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tv   News  RT  February 16, 2020 3:00am-3:31am EST

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i don't want to see him dying. and i think that's what he's facing. at a top security conference russia's foreign minister tells western counterparts to stop painting moscow as a threat all the french president rips into america's top diplomats claim of western dominance. also to come a 3rd whistleblower casts further down on the probe by the international chemical weapons watchdog into the alleged to my chemical attack in syria adding he faced intimidation. and a last minute legal intervention could eventually see a killer and rapist released back onto the streets of britain as 25 violent criminals how their deportations to jamaica blocked. margaret ability to pay for it
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for the national to commit cried in my country i knew these people the image of a single difference many years ago since then i mean obviously from the just choose how do you trust we have in our own criminal justice system. this is the weekly here on our t.v. welcome to our roundup of the day's news along with the headlines that shape the week 1st we start our program with news coming in from moscow where 2 worshippers have been stabbed during a church service and the center of the capital incident took place on sunday morning a 26 year old man stormed into the building and carried out the assault before being stopped by members of the public he is now in custody and the 2 victims are in the hospital and word of motive for the attack is not yet known but we'll bring you updates on the story as we get them. it was the final day of the munich security conference on saturday russia's foreign minister told europe that it's
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time to change course arguing that moscow's international partners need to stop invoking the false phantom of a russian threat so gave love rob used his address to call for a moment with the west with the details here's peter all. said a good lover of the russian foreign minister he gave a very quick address to the munich security conference he did say that when it came to improving relationships with europe as some european leaders have been speaking about here at this year's security conference there remained what mr laffer of called a crisis of confidence the crisis of confidence is being felt particularly strongly in european affairs as collating tensions nato's military infrastructure advancing eastwards the unprecedented scale of the military exercises close to the russian borders the inflating of defense budget beyond all possible measure all of these generate unpredictability the confrontational dynamics of the cold war have been recreated one of those world leaders talking about improving ties between europe
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and russia with france's money with my call we europeans suffer as much from the sanctions as the russians do in our strategic dialogue with russia we must take the opportunity to talk to rosen conflicts addressed cyber issues and talk about space and the militarization of space early on saturday he was also speaking out about his idea to get more autonomy for europe when it comes to defense so that european nations could be able to act independently of the united states in a more yup or new deported we can see that there is a certain weakening of the west we need to develop our own strategy representing the united states has interests with secretary of state mike pompei o p reject this out of hand claims this western nations role on the international stage needs to evolve i'm happy to report that the death of the transatlantic alliance is grossly over exaggerated. the west is winning we are collectively
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winning the west is winning freedom and democracy and winning or winning the west will win let's keep that let's keep winning the e.u.'s trying to find a new role in the future. no the world which is no more the one of the post 2nd world war so now we are not in this division of west and the rest and sort of position of international order based on the agreements of. the seas over the world these multi-polar there are powers which reclaiming their rule like china and russia it's the same level like the western countries so this is something difficult for the european union to eat she's. structure created. over
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the crisis in syria also dominated discussion on the sidelines of the munich conference russia's foreign minister met with his turkish counterpart to discuss the recent military flare up involving the 2 countries there is agreements remain between ankara and moscow or how to resolve the situation in syria is a live province a turkish tell a great delegation visits russia on monday for talks over the issue it live has become a focal point seen as the last stronghold for eisel militants president assad's government forces backed by russia are working to liberate the area but turkey has criticized the 2 countries for taking military action in residential zones something both moscow and damascus deny. it is the syrian regime as well as russian forces and iran 5 minutes since i seen with a continuously attacking civilians committing massacre and the statements made by turkish representatives about a legit russian military attacks on civilians in the edward discolorations zone are false the real reason for the crisis in ad lib unfortunately is that our turkish
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colleagues have failed to fulfill their obligations to separate the moderate opposition militants from the terrorists in these areas turkey has not upheld its obligations not on the saudi agreement but also on the astonished agreement on the saatchi agreement deescalation zones are not going to work if turkey doesn't. maintain its side of the bargain and in order to separate the militants supposedly from the regular moderate rebels we know in reality that there is no difference really between those 2 so that part of the agreement is neither here nor there but the because of this there is no way to have the escalation zones on the a stunner agreement. if you remember back in the fall of 20 teen there were a number of things agreed and one of the key things was that turkey would assist in the liberation of the international road to damascus to aleppo road or the the m 5 highway to turkey has never done that and the reason none of these agreements are
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working is because actually turkey appears to be pursuing a parallel agenda and as long as it's doing that there's no way that they're going to meet those obligations and therefore the situation will become dysfunctional very quickly. staying with syria a 3rd whistleblower has chimed in with claims accusing the world chemical weapons watchdog of creating an atmosphere of intimidation during the o.p.c. dobby's and best occasion into the alleged chlorine attack in the syrian city of duma in april of 2018 a redacted e-mail given to investigative news website the gray zone project highlights issues of integrity during the probe it follows revelations by 2 other watchdog employees stressing the same issues and also question the findings of the final a p c w a report which in effect pin the blame on the assad government artie's mon gars to sift through the evidence. we like to imagine that these massive google organizations the un the i.m.f. the u.p.c. w.
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these juggernauts good but knives that at the end of the day what they do is good for mankind but as with many things in life you take a closer look and you're left the supported one whistleblower saying the u.p.c. w. was biased corrupt well he could be wrong just an opinion to whistle blows saying the same thing makes you think could they be right u.p.c. w. says no ignore them. and be not whistleblowers they were individuals who could not accept that their views were not backed by evidence as could be expected their conclusions are uninformed and brohm sure one whistleblower could be wrong too well could be wrong but when it's 3 when it's 5 when it's a dozen missile blows you know something's rotten. i share those behind the
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crimes that have been perpetrated in the name of humanity and democracy they will not hesitate to do harm to me and my family just what the hell is going on at the o.p.c. w. what could be so terrifying that its own employees are afraid for their lives and feel their employer could target them and their families it isn't just one individual it's others too whose crimes were that they would just doing their jobs i submitted a requests to the team leader i asked i repeated this request a number of times all requests were declined or simply ignored just the guy doing his job what it said in the job description at what was a respectable organization according to testimony given at the un that's not what the u.p.c. w. the management wanted all requests were denied the responses i received included this is too big don't make yourself a martyr i deposited
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a dossier requesting an investigation months later i was informed that nothing would be done i requested a meeting with the director general as i thought the situation was serious enough to warrant him being made aware of it the request for a meeting was denied and i was informed by a senior manager that you will never get to the director general and if you try to go around me to get to him there will be consequences but don't you think the u.p.c. w. hasn't learned that lesson it has it isn't the lesson you and me might think of you know being more honest the lesson they learned is everyone everyone working for them needs to learn to keep their mouths shut and additional bigotry organization wide confidentiality training program will be instituted for all personnel employed by the secretariat this training will be accompanied by annual are to stations and just in case anyone anyone gets any smart ideas in. the
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future the bosses over the u.p.c. w. could always show them this letter and tell them this is what happens to you when you day speak out against the u p c w i don't want to expose myself or my family to their violence on revenge i don't want to live in fear of crossing the street as mentioned there the o.p.c. w. went public in doubting the credibility of the 1st 2 whistleblowers we about the international chemical weapons watchdog to comment on all of the allegations let you know its response if we hear back. and now to the u.k. where the british government's concern that an appeal could see both a killer and a rapist released on bail within days they're among 25 violent criminals who avoided deportation from the u.k. this week after a last minute legal challenge blocked their return to jamaica now one of those $25.00 was found guilty of stabbing a 50 year old man to death it's very daley is currently serving
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a 10 year sentence was convicted rapist fabienne henry is behind bars for raping 2 teenage girls they'll stay in britain pending an appeal by the government which is concerned they might pose a threat to the public but for now they have been reprieved as the appeals judge ruled that they hadn't been given access to legal advice or a phone u.k. government however says it regrets the court came to that decision and stressed it will act to remove serious offenders who are not british offenses which these people responsible for include one month slaughter one firearms offense 7 violent offenses 2 which are in the category of rape or sexual offenses and 14 drugs offenses we make no apology whatsoever for seeking to remove syria's foreign national offenders we've got reaction from human rights lawyers and political commentator andrea walker on whether legal technicalities should keep violent offenders from being deported. this is not a race issue they supposedly protection issue and it's also
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a rights issue people talk time and time again about your rights a family life your right to live in the united kingdom you don't have a right to live in the united kingdom or less your sits in the united kingdom just like any other british nationalist as anyone else in the u.k. they committed a crime they said their punishment they were convicted sentence they serve their time now after that they should be allowed to come home to their family they have british spouses british parents british children british families it is not my responsibility to pay for a foreign national to commit crime in my country any of these people they committed a single offense many years ago since then i mean obviously for the that just shows how little trust we have in our own criminal justice system they've been in prison there's been a commission since then why have not been able to rehabilitate them why haven't we not been able to reduce the chances of a real finding that is the responsibility of the government i don't have a duty to deal with the world's worst people i don't have a duty for my taxes to be paid on these sorts of people get
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a grip of yourself look if you wish to come to the united kingdom in order to do a job it all to raise a family it all to be a reasonable person i love you if you wish to come to this country it ought to sell drugs beat people up rape murder pillage abuse go how many of these people they were not given the right to make their legal claims there is no legal aid for such cases anymore people who can't afford lawyers aren't able to claim their legal rights and that's why there was an additional thing the point here is not just why are we deporting black people the point is why every deporting criminals who have committed relative do my no fences and relatively short criminal sentences when they have children british families here and reception separating them from them permanently we do not have a duty to law and support and trust and respect people who came to this country to abuse extraordinary if that sounds brutal i don't care anyone. ever can be put in a situation where the you know i think in this part of the moment they act in
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a certain way but out of that doesn't mean that we should separate them and essentially destroyed their family lives whatever and that's the point we need in the in the in that he looking at other way and this is out of the moment in the spare of the moment you commits an act of manslaughter or killing somebody in the spur of the moment kobach. still to come in the weekly the french president loses another close ally it had a key local elections that story and more after this short break. what holds and. put themselves on the line. to get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president and should. want to. have to go to the
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pros this is what the 43 of the 4 can be good that i'm interested in the waters of my. first city. so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy foundation let it be an arms race. spearing dramatic development the only posts really i'm going to resist i don't see how that strategy will be successful very critical time time to sit down and talk. welcome back to the weekly french president faces increasingly risky local
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elections next month amid desertions and his own party and record public anger over his reforms charlotte devinsky reports from paris. in 2017 emmanuel. power in france promising a new kind of politics. he set up a new party. he went on to secure a majority in the national assembly but less than 3 years later the wheels already coming off the bus. porton to elections he's facing problems on several fronts firstly his government and many of its policies have proven them popular take pension reform which has sparked protests across the country. those changes haven't every day citizens even his own m.p.'s have questioned the
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plans. the desire for reform and the speed imposed have taken precedence over the government's ability to listen and consult with the fringe she since left isn't the only one to have done so the only move party has suffered several high profile resignations and defections m.p.'s in ministers who may have once toed the line have begun to question the party's position there was a syndrome of us all being very well behaved because we didn't want to cause problems for the government but today there are lots of members of parliament who don't want to play that role in a big to rally the troops mark or invited his parliamentarians to the telling them they should be proud of being perhaps not too subtle reminder that they should fall in line popularity since his meteoric rise to the presidency has long been crumbling recent polls show that less than one 3rd of people in france view him
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favorably he's so unpopular that voters are expected to hand big gains to marina penn's national rally and 2 green parties in france is municipal elections next month. and is also struggled with movements like the yellow vests 15 months on and not only the protesting on the wing but the revolving the accused goal of being the president of the rich a title he has not surprisingly rejected but a new report by france's observatory for economic conditions suggests it's a label that perhaps should stay cool no one said that france needed a jew for terry and a head to state it seems members of his own party and many citizens disagree with that enough to perhaps bring mark cohen and his new politics crashing down. on paris. and in another blow to micron one of his closest political allies has withdrawn his candidacy for mayor of paris after a leaked video allegedly showed benjamin greebo sending explicit content to
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a woman who was not his wife the president had handpicked grupo for the position journalist and european political expert lucrative a says micron's party looks to be in serious trouble. mark or head of course a large majority it's always the case when a president is elected next elections for parliament his party his group gets a large majority 3318 if i remember well members of parliament which was a lot much more than a needed but since then he has lost some 18 or even 19 members of parliament people of resigned 2 of left who will stay on but as independent many people in his political party don't believe that it is a party anymore they don't believe that michael is interested if his power is personal at least the president and he doesn't work with this party really so we
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have seen so many people leave 1819 and has majority is eroding so much that it becomes a bit dangerous for him politically speaking in the coming 2 years. this week the palestinian president formally rejected donald trump's proposed middle east peace plan speaking at the u.n. security council mark would dismiss the proposal as they were word for occupation adding it would leave pastime literally full of holes like swiss cheese. no this is the state that they will give us which is like swiss cheese which of you will accept such a state. within a few the to be pragmatic if you do this to negotiate even not interested in finding a solution to the conflict i have come to you to call for a just peace on behalf of the palestinians that is all i have come to you today to
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reaffirm the palestinian position which rejects the israeli american proposal. meanwhile tensions continue to mount in the aftermath of that proposal as palestinians clash with israeli police and jerusalem. well you know. 7 as you can see here on saturday israeli police try to remove palestinians praying and the streets of east jerusalem near the temple mount the sanest is discussed by the peace plan it would formalize its recognition of jerusalem as israel's undivided capital and claims to double palestine's territory the deal makes east jerusalem capital of palestine and also offers $50000000000.00 worth of investment in the new state a senior adviser to president abbas told us it's a terrible proposal. this is not a deal this is an attempt to liquidate the palestinian problem give it a big part of our land in the west bank to israel. israel responsible
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for our security whatever. share with us the docks of mosques and take over all of the east jerusalem and stop giving any rights to the refugees there is nothing call for the really focused our best to accept in the security council he was very clear i am what i want peace based on a 2 state solution i want to negotiate directly with israel not through america i want the quartet which includes russia and the union and the united nations and the united states but i will not submit to the united states and make it the sole owner of this peace process because it is totally biased with israelis. that's our breakdown of just some of the biggest headlines from the past week for more on those stories and the latest headline news head to our web site r
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t v dot com. is your media a reflection of reality. in a world transformed. what will make you feel safe. isolation or community. are you going the right way or are you being led some. direct. what is truth what is faith.
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in the world corrupted you need to descend. to join us in the depths. or inmate in the shallows. i 1st heard about wiki leaks you know. from the helicopter footage in iraq. i think that there are people we mean the u.s. military who have never forgiven for this guy's a traitor a treasonous act and he had broken every law the united states illegally should something he was really historic to have. independent journalist a guy with his puter exposing serious. what are crimes. by the audience. the idea of developing an anonymous digital dropbox and applying it to
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a media organization that is betrayed so that was the 1st. time i didn't have all the answers right that he would be for a short while right and one of the world's most powerful news organizations seriousness and eccentric founder julian the song. there was a great deal of jealousy in the brain surgery for wards a song from particular why won't the people like they have cues heem. instance when the. smile. time. we have giuliani in solitary confinement in the prison for terrorists a way to perhaps a life being present. for. i don't want to see him die in the u.s. prison. and i think that's what he's facing.
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this is a murder that was caught on video the murder was committed by the great street crips it was an in-house murder meaning that a street kripke killed another great street crips oftentimes gang members killed by cold and one of the code says to never commit crimes against your own gang members in this particular scenario or murder investigation there was a. transplant that was a narcotics user he went to purchase a narcotic from 3 crew members on the narcotics was either bad or he was somehow slighted on it as a result he went to another great street cred gang member in got
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a gun with a gun the transience shot and killed a gang member at the time of the shooting there was another great street gang member with each person that was killed the victim of the murder and according to the game code he asked to make amends for allowing a gang member to be killed on his own watch. if he doesn't act toward take. some sort of action against the shooter then he will be disciplined by his own gang so. in this scenario that particular crips gang member. carries out the murder against the great street gang member who provided the gun to the transit and it's all caught on video. this is inside jordan downs it's mid day and you can see there's about 10 to 15 gang members loading the parking lot. just going about their daily business. ok here's the group here of the
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game members several of them loading you're going to see the victim of the shooting come running. to this area with the suspect shooting behind them. here you can see on the game members scatter. and they kind of hang around. because they know it's going to be a great street on great street or who's disciplining another member so they sit. around and watch where it is it was a rival gang shooting all of them with one out of the way because they'd all be intended targets here the suspect is chasing the victim around the vehicle. and he just waiting to kill him. here the victim tries to run the sussman shoots him in the hand. he falls. and then he comes up and finishes among. he puts the gun in his back we're going to somebody and then just slowly walks away he has nothing really to fear here in the neighborhood because they're all great
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street crips gang members and he's banking on the fact that no one's going to go to court and testify against them. and you see that nobody's really shocked about it nobody's talking about it nobody chased down the suspect. and then they just go about their daily activities of the men obviously homicide will come in and start their investigation. the 1st time i was shot 3 times i mean i really didn't realize until my stomach start burning stomach start burning i knew something wasn't right so. i want to spit and i want to spit the spitting come all the way out of my mouth there must i stop burning even more call an ambulance basically and i got shot the 10. it was early in the morning i was actually stranded somewhere somebody walked up but as a as bad as back came from behind his back and called me by name and shot me in my face 1st as well when he shot me my face i turned and went to try to run the shot in the back and i laid it like a girl about to make me spin like michael jackson they would let me go nowhere.


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