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tv   News  RT  February 18, 2020 12:00am-12:31am EST

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you're. 10 of those prime minister justin trudeau called an emergency meeting as activists shut down major rail lines throughout the country over the planned gas pipeline on the indigenous land. this hour a court order to stop clearing forest land for its 1st european car and battery plants the critics warning that modern supposedly green companies are nothing of the kind. and the u.s. secretary of state takes a rare trip to africa and they debate to dislodge kind of economic dominance that is warm words stand in marked contrast to washington's actions on the continent.
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a very warm welcome to the program from all of us here at our teach q. in moscow thanks for joining us this hour. kemah this premier has summoned an emergency meeting with ministers as protesters shut down key rail routes across the country the rapidly escalating rallies hope to stop a vast proposed gas pipeline over indigenous territory aren't used all quarter explains. railways out of commission ports a backlog marches on the streets transportation across canada has been shut down by protests over a near 700 kilometer long gas pipeline and judging by the most recent actions there seems to be little hope for a swift resolution. to the. day.
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at 1st a number of indigenous councils came to an agreement with the company coastal gas link to build a $6600000000.00 gas pipeline that would run through indigenous lands but the chiefs of a small 1st nation called the what sioux wetton tribe came out against its construction and for that they were raided by the police. no you. don't think that. there's no need to bore guns or it's there is no need but the police action seems to have backfired the what so what movement not long after spread like wildfire across the country there are blockades of canada's
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railways have begun to shut down trans national freight movement prime minister justin trudeau knows he's got a problem on his hands one that he thinks will be solved through dialogue we are a country that recognizes the right to protest but we learn the country of the rule of law and we will ensure that everything is done to resolve this. through dialogue and constructive outcomes of it doesn't take much for a problem like this to become a crisis though and trudeau probably knows that since he recently canceled a visit with caribbean leaders to convene an emergency meeting about the protests instead but this is just one page in canada's difficult history dealing with 1st nation reservations the gas company says the pipeline is safe and environmentally friendly but much of the native population and their supporters aren't buying it what they're saying is they have agreements with 20 indian i am council and 5 of
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the 6 which suit graham councils have signed on to agreements which they wouldn't have never signed a treaty with canada. they have aboriginal tyo edition as title to their land and they don't operate under the indian act there are there are already a kerry traditional government system there salmon bearing streams and other pristine for some not that this pipeline would go through that they're objecting to which is why they proposed an alternative route really it is. an issue about corporate interests trumping indigenous rights in canada i mean coastal gas link the west so it and as i understand it had proposed an alternative route for the pipeline the company said no because of the economic issues associated with changing the route but i think it's going to cost them more money if they continue the conflict and don't do that. lawyer and journalist dimitri last charisse says shutting down the pipeline is the only way for the canadian establishment to
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respect indigenous rights as it claims to do. these protests this is actually quite unusual by canadian standards when they begin to have an impact on the economic interests of large businesses in this country then that's an escalation of the fight that the prime minister is forced to deal with it's very hard to see where there's a resolution here because frankly the only resolution that respects truly respects the rights of indigenous people is to put a stop to that pipeline project this is unseated territory the hereditary chiefs of the what's working people have not consented to this project and that is rightly given the historical abuses that have been horrible abuses that have been visited upon the digitals peoples in this country i think you know we're hearing a lot of lip service as we have for many years from the corporate community in this country about their commitment to human rights environment but the reality is radically inconsistent with their rhetoric and it's time for us to recognize that at the governmental level. a german court has ordered tests to stop clearing forest
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land for its 1st year p. and vehicle plant that's despite the electric car giant promising to quote we have planted area 3 times the factory plot it's a victory for protesters who warn that modern supposedly green companies are far from what they claim to be.
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i appeal to anyone who's considering a lawsuit to go back inside you know paralyze germany as an industrial location. you're not allowed to cut trees you know that scale until you have permission to use forest land to industrial factory use and that seems to be what's what's you know what's happened here that these trees will come down big companies love to talk about being environmentally friendly because it's very good p.r. because they know that's what ordinary people and their customers like to hear and it's instances like this where you can find out what's behind those great words you know when the deeds are quite different and it turns out that
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a company that is not really so if it's a friend who steps not really interested in these issues. the u.s. secretary of state is in africa in a bid to win back business from china whose companies dominate the continent mike pompei is kind speeches stan. in stark contrast to washington's recent actions in the region are often reports like pompei o. is on a goodwill tour of the african continent trying to convince nations that they have no better friend than the good old us of a shit that they're just too we. going to finish and it's going to lead you to believe doses with your guest. this is sure to the whole issue as well during our meeting i congratulated both the president and the foreign minister on the newly discovered energy reserves off the coast american firms like cosmos energy halliburton baker hughes are all helping to
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develop these resources so that they benefit the senate good senegalese people not foreign actors that my palm peo has been the u.s. secretary of state for some time however his interest in africa seems to be quite new but perhaps that's because his trip to africa isn't really about africa it's about competing with china it's tempting to accept easy money from places like china. but what good is it if it feeds corruption and undermines your rule of law but that ship has sailed china is already very well in bedded in africa it's the continent's largest trading partner not to mention the fact that beijing has been splashing cash on to development.
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furthermore mike pompei was timing seems to be a little bit off the travel ban has just been expanded to include several african countries so you're not welcome in america but me sure to give u.s. officials a hearty welcome not the most winning message. the government expresses his dismay at this unfriendly acts which runs counter to the administration's pronounced policy of constructive engagement trick dress past wrongs with west africa struggling to protect itself from terrorist groups the usa may have sealed its alliance with military aid however that military aid is being scaled back the usa is also reducing other support in the region. we have spoken with the us about the need for that presence in the area we hope that the americans will continue to
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help us in security training i want to tell as you just. also do you remember a certain leader who referred to african countries with some rather profane words while there's still no apology on that the president of the united states is racist he really is the devil this is an actual quote from the actual president this is the gift that he decided to give the american people they're not all countries for one donald trump isn't their president. now behind all the lights cameras handshakes and photo ops mike pompei oh really wants africans to believe that america is their best friend especially if they're trying to get close to china but i think it is clearly quite concerned just like the united states are concerned that the chinese have taken a massive lead across the african continent for now as far as i know the chinese have already got a hold in africa africans trust the chinese they worked with the chinese if you
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read the chinese and untold access these access levels it was not because i because we're fearful of the chinese or of they didn't trust them it's because i began to believe that they wanted to choose their own destiny and chose. which was not the united states for once the u.s. was the u.s. is trying to counter that for the u.s. to want to compete with. that right now i'm afraid 10 years too late. the death toll from the corona virus has now reached more than $1700.00 people including 3 victims outside of china as beijing battles against the spread of the virus it has condemned the rise of conspiracy theories over the outbreak some u.s. politicians including senator tom cotton had suggested the virus started in a chinese biological weapons lab we also know that just
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a few miles away from the food market is china's only bio safety level 4 super laboratory that researches human infectious diseases we have lied consistently about this virus so we should not take their words at face value it's very harmful it's very dangerous to stop suspicion rumors and spread them among the people for once and this will create panic another says that it will fan the racial discrimination as you know for all of this in. china's handling of the corona virus outbreak has been widely criticized in the western media some outlets have accused beijing of falsifying data and covering up the scale of the crisis meanwhile the world health organization has said unfounded rumors are making it harder to deal with the outbreak the 2900. responses being accompanied by a massive damage and overabundance of information some accurate and some knowledge
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that makes it hard for people to find trustworthy sources and reliable guidance when they need it we got some reaction to the story from human rights lawyer daniel koblick and political scientists packed on walking. i think these are allegations and suggestion i'm making is basically trying to brave the outbreak of the corn the virus to chinese people in china in if you look at these claims and these are location carefully up to now in the scientific circle we still do not have such a 100 percent of the to suggest that that these why rose he's indeed coming from any wildlife any more number one and number 2 we still don't have and if the evidence to substantiate that the spyros is a leak from. the or viral i do think it's being politicized it's not only politicized in the sense that there's criticisms of the chinese government but the chinese people themselves which makes absolutely no sense but it's part of this
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yellow scare that is you know frankly has been underneath the surface in the us for a long time but now is really bubbling to the surface because of this crisis and i think that the government of the u.s. in the media have some responsibility for that economically. or in the one china's economy or these 3 is going to war. and for a slowdown in one more tool it brings far more uncertainty to global economy in the coming months and the 30 years since we do not know when this outbreak who eventually disappear and then the it also a. fact of i'm so 22 to grow the economy i mean china's economy is so big that you know this could really impact. the world economy could affect the gross domestic product of many countries certainly will affect china's but
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certainly many others that trade with china you know it could even have an impact on the u.s. on the u.s. stock market and again on the u.s. gross domestic product we'll have to see you know how that turns out. and as hysteria over the coronavirus continues online realtors are hoping to make money from the crisis and shoddy edwards dashti reports. i saval drowns out to face masks hand sanitizer sounds like hot cakes and antibacterial wipes fly off the shelves online retailers even imus and finding other ways to cash in on the deadly coronavirus not by upping the price of those essential oh no but by floating in a time a new line of coronavirus inspired products topping the list of these t. shirts both retired us have an extensive selection such as i survived corona 2020 and straight out of the room had back off and also coronavirus made in china i have
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a little subtle end though both science also has marks to sell complete with the scientific molecular makeup of the virus presumably so you'll know what to account for and no rain just complete without a few miscellaneous items like a frame to post a warning of the infection zone while making the link with the bearer of a similar name a brand which also thought it was necessary to state the obvious that there's no link between the virus and the beverage and response at the site of t. shirts breach this disaster in charge of the policy despite the merchandise still being on sale while amazon has so far declined to comment to be fair though neither company makes the products but both do take a sizeable cut of the sales and it also begs the question who's buying them but as companies rake in the cash the virus continues to spread it could be they use the money for charitable ventures like helping contain it or funding research into the outbreak but don't bank on it. still to come palestinians are furious i mean is it really hard and bent on disputed territory details of that so
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. you know be teed off i'll teach you. the kind of good intentions of architecture. christian and maybe you just. he has a goal of simply evaporate to. sit on a pleasurable. what politicians to do something to. put themselves on the line to get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president and should. somehow want to be. that you'd like to be close it's like that before 3 in the morning can't be good.
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i'm interested always in the waters about how. they should. join me every thursday on the all excitement show and i'll be speaking to guests of the world of politics sports business i'm show business i'll see you then. welcome back to the program palestinians have dismissed an invitation to attend an art festival on an israeli settlement as colonialist and insulting. so they come to occupied territory to an area where the negates palestinian development through a network of checkpoints roadblocks and closed military zone. and then they tell us you can attend in a closed military area. the israeli military has already approved up to $15000.00 people attending the event and disputed parts of the west bank organizers say
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politics has nothing to do with it the event is an unofficial version of the burning man festival from the united states which her quote radical inclusion among its guiding principles meaning anyone can attend however palestinians who want to go to the west bengal version are furious that they 1st meet approval from the israeli army. as palestinian citizens will again except lose your freight with your patients who don't agree with or support this normalizes the occupation and we want these release you leave our land just like i said i will never take part because i'm not a traitor to my country and i can't stand against they made to me. it would be dishonest for me to persist a place alongside such but this is an occupied holy one of them. but i cannot participate in the jet amazing the occupation troops so-called deal of the century in which for me i will never know and i don't advise anyone to burn
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a lot. we have asked event organizers as well as the israeli army to comment on why west bank palestinians need permission to attend and we'll let you know when we get the response. an advisor to the u.k. prime minister has resigned amid an outcry over his views on race and eugenics as after several quotes and tweets by interested risky dated back several years were published in the media and their tutor has the story. one way to get around the problem of unplanned pregnancies creating a permanent underclass would be to legally enforce universal uptake of long term contraception at the onset of puberty usually takes are about selecting for good things if the mean black american i.q. is around $85.00 as compared to a mean white american i.q. of $100.00 we are close to the typical boundary of mild mental retardation. just 27 years old was appointed by chief aide to dominic cummings after he put out
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a job description requesting misfits and wedo supply which was circulated by his blog though not a permanent member of staff he does work on special projects and his comments have deeply upset and lots of people as you can imagine and caused outrage amongst a number of politicians so when dominic cummings put out an ad. to work in number 10 it turns out he meant supporters of eugenics deeply sinister and use a b. sc you should be nowhere near government describes itself as a political for cost but following his very public statements and his actions on social media one of which involved in eating tweets where he called a number of female labor m.p.'s david many are criticizing his appointment and wondering how on earth he managed to get through and apparently strict government vetting process. now for some world news in brief 7 people are confirmed dead and
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more than 30 have been injured in a suicide attack in the pakistani city of quetta the blast occurred near a press club where it will have just taken place no group has yet claimed responsibility for the attack. around 2500 people rallied on monday in the eastern german city of dresden to protest against the country's anti islamic a good movement engines erupted when police forces interrupted. and several 1000 people have gathered in the french capital once again against a controversial pension reforms demonstrators clashed with riot police. in switzerland a carnival costume idea has sparked outrage website selling carnival attire has offered its customers to die on the ground at work i would act. that the idea.
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declare war on environmental. issues on the brink. do you want to appears grabbed at the carnival. dare you remarks are not quite neutral ground to break with braids. more and more companies are trying to capitalize on. it is tasteless because we actually have to deal with the climate crisis. that carnival fans can enjoy themselves at the expense of an autistic person many people perceive us as a person which is a figurehead as a result the market believes the search wrongdoing is legitimate but it definitely is. i
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think people are overreacting to the carnival always has elements of imitation satire and the carnival i think you should keep your sense of humor. that's our roundup of the day's top news for now as always thanks for tuning in.
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join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business i'm showbusiness i'll see you then. is your media a reflection of reality. in a world transformed. what will make you feel safe. isolation or community. are you going the right way or are you being
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led so. direct. what is true what is faith. in the world corrupted you need to descend. to join us in the depths. or a maybe in the shallows. falling they study unions at these companies to protect workers' wages but they got rid of all they don't need workers to keep printing money and say ok while these 3 other products without boeing is saying we don't make products either we will make bad products not fall out of the sky and kill people but we still get the bailout money every single day we just don't buy the dividend to our corrupt crony capitalist shareholders of course we've got.
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doesn't want to for them disappear a minute and most always seem to prefer to live in the. obviously better of a job where they are. but i should know she's through some one woman told me i'm going to visit the robot or one of the doors to open that had been there at. the end of it as simple as the back to tip them that will. not strip the puzzle mccomb child to die you know both of us from the boom. box would. blow up in the in the. most number to the point according to one thing you're going to. have something to call when you're below you wanted a small fish store and you come with them cold and your little one your we should.
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produce goods. that was given to. me at least one costs close to just become. a no go eat till station since the middle of the shots. just to get. to mobile phone. or church. leaders to. come. to.
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the super. rich. and to be frank which kind of you bet mismanagement you didn't listening to what you see to push on stomach anything new you've stuck by a book i guess congress for more than start even years ago. so it's not sure but i will take a new slogan i will try to start i just see be you appreciate you taking him to trial because that was a no communicative not to. let him the culmination but based on perceptions of his years you know the whole thing was all just uselessness and now this is even possible now for today oh boy is your a nice 80 year old you've got a soft.


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