tv News RT February 11, 2020 2:00am-2:31am EST
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headline news from cold war flashbacks to a comedy of errors the state of new hampshire lead is itself for the democrats 1st primary vote to decide that 2020 of us presidential candidate why so many in the blue caballe desperate to hold bernie sanders surge to the. latest advances in fertile reality help a grieving mother spent time with the 7 year old daughter she lost to illness but could the concept of coming face to face with loved ones cause more harm than good we hear the ethical issues from experts. and getting made up for the camera. campaigners who are using makeup to defy police plans to place the
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recognition technology. hello again and welcome back to overnight. good to have you with us here is what the team working on that mean time to new hampshire in the united states 1st where democrats are readying to vote for the presidential candidate they want to challenge donald trump but one senator bernie sanders is the favorite ahead of tuesday's primary in a state that neighbors his own but it's more been now reports call members within the party a desperate to deny saunders the nomination. the new hampshire primary is approaching and the democratic party establishment is real. after iowa bernie sanders appears
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to be a pretty big contender however the contempt that the mainstream of the democratic party has for him has not gone away so you think flat out democrats can't defeat trump if they have to defend socialism i think is going to be incredibly more difficult bernie sanders had a pretty good showing in iowa despite the fact that pete buttigieg declared victory before any results had even been tallied so now at this point we can see that the democratic party's favorite centrists are not thrilled new diseases now unleashed a new weapon in his effort to discredit bernie sanders comedy bernie is pretty rich and i would happily accept a contribution from him i respect senator sanders but when i hear this message go out that you're either for a revolution or you've got to be for the status quo that's a vision of the country that doesn't have room for most of us but chris matthews an m s n b c host took a rather dark approach no laugh track here chris matthews went on
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a rant after the recent debate about a hypothetical use of the death penalty because castro and the ridge had won the cold war there would be executions and some support and i might have been one of the ones getting executed and certain other people would be there cheering now c.n.n. took a swing at sanders supporters apparently the common claim that socialists are a bunch of weaklings and snowflakes is way off those bernie bros are a bunch of rough and tough barbarians multiple targets described to c.n.n. what they call the sanders swarm some even digging into their personal lives trying to out their identity bully and frightened them to silence their recent poll conducted by the university of massachusetts determined that among new hampshire voters 62 percent would rather die from a meteorite hitting the earth than see donald trump win the next election that whenever you listen to top democrats the greatest threat is and try. or even an
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astrological armageddon scenario it's an old socialist from vermont who knows how to charm crowds of young voters senator sanders it's not just his policies that have the democratic establishment afraid it's the movement that he's been able it's inability. for you know more than 4 years now from when he ran in 2016 and campaign is always represented in insurgency to establishment democrats in the democratic national committee now that we're seeing with fund raising numbers we're seeing with his rallies we're seeing with the polling these tactics that the democratic national democratic party have attempted have not worked and so they're panicking quite frankly because they know that nominee she doesn't just represent you know a new democratic party but it represents the mentality of a new living room. coming to us with. the
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latest advances in virtual reality technologies meant that a south korean mother has been able to come face to face once again with her 7 year old daughter and she goes to build us a special combination of glasses and clubs allow the mother to interact with the child in the virtual world she can even talk to her using a model voice program which can also reflect behavior and other characteristics as well however some a concern about the ethical issues that it raises others a saying echoes of a dystopian saif i.t.v. serious. it will not use. any. now he's just. being green is another level that is available. when i told of an artificial intelligence research and an ethics professor to offer whether advances in virtual reality could prove. he can be
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a good idea. if you if you use in the in the right way for example if. grammar and this type of your targeted the canard and their. personal relieve grief then i think you can be a good idea but again it does not need to be misused dipshit fold my lies in the technical reconstruction of of the corrupt or a saw if the a artificial intelligence in this case is not able to recall a struct a person in their eye way then when a human interact with all of grammar in this case then he might interact in not really not a waste paper where the real war the human touches and feelings but as i said if for example a person is the introvert technology might might help these type of people intriguing possibilities of virtual reality to make it possible to experience
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things that we cannot in any other way and this sort of example is a good one where you might be able to see again to speak into somebody who's died the paradox of this technology is there the better the more realistic ities more plausible it might be is therapy or is a benefit for someone but also the more disconcerting it might be and the worry might be that it might prolong somebodies grieving there are lots of worries about virtual reality in people becoming no longer wishing to live in that in the real world because of the attractions of the virtual world in health care decision making or in on our roads or or in in huge areas of life where there's great potential for benefit but also real concerns about what the risks than side effects might be. london's metropolitan police
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have been facing a backlash since announcing plans to use live facial recognition cameras are the upshot of that is it seen a sudden burst of interest in make up known as docile caliph shoddy edwards daschle met with some of the campaign. make up i says me on a daily basis but i don't think i rely on it as much as these guys this is a doesn't know. but they're standing up to surveillance well they're doing is using anti facial recognition may come to defy the system taking defiance to a whole new level. looks like a castle would be proud of himself well that's an estimated 630000 c.c.t.v. cameras watching london's $8000000.00 people go about the daily lives that's around
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one camera for 14 people this is just a case of algorithms can already extract information ranging from gender age and even mood from a single image and then those physical attributes can be linked to commercial government databases and all the facial recognition technology can provide huge benefits and automation security many would argue it's a threat to privacy despite the arguments against the advance in facial recognition a moving piece of events into a new a while in phase doesn't clip started as a response to study. about fresh recognition being used on the construction site and we've spent a lot of time on things from. people with us we don't tell you old as a camera there's a camera at the end of the war cameras everywhere the group meets once a month to walk through different parts of london mosque with the come a flush the prevents computers recognizing their faces the trick to downswing as
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they call it a surprise up the face and as the motto goes less is more when it comes to the beauty routine so let's explore the secret of deceiving big brother time to get ready for a walk. police say facial recognition will revolutionize the fight against troy and with the threat of terror on the rise the pressure for improved security heightens but surely a simple lick of paint can stop this cutting edge technology can it expecting your lips to be so it could be that actually you know your lipstick goes away this way in the right kind of bend it scaring the different way it's been primarily tested on white men when it's kind of implemented on a kind of mass level on the streets of london for example. is largely inaccurate
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when it comes to people of color but while make up like this presents a challenge to facial recognition it can still be seen by other technologies like gates recognition meaning people's distinctive walking patterns are also monitored so perhaps the trick to dodging the system is more of a hop skip and jump away too do you think it's an invasion of human rights or do you think i think you have a right as a think it's again based on humor you know when we have a right to understanding the data is going and how it's being used i don't personally feel safer when i'm surrounded by cameras at the moment i was a very big widely acknowledged legislation so all of this data is being collected but whether the docile club or a small step or leap away from bowing down to big brother the cessna sporting this this snooping shotted with the ought to london. next while it might feel like it's only gratitude is out to save our planet from climate perilous times campaign is right on the road doorstep are also pitching up with ideas to protect one
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swedish professor has proposed which into more eco friendly. if you are vegetarian it's better to have plants that are greedy for greens to the legs to use rabbits chickens are grown so. worms are an excellent solution for again equates to the accelerate the compositing process decrease the waste and greed valuable planting source. for a human meat is good come on to blue against cannibalism interesting test case be consequential list morality versus career action absolutism.
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i feel someone has it but to not appear overly conservative i have to say i feel in 2 of these tasty. and for these the 1st strikers that is the number one reason and they have declared and signed it into the universe that they will not have children or have any more children because of time and. there's more online ditching traditional pets opinion pieces and. going green could mean for you personally when it comes to climate change. including teachers in england being equipped with body cameras much like the ones the police officers where find out more about the threats educators they're facing. what is
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we're going to build a house you need a roller. to get to build something in a standardization. revolution. well in the global economy now we have no standards for money. money we're trying to other. regrets. and as a result. a lot of problems. again expected successor is german chancellor has. to resign as the leader of the christian democratic union and. won't run in the next election after a regional vote over so-called far right files our europe correspondent peter all
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of it looks at where it's left the c.d.u. . before monday it was almost impossible to hear on a good com column about his name said by a journalist commentator without them modding widely tipped as a future success set to angela merkel all that is no more after a meeting with christian democratic party top brass on sunday she decided to quit as party leader and she won't be running for the job of chancellor at the next election and that's without any new meg there and then there would be difficult times and the last 2 years have proved that out of this reasons and with the intention to make the city's stronger after careful consideration i have announced my decision today in front of the c.d.u. board meeting and federal mord i want john for the position of chancellor as i have already announced our will lead the process to find the new candidate who will move the c.d.u. and the whole union forward the poles have not been kind to the c.d.u.
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who along with their variances to party the c.s.u. a looked in a loveless marriage of a coalition with the center left social democrats the final straw for i think that . his name is often the breviary to a k.k.k. was last week's debacle in turning. the fallout from to the injury caused major wary impasse the ranks with questions being asked of a cake case abilities she can't handle they see what happens when it comes to the real serious stuff she has made the kilo's of and worse if the coal falls on deaf
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ears in the party's regional brown. then she's no longer up to her role c.d.u. party chairwoman instead of letting things slide the party top brass would have done well to show leadership former vice chancellor the next leader of the social democrat ziegler gabrielle has worn a k k s resignation could well bring the curtain down on the current coalition government we're witnessing the end of the 2nd major peoples party in germany after the s.p.d. the c.d.u. is also no longer able to keep a lid on tensions within his own party the wings have drifted too far apart at the same time the federal government has been paralyzed for a 2nd time in quick succession after the s.p.d. candidate race i suspect it won't be long before we have new elections current situation leaves germany's christine union of c.d.u. in a c.s.u. in need of selecting who will lead them into the next general election friedrich mertz is emerging as the bookies favorite he missed out to a k.k. in 2018 c.d.u.
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leadership race in contrast to cram academy he didn't really dazzle on getting the post met as barely put a foot wrong and could be the pro-business socially conservative candidate the cd use base have been wanting yen spawn came behind a k.k. and met in the last contest for c.d.u. leadership the 39 year old health minister how supports on the right of the party he came to prominence for being outspoken on chancellor merkel's refugee policy he is most recently impressed with his views on germany's actions to combine the coronavirus and coordinating with european and g 7 nations markets is being increasingly talked about as a potential candidate for chancellor no one from the bavarian c.s.u. has ever taken the top job the 53 year old has it would seem won over many in the
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largest c.d.u. branch of the union but he has been keen to dismiss talk. of a run at the chancellorship after 18 years of angler merkel at the helm of the c.d.u. 13 of those as chancellor it was always going to be a tough job for whoever came in but with an addict can combo or announcing that she will quit the post less than 2 years after having taken it up those within the c.d.u. old guard a concern that the direction the party is heading in the next candidate for chancellor will not become a chancellor if we continue like this a k k has said that she will stay in her role as party leader until a candidate for chancellor is announced but ultimately this move by the step down is a huge if not potentially fatal blow to on google merkel's hopes of managing who will be her successor peter all of her r.t. berlin german journalist and commentator thomas fassbender told us that angela
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merkel's own time as a leader could be cut short as well. as long as angle america is in power this has sort of toxic influence on any potential successor of a k.k. of. a now this is why most observers do not expect that angela merkel it will. remain in the chance of the ship until the elections late in 2021 and that there will be a. end of her government and the grand coalition all this is not going to add a lot of votes to the already diminishing halls and election results of that party the christian democrats like other christian democrat parties in western europe have been losing votes over over years over 1020 years we see this in italy we see this in holland in other countries this is the main
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challenge for the party it may well be that as the social democrats fair. why do under 20 percent that will also be this faith for the c.d.u. at least in some of the german federal states so. the long predicted scenario of the diminishing rule of the former people's party is the form of big parties. is going to is now realising materializing itself. donald trump's announced a controversial budget plan that both aims to reduce the deficit while boosting funds for washington to counter familiar foes. today that over a period of. robert you know justice is different to what it should be which is close to 0 and i think people are going to be very impressed by what it looks like as a 750
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a 1000000000 dollar increase for national defense including nuclear weapons modernization there's also a sizable amount there for countering so-called threats coming from russia and china that includes russian propaganda which has got a whole separate line in the budget however there are some key areas look set to face significant cuts among them american welfare programs they're going to lose almost $300000000000.00 in funding according to trump's plan that extends to medicare medicaid and social security and forecast right now suggest that there's a real chance that that budget could be approved we sounded out antiwar activist brian baca who isn't convinced by trump's changes. there is nothing more absurd than taking more money away from health education that which people need in the united states and using it to gin up for a confrontation with russia trying to ministrations moving far away from even the semblance of diplomacy they're cutting the state department and cutting the usa id budget but they're also cutting the national institutes for health the
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environmental protection agency they're cutting the centers for disease disease control at the same time the media and the government is beating the war drums against china over the coronavirus the us is actually slashing its budget that's what the budget proposes big savage cuts to the health care infrastructure in america including to the centers for disease control and the national institute of health i mean this seems again crazy because it is crazy. that the news this hour from 247 updates for the aussie apple check out on you tube channel for the videos that are going to be back here with your next update from moscow in just over 35 minutes from now to see that. some of the propaganda machine propaganda outlets propaganda tools we are getting information.
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that can change the way. we use and how you tube videos that. are structured to be certain that. brushes russia russia russia say. you they will lose their shirts and i'm really happy to join you see you then on our. we're so proud and still. are just getting the number. why have you not shut down our t.v. on you tube it's a propaganda machine mr walker. the
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thinks. we dare to ask. in 2040 you know bloody revolution to crush the demonstrations going from being relatively peaceful political protests to be creasing the violent revolution is always spontaneous or is it just a lawyer here i mean you are liz put video through to me in the new bill is that i mean you just pulling it out of the former ukrainian president recalls the events of 2014. those who took part in it invested over $5000000000.00 to assist ukraine in these and other goals that will ensure a secure and prosperous and democratic. seemed wrong but all in all just don't call. me lol. to shape
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when you're inside is totally different from outside people watched movies and have to take on what prison is like but they don't know. what it is to be inside we have to take what we are inside. to a whole lot of things but mean to each other to. me and i think he used to. be an abnormal situation if you have to make do so you try to figure. but
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we have to. take to washing all the clothes on your hand. washing. the washing machine they have you put your clothes in a bag. or you take until the laundry and trying them in you don't know which. you might get you close. not good at all. in the prison it's coming through the wall you bring it to be inhaled. a lot of people sick. not all the. sewage is bad. and the unit to be the newest the most modern unit. crumbling infrastructure is crumbling in its visible to anybody who even walks. normally when you go to
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