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tv   News  RT  February 14, 2020 1:00pm-1:31pm EST

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i. further on the chemical weapons watchdogs investigation into the alleged chemical attack in syria claiming intimidation. political blows grow the french president paris mayoral race follows the leak of a private videotape. a last minute legal intervention could eventually see a killer and rapist released back onto the streets of britain 25. deportations to make. it is not my responsibility to pay for a foreign national to commit crime in my country. many years ago since then i mean obviously it just shows how little trust we have in our own criminal justice system
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. here in moscow thanks for joining us on our. program. our 3rd whistleblower has chimed in with claims accusing the world chemical weapons watchdog of creating an atmosphere of intimidation during the investigation into the alleged chlorine attack in the syrian city of duma back in april 28th. the years are server the most stressful and unpleasant ones of my life i feel ashamed for the organization and i'm glad i left it. or redacted e-mail different investigative news website the gray zone project it's issues of integrity during the probe it follows revelations by 2 other watchdog employees stressing the same issue they also question the findings of the final o.p.c. w. report which in effect pin the blame on the assad government road gets the if safes
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through the evidence we like to imagine that these massive google organizations the un the i.m.f. the u.p.c. w. these juggernauts a good but knives that at the end of the day what they do is good for mankind but as with many things in life you take a closer look and you're left this appointed one whistleblower saying the u.p.c. w. was biased corrupt well he could be wrong just an opinion to whistleblowers saying the same thing except think could they be right u.b.c. w. says no ignore them specter is a and b. a nazi whistle blowers they were individuals who could not accept that their views were not backed by evidence as could be expected their conclusions are uninformed and brum sure one whistleblower could be wrong too well could be wrong but when
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it's 3 when it's 5 when it's a dozen whistle blows you know something's rotten. those behind the crimes that have been perpetrated in the name of humanity and democracy they will not hesitate to do harm to me and my family just what the hell is going on at the o.p.c. w. what could be so terrifying that its own employees are afraid for their lives and feel their employer could target them and their families it isn't just one individual it's others too whose crimes were that they would just doing their jobs i submitted a requests to the team leader i asked i repeated this request a number of times all requests were declined or simply ignored just the guy doing his job what it said in the job description at what was a respectable organization according to testimony given at the un that's not what the u.p.c. w.
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the management wanted all requests were denied the responses i received included this is too big don't make yourself a martyr i deposited a dossier requesting an investigation months later i was informed that nothing would be done i requested a meeting with the director general as i thought the situation was serious enough to warrant him being made aware of it the request for a meeting was denied and i was informed by a senior manager that you will never get to the director general and if you try to go around me to get to him there will be consequences but don't you think the u.p.c. w. hasn't learned that lesson it has it isn't the lesson you and me might think of you know being more honest the lesson they learned is everyone everyone working for them needs to learn to keep their debts the mouths shut and additional bigotry organization wide confidentiality training program will be instituted for all personnel employed by the secretary and this training will be accompanied by
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annual are to stations and just in case anyone anyone gets any smart ideas or. the future the bosses over the u.p.c. w. could always show them this letter and tell them this is what happens to you when you dare speak out against the u p c w i don't want to expose myself or my family to their violence and revenge i don't want to live in fear of crossing the street but as mentioned their piece of w. went public in doubting the credibility of the 1st to whistle blows we've asked the international chemical weapons watchdog to comment on all the allegations we'll let you know their response if and when we get it. or one of the french president's closest political allies has withdrawn his candidacy for mayor of paris following the leak of a compromising video benjamin grievers decision to drop out of the race represents a major blow to mine or micron his party suffering a crisis of confidence going into the next month's local elections show to do with
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you has more details. well the dissemination of these incredibly videos and photos has resulted in that shock announcement by benjamin cleaver benjamin cleaver one of lachlan's closest allies and he hasn't authenticated those videos but it is being reported in the french media as it did recognize them as being authentic and that's why he drew his candidature so quickly let's have a listen to what he said. when i announced my candidacy for mayor of paris i knew how harsh political life was for every year my family and i have been subjected to defamatory statements lies anonymous attacks the release of private conversations and death rows yesterday it reached a new level when an internet site relayed despicable attacks calling my private life into question with a reaction to those videos and photographs has been largely supportive towards benjamin cleaver and that comes from across the political spectrum it's even
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support coming from those who were opposing him in that race here in paris including one from former on the move m.p. set of a cfi yanni now said to be only what's quite interesting about him is he wanted to be the candidate for my quince party here in paris he lost out to benjamin cleaver as a result he decided that he was going to become an independent and by doing that cause massive friction imac wants party and ended up being chucked out in the last few weeks this comes at a time when we've got those elections next month back want to party is not looking like it's going to do particularly too well many is seeing next month's elections as being a test for mack on a referendum on his policies particularly some of those that have been unpopular such as the pension reform which has caused huge protests here in paris over the last months now much wrong was really eyeing the prize of winning that election here in paris and that's why he wanted one of his closest allies
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a spoon the spokes person to be the candidates. for the party to win that one here in paris would be a very big coup so this is going to be deeply embarrassing not just for the party but for himself the party will of course choose another candidate or that election but in reality many will be questioning it down which has already been done. university of virginia in the united states has come in for sharp criticism online after one of its students claim to too many white people were using a multicultural community center on campus a video of the incident was posted to social media where it's got of nearly 4000000 views probably there's just too many way people in here this means for people of color so let's be really harmless they are the space that you teach because it does make some of those heroes comfortable when you see too many waited one year. imagine if a white person stood up and announced there were too many black people in the room
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and they make other white people uncomfortable how is this not considered traces. to many white people so this is why so many of our ancestors fought and died for freedom and equality just so we can have a blacks only area really the whole point of multiculturalism is for diversity that includes all cultures but the university of virginia's new c. is apparently just what people of color the center was open in late 26th in with a view to supporting and present under represented and marginalized communities by providing a collaborative space but conservative students have said the video documents a clear case of racial intolerance forcing the university for clarify that everyone is welcome at the facility political and social commentator brian logan believes universities should be more inclusive. the video is crazy but what it is it shows to me is that multicultural just means quote unquote people of color now that
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doesn't really mean all cultures which is what i would think that it means it should be a space where everybody in college where it is not really seem to be that way at least to some students that were right there in the center even if it were not a multicultural center and it were let's say a black area or an asian area or an expanding area you see a b. star and so exclude certain people everybody should be welcome in these particular spaces of say because if you're not welcome them are going back to a minute past of segregation and jim crow and separation and i don't think you want to go backwards in time we want to go forwards in. hundreds of officials from around the world are converging on munich this friday for the city's annual security conference among the topics in focus that eye of the conflict tearing libya apart and refugee flows across the mediterranean peter all of a is that for us i managed to catch up with the president of the red cross. things coming up over the next couple of days we're expecting
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a big speech by french president of money or my corner on saturday where he's expected to talk about a role for russia when it comes to defense in europe also on sunday big talks regarding libya and the ongoing crisis there and that's what we're going to talk about more with right now with peter mara the president of the international committee of the red cross you're just back from libya just this morning as i understand what's the situation in a few money monitary in terms in libya right now well libya is a context in which i.c.r.c. has been increasingly involved over the last couple of years because after the terrier rating situation and the expanding warfare in particular since april last year when the attack on tripoli was launched and the bigger frontline evolved in densely populated area around tripoli we have seen 152200000 people displaced we see multiple frontline still in the country active in which the i.c.r.c.
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entertains for offices in all parts of the country in tripoli misrata and it's up high in the south so a big operation which is not typical of. many other i.c.r.c. operations because as everybody knows libya is a country which has been well off for decades and oil rich and resource rich and therefore not their primary clientele for humanitarian operation but it has degraded in tall a conflict to reality which now becomes a humanitarian crisis now throughout this conference you're going to be having talks with representatives from libyan authorities what are you going to be discussing and what do you hope to achieve from those talks well i hope that we can further enhanced the acceptance of a neutral and impartial actor. the i.c.r.c. to work in libya and as well i hope to have more support for compliance with
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international humanitarian law with the principles enshrined in the geneva conventions in order to minimize the impact and the effect of the war fear on on the libyan population also i think we have to discuss on how to stop the lice the situation how to build capacities in libya now tall. respond to the sun folding to this unfolding crisis and of course a lot of the response will be beyond your many tyrian activists it's political and it's politicians who have to take their responsibilities as we have seen over the last couple of weeks through the berkeley process. here as prime minister has reportedly perspire on a trip to the united states to meet with donald trump as tensions increase between london and washington now believe boris johnson won't meet the american president until june g. 7 summit early has the story. much has been made for many decades about the special
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relationship between the u.k. and the u.s. however in recent months it has become increasingly strained on issues such as the involvement of the chinese tech firm why weigh in rolling out the u.k.'s 5 g. 2 tensions in iran following the murder of gen so they money and now as rare as he is of lunacy a house economist in the outgoing leader of the opposition jeremy corbyn the prime minister boris johnson agreeing that the extradition treaty between the u.k. and the u.s. to simply too one sided in america's favor while the u.s. continues to deny justice to harry dunn will the prime minister commit today to seek an equal and balanced extradition relationship with the united states prime minister mr speaker i to be frank i think the honorable gentleman has a point in his characterization of our intrusion arrangements with the united states and i do think that there is
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a there are elements of that relationship that are unbalanced why certain i certainly think that it is worth looking at now all of this comes in the background of the ongoing rao over and secure last who is the wife of a u.s. intelligence agent who has been accused of killing a 19 year old man harry done in a hit and run driving accident she was said to be driving on the wrong side of the road when the incident took place a report since coming out that she herself is also the cia agent as well now she used diplomatic community especially that of a husband to flee the country and hasn't returned since and police have charged her with death by dangerous driving however as far as the u.s. state department are concerned they have no intention of sending her back here to face those accusations it is the position of the united states government that a request to extradite an individual under these circumstances would be an abuse the use of an extradition treaty to. attempt to return the spouse of
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a former diplomats by force would establish an extraordinarily troubling precedent so with president trump seemingly angry at johnson to the point that he's slamming the phone down on the british prime minister who himself will be desperate to strike some kind of trade deal between the you can the u.s. post brags that it would appear ever clearer that that special relationship is just a one sided one and we spoke to the dunn family lawyer robert siegel and keith best a former chief executive of the u.k.'s immigration advisory service on the nature of british u.s. relations. there has been a special relationship between the 2 countries for a long long time and we all enjoyed that relationship and are glad for it but there is really only one country that is behaving like an ally at the moment and that's the united kingdom because it complies with the extradition treaty. almost all the time at the moment the way the treaty is written is that the united kingdom must
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extradite people to the united states when it's requested but the treaty reserves the americans right to have discretion so the americans may send somebody back to united kingdom must i'm afraid the family feel that america is putting itself 1st and is trying to bully the united kingdom into ignoring this catastrophic collision which i didn't carry guns like we've moved into an era of hardball rather than softball in dealing with the united states and that's partly the character of the present president of the united states and if he's prepared to slam the phone down on our prime minister clearly shows that he can let his own personal anger get in the way of good relations and that's not particularly helpful so i think we have to
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go into that continued relationship with the united states with very wide open and very great care for our own national interests. for staying in the u.k. the british government is concerned that an appeal case could see a killer and rapist released on bail within days among 25 violent criminals who avoided deportation from the u.k. this week off through a last minute legal challenge blocks that return to jamaica now one of those $25.00 was found guilty of stabbing a 50 year old man to death since 4 days carney 70. 10 year sentence while convicted rapist fabian henry is behind bars for raping 2 teenage girls and they'll stay in britain pending an appeal by the government which is concerned they may pose a threat to the public for a while though they've been reprieved as the appeals judge at all they haven't been given access to legal advice or a phone you can government says it regrets the court came to that decision and
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stressed that will act to remove serious offenders who are not british nationals the offenses which these people are responsible for include one manslaughter one firearms offense 7 violent offenses 2 which are in the category of rape or sexual offenses and 14 drugs offenses we make no apology whatsoever for seeking to remove syria's foreign national offenders. we've got reaction from human rights lawyer sure current political commentator andrew walker on whether the port of criminals should have been given sufficient access to legal support even if they pose a serious threat to society. this is not a race issue they supposedly protection issue and it's also a rights issue people talk time and time again about your rights of family life your right to live in the united kingdom you don't have a right to live in the united kingdom or less your sits in the united kingdom just like any other british nationalist as anyone else in the u.k. they committed a crime they said their punishment they were convicted sentenced they serve their
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time now after that they should be allowed to come home to their family they have british spouses british parents british children british families it is not my responsibility to pay for a foreign national to commit crime in my country any of these people they committed a single offense many years ago since then i mean obviously for the that just shows how little trust we have in our own criminal justice system they've been in prison they've been of probation since then why have not been able to rehabilitate them why haven't we not been able to reduce the chances are real offending that is the responsibility of the government i don't have a duty to deal with the world's worst people i don't have a duty for my taxes to be paid on these sorts of people get a grip of yourself look if you wish to come to the united kingdom in order to do a job it also raise a family it ought to be a reasonable person i love you if you wish to come to this country it ought to sell drugs beat people up rape murder pillage and abuse go how many of these people they
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were not given the right to make their legal claims there is no legal aid for such cases anymore people who can't afford lawyers aren't able to claim their legal rights and that's why there was an admission in the pointer is not just why are we deporting black people the point is why every deporting criminals who have committed relatively minor offenses and relatively short criminal sentences when they have children british families here and reception. separating them from them permanently we do not have a duty to law and support and trust and respect people who came to this country to abuse extraordinary if that sounds brutal i don't care anyone ever can be put in a situation where the you know in this part of the moment they act in a certain way but out of that doesn't mean you know these are separate them and essentially destroy their family lives forever and that's the point really in the in the in the only looking at other way and this is where the moment in the spur of the moment you commits an act of manslaughter or killing somebody in the spur of
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the moment go back. the pentagon is being accused of failing to thoroughly review incidents of civilian casualties report as revealed and much more could be done by the u.s. military to review and prevent cases in afghanistan iraq and syria caleb moore who looks at whether that's the reason for disparity when it comes to so-called collateral damage that is things. united states has always insisted that it takes reports about civilian casualties very seriously especially when we ask them about such reports what does the numbers to the intents have to be fleet you to call it disturbing we always seek to minimize civilian casualties. in any kind of operation military operation air strike that we carry out the u.s. strike that reportedly killed around 20 civilians in the ice or held city of mom beach in syria was it a mistake. on monday. that's another great accusatory question you've asked here no other military works as hard as ours none no other military in the world to prevent
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civilian casualties those words sound absolutely certain but a new report indicates that things aren't always as washington insists they are columbia law school human rights institute oversees the center for civilians in conflict they have conducted 228 different investigations into civilian casualties in iraq and syria and afghanistan now they looked into how the u.s. military carries out these investigations and they determined that when investigating itself the u.s. military can be rather inconsistent military leaders have publicly acknowledged the value of investigating allegations of civilian harm however over the last 18 years examples of good practice in investigating civilian harm have been overshadowed by the inconsistency of the overall record of military investigations for example when investigating civilian casualties u.s. officials rarely ever visit the scene of the crime in only 16 percent of cases do
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they actually go to the site of the attack and they rarely ever interview witnesses either only 21.5 percent of cases involve interviews with eyewitnesses in too many instances investigations have been concluded based on incomplete or. adequate internal information or have failed to sufficiently incorporate external evidence not to sound like sherlock holmes here but if you never interview any witnesses and you never visit the scene of the crime how exactly do you go about investigating an incident well here is a standard civilian casualties report as if he completed casualty allegation reports for reports were determined to be credible and resulted in 12 unintentional . combined joint task force oppression inherent assess the remaining 48 to pose as non-credible that word credible is key to everything if
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a flight log or strike record is incomplete the entire incident gets shocked the pentagon says that more than 1190 civilians died as a result of u.s. air strikes in iraq and syria however monitoring group says that number is actually 74385 times higher. courts are very revealing the fact that there they actually went to the trouble to outline and catalog these events. reflect that results of certain military
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actions as been devastating to the post-strike our. visits are very. less than 25 percent even though they claim that they are women and doing investigation when . the killing of civilians is made known to the. department shows that the u.s. is very destructive. has it it has developed since since iraq it has developed in 2003 it has developed a reputation of being very destructive and which hundreds of thousands of civilians have been killed or maimed and wounded including u.s. forces now this all may sound shocking but think about it what criminal would ever be caught doing wrong if they were in charge of their own investigation. see new york. knicks thought the dog delves into the historical purposes of the ongoing
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ukrainian crisis back in 30 minutes with the latest. you know world a big part of the new lot and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door. and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks. the liberal media are fickle they fall in and out of love quickly and often not
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long ago they were infatuated with. now clear smitten by mere the media love to drone on about their preferences in the mean time voters make their candidates. most people think to stand out in this business you need to be the 1st one on top of the story or the person with the loudest voice of the biggest race in truth to
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stand out of the news business you just need as the right questions and demand the right answer. questions. what is described in the west as a russian invasion of crimea is it fact the presence of russian soldiers in crimea can you clarify that. they were could do. but the most of the most go full of the couldn't. as long ago as 180 for sevastopol naval base became the main military port of the russian empire on the black sea. during
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the 2nd world war the heroic defense of sevastopol lasted almost a year and took hundreds of thousands of lives. therefore the naval base in crimea has a legacy of historical pride for the russian black sea fleet as well as being of huge strategic importance. those of us alive back then remember when there were soviet missiles put into cuba how frightened americans were and how angry and how we almost went to a nuclear confrontation over having weapons of that kind of destruction placed that close to the united states. just so if the united states considers cuba to be in its backyard. then crimea plays at russia's doorstep.


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