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tv   News  RT  February 14, 2020 3:00pm-3:31pm EST

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the 3rd whistle blower costs further doubt on the chemical weapons watchdogs investigation into the alleged chemical attack in syria claiming he faced. the. police and. germany's foreign minister says the days of american policing the world have come to an end. and a blind eye for too long the comments come on the 1st day of the munich security conference. political woes grow as a key ally of the french president drops out of the paris merril race following the leak of a sex tape. from
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moscow thanks for joining us here at r.t. international tonight i'm daniel hawkins welcome progress. always 3rd whistleblower has been with claims accusing the world chemical weapons watchdog of creating an atmosphere of intimidation during the investigation into the alleged chlorine attack to the syrian city of duma back in april 28th in the years our server the most stressful and unpleasant ones of my life i feel ashamed for the organization and i'm glad i left it a reductive email given to investigative news website the gray zone project on its issues of integrity during the probe follows revelations by 2 other watchdog employees stressing the same issue they also question the findings of the final o p c w reports which in effect pinning the blame on the assad government running as if sift through the evidence. we like to imagine that these massive google organizations the un the i.m.f. the u.p.c. w.
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these juggernauts a good but knives that at the end of the day what they do is good for mankind but as with many things in life you take a closer look and you're left the supported one whistleblower saying the u.p.c. w. was biased corrupt well he could be wrong just an opinion to whistleblowers saying the same thing makes you think could they be right u.b.c. w. says no ignore them specter is a and b. a nots whistle blowers they were individuals who could not accept that their views were not backed by evidence as could be expected their conclusions are uninformed and brohm sure one whistleblower could be wrong too well could be wrong but when it's 3 when it's 5 when it's a dozen whistle blows you know something's rotten. i share those behind the
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crimes that have been perpetrated in the name of humanity and democracy they will not hesitate to do harm to me and my family just what the hell is going on at the o.p.c. w. what could be so terrifying that its own employees are afraid for their lives and feel their employer could target them and their families it isn't just one individual it's others too whose crimes were that they would just doing their jobs i submitted a requests to the team leader i asked i repeated this request a number of times all requests were declined or simply ignored just the guy doing his job what it said in the job description at what was a respectable organization according to testimony given at the un that's not what the u.p.c. w. the management wanted all requests were denied the responses i received included this is too big don't make yourself a martyr i deposited
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a dossier requesting an investigation months later i was informed that nothing would be done i requested a meeting with the director general as i thought the situation was serious enough to warrant him being made aware of it the request for a meeting was denied and i was informed by a senior manager that you will never get to the director general and if you try to go around me to get to him there will be consequences but don't you think the u.p.c. w. hasn't learned that lesson it has it isn't the lesson you and me might think of you know being more honest the lesson they learned is everyone everyone working for them needs to learn to keep their mouths shut and additional bigotry organization wide confidentiality training program will be instituted for all personnel employed by the secretariat this training will be accompanied by annual are to stations and just in case anyone anyone gets any smart ideas in. the
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future the bosses over the u.p.c. w. could always show them this letter and tell them this is what happens to you when you dare speak out against the u p c w i don't want to expose myself or my family to their violence and revenge i don't want to live in fear of crossing the street. was mentioned there a piece of that when he went public in doubting the credibility of the 1st to whistle blows the international chemical weapons watch talk to comment on all the allegations will let you know if we do get a response. hundreds of officials from around the world are converging on munich this friday for the city's annual security conference someone the topics in focus that i hear the conflict tearing libya apart as well as refugee flows across the mediterranean and the german foreign minister heikal mass speaking before a panel discussion spoke of a new stage in the world's political order. on the year of american global pollution is over think of syria africa afghanistan not because of the lack
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of military or economic power but because the commitment of those responsible in the white house has changed when it comes to the world older. must there speaking at this year's munich security conference which has as its overarching theme a word restlessness might be a word many people haven't heard before don't worry what it means who said she had an existential crisis among western nations about what their role is on the world stage today was talking about this in relation to the middle east on friday saying that nations like russia turkey and iran were now the ones who are really driving the agenda in the middle east at the moment and their decisions on the future of that region were being made not in geneva or new york but in sochi and aston are now he firmly blames the united states for this geopolitical switch and we must be
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critical of ourselves. europeans have long closed our eyes to uncomfortable realities what does it mean for the us to withdraw from the military commitments and international contracts we've closed our eyes even if we kept them open we couldn't have seen how quickly the pendulum of american diplomacy and politics would swing the other way. well in fact the united states has pretty much taken on a role of disruptor in chief on the current world stage at the moment we saw them pull out of the i.n.f. treaty we've caught saw them pull back unilaterally from the iran nuclear deal which is caused such tensions and problems in that region as well but moving away from we heard frank coltish dying my hair the german president former foreign minister himself of course talk about russia's future role. in european defense as a defense partner with europe in talks about a rip off small with moscow overnight
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a new different better relationship between the e.u. and russia and russia in the european union all that was just the 1st day of the munich security conference about 2 more days of talks to come up with there should be plenty of more news coming out of that when you think that libya is set for discussion on sunday we're also expecting a speech from the minute mark on the french president about how he sees the future of european defense on saturday plenty of more news to come from the security conference. beijing has accused washington of abusing its power to suppress chinese companies that's after the united states justice department dolled up the pressure on why bring 16 new charges against the chinese company including racketeering and conspiracy to steal trade secrets the u.s. has been misusing its national power to oppress chinese companies with mo proof of
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any wrongdoing such practice is disgraceful and immoral and it is beneath the status of the u.s. as a major come true. well u.s. prosecutors allege that huawei has engaged in a systematic campaign to steal intellectual property from u.s. tech firms since as far back as 999 staff are said to have been encouraged to actively obtain sensitive information from both of us source code and wireless technology as well manuals are among new information reportedly obtained by the chinese company or the fresh charges were made under a federal law historically used to prosecute members of the mafia a hallway has been under pressure from the trumpet ministration accusing it of spying on behalf of beijing the horror of course has repeatedly denied any links to the chinese government the tech giant also says the latest charges are without merit suggesting the u.s. is simply trying to push out a competitor the u.s. house speaker nancy pelosi doubled down on the american allegations china is
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seeking to export its digital autocracy to its telecommunications telephone giant while a threatening economic retaliation against those who deny a gun there are technologies this is the most insidious form of aggression to have that line of communication 5000 dominated my own by the credit government are there has there's not sure and there are. for joining me now as joseph mony professor of politics in shanghai thanks for joining us so great to have you on today we've seen the struggle on for a while haven't allegations counter allegations by washington beijing beijing is now saying these charges are about to nothing it's all attempts to suppress competition is there any any truth in that. well to be honest with you i think that beijing's response thus far has been somewhat muted because this is a major development that's going to have far reaching implications and it's not clear
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what those implications are i think at this moment beijing is distracted of course by the coronavirus coronavirus crisis. but it's also unclear still what washington's objective is here is it is it to. simply attack while away and in a continuing pattern is it to try to create another opening to go after european countries and companies as well as the superconductor the taiwan a superconductor manufacturing company in taiwan that supplies far away that have not broken with weiwei despite american pressure through the trade war as well as american allegations. and there's another issue which is you know any time beijing comes to wild ways to fence it gives credence to this idea that beijing and byway are. part and parcel to that some sort of conspiracy so i think that the response
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has been muted but perhaps we'll see something even much stronger in the coming days staying on the topic of conspiracy obviously the new chapter in this standoff is the use of an anti massy a little to follow these latest charges what does this signal in times of the the prosecution strategy is there any way for this to be a result i guess peacefully those looks increasingly slim. i would be concerned that not not not to promote another conspiracy but i would be concerned that it's that it's that it's part of a much broader strategy that a lot of analysts who pay attention this thought might begin to on wind sometime after. the election in november assuming that trump was reelected and that was going to be on pause until then but since the domestic political situation in the
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is in his favor the democratic party is in disarray he won acquittal in the peach mind and with the crisis in china it may be that they've decided to step up and accelerate but with with the example of rico it's interesting this slow the rico act you know the trump trump himself trump university was charged with violating the rico act. and they settled it was a civil a civil suit but it's very clear that trump administration the department of justice wants to implicate huawei broadly as a criminal organization and one has to ask what what are the what are the broader implications does that mean if it's part of the chinese government is the use of the u.s. claims that the chinese government is a criminal organization or the if you do business with was a way that you are doing business with a criminal organization so clearly. clearly there's some pretty profound
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association at work you will try to come back to that a bit later if that is if there's time what about the wider implications for us china relations because they have been blowing quite cold haven't made during the time but ministration it seems that things well on the mend there was a truce signed with a trade deal last month and now this does not mean relations are compromised once again. will get i don't think most most people who were sober realist really saw all the tentative agreement. the recent an agreement on the trade board as being a real concrete step forward but rather just a pause to try to get trump through some difficult domestic political situation as well as to make sure that the global economy particularly that affects states wasn't derailed before the election. with the bell events happening as they have and we have to look at this and the broader context secretary pompei owes very good
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treelike attacks against china the charges against members of china's military the recent charges of past week for hacking were laid as well as. attorney general bar's discussion last week about possible you know if he's becoming a stakeholder or controlling stakeholder perhaps in partnership with some european company countries and ericsson are nokia as a. as a new strategy against weiwei so i think if we look at all of this i don't think that we should be distracted from a very aggressive. step forward to talk english gratian at a point when china is perceived to be in a weak position what does that leave all the u.s. traditional u.s. allies the u.k. and france they've agreed to cooperate with all you will at least as some tentative agreement not to exclude been completely from the developing at 5 g. networks does that mean the u.s.
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claims that theories about you always involved with the chinese government not being taken seriously you'll is this a case of you know people perhaps looking at. any sort of security concerns. well i to be frank i think the 1st point is that you know the trump administration has been very unsatisfied and made it clear that they're very unsatisfied with. european companies as well as countries including the u.k. and as i mentioned before taiwan still choosing to do business with with my way so by criminalizing or attempting to criminalize weiwei puts increasing pressure on these on these companies but you know i don't want to i don't want to speculate too much but if i. if i may. apple or tesla or shanghai g.m. i have to be worried about what the implications are you know volkswagen others
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what if if if what we're looking at here is a new step forward in terms of power competition and a cold war 2 point over decoupling what are the implications for these major global companies that are doing business in china in other words the united states consulate makes allegations that the chinese judiciary is highly politicized what happens if it becomes tit for tat it could have a very compelling. outcome for both you know the international level but at the at the economic level in terms of the specific industries just mildly professor of politics in shanghai thanks for coming on the program today great to get your take on that story. well one of the french president's closest political allies has withdrawn his candidacy for the matter of paris following the leak of a compromising video of benjamin greebo decision to drop out of the race represents a major blow to model micro whose body suffering
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a crisis of confidence going into next month's local elections show that means key has the details. well the dissemination of these incredibly lewd videos and photos has resulted in that shock announcement by. benjamin cleaver one of the closest allies that he hasn't authenticated those videos but it is being reported in the french media that he did recognize them as being authentic and that's why he was drew his candidature so quickly let's have a listen to what he said. when i announced my candidacy for mayor of paris i knew how harsh political life was for every year my family and i have been subjected to defamatory statements lies anonymous attacks the release of private conversations and death rows yesterday it reached a new level when an internet site relayed despicable attacks calling my private life into question with a reaction to those videos and photographs has been largely supportive towards
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benjamin cleaver and that comes from across the political spectrum it's even support coming from those who were opposing him in that race here in paris including one from former on the move m.p. set of a cfi yanni now said to be only what's quite interesting about him is he wanted to be the candidate for my quince party here in paris he lost out to benjamin cleaver as a result he decided that he was going to become an independent and by doing that cause massive friction in macaroons party and ended up being chucked out in the last few weeks this comes at a time when we've got those elections next month back want to party is not looking like it's going to do particularly too well many is seeing next month's elections as being a test for mack want a referendum on his policies particularly some of those that have been unpopular such as the pension reform which has caused huge protests here in paris over the last few months now much kong was really eyeing the prize of winning that election
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here in paris and that's why he wanted one of his closest allies a spoon the spokes person to be the candidate. for the party to win the 2 of one here in paris would have been a very big coup so this is going to be deeply embarrassing not just for the party but for mark on himself the party will of course choose another candidate or that election but in reality many will be questioning it down which has already been done. the u.k. prime minister has reportedly perspire on the trip to the united states to meet with donald trump as tensions increase between london and washington it's now believed boris johnson won't meet the american president until june as g. 7 summit has got the details. much has been made for many decades about the special relationship between the u.k. and the u.s. however in recent months it has become increasingly strained on issues such as the involvement of the chinese tech firm why weigh in rolling out the u.k.'s 5 g.
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2 tensions in iran following the murder of gen so they money and now the scene of unity in the house of commons the outgoing leader of the opposition jeremy corby and the prime minister boris johnson agreeing that the extradition treaty between the u.k. and the us is simply too one sided in america's favor while the us continues to deny justice to harry done will the prime minister commit today to seek an equal and balance extradition relationship with the united states. mr speaker i to be frank i think the honorable gentleman has a point in his characterization of our extradition arrangements with the united states and i do think that there is a there are elements of that relationship that are on balance lie certain bands i certainly think that it is worth looking at now all of this comes in the background of the ongoing raul over secure lass who is the wife of a u.s.
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intelligence agent who has been accused of killing a 19 year old man harry does. in a hit and run driving accident she was said to be driving on the wrong side of the road when the incident took place and reports since coming out that she herself is also the cia agent as well now as she used diplomatic community especially that of a husband to flee the country and hasn't returned since and police have charged her with death by dangerous driving however as far as the u.s. state department are concerned they have no 1 intention of sending her back here to face those accusations it is the position of the united states governments that a request to extradite an individual under these circumstances would be an abuse the use of an extradition treaty to attempt to return the spouse of a former diplomats by force would establish an extraordinarily troubling precedent so with president trump seemingly angry at johnson to the point that he's slamming the phone down on the british prime minister who himself would be desperate to
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strike some kind of trade deal between the u.k. and u.s. post brags that it would appear ever clearer that that special relationship is just a one sided one well we spoke to the dollar family lawyer rather seger and keith west who's a former chief executive of the u.k. immigration advisory service about the make sure of british u.s. relations. there has been a special relationship between the 2 countries for a long long time and we all enjoyed that relationship and are glad for it but there is really only one country that is behaving like an ally at the moment and that's the united kingdom because it complies with the extradition treaty. almost all the time at the moment the the way the treaty is written is that the united kingdom must extradite people to the united states when it's requested but the treaty reserves the americans right to have discretion so the americans may send somebody
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back to the united kingdom must i'm afraid the family feel that america is putting itself 1st and is trying to bully the united kingdom into ignoring this catastrophic collision which i didn't carry guns like we've moved into an era of hardball rather than softball in dealing with the united states and that's partly the character of the present president of the united states soon if he's prepared to slam the phone down on our prime minister clearly shows that he can let his own personal anger get in the way of good relations and that's not particularly helpful so i think we have to go into that continued relationship with the united states with very wide open and very great catch fire own national interests. the university of virginia and the u.s.
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has come in for some shock criticism online off the one of its students claims to many white people were using a multicultural community center on campus a video of the incident was posted to social media where it got of nearly 4000000 views. probably there just too many white people in here this means are people of color so let's be really harmless they are the space that you're taking because it does make some of us feel seem comfortable when you see too many waiting one here. imagine if a white person stood up and announced there were too many black people in the room and they make other white people uncomfortable how is this not considered traces. to many white people so this is why so many of our ancestors fought and died for freedom and equality just so we can have a blacks only area really the whole point of multiculturalism is for diversity that includes all cultures but the university of virginia's new multicultural student center is apparently just for people of color that's not multiculturalism that's
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racism and it was opened in late 2016 with a view to supporting on the represented and marginalized communities by providing a collaborative space conservative students there have said the video documents a clear case of racial intolerance forcing the university to clarify that everyone is welcome at the facility and here's some reaction we've been getting to this from a legal commentator horace cooper and political and social commentator that he brought low. the video is crazy but what is so is to me is that multicultural just means quote unquote people of color now why is it doesn't really mean cultures which is what i would think that he means it should be a space for everybody in college but it is not really seem to be that way at least to some students that were right there in the center even if we were not a multicultural center and it were let's say a black area or an asian area or an expanding area you see a b. star and so exclude certain people everybody should be welcome in these particular
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spaces of cuckoos we say because if you're not welcomed them are going back to time in a pass of segregation and jim crow and separation and i don't think we want to go backwards in time we want to go forwards into if you want to have a place where people learn to be more tolerant one of the key aims of such a place is supposed to be explaining everyone can come here and everyone is going to be tolerated it apparently is the case that not just this center but the university communicated that there are places that are preferred for some racial groups over other racial groups and that is in fact not a marketing problem not a language problem but a fundamental rejection of what our country stands for every american is local regardless of their racial group and as long as the u.p.a.
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is a taxpayer funded institution it not only must adhere to that it ought to be championing that. how social networks are transforming the way we see communication even in the most intimate forms bought up more and so if you go coming up in just a few hours time. is your media a reflection of reality. in a world transformed. what will make you feel safe from. tyson they should focus on unity. are you going the right way or are you being
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led so. direct. what is true what is faith. in the world corrupted you need to descend. to join us in the depths. or a maybe in the shallows. the liberal corporate media are fickle they fall in and out of love quickly and often not long ago they were infatuated with being wrong roark now they are smitten by mere the media love to drone on about their preferences in the mean time the voters make their candidates. and this community there are people who believe that it's ok to sell practically food on my table it's really hard there are no jobs and you see that i've got kids
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that ask and as a parent. i can come up with lots of arguments there's a lot of conflict but then again it's. when the most of the conflict i would say over balls around morning. is made. most one of the children's children is good because the state of california alone makes 6000000000 dollars a year of prison complex just to get some point in your life where. you don't care . anything. social networks have transformed the way we see communications even the most
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intimate for. pushing the.


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