tv News RT February 13, 2020 5:00pm-5:31pm EST
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100 companies which it says are supporting illegal settlements in the west bank and we response from. this hour as the b.b.c. faces threats from the government. growing influence of countries like russia and china in the media. and the german city of dresden commemorate 75 years since the 2nd world war which left an estimated $25000.00 to speak. nothing with others when. the flame in the narrow streets the flames were spreading
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so fast people were suffocating. thanks for joining us on our. welcome to the program. of the u.n. human rights office has released a report by the end of falling over 100 companies which it says are supporting illegal settlements in the west bank the findings have come in sharp criticism from israel though it's called the document shameful and suspended ties with the body. who have a board will be boycotted to the human rights gone so is a buzz buddy that is devoid of influence the state of israel will not tolerate this discriminates he and he is really policy and will take action to prevent the implementation of these kinds of decisions the united nations was referring to the israeli settlements that are constructed in the west bank post the 19676 day war.
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the 121 officially recognized settlements house around half a 1000000 israeli settlers these places offer places of worship homes and businesses that serve the region for the israelis this list included 112 companies operating in these settlements they included some international companies such as moral solutions however they also included mostly israeli banks however some american companies like trip advisor and air b.n. b. were also mentioned in the list however the united nations list does not state that these companies are practicing any illegal activity over that they are only being listed because they are operating within the israeli settlements it's important to note that it is not some claim a blacklist nor does it qualify any companies activities as illegal that would be a separate and highly complicated terminations finding mission highlighted 10 types
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of business activities it viewed as being of particular concern given the well established legal nature of the settlements in the occupied palestinian territory the palestinians welcomed the united nations list that arrived from the human rights council calling it a welcome diplomatic victory and a sign of the palestinians diplomatic efforts in the international community to confront israel publishing this list of companies and entities operating in the settlements is a victory for international law and diplomatic efforts the american administer. gratian and out of the deal of the century palestinians call this deal or this piece of ring a pro israel agreement that gave nothing to the palestinians and gave everything towards the israelis this has actually created more tensions between the palestinian authority and the israeli government with these tensions also escalating into live protests on the ground and tensions are only rising in the days to come on how to decide is the national director of the boycott divestment
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and sanctions movement in south africa he hopes the new report will encourage businesses to end their support for west bank settlements but as a boycott divestment and sanctions movement we see this as a great as a great positive step in the right direction for holding israel accountable for its violations of international law it has taken the b.d.s. boycott of israel just over 15 years to get to the stage and so we do you do hope that this nonviolent boycott movement can have an effect on the israeli government in an attempt to bring israel to the negotiating table similar to how a party that africa was brought to the negotiating table big business is like a b. and b. bookings dot com to be advisor invidious others should be on the right side of history and should indeed complicity with these that is violations of international law we asked the companies mentioned on the list to comment on the story we'll let you know as and when we do get a response. all pro israel groups are demanding that songwriter musician and pink
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floyd co-founder roger waters be dropped from the south by southwest music festival in texas next month they claim the star is an anti semite and therefore doesn't deserve to share his views there it is unconscionable that waters be given any platform to air his anti semitic views much less the chance to be a keynote speaker at a major music festival south by southwest should remove him from its lineup immediately. well roger waters is shows you to be a keynote speaker at the festival that last year tracked more than $400000.00 people earlier a major baseball league in the united states and else they won't be running ads for waters upcoming tour after they came under pressure as well roger waters explain to us him self how he sees these attacks and what exactly he's fighting for. major league baseball ransom pre-sale adds before a pre-sell of tickets to my shows there was never any question of us continuing to run more ads of to the priest period so i think they just lend let it let it go
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away quietly the equation of the b.d.s. movement with simitis and is an invention of people like the ny breath and it's an invention of the ministry of strategic compares which spends millions and millions of pounds all over the world that served israeli ministry setups pacifically to spread lies about b.d.s. there is nothing and he semitic about b.d.s. the b.d.s. movement has consistently and constantly and and of quickly stated that it is against all forms of it is racism and semitism and muslim as lama for anything the i 8 show or a definition wedding cropped up and was adopted and has been adopted by trump and by others as a new definition of and his semitism is such
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a red herring definition which identifies any criticism of the policies both domestic and foreign of the state of israel as being inherently anti semitic is clearly nonsense this is nothing to do with gers people and by the way but not by rigged at the bottom of their letter which i read again today they claim to represent all jewish people all over the world well i'm sorry guys but you don't know i am not anti semitic don't say it any more please because it is a bare faced lie and it's irritating and it does nobody any good i believe that all human beings have brothers and sisters. the realm of the world and that we have an absolute moral duty to respect one another and that is the tiny platform upon which . clearly i'm being marley's so when i say tony it's
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a huge platform human rights i'm important than almost anything and clearly the israel palestine issue is a glaring of xampp somewhere where some people have the some of the people don't believe that human rights should be something that is fundamental and closed all people equally. or in another israel dominated or our free speech a journalist has filed a lawsuit against the u.s. state of georgia at the martin is planned talk at a local university was canceled after she refused to sign a pledge not to boycott israel the american islamic relations council has spoken out against the university's move by canceling a journalist speaking on campus because she refused to support a foreign government georgiou violated the 1st amendment freedom of speech guarantee there is no place were free speech is more important than on campus this is attempt to suppress a bit of use is as brazen as it is illegal. 27 other states have pro israel laws
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similar to georgia's they forbid people from making contracts with those who boycott the jewish state of the laws are designed as a counter to palestinian led campaigns against israel we're joined live now by abby martin the journalist who filed that lawsuit debbie thanks for joining us because when the program today just tell us a bit more how did all this unfold what did the university tell you exactly and what happened next. sure so february 28th of 2020 i was slated to give a keynote speech at and media literacy conference at georgia southern university it's a publicly funded institution in the state of georgia as you mentioned dozens of other states across the country have this independent contractor clause that forces people who are getting honorariums or getting paid work over a $1000.00 to sign a pledge that they will not boycott israel i was given this contract i was pretty shocked to get this contract i've heard of these laws i knew of cases for hurricane
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relief workers just substitute teachers but i guess i never connected the 2 that simply being a speaker on a college campus supposedly these bastion of free speech nationwide would trigger this clause and force me to sign a contract to say that i would never boycott israel for if this goes against my 1st amendment. rights on the constitution i mean this is the right for free speech to speak about these issues and this is also the right to participate and political protests and peaceful political activism and i couldn't comply with this how could i comply my entire body of work criticizes the israeli government i mean my latest feature film gaza fights for freedom advocates for b.d.s. was i supposed to destroy and eliminate all the copies of my body of work and the copies of my documentary in order to comply with this absurd law that is absolutely on its face unconstitutional so of course i wrote back and i said i cannot comply with this and that's why i decided to take legal action with care in the p.c.
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jaf because thousands of contractors are being affected by this law whether or not they know it they are forfeiting their constitutional rights in order to simply work and i think that's enough ammunition and you're obviously taking the legal case to the university but could that in any way affect the anti b.d.'s law that some force in want of georgia or if successful could this perhaps set some sort of precedent. absolutely so in kansas arizona and texas all of these states have deemed a lot to be unlawful and unconstitutional by the judges themselves state legislatures across the country have near unanimously implemented these laws i don't know if it's because of their political viability their career is we just saw netanyahu ragging the prime minister office on twitter saying we have worked very efficiently to pass these laws in the u.s. and we will boycott any state that boycotts us i mean that is essentially foreign interference one on one as foreign interference 101 as we hear about russian
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interference ad nauseam and this is a foreign government bragging that they will economically hunnish anyone and also dictate the constitutional rights of americans so i think that yes we do have a strong case ahead of us i think that it is up to the judges themselves to overturn these laws they've done them in some cases already and that's why i'm confident that we have a very strong clear cut case that a judge will will see that this is a blatant violation of our constitutional rights and overthrow it and that will impact the entire state of georgia and no other contractors will be will be forced to sign this pledge if the judge does indeed overturn the law but what about the want to picture because back in december trump signed an executive order against anti semitism white collar just pacifically there are concerns that could limit free speech debate and discussion and cetera is that something you agree with are you against the. oh my god of course i mean this is just doing the bidding of many yahoo i think their relationship their fascistic relationship has really exposed
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the mask right that that israel is an apartheid state it's a right wing state that's becoming increasingly fascistic and trumps just stanch allegiance with israel is really exposing that it's exposing the fact that this is no longer a progressive or a liberal issue and that israel is indeed an apartheid state that is discriminating against millions of palestinians and and not the democracy that it's touted to be the executive order is essentially comes out of the for wishing of these anti b.d.s. laws that are being employed across the country i mean this is an executive order that conflates anti semitism with simply the criticism of israel and it is being cemented on college campuses these laws are not even necessarily meant to be implemented and persecuted in terms of people you know they're not going to follow me to the store and see whether or not i buy sabra hummus this is meant to be a censorship campaign this is meant to curb the mounting grassroots pressure that originates predominately on college campuses against the state of israel to mount
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pressure to pressure them to end the apartheid state to to confront them about their greed just human rights violations of the palestinian people so that is why the college campus is so important that's why you see this executive order being implemented across college campuses nationwide and i have to mention something else at the same time that these anti b.d.s. measures are being taken and this executive order is being taken you see the campus free speech act being deployed at several college campuses as well and several states this is an alec funded goldwater institute bill that essentially codifies the rights of right wing activists on its on college campuses hyperbolic notion that conservatives are the ones being persecuted all the same time completely ignoring speakers like me pro palestine activism pro palestine speech it really goes to show you this isn't about free speech at all. this is about controlling what kind of speech we're hearing. just in terms of the other side of the story here because obviously anti-semitism is
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a problem across the world and some people are concerned. you know equating id semitism obviously with the b.d.s. design isn't but they could be concerned that that is something it could lead to in terms of you know some language you used the relationship of such with israel can you see how people all worried about the summit as it was a problem and that's why some of these laws are being passed. i don't think that calling israel fascist state is 'd a matter whatsoever this is this is a blatant fact i mean we see the west bank is illegally occupied this is a 70 year ongoing colonial project that is that is implementing ethnic cleansing of an indigenous population look at gaza 2200000 people are besieged an open air prison being deprived of water look at the u.n. reports of the international law violations taking place that remarkably turned wanton political assassinations of protected categories under the geneva convention so no this is one of the most egregious human rights violations happen in the
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entire world with crimes unmatched and so it is absolutely not interested in it this is a political tool to undermine the activism and recognition of palestinian rights and it is time that we stand up and say no more stand on the right side of history and speak the truth. martin journalist who brought in georgia thanks for your time here today on the program thanks so much. the chairman of the b.b.c. has warned against funding cuts to britain's national broadcaster warning it will help russia and china spread influence the b.b.c. set to lose 300000000 pounds over the next 2 years as it's lost its fees reviewed by the government with an idea to possibly switch to a voluntary subscription system. has the details. it would appear that every time the b.b.c. are faced with these types of challenges they come out fighting although this time it seems they're resorting to scare tactics in order to ward off any threat to their state funding and this perhaps unsurprisingly they've taken
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a at russia and china the b.b.c.'s mean competitors or the world funded state backed actors of russia and china who see news as an extension of state influence and its tool for democratic disruption very easy of course always to raise the specter of nefarious states of broad trying to infiltrate and influence politics here of course the b.b.c. never engaging in that type of behavior but the chairman of the b.b.c. also going on to sing the praises of his organization and what he says is their commitment to impartiality as a public service broadcaster not a state broadcaster it has been a beacon of journalistic impartiality and a lifeline for millions living in fear uncertainty and captivity worldwide while perhaps a few shared by the chairman is not the same as that shared by many people in the u.k. i mean for a start the b.b.c.'s embroiled in a number of its own difficulties and scandals in regards to for example sexism and
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racism and how it treats staff and how it deals with pay between men and women for example but also it seems to be a politicizing of their programming with the very popular victoria darva show being axed in the last few months that led to accusations that the government was trying to interfere with their output but also accusations from all sides of the political spectrum we've seen on the right accusations towards the b.b.c. that they're somehow against briggs it but even more so and perhaps with a lot of evidence behind it according to those who make this claim that the b.b.c. showed a very. and see dermie corben bias especially in the run up to the election the beginning of that to somebody last year and so it would appear that while the chairman of the b.b.c. wants to defend and sing the praises of the organization and say that this is
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a vital institution in this country there are rapidly running out of supporters in the country who are willing to come to their defense kevin and spoke out at a journalist new york lark about the challenges confronting the broadcaster and what the proposed changes might mean this whole license thing is a piece of history and the b.b.c. these to up its game do you agree with that it is a great institution i think the problem has been really in the last i would say 10 years or so it's been with its political programming i think that that's where a lot of discontent lies we heard easterly talking there about people believing or thinking with not without any evidence that that there were a lot of vice president against europe we called it now we're hearing today b.b.c. saying propaganda from the likes of china from the likes of russia are they really that important is it such a problem you know i think the funding so i don't know about the chinese or c.c.t.v. funding but i know from reading articles or reports that in fact the b.b.c.
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as a whole gets more funding than r.t. gets so i think that's a bit of a red herring so to speak i think it's sad that he's felt that charities for obliged to make that comment to get that to get russia because it really is and should really be about that it should really be about do we need a public sector broadcaster i think we do and how is that public sector broadcaster funded what he should be saying i think is look the b.b.c. has got a very long history. 80 odd years history of producing good programs we've done it down the years please keep the funding. it's a somber day in the german city of dresden as it commemorates the victims of a mass carpet bombing campaign it's estimated nearly 25000 civilians died in the rites led by the british and american air forces 75 years ago to the day since then the intensity of the structure and dress that have been called into question as the 2nd world war neared its and.
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we heard the story of a man whose parents had the foresight to take him out of dresden shortly before the bombing began though he was 5 years old at the time he still got recollections of what his family went through. the bombing started and the house was on fire parents rushed outside in took nothing with them others went back to their flats and they died in the flames in the narrow streets the flames were spreading so fast people were suffocating it was a simple struggle for survival after the attack no more no less for weeks afterwards the corpses were burned at the old market my father had to help there to from february to the beginning of may they started to clear some rubble and burned the bodies there were $6.00 to $7000.00 corpses burned at the old market 200 meters
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from here there are pictures of this there were bodies lying around everything was destroyed it was chaos because there were also many refugees from poland and east prussia that's why you don't know how many in fact died because there were so many unregistered people here who were burned the corpses could not be identified. but a true story and michael jones says the bombing raids and dress the lack of precision were carried out on an excessive scale. well it's always been a controversial over right from the bombing itself on the 13th of february $945.00 dresden was a very beautiful city it was a cultural city so the question was asked was it really necessary there was a lot of destruction and i think it was excessive and with hindsight it would have been much better for a number of reasons if the bombing raids had been more targets and less. had
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been you i think the scale of the station was unnecessary and very regrettable. cruel and callous that's how britain's government is being described after the deportation of 17 convicted offenders through jamaica should have more than 20 others on board but a last minute judicial review prevented that from happening now britain's court of appeal halted the deportation of 25 jamaican nationals who had lived in the u.k. since they were very young after concerns they didn't have access to proper legal advice while in detention you can government regrets cancellation saying it doesn't need reasons to remove serious offenders who are foreign nationals the offenses which these people responsible for include one month slaughter one firearms offense 7 violent offenses 2 which are in the category of rape or sexual offenses and 14 drug offenses we make no apology whatsoever to seeking to remove syria's foreign
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national offenders. got reaction from human rights lawyer card and political commentator andrew walker. this is not say regs they supposedly protection issue and it's also a rights issue people talk time and time again about your rights to family life your right to live in the united kingdom you don't have a right to live in the united kingdom or less your sits in the united kingdom just like any other british national just as anyone else in the u.k. they committed a crime they said their punishment they were convicted sentence they served their time now after that they should be allowed to come home to their family they have british spouses british parents british children british families it is not my responsibility to pay for a foreign national to commit crime in my country any of these people they committed a single offense many years ago since then i mean obviously if we did that that just shows how little trust we have in our own criminal justice system they've been in prison there's been a commission since then why have not been able to be have billeted then why haven't we not been able to reduce the chances of
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a real finding that is the responsibility of the government i don't have a duty to deal with the world's worst people i don't have a duty for my taxes to be paid on these sorts of people get a grip of yourself look if you wish to come to the united kingdom in order to do a job it all to raise a family it all to be a reasonable person i love you if you wish to come to this country it ought to sell drugs beat people up rape murder pillage abuse go how many of these people they were not given the right to make their legal claims there is no legal aid for such cases anymore and people who can't afford lawyers aren't able to claim their legal rights and that's why there was an additional thing the point here is not just why are we deporting black people the point is why every deporting criminals who have committed relative do mine no fences and relatively short criminal sentences when they have children british families here and reception separating them from them permanently we do not have a duty to loaf and support and trust and respect people who came to this country to
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abuse a strawberry if that sounds brutal i don't care any. and ever can be put in a situation where the you know in this part of the moment they act in a certain way but out of that doesn't mean that we should have them and essentially destroyed their family lives forever and that's the point we need in the end he looking at other young this is out of the moment in the spare the moments you commits an act of manslaughter or killing somebody in the spur of the moment go back. lawmakers in italy have voted to put the anti migrant senator might be on trial over claim with his decision to hold more than $100.00 people at sea in august last year was illegal but the fallout far beyond struck a defiant tone after he was stripped of his parliamentary immunity so even though he's got ready for the movement court battle. i feel is my duty to the country italian people and to my children i want to be proud of what it is to hold my head
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high our constitution says that protecting our homeland is a sacred duty for italian citizens as a minister as a man as an italian fighting people traffickers defending our borders and security defending the pride and dignity of my country protecting italians from all the illegal migrants in the country is not a right but a duty for me. all motors over me was italy's interior minister at the time of the incident which caused a major outcry among rights groups he was pushing for the closure of the country's ports to margaret rescue boats claiming that other countries needed to take their fair share of newcomers prosecutors allege that he acted alone in refusing to let the passengers disembark in sicily and didn't have the consent of his coalition partners so being the 1st part it was sticking to campaign promises italy was among the countries most impacted by the mortgage crisis at the time.
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i think it is a said page for our democracy i mean so many it was a minister who was a minister of the italian republican and the hollande try to defend our national interest only try to defend our borders and this is a political. party the democratic and the 5 star movement so now in italy well how you know maybe the leftist government in a republican a story and this government try to attack in a political way because every time the. center right to go to hell action during the european elections but maybe except the fore. election in the local election every time the center right and leg of that force party political party in italy so
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now what's happened is that some of that the left the can defeat the salvini during their normal election and wanted to defend a political attack and want to persecute salvini with the process in the next day. the next that learning lessons from the coronavirus pundit class the latest news from global gold markets because reports us ask you to lose weight in the wings to bring you the latest headlines tonight. illinois. ammash geyser this is the kaiser report imagine a calm.
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