tv News RT February 11, 2020 4:00pm-4:31pm EST
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i'll see you then. rewarding occupation the palestinian president rails against the ministrations middle east peace plan. sees a dramatic increase in extremist violence the president reveals his administration is holding talks with senior is the misleader hope of ending the bloodshed but this comes after france said it will be sending additional troops the west africa to shore up its faltering operation. in the philippines says it's a decades old military grievance with the united states relations between the 2
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countries. here in moscow thanks for joining us and r.t. international welcome to the program. the palestinian president mahmoud abbas has formally rejected donald trump's middle east peace plan was addressing the u.n. security council where he described the plan as a reward for occupation reports. palestinian leader mahmoud abbas spoke before the 15 member body that leans the united nations and made his case about why palestine is rejecting the proposal put forward by the white house and israel take a listen. i have come to you to call for
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a just peace on behalf of the palestinians i have come to you today to reaffirm the palestinian position which rejects the israeli american proposal this is supported by the results of meetings of the arab league the organization of islamic cooperation and the african union they who concluded that this plan must be completely rejected that's in addition to statements by the e.u. russia china japan and others. now abbas did mention he was open to negotiations with israel as long as the negotiations were sponsored by what is referred to as the international quartet united states the un russia and the european union now the israeli representative got up and spoke and indicated that israel feels that in the past negotiations with palestinians have been unsuccessful here's what we heard from the israeli representative president abbas few of the to be plugged. if you do this to negotiate even into this did in finding a balance to 2 the conflict. is the president. let's not beat around
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the bush. would not be made of longer than the. vision the reality only when he steps down can either. move fooled now according to the plan that was put forward jerusalem would remain israel's undivided capital and the united states claims it would double palestine's territory and that $50000000000.00 would be invested into a palestinian state now those are the claims put forward about what would go on and what would take place under this deal however though we have heard a lot of optimism and positive statements about it from the u.s. leaders as well as israeli leaders we have not heard anything positive about it from palestinians in fact in addition to negative statements about it from palestinian leaders there have been some pretty intense clashes take a listen to my vision presents
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a win win opportunity for both sides. of . the. a realistic 2 state solution that resolves the risks of palestinian statehood to the israel's security. i'm going to have. it's a great plan prue's room. it's a great plan for peace. already on the very day when this u.n. security council meeting was taking place there were clashes taking place on the west bank between palestinians and israeli security forces near the palestinian city of ramallah there was conflict at this point there were jewish settlements there was tear gas dispersed against palestinian protesters rocks were thrown quite
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a heated and intense exchange a lot of injuries took place it seems that this proposed peace plan is not leading to peace and stability. real shaath a senior political adviser to mahmoud abbas says the palestinian president is ready to negotiate with israel but only under international supervision it is totally unacceptable it's it's not. a deal a deal if somebody is something that each party of 2 parties get something and peace something this is not a deal this is an attempt to liquidate the palestinian problem give it a big part of our land in the west bank to israel for peace. israel responsible for sound security whatever. and share with us. and take over all of the east jerusalem and stop giving any rights to the
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refugees this is a crime against the palestinian people there is nothing government really focused on our best to accept this is he spoke today in the security council he was very clear. i am i want peace based on a 2 state solution i want need to negotiate directly with israel not through america i want the quartet which includes russia and the rubin union and the united nations and the united states but i will not submit to benighted states and make it the sole oh not of this peace process because it is totally biased with israelis. mollen president has revealed it is a ministrations by contact with islamist leader various countries conflict stricken north and an effort to end the deadly violence that's been sweeping this held region ever ever charter is admission to a french journalist comes shortly after paris said it will send 600 more troops to
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west africa so that the minsky has the details. president kater in that interview said that no stone could be left unturned when it came to the search for peace and an end to the bloodshed. it is my duty and my mission to do everything possible so that one way or another we can achieve some sort of peace because the number of deaths in the sahara is increasing exponentially and i believe that it is time that certain avenues were explored this is as tensions have been mounting particularly over the last 2 months that bloodshed has been ratcheting up.
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the. well as you're aware there is a heavy french a presence of military in the sawhill region so the idea that mali's president and its government is now talking to the c.g. hardest puts in question what perhaps those french troops are doing to guarantee that security in the region this acknowledgement is pretty uncomfortable given that it comes just weeks after a summit here in france the g. 5 sawhill summit was held in january that was hailed as a success by president he said at the time that the summit was a turning point in founding a solution to the issues in the saw her region when it comes to the insurgency by the hardest and he acknowledged at that summit and he said that this has been
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acknowledged by other african region as well is that the. former colonial power was the only guarantee of security on the ground so the idea that mali's government is now talking to these senior harvests in an attempt to find peace will probably raise some eyebrows here in france especially given that french soldiers macron and put it well paying for the conflict in blood and it's also possibly a slap in the face given that we've just had the announcement that france is to boost its troops in the region the armed forces minister announcing that that would bring the troop deployment up to around $5100.00 it also comes at a time when there are tensions over the presence of french military the french troops in the region as well there have been protests on the ground across the south whole region of people saying that they're unhappy with the idea of a former colonial power having its troops in the region today and that's something that mack wanted also touched on in that summit in power in the south of france
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back in january he actually said that there was no problem with french troops being on the ground and he suggested that the tensions were in fact being stood up by what he described as foreign powers the speeches that i've heard in recent weeks are contemptible because they serve other interests be very interested terrorist groups or those of foreign powers who want to see the europeans withdraw because they have their own agendas agendas involving mercenaries the french armies in the world to promote security and stability well there was no further details to elaborate on that no evidence given by president but this new announcement of this talking with the hardest and also another announcement by the african union that what they need is a homegrown counterterrorism force perhaps suggest french troops aren't exactly that welcome at least in the long term and this could cause some difficulties for president back on here in france he's been under pressure recently to justify that
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continued military deployment that presence in this and of course now with those increasing troops heading to the area. a counter terror expert we spoke to earlier thinks all options should be on the table when it comes to the military in the region i think every adult shown should be looked just like you highly mentioned our way of making decent move without consultation with the french press today it seems to be a bit of be told understand that about 4000 people have been lost or lost their lives you know in this is. of course is under a lot of praise your to a show that it brings this violence to an end i think with the french government having you know about 5000 laundered all planted to 5100
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soldiers on the ground war how did. that cause you know knowing that 4 to one you know soldiers have been a lot more since 2000 are. the french good men to be quite keen. to. make sure that they're leaving the place helped to a show that peace really. particularly in mali. relations between the philippines and the u.s. have hit a new low point manila's scrapping a decade's old defense agreement with washington that allows u.s. forces to train saying it wants to be more independent. it's about time we rely on ourselves we will strengthen our own defenses and not rely on any other country. or the move to end the defense agreement comes after a filipino senator who was also a top commander in the country's war on drugs had his u.s. visa rescinded without explanation when that happened president that has
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a lashed out at the united states. you see but all. but go on this i merely am wondering your this is the 1st time. in your. view no. one. better men may be said. visiting is that a woman. couple same full time in. the so-called visiting forces agreement has been in place since 9099 that allows us troops to take part in joint training exercises in the philippines cuse american forces of clandestine activity even in washington was storing nuclear weapons in the southeast asian country. well the united states has said it received notification on ending the agreement but will not comment on further developments
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in the early exclusive interview with r.t. president the tatty explain to us why he's so suspicious of the united states. he has the look. but so state. because we're we were 150 years and if you look difficult to learn. what we've got going to. prevent the war against. seoul. if you. think then again it. will still be a minute. they can get from there and the. train is going to be close. to be so good in the. east of the only full 30. feet and you can watch the full interview at r.t. dot com and on our you tube channel as well i mean we spoke to activists throughout
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the rays in manila who believes the military agreement should have been ended sooner. the reasons for scrapping the this is in force agreement or worse less an idea or a spat with the side over the drug war and we don't support the drug war but he believed that the our terminator the 50 to slaughter over jew it is just is absolutely necessary that the us be an affront to our sovereignty and it is a reminder to remain a new colony of the united states the north the sermon nation has been received by the united states and i think it's now waiting game we have 100 east by which we can have we will have a press for the term in egypt obviously we hope that money will not backtrack on this termination and we hope that the u.s. government would not extrude any more pressure on the philippines on account of this terminations but it's it's really too much intervention already for glass 2
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decades from the united states and this is the 1st time that the for the east will try to stand on its own 2 feet minus any crutch just for be united states. london's metropolitan police have been facing a backlash and it's about thing play out of the use life facial recognition camera it's in a sudden burst of interest in wake up known as doesn't come for us to shut it was vashti met with some of those companies and try to handle it as well. make up i says never learn on a daily basis but i don't think i rely on it as much as these guys this is a doesn't know the knob but they're standing up to surveillance well they're doing is using anti facial recognition makeup to defy the system taking defiance to a whole new level.
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looks like a picasso would be proud of himself well that's an estimated 630000 c.c.t.v. cameras watching london's $8000000.00 people go about the daily lives that's around one camera for 14 people this is just a case of algorithms can already extract information ranging from gender age and even mood from a single image and then those physical attributes can be linked to commercial government databases and all the facial recognition technology can provide huge benefits and automation security many would argue it's a threat to privacy despite the arguments against the advance in facial recognition a moving piece of events into a new a while in phase doesn't clip started as a response to study. about fresh recognition being used on the king's cross site and we've spent a lot of time on things from. people with us we don't tell you all there's
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a camera there's a camera at the end of the war cameras everywhere the group meets once a month to walk through different parts of london mosque with the come a flash the prevents computers recognizing their faces well the trick to downswing as they call it a surprise up the face and as the motto goes less is more when it comes to the beauty routine so let's explore the secret of deceiving big brother time to get ready for a walk. police say facial recognition will revolutionize the fight against troy and with the threat of terror on the rise the pressure for improved security heightens but surely a simple lick of paint can stop this cutting edge technology can it it's expecting your lips to be here so it could be that actually you know your lipstick goes away
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this way in the right kind of a different way it's been primarily tested on white men when it's kind of implemented on a kind of mass level on the streets of london for example. is largely inaccurate when it comes to people of color but well make up like this presents a challenge to facial recognition it can still be seen by other technologies like gates recognition meaning people's distinctive walking patterns are also monitored so perhaps the trick to dodging the system is more of a hop skip and jump away too do you think it's an invasion of human rights or do you think you know i think you have a right let's look at it i think it's again based on humor you know when we have a right to understanding our data is going and how it's being used i don't personally feel safer when i'm surrounded by cameras at the moment i was a very big widely acknowledged legislation so all of this data is being collected whether the dazzle club are a small step or leap away from bowing down to big brother the substance supporting
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the psni the snooping shouted with the r t london. now in new hampshire in the united states democrats are voting for the presidential candidate they want to try to trump you know i was. close but a typical melt with a voting up gave the president i'm going to walk you confusion. you can vote for the weakest candidate if you were my only problem is i'm trying to figure out who is their weakest candidate i think they're all we want to know they're all fighting each other they're all going after each other you got of all over the place i don't know what the hell they're doing. however democrats in new hampshire remain determined to back their party's hopefuls explaining they would rather be hit by a meteorite than see donald trump secure a 2nd in the white house. now ahead of tuesday's primary vote some of the saunders leads the polls locally at nationwide to the media outlets though and even in his own colleagues have been singling him out for his socialist leanings when one u.s.
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news shuttle host likening his possible victory to a communist dictatorship. i remember the cold war i have an attitude towards castro i believe that castro and the original one the cold war there were the executions in central park i don't know the burning burning sports over these years i don't know what he means by social bernie coal seam self democratic socialist so you think flat out democrats can't defeat trump if they have to defend socialism i think it's going to be incredibly more difficult political activist and that it was right that the salt of the campaign defied democrat traditions. senator sanders it's not just his policies that have the democratic establishment afraid it's the moment that he's been able it's an ability. for you know more than 4 years now from when he ran in 2016 and his campaign is always represented in insurgency to establishment democrats in the democratic national committee now that we're seeing
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with fund raising numbers we're seeing with his rallies we're seeing with the polling these tactics at the democratic national democratic party have attempted have have not worked and so they're panicking a bit quite frankly because they know that a bernie sanders nomination which doesn't just represent you know a new democratic party but it represents the mentality of a neo liberal orthodoxy coming to a very swift at. trump's announce the controversial budget plan that aims to both reduce the deficit while boosting funds from washington to counter some familia foes. the plan to do that over a period of longer probably to. bring. in our deficit down to what it should be which is close to 0 and i think people are going to be very impressed by it but let's take a closer look at national defense spending will rise that i watering $740000000000.00 this is how it all breaks down almost $30000000000.00 as you can see for nuclear
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weapon modernization is also a sizeable about set for countering so-called threats from russia and china that of course includes russian propaganda which as a whole separate line down here in the budget there are some key sectors those such as health the environment and science that are potentially facing some significant cuts american welfare programs will lose almost 300000000000 in funding according to trump's plan that also extends to medicare medicaid and social security just on the bottom there as well for costs right now suggests there's a real chance the budget could be approved we saw that out and see what activist who isn't convinced by trump's changes. well there is nothing more absurd than taking more money away from health education that which people need in the united states and using it to gin up for a confrontation with russia trying to ministrations moving far away from even the semblance of diplomacy they're cutting the state department and cutting the usa id
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budget but they're also cutting the national institutes for health the environmental protection agency they're cutting the centers for debris disease control at the same time the media and the government is feeding the war drums against china over the coronavirus the us is actually slashing its budget that's what the budget proposes big savage cuts to the health care infrastructure in america including to the centers for disease control and the national institute of health i mean this seems again crazy because it is crazy. some of the world headlines to update you 1st in afghanistan where there's been a deadly terror attack near the capital a suicide bomber targeted a defense ministry building in kabul with 6 people killed and several more injured when this is also said to me off the mouth of the last no group has yet to claim responsibility and that's. the body of.
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demonstrators clashed with police in new delhi on monday as anger continues over india's new citizenship more which critics say discriminates against muslims officers reportedly fired tear gas at streets from the jimmy emily university as they marched through the city towards the country's parliament approaches came was results from the interest of the elections in the capital suggested be ruling hindu nationalist party had been dealt a major defeat. to government protest a subclass of police in the lebanese capital of beirut as demonstrators continue to vent their anger. over almost $700000000.00 in spending cuts officers used tear gas and water cannon a some of those running through rocks for these i. am . i want to feel like it's only grow to work who's out to save our planet from
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climate peril at times campaigners right on her doorstep are also pitching with ideas to protect mother earth now one swedish professor has been proposed proposing switching to eco friendly pets so much for man's best friend a partner. apparently if you are b.j. perry and it's better to have pads that are greedy for greens to the leg fish rabbits chickens are goats. are an excellent solution for organic waste they accelerate the compile sting process decrease the waste and create valuable planting soil.
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one of human meat is growing we overcome want to do against cannibalism an interesting test case be consequential list morality versus career action absolutism. i feel someone has achieved but to not appear overly conservative i'd have to say i feel into at least tasty. and for decent birth striker's that is the number one reason and they have declared it signed it into the universe that they will not have children or have any more children because of time. now to discount the caps on which the dog what are the consequences for us. reaction to what going full green could mean for you personally when it comes to climate change plenty else to see on the website as well to check that out.
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documentaries shuttle taking a look next one of most notorious neighborhoods and for u.k. viewers it's larry king now stay tuned for more news and off now. the russian state television propaganda machine propaganda outlet propaganda tools we are in an information war. that can change the world tomorrow. we know you tube videos the sleepless much of a missile launches network online. pressure brushes russia russia russia say is. the only paper that will actually
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