tv News RT February 11, 2020 3:00am-3:31am EST
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ok link up. a bombshell announcement leaves germany's ruling party in disarray as expected success of a chancellor quit over a vote scandal. getting made up for the cameras our team makes london so-called campaigners are using makeup to find these plans to use the recognition technology . and advances in virtual reality help a grieving mother spent time with a 7 year old daughter she lost to illness but could the concept of coming face to
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face with lost loved ones cause more harm than good will hear the ethical issues from experts. it's tuesday the 11th of february and moscow welcome to the program 1st to central europe then and i. expected to accessorise german chancellor stunned after resigning as leader of the christian democratic union karrenbauer run in the next election after a breach in a vote scandal over so-called far right fireballs our europe correspondent peter all of a look where it's left the c.d.u. . it was almost impossible to hear. how about those names said by a commentator without them being widely tipped as a future successor to cult is no. or after
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a meeting with christian democratic party top brass on sunday she decided to quit as party leader and she won't be running for the job of chancellor at the next election and that's true for any new meg there and then there would be difficult times and the last 2 years have proved that out of this who is and with the intention to make the city's stronger after careful consideration i have announced my decision today in front of the c.d.u. board meeting and federal mord i want john for the position of chancellor as i have already announced our will lead the process to find a new candidate who will move the c.d.u. and the whole union forward the poles have not been kind to the c.d.u. who along with that but variances to posses the c.s.u. a looked in a loveless marriage of a coalition with the center left social democrats the final straw for i think it. whose name is often the breviary to to a k.k.k. was last week's debacle in turning.
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the fallout 'd from to the injury caused major wary impasse the ranks with questions being asked of a k k s abilities she can tumble face what happens when it comes to the real serious stuff she has made the kilo's of and worse if the coal falls on deaf ears in the party's regional branches then she's no longer up to her role a cd you party chairwoman instead of letting things slide the party top brass would have done well to show leadership former vice chancellor and ex later of the social democrat sigma gabrielle as well. a.k.k.
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is resignation could well bring the curtain down on the current coalition government we're witnessing the end of the 2nd major peoples party in germany after the s.p.d. the c.d.u. is also no longer able to keep a lid on tensions within his own party the wings have drifted too far apart at the same time the federal government has been paralyzed for a 2nd time in quick succession after the s.p.d. candidate race i suspect it won't be long before we have new elections current situation leaves germany's kristie in union of c.d.u. in a c.s.u. in need of selecting who will lead them into the next general election friedrich mertz is emerging as the bookies favorite he missed out to a k.k.k. in 2018 c.d.u. leadership race in contrast to crime mcadam bauer who didn't really dazzle on getting the post met as barely put a foot wrong and could be the pro-business socially conservative candidate the cd use base have been wanting yen span came behind a k.
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and met in the last contest for cd you leadership the 39 year old health minister how support on the right of the party he came to prominence for being outspoken on chancellor merkel's refugee policy is most recently impressed with his views on germany's actions to combat the coronavirus and coordinating with european and g 7 nations market is being increasingly talked about as a potential candidate for chancellor no one from the bavarian c.s.u. has ever taken the top job the 53 year old has it would seem won over many in the largest c.d.u. branch of the union but he has been keen to dismiss talk of a run at the chancellorship after 18 years of angular merkel at the helm of the c.d.u. 13 of those as chancellor it was always going to be a tough job for whoever came in but without a good outcome combo or announcing. she will quit the post less than 2 years after
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having taken it up those within the c.d.u. old guard a concern that the direction the party is heading in the next candidate for chancellor will not become a chancellor if we continue like this a k k has said that she will stay in her role as party leader until a candidate for chancellor is announced but ultimately this move by this step down is a huge if not potentially fatal blow to uncle of merkel's hopes of managing who will be her successor peter all of her r.t. berlin. let's get some party insight on that now mustapha. member of the c.d.u. party in berlin waiting to talk to us good morning will care about resignation as party chief do anything to change the cd use popularity. well 1st of all that maturely with. current combo as she took over after
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a very huge conflict that we heard him 2 years ago and we appreciate her decision and what a smile he respects it also but we never forget her fight we never forget your historical fight to bring suit you together and i think now it's a lot of mission now to get together to be a unity to find the right one to be there one could replace but if the party now turns to shift its focus towards its own internal restructuring and jostling for position that takes focus away from voters doesn't it at a time when that's exactly where your focus needs to be. well our focus is not only is this our focus now we need to find also what our wings they because we find out that there is a lot of there is some people there are not too loyal to our party and we need to find out who is loyal to us and who is not because this is not a game and we saw that in the in the past few days there is a lot of people in our party they are playing with the with the fire and this is very dangerous for us so i need now to come together to discuss together to find
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out what where we are go where we are where we are going and what's next for the grand coalition that's governing germany right now which is going to cause irreparable fault lines. well you know it's now at the moment i cannot tell you what's will come the next but it's all i can say to you there is no any corporation with the link or with the f.t. of the moment and even in the future this is for us. what about for angela merkel future because with the thought of splitting the role of party chief with chancellor the problems of that's going to cause the thought being that it might mean that i'm going to merkel goes before is due to finish when it comes to that. well. until america's she's already given duty and she's just the post until 2021 and that's all but we still take
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her analogy we still take her take the experience from here but i think that she will not leave the c.d.u. in this time or she will lose to boy because of what's happening right now you know as i told you as i told you in the begin i think this is the right time that we need to come together to come closer and it is not the time that we need to seek revenge it's very sad turns that when i see no the other parties they are being. they are seeking revenge from us no it's cool have been in any party in this time or in the in the politics of history but as i say the time now we really need to come together to write or to draw a war or for the next future as you say it's not a game and it's not just a party decision this is moving towards whoever takes arguably europe's most powerful political job which candidates are in the frame thank you. exactly exactly this is not only the body of responsibility this is the whole germany responsible because you are the folks party and i think we have to take the responsibility we
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don't need to side on we say no it's all happening and we cannot do anything no we're having a lot of people we have in there but to your it's a spirit in there in the party and i think we will we will we will surprise the people before the election will surprise the people in terms of handling all talking with the fringe parties who've been breaking more and more into germany's mainstream politics can be your cd you party step up to the challenge to fend off challenges from the likes of the f.t. so i didn't hear you very well can you to be reconciled with the fringe parties and dealing with those or handling them. opposite ends of the political spectrum in germany right now does the c.d.u. party currently have what it takes to be able to fend off challenges from organizations like alternative for germany. no we there is there is no work alternative there is no work was the link there is no work without tentative and there is no future with them to do anything to even we even with the next election with the throwing of their we say that we are not supporting the. left party
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because we are not agree about their policy we are not what they are doing even with the alternative alternative they are just a nice you know muslim and they are try to be a populist. and the area and they need to do to rise up the hate they need to rise up against us or this is not no go for us to call operate with them even with the alternative or with the link again ok i appreciate party insights on this but other mustapha from the c.d.u. in germany thanks very much for your time. york. next london's metropolitan police have been facing a backlash centered around thing plans to use live facial recognition cameras and it's in a sudden burst of interest in makeup known as does all camouflage r t shadi edwards daschle met with some of the campaigners. makeup i says never learn on a daily basis but i don't think i rely on it as much as these guys this is a doesn't know. but they're standing up to surveillance well they're doing is using
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anti facial recognition makeup to defy the system taking defiance to a whole new level. looks like a picasso would be proud of himself well that's an estimated 630000 c.c.t.v. cameras watching london's $8000000.00 people go about the daily lives that's around one camera for 14 people this is just a case of algorithms can already extract information ranging from gender age and even mood from a single image and then those physical attributes can be linked to commercial government databases and while the facial recognition technology can provide huge benefits and automation security many would argue it's a threat to privacy despite the arguments against the advance in facial recognition
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a moving piece of events into a new a while in phase doesn't clip started as a response to study. about fresh recognition being used on the construction site and we've spent a lot of time on things from. people with us we don't tell you all there's a camera there's a camera at the end of the war and cameras everywhere the group meets once a month to walk through different parts of london mosque with the come a flash the prevents computers recognizing their faces well the trick to downswing as they call it is a great cup the face and as the motto goes less is more when it comes to the beauty routine so let's explore the secret of deceiving big brother time to get ready for a walk.
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police say facial recognition will revolutionize afford to troy and with the threat of terror on the rise the pressure for improved security heightens but surely a simple lick of paint can stop this cutting edge technology can it expecting your lips to be so it could be that actually you know your lipstick goes away this way in the right kind of been a scaring me different way it's been primarily tested on white men when it's kind of implemented on a kind of mass level on the streets of london for example. is largely inaccurate when it comes to people of color but well make up like this presents a challenge to facial recognition it can still be seen by other technologies like gates recognition meaning people's distinctive walking patterns are also monitored so perhaps the trick to dodging the system is more of a hop skip and jump away too do you think it's an invasion of human rights or do you think you know i think you have a right let's look at a list you think it's against our humor you know when we have a right to understanding our data is going and how it's being used i don't
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personally feel safer when i'm surrounded by cameras at the moment i was a very big widely acknowledged legislation so all of this data is being collected but whether the dazzle club or a small step or leap away from bowing down to big brother the sesame sporting the snoop the snooping shouted with the r t london. the latest advances in virtual reality technology has meant a south korean mother has been able to come face to face once again with her 7 year old daughter she lost to build us a special combination of glasses and clubs allow the mother to interact with the child in the virtual world she could even talk to her using a mobile voice program which can also reflect behavior and other characteristics. you know who i am i. lucky.
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some on the long line. because of just how realistic the experience is somewhat concerned about the ethical issues that vo raises while others have drawn parallels to the dystopian saif i.t.v. series. it will eastley. all these things never say i don't mind the language. always sending it just like this my soon to be green is another level to this available lol. we talked with an artificial intelligence researcher and an ethics professor to ask whether advances of virtual reality could prove more traumatic than positive. it can be a good idea. if you if you use in the in the right away for example if. grammar and this type of you are targeted the kemal a-g. can. personal relieve grief then i think it can be
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a good idea but again it does not need to be misused intriguing possibilities of virtual reality to make it possible to experience things that we cannot in any other way and this sort of example is a good one where you might be able to see again to speak again to somebody who's died depict fold my lies in the technical reconstruction of of the corrupter a saw if the artificial intelligence in this case is not able to request struct a person in their eye way then when a human interact with all of them in this case then he might interact in. a way so the paradox of this technology is that the better the more realistic it is the more plausible it might be as therapy or is
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a benefit for someone but also the more disconcerting it might be and the worry mind be that it might prolong somebodies grieving or even make it difficult for them to get on with the rest of their world if humans. expert need to control how we use technology in need to fundamentally put its called body is on on the use of such technologies there are very good reasons to to think very carefully about the ethics of of artificial intelligence whether that's in health care decision making or in on our roads or or in in huge areas of life where there's great potential for benefit but also real concerns about what the risks than side effects might be. a while it might feel like it's only grew out of some book who's out to save our planet from climate perilous times campaigners right on our own doorstep or also
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pitching up with ideas to protect mother earth once we have professors propose switching to more eco friendly pets so much for man's best friend it seems. if you are beach with the area and it's better to have plants that are graded for greens to that length be sure and it's chickens are grown so. worms are an excellent solution for again a quick so you accelerate the compositing process to crease the waste a great valuable plant. or if you mean me to screw over come on to do against cannibalism 1st test kits become
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sequential list morality versus. absolute as. i feel someone has put to not appear overly conservative i have to say i feel when 2 of these tasty. and for these birds fly 1st that is the number one reason and bass player that signed it into the universe that they will not have children or have any more children because of time. i would if we kick out the cat and ditch the dog what are the consequences for us. reaction or more going for mean for you personally when it comes to climate change . to. including teachers in england being equipped with body cameras much like the ones the police officers find out about the educators there are facing. the
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world what is almost the corona virus outbreak spreads from china scientists say another. a novel virus has been discovered in brazil it's all online now at r.t. dot com. on the way here domestic programs in the u.s. could be facing big cuts as donald trump tries to boost defense spending against washington's usual suspects who get on to that after the break. so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy. let it be an arms race. period dramatic. only. exists i don't see how that strategy will be successful very critical. to sit.
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what politicians do. they put themselves on the line they get accepted or rejected . so when you want to be president and she. want. to go right to the press it's like them before 3 of them or people get. interested in the waters of the. city. hello again donald trump's announced a controversial plan for the budget that both aims to reduce the deficit while boosting funds for washington to counter familiar foes. plan to do that over
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a period of. deficit down to what it should be which is close to 0 and i think people are going to be very impressed with ok well here's what it looks like there's a $750000000000.00 increase for national defense including nuclear weapons modernization there's also a sizable of countering so-called threats from russia and china included in that russian propaganda which is going to hold separate line to itself in the budget however there are some key sectors such as health environment and science that are potentially facing some signal. in trump's plan american welfare programs will lose almost 300000000000 in funding according to trump's outline for what he plans to do that extends to medicare medicaid and social security for costs right now suggests that there is a real chance that the budget could be approved we sounded out antiwar activists brian baca who isn't convinced by trump's changes there is nothing more absurd than
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taking more money away from health education that which people need in the united states and using it to gin up for a confrontation with russia trying to ministrations moving far away from even the semblance of diplomacy they're cutting the state department and cutting the usa id budget but they're also cutting the national institutes for health the environmental protection agency they're cutting the centers for disease control at the same time the media in the government is beating the war drums against china over the coronavirus the u.s. is actually slashing its budget that's what the budget proposes big savage cuts to the health care infrastructure in america including to the centers for disease control and the national institute of health i mean this seems again crazy because it is crazy some of the world headlines to update you on this 1st afghanistan where there's been a deadly terror attack near the capital a suicide bomber targeted defense ministry buildings in kabul 5 people were killed
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and several more injured in that attack when this is also said gunshots were heard in the aftermath of the blast no groups yet to claim responsibility for the attack . the philippines has announced it's ending a security pact with the u.s. that stood since $999.00 it was initially signed to allow american forces to train on the country soil it's expected to take around 3 months for the changes to come into effect. under government protest to supply asked with police in the lebanese capital beirut as demonstrators continue to vent their anger over an almost $700000000000.00 in spending cuts officers used tear gas and water cannon as some of those lobbying for invokes of the authorities. and that's the way looks from moscow so fathers choose day for brady the 11th hour of your next update off the all new cars report.
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is always spontaneous or is it just always here but i mean you are liz put the video through to me in the new bill is that i mean you split needle the former ukrainian president recalls the events of 2014. of those who took part in it invested over $5000000000.00 to assist ukraine in these and other goals that will ensure a secure and prosperous and democratic. israel media a reflection of reality. in a world transformed. what will make you feel safe. isolation community. are you going the right way or are you being led. by. what is true what is faith.
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i am as kaiser this is the kaiser report you know it's really hard to have an economy without a yardstick to measure stuff against right i mean if we're going to build a house you need a ruler right figure to build something in a standardization that was all part of the industrial revolution. well in the global economy now we have no standard for money that's off the money referring to other feel money it's infinite regress and as a result. lot of problem space is right we're going to get into one of the biggest stories that has been covered over the past few decades not only do we have that is it inflation or is the deflation we've also had is it trade deals or is it immigration or is it automation what's causing job losses what's causing the
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decline in u.s. manufacturing and incomes and the deaths of despair what's causing all that but speaking of despair i want to show you all an image that somebody created online and this is a merger between max kaiser and hillary clinton and what she might look like has she bought it back in 2011 by watching kaiser reports it was terrifying and caused great this affair oh boy but here's a big study that looked at china's introduction into the world trade organization whereby it got to compete with the rest of the developed world but a developing economy tariff raids so here is what they found in this study u.s. loses nearly 4000000 jobs to china since w t o entry a newly released study by the economic policy institute reaches a devastating.
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