tv News RT February 15, 2020 7:00am-7:30am EST
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as european leaders warn of the west political fragmentation the u.s. secretary of state insists he sees no threat to the current global order. to attack is the best form of defense amazon old some major pentagon project over claims the multi-billion dollar contract that went to rival microsoft pirates. on the board of france's equivalent of the oscars quits on mouse over director roman polanski sweeping the nominations despite still being wanted in the us the statutory rape coming up we find out if actions speak louder than our. figures as united artists and man season down so he should assume the consequences of his actions i believe the story of polanski is ridiculous it's existed for 30 or 40 years don't they have anything to do except.
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they just turn 3 pm this saturday in moscow my name is kevin i mean this is our international q war welcome to you 1st story then today political disunity in the west is dominating this year's munich security conference where officials from around the world are tackling the biggest questions in international affairs among those addressing. this saturday with the u.s. secretary of state my pompei and also france's president mark wrong bit of a small war of words from there peter all over our europe correspondent across the capital for is slightly differing views of the side of the atlantic pete on how the west is fairing right now yeah. well that's right the security conference started on friday with german leaders the german president franco. and foreign minister. saying that the role of western nations on the world stage changed at
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this had been brought about by the united states abandoning its obligations on the international stage on saturday the french president emmanuel mccall addressing the conference said that europe needs more defense autonomy so that it's able to act independently from the united states. in when you're born or deported we can see that there is a certain weakening of the west that has been observed that 15 years ago we thought our values would be universal values that would always ruled world i think we're facing the hour of truth here we have a lot in common with the united states freedom and so on and so this is why we fight together numerous wars but it's not quite what america wants we need to develop our own strategy. pushing forward the united states his point of view was secretary of state mike pompei o he rejected the idea that the west's relationship with the wider world needs to
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evolve. happy to report that the death of the transatlantic alliance is grossly over exaggerated. the west is winning we are collectively winning the west is winning freedom and democracy or winning or winning the west will win let's keep at it let's keep winning. but according to secretary problem peo the woes of the world can be blamed on the usual suspects russia iran and china. are way another chinese state backed tech companies are trojan horses for chinese intelligence. russia's different disinformation campaigns try to turn our citizens against one another. iranian cyberattacks plague middle east computer networks. for secretary of state pompei o and the secretary of defense u.s. 60 defense that is mark s. but both engaged in quite a bit of china bashing during their time at the podium here at the munich security
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conference they were followed to that podium by the chinese minister for foreign affairs wang he described the claims made by the united states partners as lies that they always say the same thing wherever they go and that these accusations weren't based on facts although still plenty to come from here in munich on saturday including an address to the conference by the russian foreign minister sergey lavrov will be keeping an eye on all of the latest as it happens here in munich and of course i'll bring it to you when i'll take or i pay for your thoughts about 2 hours time we think is no peter all of are immune from the so the news from the french president also offered his thoughts on the economic penalties imposed on russia beginning in 2014 and also identified several areas to where there's scope for said for grade. cooperation with moscow. i don't think we should lift the sanctions i'm just saying that the sanctions and counter sanctions didn't really
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work out we europeans suffer as much from the sanctions as the russians do in our strategic dialogue with russia we must take the opportunity to thaw frozen conflicts address cyber issues and talk about space and the militarization of space we also need to be able to talk about addressing conflicts like syria i am not pro russian or pro anti russian i am just pro european if you look at the geographic facts we need to build a security architecture based on mutual trust. well let's get a view from the heart of europe or phones of political analyst i'm the founder of the brussels based think tank the sippy foundation hello there nice to see on the program to what extent is the west experiencing as we call it a crisis of identity right now especially after bret's in everything experiencing a gradual fragmentation is that overblowing is it still as united as it was. was certainly the brics it has weakened the european external auction considerably and
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the e.u. used trying to find a new role in the few ration of the world which is no more the one of the post the 2nd world war so now we are not in the division of west and the rest and sort of imposition of international order based on the agreements of shelter this is over the world these multi-polar there are powers which are reclaiming their rule like china and russia. the same level like the western countries so this is something difficult for the utopian union of the cheese. structure created. over so test to redefine its reason to exist in its aids is it possible to go on is reason
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to exist is it is it over for europe or not as it sees it is probably over because their model is no more defendable in the current set up of the world's diseases need for europe because europe still as the let's say the capacity of proposing it is a reach can be of interest to the east and to the west but certainly no more fun of freedom and liberty and democracy against the rest. my poem peo said there is a glue the glue is the west together he said is defined by geography as well though as respect for individual freedom national sovereignty free enterprise except in funny ways for us to say that any nation could be western you agree. to a certain extent it is true although the way he spelled it out is quite. 2
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words that are still the world because the fact is it is true is that the neo liberal approach is the one governing go all over the planet so. different to the accents within the liberal approach that there can be a more nationalist one or a more globalist one and it is the same confrontation of positions that existed already after the 1st world war between the 198930 we are still blocked index position and sound clear if the globalist approach continue to exist and one example is the united states itself i mean there are they're proposing a more national is the approach we had a man who are chronically iran has been talking in a in a pragmatic way you've even said yourself that maybe the future for europe is not as rosy as it used to be and of course looking at ties to tear rating or not going
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so well with america at the moment reason europe could be a bigger future between european countries and russia manual necron seem to be suggesting that was a way forward to agree. well the mccrum proposal is really a dish in the weaker position of world the gold these times so. certainly europe to open talks to all powers in the world is the only way to exist so to china russia and the united states and be a sort of a neutral police dealing with all these larger powers but the europe that exists only. to one camp of the hours or so that you are ok europe's let's say the american or the russians this is this is wrong approach in my opinion here big old world but in very many ways a small place to political analysts power of photos cameras so on the line to give
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us your view on this ongoing meeting in munich was coming from a pre-shared it well what they're trying to look for unity with an outside wasn't. so much unity as you can see the german riot police using brute force against protesters overnight in munich as members of the anti for movement convened outside that security conference venue 7 could be seen aggressively pushing offices going to see the pictures for yourself while others hell fire crackers and wave flags to say sergey lavrov the foreign minister for russia is like you'd be speaking there in a roundabout 2 hours 5 o'clock moscow times 10 past 2 now and what happens will go across to it and see what he has to say. next. one of the biggest digital defense contracts in american history has been put on ice online retail giant amazon is taking on the pentagon in court after washington gave the $10000000000.00 deal to rival microsoft the lawsuit argues that donald trump was biased in his decision against amazon supreme jeff bezos in a feud between them stretching back to trump's 1st presidential campaign. he wants
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political influence so that amazon will benefit from it if i become president oh do they have problems they're going to have such was my view is that's not an appropriate way for a presidential candidate to behave or using the washington post for power so that the politicians in washington don't tax amazon like they should be taxed finally tracked by donald trump will still reserve him a seat on the blue origin rocket send donal to space so sorry to hear about the news about jeff bozo being taken down by competitors reporting i understand is far more accurate than the reporting in his lobbyist newspaper the amazon washington post. at the end of last year bezos stressed the importance of the military project with the pentagon but next today's caleb maupin reports he's now hindering the deal one by microsoft. remember when jeff bezos called out his tech rivals for not stepping up to the plate when the country needs protecting in my view is this big
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tech is going to turn their backs on the department of defense this country is in trouble this is how we're going to do it we are going to support the department of foods this country is important the silicon valley tech giants love to walk hand in hand with the pentagon but their employees not so much google workers protested a program using artificial intelligence for drones and microsoft employees have voiced their concerns about a $10000000000.00 contract with the pentagon to offer cloud services but lucky enough for the department of defense amazon led by jeff bezos america's richest man has stepped up to the plate they say amazon is happy to do business with the pentagon we're going to continue to support the duty this is a great country and it does need to be defended so it turns out that when amazon didn't get that contract and microsoft got it instead they as ows was angry he took
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it to court citing bias from donald trump the preservation of public confidence in the nation's procurement process requires discovery and supplementation of the administrative record particularly in light of president trump's order to screw amazon the question is whether the president of the united states should be allowed to use the budget of the department of defense to pursue his own personal and political and but the irony is that jeff bezos with his legal action has double crossed the very same entity he swore to protect as a result of the lawsuit the entire program which the pentagon says is necessary for national security has been put on a hold the military brass is on have. we're disappointed in the ruling and believe the actions taken in this litigation have unnecessarily delayed implementing department of defense's modernization strategy and deprived our war fighters of a set of capabilities we need the us department of defense says it will lose $5.00
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to $7000000.00 every month the program is delayed users changing as a pin in a way that serves as pocketbook is not necessarily or base ervice pocket book is not particularly a surprise i think there's a debate to be had on the degree to which these social media tech companies and search companies are able to sway the assuaged opinion change public opinion restrict debate these are big issues that i think the balance when people think about it or there's going to be a drive i believe a populist drive to lessen the power of big tech the cuts across the political spectrum well apparently for the world's richest man the country only needs national security protection when he's getting a share of the defense budget kaleb up and r.t. new york. there's been a major put to the french equivalent of the oscars we can report the entire academy's quit just 2 weeks before the issues are glittering ceremony or paris
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correspondent shallow due bensky tries to explain why. this year's award season has been plagued by allegations from a lack of diversity in the candidates we've been using that has sag over the last couple years has to go so why this year the oscars they have a new house a asters wider than ever do a lack of the fairer sex hollywood is stuck in the 1970 s. the criticisms a may have been like water off a duck's back of the boards of the british and american academies but here in france they take it it's hard to weeks before the french oscars are due to take place the entire board has resigned. to honor those men and women who made cinema happen in 2019 to find call and ensure that the festival film remains just that a festival the board has an animist we decided to resign this collective decision will allow complete renewal of the board this is as they are known here in france
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of come under fire off it was revealed that convicted child rapist and fugitive from the us justice system polanski had topped the nominations list the director who fled to france in the 1970 s. received the nords for his historical drama officer and disposal i. do so since only like. some of the composers. the film has received rave reviews from the critics and even got a standing ovation for its premiere at the venice film festival but feminist groups have picketed some of those premieres after they found out that it this is up and they would feel to celebrate an abuser like polanski is to support the system of a punitive for male violence and silence the voices of the victims the riaa would then deepened when hundreds of actors directors and movie producers and personalities demanded profound changes this is academy they were unhappy off to
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a female director and the female writer was snubbed in an open letter to the academy they did not state it as being dysfunctional with the screws tightening the board took the decision to disband but even that decision has come under fire imagine what happens next new college of voters with all male self-esteem opacity and sexism who will eventually stop cheering the rapist peter criminals on the run so how has it gone down here in paris but is a film more important than those who make it it's the 1st time with 3 kids i believe the story of polanski is real. it's existed for 30 or 40 years don't they have anything to do except protest is there nothing else in france now really. most of it in my opinion the 2 figures are united artists and men season indulge so he
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should assume the consequences of his actions that you're extreme and this is to me this is a board resigned great for them and maybe these resignations can fix the issues and this is what i'm hoping for the act is the answer for the direct is for everyone. i think he has an artistic side beyond comparison with other artists from the human point of view it's not good what he did but it's past and we can't make the aspects . i watch this is a much more to come on the program after the break we'll look at the debate that erupted at the university of virginia over who should be using a multicultural room on campus when the stories lined up.
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to the past the university of virginia in the u.s. has come of a sharp criticism online after one of its students claimed too many white people were using a multicultural community center on campus videos posted on social media where it's garnered nearly 4000000 views partly there's just too many white people in here the space for people of color so let's be really harmless they are the space that you're taking because it does make some of us feel see how comfortable when you see 2 anyway could one hear. the whole point of multiculturalism is for diversity that includes all cultures but the university of virginia's new multicultural student center is apparently just for people of color that's not multiculturalism that's racism imagine if you white person stood up and announced there were too many black
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people in the room and the mc other white people uncomfortable how is this not considered racism to many white people so this is why so many of our ancestors fought and died for freedom and equality just so we can have a blacks only area really well bit more but this center was opened in late 2016 with a view to supporting underrepresented marginalized communities but conservative students say the video documents a clear case of racial intolerance in the force in university to clarify that everyone's welcome at the facility here's some of the reaction from legal and social commentators about it. the video was crazy but what it is is so is to me is that multicultural just means quote unquote people of color now that doesn't really mean cultures which i would think that it means it should be a space for everybody in college but it is not really seem to be that way at least to some students that were right there in this in or even if we were not
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a multicultural center and it were let's say a black area or an asian area or an expanding area you see a b. star and so exclude certain people everybody should be welcome in these particular spaces of cuckoos we say because if you're not welcomed them are going back to a minute past of segregation and jim crow and separation and i don't think we want to go backwards in time we want to go forwards in south if you want to have a place where people learn to be more tolerant one of the key chains of such a place is supposed to be explaining everyone can come here and everyone is going to be tolerated it apparently is the case that not just this center but the university communicated that there are places that are preferred for some racial groups over other racial groups and that is in fact not a marketing problem not only which problem but
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a fundamental rejection of what our country stands for every american is loco regardless of their racial group and as long as the u.p.a. is a taxpayer funded institution it not only must adhere to that it ought to be championing that. new in now while russian appeals a full year from the olympics and global sport to biathlon athletes a sport that combines cross-country skiing a rifle shooting if he's been found guilty of doping violations by their sports international body does cut across this row because of more forest roman. another blow it seems to russian support take us through it. all russia's biathlete says that long i slipped and say you have guinea to go have been both handed to you year bans from sport despite the fact that they have already been retired for several years by the way these to athletes they have won olympic gold medals during their
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careers now this is the 2nd time that the pair have been accused of doping violations and they were cleared back in 2018 on the same charges however the case was reopened in february this month and as we now know they've been handed to year bans and you get used to go has to relinquish his olympic gold medal that he won in saudi here's an official statement from the international biathletes union. the anti duping hearing at the international union has issued its decision in the case of russian by athletes who were charged with anti doping revile asians based on analytical findings recorded in the most cruel of oratory information management system database in respect of samples collected from them in 2030. you get used to go was found guilty of using
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steroids in the season 2030 minutes once a year for it's even and like i said earlier he will now have to relinquish his olympic gold medal that he won in tsotsi in 2014 now with this new ruling russia lost its 1st place in the official medals that saudi had its 114 olympic winter games in sochi and now moved to 3rd behind canada and norway not that long a slipped solo who's also been a retire from sport for quite a while was also handed year ban for doping violations in the same period as golf however will not be stripped of her gold medal as she wanted back at the vancouver olympic winter games in one c. now both athletes will that will now have 3 weeks to appeal the decision at the court for betray sion for sports and russia's biathlon union have already commented
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on the situation as well saying that they 1st need to examine all the new information before they will let us know what their next move will be meanwhile guinea golf already commented on the situation as well saying that he will appeal this decision i said of this beast morning i received the i.b.u. on side to open panel's decision i'm not surprised lawlessness means lotus notes i've been living this way for 6 years i'm not surprised that in 2018. i didn't do it but that this has happened again i will fight to be and i've already gone to the austrian court i will go to any other so i will show who's right i will insist on a public trial on the participation of journalists. now once again both of these by athletes have been retired from the sport for a few years already and are now no longer part of russia's biathletes union what that could mean is that they could they stay inside appeals or deal on their own.
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the outside the more arguments more to fatah and again defined athletes none the less on the russian side thanks the update on the home thank you for watching it's 27 is partially they also do it here in moscow hope the weekend's going good no depending away you're watching us next i can tell you got t.v. legend larry king on air in the u.k. all the oppressive all much guys are unco in the rest of the world to great shows not to be missed from our international me time for me kevin though in just saying thanks for watching check it out into the dot com for the latest from us online or on social media and there's more for me here from the studio in just over half an hour's time.
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television propaganda machine propaganda outlet propaganda we are getting information. that can change the way. we use and how you tube videos that. are structured to the salon just now. brushes russia russia russia say. to you that it will actually use russia to do. and i really have to put to sea you've been on our team. for are so proud and still. are just getting to that number.
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