tv News RT February 16, 2020 12:00pm-12:31pm EST
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a 3rd whistle blower casts further attacks on the probe by the international chemical weapons the alleged chemical attack in syria adding he also faced intimidation also come with a weak clear last minute legal intervention could see a killer and rapist released back onto the streets of britain after 25 violent criminals deportations to jamaica brought but it is not my responsibility to pay for it for them to commit cried in my country many of these people the image a single offense many years ago since then i mean obviously if we did that just shows how little trust we have in our own criminal justice system while washington's nato representative warns of cyber threats coming from russia and
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china a report reveals the cia and its german counterpart used the swiss company for decades to spied on other governments. but i welcome the latest developments and look back at what's been happening to you over the last 7 days you're watching weekly here on r.t. international now a 3rd whistleblower has accused the world's chemical weapons watchdog of creating an atmosphere of intimidation during. the alleged chlorine attack in the syrian city of duma in april of 2018 a redacted e-mail given to investigative news website the grazing project highlights issues of integrity during the probe it followed revelations by 2 other watchdog employees stressing the same issue they also question to the findings of the final report which in effect pin the blame on the assad government.
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reports. we like to imagine that these massive global organizations the un the i.m.f. the u.p.c. w. these juggernauts a good but knives that at the end of the day what they do is good for mankind but as with many things in life you take a closer look and you're left the supported one whistleblower saying the u.p.c. w. was biased corrupt well he could be wrong just an opinion to whistleblowers saying the same thing makes you think could they be right u.b.c. w. says no ignore them specter is a and b. a not whistle blowers they are individuals who could not accept that their views were not backed by evidence as could be expected their conclusions are uninformed and brohm sure one whistleblower could be wrong too well could be wrong but when
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it's 3 when it's 5 when it's a dozen whistle blows you know something's rotten. i share those behind the crimes that have been perpetrated in the name of humanity and democracy they will not hesitate to do harm to me and my family just what the hell is going on at the o.p.c. w. what could be so terrifying that its own employees are afraid for their lives and feel their employer could target them and their families it isn't just one individual it's others too whose crimes were that they would just doing their jobs i submitted a requests to the team leader i asked i repeated this request a number of times all requests were declined or simply ignored just the guy doing his job what it said in the job description at what was a respectable organization according to testimony given at the un that's not what
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the u.p.c. w. the management wanted all requests were denied the responses i received included this is too big don't make yourself a martyr i deposited a dossier requesting an investigation months later i was informed that nothing would be done i requested a meeting with the director general as i thought the situation was serious enough to warrant him being made aware of it the request for a meeting was denied and i was informed by a senior manager that you will never get to the director general and if you try to go around me to get to him there will be consequences but don't you think the u.p.c. w. hasn't learned that lesson it has it isn't the lesson you and me might think of you know being more honest the lesson they learned is everyone everyone working for them needs to learn to keep their mouths shut and additional bigotry organization wide confidentiality training program will be instituted for
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all personnel employed by the secretary and this training will be accompanied by annual are to stations and just in case anyone anyone gets any smart ideas in. future the bosses over the u.p.c. w. could always show them this letter and tell them this is what happens to you when you day speak out against the u p c w i don't want to expose myself or my family to their violence on revenge i don't want to live in fear of crossing the street. or aghast if there was mention the a.b.c. needed to go public and doubting the credibility of the 1st 2 whistleblowers we have asked the watchdog to to comment on all of the allegations and will let you know their response when we receive it. now the british government has warned that both the killer and the rapists could be released back onto the streets within days there among 25 violent criminals who avoided deportation to jamaica this week following a last minute legal challenge one of those 25 who managed to avoid deportation back
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to jamaica stabbed a man to death fitzroy daily is currently serving a 10 year sentence while 5 in henry is behind bars for raping 2 teenage girls they'll stay in britain pending the appeal by the government which is concerned that they might pose a threat to the public but for now they have been reprieved as the appeals judge ruled that there may have been an issue with their access to legal advice the u.k. government said though it would continue to act to remove serious offenders who are not british defenses which these people responsible for include one month slaughter one firearms offense 7 violent offenses 2 which are in the category of rape or sexual offenses and 14 drugs offenses we make no apology whatsoever for seeking to remove serious foreign national offenders but we put the issue of whether legal technicalities should keep violent offenders from being deported up for debate.
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this is not a race issue they supposedly protection issue and it's also a rights issue people talk time and time again about your rights a family life your right to live in the united kingdom you don't have a right to live in the united kingdom or less your sits in the united kingdom just like any other british nationalist as anyone else in the u.k. they committed a crime they said their punishment they were convicted sentence they serve their time now after that they should be allowed to come home to their family they have british spouses british parents british children british families it is not my responsibility to pay for a foreign national to commit crime in my country any of these people they committed a single offense many years ago since then i mean obviously from the that just shows how little trust we have in our own criminal justice system they've been in prison they've been of probation since then why have not been able to rehabilitate them why haven't we not been able to reduce the chances of real offending that is the responsibility of the government i don't have a duty to deal with the world's worst people i don't have
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a duty for my taxes to be paid on these sorts of people get a grip of yourself look if you wish to come to the united kingdom in order to do a job it all to raise a family it ought to be a reasonable person i love you if you wish to come to this country it ought to sell drugs beat people up rape murder pillage abuse go how many of these people they were not given the right to make their legal claims is no legal aid for such cases anymore people who can't afford lawyers aren't able to claim their legal rights and that's why there was an admission in the pointer is not just why are we deporting black people the point is why every deporting criminals who have committed relatively minor offenses and relatively short criminal sentences when they have children british families here and reception are separating them from them permanently we do not have a duty to law and support and trust and respect people who came to this country to abuse a strawberry if that sounds brutal i don't care anyone. ever can be put in
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a situation where the you know in this part of the moment the they act in a certain way but out there that doesn't mean that we should separate them and essentially destroy their family lives whatever and that's the point we need in the in the he looking at other way and this is out of the moment in the spare the moments you commits an act of manslaughter or killing somebody in the spur of the moment go back. now washington's nato representative has claimed that russia and china have cyber attacked every single alliance member and they've also said to the world must strengthen its files against moscow and beijing meanwhile a report has revealed the cia had his german counterpart did greek swiss made encryption machines back in the 1970 s. allowing them to spy on embassies and government institutions in 120 countries for decades one quarter as more details the washington post is calling it the
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intelligence coup of the century the cia working with west german secret services pulling the strings of a swiss encrypt company and stealing government secrets from over 120 countries foreign governments were paying good money to the us and was germany for the privilege of having their most secret communications read by at least 2 foreign countries it was a foolproof operation 1st called the saurus and later renamed rubicon for over half a century of the company crypto eiji was a captain of the world's encryption industry based in neutral switzerland most governments were quick to believe their secrets were in safe hands little did they know the cia and west germany b n d had co-opted the company's founder to create a backdoor into the world's best kept secrets in 1978 western spies had complete access to the egyptian president's communications with cairo during the camp david peace talks with israel a year later washington was spying on a rainy and
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a. fishbowls during the hostage crisis and as late as 1986 u.s. intelligence was listening to libyan officials congratulate each other for the bombing of a berlin disco although the c.i. a and b. and d. weren't able to hook their main rivals russia and china had enough foresight to look elsewhere for their encryption needs nowadays though those 2 are the scapegoats for all of the west's cyber woes if you see throughout our alliance every one of our countries has had cyber and hybrid attacks from russia some from china for washington it's become a routine to point the finger at russia and china but it's not like u.s. intelligence operations have wound down since then on the contrary they've adapted . edward snowden is the 29 year old intelligence contractor who leaked top secret
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national security agency information revealing the incredible extent to which the u.s. government is monitoring and keeping records of not just our phone calls the national security agency has developed to build an infrastructure they could intercept almost everything. the national security agency there in the united states allegedly spying on quite vast amounts of citizens data the group trying to find president obama who is reviewing the washington spying program because largely defended it although the program had not prevented a terrorist attack it was still vital to him and security. the central intelligence agency has walsh control of highly classified documents and computer code about the cia's technical capability to carry out. into.
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electronic devices things like android phones only julian assange in london accusing the cia of devastating incompetence saying the agency has lost control of its cyber weapons it doesn't matter who you are friend or foe they're coming for your secrets. i have since we started talking about them and see always made it clear to the u.s. president that spying among friends is not acceptable and if you take wiki leaks vault 7 documents into consideration it makes operation rubicon look like child's play the scope and direction of the cia's global covert hacking program its malware arsenal and dozens of 0 day weaponized exploits against a wide range of u.s. and european company products include apple's i phone google's android and microsoft's windows and even samsung t.v.'s which are turned into covert microphones even their own citizens are unsafe now increasingly we see that it's
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happening domestically and to do that. the n.s.a. specifically targets the communications of everyone it ingests them by default it collects them in its system and it filters them and it analyzes the minute measures them and it stores them for periods of time simply because that's the easiest most efficient and most a valuable way to achieve these snowden took the revelations about crypto eiji even further comparing it with a formerly secret $10000000.00 contract between the n.s.a. and a major u.s. computer security firm it begs the question what info grabbing operations are still going on right now under our noses. so to come on the we play while the wave of fear coronavirus sweeps the world people of asian descent complaining if they getting increasingly isolated we'll have a look at how and why just our. so
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what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy. let it be an arms race is on spearing dramatic development only closely i'm going to resist i don't see how that strategy will be successful very critical time to sit down and talk. welcome back to the way facebook boss marks a school for talking to government regulation of online content saying it shouldn't be left to the private companies his comments kind during an address at this week's meeting conference. i do think that we don't want private companies making so many decisions about how to balance social equity use without a more democratic process so i think that where where the law means is in my opinion should be drawn is there should be more guidance and regulation from the
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states. we're hearing a speech like a bird said his company already employed 35000 people to review content and security on the platform with more than 1000000 a 1000000 thank you can't bring taken down every day however in recent years facebook has come under fire for helping to spread fake news along with its policy on political advertising let's get these now technical technology expert will mean he's a man to come to an issue like this good evening bill thanks for coming back what are your thoughts here mark zuckerberg believes that bringing in the state or local government is the way to police the internet what would be the difficulties in doing that do you think was actually a good idea. i think facebook are very reluctant to bear the responsibility with coming up with the rules themselves because whichever rules that they come up with and then seek to employ somebody is going to just like that the problem is if you say well the state should define the rules which states are we talking about
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because the viewpoint in europe is going to be very different from the viewpoint of the u.s. which will again be different from the viewpoint and else we're there are different regulations in the country we g.d.p. are here in the u.k. we have a new group of the regulation in california that possibly will be federal regulation the u.s. to come and then there are other countries developing their own regulations and when it comes to look at online holmes who defines what is our because if we were sitting in the middle east it would be hardly uncommon for there to be critical comments about judaism but they would take a great offense at any critical comments about islam or the koran whereas if we were in a different country say u.s. . phobic convents might be quite comet common but that they would take great offense or anything that they deemed to be somewhat anti semitic and therefore it is very much the viewpoint of the eye of the beholder and who gets to set these
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rules it's going to be a very difficult question i'm ashamed that there would be people that would like to set those rules though as much as it might be difficult they would then turn to control what goes on and what comes off the internet from your perspective who's most likely to come forward and do this. i think because the companies are based in the u.s. and because europe is such a large market and leading the way to proceed with its g.d.p. our regulations it is going to be a combination of u.s. federal and g.d.p. our regulation is going to lead the way and we've already seen some very large fines in the u.s. for the federal trade commission and we've also seen by the european union. but those fines are not to stop this kind of behavior and facebook to give them some credit during an enormous amount to try and remove the content it is going to complain about. it's a difficult one isn't it because people always talk about the freedom of the
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internet and it's done so much good has brought so many views that people haven't heard of before into the mainstream and people are able to bait them and see them and click on links etc but there is clearly a downside to it and it's just striking that balance isn't it and i just wonder whether we will strike this balance or we will always be arguing about what should and shouldn't be on the internet. i don't think we're ever going to please everybody the issue here is that facebook are actually caught in a very difficult position here then not the ones creating the abusive content and they're doing their very best to remove it they're not the ones creating fake news and fake it gets in the game they're doing their best to remove these but this is going to continue because of the platform the place to create it and the same is true for a whole host of other so to me your but. the the difficulty comes where with different nuances and interpretation it's a bit like left or right all of the people on the left feel that they have the
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rights the freedom of speech right to say what they want to say but they point at the other side and are horrified with what they deem to be fake news and misinformation but you look at the people of the right and they're saying exactly the same things demanding their right to speak through freedom of speech and also pointing at the other side and complaining about their misinformation so it's caught in a position it's never going to keep everybody happy yet it's very difficult isn't it for everybody i would say bill good to tell if you believe it now thanks for analysis bill me there technology expert thank you. now to the developments of corona virus which has been officially named as code 19 the week has been marked by the disease is 1st fatal case outside of asia in europe and a 2 year old chinese tourist an 80 year old chinese tourist from a province the epicenter of the outbreak died in france well meanwhile the world health organization warned against fueling hysteria around the situation earlier this week the agency's executive director refusing to downplay the threat noted
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that the disease can be overcome so far the total death toll has risen to nearly $1700.00 with the number of infected around $69000.00 while against the backdrop of panic people of asian descent are increasingly becoming the targets of racist abuse across the globe we asked people in london's chinatown if they had noticed a change in attitude. terrible loss we feel. sadness and sorrow but i don't think people should be treated or paid on. thank you. put in people into captivity into a box if you're going to say this is chinatown in the center of london it's going to be one of the most popular destinations by locals and tourists alike but today as you can see it's very quiet and the reason for that well after talking to locals and people on the streets they say it's plain and simple xenophobia the elders
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chinese community creep in chinatown has been handling the backlash against the coronavirus and the fear factor is clear. what about your personal experiences i think it was last thursday i was to train to work a normal guess what happened. beside me and i thought 1st was the. matter because we were standing normally. sit on the part of the day. because i'm trying these and people think oh i mean he be a potential carrier. what kind of reaction have you had from own members of your community a lot of people just absurd to suppose for young children because i. didn't hear a lot of complaining from the parents the children got picked up the. children just don't understand that student here hear from their own parents when
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the call school or when to see chinese students or young children these are so the you you because you might have a virus education for important the law is very important people understand that. the. transport and the global problem here so are the one thing the people with the thing that just because you're trying to or you're peter chinese you're prudence who carries. the way that we've documented the things that go on in the eastern world has always it's always been told like that anyway it's always been around a think the moment that something like this happens like there's a virus it just allows people to see the things that they're actually have been fed for a very long time are probably out that they harbor they have these feelings anyway and it just gives people a platform to say what they want because this fear and i feel like it's just a very boring hard time right now for the chinese people i feel like using the disease. way to be easier for this is just terrible.
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if it was someone from the usa i don't think people would treat people americans coming over the same way as they are treating chinese people and chinese students etc. i mean you can see the report and can see here the 1st 2 cases chinese today are the cases in which people come from singapore so you can see that they did the the one card you could be in the human being can be can be carry we have seen this before and now the coronavirus has instigated another wave of racism despite there being only a small number of cases confirmed in the u.k. and there's no doubt that the effect on the british chinese community has had huge implications. are to. greece now where the my can crisis there has become a battleground between authorities and n.g.o.s operating there organizations have
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been accused of inciting hatred and violence between locals and refugees. there is a galaxy of dodgy n.g.o.s operating alongside a network of doctors lawyers and other people making a mint out of the human misery of these people very are leeches and these practices must all of this contributes to illegal migration on the island let's pass has seen constant protests since camps were set up to handle the migrant influx large rallies have often turned violent just last week police were called into action to disperse crowds we asked locals if they agree with the government that n.g.o.s and making matters worse. but i can own up to it we all know what. they're behind this bad situation our village we can understand the migrants but we cannot leave just watching them killing our animals setting fire to the fields and
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destroying all the trees that we had here for years and years now. but yes the ngos are behind this bad situation we know they do this for money of course they are not all the same it well here are some details about that large makeshift camp in question on the spot it was originally built to host 3000 migrants but the number there is now 6 times that figure with little or no access to health care the un has called for urgent action to stressing the camp should be moving some of the residents out meanwhile the bigger picture the refugee crisis across greece a country that's been on the front line for gays is deepening last year was estimated that $74000.00 migrants reached greek shores more than half of the remaining camps scattered across various locations greece doesn't see an end in sight either with the country expecting up to $100000.00 more silent seekers in the coming year we heard from regional and local officials in an area heavily affected
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by the crisis. we have about 450. geos act in and around the country many of them are very active on the islands where the immigration problem exists and some of them are doing a very good job with the help of the our government people but also some of them are really very obscure and ceo's we don't know where they're coming from how they deal with the money where they receive money from how they spend the money so we have been asking the government to act strictly and to right to control all the sect of abuse of this and this government because by staying you low in the parliament a few days ago according to which there will be a strict control of the indios a part of corn my personal opinion is that everybody knows we have n.g.o.s that help with the situation and others that help the migrants to protest there are also religious n.g.o.s who are helping by giving food to poor and vulnerable people i
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don't have evidence to prove that they are behind any negative actions but i am sure that there is more here than meets the eye well r.t. has contacted several n.g.o.s comment about refugee foundation denies any of the greek allegations saying that it does focus solely on humanitarian work and it's also called on conditions at refugee camps to be in pray that. you can watch and wait here not a that's i think. the saving on r.t. sunday evening davi company will back again about how. i don't trust medical authority at all ever and the reason for that is i had this horrible autoimmune disorder growing up and it turns out it was completely
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alleviated with very drastic dietary measures and i went to a number of doctors to discuss what happened to me and i was basically laughed at like diet has nothing to do with autoimmune disorders so my suggestion to people who have health issues they can't figure out if they're going to see a medical professional and they've been going for 10 years and they're still in the same place they should probably take it upon themselves to start testing things out testing out diet testing out exercise and try and figure out things on their own to . you could contain cheese we were. encouraged to be even if lucky as you go there is simpy you prefer it to indeed go see the pleasurable to close. race.
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