tv News RT February 12, 2020 5:00pm-5:31pm EST
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as serious. tensions grow between russia and turkey which are accusing each other of breaking deescalation agreements. the. former interior minister is set to face trial for refugees in sicily last year despite him being elected on . greece takes on. planes there fueling hatred and violence between residents and refugees locals from the front line crossings. we all know. they're behind this situation in our village. we know they do this for money.
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over the corona virus outbreak people of asian descent find themselves on the receiving end of racism across the world. live from moscow thanks for joining us here in the international welcome to this from. the tensions have grown between russia and turkey after turkey's president threatened to launch attacks against syrian government forces in war stricken province. and also accused of targeting civilians in the rebel held region which provoked a furious that from moscow. correspondent has more. rebels and the islamists are facing catastrophe in the span of a little over a month they've lost a 3rd of their territory so you're going to stand why turkey which said which paid
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armed and trained those rebels as outraged at the gun is beside himself he needs to vent the shrike out. the syrian regime as well as russian forces and iran by militants icing with it and lifting it continuously attacking civilians committing massacres a kurd in syria might find strange of the guns concern for civilian casualties but russia took those accusations seriously pointing out rebels had launched ceaseless drone attacks on the russian base violated the cease fire again and again and again al-qaeda linked jihad it's control 90 percent of and who turkey despite promising to do so hadn't been able to separate from moderate rebels the statements made by turkish representatives about alleged russian military attacks on civilians in the
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edward discolorations zone are false the real reason for the crisis and ad lib unfortunately is the turkish colleagues have failed to fulfill their obligations to separate the moderate opposition militants from the terrorists in these areas but every gun appears death ended mute to his own faults instead of explanation he's flooding it with troops with tanks with artillery vowing lesion for anyone who dares shoot at them. we determined to drive back syrian regime forces from our observation post by the end of february we will do whatever is necessary both on the ground and in the air without any hesitation and without any delay and egging it all on is washington apparently they've forgiven ever the gun for his little crusade against syrian kurds and have lifted their sanctions on turkish officials involved in attacking kurds they went further saying they stand
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with their god as he invades a sovereign state my condolences to the families of the soldiers killed in yesterday's attack in the ongoing assaults by the assad regime and russia must stop i've sent jim jefferies to ankara to coordinate steps to respond to this destabilizing attack we stand by our nato ally there are now 4 nuclear powers engaged in syria 5 if you count israel and they're fighting on different sides the danger of escalation is colossal that happened today when an american convoy drove into a village where they weren't welcome. but this is our car village the americans came in and 1st resistance from the villages people who threw stones at them so the americans answered with bullets. a young man was killed and 2 were injured a 14 year old youngster killed to add insult to injury the pentagon in
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a statement referred to the villages as a pro acid militia and accuse the villages of occupying the village they live in also the american soldier who apparently scratched himself is fired and need to worry he literally separately tweeted about that so there you go an ugly day in our glee war and as things stand liable to get a whole lot uglier still. before all across life executive editor of 21st century wired dot com patrick henningsen thanks for joining us patrick good to have you on today if we can start with the speech there by president i want to parliament. a lot of rhetoric lot of strong words here do you see the action behind that is this just rhetoric is just p.r. or kind of we expect some sort of major turkish operation against syrian government forces in northern syria. well that's the big question the big question is does does turkey as a country have the stomach for
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a shooting war with its neighbor syria and up to this point they've been able to avoid this i personally based on turkey's willingness to put proxies on the front line to sort of deputized free syrian army for instance and all these various militant jihadi factions and absorb them into the under the turkish military structure that that sends a message i think to to syria to russia to iran to other people on the ground there that they're not that serious they don't have the stomach for body turkish body bags to pile up because at that point it's going to become very unpopular this conflict. up to this point because the actions are not performing on the ground very well turkish soldiers are having to actually be on the front lines for the 1st time against facing syrian arab army forces for
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instance. it's not a sustainable position for for turkey and also because they don't have any access to the airspace over it lip russia and syria are in control of this airspace and i don't see turkey challenging them on that if they do then we have the potential for an escalation of fighting in tension that could could expand beyond even syria. recent events they began with that kick using. agreements. holding. those agreements. this is the problem turkey has not upheld its obligations not on the saudi agreement but also on the istana greenman on the saatchi agreement deescalation zones are not going to work if turkey doesn't. maintain its side of the bargain and in order to separate the militants supposedly
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from the regular moderate rebels we know in reality that there is no difference really between those 2 so that part of the agreement is neither here nor there but because of this there's no way to have the escalation zones so turkey failed on that and that's the sort of the sochi agreement on the a stunner agreement. if you remember back in the fall of 28 teen there were a number of things agreed and one of the key things was that turkey would assist in the liberation of the international road to damascus to aleppo road where the m 5 highway to turkey is never done that is if you notice now that syria is making concerted moves to liberate the m 5 now turkey is moving and creating all sorts of obstacles in situations that are impeding that from happening so that does indicate that there's the reason none of these agreements are working is because actually turkey appears to be pursuing
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a parallel agenda and as long as it's doing that there's no way that they're going to meet those obligations and therefore the situation will become dysfunctional very quickly we saw some tensions in the commission there as well aside from seems that u.s. troops had some sort of class some sort of altercation at a checkpoint there with the locals local militias there. that was what it's trying to. what could that mean and what does this say about how locals are responding to the u.s. presence on the ground in syria. this is usually dangerous this is usually dangerous because we know how the united states. act if anything happens so much as an abrasion or scratch appears on one of their soldiers even if they are occupying operating illegally against international law in a place in the country like syria so this is extremely dangerous from that point of view if something happens so and syria is very aware of this they're playing the long game damascus moscow are certainly playing the long game in this respect or
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tolerating the u.s. presence in syria they have done from the beginning but the priority for damascus is it and after that it will be africa and when those 2 areas eventually they will be liberated they will be cleared but it might not be immediately but eventually they will because this is not the sustainable position for turkey as soon as that happens then the united states is completely out of sorts there's no way they'll be able to maintain their current position because they don't have any other leverage in other parts of the country and that's always been the success of the west and its coalition includes turkey israel the gulf states the u.s. britain france everybody who's been involved isis in destabilizing syria is that they had multiple fronts going simultaneously not allowed them to sort of leverage and and force syria to allocate in some cases in desperation forces and troops in
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assets resources in places where it was inconvenient and this is why were 8 years down the road now and this was we still haven't reached the end of this of this conflict because of that very reason syria's being hit from multiple angles has from the beginning since 2011 we can this continues today although they're very close to liberating it live when that happens then there's the situation in northeastern syria for the u.s. and. well becomes very very difficult to maintain yes very much a powder keg that areas and it's a focus of interest from multiple sides that have an interest in syria patrick henningsen their executive editor of 21st century wired dot com thanks for coming on today great to have you on the program. very easily senate has voted to send fire brand former interior minister matteo salvini to trial over charges of holding migrants at sea it was elected of course the power of the league's party an
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anti migration platform our europe correspondent speeds all of a has the details. well the italian senate has voted to revoke. his ministerial immunity from prosecution that will see him stand trial later this year charges of having illegally detained migrants on the boat last year after they tried to cross the mediterranean into italy if he's convicted there he could face up to 15 years in jail well this particular incident relates back to what happened in july of 2019 when the italian coast guard vehicle the italian coast guard vessel the betty picked up around 140 people who were crossing the mediterranean from libya to ward italy some of those on board needed immediate medical attention that left 116 on board the coast guard vessel they were kept there for
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days at the express orders of mr salvini salvini said that they would remain on board the ship until. the e.u. nations came into and said that they would take the people on board now what prosecutors are saying is that material salvini acted unilaterally that he willfully refused and ignored requests from. the italian prime minister to allow this coast guard ship into an italian port. had long said that he was fighting against immigration of fighting against migration into italy that he wanted to sure up italy's borders he felt this italy was being used as a soft touch by the rest of the e.u. when it came to issues of migration and immigration. he did say that he would face his day in court as he put it like
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a man saying that what he did he did for italy and suggesting that he would have done it again if he got the chance. i feel is my duty to the country the italian people and to my children i want to be proud of what it is to hold my head high our constitution says that protecting our homeland is a sacred duty for italian citizens as a minister as a man as an italian fighting people traffickers defending our borders and security defending the pride and dignity of my country protecting italians from all the illegal migrants in the country is not a right but a duty for me. well along with greece italy has been at the front line of europe's migration crisis the 1st port of call for many desperate people making that incredibly dangerous crossing over the mediterranean.
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well it's not over for salvini when it comes to the removal of his ministerial immunity later this month he'll face another vote relating to another incident from last year this time in august where he refused to allow the migrant vessel open arms to dock at an italian port but we are hearing from giuseppe conti that the italian prime minister is that the time he described as being obsessed with stopping migrants from arriving in italy so much definitely seeing the inside of a courtroom on charges relating to detaining migrants all one count it may well be 2 counts by the end of this month. received market crisis has become a battleground between authorities and n.g.o.s operating their organizations have been accused of inciting hatred and even violence between locals refugees. there is
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a galaxy a dodgy n.g.o.s operating alongside a network of doctors lawyers and other people making a mint out of the human misery of these people they are leeches and these practices must end all of this contributes to illegal migration early on and of less force has been a constant scene of protest since camps were established to handle the migrant influx large values often turned violence just last week in fact police were called into action to disperse crowds we spoke to local residents who agree with the government start that n.g.o.s are making the situation worse. but like your own up to it we all know what n.g.o.s are about they're behind this bad situation in our village we can understand the migrants we cannot leave just watching them killing our animals and setting fire to the fields in the village destroying the olive trees that we've had here for years and years. now you know they are you but yes
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the ngos are behind this bad situation we know they do this for money of course they are not all the same. now here's a bit more information about that biggest makeshift camp in question on the island of les boss it was originally built to host the maximum of 3000 migrants the number of people currently being kept there is actually 6 times higher with little or no access to health care the united nations has called for urgent action stressing the camp should be moving some of those or is it into to other places and meanwhile the bigger picture of course the refugee crisis across greece a country that's been on the front line for years is deepening last year it was estimated that $74000.00 migrants reached greek shores more than half of them remain in makeshift camps scattered across various locations agree search doesn't see an end in sight either countries expected up to $100000.00 or more asylum seekers in the coming year we heard from regional and local officials in an area
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heavily affected by the crisis they shared their concerns about some of the humanitarian activity happening in the region. we have about 450 n.g.o.s act in and around the country many of them are very active on the islands where the immigration problem exists and some of them are doing a very good job with the help of the our government to help the people but also some of them are really very obscure and ceo's we don't know where they're coming from how they deal with the money where they receive money from how they spend the money so we have been asking the government to act strictly and to right to control all the sect of use of this and this government has busted a new low in the parliament a few days ago according to which there will be a strict control of the indios a part of corn my personal opinion is that everybody knows we have n.g.o.s that help with the situation and others that help the migrants to protest there are also
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religious n.g.o.s who are helping by giving food to poor and vulnerable people i don't have evidence to prove that they are behind any negative actions when i am sure that there is more here than meets the eye. r.t. has asked several n.g.o.s the comment on the situation will let you know response. the world health organization is urging the media not to cause hysteria surrounding the corona virus outbreak is off the report so much citing a medical expert from hong kong warning that nearly 2 thirds of the world's population could be at risk of contracting the disease some concerning instances of on ward transmission from people with no travel history to china could be the spark that becomes a bigger fire but for no it's only a spark objective remains containment. or the corona virus which
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has now been named coffee 19 has a mortality rate of 2 percent so we can compare that to sars epidemic back in 2003 that killed 10 percent of those who cause it and a more recent health emergency in africa the virus was much more deadly than either one of those viruses and all that said of course against the backdrop of panic and exaggerated reports people of asian descent are increasingly becoming the target of racist abuse across the globe over coronavirus fears we spoke to people in london's chinatown to see if they've noticed any changes in attitude. terrible loss we feel. sadness and sorrow but i don't think people should be targeted or hated on because i. think you. put in people into a category into a box and think it's a dangerous way of thinking this is chinatown in the center of london it's going to be one of the most popular destinations by locals and tourists alike but today as
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you can see it's very quiet and the reason for that well after talking to locals and people on the streets they say it's plain and simple xenophobia the oldest chinese community group in chinatown has been handling the backlash against the corona virus and the fear factor is clear. i. mean. what about your personal experiences i think it was last thursday i was to train to work a normal guess what happened. beside me and i thought 1st. mother because we were standing normally. sit on the part of the day i was going to stop. because i'm trying these and people think oh i mean he be a potential carrier. what kind of reaction have you had from own members of your community people just absurd to suppose for young children because i. didn't hear
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a lot of complaining from the parents the children got picked up. children just don't understand that student here hear from their own parents when the cool school when it's each other's student or young young children this is so but the mere you because you might have a virus education for important the laws of important people understand that. the. transport and the global problem here so are the one thing the people with the thing that's just because you're trying to or you're peter chinese your prudence who carries. the way that we've documented the things that go on in the eastern world has always it's always been told like that anyway it's always been around a think the moment that something like this happens like there is a virus it just allows people to say the things that they're actually have been fed for a very long time are probably out that they harbor they have these feelings anyway and it just gives people a platform to say what they want because this fear in here i feel like it's just
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a very boring hard time right now for the chinese people i feel like using the disease. way to be 0 for this is just terrible i mean. if it was someone from the usa i don't think people would treat people americans coming over the same way as they are treating chinese people and chinese students in central crazy i mean i mean you can see that we can see here the 1st 2 cases chinese today are the cases in which people come from singapore so you can see that . you could be and human being can be can be carriers we have seen this before and now the coronavirus has instigated another wave of racism despite there being only a small number of cases confirmed in the u.k. and there's no doubt that the effect on the british chinese community has had huge implications. r.t. . u.s.
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tariffs are weighing heavy on one of france's most iconic works leaving wine makers pleading for help official reports suggest the market is suffering significant losses here's our france correspondent shot at their music. well just imagine that the u.s. is the 2nd largest importer of french wine so the idea of this 25 percent tax that was announced back in october and has been since slapped on those french wine products is really hitting the market for example we had some figures from the french federation of wine and spirits exporters say that since that tax was introduced they've seen those exports plummet by some 33 percent and they're suggesting that the loss to their organizers their members could be something worth more than a $100000000.00 euros this year alone so they're very concerned they say that those tariffs of already hit somewhere in winemakers so hard that they've cut jobs
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in some of even had to go into bankruptcy as a result of this now that tax was imposed by the u.s. following a decision by the world trade organization last year that the e.u. had in the given subsidies to the plane maker airbus and then those taxes were slapped on a range of european products but it really seems to be that the french wine makers are the ones that are suffering it is now essential that the government provide concrete responses to the requests made by our sector for 4 months in particular through the creation of an emergency compensation fund of 300000000 euros they want that money to cover the losses from their losses so far but also to cover any tax increases the wind exporters say this was a political decision to give those subsidies to airbus and they've been caught in the middle of something that has nothing to do with them and they're even more concerned that they could be even further tax hikes around the corner this is over
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the dispute between the u.s. and france over the so-called gaffe or taxes is a tax on digital giants so last month president machen try to ease the pain and said you know what we are talking with us and we are going to look for a solution to this. great discussion with donald trump on digital tax we will work together on a good agreement to avoid tariff escalation well that is not easing concerns because there is a suggestion that that 25 percent tax could be raised all the way up 200 percent and that many say would completely decimate the industry here now we are expecting an announcement in regards to that from the u.s. later this week that do watch this space on that but many say even if that's avoided that and there is an agreement the damage has already been done and that's because french products of already lost shelf space in the u.s. market that was a market that took them years to conquer and they say reconquest of that market may
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just not be possible. but as well as self-proclaimed president received one sort of money as well when caracas on tuesday after returning from a 3 week international tour bordeaux was met by angry crowds at the country's biggest port hold abuse at them and accuse them of exacerbating the economic crisis . was there. not at the office he laid a hand it wasn't easy for positionally to one guy do it to return to venezuela he passed border control at the international airport without any problem but he was confronted by airline workers from the company which was sanctioned after quite all stripped to the us. we are 2000 people and we are defending our families. he just goes crazy and we are here to defend ourselves there were members of libyan as well and socialist party present and other movements to debunk why don't proclaim himself the interim president of venezuela they shouted that he'd sold out
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the homeland and called him traitor. and the situation became more tense when quite all supporters came to the airport to meet their leader. but. it was said that venezuelan president nicolas maduro would visit the airport but he instead made a statement from the palace addressing transport work us. that promise to transport workers i confirm all my commitments do not waste time let's not be distracted by stupidity from traitors of the country. crosstalk delved deeper into the u.s. election and media coverage of out of the primaries as up next the morning of the night squabbling as headlines.
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