russia you know again you have both sides with the same interests but there are some minor in minor differences but i think that's a good point but you know you have to throw in the trim because you. on the face of it your logic it does sound ok but then we throw in the trump phenomenon and a piece for something you must be against it and that's when everything starts getting all screwed up again it doesn't have any coherence to it but nonetheless if it's a liberal hedge of money or an ill liberal generally which you're an academic you split hairs ok it still had to mony ok and in its it there's no room downside to promoting either vision ok except her hurts the taxpayer there's no infrastructure rebuilding to do it and the goodwill about america in the world well
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i would give just 2 examples 2 recent examples of similarities between republicans and democrats on their board here namely on russia because it's the closest thing to me so with syria you know russia suggested providing humanitarian aid to the areas of syria which are controlled by the government which is 90 percent of syria you know the country devastated by the war what was the response in the united nations no will only provide aid to the areas not under the syrian government's control and how did mike pump war that we're rushing china who have chosen to make a political statement by a pause in this resolution you have blood on your hands and of quote from my poor will not much introspection on the part of the democrats you know during this campaign we've heard all so things about russia i challenge you know our viewers to look for the most stupid one so far for me that the gold goes to amy global shark
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who just said about i think she for what his name she said someone who has short down planes over ukraine well when did north should dump leans over ukraine ukraine was born being done yes and that passenger plane which was in the same area from which they were born bindon the answer was shot down by a missile we still don't know exactly where it came from that is the troops but they just threw. accusations you know the democrats the republicans whatever you say about are actually going to the carnival is the point that i was making at the end of the 1st part of the program is that this rush to get going here. in a month saying russia gave specifically the russia gate stands for this whole mindset of empire interventionism is what keeps the entire elite together ok at least they can have consensus on that if it's a liberal or illiberal had your money in it you trump is done for draw the trump
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a nominee is actually made the left much more hawkish which is which is a change because you have people you have people on the map you can institute a car all sins the douglas macgregor is what you're saying exactly what we're saying here is that there's a interventionism isn't in america's interest is in no one's interest here but you still see the example of syria when when these 2 camps have some differences for example for from the start which meant they would like to continue to push in a lot of money in order to continue this occupation of syria even though they know it's not going to work out then while trump saying no no this is country and resources. let's just take the oil instead and that's kind of that's a good that's against the american sanctions but anyway no one thought that out yeah it's not well thought out but that's where you find that the cameras come together ok well at least it's not leaving syria completely he's holding on to the
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oil so nobody can escape can't leave he's not allowed to leave alex let me go back to you here i mean there's one thing that you didn't mention in your long list there is that the in the city to have enemies you have to have enemies and you have to you have to create threats to legitimize the defense spending again bipartisan they trump got all he wanted plus more from a democratically controlled congress. don't tell me there isn't bipartisanship there everybody gets their little slice of the pies ok that is good business particularly if you're a shareholder of these companies go ahead i think that's entirely true because of course they do the pentagon is actually getting more money at the moment that it knows how to spend it is being forced to boy more air 35 air fighters for its own work then wanted to work that he wants it is it is of course
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true and is right across the entire political spectrum and the point is that it now the political establishment defines itself through this foreign policy exactly as more or gives it legitimacy it seems to me that the fundamental difference now would we don't trump and some people you know on of the sort of so-called liberal end of the spectrum is that he intervenes without the mask he doesn't quite straightforwardly he says this is all about you know the united states making money getting its hands on all squeezing its allies whereas of course the other people who want to intervene around the world have been really object to those things you don't see people complaining about donald trump's approach to these things but they like to talk more about democracy they learn to make it seem rather more civilized than of course it in fact is they don't want
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the mask to be taken off quite so blatantly but ultimately this entire political system in the united states is now purely about foreign policy and you know we were talking about russia see the controversy in russia you have a state of the union address in the united states which is so much about foreign policy compare that with a room. nice state of the union address in russia which resulted weirdly primarily about. 90 percent 90 percent of it doesn't mean russia doesn't have an active foreign policy we didn't you may agree with all no but he's not a central concern of its government and its political system with the united states it is the opus it includes the now room poles and rams this foreign policy and it was for him a policy and a foreign policy that you can't question or else you're thrown under the bus just
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as tulsi gabbert you got 40 seconds go and you well talking about what you said that the democrats on the left in general are now hawkish well stephen cohen kind of very bold clement about this in his stock to don't buy a chair which i really recommend if you are serious and to add to it to listen to he said he just called to a woman speaking at these hearings on impeachment and one from stanford university st we need to how people premiums fight russians in ukraine so that we don't have to fight them here and that goes repeated by saying it to congressman this is how we said about their weapons of mass destruction in iraq ok the same wording yeah but. steal steal our i'm glad about what happened in 2016 because if he were a clinton had been in power and if she had the support of these democratic congress the war in iraq would happen march that's all the time we have here many thanks to
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my guests here in moscow and in london thanks to our viewers for watching us here at the sea an expanding remember. when else so seemed. i mean you get to shape out just to come out to it and engage with equals betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground.
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the holder doctrine eric holder former attorney general under obama this is the idea that banks are systemically important they can't be prosecuted because this would be a danger to the society as a whole but what's remarkable is that this idea has bled over into other industries so now boeing has a major scandal on its hands it is claiming that a systemic lee important in the law doesn't apply to us other agricultural companies are saying now we're systemically important we're above the law that is leading to biana kleptocracy this becoming a i think it's a stock or c.
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is the right word it's ruled by the least qualified are now in charge of running the economy and the results are obviously catastrophic. i'm going to cause there's even a successor nancy she won't run for the chance of the share committed grabbing scandal over her party's pacs but the right wing alternative for germany party. with the death toll from the coronavirus epidemic climbing to more than $900.00 worldwide if we look at how russia has not taken precautions to stop it from spreading and disturbing images is shared with us by a palestinian family 14 year old boys left in a coma after being shot in the head with a rubber bullet by israeli defense forces. his story is one of many tragedies in our town and every time a child becomes a victim people are terrified.


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